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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I hightly doubt you know everything there is about anime. And even so, I don't care about your supposed cousin... this debate refers to how anime has been recieved in American culture. Just because you've watched anime, doesn't mean crap. I've watched anime too, and I think differently than you. What's your point? Watching anime has nothing to do with how the American public view it NOW. I don't watch anime anymore... it was a fad to me... a fad refers to a majority of people. YOU are not a majority just like I am not a majority. So our personal expereinces do not contribute to the overall outcome of this debate. The Majority of people watch anime right now because it is popular, and when it looses it's fame, the MAJORITY will stop watching, and thus, anime will become a fad. Kinda like Vanilla Ice. Star Wars was a fad, sure, bu tnot anymore... you see, the love for Star Wars has NEVER faded. Unlike, lets use Pogs for example. Pogs were HUGE back in the day, but whens the last time you saw anyone playing pogs? Exactly my point, Star Wars has exceeded being a fad and now is the most popular thing in the world basically. I'm not saying anime will always be a fad, but it is as of now. If it stays popular, than so be it, it's not a fad. But in 5 years if you don't see DragonBall or whatever on TV or as popular as it is now, then it will be a fad. A fad thats past and gone. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you wholeheartedly, personally, if anime goes out of style, I will still be watching, because I love it as if it weren't a fad. I believe it is a fad at a moment, and many people will stop watching, except for true anime fans. Anyway, I am nearly to the point of killing some DBZ fans, who think it is the best anime ever. You know who I'm talking about, people who watch the CN DBZ. The hardcore fans who have no idea about anime >describing own cousin< I think when CN finally cuts it off many people who are "otakus" (10 year old CN watchers) will no longer watch anime. I am not an otaku, but I love anime. Ok, sorry, I'm babbling. I will leave you all in peace now
  2. Good luck Amphion heh, I can't wait 'till I'm outta homeschool
  3. I can't remember my 13th birthday, even though it was just a year ago, but I remember I was happy, but barely even thought about becoming a teenager, I still can't wait 'till I'm 14 though. Only one month!
  4. Yes! God, there's this kid named Tony, and I taught him how to do this little trick with a sword >wishes he didn't have to practice with sticks< anyway, it was relatively simple, and now, he is always bugging me! "You wanna play bounce the ball?" "no" "why?" "cuz" "cuz why?" "cuz you're annoying!!"
  5. I had a really wierd dream last night, I was walking down the street with my brother and a professor, then the street went dark and zombies came out. We fought them off with swords and ran back to my house (which was a suprisingly nice, new one), and fought off a few more squads. Then the professor disappears, and my dad shows up. We fight off a couple more squads, and it looks safe again, and this lady is walking down the street and we sneak out to watch her, then the street goes dark around her and we run in, then my dad disappears, and my mom pops up with the professor, and I suddenly have this radio thing in my hand, telling this evil professer to help or I will kill him. Then I woke up lol
  6. I was getting into this game, but then I was dragged into homeschool and had no one to play with, anyway, I think this game rocks, and if they come with an anime one, I'll play against myself lol
  7. According to the Red Book of Westmarch, In Middle-earth, Shane was a Troublesome Bird-tamer Elven Name Possibilities for Shane The root name suitable for feminine and masculine is: Nefaráto Another masculine version is: Nefarátoion More feminine versions are: Nefarátoiel Nefarátoien Nefarátowen Hobbit lad name for Shane Sigismond Tussle from Pincup Hobbit lass name for Shane Mentha Tussle from Pincup Dwarven Name for Shane Mîm Saphirelaughter This name is for both genders. Orkish Name for Shane Dûrbmazh the No-Tooth This name is for both genders I like mine, Neferato
  8. I had this wierd dream once, can't remember it all, but there was this multi-layer cake, and miniature football players were tapdancing around it lol
  9. I would plant an orange tree, I love oranges
  10. I didn't have cable for a couple weeks, when are they showing the new episodes? midnight?
  11. In my profile, the bio part, it says "idiot otaku" but it's not true, I am not nearly an otaku, I mean, I have heard of many anime series, but other than network stuff, I've only seen about 5 series, a true otaku is not someone to just watches networks lol
  12. Besides Vash the Stampede, I would have to say Shinji Ikari from NGE. Shinji's personality is just awesome
  13. For some reason, whenever I play monopoly, it's with someone who doesn't know the rules properly and gets mad at me lol
  14. And if that doesn't work, you could always try Suncoast, I'm going to start going there
  15. I love Cowboy Bebop, and the movie is just as good. Anyway, it was my favorite anime at one point, but then I moved on from CN lol I don't think they would make another season for two reasons 1) The first season would be really hard to top 2) Without Spike, it's kinda sucky
  16. I remember seeing this on a gundam tape I borrowed! Gah, can't remember the name, but it looked so cool, it was when I was first getting into anime
  17. I am looking into seeing Vampire Hunter D and Akira, is it that overrated that I should go for Vampire Hunter D first?
  18. I agree with you and TN wholeheartedly, but it's just not a fad I'm gonna give up [i]any[/i] time soon lol, even if america made it illegal, I'd be sitting in my room watching Trigun
  19. I have adobe premier, I just need to get some clips and music and music, cuz I read a tutorial on sssgoku on how to do it with premier
  20. I got into anime right when this show was going off, so I saw about one episode. I was a really quiet child.....anyway, what I did see was awesome. And yes, networks cut out too much...way too much
  21. Back on topic... My family thinks I'm ...different... because I watch anime. The only person in my family that will pay attention to it is my 11 yr. old cousin, and she's one of those people who thinks DBZ is the only good anime, and claims their obsessed with it, when they don't know who Buu is. So basically, I'm the outcast.....
  22. Great drawing, but still, it's not from the show. BTW, if anyone hasn't seen the movie, you need to! :p
  23. Angel Sanctuary: This show is kinda wierd, because setsuna likes his sister, but anyway, it's got a good plot and I like it, I need to start renting it more.
  24. I've been wondering about this lately, I think they announced it too early, cuz some people are less excited now that it's taking so long. At first I thought it was a rumor, but then I remembered I saw it on AOHell some while back. Anyway, I still wouldn't mind seeing it
  25. Kinetic


    I love nickelback, their song "how you remind me" was awesome, yet, got boring, I like "Too Bad" and "Leader of Men", an old single. I have their CD, and don't listen to all the songs if I just want to hear some music real quick, but if I'm bored it's always on :D
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