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[size=1]My friend Taso likes to give people nicknames at our school (usually humorous ones) and I have fallen victim to his trend. My real name is Cole, but according to he and Jacob, when I had long hair, I bore a striking *cough*nonexistant*cough* resemblance to Keanu Reeves, so for half of the year I was Keanu/Neo/Mr. Anderson. Taso is a skateboarder, obsessed with the Zero franchise and a famous skater of theirs is Chris Cole. Well, once he put two and two together, my name was Chris and it has been ever since. He's even got two teachers to call me Chris on accident >.< It's not really annoying though, only when people I don't associate with (and don't like) call me Chris. Another nickname Taso has given out was to Nathan, dubbing him Nay-Nay, and it is our plan to get our English teacher to let Nay-Nay slip out. Nay-Nay is also known as the RAC, or Resident Anal Conquistador and He-Who-Chokes-On-Dong. Another nickname Taso has given out is Scotty (to Eric) but you'd have to be there for that one. E D I T: And it's not just Taso and Jacob that call me Chris, it's nearly the entire school -_- [/size]
[size=1]I'm listening to AFI - Silver and Cold. [i][b]I...I came here by day But I left here in darkness And found you, found you on the way Now...it is silver and silent It is silver and cold You in somber resplendence...I hold. Your sins into me Oh my beatiful one Your sins into me As your rapturous voice escapes I will tremble a prayer, and I'll beg for forgiveness. Your sins into me Your sins into me Oh my beautiful one Light...like the flutter of wings Feel your hollow voice rushing Into me...as your longing to sing So I...I will paint you in sliver I will wrap you in cold I will lift up your voice as...I sink. Your sins into me Oh my beatiful one now Your sins into me As your rapturous voice escapes I will tremble a prayer, and I'll beg for forgiveness. Your sins into me Your sins into me Oh my beautiful one (Cold in life's throws) I fall asleep for you (Cold in life's throws) I only ask you turn away Cold in life's throws I fall asleep for you Cold in life's throw I only ask you turn As you seep Into me Oh my beautiful one now Your sins into me Oh my beatiful one Your sins into me As your rapturous voice escapes I will tremble a prayer, and I'll beg for forgiveness. Your sins into me Your sins into me Oh my beautiful one Oh Your sins into me Oh my beautiful one Your sins into me As your rapturous voice escapes I will tremble a prayer And I'll beg for forgiveness Your sins into me Your sins into Your sins into me Your sins into me Oh my beatiful one[/i][/b] I've been on an AFI binge lately. I only recently started listening to them and I find them addicting. Not only their sound (their singers voice range is amazing), but they're lyrics also mean a little to me. I don't spend time to analyze them, but if you read the song, you'll understand what I mean. Also, I enjoy to keep excerpts from songs in my signature, and they have given me an overwhelming supply of choruses and such that I want to use in the future. [/size]
[size=1]You are pretty good for a beginner. Mostly what you need to work on is the font in your banners and the manipulating of stocks (the anime images). It usually looks better if you make the stocks larger, taking up more of the image and eliminating some of the negative space. Also, the banners don't always have to be symmetrical (with one stock on each side). Trying giving it some variety. The banners themselves are good, and out of the second set, the middle one is best due to the font, but again, that negative space is very displeasing. Your Spike banner is very good, however. Spike fits the image perfectly and the sign takes up most of the negative space and balances it out a little more (although, just a little more to the right would have been much better balance). You're doing great :) [/size]
[size=1]This post may be considered offensive to some and I may (and most likely will) seem self-centered and rude. It's pertaining to my work and why many people seem to hate it. Of course, there are the kind people that reply to my threads and I try to reply to many as well, but I can't understand why certain threads (including my own) can be seen by so many people and not replied to. This isn't actually concerning only me, for this happens to many threads. The question being, is our work really so horrible that it doesn't deserve a reply? I may seem hypocritical since I haven't been replying to other peoples' threads lately, but that's changing because I'm gaining more free time every day. I believe that if someone posts a piece of art (any type of art) that took effort (and some that even don't) deserve recognition to make the artist feel at ease and proud of themselves. I used to be one of the people that would just go into threads, view peoples' work and leave without critiquing or giving suggestions. It was when I found out what it was like to not have any replies that I finally started to help people out and give them the heartwarming comments that they justly hope for and deserve. What I'm trying to say, is it truly an inconvenience to reply to these threads of ours that we wished to gain advice and praise for? [/size]
[size=1]Lol, great idea. I've always enjoyed your work, so I hope to see some soon =)[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]Quite the contrary, Quicksilverus. Victoria was a key factor within Hellsing's success/intrigue. Without her, there would be absolutely no dynamic character development: she is, to put it simply, the only one who goes through a change during the series' progression. Yes, we figure out and see how all the main characters got to where they were with memories of the past, but even then, we never see them change. Alucard is just "da bomb," and never falters from being so. Lady Hellsing is aggressive, yet not b###hy. And Walter - well, he's the Walter-enator. :D In fact, Victoria is so key that you could call her the main character, as we look and discover the underworld of Hellsing alongside her. Most of the events are through her objective, and she's almost always on screen. She's as oblivious as the viewer is (maybe moreso). [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]I could not have said it better myself. Seras Victoria is obviously the main character due to the fact that she's almost always on screen and the characters revolve around her (Alucard moreso than anyone else). She, as you also said, goes through a major amount of character development as she opened up to this new world as a vampire. And I can't believe I forgot Walter, he's just as stunning as Alucard in my opinion. [/size]
I must agree with Deedlit, the shading is exquisite and the proportion is very good. I might also add that you captured his expression very well.
[quote][b]Has anyone else had a sudden burst of creative energy?[/b][/quote] I apologize, but along with the title, that gave me very perverted thoughts lol. Criticize me, do what you will, it's the truth. Anyhow, I do get in the mood to write every now and then and when I do, I'm usually pretty satisfied with what I created. Most of the time I prefer to read peoples' posts and such on forums and sometimes play video games.
I agree terra, I also noticed Seras Victoria's eyes (I believe that's who you were speaking of) and they were beautiful and bold. As for the conclusiveness subject, I usually gripe when I cannot find a good conclusion somewhere, but this anime handled it well and surprised me when it ended conclusively, so I was very satisfied. Sorry for the short post.
No, they own. Lol, thanks for the comments.
Lol, thanks for the comments. There was actually very little photoshop work involved with the first one. I made a 3D Studio Max 5 render and did some blending effects in photoshop (layering multiple copies on top of each other and rotating and stuff). Then I messed with the brightness/contrast and made it look fiery (the background in the next image): [img]http://chriscole.250free.com/sotowa2.png[/img] Then I took that BG, duplicated and rotated it and did some blending effect. Then I colorized and there you go lol. The second one, I made a wallpaper with a 3D Studio Max 5 render, an old filter piece (bleh) and alot of airbrushing then I just centered it in the sig area. Then I took the other sig I made (the first one), layered it on top, rotated and did some blending stuff. VERY simple if you have the programs and know how to do stuff like that.
This thread pertains only to the anime series, as the manga is being discussed currently in another thread. I recently downloaded this anime and was very wishful for a good series (since it took nearly 75 hours on a program that depletes my RAM, not allowing me to do anything else on the computer). I was fully rewarded though, as this series (although short) stunned me. The animation is amazing, the sound is great and the plot is stunning. There was a great deal of character development as well. Hellsing also has alot of ties to Bram Stroker's work and other films and books, mostly Dracula and Nosferatu. Click [url=http://www.twisted-revolt.com/?tr=anime/hellsing/hellsing]here[/url] for an amazing and in-depth review of the series and a comparison of it to the groundbreaking novels and films. Has anyone else seen Hellsing? If so, please share your comments.
I guess I forgot to post this in the, "Banana Banna," thread or whatever it was. I made a couple of small sigs (one out of the background for the, "Banana Banna." [img]http://chriscole.250free.com/bannasm2.png[/img] [img]http://chriscole.250free.com/bannasm.png[/img]
[b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] Semjaza Azazel [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] James[/size] [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] Semjaza Azazel [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] Juuthena[/size] [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Queen Asuka [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] Juuthena[/size] [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] Syk3 [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] Manic[/size] [b]Funniest Member:[/b] Charles [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] Dragon Warrior[/size] [b]Member most likely to be here in two years:[/b] James [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] Charles[/size] [b]Best Oldie:[/b] Sephiroth [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] Anna[/size] [b]Most likely to become a Staff Member:[/b] Baron Samedi [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] None[/size] [b]Favorite Banned Member:[/b] Will2x lol [size=1][b]Honorable Mention:[/b] None[/size] [b]Random Awards[/b] [b]Avatar Award: [/b]Semjaza Azazel [size=1][b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Charles[/size] [b]Signature Award:[/b] Hittokiri Zero [size=1][b]Honorable Mention:[/b] PiroMunkie[/size] [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] PiroMunkie and Queen Asuka [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] Harlequin and Ravenstorture[/size] [b]Otaku Writers[/b] [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] Deedlit [b][size=1]Honorable Mention:[/b] None[/size] [b]Social Otakus[/b] [b]Otaku Social member of the year:[/b] Semjaza Azazel [size=1][b]Honorable Mention:[/b] wrist cutter[/size] [b]Otaku Artists[/b] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] Hittokiri Zero [size=1][b]Honorable Mention:[/b] Kaisuke[/size] Wow. For those where I put "none" it's because I've been absent most of this year.
I searched for all of my posts in the Art and Design forum trying to find some of my old work and I did find my old posts. However, when attempting to look at my attatchments, I was only given other peoples' work as if someone had edited all of my old attatchments. Although I'm sure that's not what happened (unless someone doesn't like me :p) is there an explanation for what caused this? I don't mind losing all of that old stuff, I just wondered what was going on.
Lol, oops. No clue it was a game ^_^; It's funny, because the site where I got the pics has another section of pictures that is Magna Carta and those are the only two sections :p
Wow, you guys live in really dangerous places to walk :p Any time we nearly get hit here, it's usually our fault for not paying attention. Of course, I don't walk a whole lot, I usually drive places.
Lol thanks for the comments. I did the glow around the character because the image looked too boring without it, but I see exactly what you mean. Lol, I'm alive, I just don't hang around here as much. I'm usually writing something for school or debating something elsewhere nowadays. I was just bored and decided to check this place out again. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year btw =) E D I T: And the stocks are from War of Genesis. I use them because they're such great animation. I need to see the actual series some day ^_^;
Nothing to do with bananas but yeah. n3w4yz i g0t d1z n3w banna r1te hurr. [img]http://chriscole.250free.com/banna.png[/img]
I suppose I'll use an anime banner. I really wanted to use my Cowboy Dan banner though lol. E D I T: Forgot to save as .gif
Heheh, thanks for your enthusiasm Kyo no Ryu :sweat: Great job to everyone who participated.
I don't know about the others, but I'm feeling a holier-than-thou vibe coming from you. You can that morality has no form as an animal, human, atom or inanimate. If that was so, it would be the same case for emotion, conscience (I might have mispelled that), and some other things that I can't think of right now I'm sure. I do [i]not[/i] wish to start a religious debate, but if our myths are all false, then where did we come from? The Big Bang? I'm not familiar with the theory, but I highly doubt it. Another thing that puzzles me is, if there is a God, and his mother Mary (pardon me if I'm wrong. I'm a Catholic, but I've never even been to church), where did they come from and how did they get the power to create our universe? Don't get my wrong, I still believe in Christianity, but I've just wondered. You speak continuously about Atoms being our center. [quote]Humans were created by atoms my friends.[/quote] But where did these atoms come from? Once again, I refer to my doubts of the Big Bang Theory. Stories and reproductions of The Holy Bible, the muslim "bible" (truly sorry for forgetting the name), and and other religious scriptures have been passed down through generations and that's all we have to believe in, unless of course, you believe in Evolution.
It's random numbers and letters :p I'll quote exactly what it says. asf ouh weou o asd d23 234 23 aslk s23 a asd 28 234 23as 234a asdfs asf uhla asd2a ahos hsle 1423 20a a23a as34fk 23asd3 2a as3 345aa4a 2a3 34a3 as3a 23 a3 as238 as as34 as73a as9a3 a3a as 32as 23 aa swil as
Are you changing your name or banner and avatar, or what? More advertising: Thanks for the comments, check out myOtaku ;) E D I T: Whoa, I just noticed that was my 2222nd post. Maybe I should stop posting forever and leave it at that. J/k :p
Lol, thanks for the comments and the letters are supposed to be unreadable :p