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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Well, they show when Goten first whent Super Saiya-jin. Why would Goku training have any difference on when a young one goes SSJ? just a thought [/B][/QUOTE] Please don't let this get me banned......He would have been concieved by someone that was in SSJ. Ummm I don't know how much to go into there and not get in trouble. But it might have given him a little kick start in the power department. Gwen
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] [color=red][b]um, Travis is their drummer. Scott was their previous drummer but he quit because he thought "the band was going nowhere.". Mark is the bassist/one of the vocalists of the band.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] HOLY GOD I KNEW THAT. Well I just made myself look like a frelling moron...LOL Go Me! I even have a Mark is my MANWHORE avitar ........I need a nap. gwen
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]LK, how do you know for a fact that he is those ages. No ages are stated, only baisic guesses can be made. [/B][/QUOTE] In the subtitled ones I have someone asked him..I think Goku? How old he is and trunks says 17. Gwen
  4. I saw Green Day back in 1994? Oh god, that long ago...anyway they were GREAT! It was right before Dookie came out, and they got sorta commercial. Which seems to happen to everyone, sigh. Blink, I love the boys but Mark, the drummer, is right "they sold out." I liked them back in their Dude Ranch/Chesire Cat days. But yup I bought tickets and when they come to Hershey I'll be there. Gwen
  5. I don;t thinkyou could by stuff online when I was underage. There was maybe 4 of sitting around PSU waiting for AOL(Which was like the ONLY provider back in 1992) to come to town so we could send text messages to each other. LOL Gwen
  6. Love the wonderful debate that got started, and I know we are arguning over episodes, but...OK PLEASE don't hurt me, I know how elitest people get sometimes...but do they mention stuff like this in those Mangas. Never saw one so I have no idea. I guess he didn't before he died, because I would HOPE he would have said something like "Take care of the new baby for me" or something right before he teleported with Cell. But he did talk to Gohan and say he was coming back for the games, so I figured he would have done that at least one other time in 7 years. I like the theory of Trunks giving Goku the idea to have Goten. lol When I first saw Goten so SSJ I thought he could do it so early because when Goku came out the the Room of Spirit and Time he was all time SSJ and that had something to do with Goten being SSJ so easily, but then Trunks just went poof SSJ and blew that out of the water. Gwen
  7. I don't think there's anything "real" I'm afraid of. Like bugs, snakes, or whatever....I psych myself out alot. Like when I'm at the museum late at night by myself and I hear a noise and then every Discovery Channel Haunting of America Special SHOOTS through my mind and I run out of my office and to my car at top speed. So I guess I'm afraid of my imagination??:therock: Gwen Edited because I can't type tonight!
  8. It goes Bibidi (then) Babidi Buu. Like the song. I have NO IDEA what made them use that.
  9. Gee I drive a 2002 Hyndai Sonata GLS V6. It makes me fell like an adult driving it around...yick. I guess it gets me where I want to go. In high school I drove a 1969 dark blue Camaro which was origionally my dads. Classic cars kick *** and everyone stares at you in envy. Which is kinda nice when you want to be noticed. My retarded little brother totalled it right after I left for college, I think he still has the bruises from my dad's foot on his butt...lol I had a Jetta all through college, VWs are nice too. It lasted 8 years with minimal upkeep. I dunno by what you feel comfortable in. Gwen
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple] [B]Gay Men[/B] Gay men are what make the world unbearble to live in, now before you start taking offense there TN and friends, hear my reasons, what truly boggles my mind about Gay Men is the fact that I have yet to meet a gay man who wasn't hott as the sun. Honestly, WHY IS IT THAT GAY MEN ARE THE SEXIEST MEN ON THIS EARTH AND WHY CANT WOMEN HAVE YOU GUYS?! It's just not fair... it really isn't... *runs away and cries* [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually I've always found having gay male friends kind of useful. When you go out with them it looks like your on a date and ups your attractive value to other men in the room to be seen with someone, and they can give you an honest opinion of said guy! Like a girlfriend but better! Gwen
  11. 6.8 boy now there a power level for yah. But I got a boost by being 26 years old I think ;) Gwen
  12. Wow thanks for everyone's opinions! I have no clue why this one little fact had been bugging me for so long. So noone knows of any proof to either way? GRRRRRRRR. Maybehis WILL be another tail argument.....I wish they set up the early background on Goten better. Gwen
  13. You can see a big shift...well I did...as Goku is following Bulma, Gohan, and Krillen off into space. As he's training you can almost see the change over. Gwen
  14. My kids when they are not waking me up at 3 am. My husband when HE is not waking me up at 3 am. Flying in my airplane (Well it not mine I just rent it by the hour) A really good song at just the right moment and my friend Cher. Gwen
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B]What money can't buy is: a good man, love, respect, a faithful man........... [/B][/QUOTE] No but it can rent one by the night. :laugh: [i]ahem[/i] sorry. Money doesn't hurt but no it's not everything. Gwen
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