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Everything posted by gwendolyn24

  1. I feel really wierd about starting a new thread, so bear with me. Did Goku know about the exhistence of Goten before turning up at the martial arts tournament? They way the living people talk about it, nothing in particular, but it seemed like he knew of him.(I know they hadnt seen each other.) But when Goku shows up, he didn't seem to. Does the question make sense? I've watched a few of the episodes again, but I can't find anywhere that he did, but something says to me that he did. Thanks in advance for your help. Gwen
  2. I just got here formally but I have ben visiting for a while. I needed a place to take over from Roswell and people here haven't called me an idiot yet for asking questions about DB like a few other places I've tried. It's actually been helpful! Gwen
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]I believe in the existence of aliens...I've watched all episodes of the X-Files and Roswell. I know what goes on:shifty: ....No really, there have been quite a few documentaries on the possible existence of aliens, some relating to the building of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt. [/B][/QUOTE] (ACK ROSWELL!!! Ever been to my site Roswell Ate My Soul????) Anywho.....ever read Erik Von Danniken(?) Chariots of the Gods and the sequel Gods form Outerspace. If your at all interested in evidence that we've been visited before. This guy done ALL the research. Gwen
  4. The Midnight run is susposed to have an harder edge than the afternoon stuff, right? Cause I don't see anything all that different in them. Cowboy Bebop is better then 10 year old reruns of Batman Beyond however.... Gwen
  5. This will wrap around to the questions just give me a sec.....I just ordered DBGT and I want to find the one where Vegita goes off on the guys hitting on Bra and breaks their car or what ever. Can someone tell me what episode that is. 'Cause I have this need to see Vegita all fatherly. THANKS Gwen
  6. I think I just had one. About 20 minutes before getting online tonight I ran into work to get some images I was working on for the web page(installing a shopping cart), cause I wanted to get some work done at home tomorrow. The damn POLICE show up and want proof I work in the building????? For god's sake! So they had to call my boss for comfrimation. I showed the guy I had the KEY TO THE DOOR, aparently THAT wasn't proof enough. The picture of my kids on the wall in my office matching the one in my purse, wasn't good enough either. SO my boss got woken up at 10 at night (the guy's like 90) and I just KNOW I'm gonna hear about it on Monday. Yippee. Gwen
  7. Hopefully the guy is afraid of you now. Which could be good and stop him from becomming psycho stalker guy. Don't know you or your girlfriend, but I hope you trust her and this actually happend. One of my friends in high school liked to get her boyfriend all jealous and have him beat guys up. SO just be careful. But is some guys bothering her, you shouldn't feel bad. Hell maybe she should have pounded him herself. That's what I would have done. Gwen
  8. One more post and I swear I'll stay on topic....a few of us tired to get interest in competing, nothing ever came of it. I think it's just as well they tried 3 years after I graduated and it wasn't pretty. (Dead last in the two they went to. If your from PA you might have seen them.) I always thought it would have been a good time though.....oh well maybe in my next life. Gwen
  9. I like watching it dubbed the first few times and then I watch it subtitled, so I can see what they cut out. Gwen
  10. Unfortunately we are talking HIGH SCHOOL here. It's the place you have to ASK PERMISSION not to pee your pants. Why would anyone to expect an administrator to allow freedom of expression??? Gwen
  11. I played Rugby in college (prop) and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!!! My favortie sport to watch in person is baseball. Although NASCAR is pretty fun to hang out at the track and get those head sets so you can hear then swear at each other in the cars. College footbal is fun to watch on TV. I guess I have many levels of sportage. Gwen My 2 cents on the cheerleading thing. I was on the squad back in highschool there was maybe 3 of us that could do back handsprings. Everyone else was too afraid their hair might get messed up, or their nails might break. I think it depends on what kind of team you have. But if your competive YES then it is a sport.
  12. Just when I think I heard it all...Gay Penguins.....How interesting! I am just wondering why it took they YEARS to figure it out. Don't they do checkups in the animals there? Wouldn't the vet have thought something was up when the female had a little something extra. Gwen
  13. Oh come on we've all aimed our hand at the cat just to see if something would shoot out. Gwen
  14. Unless there is something I am missing in the 5 DBZ I don't have....Gohan doens't die against Majin Bu. He's just really weak and then the Supreme Ki finds him, and that ugly big guy recharges him. Then they take Gohan off to pull out and train with the Zed sword. He doesn't when he comes back he just get's eaten. I don't have the one with the world blowing up so I can't say there. Gwen
  15. Vegita: I'm calling him a liar not a weakling Vegita: What are you looking at? Trunks: OH...AH..nothing...I just that I...a...like your shirt. Vegita: You would! Krillin:.....that other guy seems pretty nice and Vetiga's got the personality of a stump. Krillin: Vegita seems more agitated than bored, like he'd got a bad case of hemroids or something Vegita: Why do you keep looking over here? Haven't you ever seen a pick shirt before? If you like it that must you can have it! Trunks: No...no thank you Vegita: Then knock it off kid. OK basically the ENTIRE last half of Welcome back Goku. Gwen
  16. a little too big and wierd placement but tatoos are so personal...who knows? It's pretty origional I'll give em that. Gwen
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