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Everything posted by HopscotchEyelid
Nightingale is the most unappreciated band I know. So much talent, and yet so unheard of. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky6BZLQgZfI"]Song: The Wake[/url]
I'm listening to "The Greener Grass" by "Fair to Midland."
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
HopscotchEyelid replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
Me, the 20 year old little kid. [IMG]http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt100/HopscotchEyelids/Myself/Picture001.jpg[/IMG] -
Manga What was your first manga?
HopscotchEyelid replied to Filipinorocker1's topic in Otaku Central
[B][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]If I remember correctly it was Shaman King, but possibly Naruto. It was in the first "Shonen Jump" I had (no previous reading of Manga), I remember drawing Yoh Asakura referenced from the midway page that was usually a colored poster type picture with the logo and the characters posing they put in every manga. At that time though I was rather obssessed with Naruto and Shaman King, but can't remember which of the two I read first.[/COLOR][/FONT][/B] -
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]I drew this simply because I wanted to draw a character that looked like a commander of darkness! Well, I didn't draw it "simply" as mentioned above, actually it was quite difficult! Pencil, normal printer paper, and Photoshop 7 were the utensils used to create this picture. What do you think?[/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://media-fanart.theotaku.com/607614-20100427153820.jpg[/IMG]
[COLOR=Blue][B][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=1]I haven't purchased any music in a long time, but on May 11th, 2010, I will purchase the new Taproot album "Plead The Fifth."[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B][FONT=Book Antiqua]I just started listening to The Gazette, now my number one favorite Japanese band. Asian Kung Fu Generation and See-Saw are also very worth mentioning, and lets not forget Showtaro Morikubo. [/FONT][/B][/COLOR]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
HopscotchEyelid replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[IMG]http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt100/HopscotchEyelids/100_0936.jpg[/IMG] Come to your demise! -
I won every [I]Power Words[/I], a match the word with the definition or definition with the word competition in 7th grade. The teacher would have the words or definitions written on paper, and when she'd show it the first person to say the answer won. It started with one person and then went from person to person, and the winner went to the next person, and the person who lost sat down. I usually went through everybody without problem, but sometimes I lost to one or two people. It just depended on who got the most overall.
I like a lot of different types of pop. Actually I like all of the ones I can think of with the exception of Mountain Dew. It may sound weird, but I like to drink them warm, or at least not cold. The ones I should mention would be Coke, Cerry Coke, Pepsi, Wild Cherry Pepsi, Root Beer, Ginger Ale/Vernor's, and all the fruit flavored pops like Grape, Orange, Red (not and fruit obviously, but I always find it next too the orange and grape at most places I see them at). To answer the question though, it's "Soda Pop."
I can't say I know which Anime are popular and which are not, but my favorite Anime that I never here about otherwise is History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi. It's a good Shonen Anime with unique characters and admirable art. The story is very typical of a Shonen Anime, but the way the story progresses is somewhat unique. It's also more quirky than most other fighting based Anime I've seen. I'm not sure if the Anime will eventually extend to the length of the manga (long like Naruto and Bleach) or not, but I hope it will.
The Most Awesome Non-Japanese Animated Works In Your Opinion
HopscotchEyelid replied to stararnold's topic in Noosphere
Good thread. My favorite Animated show/film/creation made outside of Japan is Ed, Edd, n' Eddy. It's very clever, and has a very nice vibe. "Peaceful Mania" is how I'd describe it (the vibe). I always find myself impressed by the cleverness in it as well, even after having seen it a countless (not countless, just so intimidatingly high I have no motivation to count to) number of times. Also, I should give mention to Tom and Jerry. The absence of verbal communication and the abundance of physical communication between the two is always an easy-to-watch thing for me. It makes me smile, not often does planned out humor do that, most of the time I'm humored by peoples mis-pronunciations, voice-cracks, those two together, or slip and falls (accidents), provided they don't get hurt or it's not because of an unfortunate condition. -
I've been playing a lot of fighting games and side-scrollers lately, I've noticed myself lacking the patience for RPGs. Soul Calibur 4, Megaman X8, and different Castlevania games are what I've been playing. I really want to get a Wii so I can play Super Smash Bros. Brawl.......and slowly take over the world.
Out of habit I'll say two thousand ten, but to be consistent I should say twenty ten. Before 2000, it was always nineteen whatever. In 1990, no one said one thousand nine hundred ninety, so I just think in the same way people said nineteen ninety we should say twenty ten.
[quote name='James'][FONT=franklin gothic medium]This is what happens when we give out stars. Although to come think of it, I'm not even sure who has them now. I don't know who holds the bag of stars. [/FONT][/quote] My only thought as of now is you have an awesome avatar.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
HopscotchEyelid replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[CENTER][B][FONT=Book Antiqua][IMG]http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt100/HopscotchEyelids/Look.jpg[/IMG] I was actually very happy at this time, despite how it may look. Art is not limited, and taking pictures, or getting pictures taken can be art, just like anything else. [/FONT][/B][/CENTER] -
I don't think kids are more bratty today, I just think that intellect is more wide spread now. More technology leads to less real work, and ends up making kids want everything done for them, or at least they want everything to be really easy, so in a way it's just the day and age, the nature of children is exactly the same. I actually support kids' behavior more. Before now, and even still, people grew/grow up way to fast, and rush through life causing unneeded stress and worry. Often times the even get involved with stupid stuff, because they were always forced to stay away from it by there parents, and over disciplined before they could even understand why. I was way bratty when I was little, but I was never censored or forced to behave, I made the decision on my own. My mom got lots of crap for this from a lot of her peers, but now she has two kids, my brother and I, who have never been in trouble with the law, don't drink or smoke, don't get in fights, and don't judge people or hate people. I'm that way though, I'm almost anti-social around people my age, because we are too unsimilar, but around kids who's parents don't do anything with them I'm very good. Little kids always like me, and it also seems that I attract people with some kind of emotional or social issues when I'm around my own age group. What most people consider annoying, I consider funny, or at least not annoying. I don't see how parents could call sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing relaxing, it's f***ing boring. So I encourage kids to have their own adventures, and find a passion, even if your parents don't like it.
I find comfort in any Anime I enjoy, which is most of the ones that I see on TV, as well as many more I've found through internet forums and things like magazines. I think the real question here is regarding a "Healing" Anime, which the are a few of for me. One is Death Note, because it is not intense in the battle sense, but rather is a fun to watch story that is very consistant. Another one would be Code Geass, I guess just because the art gives it a "Royal" vibe, it's very sophisticated. Rurouni Kenshin is a great one for healing as well, because it's setting, vocabulary, and deep storyline. I also enjoy watching Case Closed or Cowboy Bebop when I'm feeling down, they both have very good vibes, and neither of them are completely action-oriented. It's safe to say that Shonen Anime are my choice when I'm already feeling good, but the more artsy type Anime are great when I need a quick relief. Anime is a perfect Anti-Drug if you need one, though I've never needed nor wnated drugs, so that's only a theoretical opinion.
Anime Virtues and Flaws of Anime You Enjoy or Dislike
HopscotchEyelid replied to Magus's topic in Otaku Central
[CENTER]I'm going to start with "[B]Inuyasha[/B]." My overall view of this show is positive, with some of the positives being the unique villian Sesshoumaru, the very vibrant colors, and the 'Shonen but not without a good story' thing going on. Some other things I like include decently dressed (for the most part) female characters, which is good, getting away from the 'whore who must be freezing' look a lot of Anime tend to have. Although it's positive, it isn't perfect, and some of the negative things are repetitiveness, and slowness to get to the major plot parts. Those are really the only two things I didn't like. Another positive would be the art, which is clean and simple. Next, I will speak of "[B]Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion[/B]." My overall opinion on the is positive as well. For starters, I instantly noticed the extremely good art and animation, which is a major positive. On top of that, the story was well played out with very good character development and emotional expression. The only real negative I can think of is that I heard it being labeled as "Shoujo," which scars my mind and makes me look back saying, "Did I miss something?" I doesn't seem like it would be primarily aimed at a girl audience, and personally I think it is more in the same category as Cowboy Bebop with it's "Aimed at anyone who likes awesome." The third Anime I will talk about is "[B]Saiyuki[/B]." My overall opinion is stuck in the middle of like and dislike. The art and animation were lacking, and it was obvious that the creators placed more time on making the characters do dramatic things rather than making the story epic. That's not cool though, because the characters were really awesome and somewhat unique with very down to earth (a good thing in this rare situation, as I tend to like unworldliness more) voice acting. If the art was mastered better and the animation cleaner and actually more animated-like, it would be better. With that, and a more fluent progression of the storyline, it wouldn't be far from a classic in my mind. The last one I'll talk about for now is "[B]History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi[/B]." My overall opinion of this is positive. It has very traditional Anime art.... big, shiny eyes, and all the rest of the stuff you see in older Anime. Other positives are cool characters, interesting story, and it's a long Shonen Anime similar to others, yet in a league of its own. There is a little more funny comic relief stuff than most Shonen Anime have, which is good, and on top of that it brings back those early 2000's Anime vibes, which was my "Hooked on Anime time." These opinions are obviously personal, as such things like "Long Shonen Anime" are probably more not liked than liked by long time Otakus (I'm one! I say this with [too much] pride), but I can never get enough! [/CENTER] -
Out of all the things my friends and I, or just somebody I know and I do, I always the best a anything creative. I mean just about every part of creativity as well, it's so bad if you tell me how to do something I wont do it and I'll be angry. Let me figure it out using the surroundings and my own mind. I also draw better and I easily understand things that are obscured or said wrong. I have one friend who I would say is equal in the understanding part, but even though are characters and basic world view are different, we both have this in common.
I like walking, and can actually enjoy doing it all day, everyday. This is old-fashion because although I don't drive, I know I would hate it if I did. I also prefer to do things like snow removal, and getting rid of leaves by hand, no leaf blowers or plows. I'm actually thinking about starting to Carve wood by hand. It's not really because I'm old-fashion, but I'm not afraid of the dark, at all. Also, other than Anime, I don't watch T.V (it's rare when I watch anything including Anime, but it's all I like when I do), and I don't really play video games. I like to be creativ with everything. I mean sometimes I use a random bar or stick I find outside and put cinder blocks on it to do some weight training. It's better for stability training anyways. The most modern thing about me is liking the MP3 Player, because it doesn't skip, and obviously, the computer but not so much for getting information and learning, I like to do that by observing, and practicing when I can.
In 6th Grade, during an Advanced Studies test, too see if I should be in it, I was asked what the word "Fragrance" meant, and I replied by saying "Just the surroundings." Needless to say, I scored high in everything....other than common sense(general knowledge, what I call information, not knowledge), and for that I didn't get to do Advanced Studies. That was horrible. I also was a very strong follower of what I now consider the worst cognitive bias. The "Just World Bias," which pretty much says that anything that happens does so for a good reason because the world is right. It's called a bias, because such is false. Of course, being a kid you're likely to see through filtered eyes, but I still look back on that with a frown.
[LEFT][B][U]A Random Thought Indeed:[/U][/B] [/LEFT] [B][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]If the word "don't" is actually the 2 words "Do" and "Not", then wouldn't a sentence like "Don't you think that's cool?" make absolutely no sense? It would be like saying "Do not you think that's cool?," which is pretty unintelligent sounding if you ask me.[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
HopscotchEyelid replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua][B]Thy Self:[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt100/HopscotchEyelids/Myself/100_0909.jpg[/IMG]