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Everything posted by HopscotchEyelid

  1. I don't like any government or politics, but I do have this to say, it would take as long to give - homosexuals, male or female, the same rights as it did to give it to the African Americans. It's because one of the reasons people are against it is because of an overly used book. The Holy Bible. I think one of the main enemies is the ones who let religion hold so much power over society. It was the same thing with blacks because they were "Dark." I just hope when it does happen, the equal treatment, we are at last mature enough to not go to civil war over it. Understand that all wars are civil, because we all live on earth. Humans wont ever evolve to be greater if we keep needing some authority to keep us safe and need society as a way of living. We should do things for the love of life and joy of doing it, not so we can make money and live an ultra extended life. Because when you think about it, Life= go to school (sucks), get a job just to survive (sucks), get old (really sucks), die (sucks for people that love you, don't know what happens). Without good times we would not have any reason to live. So why is it that we are depriving people of their rights (which can ultimately cause chaos to happen and causes people pain)? Or more so, the authorities we think we need, are doing so.
  2. [quote name='Korey'][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Could have fooled me. I don't contradict myself on purpose, because that's called being "hypocritical". No one said that men who cry are weak. Certainly there are moments where men have cried or shown emotion. Like I've covered before, it's been a traditional gender stereotype for a man to be the silent, strong type when reacting to emotionally trying events.[/FONT][/quote] Actually in an earlier post, in this thread, someone did say that. No, contradiction and hypocrisy are not the same. I was contradicting myself to prove something. I was trying to show that just because I like to be the strong, silent type, doesn't mean I think crying is weak. Like I said before, I've done it too much, and it gets me nowhere. I like to do things about any problems that would make me cry.I was really responding to the guy that said crying was weak for men. I have my reasons for holding back any tears, as you might have read in that last post I did. Something like a death though is different. You can't do anything about that. I haven't cried at a funeral either. I'm almost drawn to tears when I try to figure out why though. It's like I'm automatically adjusting to the emotions around me and becoming a supportive beam. I don't even try to hold back tears, they are just not there. I don't why, I just feel empty when that happens. Korey, if you respond...after that we should stop before someone thinks we are arguing on the internet like a bunch of 12 year olds. If you don't respond...that was a good debate.
  3. [B]Things I've learned from Anime. For one, life lessons that teachers just don't understand.[/B] [U]To be specific though: (From various Anime and my own observations.)[/U] - Most stories are metaphors for life. - Never give up, no matter how dark the future seems. - Things are not always what they seem...sometimes even the second time around. - Several things featured as notes in subbed Anime. - A strong heart can defeat a strong mind. (I used to be so bent on being logical it was sickening... so much I became emotionally numb. Now I see logic is a personal thing, just like any belief. I could say something irrationalsounding, but to me it could be logical.) - Everybody deserves a chance. (already thought that but it's also a message in Anime.) - Your friends are family and for some people, you're more motivated when doing something for them. (It's true for me. Even down to stupid things, I have trouble cleaning my room on self motivation, but the minute I start thinking of someone important to me, or just what I can do to help, I remember that small pieces of the puzzle are still required for completetion.) [U]Here are my own quotes based off of my own feelings and other ideas (Especially from Anime).[/U] - Beliefs mean nothing if they are not executed in a considerable manner. - Thinking killing is okay is not a belief, it's an excuse. - (When refering to my beliefs on war) When fighting fire with fire (death with death, bomb with bomb) there is never a winner, instead you create a bigger flame (larger ***** of people and earth gone). You must fight fire with water before it has a chance to get big and spread. (Spread the message of peace and it's benefits) - (when saying my beliefs on government) You know if people are for the most part good, then a government is bad. If people are for the most part bad, then the government, being made of people, is still bad.) - A warrior could kill a lot of people, a king could kill a lot more people, a god can't kill any... and he wouldn't want to. - Why would you walk all over someone you think is dirt, when there is a whole lot of sunshine? - I have more respect for a poor person who steals... than a rich person who doesn't give. - I've never seen a prophet write about anything good that's upcoming.... that's because if what they say is true, it's a warning. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't write all that for the purpose of being right 500 years after their death. - It's a good question as to why people are afraid of what they don't know. Stupid kids sure were not afraid to smoke that plant, that cancer, or drink that liver killing, fool in a bottle. - When a loved one is hurt by another person, do you fight because of your love for your friend, or your hate for that bastard that hurt them. The anser is the line between hate and love is not there. The only difference is one is man made and not natural born. Do you remember hating when you were a baby. Look at another baby, very hating right? Hate... what a rediculous creation. - As much as I respect religion, I realize that it is a double-edged sword. For all the good things it's done it's also caused many wars. Fighting over a belief and acting blindly.... just like that of a child....without the luck children have tough. - I'm not crazy... just think about this...everybody is different...so who is normal. Who created the standard for normal anyways.... I want to know what mental illness he or she was suffering from. - You know you don't always know when you're being manipulated. People don't always know when they're manipulating you. This is for sure though... if you stick to what you believe....because you believe it...not because someone told you to believe it...not because it was passed down through time....not because your bible said it...your chances of being manipulated are as low as can be. Sorry if I got off topic. I've been known to do that a lot on every thread. I like change things up, and it's good to know how some things you say or do... can lead into other things happening. I'm not just talking about action/reaction either...I'm talking about complete transformations from one thing to the other. Kind of like how an argument turns into a fist fight, and in some cases that turns into a fight to the death. That's why I believe in self containment and control. Their are ways to actually reprogram your subconcous mind..which is the mind that does all instinct and relfex actions. It is all kind of programmed in fro things you were thaught, and it's just been proven... that DNA has next to nothing to do with it. Sorry for always preaching my part with everything I say... I just think that maybe it will be of some use to someone, someday.
  4. The idea has no personal effect on me, but I can see parents and young children loving it. That's never a bad thing, the only thing is, like technology has done since it was first thought of, it makes people more dependent on it, and less dependent on their own mind. That sounds bad but the same is true with the body, whenever anybody wants to workout or train or whatever, the first thing they think of is, fitness program, or, bowflex. Even kids argue about who can bench press more. I'm not opposed to the idea of this new technolgy for other people, but I will never even consider it. It's good for people who play games as a way of just enjoying a little spare time or whatever. It's a rather important part of my life. Even though I'm not a big fan of technology and industrialization, or business life, without it, I wouldn't have the intense, heavy music, the awesome anime, the video games, or any other key part of my life. But I would rather be killed than let a machine do everything for me. I don't even like humans doing things for me.
  5. The stupidest movie I have heard of and don't even have to see is Dragonball: Evolution. Why they chose to give a legendary Anime a bad name is beyond me. I don't even have to see it, the commercials and knowing what happens to great Anime when they get too much attention is enough to want to break every copie of that movie I ever see. The only good one I've seen was Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Although, even that didn't use real life characters, just realistic animation which still allowed the super human look.
  6. [quote name='Korey'][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] This post is rather befuddling. On one hand you are critquing a man's emotions, or lack thereof. Yet you contradict yourself by not showing emotion during things that may tug at your heartstrings. It's not really that men don't show emotion because they are being tough. For many, it's having the role of the stable pillar archetype being placed upon them. While not as prevalent today, the typical gender stereotype shows a man showing emotion in different ways than a woman would. But, I'm a guy who is really intimate about my emotions and while it may seem like men are cold, harsh meanie butts, we still are capable of hurting. We just tend to express it in a different way.[/FONT][/quote] I know I contradicted myself, I did that on purpose. I would have to be an idiot to do that without realizing it. I guess what I was trying to say is that men who cry are not weak. In a way it shows strength, in the sense that they don't care if people think they are weak. However I am usually quite effected by things I see and hear, but when I think about crying, I think about how I used to be, and it makes me feel as though I haven't grown up at all. From 2003 up until half way through 2004, I would not talk.. at all..literally. At that time I was always crying, and as much as I wanted no one to know, I knew everyone did. In 2004, I was sent to a mental health facility, because I was losing my mind. I even spent my 14th birthday there. On top of that, the pills they put me on destroyed the body I almost had where I wanted..Rapid wieghtgain- 60 pounds in 3 months. They tryed to say I was Schizo-Effective. Now everyone thinks it's Bi-Polar, I gave up trying to convince people there was nothing like that. Those days are over now, and acting like this is my way of moving on and dealing with it.
  7. [IMG]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/Tearstation/Kira.jpg[/IMG] My hair is a darker brown and my eyes are blue, but this is the closest resemblance.
  8. Upgrade^Brigade (demo) by Fair To Midland. They're a nice Folk-Rock/Metal band with really well played instrumental, and a vocal with a unique style and great range. Though this band is sometimes on the heavy side of Rock, the really don't have any filler tracks or non-melodic songs. I wouldn't be suprised if a lot of you already know them, I mean they are getting bigger and bigger, and they are signed to Serj Tankian's (Solo, System of a Down) record label Serjical Strike. They have a very distinct mood they put you in and it's like I'm in a Fair To Midland mood. They are the type of band you can't enjoy with just a distracted listen, you almost have to be by yourself when you hear them for the first time so you can kind of feel it I guess.
  9. I think it is completely wrong for someone to say that it is unfitting for a man to cry. For one it shows you have emotions, and two, in a different way, it shows dedication/ambition. I'll say that, because it's belief, but I will also say no, a Video Game has never mad me cry. I haven't fully played a game through since I was young, and unable to thoroughly follow the story though. If I was ever about to cry I would do my best to hide it, because that is contagious, and I wouldn't be caught dead crying. I'm not one for the tough guy attitude, but I don't see crying helping in any way if there is a problem. Obviously you can't jump in a game and do something about it though.
  10. The worst Anime I have ever seen was called Buzzer Beater. It seemed like it could have been good story wise, but that would've not been enough to make up for the poor character design, very crappy music, and the overall vibe it gave. Maybe it was just my mood going into it, but I just did not like it.
  11. I don't usually study. I never needed to, I've always been the one to remember almost word for word what the teacher says, even when I did not want to. But I listen to music no matter what I'm doing usually, unless it's music I can't stand. Depending on my mood, I listen to anything within Rock and Metal ranging from light JRock bands like The Pillows, to heavy, yet Melodic Metal bands. I really like harmony and bass, both relax me, but I can't listen to rap for bass because it's really to real-life sounding, which strangely enough, I don't like. I like sounds that seem out of this world. Tempo wise, I like slow, yet really low and thick guitaring but I also like bands like System of a Down that are almost too fast to follow. I noticed I can't really enjoy punk/emo (no offense) but I think it's because the vocals. So, pretty much any rock or metal with good harmony, melody, and at least semi thick guitars, unless they are a mellow rock band, is what I listen to when doing anything.
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