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Everything posted by Nico

  2. Health: 500 Punches: 150 Kicks: 150 Speed: 300 Weaponary: 400 Gun Power: 100 Accuracy: 100 (Defence: 50) ------------------------------------ Name: Nico Age: 14 Bio: A young enthauthiast who can't spell :p. She carries a blue sword around, which was handed down from her mother. Both parents died at 12, that is why she fights. Adopted by a gang of merceneries. Personality: Likes to laugh (esp. when killing the enemy), loves practical jokes but can be serious...
  3. Nico

    Goku's Rage (Play)

    Trunks and Gotens fused and flew into battle. 18 was still injured so she just watched.... It seemed like Goku was being beaten down pretty bad, but surly he had more power than that? Was he hiding it, planning an attack or didn't he know how to activate it? At that moment Goku faltered, he had dodged a hit a split second too late, he couldn't avoid the others that followed. He chin dripped with red. But as the blood came spilling from him, he laughed. Not even the blood could choke him. Not even the punches could stop his laughter. Vegeta was the first to stop. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?" Goku carried on laughing. Something in his voice made them worried. Goku: hm, hm, hm, hm, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!........Together we shall die.. All: ?!!!!! Then 18 sensed it too. There was something underground, a great power.. Goku: [SIZE=4]SPIRIT BOMB!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]
  4. Nico

    Goku's Rage (Play)

    The fight began... Goku and Vegeta powered up to their maximum power levels. Vegeta felt the energy pulsing through him, from his mind to his body, increasing his muscles. When his body was full of it the energy moved to his skin creating a glowing aura around him. The rocks around them were lifted high into the air, the ground below was pushed down as their ki spread out, soon they were both surrounded by huge craters created by pure energy. Goku grinned, "I'm still stronger, heheheh, you're a fool to even think that you can beat me, why don't you just give up? You know the outcome of this battle" Vegeta: "NEVER!!" Vegeta plunged at Goku with lightening speed. He was a millsecond too late and received a sharp bow to the head, which sent him spiralling down to Earth. Goku sent several fire balls down after him. Vegeta was now near the edge of a mountain, he turned and saw a blaze of fire... There was a huge explosion as everything crashed together. The side of the mountain was completly destroyed. Smoke covered everywhere. Trunks: DAD! NOOOO! *Thinking: But dad can't just go like that, he's through a lot worse, Goku only shot a few fire balls. DAD'S GOT TO BE ALIVE* But Goku had raised his energy again and sent 200 more fireballs down until the whole area was rendered. "Hmm...heheheh..GALIC GUN!", within seconds the landscape was gone. Trunks looked horrifed. Goku gave out an evil laugh, but in was cut short...
  5. Companions: Name: Da Dragon Element: wind and fire Main attack: Hyper beam Name: Cyborg Knight Element: water and earth Main attack: Sword slash
  6. Name: Nico Age: 14 Race: dragon demon Height: 5'0 Weight: 45 kg Bio:Mother was a demon fighter, father was a commander of a dragon army. After birth mother was captured and possessed. Her status is still unknown. Father died by mystery virus. Adopted by Killers Inc. Appearance: Humanoid girl with blue skin, blue hair, claws, fangs, wings and long tail. Stats: 5,500,000 Strength: 500,000 Defence: 4,000 Speed: 610,000 Agility: 610,000 Ki: 550,000 Ki defence: 5,000 Intelligence: 90,000
  7. BOTH! Although being a girl I naturally prefere more yaoi :D :D :D Fav couples- [list] [*]Heerox Duo [*]or Duo x Quatre [*]Trowa x Quatre [*]Lady Une x Trieze [*]Zechs x Neun [/list]
  8. *MIXED feelings* I think she's okay, she depends on Heero too much but she is a pretty strong character. Personally I prefere Lady Une :D . "One minute she could be running Treizes bath then next she could be shooting down innocent colonies".
  9. I gotta read it someday, but who else thinks that Mobile suits are already built? I'm positive they're here already, I mean, the US government tried hidding the fact they have a flying saucer! Has anyone see the documentary where a scienctist tried to explain how they work? The poor guy had all his records cleared to make it look like he never existed..
  10. Nico

    dark stone

    name: Nico class: Warior weapon: Blue sword clothing: Humanoid girl, blue bobbed hair, claws, fangs, tail and blue skin.
  11. Name: Nico Spirit: dragon Body: Nico looks like a humanoid girl with bobbed blue hair but with huge claws and dragon feet, tail, wings and blue skin. Weapon: A blue sword Magic: one (in)famous attack: black hole Physical Combat: High attack, low defence, easily possessed. Backround: Parents dead, adopted by Killers Inc. Became a top mercenary under it but was later abandoned on Earth.
  12. Name: Nico Age: 14 Description: 5ft, black hair and blue eyes minus pupils. Looks like a humanoid girl with blue skin, crawls, fangs, powerful tail, Personality: Addicted to excitement, often gets into trouble without knowing it. Dopey Weapon: Blue sword Creatures: Dragon! Marina: um.. Element:.. Main attack: crawls, sword and one spell "Balck hole"
  13. Nico

    Goku's Rage (Play)

    Suddenly 18 opened her eyes wide. KRILLEN! Something was happening to him! She could feel his energy slowly being chipped away. She swung round to fly back but a wave of pain washed over her. She felt the back of her knee. Hot blood was pouring down her leg. "BUT I'VE JUST GOT TO GO BACK!" "argh...", it was Gohan's voice. 18 turned to him. Slowly he picked himself up. Gohan: GOTENS!! WH-WHAT HAPPENED?! Gotens lay at his feet in a pool of his own blood. Gohan: DAD YOU'VE GONE TOO FARRR! ARGHHH Gohan powered up, a powerful aura of energy surrounded him. He levitated and was soon gone.
  14. The Sailor Moon endings, but I would really like to know how Escaflowne really ends..... :bawl: They took it off the air before it got to the final episode! :bawl:
  15. Oh dear.. Name: Nico Nick name: Nico Class: Warrior Age: 14 Height: 5ft Weight: 96lbs. Rank: None Weapon: Blue sword Apperance/Bio: The picture. Father dead. Mother unknown. She traveled dimensions and destroyed galaxies when she was adopted by Killers Inc. At 12 she arrived at Earth and started a project to absorb it's life force, instead she was abandoned on it. She stopped planning on how to destroy Killers Inc., when she became involved in much greater war....the war with the Dragonhearts.
  16. Then that's reason to hate him, then. And that's a nice avatar you got there..:smirk:
  17. Nico

    Goku's Rage (Play)

    The rock fell from her hands. Chichi18 looked into the sky, something was definatly wrong. Another signal, stronger then the last, pulsed through her. Immediatly her head spun towards the forest. THE SON HOUSE. Was there an acident? She scanned for their presence and sighed. She could feel the presence of 4 bodies. Chichi...Gohan...Goten and...... WHAT?!! She could sense Goku but there was something wrong with his Kai- he had Vegetas. Soon she was riding the air, crashing head on into the SON's window. --- :o first RPG!
  18. To be honest, I don't think Tenchi deserves them all.....
  19. Erk, this is late but.. Name: Nico Nick name: Nico Class: Demon Age: 14 Height: 5ft Weight: 96lbs. Rank: Demon? Weapon: Blue sword Apperance/Bio: The picture. After birth, mother was captured and possessed. At the age of 5 her father died trying to reclaim her soul. He was struck down by a mystery virus. Ever since she traveled dimensions, destroyed galaxies when she was adopted by Killers Inc. At 12 she arrived at Earth and started a project to absorb it's life force, instead she was abandoned on it.
  20. I haven't seen many original versions of anime, the undubbed songs are usually the best. The ending song of the first seris- Gundam Wing. All the songs from the UNDUBBED version of Sailor Moon. Theme songs from CCS are alright I wanna listen to "We were Angels" (DBZ) Does anyone know what it sounds like?
  21. Sailor Saturn.. My hair is as long as hers and black too, I'm as tall as her and about the same age (14). Lotsa people at school happen to think I'm mysterious/odd.. as well.. *Twlight music*
  22. [COLOR=purple]SAILOR SATURN![/COLOR] The mystic, powerful soldier with a cool silence Glaive, my idol! I look like her too. ^^
  23. Name: Nico Spirit: Is half demon/dragon Body: Nico looks like a humanoid girl with bobbed blue hair but with huge claws and dragon feet. Weapon: A blue sword Magic: Uses dark force, only one (in)famous attack: black hole Physical Combat: High attack, low defence, easily possessed. Backround: Mother used to be a great demon soldier, after giving birth to Nico she was captured and possessed by an unknown organisation. Father was struck down by a demon virus, adopted by Killers Inc.
  24. Nico

    Goku's Rage (sign up)

    Can't I be an evil morph of 18 and Chi Chi? Plllleeeaaaassseee??:angel:
  25. Name: Nico Nick name: DRAGON Class: Demon/dragon Age: 14 Height: 5ft Weight: 96lbs. Rank: Demon? Weapon: Blue sword Apperance/Bio: The picture. After birth, mother was captured and possessed. At the age of 5 her father died trying to reclaim her soul. He was struck down by a mystery virus. Ever since she traveled dimensions, destroyed galaxies under Killers Inc. At 12 she has arrived at Earth and is now startiing a new project to absorb it's life force. (Yes, boring)
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