WOW, I am so glad i joined this site, no sarcasm inteded!, finally people who know something about what they are talking about, wether wrong or right! But, BUT! I am going to say something I can back up, I know more about FF7 than anyone I have met on the net, website or otherwise! and I want to share the knowledge. I have been waiting severla yearss to do it. i have been waiting several years for people to realise the lil estereggs in ff7, i will admit I don't much compartively with the other final fantasies. to tip you off a lil about what I know:
1 ff7 is succesful to this day, numerous reasons, they include a battle system that is limiltess in power, [you can become a god in this game, you can become unkillable, and you can kill monsters like Emerald weapon in less then twenty minutes with just the right materia, {And I don't mean Knights! (counter mime, counter mime, counter mime, w-item)(final-attack, Pheonix) with omnislash, equip others if you like but they just over kill! (by the way, I counted at one point, omnislash does more damge than Knights and in less time)}] and it also includes really really felt characters! (but not limited too)
2the programing in the game is phenomenal, I am still playing the game and finding new lil eastereggs (yuffie's ultimate weapon conformer increases in strength when used with morph instead of the atack being divided by ten)
3the chocobos give you reason to spend DAYS sometimes working on them, there are so many greens, and so many nuts, I don't know what they all do yet)
3 with a gameshark (I don't suggest this till you have played it though obviously) you can open debug mode and play the game from the begining again . . . with everything you had in your prvious game)
4as far as I know, ff7 is the first to use cinematics, yeah they weren't the best, but they used what they had to promote the FEEL of the game not just the look! They wanted you to really see how EVIL sephiroth was
5this is the first GAME you have a bad guy you really feel for, sephiroth was a good guy, but he went nuts thank to a psychological trigger that occured before the game began.
there is more but . . . i don't want to take up toomuch time
[quote name='Desbreko'][COLOR=#4b0082]I actually have too, though not a lot. My brother owns it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4b0082]The thing is, there's customization with materia but every character is otherwise the same. You can build a character who's a good fighter, a powerful user of both black and white magic, [I]and[/I] a summoner, no matter who you choose. (This wouldn't be so bad if speccing heavily into one area at least lowered their abilities in others enough to matter.) The only real differences come in limit breaks, which make up a tiny fraction of their actions.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4b0082]The result is that it actually promotes less variety than a class-based system and every character ends up being the same in battle. It doesn't matter when you get hit, anyone can heal next. It doesn't matter if an enemy is only weak against magic, everyone can use it. There's no reason for the back row to even exist, other than to make long range characters even more overpowered. Because of all this, very little of the game requires any planning, strategy, or MP conservation.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4b0082]There's a reason you only get three characters in your party in FFVII and it's because everyone can do everything all at once. If they had given you four they might as well put in an, "I win," button to automatically kill every enemy in any fight instantly.[/COLOR][/quote]
Ah! but your wrong, but sadly not wrong enough. you do have a point that the characters SEEM the same but they are not. if you look at their statistics they level up differently, cloud seems the strangest through most of the game, however i have found that later, Yuffie in regular combat is better, because of the hidden lil secret about her ultimate weapon, Conformer, If you ever went to the Crashed Gelinika, you would realise how mauch a pian it is to Morph those monsters (who by the way, all of them turn into different Sources when morphed) try this out on Yuffie, (Morph, hp-plus) (Morph, mp-plus) (Morph, sneak-attack) (counter, Mime) Mega all.
As I said, you were part wrong, yes they aren't as differnt as ffIV, but they still have differences, yes they PRACTICLY put a "I win" button in, but you have to find it, I have been spending a lot time on this game and I know how to make my characters leveled up, materia maxed, with out touching the controller. so your part right.
[quote name='Matt']Jeez guys, if you are reciting these titles from memory alone, I must give my props to you.
But then again, if you are just copying it from GameFAQS, then you can just ignore this. :p[/quote]
I know I am:)! (which just shows how little of a life I really have:P)
[color=#4B0082]I merged your posts since double posting isn't allowed. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]