[b]If you were only allowed one possesion what would it be and why?[/b]
[color=blue]A laptop, With that I could order possessions online. [/color]
[b]If the law said that you had to eat bugs to be able to drive would you?[/b]
[color=blue]No I wouldn't eat bugs, I'd just get in my car and mow down those stupid cops[/color]
[b]If you could only choose one, whos life would you save?[/b]
[color=blue]My life[/color]
[b]If a man had a knife to you and said "strip" would you?[/b]
[color=blue]No, I'd pull out a knife and chuck it at him then I'd run like hell.[/color]
[b]If the love of your life came up to you and said they would go out with you, under one condition you get rid of your best friend who would you pick?[/b]
[color=blue] The love of my life, since that is a once in a lifetime chance.[/color]
[color=red]That test was very strange :smirk: [/color]