Boba Fett
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[quote name='Adahn][b][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#556b2f]Exactly. This problem, and every other, is solved by reincarnation rather than eternal damnation. If you die young and have never heard of Christianity, you live again with another chance. By the Christian interpretation, if you die young and have never heard of Christianity, you had the same chance as anyone else and deserve to burn eternally.[/color][/size][/font][/b'] [/quote] [color=green]Since this whole reincarnation bit isn't spelled out in the Bible, as it is in other religions, you'd have to pretty broadly interpret some very vague quotes to come to that conclusion. Care to share them?[/color]
[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]How about another example. A boy finds a wounded bird on the road. He picks it up, and takes it home. He the sets it's broken wing on fire. After extinguishing it, he crushes its body with a brick, and then kicks its [presumably dead] body into the garden. Isn't that a nice tale? The moral of the story: According to increasingly violent Americans, acts of wanton cruelty to animals are acceptable as long as the creatures death was likely anyway.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=green]That's right, pin it all on America. Big, bad America... o_- Cruelty towards animals isn't right or acceptable. That's not what I'm arguing. I'm merely saying that those acts described above don't really faze me. They don't motivate me to take action; they don't outrage me. It's regrettable, but it happens. It's simply not a big deal, as I see it.[/color]
[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']It's the morality of the issue. It's like raping a woman who's on Death Row; it doesn't matter because she's going to be dead soon anyway. Right? Or beating up a kid with cancer.[/size][/quote] [color=green]To me, there's a great moral and ethical difference between inflicting harm on a person than an animal. Neither is right, but unecessary malice towards an animal (especially one born and bred for slaughter) doesn't resonate with me very deeply.[/color] EDIT: [color=green]People who do these types of jobs undoubtedly become desensitized to the animal's "feelings", akin to an emotional defense method. I bet they were all shaken up after their first day on the job, but gradually became emotionally acclimated to their workplace.[/color]
[color=green]Er? This whole reincarnation thing doesn?t strike me as any interpretation of biblical teaching that I?m familiar with. I?ve always been taught that people who accept Jesus into their lives, ask for forgiveness and live by his word will be accepted into heaven. Heaven, to my understanding is permanent. As is hell, so I?ve been taught. Is this your own interpretation of the bible (Which version, by the way), or a Protestant splinter interpretation (If so which)?[/color]
[color=green]Sure, the workers probably could treat these chickens a little better. But does it really matter; they?re all going to end up dead anyway. If you?re so opposed to the slaughter of poultry, don?t eat chicken. I?m with Wrist Cutter on this one; I?ll still be eating KFC?[/color]
Coruscant's seedy lower levels are trod only by those with a fully charged blaster and confidence to spare. Ten years ago the hooded Humanoid wouldn't have dared go into such scum ridden, criminal infested lairs. My how things had changed? As he entered one of the bars and wearily sat down upon one of the dirty seats by the counter, he glanced up at the holoscreen in the corner of the bar. The date caught his eye, and he nearly spilled his Jawa Juice down his front. Fifteen years to the day since Alderaan's destruction. Listening intently, he could make out the word of the Sullustan news anchor. "If ever one needed an example of the irredeemable evil that was the Empire, turn to the shattered remains of Alderaan. An influential world, Alderaan was represented in the waning days of the Republic by such venerated politicians as Bail Antilles and Bail Organa. A peaceful world, Alderaan was bereft of weaponry in an era of galactic strife?" The Zabrak snarled. The New Republic's propaganda machine had been working overtime to gloss over Alderaan's violations of galactic law ever since it's destruction by rebel terrorists. Not only had they convinced a clueless public that Alderaan was a completely peaceful planet, but that the Empire had destroyed it. After all, there were only a handful of witnesses to be silenced by the traitor Madine's secret police. He'd been there, on Alderaan, part of the inspection team that'd scoured the planet for weapons. Everyone knew that they had weapons; all of the satellite scans showed weaponized energy sources. The royal family had also used these weapons previously in the Clone Wars to massacre thousands of Geonosians, although the Galactic Senate had been too involved with its own corruption hearings to care. Every night the weapons would be moved, and every morning the inspection teams would get residual readings from many of the bunkers they searched. This process had gone on for years, searching for the elusive weapons that were always one step ahead of the inspectors. Eventually he'd been replaced as the head of the inspectors, and demoted down to a stormtrooper for his "incompetence". Never mind that the inspectors were never supposed to have to search for weapons, but instead have the documentation and arms handed over to them peacefully. He was issued blast armor, an E-11 was shoved into his hands and he was shipped off to a dead end job on an ore mining planetoid. If the story had ended here, the New Republic's agents would have been able to track him down and silence him forever. It was just a twist of fate that saved him. The vessel was hijacked by a young Luke Skywalker and some of his criminal friends; they later used it to destroy Alderaanwith the intent to unite the galaxy against the Empire. This inspection was to be his first, and he was very nervous. The scanning crew called for assistance. He entered the ship, blaster lowered. A flash of red light and a blinding pain in his right shoulder. The cold hard deck knocked him out cold as he hit it. The newly commissioned trooper awoke hours later, bound and gagged in the hold of the vessel. Later he was transferred to a prison camp. The Alliance held him for years without legal representation, humiliating and torturing him. They never knew of his former career. They simply called him by his number. TK-421.
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Okay, so the three debates have been held, finished and reviewed. I guess. According to most polls Kerry won all three debates. Except possibly in Florida because they have to do a recount. Heh heh heh. (well, you try to be alert and everything on three hours of sleep and taking care of a baby.) So, what do you think? Did Kerry win all three debates, or did Bush? Was it a tie? Or maybe a 2:1 ratio? Anyways, let me know what you think on that. I'll giv my reply later.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=green]I think that Kerry did very well in the first debate, and trounced Bush on style. Although both candidates performed well content-wise in the first sparring match, Kerry did do a little better in this category as well. Cheney beat Edwards like a red headed stepchild in the Vice Presidential debate, and I think that significantly helped express the Republican Party position on many key issues. Edwards smile at the beginning of the debate was pricelessly cheesy. I didn?t watch the second Presidential debate, so I won?t comment on it. The third and final debate was very close, and Bush really improved. He was clearer, and although he stammered a little, he was able to come off as more likeable than Kerry. However, I think that Kerry?s comments about Mary Cheney were completely uncalled for, and since Edwards also made a comment about her sexuality, it?s obvious there?s a concerted effort to out her for political advantage. That disgusting tact is what, for me, made Bush seem like the winner of the third debate. [/color]
[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Side A contests that Bush is an idiot with no clue, no plans, and should be kicked out and lynched for the war on Iraq and just being a general moron. Side B contests that Bush isn't actually that bad, and that whilst he has done wrong things, and questionable things, you cannot lay all the blame solely at his feet.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=green]Side C Contests that Bush has been an all around great president on the economic, domestic and foreign policy fronts. He?s made his share of minor mistakes, but nothing that should give cause for serious opposition to a second term. Side D Contests that Bush is the worst thing that?s ever happened to America, and would like to see him physically hurt. This group thinks everything Bush touches is instantly defiled? Simply put, side C is where I stand. I couldn?t agree more with Siren about arguing with others on these points.[/color]
[quote name='Garelock']7. Some people say that Bush cares about America. Well, as his actions in 9/11 goes to show people, he doesn't give a hill of beans about America. Now, most leaders would be on the ground leading their people and advising the armed forces in such a situation. Now, where was our "fearless" commander-in-chief? High in the sky aboard Airforce 1...riiight...some leader...I bet if a mouse came into the White House and had a bomb strapped to it he'd get loaded on that plane and they'd fly to the nearest safe house as possible. Meanwhile, the American people are on the ground getting bombed and killed.[/quote] [color=green]When all hell broke loose on 9/11, the president was flown around the country because he might be a potential target. Nobody knew how many planes had been hijacked, or if there were more attacks to coming in other forms. Do you realize how much more panic our nation would have been in if during the chaos it was reported that the president had been killed? The president can advise, contact and direct US forces from Air Force One very effectively. In this case, what more could he have done if he were anywhere else?[/color]
[quote name='Takuya']Now, the point is that young people are already unable to see movies their parents don't want them to see. The current restrictions, most notably the fact that you can't buy tickets to an R-rated movie if you're under 17, don't have any really notable affect, and are frequently a nuisence(sp?). To me, it seems very stupid that we allow 16-year-olds to drive, but that only 17-year-olds can see any movie on their own. I mean, if 16-year-olds aren't mature enough to see R-rated movies by themselves, without specific adult permission, then they aren't mature enough to be trusted on the road.[/quote] [color=green]That?s not true. Teenagers just don?t get issued cars upon 16th birthdays. Parents allow their children to have cars, to use them and retain control of those privileges. A parent won?t allow their child to drive if they don?t think their child is mature enough or has the skills required to handle a car. Movie ratings allow parents to determine what is appropriate for their child, and determine whether or not they?ll allow their child to view it. In both cases, the system allows parents who wish to be actively involved in their kid?s lives to do so. If a kid?s parents feel that their child is ready to see a movie that?s considered by the general public to be too explicit for a person of that age, a parent can take their child to the movie (R Rating) or rent/Pay Per View/Download the movie for their child (NC-17 Rating). Seems like a good system to me.[/color] Just thought I?d post these for general reference. [b]G[/b] - General Audience. All ages admitted. This signifies that the film rated contains nothing most parents will consider offensive for even their youngest children to see or hear. Nudity, sex scenes, and scenes of drug use are absent; violence is minimal; snippets of dialogue may go beyond polite conversation but do not go beyond common everyday expressions. [b]PG[/b] - Parental Guidance Suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. This signifies that the film rated may contain some material parents might not like to expose to their young children - material that will clearly need to be examined or inquired about before children are allowed to attend the film. Explicit sex scenes and scenes of drug use are absent; nudity, if present, is seen only briefly, horror and violence do not exceed moderate levels. [b]PG-13[/b] - Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. This signifies that the film rated may be inappropriate for pre-teens. Parents should be especially careful about letting their younger children attend. Rough or persistent violence is absent; sexually-oriented nudity is generally absent; some scenes of drug use may be seen; one use of the harsher sexually derived words may be heard. [b]R[/b] - Restricted-Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian (age varies in some locations). This signifies that the rating board has concluded that the film rated contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before taking their children to see it. An R may be assigned due to, among other things, a film's use of language, theme, violence, sex or its portrayal of drug use.
[color=green]My school has done a tremendous job of promoting banned books this week, and I?m very glad people are finally taking notice of some of these classic works of literature. Although, our teachers have done a pretty thorough job of using banned books in our curriculum anyhow. However, some books aren?t allowed in our school library for a reason. Like Japan_86 pointed out, there are some pretty risqué Sex Ed book out there, and some pretty explicit novels. Those books shouldn?t be in a high school library, pure and simple. They definitely should be available, just not in this setting. Funny how these ?banned? books probably often get more press and reading time than most other works.[/color]
[quote name='Zeta]Yeah so far, it is the best book I have read as well. The [spoiler] Vagaari(I think that's it)[/spoiler'] interest me greatly. I can't wait to find out more about them. I also can't wait to find out more about the Outbound Flight. I've been interested in that since the Thrawn Trilogy.[/quote] [color=green]You'll find out a great, great deal about them... ;) Outbound Flight always has been, ever since it was mentioned in the Thrawn Trilogy, a fan favorite for speculation. I wouldn't be surprised if there's already been a passing mention of it in the movies or there will be in Episode III. I'll have to check on that...[/color]
I seek the Help of OtakuBoarders Assembled
Boba Fett replied to DeathBug's topic in General Discussion
[color=green]Well, I?m not sure if this is close enough in topic, but wasn?t there something a while back about students going door to door asking people to ban ?BihydrogenOxide? or something to that affect? Essentially they listed all the bad things water could do and asked people to sign a petition to ban it. Most did, without realizing what it was. Meh, that wasn?t exactly the same, but hopefully it was close enough.[/color] -
[color=green]I think that the movie ratings these days should be stricter than they are. The topics, situations and language present in R rated movies is present in real life. However, the extent to which these themes are explored is usually more extreme than what you see around you. With this in mind, I think it?s important that movies are given strict ratings to allow people going to movies, especially parents taking their children, to have an idea of what they?re about to see. Nobody wants to take their little cousin or sibling to a movie that?s full of swearing, gory and disturbing violence, and sex. Well, at least I [I]hope[/I] none of you would. Children are obviously are more impressionable than teenagers or young adults, and it?d be nice if they retained their innocence for a while. The current lax attitude towards TV, music and movie ratings, along with poor parenting, is the reason that we see sixth graders dressing like whores and ?going out?. The rating system allows parents who want to be responsible to protect their children from those influences they disapprove of until the children are ?ready?.[/color]
[color=green]I happen to like the landspeeder "Force Field"/Vaseline smudge and that first Yavin in the X-Wing takeoff scene looks more like someone?s finger on the lens than a gas giant.[/color] [quote name='Zeta]Well, I recently just finished reading [i]Shatterpoint[/i'] by Matthew Stover, and have decided to find anyone elses opinions on the book?[/quote] [spoiler]I thought that ?ShatterPoint? was a good read and a pretty typical prequel style novel. It?s plot was decent, and I liked the way that Mace Windu was forced to deal with personal issues rather than tackle the situation head on and win, as is done with so many prequel novels. It?s nice to see that Stover recognize the era in which his novel is placed and show the fallibility of the Jedi. Without this point, which needs to be emphasized over and over in the prelude to Episode III, the deaths of almost the entire Jedi Order will seem ludicrous. Depa?s fall to the Dark Side was troubling to me. She is shown in the other novels as such a powerful and wise Jedi Master that it seems very difficult to believe that she?d fall so easily. Since the combination of the planet?s hate ridden atmosphere and her flirting with danger by using Style 7 lead her to stray, according to the book, it?s almost a foregone conclusion she was definitely not ready to be a Jedi Master. After all, the Jedi have no social promotion, and her handicap (Vapaad) shouldn?t have been overlooked because of her success. This does tie in well with the theme that the Jedi aren?t the invincible, incorruptible warriors of light and truth that they?ve been portrayed as. The whole concept of shatterpoints in interesting as well, and I wouldn?t be surprised if that talent shows up again in the EU.[/spoiler] [quote name='Zeta]And now, I have started to read Timothy Zahn's [i]Survivors Quest[/i']. Just the fact that it is about the Outbound Flight project being found is enough for me to read it. I think it only right that he should write about it, seeing as how it was he who created the thing in the first place. I am like four chapters into the book, and I am hooked. Zahn is my favorite author. I loved all his other books, and will no doubt love this one as well. I'll get back to everyone on how I think it is. Has anyone read this one?[/quote] [color=green]This book was truly the best Star Wars book I?ve read in a very long time, blowing the entire NJO out of the water. The events in this book, especially the [spoiler]killer twist at the end[/spoiler] remind me of the Thrawn Trilogy. Great Book.[/color]
[quote name='Siren]Enlist today and [b']experience the greatest saga ever told: yours.[/b][/quote] [color=green]Parts bolded are attention worthy.[/color] ;)
[QUOTE=Siren]I was listening to the first few minutes of American Idiot on the radio the other day, and I was surprised with myself when I switched the station. I love Green Day's early stuff. I think Dookie is a fantastic album. I really do. But American Idiot just doesn't sound like their early songs/albums did. I feel like they've lost their edge.[/QUOTE] [color=green]I second that. Kind of like listening to Yellowcard's Ocean Avenue, and then everything else they've done. Huge difference. While I love most of Green Day's earlier music, and own all of their singles and albums, I won't be buying this one. [i]American Idiot[/i]'s lyrics simply send a message I don't support, and none of the other songs on the album are too appealing either. Looks like they sold out to the liberal media, to me.[/color]
[quote name='Zeta']In Empire, when Vader is talking to the Emperor. Have you always been able to see his face like that? And has he always said all that he says? I seem to remember that his face was kind of hidden behind the shadow of his hood in the other ones.[/quote] [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']As far as I know Zeta that was one the changes in the DVD Editions, they decided to redo the old version of the Holo-transmitions with new ones using Ian McDiarmid, who played both New Trilogy Palpatine and Palpatine in ROTJ. Seems logical enough to me.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]Yeah, for the original release of ESB the Emperor was played by an old woman with prosthetics and looked rather silly. In fact, every time I watch it now I?m paying more attention to Palpatine than to the dialogue. Just one of those random bits of trivia.[/color]
[color=green]I just got back from a sleepover party at a friend?s house where we watched the whole series of movies (I swear, this isn?t what I typically do on Friday nights..), and I enjoyed watching them immensely. My only criticism of the Special Edition is the ANH scene with Jabba. It breaks continuity with everything regarding Jabba, and just irks me in general. Maybe it?s just because I?m a canonist, but I hate seeing things like that and tend to let them ruin my movie experience. It?s almost as bad as seeing the Death Star in Episode II. Other than that, I thought it was pretty decent and I enjoyed watching and discussing the movies with friends. You can relate classic style myths to anything? I?m also really looking forward to Episode III, and hoping that Hayden won?t screw up the powerful mystique and general badass-ness that?s come to surround Vader. In other words, nothing resembling extensive dialogue or emotion while behind the mask. That?d kill me.[/color]
Things like these are always fun to write. [quote]Welcome to tonight?s edition of the Imperial Evening News, where our top story tonight is one of tragedy. As you no doubt have heard rumors, an Imperial vessel was hijacked today while passing through the Alderaan system. It was the Emperor?s newest and most promising prototype of the new [I]Lifestar[/I] class ore extractors. These gargantuan ships were designed by top Imperial Scientist Bevel Lemelisk to harvest ore from deep inside large asteroids and uninhabited planetoids, to assist with the current durasteel shortage. Unfortunately, a heavily armed terrorist commando team was able to infiltrate the station and hold it?s population hostage, most of which is made up of the mine workers and their families. A task force of Star Destroyers lead by Darth Vader was launched to attempt mediation, but the fleet arrived to unthinkable horrors. Today, at an indeterminate time, the peaceful beacon of hope to the galaxy known as Alderaan was obliterated by rebel terrorists utilizing the mining laser of the [I]Lifestar[/I]. Search parties were immediately launched to find the station before it could do any more harm. Hours later, an Imperial probe droid spotted massive quantities of debris in the Yavin system. Further inspection revealed a secret rebellion base in the area, which has recently been abandoned. For analysis, we bring you now to our reporter Thom Carn on the boot camp planet of Caridia. [b]Thom[/b]: ?I?m here with the leader of the galaxy?s finest hostage rescue team, the Storm Commandoes. Colonel Madine, what do you make of the destruction of the [I]Lifestar[/I] in the Yavin system?? [b]Colonel Madine[/b]: ?It?s appalling that the Rebellion would attack civilian targets and obliterate a peaceful world. However, it?s clear that when the crew of the station found out what their captors had done through their holonet connections, they began to resist. When the rebels tried to bring the station back to their base, the crew attacked their captors and the fanatical rebels destroyed the station. We all owe an immense debt of gratitude to those citizens who sacrificed themselves so that there would be no more Alderaans.? [b]Thom[/b]: ?Powerful words. Now back to the news desk? The Emperor himself has placed a reward of one hundred million credits for information leading to the capture of rebel terrorist leaders suspected of masterminding the attacks. Unscrupulous and well known terrorist Leia Organa, Imperial fugitive Han Solo, escaped Wookiee slave Chewbacca, an as of yet unidentified teenager and two stolen Imperial droids are all wanted in connection with these attacks. If you know anything about this attack or the whereabouts of the previously mentioned suspects, please relay that information to your local Stormtrooper battalion headquarters. In other news?[/quote]
[color=green]Law and Order is a great show, not only because of it's engaging plots and decent acting, but because you can watch every episode or just one and still enjoy it. I haven't seen CI and don't particularly care for SVU, their plots just don't seem as interesting to me as those of the original series. Even it's reruns blow most other shows out of the water anyways...[/color]
[color=green]Jack took the turbolift directly to Engineering, eager to inspect the warp nacelles and test all of his new toys. As the lift hummed softly, its sole occupant replayed the second officer?s speech in his mind. It?d been mildly inspiring, but had come off more cheesy than anything else. Well, it was a good start anyway. [I]Cheesy? Speaking of cheese, he was feeling hungry?[/I] The doors slid open with a soft whoosh of air, and Lt. Lightstar walked out onto the darkened floor of the engineering room. In its center, a throbbing blue ribbed warp core glowed neon blue, casting a ghoulish glow over the darkened data stations that lined the walls. [b]Jack[/b]: ?Computer, Lights.? [I]The lights automatically blinked on around the cylindrical room, making it suddenly appear much larger.[/I] Activating the nearest terminal, Jack ran a system diagnostic. While the computer processed this large request, Jack walked over to the nearest replicator. [b]Jack[/b]: ?Cheeseburger, salted potato rectangles and carbonated drink three? [I]A soft white glow filled the replicator and swirled away, revealing his order on a plain white plate, next to a clear glass cup.[/I] Jack carried his food back to his workstation and checked the diagnostic readout. All clear. He then ran the last of the tests, activating the battle systems. Each and every one of them checked out perfectly. This ship truly was top of the line. As the last defense system activated, a force field surrounding the warp core, Jack smiled. He?d done years of research on force fields and shield technology. It?d be interesting to tweak their arrays once the ship was out of stardock. [b]Jack[/b]: ?Engineering to Captain Andrus? [b]Andrus[/b]: ?Go ahead.? [b]Jack[/b]: ?Engineering is in tip-top shape. Performance will be tweaked once we leave stardock, and I?ll bet there are a few bugs here to sort out that we haven?t found yet, but the ship is in overall stellar shape.? [b]Andrus[/b]: ?Very well, make the necessary adjustments as you see fit.? Jack grinned, and set to work.[/color]
[quote name='ScirosDarkblade]I'm going to step in here, just because what is said above has just about ZERO logic to it. "Star Wars how George Lucas portrays it," no matter what you may or may not think, [i]IS[/i'] Star Wars, period. His portrayal is all there is to it.[/quote] [color=green]I don?t agree. When an artist completes a work, and releases it to the public, their vision no longer matters. All of their intentions, opinions and notions about their work are marginalized. Their product is now solely judged on what the public thinks of that work, and how [I]they[/I] see it. For example, I can draw an white castle on white paper, and think it?s a stellar work of art, but all that really matters is what others see?[/color] [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1]As with any story the heroes are portrayed in the best possible light, the villains in the worst so as to make it easy to [B]prefer[/B'] one side more easily.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]Just because one side is good and the other side is evil, doesn?t mean that people are predisposed to favor those shown in a good light. In fact, the opposite is quite often true. That?s why most of my friends who are into Star Wars prefer the Empire and why you, I suspect, are attempting to spin in that direction.[/color]
[quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']James I think that point is completely flawed, yes Alderaan and the Death Star are different in terms of appearance and construction but there is no way you can base an argument on the aesthetic appearance of each side.[/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=green]There?s a reason they look different. Lucas is presenting a Zoroastrian vision of the future contained within the boundaries of a classic Greek myth. In this setting, good and evil are clearly defined. Good is light in color, usually white. Evil is its polar opposite, black. Hence Leia?s white dress and Vader?s black armor. Imperial stormtroopers are dressed in white blast armor, symbolizing their [I]attempt[/I] at legitimacy. However, we see their leaders dressed in black. This contrast shows us the difference between the Empire?s outward appearance and it?s true dark heart. The officers of the Empire, in between these points, are appropriately dressed in gray. So when we see the Death Star as a gray ball, attacking an earth-esque planet colored with white, blues and greens, it?s obvious who holds the moral high ground.[/color]
[color=green]I'd just like to point out that the post quality in the Arena, for as long as I've been here, has been slowly and steadily rising. While at times it seems that grammar and spelling have forsaken this section of the forums, in fact there is a balance between the "low quality" and the well thought out, "high quality" RPGs. It's true that some members may not be the best writers, perhaps so much so that many cringe to read their posts, but they [i]will[/i] learn. Through the examples set by older, more mature members who put more time and effort into their stories, they'll learn. When I first joined Otakuboards I created some RPGs and posted a bunch of things that, in retrospect, I wouldn?t even bother reading. Some of my posts lacked spell check and had too many smilies. Yet, through reading and emulating others who seemed to know what they were doing, I was able to ultimately become a better writer. The practice that I got on Otakuboards arguably helped me to become a better writer as much as school did. So I'd ask that those who feel disheartened sometimes have patience and understanding towards those whose writing skills are still developing. It's that patience and friendly attitude that make's Otakuboards special.[/color]