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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [quote name='natetron46']I think the Jedi were, at one time a crutch.[/quote] [color=green]I'll agree that the Jedi helped the Old Republic maintain law and order, but by no means were they ever holding up the entire Republic. At best the Jedi had a guardian in every inhabited solar system in the galaxy. Even the force wasn?t powerful enough for them to single handedly maintain the Republic. Tradition was the last standing pillar of the Old Republic, the pattern eons old that'd served the galaxy well for millennia. When Palpatine finally began to hack away at the blindly followed tradition of democracy and loyal opposition, the Republic imploded.[/color]
  2. [color=green]Lt. Lightstar walked hurriedly through one of the many identical corridors in Starbase 959, towards the transporter room where he'd be relocated atom by atom to his new assignment aboard the U.S.S. Brightstar. As he stepped through the auto-opening doors into the transporter room, he hoped that his stop in the bar hadn?t cost him too much time. It'd be terrible to be late for his first ever staff meeting? [b]Jack[/b]: "Energize" The officer at the controls nodded to him and moved his fingers down the transporter control panel. As he did so, he sneezed and his hand slipped. Lt. Lightstar materialized on the transporter pad of a starship, he could tell by the design of the room, but the lights were off and many of the transporter chips were lying on the floor amongst several tools. It was obvious that this particular transporter room wasn?t in use. Hopefully this wasn?t someone's idea of a practical joke. He hated practical jokes. Jack walked out of the darkener transporter room and into a hallway. After a brief search for a lift, he found one and stated the deck on which the briefing room was located. Hopefully he wouldn?t be late for the briefing? Jack was the last of the officers, besides the Captain, to enter the briefing room and he'd only just sat down when his new commanding officer entered. Jack stood instinctively to attention. [b]Andrus[/b]: ?At ease Lieutenant. As you all know I am Captain Hagen and this is the first officer, Command Aside. Before I take questions let me brief you on our mission and what we know about it so far.? Jack sat, blushing slightly, as the captain explained their mission. [b]Andrus[/b]: "That is all I know for now, any questions?" Jack waited, but nobody asked anything. A slow, awkward silence fell over the room. Surely [i]someone[/i] had a question?[/color]
  3. [color=green]Socialized healthcare is a noble idea, but unlike most socialist ideas, simply doesn?t work. In Canada, everyone has healthcare. The waits for most major operations are much longer than they are here and people are unable to get the same quality of care that they'd be able to enjoy under a private system. The problem with a private system is that not everyone is able to afford healthcare. In our country, this is due mainly to the incredible amount of lawsuits that are filed each year against the medical community. Most of these lawsuits are frivolous, and end up raising insurance costs for the rest of us. If the United States instituted a loser pays policy for lawsuits, then people would think twice before suing and premiums would drop drastically. Most people who support socialized healthcare are "thinking" with their emotions, not their heads. Socialized healthcare is a good idea, but it isn?t practical. Hopefully, this sad system will never be adopted over here. One final note. When I left Australia, there was a big debate over whether or not socialized healthcare should be instituted over there. Is that still going on, or was the issues decided on?[/color]
  4. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']Well think about it, a government that can do something is at least better than a government that can do nothing[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]This is not necessarily true. Would you prefer a government that carries out evil acts, or a government that is impartial? Clearly, the only kind of positive government is one that acts only when necessary and stays out of it's citizens affairs the rest of the time.[/color] [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1'] you'd have to admit that the Empire is at least capable of guarding itself without relying on the Jedi to solve everyone of it's problems.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]So you prefer the "blow up a planet to kill a few dissidents in a population of pacifists" approach? Another thing. The Jedi didn?t solve everyone's problems. They merely did their utmost to help out wherever they could. The Jedi Order was by no means a crutch for the Old Republic.[/color] [quote name='Kane] [SIZE=1']Now if the Vong had faced the full strength of the Empire they would have been fighting a war against an enemy who had the same regard for life as they did, in the end the Yuuzhan Vong were as eager to commit xenocide at the Empire was. [/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]That sounds great! Let's now prefer having two forces of evil, each without regard for life on even the most basic level, fight to the death in a galaxy filled with innocent civilians. I'd prefer having at least one of the warring factions work to protect life whenever possible?[/color] [quote name='Kane] [SIZE=1']The New Republic's ideals although admirable prove to be the main reason it is such a slow body to act[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]That's not a bad thing, at least the New Republic doesn?t shoot first and ask questions later. There comes a point where too much deliberation and not enough action is detrimental, but I'd prefer too much deliberation and careful consideration on a topic to instinctive action that will only be examined in retrospect.[/color] [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']If I remember correctly Dave you once openly said that what the Empire stood for was order not evil, though their policy would seem to reflect that.[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]Just because I enjoy spreading Imperial propaganda doesn?t mean I believe it? Peace through superior firepower should be a joke, not a golden rule.[/color]
  5. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1']Now ask yourself, would you rather live under the secure tyranny of the Empire or the flailing uselessness of the New Republic ?[/SIZE][/quote] [color=green]What kind of silly question is this? I?d rather live under a government that?s ineffective than one in which government/military officials commit atrocities and even genocide on a regular basis without having to answer for their actions. All but one of the galaxy?s species are oppressed and reduced to second class citizens. You said it yourself, the Empire would have used a pathogen to commit xenocide. The New Republic, a government with some sense of right and wrong, decided not to exterminate an entire race even in the face of overwhelming pressure to do so. The New Republic has compassion, honor, decency and ethics. The Empire stands for revisionist history, racism, oppression and brutal military rule. Anyone who?d rather live under the Empire needs their head examined.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Siren']If Stormtroopers were the "Infantry" of the Nazis, what does that make the Old Republic? To put so fine a point on it, that turns the Old Republic into the Nazis.[/quote] [color=green]I don't agree. This was a pivotal point in galactic history, when a democracy that'd flourished for millennia was slowly being crushed to death by it's own weight. Any chance of reversing this crumbling of establishment was eliminated when Palpatine entered the picture. He, like Hitler, was able to skillfully convince a democracy to hand over all it's power to him. I'd liken it more to the Weimar Republic. The Old Republic was a government on the verge of collapse; and Palpatine was it's Hitler.[/color] [QUOTE=Siren]The S.S. were Hilter's elite guard. They were his bodyguards, more or less. Probably one of the most secretive groups in the war, they operated on a level of security and privacy unheard of in the common population. All the citizens knew was that the S.S. was very real. Apart from that, it's safe to say they knew nothing. The S.S. were also very specifically breeded. For an officer to wed, he had to apply, go through an evaluation process. His Intended had to be thoroughly evaluated. The S.S. were breeded, basically. They were a blood-line. What does this have to do with the Old Republic? Let's re-cap what we've learned about the Jedi Lineage: Incredibly secretive group of the most trusted advisors, bodyguards, and elite warriors in the Republic, serving royalty nearly 99% of the time. The Jedi's role of Bodyguard can be seen throughout the Prequels, as Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin are continually assigned to babysit Amidala. In the Original Trilogy, we are told that a Jedi's power comes from a connection to the Force. Force Sensitivity is more mystical than anything else. What do the Prequels tell us? Force Sensitivity, and thus, whether one will become a member of the Jedi Order (Jedi Lineage) is heavily dependent on midi-chlorians, a symbiotic organism found in a person's [i]bloodstream[/i]. The Jedi Order is no different than Hitler's S.S.[/QUOTE] [color=green]While there are some parallels here, I think there's a fundamental difference between these two organizations that you failed to mention. The Jedi exist to serve the people of the Republic. For as long as the Republic has existed they were guardians of peace and justice. Jedi healed the sick and diffused potential conflicts throughout the galaxy. They were a force of good in the galaxy. The S.S. were created to blindly obey orders for Hitler, and to propagate his Arian fantasies. The Jedi never blindly follow orders, and do what they think is right. Just because the main Jedi characters in the prequels spend a large portion of their time working as bodyguards for Republic officials, doesn't immediately open them up to comparisons with the S.S. The S.S. guarded Hitler and other top tier Nazi officials because it was their purpose to do so. The Jedi guarded Amidala to make sure that she wouldn?t come to harm at the hands of terrorists who were trying to kill her, and stop her from voting with the Bail Organa block in the senate. The other ten or so thousand Jedi in the galaxy, especially in Episode I, were working to help citizens of the Republic. They were skilled healers, teachers and protectors of those unable to protect themselves. The Jedi and the S.S. may appear similar, anyone can manipulate the facts to come to any conclusion, but they are fundamentally different. The Jedi are good; the S.S. are evil.[/color] [quote name='Siren']This brings me back to the idea that there is no good or bad in Star Wars, because when you examine the good "from a certain point of view," they're ridiculously absurd and inept and removed from any rational thought, and when you examine the bad "from a certain point of view," they're not all that bad. The good side in fact seems much worse.[/quote] [QUOTE=James]For argument's sake, you could say that if Star Wars were real, this line would be significantly blurred (if you were living in the Empire you might view the Rebels as terrorists, but if you were a Rebel you might view the Empire as an oppressive regime that needs to be removed). But Star Wars isn't real. It's a story.[/QUOTE] [color=green]Exactly.[/color]
  7. [quote name='natetron46']It is kind of her fault, but you cant really blame anyone.[/quote] [color=green]Queen Amidala, after witnessing firsthand how utterly devoid of anything resembling intelligent thought, much less common sense or even acceptable grammar, appointed a completely unknown Gungan to a crucial position within the Galactic Senate. Her poor choice, as Siren noted, was due to her ?playing favorites?. However, I think that the reunification process that began after the repulsion of the Trade Federation attack on Naboo between the Gungans and the Humans of that planet also played a major role in that decision. By appointing Jar Jar, Amidala could appear to be sharing power, but in actuality her Gungan co-ruler was nothing more than a pathetic yes-man. In the end, Amidala?s political and personal mistake in appointing Jar Jar not only betrays her fall into the privileged culture of the ineffective galactic senate. Therefore, she is just as much to blame for the fall of the Old Republic as anyone else. Add to this blunder the fact that her appointee is duped into starting the vote to strip from the citizens of the galaxy many of their dearest rights (Voting to give the Chancellor emergency powers), and Amidala now bears a great deal of responsibility for the rise of the Empire.[/color] [quote name='natetron46']Palpatine was such a snake in the grass, everyone trusted him, he hid his agenda really well.[/quote] [color=green]While Palpitine may have been adept at hiding, to some degree, his political aspirations, I don?t think that everyone trusted him. The short, green, male member of the Jedi council certainly had his doubts. When Yoda talks to Palpitine in Episode II, there?s much more underlying tension than in Episode I. Suspicions are growing at this point, and everyone in the galaxy knows Palpitine is holding onto power for longer than he should. And seriously, the way he delivered that ?I love the Republic? line near the end of Episode II after receiving emergency powers... You?d have to be deaf not to sense the lack of enthusiasm for those words.[/color] [quote name='natetron46']I dont think anyone can be held responsible for what a genius manipulated them to do.[/quote] [color=green]I certainly hope that basic human instincts don?t go out the window when someone smarter than you, even if he/she has significant influence over you, tells you to do something deeply immoral. On some level, you [i]know[/i] what you are doing is wrong. If you know something you are about to do is wrong, and do it anyway, you should be held responsible for committing that act.[/color] [quote name='natetron46']If you look at it Palpatines assent is much like Hitler's.[/quote] [color=green]This I agree with; there are also many parallel that can be drawn from what happened under their reigns.[/color]
  8. [color=green]Far from an echo, Rena's blood-curdling roar was answered with the ear splitting shriek of an eagle. The entire group looked up, amazed. Through a tunnel entrance in the roof poured eagle clones flying in tight formation. Jedgar couldn?t remember when the last time was, before he ran into Crystal, that he'd seen an eagle clone in the tunnels. Yet now eagle clones were pouring down into the tunnel through the roof like water. It was truly an awe inspiring sight. These avian predators would surely bolster the large clone army advancing up from the clone's city. For the first time, Jedgar saw the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. It was as if a tiny rip in the dark veil that'd cast a shadow of doubt over the situation had continued to tear until the entire cloth fell away, leaving a beautiful sunrise in it's place. He pulled the pistol he'd taken from the dead human scout from his belt and smiled. The tide was turning. Jedgar could feel it in his veins. Perhaps this long struggle, the war he's grown up with, would [i]finally[/i] end?[/color]
  9. [color=green]Title matters a great deal when you're trying to promote a movie. Nobody's going to want to go see a movie called "Bob the Jedi's Nap". A film's title, promotionally, is extremely important. That being said, brilliant content can make up for a lackluster title without too much problem. If the first two prequels are any indication, this movie will need at least a decent title to help bolster sub-par content. It'll be interesting to see if this movie returns to the quality that we saw with the original trilogy, instead of the mediocre prequels that have been plagued by laughable dialogue and characters that can only be described as stomach churning mind-boggling disasters. Star Wars may very well be remembered by many based on what they see in this last movie. Hopefully people will remember this film as a stellar ending to a brilliant series, instead of a dying gasp from a storyline that's already milked for all it's worth. [spoiler]And with regard to what Kane said about Anakin getting thrashed by Obi-Wan, which seems improbable based on the extent to which we see Anakin's force powers rising in Episode II? Maybe it's not a fair fight. Perhaps Anakin kills Jar Jar after almost beating Obi-Wan and then is corroded near to death by Gungan stomach acid?[/spoiler][/color]
  10. [color=green]Actually it's Anakin who's turning to the good side (Which was erroneously labeled the "Dark" side by that rebel sympathizer George Lucas) and Obi-Wan who remains on the bad (Oddly labeled the "Light" side). There'll be more on that later. And yeah, I'm not too thrilled with the title either. There were a bunch of others being floated around, and most of them blow the current title out of the water. Not like Lucas will change it though, [URL=http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/af/content/escape_tatooine]his ego is bigger than his head.[/URL][/color]
  11. [color=green]This whole Kinsey scale thing, along with experimentation, bothers me. I guess I can see people experimenting once, but the whole idea of bisexuality just bothers me. If someone's gay or lesbian, that's fine; I just don?t understand how someone can like people of [i]both[/i] genders. It's probably just me, but sometimes it seems like there is a growing group of people out there who'll **** anything that moves. So my response would have to be that once is fine, but either you drop it completely or be that way. Having the "best" of both worlds? ?strikes me personally as wrong. In the end, you'll need to decide what your sexual identity is for yourself and live with that. So long as you're comfortable with yourself and who you are, I guess that'll be the right thing for you.[/color]
  12. [b]1. What were your favorite toys (if you had any)?[/b] [color=green]My favorite toys were probably Legos, I used to have buckets full and build all sorts of crazy things out of them. I don?t remember playing with my friends using Legos; I'd usually go outside and play whatever instead. They really are great toys, since they allow you to build pretty much whatever you can think of out of them. I think I stopped playing with Legos around fifth-sixth grade, and gave almost all of mine to my little brother last year.[/color] [b]2. What did you think of the toys then?[/b] [color=green]Well, I thought that most of the stuff I had was pretty neat and there was always something in the Lego catalog that I thought was the epitome of cool. That is, until I had to clean up my room after dumping heaps of Legos all over the place?[/color] [b]3. What do you think of the toys now?[/b] [color=green]Legos are probably still one of the better kinds of toys out there, and they don?t seem silly or stupid in retrospect. I guess I just grew out of them, and found more interesting and complex things to play with (Like computer games).[/color] [b]4. What do you think of the stereotypes that some toys seem to encourage?[/b] [color=green]Well, looking at the action figures with guns bigger than the person holding them and Barbie dolls with breasts that rival their owners head's in terms of size? Boys are being pushed to be bigger, stronger and more muscular, while girls are being pushed to be as attractive as possible. It's a little scary to think about and probably why my mom never let my sister get Barbie dolls or me to buy toy guns. It's hard to say if that made a whole lot of difference, but it can't have hurt.[/color]
  13. [color=green]I'm going to be a junior in high school this coming fall, and this is the first summer I've actually looked forward to returning to school from summer vacation. There's a whole lot going on right now at home, and I'd just rather be out of the house. It's also a hell of a lot easier for me to get out and see my friends during the school year, especially since I'm apt to hide in the basement and sit on the computer all day unless I [i]have[/i] to do something. So yeah, I'll be happy to go back to school right before labor day.[/color]
  14. [quote name='Transtic Nerve']Did he sayhe was gay or did he just say he had an affair with a man?[/quote] [color=green]He said [URL=http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2004-08-12-nj-governor-text_x.htm]both[/URL].[/color]
  15. [color=green]I never took the bus? :shifty: In any case, I had no idea what most of the things you brought up were in any more than a general sense anyway. So it doesn?t surprise me that you brought in other semi-related material at times. Then again, you probably didn?t know much/anything about the various Star Wars weapons and ships I brought up earlier. Just thinking about the whole situation makes me laugh now. In other news, there's a new [URL=www.starwarsgalaxies.com]SWG[/URL] SWG expansion that's coming out this Fall. So if anyone's going to buy it and/or the game itself, you should play on Kettemoor. PT was playing there a little while ago and I'm on pretty regularly. The game's actually much better than people are making it out to be, especially since they reintroduced NPC weapons. ? just in case anyone cares.[/color]
  16. [color=green]Not sure if this has been mentioned before but there's an [URL=http://lotr.ugo.com/animation/hobbit/]animated version of [u]The Hobbit[/u][/URL] that's been out for a while now. It's rather condensed, but it does a rather good job of following the plotline and staying true to the book. A [URL=www.google.com]Google[/URL] search revealed that a company called [URL=http://rankinbass.com/]Rankin-Bass[/URL] Studios produced the movie, but despite images relating to LOTR on their site, I can find no other mention of the movie there.[/color]
  17. [color=green]Well? when I was in third grade? I remember running around at recess playing star wars with various members of my class. I think that was around the time of the release of the Special Edition's release. Looking back on it, the whole thing seems rather silly with all of us running around proclaiming ourselves to be Darth Vader, etc. and flying around in the Deathstar. I'm sure it was much less laughable at the time. ;) In seventh grade, Ben and I used to verbally duel, or something to that effect. He'd say he attacked me with something Digimon related and I'd counter with something Science Fiction related (Usually Star Wars related). I was such a goof back in middle school? So yeah, you're not alone DW.[/color]
  18. [color=green]I wouldn?t mess with the gender of any of my children, unless I had several of one gender and badly (for whatever reason) wanted another of the opposite gender. Only then would I mess with the gender of any of my unborn children. In any case, the power to control which gender of will be born is one that could, in obvious ways, drastically change our lives. I'd be willing to bet that, since in some cultures it's preferable to have a boy rather than a girl, any widespread/common use of gender selection would make it very difficult to get a girlfriend, in any case.[/color]
  19. [color=green]Governor McGrevy's announcement that he is gay sure was unexpected and it's good that he's resigning, although I'm surprised his resignation isn?t immediate. Not that I have any trouble with a gay governor; his affair and the disturbing allegations surrounding it should be (and are) the reason for his departure from public office. Not exactly the best person to become America's first gay governor?[/color]
  20. [color=green]I'd have to say, that while I've had my fair share of maddening moments while playing games, the worst would have to be trying to get a "S" campaign rank in [u]Advance Wars[/u]. I played through it a number of times and was only able to get a high "A". Eventually I did get it after finally scoring better than a C on the last level, which was a nightmare. It's one of my favorite games, especially while playing with friends. Unfortunately I rarely get the chance to play, except on the way back from fencing practices; there's a group of us who play on the bus rides to and from the tournaments. Oddly enough, I [i]still[/i] haven?t unlocked all the COs?[/color]
  21. [spoiler]It's official, Episode III finally has a name. [u]Revenge of the Sith[/u] will be the title of the third star wars film, according to [URL=http://www.starwars.com]Star Wars.com[/URL] There's also a heap of other spoilers available on the [URL=http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/]Episode III Website[/URL], but they're only available to [URL=http://www.starwars.com/hyperspace/]Hyperspace[/URL] members. Since membership to the Hyperspace "Fanclub" costs $40, I haven?t joined. It's way too much money for me to pay for all the things that'll be "declassified" once [u]Revenge of the Sith[/u] comes out in the summer of 2005.[/spoiler] [color=green]I'm also curious, for everyone awaiting the release of the third installment of the prequel trilogy, are you going to remain spoiler free for this movie? Do you have any special plan for seeing it? I decided to a while ago, seeing as this will be supposedly the last Star Wars movie. In addition, knowing the story to Episode II made seeing the movie less enjoyable than it'd have been otherwise. So far it looks like I'll be out in California for next summer and will wait in line with all the other nerds after going to the 2nd SWG convention.[/color]
  22. [color=green]His fish nearly complete in it's disturbing transformation from glittering scaled creature to skeletal remains, Jedgar hopped down off the root he'd been sitting on and landed gracefully on the cave floor. The clones were finally, after what seemed like an eternity of mindless instinctive combat with the cave scorpions, at rest. Rena was sitting back and relaxing, the bird [i]- He could never remember her name ?[/i] was preening again after briefly stopping to consult with Grim, and Alaris was supposedly bringing reinforcements. If Ben didn?t have the wave generator offline when the reinforcements arrived to assist with the human horde that was reportedly approaching... He didn?t want to think about the slaughter that'd ensue. Although Jedgar had never known Ben to fail, this mission would be an extraordinary test of his powers. Should he die, it was almost certain that their entire party would perish. [i]At the first sign of trouble, it'd be best to slink off and let the others make their heroic last stand. He'd be looking out for himself, as was the weasel clone way?[/i][/color]
  23. [B]Name:[/B] Jack Lightstar [B]Age [Terran Years]: [/B] 37 [B]Date of Birth:[/B] July 8th, 2350 [B]Marital Status:[/B] [strike]Lonely[/strike] Single [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20616[/IMG] Unkempt and generally disheveled, Jack thinks of little else but warp nacelles. [B]Height:[/B] 1.7m [B]Weight:[/B] 136KG [B]Hair Color:[/B] Brown [B]Eye Color:[/B] Brown [B]Species:[/B] ¼ Romulan, ¾ Human [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Place of Birth:[/B] Brussels, European Alliance, Earth [B]Languages:[/B] English and French [B]Interests:[/B] Alien technology and artwork [B]Position Applied For:[/B] Chief Engineer [B]Education:[/B] [LIST] [*]2357-2362 Primary Education, Brussels [*]2362-2367 Secondary Education, Brussels [*]2368-2372 Starfleet Academy, San Francisco [*]2372-2375 Trilithium Research, Alice Springs[/LIST] [B]Service Record:[/B] [LIST] [*]2368-2369 First Year Cadet [*] 2369-2370 Second Year Cadet [*]2370-2371 Third year Cadet [*] 2371-2372 Fourth Year Cadet [*]2372-2375 Trilithium Research, Warp Systems Specialist [*]2375-2380 U.S.S. Gnort, Matter/Energy Systems Specialist [*]2380-2386 U.S.S. Alexandria, Assistant Chief Engineering Officer [*]Present U.S.S. Brightstar, Chief Engineering Officer[/LIST] [B]Background:[/B] Born in Brussels to a half Romulan Mother and Human father, Jack was a pretty normal kid. While in primary school he became enthralled with models, and soon began collecting and building model starships that were as perfect as he could make them. This didn?t satisfy his newfound fascination with starships, and he soon began to read all manner of material on the vessels. His parents assumed this was just a phase their son was in, and that it would soon pass, but Jack entered secondary school more enamored than ever with the gleaming metal craft that traversed the stars. His focus narrowed to warp engines near his senior year in secondary school, and it became a forgone conclusion that he would attend the academy. Possessions packed, goodbyes given and mind made-up, Jack boarded a shuttle in 2368 and went off to the academy. Although he was a stellar student, Jack nearly failed out of the academy his first year because he couldn?t keep up with the fitness requirements. His friends were able to help him pull through, and he emerged much healthier. The next three years flew by; before he knew it Jack was graduating. He'd surpassed most of his professors in warp theory and was in charge of maintenance for the school shuttlecraft by the time he left the academy. From there he worked for three years as an assistant to several leading Scientists studying trilithium before serving on starships. Although his work is commendable, his rise through the ranks has been slowed by his sub par leadership skills. Upon his promotion to Chief Engineering Officer on the Insignia class starship U.S.S. Brightstar, Jack decided to make a fresh start. He's resolved to take care of himself, keep his weight under control and, most importantly, talk to people? [B]Personality Profile:[/B] Jack is a brilliant engineer, but not cut out for command. He spends almost all of his spare time tinkering with the ship's engines and often forgets things normal people would take for granted: eating healthy, shaving, exercising, etc. He seems off in his own little world most of the time, and displays only marginal leadership skills at best. [B]Special Notes:[/B] Jack has a cat, Roger, who is constantly at his side.
  24. [color=green]Sounds interesting to me, It's been a long time since I've seen a Star Trek RPG in the "Adventure Inn".[/color]
  25. [color=green]Jedgar leaned against the damp but firm cave wall, scowling at Rena with his ash grey eyes. While he was impressed with her unique combat skills, he wished she could come up with something less messy. Odorless would be a plus too, he thought as the putrid stench of shredded cave scorpion intestines began permeate the stale air of the tunnel. Eager to distance himself from the bloody, mutilated carcass of Rena's latest kill, the weasel-clone walked briskly towards the chameleon clones, which were cautiously circled around three cave scorpions which were fighting back-to-back. Drawing his double-bladed dagger from its sheath, he bent his knees and sprang upwards. As his head neared the ceiling, Jedgar grabbed hold of a protruding root and pulled himself onto it as one would sit on a swing. From this vantage point he observed the Chameleon clones, of which he could only make out shadows and faint outlines in the dim light; continue to infuriate their foes by appearing and then disappearing randomly. From behind him, he could hear Ben and the other clones talking softly. He hoped Ben would find some way to end this whole affair quickly, he was growing hungry?[/color]
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