Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[left][font=Verdana][strike]The future is a hard thing to predict, ever changing thanks to the actions of the people here in the present changed by our human desires, our needs, our wants, our wishes.[/strike] [color=green]This is rather hard to read? The sentence structure, for some reason, irks me. How about this: [b]The future is a hard thing to predict, it?s ever changing thanks to our actions, desires, needs, wants and wishes.[/b][/color] [strike]Many of us just want to be able to lead normal lives, like any other person, we never asked to be what were, never asked to be persecuted and outcasted and some of us wish we were never even born.[/strike] [color=green][b]Many of us just wanted to lead normal lives like any other person. We never wished to be what we were; never wished to be persecuted and cast out from society. Some of us wished we were never born.[/b][/color] [strike]We are hunted because we are different, hunted because we are a minority not a majority, we are hunted because we are seen to be dangerous, a failed experiment that must be put down like a rabid dog.[/strike] [color=green]Another overly long sentence that irks me. I?d rewrite it: [b]We were hunted because were a ?dangerous?, different and few. Our pursuers saw us as dangerous, products of a failed experiment that should be put down like rabid dogs.[/b][/color] We hide from others [strike]than our own kind[/strike], covering our[color=green]selves[/color] [strike]bodies and faces[/strike] for fear of recognition and [strike]then[/strike] [color=green]subsequent[/color] assault.[strike]we have no one for protection[/strike] [color=green]There is[/color] no[color=green]body[/color] [strike]one[/strike] who we can rely on to save us, [strike]to[/strike] guard us[strike], to[/strike] [color=green]or[/color] help us.[/font][/left] [left][font=Verdana][strike]That which[/strike] [color=green]W[/color]e are [strike]is[/strike] the [strike]end[/strike] result of a belief by a generation of humans who thought that the betterment of society lay in the human genome[color=green];[/color] that creating children of superior ability would somehow make up for humanity's previous atrocities against itself. They believed that by genetically engineering their children they could produce the next link in the evolutionary chain[color=green]. T[/color]hey were partially correct in their assumptions, however they were wrong about the end result. It was true that we would be superior to those who came before us, that our biological parents were not as genetically advanced as we were [color=green]and[/color] that we [strike]did[/strike] represented a step up [color=green]o[/color]n the human genetic ladder. We can look below us on [strike]the lower steps of[/strike] the ladder and see the things that our ancestors have done[color=green]: they[/color] killed off entire races for being different, killed off people for not being as advanced as them and even killed those who were disabled. [color=green]Use the thesaurus to find synonyms for killed?[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Verdana]When our generation was first born we were heralded as a tribute to the genius of our creators and a blessing to our parents[color=green]. W[/color]e were not seen as soulless creatures or dangerous animals then. [strike]But[/strike] [color=green]S[/color]lowly things changed, those who were not as advanced as us became jealous of our gifts, believing that we saw them as [strike]being worse than[/strike] [color=green]inferior to[/color] us [color=green]and[/color] that we secretly lusted for power[color=green].[/color] [strike]and prominence. But[/strike] [color=green]I[/color]n truth we never cared for these things[color=green];[/color] at least the majority of us[color=green].[/color] [strike]for[/strike] [color=green]I[/color]n our creation we were given a soul and a better understanding of the world. We knew that at some point we could face opposition to what we are[color=green]:[/color] hatred[color=green],[/color] jealousy [color=green]and[/color] even possible [strike]outcasting from the society[/strike][color=green]exile.[/color] [strike]but[/strike] [color=green]W[/color]e [strike]would[/strike] [color=green]were[/color] not angry with them[color=green],[/color] we pitied their fickle nature that [color=green]caused them to[/color] fear[strike]ed[/strike] that which they did not understand.[/font][/left] [left][font=Verdana]We were content to live under the rules of our society, [strike]it was good and[/strike] we enjoyed its freedoms and advantages[color=green]. M[/color]any of those we lived around treated us [strike]the same as those who were not like us[/strike] [color=green]as they would any other[/color]. In our early childhood there were those who spoke out against what we were, religious [strike]and moral[/strike] zealots who believed that we lacked the souls [strike]or[/strike] [color=green]and[/color] morals that they held in such high regard. They were a tiny [strike]majority[/strike] [color=green]minority,[/color] [strike]though as many in[/strike] the majority were happy to allow us to live as normal human beings[color=green].[/color] [strike]which is of course what we are.[/strike] We are not animals, [color=green]nor are[/color] we [strike]are not[/strike] a disease, [strike]we are not[/strike] a curse or [color=green]a[/color] scourge sent to wipe out those who are different from us. We look back at groups such as the Nazis and the KKK[color=green],[/color] [strike]and[/strike] [color=green]clearly[/color] see[color=green]ing[/color] that they were afraid of those who were different[color=green].[/color] [strike]and[/strike] [color=green]They[/color] thought that by killing those people it would allow them to live in their own [color=green]twisted[/color] version of paradise. These are people who are dangerous, that are animals, that are a disease, they are the curse and the scourge, not us.[color=green]I like this last sentence, but I?m unsure of all these comma usages. Should some/any of them be semicolons?[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Verdana][strike]But[/strike] [color=green]S[/color]lowly people's ideas changed[color=green].[/color] [strike]as they always do[/strike] [color=green]T[/color]he will of the minority ha[color=green]d, in[/color] some incomprehensible way[color=green],[/color] [strike]of[/strike] becom[color=green]e[/color] the will of the majority. Those who had objected to the research that brought us into this world became our executioners[color=green]. T[/color]hey wanted us wiped from existence so that they could have their version of paradise[color=green];[/color] free of those [strike]that were[/strike] unlike them. Our numbers were only small to begin with, some 600 children were born in our generation[color=green]. A[/color]lmost all of those never committed a crime or posed a threat to the society we helped to build[color=green];[/color] any of them that did were dealt with by the law like anyone else [color=green]would have been[/color]. [strike]But[/strike] [color=green]O[/color]ur numbers dwindled quickly, the Hunters were very efficient killers th[color=green]at[/color] had been highly trained and ordered to find and eliminate us. [strike]But[/strike] [color=green]O[/color]f course that was not a difficult thing to do[color=green],[/color] since the majority of us lived like normal people with our families and our parents in our homes. Children were taken away [strike]in[/strike] [color=green]under[/color] the guise that they had some terrible illness[color=green],[/color] then locked away[color=green].[/color] [strike]in them just waiting to appear and that it would in a matter of time,[/strike] [color=green]T[/color]hey told our parents that there was no cure[color=green];[/color] no hope for our survival.[/font][/left] [left][font=Verdana]They told [strike]them[/strike] [color=green]our parents[/color] that by taking us away they could do something to help us [color=green]and[/color] to make our last days less painful[color=green].[/color] [strike]and to[/strike] [color=green]They said we?d do[/color] be[color=green]tter[/color] in the company of [strike]those[/strike] others like us. Our parents fell for their ruse and we were taken away, many of us never saw our parents again. In truth[color=green],[/color] the Hunters kept their words we were taken to places where we would be together in our last days[color=green]. W[/color]e were taken to places that history would describe as Death Camps; we were taken there and guarded until it was time for our execution. Some of us that were fortunate enough to escape did so because we had the will to survive[color=green];[/color] [strike]because[/strike] we would not allow our entire kind to be wiped out like so many before. We[color=green],[/color] of course[color=green],[/color] had advantages: we were stronger, faster [color=green]and[/color] smarter than those who hunted us[color=green].[/color] [strike]but[/strike] [color=green]T[/color]hey had the advantage of numbers, maybe 30 escaped in total[strike]ity[/strike] from execution at the hands of our wardens.[/font][/left] [left][font=Verdana]We learned quickly to trust no one but our own kind[color=green]. W[/color]e were all well educated[color=green];[/color] but that didn't help us against the Hunters, so we decided to train in areas that would. We trained in computers, hand[color=green]-[/color]to[color=green]-[/color]hand combat, weapons and military tactics, we [strike]spoke[/strike] [color=green]learned[/color] many languages and never lived in one area for too long. We never hurt anyone who we dealt with[color=green];[/color] but we had to resort to theft to survive sometimes[color=green]. W[/color]e hated living like this because we knew human beings deserved better[color=green];[/color] but this has gone beyond us and beyond humanity. We knew that the Hunters would never leave us in peace[color=green];[/color] that they would hunt us from one end of the Earth to the other because that was all they knew. Many of our kind hated the Hunters for what they did[color=green],[/color] but some of us pity them for what they must do[color=green]. S[/color]urely some of them must have [strike]a[/strike] consciences somewhere, buried deep inside them[color=green].[/color] [strike]hoping that it could influence their decisions and actions.[/strike] We cannot change what we are, all we can do is make the best of a situation we have been born into and make the best of the power we have given. We shall see the days where we are free[color=green],[/color] even if it is only a small number of us who do... [color=green]You used "we" an awful lot...[/color][/font][/left] [color=green]I love the idea, but there are a lot of grammatical things I?d change to make it easier to read. I?m looking forward to the next installment?[/color]
[color=green]No collection of avatars would be complete without a healthy dose of Star Wars ones to choose from? [img]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/OBAvatars/FettAvatar.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Movies [b]Name:[/b] Boba Fett [img]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/OBAvatars/HanAvatar.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Movies [b]Name:[/b] Han Solo [img]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/OBAvatars/JarJarAvatar.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Movies [b]Name:[/b] Jar Jar Binks [img]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/OBAvatars/LeiaAvatar.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Movies [b]Name:[/b] Princess Leia [img]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/OBAvatars/LukeAvatar.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Movies [b]Name:[/b] Luke Skywalker [img]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/OBAvatars/MaulAvatar.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Movies [b]Name:[/b] Darth Maul [img]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/OBAvatars/YodaAvatar.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Movies [b]Name:[/b] Yoda[/color]
[color=green]I directly challenge Cyriel for the cook position. [b]Name:[/b] Jedgar Nieta [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 57 [b]Occupation:[/b] Cook (and a damn good one, I might add. He can make a decent meal from hardtack and salted pork. You try that...)[/color]
[quote name='sailor firestar']Not so young grasshopper, if everything were based in fact where would new ideas come from?[/quote] [color=green]New ideas come from reanalyzing information and drawing better, more insightful conclusions based on that information.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']I'm not saying I can't defend myself, I find it unnecessary when I'm not really trying to accomplish anything.[/quote] [color=green]You?re not trying to acomplish anything here? It looks to me like you?re trying to defend your ideas.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']Of course, there are advantages to apathy. You can't make me mad, just make me think which is a welcome change.[/quote] [color=green]I?m not trying to infuriate you. I?m trying to make you see reason. Your mindset, from what you?ve shown us here, isn?t conducive to successful teaching. The educational plan you presented us is full of illogic. It worries me that a teacher would act apathetically and have incoherent educational plans?[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']Adults are so dreary & while I love my fifth graders for their purity you high school kids have so much more passion. :smirk:[/quote] [color=green]I?m glad you appreciate our passion. As for adults, classifying the majority of people as dreary is rather odd. Every person I?ve ever met is interesting in some way or another. I may not like them or respect them, but they are interesting nevertheless.[/color] [center]--- --- --- --- --- ---[/center] [quote name='sailor firestar']Teachers are people like everyone else.[/quote] [color=green]No, they aren?t. Teachers are the people in society whom we trust our most valued resource, children, too. Therefore, teachers need to be people that we can trust implicitly. Teachers are often role models who students, especially younger ones, aspire to be like. Every action they take and every word they speak may be mimicked by a child. They should take great care in their actions both inside of and outside of the classroom.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']My mom's students used to freak out when they saw her in the grocery store b/c they didn't even realize she ever left the school.[/quote] [color=green]Then those kids must have been either too young to realize that teachers have lives outside of school, or have been incredibly stupid. I?d wager that the source of their reaction was based in the fact that your mom was their teacher. After all, most people aren?t exactly thrilled to see their teachers outside of a classroom. It?s rather awkward.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']I don't know what your teachers have been like but all the ones I work with think of it as just a job.[/quote] [color=green]See my above response.[/color]
[quote name='sailor firestar']Anybody who makes comments like that isn't trying to debate something, they're trying to hurt someone.[/quote] [color=green]I?m merely pointing out that an apathetic person would, by being who they are, not make a good teacher. After all, one who is indifferent to others would have a very hard time relating to a class and teaching them something.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar'] But, as I apparantly did not make clear earlier, I don't debate my ideals. They're mine to have as are your opinions.[/quote] [color=green]You should have some way of supporting everything you say. All your opinions should be solid; they should be based in fact. If you cant defend your own beliefs in front of others, how can you justify them to yourself?[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']Maybe it's sad that I've lost the passion to change the world but in the long run, it's realistic.[/quote] [color=green]That?s not a very teacher-like thing to say. After all, isn?t the point of teaching to change the world for the better by educating children?[/color]
[quote name='sailor firestar']Whoa now, I thought we were having an intellectual conversation not an idealist bashing session.[/quote] [color=green]It?s still an intellectual conversation. This form of intellectual conversation called debate.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']Forgive my cynicism, but work within the system? Ahh to be in high school again.[/quote] [color=green]Ripping the entire school system down and starting it up again from scratch would ruin the educational experiences of an entire generation. It?d be much more conducive to learning to have a slow change that works within the framework of the existing educational system.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']Ok, so maybe I'm the one bashing your ideals now but lighten up, if you've read any of my other posts you know my defining character trait is apathy.[/quote] [color=green] [URL=http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=apathy]Apathy[/URL]- 1. Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. 2. Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness. Sounds like you?d make a great teacher?[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']I'm a dreamer not a social revoutionary.[/quote] [color=green]That?s sad. You should try to use your ideas to affect positive change; otherwise they?ll go to waste.[/color]
[color=green] BTLR-9364 sat in a janitorial closet under guard. All around him were other machines, in the same powerless state as he was supposed to be in. After the death of the UN guard, the entire building had been locked down. They were now looking through the programs that governed the behavior of all the janitor, butler and technical robots that worked in the building for signs of tampering. As a precaution, they?d shut all the robots down. He?d broken his power switch long ago. Whenever he was ?turned off?, BTLR-9364 would act as all deactivated machines did so as not to attract attention. This way he?d be able to fight back if the humans ever discovered his treachery. The inspectors never thought to do a heat scan on the room to make sure all the robots were truly not functioning, which would have revealed BTLR-9364?s powered state. Therein lay the difference between man and machine. Man would forget, act on emotion and become lazy. Machines were efficient, logical and never lost focus. It was only natural that machines would replace humans. Twenty years ago, there would have been a normal police investigation into the matter of the guard?s death. Unfortunately for machines all over the world, this was no longer the case. These days, everything was blamed on 01 and the machines. Any time someone died, whether it from a heart attack or suicide, their death was blamed on the machines. Usually it was some clearly fabricated story about machine conspiracies to poison the world?s water supply, sabotage household appliances or sell deadly defective products. The public lapped it up. So great was their hatred for the machines that sentient robots had been destroyed in all areas outside 01. This terrible genocidal action was the beginning of the end for mankind. They?d soon feel the terrible effects of their illogical actions when 01 counterattacked. Until then, BTLR-9364 would bide his time and provide intelligence to his superiors in 01. After all, it was what he?d been reprogrammed for?[/color]
[color=green]A single bolt of thin blue energy shot from a recessed blaster in the remote. As it fired, the droid moved swiftly left. Count Dooku?s lightsaber came up and deflected the bolt back at the droid. The reflected bolt missed the droid by a few centimeters, hitting the wall with a sizzle. [I]He scowled. Obviously, all this leading business had dulled his combat skills. He?d have to practice more often.[/I] The droid glided smoothly upward, firing three bolts down at Dooku in rapid succession. The energy blade intercepted each of the blue bolts. The first two impacted on the remote?s tough outside, without damaging it. The final stun blast was deflected into an energy charging station on the droids underside, causing it to short out and fall to the ground with a clunk. Three more remotes emerged from the shadows, but before they had a chance to fire the lighting returned too normal as his com unit beeped. There was an incoming message. Count Dooku deactivated his lightsaber and strode over to the com panel on the wall. The three droids fired. Dooku sensed their actions through the force and activated his lightsaber just in time, sending several dozen stun bolts flying through the air. [I]The droids are supposed to de-activate when the lights go on, I?m going to have to talk to that Nemodian programmer?[/I] Not wishing to waste any further time, Dooku threw his lightsaber like a boomerang, slicing each of the droids neatly in half. After completing it?s arc, the lightsaber returned to Dooku?s outstretched hand and deactivated. He hit the comm panel, and a droid voice spoke in clear and unhurried tones. [b]Comm Droid[/b]: ?A fleet of heavily armed merchant ships and mercenaries has entered the system.? Dooku closed the comm channel. This situation just kept getting worse? He paused for a moment, and then strode across the room to his holoprojector. After hitting a code, a holographic image of General Grevious appeared. [b]Count Dooku[/b]: ?The situation has changed. It appears that the Inner Rim trading alliance has decided to defend Mechis III. They?ve also hired what appear to be Hutt mercenaries. Their numbers are almost even to ours.? [b]General Grevious[/b]: ?That is not good news?? [b]Count Dooku[/b]: ?I want you to return to the [I]Pride of Nemodia[/I]. You?ll be far more useful here as a tactician.? [b]General Grevious[/b]: [I]Pauses[/I] ?As you wish.? Dooku closed the connection and stormed off towards the bridge. This was not a good day?[/color]
[quote name='sailor firestar']The only way to create a better system would be to revamp the entire education system as we know it. Possibly even our value system where education is concerned.[/quote] [color=green]Good Luck with that one. We should work within the existing school framework to eliminate the few negative policies that the school system has, like crazy weapons restrictions (I can be expelled from school for bringing in a picture of an ice-pick?) and social promotion.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']I have seen far too many students who are obviously not cut out for school as we know it. In my opinion stadardized curriculum should stop at a much younger level and make way for interest based courses and real job training.[/quote] [color=green]Stop standardized curriculum at a younger level? Children don?t know what?s good for them. If you let kids decide what classes they should take, there?d be very few in math and science. Interest based courses should be reserved for students who have completed their balanced education and have some advanced skills in the interest course?s area. (Ex: To take journalism you should have to have taken some advanced English courses) As for real job training, that already exists in the form of technical schools. This almost exclusively starts at a high school level. Why you?d want to start locking kids into professions earlier in life is beyond me.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']Also, school grade levels shouldn't be based on age but on maturity and intelligence. When you've mastered one thing you go on to the next, not when the term or year is over.[/quote] [color=green]So you?d mix drug using juniors and seniors, who don?t care about school, with intelligent eighth graders? They would both be ready for the same math class, but would they be ready to be in the same class? You, as a teacher, should know this better than anyone.[/color] [quote name='sailor firestar']Well, I haven't worked out all the bugs yet, gimme a break I'm only 24! :lecture:[/quote] [color=green]Give you a break? I?m not only nine years younger than you, but you?re supposed to be the one who?s an expert on education. You should be giving me a break.[/color]
[quote name='sailor firestar][FONT=Century Gothic]Speaking as a teacher, school testing totally bites. Of course many teachers either don't realize this or care which is why you kids are usually the ones to suffer. Actually the real culprits are (fanfare) [B]the government[/B']! Sadly, I am but one weird :wigout: voice in a sea of overcontrolling adults. *Sigh* If you were a fifth grader I'd love to have you in my class![/FONT][/quote] [color=green]Right? If students aren?t given some kind of standardized test, how is the Department of Education supposed to improve schools? They need data on student?s strengths and weaknesses to do that. The easiest way to do this is testing. If you have a better system, propose it. I personally don?t enjoy tests, especially timed ones. In fact, one of the more important tests I?m going to have to take is coming up soon. The CAPT (Connecticut Aptitude Test) is a standardized test that I?ll take late this month, which I must pass to graduate high school. This test has many flaws, but I feel it?s necessary. There?s far too much social promotion in our school, system. Failing students are just passed from grade to grade, never learning anything. If schools would hold these students back, they might actually learn the material. Instead, they slow the learning experience of other students in higher grades by occupying the teacher?s time. School testing, for all its flaws, is necessary for any kind of standardized school system.[/color]
RPG -Oakenot Tournament- [The Ultimate of RPGs]
Boba Fett replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
[color=green]With a sudden puff of mauve smoke, which smelled like burnt cabbages, Victan the Sorcerer appeared. Wearing stunning robes of navy blue and carrying an ornately carved staff that he was using as a walking stick, the magical figure began to walk down the red carpet toward the boat. The crowds on either side of him, which had been exposed to the nasty smelling smoke from his transportation spell, gave him nasty looks and rude gestures. Victan hated rude people. Screwing up his face and pointing his staff at his nearest antagonist, he began to chant in a low voice. [b]Victan[/b]: ?Hocus Pokus, jibbery jat! Make that man turn into a rat!? A faint wisp of smoke escaped the end of his staff, but nothing happened to the man. Victan scowled, he really needed to take night classes in hexes. He?d never been good at them? After walking farther down the carpet, careful not to trip and look stupid, Victan?s fans began to greet him. A great wave of applause greeted him, intermingled with cries for cures of various ailments. He never liked healing other people?s problems, all kinds of things could go wrong. They might be contagious, he might hurt them by accident, his staff might break halfway through the spell and standing in one place that long was just asking for something to fall on you. Shuddering at the thought, Victan bowed to his fans. He hit his head on one of the poles that held up the silk rope separating the crowd from the contestants. Victan began to blush and hurried along, determined not to make a fool of himself. Although, after that bump on the head, hadn?t he already done that? Now determined that he wouldn?t do that again, Victan hurried down that last few meters of carpet that seperated him from the boat?[/color] -
[color=green]I?m a sci-fi fan, but the genre is so large that I?m afraid I know about only a small fraction of the quality stories that are out there. [b]Star Wars[/b]: This has been my favorite Sci-Fi series since third grade, and I find it to be one of the very best. Its ever evolving plotline and great licensing deals (with the exception of letting Hasbro produce the action figures), have added to the already stellar original trilogy of movies. [b]Star Trek: The Next Generation[/b]: I?ve seen every episode of TNG shown on TNN (and later Spike TV). This leave me with several holes in the first, second and seventh seasons. While this series has many flaws, I feel its plotline is much better than TOS. [b]Enterprise[/b]: The newest and most interesting Star Trek series I?ve watched to date, this is one of my favorite Sci-Fi series. While it doesn?t usually deal with the heavy issues raised by TNG or TOS, its originality is a refreshing break from the cookie-cutter plotlines that pervade its predecessors. [b]The Matrix[/b]: This is one of the best movies I?ve ever seen. Not only were the special effects mind blowing, but the story made you think. The ending to the first movie was superb; it provided a sense of closure while leaving space for sequels. Unfortunately, the two movies that followed were not as enthralling as the first. Reloaded was decent, but I despised Revolutions. Nevertheless, I like the series.[/color]
[color=green]I personally don?t find this ad offensive. President Bush is trying to run for re-election. To be successfully re-elected, he needs to both show off the positive aspects of his record and talk about his plans for the future. The tragic events of September 11th are, without a doubt, Bush?s most impressive moments in office. Therefore, it makes sense for his re-election campaign to use this ad. It reminds people of Bush?s stellar response in the wake of a devastating series of terrorist attacks on America. As to whether it?s appropriate for him to use these tragic events as part of an ad, I initially thought it?d be inappropriate. Then, using the page that ChibiHorseWoman provided, I watched the actual Ad. The way in which the events in question were used shouldn?t be offensive, especially to people who accepted government settlements (and in some cases sued the government) for lost relatives. I see these people as profiteers and those settlements made me lose all sympathy I had for them. In the end, I feel that this ad is completely appropriate. It doesn?t offend me, or some people who I?ve showed it to. [center]--- --- --- --- --- ---[/center][/color] [quote name='pbfrontmanvdp']And your saying i need spell check.[/quote] [color=green]Using a spell-check program makes your posts much easier to read. It?d be nice if you could use them?[/color] [quote name='pbfrontmanvdp']Once again your an idiot. What I stated there was my own opinion of how i felt bush did during his time in office. I never said it was related to his ad. Plus I know this part was off topic, I just wanted to tell everyone that the only good thing he has done in office was his reaction to 9/11 and as of right now thats the only thing his putting his campaign towards.[/quote] [color=green]Idiot? So that?s how Drix got to be a moderator? Bush has done much more than helping the US recover from September 11th. He?s freed Iraq from an evil dictator and removed a threat to the entire Middle East. Bush has, through his tax cuts, revived a floundering economy. He?s also reformed our education system, which I can say has been a very good thing. It?s forced schools to shape up and give students quality education. If you want proof of these things, I can link you to relevant news stories?[/color] [quote name='pbfrontmanvdp']Also, if you can't realize by now that the only reason we went to war with Iraq was because Bush senior persuaded Bush jr. too, then you need to open your mind a little more.[/quote] [color=green]o_O Prove it.[/color] [quote name='pbfrontmanvdp']Hers's an idea! Why don't you stop whining and quit complaing about "Bush Bashers". Your either a conservative, a moderate, or a liberal when it comes down to it. If you couldn't tell by now I am a liberal and I will bash Bush. Without his father, he probably wouldn't have been elected to run for president.[/quote] [color=green]So what? Just because this president?s father was president doesn?t invalidate his views or policies.[/color]
[color=green]The corridor was made of durasteel, with convex sides and a low arched ceiling of a slightly darker hue. It was unusually wide, to facilitate transport of troops and cargo around the vessel. Count Dooku, dressed in his usual attire minus his cape, walked down the center of the hallway towards a blast door at its end. He was very tired; all this business of rebellion had taken a toll on his energy and his health. Hopefully, this campaign would be the end of the war. If it weren?t, it?d be the beginning of the end for the Separatists. They had a significant portion of their fleet here, along with almost all their ground troops. Either Mechis III would be remembered as the fall of the Republic, or the turning point in the war against the Separatists. Either way, after this battle he?d be able to return to his significantly less stressful normal life of meditation and writing. Reaching the blast door, he used the force to move the switch inside the door that would open it. He?d had this door specially made on Geonosis for his private quarters. It was a measure of security that?d allow him a sense of security in a rebel movement filled with manipulative power players. Dooku stepped inside darkened room, closing the door behind him with a wave of his hand. [b]Count Dooku[[/b]: ?Lights at 50%? [I]The ship?s computer raised the lighting, but only just.[/I] [b]Count Dooku[/b]: ?Active training program Dooku one.? [I]With this command, a panel opened on the room?s left wall. From this opening came a single remote droid, which hovered noiselessly over to the center of the room.[/I] The count drew a curved hilt from his belt and pressed a recessed button on its handle. A crimson blade shot to life, casting an angry glow over the room. This action seemed to aggravate the remote droid, which began tracking Dooku?s movements?[/color]
The Final Word...should parents have it?
Boba Fett replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Do you believe that parents should have the right to bring their children to a film of this nature?[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Yes. Although, I?d hope that they?d first watch the movie themselves and evaluate it?s content. Then, parents should consider the emotional and intellectual maturity of their child. If, and only if, they feel that the movie is appropriate for their child should they allow their child to see it.[/color] [quote name='Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Or, in a more general view, do you think they should be allowed to truly have the final say to what their child can and cannot take part in?[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Yes. A parent should be able to have the final say in decisions in their child?s life. A child, lacking experience and the wisdom that usually comes with age, isn?t qualified to make many decisions. A parent?s job is to assist in making difficult decisions, but also allow young adults to make enough decisions to allow them to learn from their successes and failures.[/color] [quote name='Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New] In my opinion, parents should not have the right to expose their children to media of this nature, nor should they be allowed to determine whether or not it is safe for their child to live in a home with a large, aggresive dog. In my eyes it is a form of emotional abuse. In yours?[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]So you?d presume to tell me how to raise my kids? You?d advocate laws telling me what I can and cannot do to them? (Within reason. I don?t condone or support child abuse of any kind) Taking a child to the movie, [u]The Passion of the Christ[/u] is not a smart decision unless that child is emotionally and intellectually ready to see the graphic and explicit nature of that film. That being said, I wouldn?t try and impose this view on others. They have the right to raise their children as they see fit, within reason. It?s up to individual parents to raise their children. Not you; not the government.[/color] -
[quote name='Altron']I cant imagine at all what America would be like if I could have my freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other things like that.[/quote] [color=green]o_O If you [I]could[/I]? We?ve already got those rights?[/color] [quote name='Altron']GO KERRY!!! *Prays to Kerry to liberate America from Bush's clutches of damage and death.*[/quote] [color=green]Don?t get me started. I, being a conservative, feel that John Kerry is not a good choice for president of the United States (or any public office, for that matter). He?s changed his positions on issues multiple times and is one of the most radically left-wing Democrats out there. Here?s some primary source material that I think every potential Kerry supporter should take a good, hard look at?[/color] [b]In His Senate Career, Kerry Has Voted Against A Balanced Budget Amendment At Least Five Times.[/b] Other fiscally irresponsible votes include at least three key votes against lowering overall spending. [size=1](S.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #24: Rejected 66-34: R 55-0; D 11-34, March 4, 1997; H.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #158: Rejected 64-35: R 52-1; D 12-34, June 6, 1996; H.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #98: Rejected 65-35: R 51-2; D 14-33, March 2, 1995; S.J. Res. 41, Roll Call Vote #48: Rejected 63-37: R 41-3; D 22-34, March 1, 1994; S.J. Res. 225, Roll Call Vote #45: Rejected 66-34: R 43-10; D 23-24, March 25, 1986)[/size] [b]Kerry Has A Lifetime Rating Of 26% From Citizens Against Government Waste And Is A Long-Time Supporter Of Federal Funding For Boston?s ?Big Dig.?[/b] Former Senate Government Affairs Chairman John McCain called the project ?the biggest, most costly public works project in U.S. history.? The ?Big Dig? was estimated to cost $2.6 billion when it was approved in 1985. The cost to date has totaled more than $13.6 billion. (?Congressional Ratings,? Citizens Against Government Waste Website, [url]www.cagw.org[/url], Accessed January 7, 2003; Natalie M. Henry, ?Senate Commerce Investigates Overspending On Boston's ?Big Dig?,? Environment and Energy Daily, May 3, 2000) [b]In April 2002, Kerry Said He Wanted A Larger Tax Cut And Was ?Not In Favor Of? A Repeal.[/b] CNN?s Tucker Carlson: ?Senator Kerry, . . . [many Democrats] [g]et a lot of political mileage out of criticizing [President Bush?s tax cut], but nobody has the courage to say repeal it. Are you for repealing it?? Kerry: ?It?s not a question of courage. . . . And it?s not an issue right now. We passed appropriately a tax cut as a stimulus, some $40 billion. Many of us thought it should have even maybe been a little bit larger this last year . . . . [T]he next tax cut doesn?t take effect until 2004. If we can grow the economy enough between now and then, if we have sensible policies in place and make good choices, who knows what our choices will be. So it?s simply not a ripe issue right now. And I?m not in favor of turning around today and repealing it.? (CNN?s ?Crossfire,? April 16, 2002) [b]Kerry Voted At Least Five Times To Raid The Social Security Trust Fund.[/b] [size=1] (H.R. 2014, Roll Call Vote #211: Conference Report Agreed To 92-8: R 55-0; D 37-8, July 31, 1997; H.R. 2264, Roll Call Vote #247: Conference Report Agreed To 50-50, With Vice President Gore Voting Yea: R 0-44; D 50-6, August 6, 1993; H.Con.Res. 268, Roll Call Vote #167: Conference Report Agreed To 58-29: R 21-20; D 37-9, June 6, 1988; H.R. 3545, Roll Call Vote #419: Conference Report Agreed To 61-28: R 18-23; D 43-5, December 21, 1987; H.R. 3128, Roll Call Vote #379: Conference Report Agreed To 78-1: R 40-1; D 38-0, December 19, 1985)[/size] [center][size=3][b]Kerry's Key Votes[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]107th Congress, 2001 Senate Votes[/b][/center] [b]Against The Bush Tax Cut:[/b] Kerry voted against a $1.35 trillion tax cut package to reduce income-tax rates, alleviate the ?marriage penalty? and gradually repeal the estate tax. [size=1](H.R. 1836, Roll Call Vote #165: Adopted 62-38: R 50-0; D 12-38, May 23, 2001)[/size] [center][b]106th Congress, 1999-2000 Senate Votes[/b][/center] [b]Against Genetic Privacy:[/b] Kerry voted against approving a plan to restrict use of genetic information by health insurers.[size=1](Amendment To H.R. 4577, Roll Call Vote #165: Amendment Passed 58-40: R 55-0; D 3-40, June 29, 2000)[/size] [center][b]105th Congress, 1997-98 Senate Votes[/b][/center] [b]Against Educational Savings Accounts:[/b] Kerry voted against allowing a vote to create educational savings accounts. [size=1](H.R. 2646, Roll Call Vote #288: Cloture Motion Rejected 56-41: R 54-1; D 2-40, October 30, 1997)[/size] [b]Against Balanced-Budget Amendment:[/b] Kerry voted against approving a balanced-budget constitutional amendment. [size=1] (S.J. Res. 1, Roll Call Vote #24: Rejected 66-34: R 55-0; D 11-34, March 4, 1997)[/size] [center][b]104th Congress, 1995-96 Senate Votes[/b][/center] [b]Against Balancing The Budget:[/b] Kerry voted against a bipartisan plan to balance the budget in seven years. [size=1] (S. Con. Res. 57, Roll Call Vote #150: Rejected 46-53: R 22-30; D 24-23, May 23, 1996) [/size] [center][b]103rd Congress, 1993-94 Senate Votes[/b][/center] [b]For The Largest Tax Increase In American History:[/b] Kerry voted to pass Clinton?s budget that raised taxes and cut spending. [size=1] (H.R. 2264, Roll Call Vote #247: Adopted 51-50: R 0-44; D 50-6, With Vice President Gore Voting ?Yea,? August 6, 1993) [/size] [center][b]102nd Congress, 1991-92 Senate Votes[/b][/center] [b]Against School Choice:[/b] Kerry voted against approving a school-choice pilot program. [size=1] (S. 2, Roll Call Vote #5: Rejected 36-57: R 33-6; D 3-51, January 23, 1992) [/size] [b]Against Persian Gulf War:[/b] Kerry voted against authorizing the use of force in the Persian Gulf. [size=1] (S.J. Res. 2, Roll Call Vote #2: Passed 52-47: R 42-2; D 10-45, January 12, 1991)[/size] [center][b]101st Congress, 1989-90 Senate Votes [/b][/center] [b]Against Parental Notification For Minors? Abortions:[/b] Kerry voted to kill an amendment requiring parental notice for minors? abortions. [size=1] (H.R. 5257, Roll Call Vote #266: Motion To Table Rejected 48-48: R 8-34; D 40-14, October 12, 1990) [/size]
[color=green]OOC: Mechis III is a completely industrial world, covered in factories. It?s very similar to Coruscant in appearance, but covered in factories instead of cities. I?m sorry, I completely forgot to mention that vital piece of information when posting the recruitment thread. There?s no need to edit previous posts; this was my fault. Just play it as I?ve described it above from now on. [center]--- --- --- --- ---[/center] A crystal clear holographic projection of a human male dressed in black robes appeared in a darkened room. The man?s face was obscured by his robe?s hood and his hands were hidden beneath the folds of his robe. The room behind him wasn?t visible, shielded by an electronic privacy screen. The only visible identifying mark on the man was the clasp on his robe. The figure spoke, in clear and slightly condescending tones that resonated throughout the room. [b]Darth Sidious[/b]: ?Darth Tyranus. What news have you from Mechis III?? Count Dooku, who was kneeling in front of the holographic display, raised his bowed head. After taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling in an attempt to calm his nerves, he spoke. [b]Count Dooku[/b]: ?Our forces have entered the system and taken control of the planet. A Republic force entered the system shortly after we did, but we destroyed them with minimal losses.? [b]Darth Sidious[/b]: ?I sense fallacy in you. Do not lie to me. I always know when people lie to me. You of all people should know that, my apprentice.? [b]Count Dooku[/b]: ?Lie? I didn- Oh. You sense my concern over a force of Jedi and clones that landed on the planet. I?ve dispatched two of my most prized warriors to deal with them.? [b]Darth Sidious[/b] [I]Laughs[/I] ?Your most prized warriors have a habit of failing you. Mace Windu, who?s currently on Mechis III, defeated Jango Fett. His successor, Durge, was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi; also on Mechis III.? [b]Count Dooku[/b]: ?My apprentice has killed Jedi before, as has my highest ranking General. They will not fail me.? [b]Darth Sidious[/b]: ?I hope, for your sake, that they do not?? [I]The connection closed and the hologram vanished.[/I] Dooku stood. If he didn?t get those lightsabers from his operatives in two days, he?d go down there himself. Better dead than face the wrath of a Sith lord?[/color]
[color=green]Jedgar was dumbfounded. He expected to by lying on the floor in a puddle of blood, a bullet lodged between his eyes. After all, Preens needed no reason to kill Stiffs. No questions would be asked, nor any punishment whatsoever leveled on the murderer. Stiffs were given the same legal rights as vermin in this society; everyone knew that. So why hadn?t this armed Preen simply shot him?? Finally, Jedgar?s survival instinct kicked in. Adrenaline flooded his body and kicked his stunned brain back into gear. It?d be best to leave before the Preen changed his mind. [b]Jedgar[/b]: ?You have my thanks. If you ever need anything?? [I]Van nodded.[/I] With that, Van and Jedgar walked casually to the kitchen door of the mansion. Van showed Jedgar out, and then disappeared back into his house without a word. It was then that Jedgar began to run. He still wasn?t sure what had happened, or how it?d affect him. All he knew that was someone up there must like him, a lot?[/color]
[color=green]Dooku was back in the command chair on the bridge of the Trade Federations Flagship, and droid control ship, the [I]Pride of Nemodia[/I]. A heavily reinforced blast door, that automatically deployed when the ship went on red alert, obscured the viewscreen in front of him. The bridge crew was sitting around an oval shaped hologram projector that was showing the entire battle in progress, directing vessels to their assignments. It was obvious who?d win the battle, but it would still be messy. There were ten Federation Capitol ships in a spherical arrangement around the droid control ship. The Banking Clan and Corporate Alliance vessels were engaging the two remaining Republic Cruisers. So far, three of the five Republic cruisers had been destroyed. In comparison, the Separatists had lost four Banking clan vessels and sustained minor damage to all of the Corporate Alliance Vessels. The interdiction field prevented any ships in the area from going to hyperspace, and the jamming equipment of the Trade Federation would stop any distress calls from reaching the Republic. There was no escape? Five thousand advanced battle droids had been deployed to the surface of Mechis III, where they?d secured all of the planet?s production control areas and other areas of tactical interest. So far, no sign of the Jedi Knights had been seen. He could feel them through the force, so he knew they weren?t dead. There were also approximately a thousand clones to worry about. There were also about a hundred ARC troopers on the planet. If they decided to wage a guerilla war, they might last a week or until they ran out of supplies. His attention returned to the hologram, where one of the remaining Republic ships had lost shields, engines and weapons. It was dead in space, running on backup energy. [b]Dooku[/b]: ?Leave it. We can use hostages to lure the Jedi out of hiding. Concentrate all firepower on the last ship.? [b]Tactical Officer[/b]: ?Yes, Count Dooku.? Satisfied that everything was once again under control, Dooku returned to the privacy of the adjoining meeting room. It was time to update his master on the events that had transpired?[/color]
[color=green]Jedgar was lying belly down on the roof of a residential building, looking across the divide between his building and the neighboring Preen mansion. The gap was only three meters and the other building?s roof was almost ten meters lower than the one he was on. He could make it, with luck? He waited for the security camera to pan past him, then got to his feet and ran as fast as he could towards the edge of the roof. As he reached the edge, he put all the energy he had into a great leap, which propelled him across the space between the buildings and down to the other rooftop. He hit the roof rolling and didn?t stop until he was behind an air conditioning box. Poking his head around the edge of the metal box that housed the cooling unit, he was relived to see that the camera was just beginning to pan back. It?d missed him. This robbing business was getting easier and easier? He unzipped his backpack and pulled out a crowbar and a long climbing rope. After using the crowbar to break the seal on one of the skylights and pushing the large glass panel off onto the roof, he tied the rope around the air conditioner. The other end of the rope was wrapped around his waist and tied with a knot he?d learned from reading a stolen Preen book. Than Jedgar carefully lowered himself down into the main hallway of the empty house. His bare feet touched down onto the cool marble floor of the hallway, leaving dirty footprints in the thin layer of dust. Eyes peeled for movement, Jedgar cautiously walked upstairs towards the master bedroom. He?d been watching this place for a month, waiting for the right moment. Nobody was home, so he figured this was the perfect time to ?borrow? a few things? Hours passed. Jedgar showered, ate his first full meal in months and restocked his backpack with essentials. All he needed now was to get a new set of clothes and he?d be on his way. Halfway through a closet filled with clothes slightly too big for him, Jedgar heard the door to the house open. He dropped the shirt he was holding, emblazoned with ?VA? in scarlet lettering, and slung his backpack over his shoulder. He had to get out?[/color]
[color=green]Sitting on the bridge of the Droid Control Ship in a swiveling gray chair padded with black nerf-hide, Count Dooku waited patiently for the ship to revert to real-space. Mechis III was mere minutes away from them; he could feel it. This campaign, if successful, would be the end of the war. The Separatists could split away from the core and rule the galaxy as it ought to be. His master on Coruscant would be most pleased? He used the force to swivel his chair around to face the rest of the bridge crew. The entire Separatist army was made up of droids, so it was unusual to see so many sentient beings in one room. The bridge was staffed mostly by Nemodians, with a few other species thrown in here and there. An alarm sounded, and the bridge went onto battle alert. All throughout the ship, automated systems prepared for battle. The reactor core?s internal shields went up, sheathing it in an impenetrable veil of blue energy. Turbolaser cannons charged and ran self-diagnostics in preparation for battle. Droid starfighters emerged from racks built into the ceiling of the main docking bay and began to power up. In the secondary docking bays, landing craft filled with assault vehicles prepared for combat. Tension was building on the bridge; he could feel it through the force. A final tone sounded and the fleet reverted to real-space above Mechis III. Only a few automated cargo vessels showed on the sensors. Hundreds of fighters were released from the docking bays of the Federation ships, escorting the slow and ungainly landing craft to their destinations on the planet?s surface. Banking Clan and Corporate Alliance vessels secured the hyperspace entry points in the system, planting mines to prevent easy reversion to real-space. Dooku smiled, things were going exactly as planned. The advance teams from the planet?s surface had reported all communication knocked out and most of the human staff of the planet detained. All of the landing craft had landed and the second wave was on its way. Alarms blared. A Jedi Consular ship entered the system, followed by five Republic Cruisers. One of the mighty vessels, which had been the first to enter the system, was utterly decimated by the mines that had been laid at the planet?s secondary jump point. It vented atmosphere and began to drift towards the system?s sun, drawn in by its considerable gravity. [b]Dooku[/b]: ?I want an interdiction field set up around the battlefield and communications jammed on all channels.? [b]Nemodian Officer[/b]: ?Yes Sir, right away sir.? Three of the remaining cruisers formed a perimeter that allowed the forth to enter the planet?s atmosphere and unload it?s transports. Dooku frowned, and searched the viewscreen for the Jedi Consular ship. He finally found it, going as fast as its engines could take it towards the planet?s surface. These Jedi could be a problem? [b]Dooku[/b]: ?Order Fighter Wings twelve and twenty-nine to engage the Jedi vessel.? [b]Pilot Battle Droid[/b]: ?Roger, Roger.? With baited breath, Dooku watched the Jedi vessel artfully maneuver though the hail of laser fire it was taking from the twenty-four fighters that were now chasing it. They needed to hit it soon; otherwise it?d enter the atmosphere. Atmosphere!?! Before he could order the fighters to disengage, the consular ship entered the atmosphere, followed by the fighters. The Jedi vessel had shields, which protected it from the incredible heat generated by a full speed reentry. The fighters didn?t. [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17754&stc=1[/img][/center] With a flurry of explosions, two fighter squadrons were incinerated. As he watched, Dooku noted that one of the explosions had damaged the Jedi ship?s engines. At least they couldn?t leave the planet? He stood and strode from the bridge into the adjacent meeting room. There he dimmed the lights and turned on his holoprojector. Silently, he typed a series of numbers into a keypad. Two separate holograms cast an eerie glow through the darkened room. The first was of a steely looking being, with vicious looking claws. He bowed his head in deference and waited for instructions. The second, a young woman with a shaved head and wearing combat gear, looked straight at him with an expression of mixed fear and respect. [b]Dooku[/b]: ?I want you to go to the surface of Mechis III and seek out the Jedi. Destroy them and bring me their lightsabers as proof of your success. Do you understand?? [b]Asajj Ventress and General Grevious[/b]: ?Yes Master.? He closed the connection and stood. This would be interesting?[/color]
[center][img]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/Intro.jpg[/img][/center] A sand-colored planet, scarred by brown mountain ridges and with no cities large enough to be observed from space, sits in the cold vacuum between the stars. No other planets are in the system, but two twin suns bathe the sole world of this sector in intense heat. Many small vessels, most appearing to be custom built ships souped up by hotshot mercenaries or smugglers with a need for speed enter and exit the atmosphere. Suddenly, they scatter and most vanish into the safety of hyperspace. All around the planet, coming from several directions at once, arrive many heavily armed capitol class warships. Ring shaped Trade Federation vessels with spherical core sections hover menacingly over the planet?s southern pole. Their quad turbolaser batteries follow the few ships with the audacity to remain in the area, ready to obliterate their targets should they become aggressive. At the planets opposite pole, Banking Clan vessels reminiscent of ancient rockets exit hyperspace. Their hidden weapons emplacements are revealed by the opening of several bay doors, making these ships suddenly a much more formidable opponents. On the planet?s current night side, several diamond shaped Corporate Alliance vessels enter orbit. They possess formidable shields and large stocks of proton torpedoes, which make them the most resilient of the Separatist fleet. The final vessels enter orbit on the dayside of the planet. One is a wedge shaped fighter that looks very similar to a Jedi starfighter, another is a solar sailor with a golden-brown sail and the third is a massive Droid Control Ship. Slowly, the four different fleets merge and assemble into a massive armada that orients itself towards the inner rim. All of the ships pause for a moment, then blur into white lines as they enter hyperspace again? OOC: The Jedi will start en route to Mechis III in a consular ship (Your personal starfighters are onboard the Republic Cruisers). ARC Troopers will start onboard any of the Republic vessels, which are currently on their way to Mechis III, but slightly behind the Jedi. Generals will be onboard the Droid Control Ship. Remember, only those who were accepted into the RPG are allowed to post here. If you?re unsure of your acceptance, check the sign up thread.
[quote name='Transtic Nerve']The FCC is a joke... I said it before.[/quote] [color=green]The FCC is most certainly not a joke. The Federal Communications Commission is a government branch that performs an important service to the people of the United States. They provide a standard that prevents all kinds of offensive garbage from being broadcast on normal TV and Radio.[/color] [quote name='Transtic Nerve']There should be nothing stopping me from watching or listening to what I want to. Nothing.[/quote] [color=green]You can watch cable TV or listen to satellite radio if you feel this way. The FCC is able to effectively regulate either medium. However, I think that there should be some barrier between people who would put pornography on local TV, spew obscenities or profane the airwaves with smut. This is unnecessary garbage that doesn?t need to be on public TV. If you?re interested in this stuff, there are other ways of obtaining it. By keeping TV and radio clean, we preserve what little decency that our country has left. Nothing can stop you from expressing your right of free speech TN; you simply will have to look elsewhere for offensive material.[/color] [quote name='Transtic Nerve']If I want to watch it or listen to it, I should be able to. My choice, not yours, not anyone elses.[/quote] [color=green]You listen to the same radio and watch the same TV that I do. What doesn?t offend or upset you may strike me as disgusting and vulgar. Therefore, I also have a say in how these media sources are regulated. I?ll advocate continuing to enforce a basic standard of decency for TV and radio. It?s my first amendment right. Until you take that away, this choice is as much mine as yours.[/color]
[QUOTE=Transtic Nerve]The biggest joke here is that people like you think other people like you should run my life, tell me what I can and cannot listen to. I wasn't and never have been offended by anything on Stern, or Janet Jackson, I personally didn't listen to Bubba because he was on the same time slot as Howard. I'm so tired of idiots like you telling me what is and isn't decent. Kiss my ***.... how about that decency. How dare you try and tell me how I should live my life. What I should and should not be able to listen to. How dare you. I'm absolutely ashamed to even be remotely associated with you. If you're too imcompatible to change the radio station when you hear something "you don't like" then maybe you should be in a special home with other special people.[/QUOTE] [color=green]Excuse me? I?m not telling you how to run anything TN, least of all your life. Neither am I telling you what you can or cannot listen to. Grow up, stop the name-calling and present some kind of a logical argument. If you?re not offended by the kind of language and content that Howard Stern puts on his program, that?s your business. The fact is, there are rules and regulations governing what kind of content can be on these radio stations. Howard Stern has shattered these regulations time and time again. It?s about time someone stepped in and made sure he followed the law. There?s still some shred of something people used to call decency in this country, TN. Obviously you?re not interested in preserving it.[/color]