Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
Gay Marriage, PLease, let's be mature
Boba Fett replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=green]First of all, I?d like to state that this guy Davidson is a nut. He claims that:[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet']"It's the right-wing groups that have taken this into courts seeking to define marriage in a way that would exclude same-sex couples, in violation of California's Constitution," Davidson said.[/color][/quote] [color=green]This is blatantly false. He is violating California state law by allowing marriages consisting of one man and one woman. In fact, California has passed laws that define marriage as between one man and one woman. In accordance with the state constitution, which Mr. Davidson cites, he should be thrown in prison. For any public official in California to allow these marriages is a felony. This man is defying the will of the people in California, and should be punished accordingly. I don?t care if you like or dislike gay marriage, if you have any respect for democracy and the laws of the state of California you should condemn this mans actions.[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman] [color=violet']How can the events in San Fransisco be encouraging Bush's idea of marriage being between a man and a woman? That makes no sense. For that matter neither does stating that the people should make the descisions on marriage when he clearly stated before that he dissagrees on people making the descision that same sex unions should be legalized.[/color][/quote] [color=green]You?re not reading carefully, and this has lead you to wrong conclusions. Bush says:[/color] [quote name='Bush'] I have watched carefully what's happening in San Francisco, where licenses were being issued, even though the law states otherwise," Bush said. "I have consistently stated that I'll support law to protect marriage between a man and a woman. Obviously these events are influencing my decision."[/quote] [color=green]President Bush said that these events are [I]influencing[/I] his decision. You said that these events have ?[I]encouraged[/I] his idea of marriage being between a man and a woman?. There is a monumental difference here. Clearly, he should take into account what is going on is Massachusetts and San Francisco. As for Bush?s opinion on Gay Marriage, you?ve missed an important fact. Bush?s opinion is in concurrence with the will of the people. [URL=http://www.abpnews.com/abpnews/story.cfm?newsId=4015]56% of people oppose gay marriage while 30% support it.[/URL] As wrist cutter noted, Bush?s mind is currently occupied with the upcoming election. He, unfortunately, will compromise his ideals for votes. I?m willing to bet that Bush will stick with the will of the people, whichever direction they decide to take.[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet']WHile this sounds like a Bush Bashing post, I think we shoudl go beyond that-along with the whole idea of homosexuality being the same as beastiality. We're all adults, or clsoe to it so let's make a concious descision to try and act in a civilized manner. We should try to respect people's veiws on this subject.[/color][/quote] [color=green]Nobody here has ever compared, to my knowledge, bestiality and homosexuality. That?s just wrong. I also think that respecting other people?s views is an excellent idea. I salute you for your civility.[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet']As for me, I'm a liberal reguardless of the political party. Added into this is the fact that I'm not a Christian and I'm married. I find it amusing that while many people will claim that the Bible claims that this is immoral while in San Fransisco all these marriages (to the best of my knowledge) have taken place before a justice of the peace and not in a church. Also, I feel it's narrow minded to assume that everyone in America is Christian and adheres to the norm.[/color][/quote] [color=green]I?m a staunch and proud conservative. Like you, I?m not a Christian. Unlike you, I?m single. The bible has nothing to do with this debate, seeing as it will be decided in the courts. Although religion my be a catalyst for opposition to this issue, it wont have a large effect on it. Assumption is never a good thing that I agree with. However, like it or not, most Americans are white, straight and Christian. It is narrow minded to assume that all Americans are, but most do fit this definition.[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet']As a married person, I don't feel that legalizing same sex marriages will discredit the sanctity of marriage which in some ways is another oxy-moron since throughout history marriages have been used souly to gain property or secure relations between countries without reguard to either member's feelings towards one another.[/color][/quote] [color=green]Marriage has always been the bedrock of society. One man marries one woman and they raise their children together. If you begin to blur the definition of marriage, you will start to lose the sanctity that marriage currently enjoys. Take the Netherlands for example, which is a secularist paradise. Homosexual unions have been legalized there for a little while now. Currently, marriage there is a joke and holds very little value. That country?s been burdened with far more than it?s fair share of dysfunctional families and unwanted children. Why? This is due to the fall of marriage. Without stable families, a nation will become unstable. -Boba[/color] -
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet]I really didn't need to hear that James! [/color][/QUOTE] [color=green]I understand you?re commenting on the ?gross out factor? here, but the information presented by James is entirely relevant. If the cannibalism itself was consensual, that fact will weigh heavily during this man?s trial.[/color] [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet] Okay, as for a real post: PETA's probably going to use this to say hey, if you eat people, why not animels? Or maybe it'll be the other way around.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=green]It?d be the other way around. PETA would never tell you to eat animals. As for people, I wouldn?t put it past them?[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet']Yes, there are tribes in countries around the world who probably eat their prisoners, but that's their tradition. Which is most likely why it's not on the news.[/color][/quote] [color=green]It?s also probably not on the news because they don?t tape it. This also doesn?t occur in civilized countries, so it?s not as big of a culture shock. By the way, I can?t seem to find any modern day cannibal groups through casual research. Care to clue me in one?[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet']Most people don't go around eating other people and having it video taped. For that matter, most people also don't ask to be eatten and take a bite out of themselves in the process. It's not only not socialy acceptable, it's also disturbing in a modern society. Sure, kids shooting kids in the face is common place, but I doubt anyone eats their shooting victims.[/color][/quote] [color=green]A Child shooting another child is commonplace? I think not. Otherwise I should have either shot someone, been shot or know of someone who has. If these events were commonplace, events such as Columbine wouldn?t make the news. I find your statement both humorless and concerning. Over the last three years, only forty kids have been killed in school shootings. I have been unable to obtain any information on the total number of child homicides involving guns; any help with this would be appreciated. [/color]
[color=green]I?ve played a fair amount of shooters and must say that they?re definitely gone downhill in quality over the years. I?ve played all kinds of shooters, from the classic Asteroids to the World War II era shooter [u]Castle Wolfenstien[/u]. For the most part, I find them addictive regardless of quality. As long as the graphics aren?t miserable, there are multiple weapons (A sniper rifle is a huge plus) and you can make accurate shots from a distance, I?m satisfied. The only truly terrible shooter I?ve played is [u]Back Track[/u] for Game Boy Advance. Haven?t heard of it? There?s a good reason why. However, this does not mean that all Game Boy Advance shooters are sub-par garbage. [u]James Bond: Nightfire[/u] for Game Boy Advance was vastly superior to several computer-based shooters I?ve played. However my most positive shooter experiences have been with craft-based shooters. These include the addictive [u]Black Hawk Striker[/u], which is an AIM game, and [u]Star Fox 64[/u]. Both of these games have immense replay value and are just as enjoyable on their hundredth try as their first. [u]Star Fox 64[/u] in particular is a brilliant shooter game that I play fairly often with friends. Overall, I think shooters are underrated as a genre. They?re both fun and addictive, in my opinion more than any other type of game.[/color]
[QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]*ahem* I did state that this was an editorial, no? The woman who writes these things tends to rant in a way that lacks structure in its entirety--but she brings up some good points. The piece of writing in question implied that he attacked the non-Christian passengers. Nevertheless...dude...*dou*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=green]Excuse me? I really don?t care where you got this article, nor do I care about the author?s biases. What you posted [b]simply isn?t true[/b]. Here on OtakuBoards, people are responsible for the accuracy of the information they post. I?d bet a hundred posts off my post count that fallacies and slander are not looked upon kindly by the administration here. This article is an example of both.[/color] [quote name='Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]From what I gathered, the pilot of the plane left the cockpit, and addressed the passengers personally. He instructed all of them that were Christians to raise their hands, and then began to rant and curse those who did not.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]It says right here that the pilot cursed and ranted. He did neither. This piece of writing implies nothing. I?d advise you disassociate yourself from it.[/color]
[color=green]While I agree that this was neither the time nor the place for this pilot to mention his faith, you?re mistaken. This pilot did in no way attack non-Christians. He simply recommended that they discuss their faith with Christian passengers. I draw my information from a reputable news source, CNN. The article link is below. [url]http://www.cnn.com/2004/TRAVEL/02/08/airline.christianity/index.html[/url][/color]
[color=green]I was in early eighth grade, either that or late seventh; I can?t remember. Anyway, this was when Ben introduced me to OtakuBoards. Most of you who?ve been here a while know him, he?s a great guy and rather funny to boot. Anyway, I joined under a rather silly username (Which shall not be mentioned) before finally registering as Boba Fett. The reason for this change was simple; I moved and lost my password. Now lacking both identifying factors required to use my account, I was forced to make a new one. Being the newbie that I was, I didn?t think to ask an administrator to help. Thus, I became Boba Fett. I was a fairly abysmal newbie, who should have been banned. I still regard it as a miracle that I wasn?t. Heck, if I were a moderator I?d have banned me. I interuppted other people?s RPGs and even was stupid enough to start someone?s for them (Ryan's revelation that he was /☼~NoodleZ~☼\ is a pleasant, but embarrassing surprise. As I recall, it was one of his Harry Potter RPGs that I started. It was the first of two RPGs I?ve been booted from. At the time, I sent him both an apology PM and an e-mail. I got no response from either and assumed he didn?t want to talk to me. So that?s one of the more embarrassing chapters in my OtakuBoards history.). Devil smilies framed all my posts and there are multiple instances where I double posted or worse. Don?t you dare go looking for them? As time went by, I matured. I found a niche and stuck in it. I became fast friends with Juuthena, Duo God of Death (Now Lalaith Ril) and Mist. It was with these three companions that I participated in my first RPGs that went to completion. Two were Lord of the Rings and another was Episode III. During that time, I despised Scratn9 (Now Scrat). He doesn?t post much anymore, but at that time he was always tagging along with us. We were so mean to him and despised him because of his low post quality. Kind of ironic, since none of us were much better. Time passed and they drifted away. Today, I?m the most active to all of them by leaps and bounds. This loss of my friends made me realize that I really didn?t know the vast majority of the people on the boards. I knew Matt fairly well, along with BabyGirl, but that was it. I felt alone. I became a much less frequent poster and completely abandoned OtakuBoards this past summer. I came back when I began to crave more social interaction that I was no longer getting from school. I?m new here and most social circles were closed to me. It?s still very difficult to make friends. The people I?ve met here have evolved from fallback friends to real people that I feel more attached to than any of my real life friends. Due to the frequency of my family?s moves, I?ve known most people here longer than anyone in real life. So that?s my history on the boards. Recently, I?ve found a cadre of new friends that is much wider than my old one. I still have great memories of the people I hung out with in the ?good old days? don?t get me wrong. I just feel that the group I?m hanging out with now is much larger and therefore more stable than my old one. So yeah, that?s about it.[/color]
[color=green]I?ve heard of the Norwalk Virus. Being a news addict, I knew that it?d struck fairly frequently and with vacation-dampening effects on several cruise ships. Apparently the ships they found it on had to return to their homeports for a series of massive disinfection treatments. Not good things to have happen while you?re on an extremely expensive cruise? Apparently, from what I?ve heard, it?s extremely virulent when introduced into closed environments. Therefore, it?s no surprise that this virus would pop up in schools or colleges. Not a good thing, but not unexpected. I?d imagine that the stress of college life would depress the immune system to slightly below normal, which also assists the spread of the contagion. Apparently this virus has been going around since ?72, when it was first discovered in the town ofNorwalk, Ohio. Apparently is spreads by contaminated feces of an infected person; ick. So, based on these facts, it?d be best to wash your hand frequently and always before you eat. Remember to use warm, soapy water. [URL=http://www.astdhpphe.org/infect/norwalk.html]More information can be found here.[/URL][/color]
[color=green]When I first refreshed the boards and found that the ?Wait until V7, it?s coming soon? thing was gone and had been replaced by this ?squishy? forum, I was disappointed. I too thought it was a little awkward. Then I posted. About an hour later, I really didn?t care anymore. This layout looks fine and is already growing on me. Right now, the only thing that fazes me is the rearrangement of the forum?s sections. It?s more appropriate this way and I simply collapse sections that I don?t care about. I urge people who feel uncomfortable with this layout to wait a little bit before passing final judgment. As Semjaza said, ?Give it time?. I suspect that it?s the innovation and unfamiliarity of this new style that is throwing people for a loop.[/color]
Art Boba's Banners and Avatars: Constructive Criticism Wanted
Boba Fett replied to Boba Fett's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Kinetic][size=1][color=royalblue]I love the mastercard rip-off and the "Vote Bush in 2004" banners :p You use the animator alot (obviously), but maybe sometime you'll move onto flash. Flash is a very powerful program once you learn how to use it.[/color'][/size][/quote] [color=green]Thanks. The Mastercard rip-of took forever (Mostly editing the Mastercard Logo) , and PoisonTongue helped me with the shield generator frame. It?s also going in my signature when James (or whoever) fixes the signatures so that they can support over 150 characters. As for Flash, I don?t have it on my computer. I?ve seen it in use and it looks rather complicated. I figured I?d wait until next year and take a course in flash animation that our school offers. Until then, I may attempt to get some kind of free Flash download and fool around with it. I find that?s how I learn to use things best; instruction manuals take too much time. [/color] [quote name='Hataki Vash][size=1']Personally, I only like the Master Card rip off one. The first 2 are just way too plaing and in the American flag one, the text doesnt stand out well. The first one, WAY too plain. Add some picture too it or something. Like I said, the 3rd one isnt that bad, especially for just beginning. The 4th one, I dont like. I think you could have done a much better job cropping the pictures and used a little more background rather than just black BG with pictures overtop. And the last one isnt bad except for the fact that it is too small and the picture quality is low. And also the black BG thng again. So maybe experiment a little more with BGs and Ill think you'll do just fine. ^_^[/size][/quote] [color=green]Yes, you have good taste. I too like the Mastercard one the best. As for the first two, the Howard Dean one could definitely use some work. As you mentioned, more pictures would be nice. I just had a very hard time fitting a large amount readable text into a 500x100 banner along with images. Now that I look at it again, changing the first frame of the Bush banner is a must. Your comment about the readability of the text was spot on. I like the fourth one, the Episode III teaser, as far as the text goes anyway. But yes, I should work on my image cropping as well. The avatar picture quality, in my opinion, was decent. Could you elaborate on that a little more? As for black backgrounds, I?ve definitely overused them. I should probably try some lighter colors and some white ones with other colors tinted in. That, and multiple layers. While I?m at it, I may as well look into varied image transition. One final thing. Do any of you know if there is a way to resize an image without degrading the image quality? I?ve had a lot of difficulty with that? Anyhow, thanks for the comments. I?ll leave you with an RPG banner I made for Lynx (Sorry in advance for the black background, I made this yesterday). [/color] -
[color=green]It looks pretty cool to me Kinetic. I?m fascinated by the technique you used to create the yellow background that dominates the banner. How?d you do that, and which program did you use? Overall I think that the banner is excellent. However, for some reason the lower left corner strikes me as a little too bright for my liking and the yellow ?euphOria? text is a little hard to read. A very nice job. Rating: 8/10[/color]
[color=green][b]Kerrigan[/b]: ?Uh? Just for a walk.? [b]Jedgar[/b]: ?In that case, I?ll go with you.? [I]A look of perfectly blended annoyance and disappointment crossed Kerrigan?s face.[/I] [b]Kerrigan[/b]: ?Sure.? The two unlikely companions began to walk together into the woods. Behind them, MaCarthur and the mysteriously injured girl slept peacefully. They?d have to stay close to their sleeping companions though, as bandits often roamed these parts. Kerrigan, much to her displeasure, found herself walking slightly in front of Jedgar and to his left. She couldn?t run away from him, she was well within range of his pike. The last thing she wanted was to get the wind knocked out of her by a solid metal pole. She sighed, resigned to the fact that this opportunity to escape had been lost. Jedgar watched her, his pale blue eyes carefully tracking her movements. He doubted she?d kill him even if she got to drop on him, but letting her escape would break his oath. Nevertheless, he was beginning to feel sorry for her. She seemed like an all right person, from what little he knew of her. Perhaps he shouldn?t turn her into the authorities. He could keep her in line and maybe travel along with MaCarthur for his journey as bodyguards. That seemed like a logical way for her to atone for her transgressions. They reached a small stream, and turned around to head back to camp. Neither of them had spoken; an awkward silence hung in the chilled night air. It seemed to choke both of them, stopping either from making a sound. Jedgar swallowed, then attempted to make conversation. [b]Jedgar[/b]: ?So? Where did you grow up??[/color]
Art Boba's Banners and Avatars: Constructive Criticism Wanted
Boba Fett posted a topic in Creative Works
[color=green]I?ve recently begun to create banners using free downloads of PaintShop Pro 8 (Which I use to create frames) and Animation Shop 3 (Which I use to compile the frames into an animation). Both are Jasc Software products and so far they?ve both preformed admirably. Below are some of my better banners that I created using the free time left to me while OtakuBoards was down for the V7 update. I?d appreciate any comments you might have as well as tips for using either of the two programs mentioned above. Thanks, and happy viewing! -Boba[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darius_Stomu [/i] [B]I could care less what I look like. If I want to wear spikes and black clothing, I'm going to wear them. I don't give a ***** about what others think of me. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]That's exactly why you don't have a valentine this year... You don't care what others think about you and as a result nobody thinks enough of you to have asked you out. Maybe if you took a little more care with your appearance, others would find you more attractive... Just a thought. [center]--- --- --- --- ---[/center] In other news, the someone that I?ll be sending a valentine to is sitting not too far away? [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]There are two courses of action that we can take here. 1) Purchase this "Ultimate" Edition of the Original Trilogy of Star Wars, which is undeniably one of the greatest Trilogies in film, and with that we get the bastardized editions of what we know and love, in addition to what sounds like a spectacular fourth DVD chock-full of behind the scenes footage from the creation of the Original Trilogy. Or, 2) We invest in video capture equipment (really high-end stuff) and transfer our VHS tapes to a digital format, then purchase, steal, etc, the software and computer equipment to digitally remaster the Trilogy that we know to be the true Trilogy, then burn it onto a DVD collection of our own.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Or we could do both (Truth be told, I ended up getting the original trilogy on DVD in a much easier and far less time consuming manner that that described above) and prove we?re real Star Wars geeks? I one of my friends has a nifty DVD/VCR that allows you to copy whatever you?re watching on tape onto a sleek by the time your done watching. I?ve done this with all three of my original trilogy movies, although their quality is a little less than par. This gradual degradation of video quality apparent in my original trilogy tapes lead to my seeking to put them on DVD. I also did this with my collection of the Special Edition Trilogy. I?m not sure if this is entirely legal, but frankly I don?t care. When the original trilogy or it?s revised edition comes out on DVD, I intend to purchase it solely for the extra goodies that will doubtless be included. *Camps outside Suncoast*[/color]
[COLOR=green]I felt it necessary to include the disclaimer because, as most of you are well aware, there are some people who tend to miss subtle humor time and time again. Examples of this can be found wherever wrist cutter posts. Therefore, I felt it prudent to include this disclaimer to avoid irrelevant comments that would create spam. I'd also like to thank everyone for the kind comments. I really appreciate it when people respond to my work in such a positive manner. I'll have to write random essays more often...[/COLOR]
[color=green]Jedgar sat quietly by the fireside, watching the sleeping Kerrigan. His stern face betrayed no sympathy for her, being a thief, but at the same time he couldn?t help but feel sorry for her. She?d been through a lot, judging by her emaciated state. When he turned her in to the authorities, she?d be dealt with as was appropriate. Maybe tied up in the stocks for a few days, or have an ?S? branded on the back of her right hand. The usual for vermin of this nature. The night grew later and colder, but still Jedgar didn?t sleep. He was tired, to be sure, but that could wait until they reached the town. One burning thought occupied his mind. [I]Thieves must be punished[/I] It was his duty to hunt down every last one and make them atone for their crimes. Thieves, murderers and dishonest men of all types; he?d pass judgment upon them all?[/color]
[color=green]Tunnels are not great places to live. Dark, damp and often dangerous, the clone tunnels are no exception. This particular stretch of tunnel lead from a concealed entrance on the surface into a series of labyrinthine passages dug by mole-clones. At this particular moment, it was humans who were utilizing the tunnels. A dozen of them advanced slowly and carefully, moving their large weapons from side to side as if they expected their opponents to materialize out of thin air. They had good reason to be cautious. Chameleon-clones could become nearly invisible and mole clones could pop through the walls at any time. The tunnels were a dangerous place for humans? A weasel clone stayed in the shadows, watching the humans as they walked by. He?d long ago perfected the art of remaining perfectly still, so that it would be very hard to spot him short of walking right into the shadows cast by the human?s helmet-lights. As the humans turned a corner, he waited patiently. As the last soldier turn his back to join his fellows, the weasel clone sprung from the shadows without a sound. His double bladed dagger slit the human?s soft throat, silencing the man forever. Without pause, the weasel-clone picked up the human weapon and slunk around the corner. Up ahead he could see the human patrol, oblivious to the fact that they were now short one man. Most likely, they?d never realize what?d happened to their rear guard. The weasel clone switched the weapon to full automatic, and depressed the cold metal trigger. A flurry of crimson lasers spewed forth, ripping through the human patrol. In a matter of moments, every one of them was on the ground. The weasel clone grinned, and drained the energy clip into the human?s prostrate bodies before tossing the useless weapon aside. His triumph was short lived, as he heard the sound of advancing footsteps behind him. Moving with grace and agility, he slipped into a small crevase in the tunnel wall. With any luck, the pink skins wouldn?t notice him. They werent known for their alertness? Sure enough, the lead humans missed him. He heard startled cries as they discovered the bodies of their fallen comrades, then a sharp order from someone with a very authoritative voice. The voice ordered them to keep moving. The pink shins had no respect for their dead. However, this seemed to be no normal patrol. Several dozen soldiers had passed him already and this procession had shown no signs of ending soon. Next, several APCs rolled by, followed by some kind of armored vehicle. Finally the convoy ended. As the sounds of the troops faded into the distance, the weasel clone emerged from his hiding place. It appeared as if the humans were sending reinforcements to their embattled troops fighting near the cave scorpions. The Elders would have to be warned?[/color]
[COLOR=green]I've deleted at least five threads in my time here, each time to fix a spelling error present in the thread title. Now that users aren?t able to delete their threads, is there a way that thread titles can be changed? Spelling errors, especially in thread titles, tick me off?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]After: [list] [*]Watching [u]The Empire Strikes Back[/u] [*]Watching [u]Return of the Jedi[/u] [*]Rereading this thread [*]A long AIM conversation with Poison Tongue [*]Deflating my ego [/list] I have come to the startling realization that all of this seems to be true. Needless to say, this has shaken my previously held beliefs about Star Wars to the core. You?d make a damn good spin doctor Poison Tongue. -Boba[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]People, Luke Skywalker falls to the Dark Side of The Force in Return of the Jedi. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Ahem. I?m assuming you?re basing this whole thing on the assumption that the force is divided into the ?light? and ?dark? sides. However, the [u]New Jedi Order[/u] novel series explores, and eventually affirms, that the force is actually unified. For the sake of argument, I?ll assume this discussion will be of Episodes I-VI only.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]madsatirist (11:29:48 PM): Force Choke madsatirist (11:29:51 PM): Dark Power, right? Shinmaru007 (11:29:54 PM): Yep. madsatirist (11:29:58 PM): k madsatirist (11:30:18 PM): so then, any Jedi or FS character using Force Choke is Dark Side or falling to it madsatirist (11:30:19 PM): right? Shinmaru007 (11:30:37 PM): Yeah. madsatirist (11:30:51 PM): Luke was Dark Side throughout the entirety of RotJ Shinmaru007 (11:31:28 PM): Yes, I've often thought that, too o.o madsatirist (11:31:53 PM): Jenn doesn't agree with me, though--doesn't agree with us Shinmaru007 (11:32:31 PM): She have any arguments against it? madsatirist (11:32:50 PM): Well, she argues that Luke is conflicted in RotJ madsatirist (11:33:03 PM): his shadow/light presentation madsatirist (11:33:05 PM): framewise[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I?d have to say, since this argument is now based [b]solely[/b] on the movies, that there is no way of knowing whether or not force choke is a dark side skill. Just because Darth Vader uses this power in [b]ANH[/b] and [b]ESB[/b], doesn?t mean this is a power unique to the dark side. Luke, Vader and Ben all use alter mind. Therefore, it?s safe to assume that alter mind is a fairly common and benign power belonging to neither side. Couldn?t force choke be the same thing?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]madsatirist (11:33:42 PM): in Empire, madsatirist (11:33:52 PM): Ben and Yoda plead with Luke to not cut his training short madsatirist (11:34:02 PM): both advise him to learn to control himself Shinmaru007 (11:34:02 PM): *nods* madsatirist (11:34:37 PM): But...in Jedi, madsatirist (11:34:44 PM): when Yoda has disappeared madsatirist (11:34:52 PM): and Ben walks out to sit down with Luke, madsatirist (11:35:01 PM): Ben is telling him that he needs to kill Vader madsatirist (11:35:12 PM): while in Empire he was saying don't kill Vader Shinmaru007 (11:35:22 PM): Interesting... madsatirist (11:35:44 PM): and Emperor and Vader both tell Luke he needs to kill Vader or Emperor at the end of Jedi madsatirist (11:35:59 PM): and, Emperor was controlling/foreseeing everything in the trilogy madsatirist (11:36:11 PM): so...since Emperor is the ultimate wielder of The Force, madsatirist (11:36:29 PM): is it...is it possible that he was manifesting himself in the form of Ben in Jedi? madsatirist (11:36:39 PM): I mean, madsatirist (11:36:49 PM): this would totally shatter everything Ben says in Jedi madsatirist (11:37:14 PM): Our idea of Ben is changed Shinmaru007 (11:37:19 PM): Yeah. Shinmaru007 (11:37:42 PM): It's possible...we still don't know the full extent of the Dark Side of the Force.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]*Twitches* There is a wealth of information outside the canon that indicates that Force Spirits, referred to by the less respectful as ?blue glowys?, cannot be controlled nor created by someone still living. However, since the expanded universe is currently out of play? *Twitches* Your interpretation of these events is correct. Luke is indeed falling to the dark side.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]madsatirist (11:38:09 PM): what makes me think this more, madsatirist (11:38:15 PM): is how Ben appears in Jedi madsatirist (11:38:18 PM): I mean, madsatirist (11:38:21 PM): he walks out madsatirist (11:38:24 PM): and the brush moves madsatirist (11:38:32 PM): it sways as he walks past it madsatirist (11:38:43 PM): every other time in Hope and Empire, madsatirist (11:38:47 PM): he just appears Shinmaru007 (11:39:22 PM): *nods* madsatirist (11:40:02 PM): So, this supports the idea that it really isn't Ben, merely a corrupt imitation[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]*More Expanded Universe twitching* Could be. However, I attribute this to Ben?s nervousness. After all, he?s in very hot water with Luke. Should Luke determine that Leia is the ?other? Yoda mentioned, the final fallback plan for Ben will collapse. There will be no hope for the Jedi should Luke go over to the Dark Side. This explains Ben?s increased influence on his surroundings.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]madsatirist (11:44:21 PM): And also, Luke leaves his first training early madsatirist (11:44:31 PM): letting his emotions cloud him madsatirist (11:44:52 PM): the path to the Dark Side Shinmaru007 (11:45:00 PM): Yep.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]The path of the Dark Side is a long one. A single act, while it can lead to the dark side, isn?t a defining action. It is still very possible for Luke to retain his light side allegiance.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]madsatirist (11:45:54 PM): his attire change madsatirist (11:46:05 PM): In Hope, white tunic madsatirist (11:46:16 PM): and Han is dressed in dark clothing madsatirist (11:46:24 PM): then throughout the series, madsatirist (11:46:31 PM): Luke's clothing gets progressively darker madsatirist (11:46:41 PM): to the point in Jabba's Palace where Han is in white madsatirist (11:46:47 PM): and often in light madsatirist (11:46:52 PM): while Luke is total black Shinmaru007 (11:47:15 PM): *nods* And it's capped off later on, when Luke dons the black glove, heh. madsatirist (11:47:20 PM): yeah madsatirist (11:47:33 PM): and also, madsatirist (11:47:35 PM): in Jedi, madsatirist (11:47:42 PM): he's looking out the window, at the battle madsatirist (11:47:51 PM): every time he turns to Emperor, madsatirist (11:47:56 PM): he is away from the light madsatirist (11:48:07 PM): and he doesn't stay at the window, either madsatirist (11:48:12 PM): he goes for the Emperor Shinmaru007 (11:48:49 PM): Yep, that's pretty much when he really gives in to the Dark Side.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]This is all true PT. Luke is steadily falling to the Dark Side. You?ve convinced me. Almost. After Luke taking all these dark actions, [b]ROTJ[/b] reaches it?s plot climax. Luke is fighting with his father under the watchful and insanely manipulative eye of Emperor Palpitine. At the end of the battle scene, Luke has severe his father?s hand. After doing this, he is horrified at what he has done. It is here that his redemption starts. Luke throws away his lightsaber and tells the Emperor that he will no longer fight. The Emperor?s attitude then turns from malevolent glee to rage. Emperor: ?So be it? Jedi.? The Emperor then proceeds to attack Luke with Force lightning, intent on killing him. Why would the Emperor do this if Luke were of the dark side? If Luke were, as you claim, of the dark side at this time, the Emperor would have accomplished his goal. He would have been happy if Luke had turned, since he is not?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Oh yeah. Obi-Wan in Jedi...not Obi-Wan...that's The Emperor manifesting himself as Obi-Wan. After all, The Emperor foresees everything in the Trilogy. Plus, he is the ultimate wielder of The Force in the Trilogy. He's the one controlling everything. It makes perfect sense that his powers have that capacity. I'll add more later, but everyone, Star Wars is not empty, nor is its story weak or underdeveloped. People just aren't looking hard enough. The entire basis of Star Wars is Existentialism...the idea that we are defined through action and decision. Our core being is altered by what we do. Star Wars is not deep? Hardly. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I?d already refuted Obi-Wan?s appearance discrepancies. As for the Emperor seeing everything? Yoda: ?Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.? Also, if the Emperor had foreseen everything, why did he get killed in the end? Wouldn?t he have foreseen his death and avoided the situation entirely? I agree with your existentialism ideas and their relationship to Star Wars, as well as your observation that Star Wars is ?deep?. However agree with Luke?s falling to the dark side, I do not.[/color]
[color=green]Ben asked me if I?d be interested in joining this RPG; I have accepted his generous offer. [b]Name:[/b] Jedgar Nieta (Surprise!) [b]Age:[/b] 15 and a half years. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Weasel-clone [b]Special Abilities[/b]: Jedgar, due to his status as being a weasel-clone, is able to be extremely sneaky. He?s often able to get very clone to even the most sensitive beings without detection. [b]Weapon:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=553160[/img] [b]Biography[/b]: Born to weasel-clone parents who were both highly placed members of the Listener discovery group. Naturally, Jedgar has followed in their footsteps. He joined the eavesdropping sect, as he has taken to calling it, at the tender age of twelve. Since then, he has served with distinction. Jedgar?s primary task is to shadow human incursions into clone territory and report on their movements so that the Council of Elders can make informed decisions to either attack or avoid human threats. Jedgar is a childhood friend of Ben?s, although they have been separated for several years.[/color]
Writing OtakuBoards: Enter the Net [PG]
Boba Fett replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B][COLOR=#503F86]Behind him, Lynx Jokopoko and Boba Fett were having a heated Star Wars debate. ?Obi-Wan Kenobi is the best character. How can you argue with Ewan MacGregor?? Boba Fett pointed to himself. ?Bounty Hunter. Jedi are cool, but they?re bound to the Force. If they misuse it, they become evil. Bounty Hunters can do whatever they want. And the jetpacks look more stylish than brown robes??[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]*Grins with insatiable glee* This cameo made my day.[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]No we can't. We have certain rights as straight people, as voting and whatnot, but thats not the argument here. We can't legally marry, therefor we do not have the same rights as you. Filling out a few forms does not give us the same rights as you. In the state of Florida, I as a gay man, cannot adopt a child. Can you believe this BS. Becuase of my sexual orientation, I cannot adopt a child if i felt the need to. THE FREEDOMS ARE UNBEARABLE! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]No, you can?t currently legally marry. However, by filling out visitation forms and such you can obtain almost all of the rights/privileges of married people. As for homosexuals adopting children, I?m not entirely sure what I think should be done regarding it. I?m very much torn on this issue. I?ll get back to you on this one. As for you last sentence? I?m not sure what to think.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James Goodwin [/i] [B]One of my best friends is gay and he is the nicest guy i know.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I?m sure he is. However, we?re not discussing whether or not gays are nice people. This debate concerns the legalization of Gay Marriage.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James Goodwin [/i] [B]I think people should just stop being so bigots about things like this and get over it. [/B][/QUOTE] [URL=http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bigot]Bigot - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.[/URL] [color=green]While I agree that those out there who are intolerant of people of different sexual orientations should try to overcome their biases. As for those, including myself, who have opposed the idea of Gay Marriage on this thread, all of us have clearly stated why with logical arguments.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James Goodwin [/i] [B]I mean if it dont effect you its not a problem.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]This generalization is untrue. By legalizing gay marriage, a dangerous precedent has been set. If you allow marriage for people who practice one alternative lifestyle, you are going to end up legalizing marriage for all practitioners of alternative lifestyles. What about polygamy? If you legalize gay marriage, which is an alternative lifestyle, who?s to say you cant legalize another alternative lifestyle, such as polygamy? These laws will affect me. They will affect all Americans.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James Goodwin [/i] [B]And if your reliogon or your beliefs have somrthing to do with it then just drop it and leave people alone. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Drop what, religion? I?m not sure what you meant my this?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1][color=red] To say that gays cannot marry, and that they are inferior, is pure ignorance.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]These two phrases do not go hand in hand.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1][color=red]Homosexuals shouldn't even be labeled homesexuals. They should be called humans which have a different sexuality than that which is said to be "the norm." [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]No, homosexuals should be labeled as such because they are. It?s as simple as that. If that label is used to discriminate against them, that is wrong. Anyone who doesn?t recognize a homosexual person as exactly that, a person, is clearly wrong.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1][color=red] Again--I bring up my point I brought up in the last thread I heavily discussed in--the only reason people are saying gays are inferior, that they don't deserve what they deserve, is because it's a viewpoint they've been given. And also, many people are just doing it because everyone else does it.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Nobody here has said gays are inferior. In fact, I don?t recall anyone saying that in general.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1][color=red] I don't care what your Christian God says. I don't care if he says sex before marriage is a bad thing, that gays are bad people. Because he's wrong. So don't even bring that in here--it has no bearing. Put aside the stupid Christian views on things. Become your own person and think about it.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Mitch? read what Ben had to say about the Catholic Church. That opinion is echoed by all but the most radical Christians.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1][color=red] Think about it. Homosexuals, gays, whatever the world you want to call them--they're people. Their the same as all of us. What does it say [i]directly[/i] in the constitution, near the first line. It says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.." And you're going to tell me that constitutionally this is wrong? That on a humane level it's wrong to be gay? That on a scientific level it's "unnatural"?[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]No, I?m not. I?m going to tell you that I personally oppose gay marriage because I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I feel that gay marriage will open the door for other alternative lifestyles. I feel that this is dilution of marriage?s meaning will further the declining morals of our society. I agree with almost all of your post Mitch, regarding homosexuals treatment. I think that under US law, they should allowed to be married and continue to be given all rights that they currently enjoy. As far as my own feelings go, I?d rather that Gays didn?t marry and marriage was kept between men and women.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CrH [/i] [B]A lot of the posts here of 'Christian' theme seem to be of a conservative nature, yet people at the Boards are mostly teens and young adults, the supposed 'open-Minded' Generation.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Wait a second. You said, ?A lot of the posts here of 'Christian' theme seem to be of a conservative nature?. Then you say that this generation is supposedly open-minded. As you saying that conservatives are not open-minded? Sometimes conservatives do tend to resist change, but to equate conservatism with close-mindedness is incorrect.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I didn't bring up religion for a reason, and I'd rather stay away from it. I understand the opposition via religion that exists, however some of the opposition in this thread was not for religious meaning, it was because of the "deffiniton" of the word marriage. Which is ridiculous.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]You claim the definition of the word marriage is ridiculous? According to dictionary.com, the definition is: [URL=http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=marriage] 1. a. The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife. b. The state of being married; wedlock. c. A common-law marriage. d. A union between two persons having the customary but usually not the legal force of marriage: a same-sex marriage[/URL] There are many people out there who are pushing for the passage of a ?Defense of Marriage Act?, who would like to see same-sex marriages outlawed. These people are doing so for a variety of reasons. Not all of them are bigots TN, to think so is ludicrous. Many of these people have valid arguments that explain their views.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]A bigot is a set word. It has a meaning, a set meaning. Anyone who is intolerant of those who differ is a bigot. It says it right there in dictionary. Unnatural... well the word exists in the dictionary but none of the deffinitions describe myself as a gay man. It is not against my nature to be gay. It is not against natural law for me to be gay. By saying it's unnatural, that would insinuate, that either I had to work against a natural feeling (which I assume is toward women) to be attracted to men... which simply never happened to me. I was never attracted to women that way, always to men since I can remember. Unnatural is a word that can be used based on your view of someone or something when dealing with non-set subjects like homosexuality. Because straight people don't know what its like to be gay, they cannot honestly say it's unnatural cause they don't know what it feels like to be gay or to feel any different than "natural"... it's like if I said being straight was unnatural... you would think I was the most moronic person in the world if i said that.... I don't understand what it's like to be straight so how can I honestly say it's unnatural to be straight? I can't, and neither can any straight person about any gay person.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I?m sure we all know what the word bigot means TN. Unnatural on the other hand, seems to be an entirely different case. [URL=http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=unnatural]Unnatural: 1. In violation of a natural law. 2. Inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom. 3. Deviating from a behavioral or social norm: an unnatural attachment. 4. Contrived or constrained; artificial: smiled in an unnatural manner. 5. In violation of natural feelings; inhuman.[/URL] Gay people are not of the social norm. The majority decides the social norm, which in this case is heterosexuality. Therefore, the word unnatural does define you and all other gay/lesbian people. [u][b]This is not a bad thing[/b][/u]. It simply means that in one way you are a minority. I personally have the same respect for someone who is gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered, etc. as I do for someone who is straight.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Think I care? When it come to STUPID ideas, there's nothing more I can do but completely insult your lack of intelligence.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Somehow I doubt that an opinion shared by millions of people doesn?t have some logic to it. It?s also not very convincing to call someone?s ideas stupid. Sinking to that level during a debate makes you look bad. So far you?ve called me a bigot, labeled my opinions as stupid, told me I completely lack intelligence and called me a loser. I respect your opinions, how about you respect mine.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]**** the pope. If the pope told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? Yeah... thats what I thought. Theres a difference between being "against" gay marriage for religious purposes and just being plain against it. By completely ruling out marriages ina whole you're a bigot. If you rule out marriages in a catholic church for religious reasons, well thats something different. Some of you need to grow up and look at the times. Marriage isn't the same as it used to. Over half the people who get married get divorced, thats against religion, so why don't we make divorce illegal then? If you want to use religion to stop gay people from getting married, then you should use religion to stop straight people from getting divorced. Ofcourse that won't happen... why you ask? Because people are bigots.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Excuse me? The pope is a world leader who has done countless good thing around the world. Saying F--- the pope is completely inappropriate. There are Catholics out there who would ?Jump off a bridge? if the pope said to. These are people of principle that are devoted to their beliefs and their religion. You?d be wise not to attack them for their faith. Legoboy1 (2:47:01 PM): I would jump... Legoboy1 (2:47:21 PM): ...if the pope said to. Magnus Immortal (2:48:22 PM): So would I As for the recent problems with marriages, this is one of the primary reasons not to allow people of abnormal sexual orientation to marry. Marriage is fast becoming a joke and needs to be preserved. Allowing people who live ?alternative lifestyles? to wed would further dilute marriage. If you allow legalization of one alternative lifestyle, you have to legalize them all. What?s next, polygamy?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Look, i can understand the opposition to gay marriage in a traditional religious act. We don't want that anyway, and no church in their right mind, unless it's Unitarian, is gonna marry any of us anyway. We don't want to get married for religious reasons, that not what this fight for marriage is about... it's about having the same RIGHTS and FREEDOMS as straight married couples.... if that means calling it civil unions and giving us the same rights and freedoms, then so be it... if that means calling it marriages and having the same rights and freedoms then so be it... we don't care which one it is as long as we can be treated in the same respect through the law and our government. I just want to be able to propose to my boyfriend, get married or joined or whatever, and call him my husband when the time comes. By denying me that, well, thats bigottry, no matter what way you look at it. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Gay people can obtain the same rights and freedoms that straight married people have by filling out a few forms. You already have the same rights and freedoms as straight people, spelled out in the laws of the United States. I?m not denying you the right to marry TN. I?ve already said that I [I]personally[/I] oppose gay marriage, but think that gay marriage should be legal under US law. Under the laws of the United States, you should be allowed to marry whomever you wish. I?m merely stating my opinions on gay marriage. That?s all. EDIT: Edited for spelling and spaces.[/color]