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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Blah blah blah, marriage is an institution between man and woman, blah blah blah. Grow up losers.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]If you?re truly interested in supporting an idea, you?d do well to stop insulting people first. This not something I?d expect to hear from a moderator.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Anyone who opposed gay marriage is a BIGOT.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Neither is this. Some people who oppose gay marriage are bigots, there?s nothing you can do about that. Others do so for religious reasons. Can you honestly tell me you?d go call a devout Catholic a bigot because he or she follows the doctrine set down by the Pope?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Your argument is useless and worthless. You mise well just come out and say you don't like gay people and say you're a bigot cause thats what you really are. No use in hiding behind some poorly thought out ridiculous ideas, [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Your logic here escapes me. Transtic, besides your well thought out body paragraphs of your post, the rest of your statements are extreme generalizations and serious accusations. I personally don?t approve of gay marriage; it?s something I don?t feel is right. However, I am not going to attempt and impose these views on other people, because I realize that under the US legal system there is no way to justify banning gay marriages. Call me a loser and a bigot all you like. I?m neither.[/color] [center]--- --- --- --- ---[/center] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Incorrect Boba; I watched an interested doco series (by that famous BBC guy) last year exploring if same-sex coupling was restricted to humans. It went over voluntary homosexual actions (eg dolphins), survival based (eg female lions) and a large variety of animals and why they resorted too this alternative, it?s out come was rather obvious that this sort of behaviour is in fact rather common in the animal world. That argument of unnatural in the animals is null as information to the contrary is very easy too access using your local library or an internet search engine. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I stand corrected.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B] Male California gulls sometimes become scarce. When there simply aren't enough to go around, females may choose to raise their young alongside another female, using the same courting rituals as they would with a male member of the species. Some of these couples remain monogamous for years. Yet though they cannot copulate, the female gulls together protect and feed the offspring which were abandoned by their father. These birds' communities are structured so that a two-parent family is required for the fledglings to survive; it seems to me that here homosexuality serves a very useful and specific purpose.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Homosexual - Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons (in this case animals) of the same sex This is not an example of homosexuality. As I read this, it appears that the female gulls would not work together to raise their young if there were males around. This is a behavior born of necessity, not of sexual orientation.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Besides, assuming that it's unnatural, how does one account for homosexuality in animals? What do you think causes their behavior?[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I?m no expert on sexuality, but based on my limited knowledge I?d say that homosexuality is either a mutation of some kind or something brought about by circumstances. I really don?t know.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]I understand your argument, but it's not entirely valid. Numerous scientists have observed homosexual behavior in otherwise normal animals. This phenomena isn't restricted to a single species, but can be found in macaques, sheep, gulls, and so forth. While you're entitled to say that marriage should--for whatever reason--be restricted to opposite-sex couples, I don't think it's possible to prove that homosexuality is unnatural. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Homosexual behavior, in any species, is unnatural. Unnatural - Deviating from a behavioral or social norm In this case, I?d argue that the social norm is heterosexuality. After all, the majority of organisms of all species must practice it in order to propagate their species. Therefore, anything that is not heterosexual in nature must be unnatural. Your use of the word ?phenomena? is an example of this Phenomenon - An unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence The key word here is unusual. That?s about it?[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Most leaders of Communist-failed countries were corrupt, and so as a result, people suffered.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]It was the communist system that caused the corruption of the countries. This weak system of government practically invites corruption. In a communist system, the leader is the only official. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. ?Nuff said.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]As I've mentioned before, I tried limiting the corruption by using the principle of "Nothing to gain, nothing to lose". [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Where?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Most wars in the past start with a conflict of interest. The whole reason for the Cold War was that the Communists said "Our way is the only way" and vice versa for the Americans. In such a small society, such a thing would never happen, as the small society can never contest with such a larger nation.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Your country would give birth to a second generation, which would probably rebel against its parents and leave for the free world. There these deprived children of communism would experience the joys of capitalism. You society would die out. It is inevitable that some conflict would arise within your nation, made up of people who all profess to be equal. Eventually, someone would have to decide something. This would upset some people, who would either leave your country or start a civil war. Most nations have had one or more civil wars. Somehow I doubt your hypothetical nation?s success.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]For everything else after, laws must simply be put up to restrict the actions of the people so that no one can get out of hand... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Who will decide these laws? Who will be elevated above the masses to pass judgment? If a disagreement arises over punishment, how will it be resolved? After all, all of you are equal. If you vote, you become a democracy? If someone among you makes the decision for you, you become a dictatorship.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i] [B]Horrors. A breast on television. What ever shall we do? Quick shield the innocent children's eyes, for letting them see a naked breast will surely scar them for life.[/sarcasm] I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, your kid is gonna see a breast at some point in their lives -_- [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I?ll tell you what the matter is? The Super Bowl is a family affair. Everyone, young and old watches it. There?s also something in our society, in case you haven?t forgotten, called decency. It?s not publicly exposing yourself on television. Yes, most people will see a naked breast within their lifetime. Many of the parents who are watching the Super Bowl with their children don?t feel that it is appropriate for their children to be exposed to that kind of partial nudity. There is something to be said for letting a child be a child. This kind of behavior and exposure can be found in other places, and I don?t have a problem with that. The Super Bowl is prime time TV that is one of, if not the most, viewed event of the year. Performers are expected to behave themselves. This does not mean dirty dancing on TV. In my opinion, the entire halftime show was completely inappropriate for the game. This was a disgusting display of our culture?s declining morals. Hopefully the FCC will slap everyone involved with backbreaking fines.[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]Well I'm very glad they passed it. And I'm also happy that Bush's Anit-gay policies aren't making anyone back down. And I'm quite pleased because this gives me something to talk about in current events class. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Could you do me a favor and name a single one of Bush's policies that is anti-gay? For some reason I don?t recall any, but I could be wrong... I, like Lynx, don?t wish to be seen as a bigot here. I?m not a religious person, but I do oppose gay marriage. Marriage is an institution that is between a man and a woman. After all, it is through men and women that our species reproduces. Therefore, people who are attracted to others of their own gender are unnatural. This isn?t a bad thing; I am friends with several homosexuals and bisexuals. However, I don?t feel that any special kind of recognition should be given to relationships between homosexual couples. In the end, I don?t feel that this is my decision to make. My personal feelings on this matter are irrelevant, since this is a governmental issue. Under my interpretation of the laws of the United States, homosexual couples should be able to be married. Our country is founded on the principles of acceptance of equality, both of which would be shattered by preventing people of different sexual orientations from marrying.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]And anyway, the complications would be less than with a large country, like Russia or China.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I doubt that. Look at the war that?s being fought in Chechnya. Russia certainly isn?t going to give up any of its land. Especially to a country that plans to be communist. I?m not as sure about China, but I also doubt it. Land is extremely hard to come by theses days, especially if you plan on establishing your own nation. If you truly wish to experiment with Communism, I?d suggest hooking up with some university. You could probably find one to set you up, temporarily, in a mini communist society for research purposes. Certainly easier than establishing your own nation.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Assuming that we actually bought off a piece of land, people have the option of moving in or out of the place if they find something unsatisfactory.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]If this is going to be your policy, I?d be prepared for people to leave just as quickly as they arrive. Most communist nations, past and present, have had great numbers of their people flee due to the failure of the system.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]Almost always, America will go to war when the country itself is in danger or if "Democracy is threatened".[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]You?re partially right here. The United States, like any other nation, will defend itself if attacked. The policy of defending democratic nations goes back to the Cold War, when US policy was to stop the spread of communism. Both the United States and the Soviet Union were pushing their own systems of government, and the struggle between these two superpowers was polarizing. It was rare to find a neutral country of any importance in world affairs. Your quotes around the phrase ?Democracy is threatened? imply doubt. Not being one to assume anything, I?m asking you whether you meant this sarcastically or with doubt. If so, I want to take you to task on it.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CB Shin [/i] [B]I don't think we would be in either catagory, because I wouldn't try to force propaganda on anyone. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]You seem to be very much the idealist CB Shin. If history is any indication, idealists are pushed aside in most communist nations by those who give in too the human emotions of greed and ambition. The communist system seems especially prone to this kind of perversion. These people, not you, would end up churning out propaganda to warp the minds of the people.[/color]
  8. [color=green]Jedgar slung the food sacks over his shoulder and walked with the others down the dusty dirt path that lead through the thickly wooded forest. The thief, Kerrigan, had tried to begin eating the food they?d recovered. It was an understandable reaction, considering her rather underfed look. However, Jedgar would have none of that until this cart was recovered. Then, and only if MaCarthur permitted it, he and Kerrigan would eat. To do otherwise would be uncouth and dishonest. The forest canopy had kept the path fairly shaded, but as the sun began to set the path was becoming darker by the minute. If they didn?t spot the cart soon, they?d have to stop for the night. Traveling on roads at night was a sure way to get robbed, especially in this area. He wasn?t sure about either of his companion?s loyalty, especially Kerrigan?s. It?d be wise to avoid combat until he was either rid of these two or he knew them better. [B]MaCarthur [/B]: ?There!? Jedgar followed the lad?s pointing arm to the right side of the road. There, embedded in a bush, was the cart. Nearby the horse grazed peacefully. Much of the cart?s cargo had been scattered about the area, but it appeared to all be there. Truly remarkable, for an area so full of the dishonest. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Gather the belongings and tie the horse. We?ll spend the night here.? [B]MaCarthur[/B]: ?Sounds good to me.? [B]Kerrigan[/B]: ?So? What?s for dinner??[/color]
  9. [color=green]Jedgar awoke to find himself floating in a crackling blue restraining field, within a standard holding cell. Damn. His mind went over the events of the past hour, for lack of anything better to do? He?d walked down from the village towards where he suspected the [I]Slave I[/I] would be landing. In retrospect, it was a foolish thing to do. At the time, he?d justified it to himself under the guise of investigating a possible threat. When he?d reached the ship, Jedgar had been extremely cautious. After observing it for several minutes, he cautiously approached it and began to sabotage the engines. After all, word of this gathering of Jedi should be kept as quiet as possible. He?d almost completed removing a side panel so that he could get at the engines, since the ship landed engines down, when the situation had soured. A moment before he was knocked to the ground, he observed a flash of motion to his left. He fell to the ground, rolling and coming up in a defensive stance with his pike diagonally across his body. This time he got a good look at Boba Fett, who slowly and carefully raised his blaster rifle. The armored figure raised his rifle slowly, aimed carefully and gently squeezed the trigger. Fett was a professional and an excellent marksman. Others might have acted with haste or fired a flurry of shots with which to hit his target using the laws of probability alone. Not Fett. Time seemed to slow for Jedgar. He knew what to do, but not how he knew it. Reaching for his belt, he drew a lightsaber. Jedgar had ?borrowed? it before he left the encampment, intending to use it as evidence should he decide to turn in the traitors to the Empire. As his finger depressed the recessed button on the handle, a green blade shot forth, deflecting the bounty hunter?s projectile off into the night. [B]Boba Fett[/B]: ?Jedi. It has been a long time since I dealt with one of you.? The hunter raised his wrist, pointing it at Jedgar. He then proceeded to clench his fist, an action that launched several darts at the Bothan. Jedgar once again was filled with an odd feeling of power. He vaporized the first two projectiles, but the third got though his amateurish defenses and stuck in his arm. He remembered crying out before everything went black? Suddenly his chain of thought was interrupted by the noise of a hatch opening. Someone had entered the ship?[/color]
  10. [COLOR=green]What?!? You mean the assassin droid doesn?t overcome her programming and run away with him to live in happiness forever and ever? Bah. So much for happy endings? Ahem. It?s a very interesting story, for reasons I?m having a very hard time pinning down. There?s just something there that?s? classic storytelling. [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]I have a nifty T-shirt that I tend to wear fairly often. It's very large and gray. On the front it says "This is your brain" and has a picture of a brain. On the back it says "This is your brain on math' and has a picture of a brain with various mathematical symbols on it. I got it in seventh grade as part of our school's math team. It's so comfy...[/COLOR]
  12. [quote] 2) Cleared my browser's memory and disk cache.[/quote] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bio [/i] [B][font=tahoma][size=1]Yea, umm... how exactly do you do that...? (I never realized how bad I was at this kind of stuff...)[/font][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Go to the top of your browser window and select ?Tools?. Scroll down to ?Internet Options?. Then go to the box that contains a button labeled ?Delete Files??. Pressing this will delete all your temporary Internet files. After this process is completed, go down to the box labeled ?History? and click the button ?Clear History?. This will delete your browser?s memory. I think this is what wrist cutter was referring to?[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Lastly, Mr. Zidargh :) You had me say "Seeing you have just walked out of Forlorneth..." and such, Forlorneth is nowhere near where we are at the moment. We're in the woods just outside my own castle. I just thought that was silly ^_^[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]OOC: I?m going to ignore Mr. Zidargh?s last post then, and start from K.K.C.?s instead. [center]--- --- --- --- ---[/center] A figure in a crimson cloak was standing motionless by the side of the road, obscured from view by several trees. He was holding a staff in one hand, using the other to bend a branch so he could watch the road. There were two people currently fighting upon it, one of which was a professed thief. He didn?t like thieves? Letting go of the branch he leaped onto the road, his hood falling back to reveal his weather-beaten face. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?You?d be wise to surrender thief. I?d hate to have to hurt you?? [B]Thief[/B]: ?First of all, it?s Kerrigan. Secondly, I haven?t stolen anything.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?You are directly responsible for the loss of this lad?s cart.? [B]MaCarthur[/B]: ?I?m not a la-? [B]Kerrigan[/B]: ?Accidents happen.? [I]Jedgar grinned. It wasn?t often you met a good tempered thief.[/I] [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Then how about we put our weapons down and go locate the cart.? [B]MaCarthur and Kerrigan.[/B]: *[I]In unison[/I]* ?You first!? [I]Jedgar rolled his eyes and dropped his staff so that it lay parallel to him about six inches from his feet.[/I] Neither Kerrigan nor MaCarthur moved. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Well?? [I]Eyeing each other suspiciously, both of the combatants slowly began to lower their weapons. Then, suddenly, they both raised their weapons back up with lighting speed. Jedgar grinned.[/I] It appeared both of them had tried to take advantage of the truce to get the drop on the other. Both had failed. They?d wasted enough time. [I]In the blink of an eye, Jedgar extended his foot and kicked his staff straight up to his outstretched hands. He then proceeded to deftly disarm both MaCarthur and Kerrigan with a blinding series of blocks and disarming moves. Both of Kerrigan?s daggers and MaCarthur?s sword were thrown several meters away.[/I] He suspected that Kerrigan might have a few more, as his well-trained eye had spotted suspiciously shaped bulges. Hopefully she?d refrain from drawing them? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Much better. So, who?s up for locating the cart??[/color]
  14. [COLOR=green] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=551950[/img] Looks really can kill...[/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B] You know that Semjaza Azazel guy, the one that everyone hates? The guy just gets on everyone's nerves, doesn't he? I mean, the way he responds to people's inane, useless arguments with well thought out posts and facts is just so irritating! And the guy even has the gall to include the sources of his information so as to seperate fact from fiction! What a cold, heartless bastard, huh? What am I getting at? I'm re-establishing the 'We Hate Semjaza Azazel' Club for Tony haters everywhere! Now the people who send him pointless, awfully written PMs complaining every time he closes a thread or expresses an opinion actually have a place to voice their views! Entry into the club is simple. All you have to do is write a 750 word essay detailing why you hate Semjaza Azazel, while including specific examples of how Tony embarrassed you across the boards. It can surely be done, since Tony seemingly has the time to establish personal vendettas against people he doesn't even know! Also, it would be nice if I could get letters of recommendation from other noted "Tony haters" detailing why you hate Tony enough to be allowed entrance into this prestigious club. Have fun and happy hating, everyone! [/B][/QUOTE] The category moderator Semjaza Azazel has unnecessarily harassed me, like every other law-abiding member of the message board known as ?OtakuBoards?. This sadistic and scarily powerful figure in this small Internet domain spends all of his waking hours plotting to ruin the lives of OtakuBoards members. Among other things, he?s refused to host poorly designed geocities sites, expressed his offensive opinions in the Otaku Lounge and locked perfectly good threads. Let?s take a small look at some of the threads this vile moderator has unnecessarily locked, in clear violation of his power as a moderator. First and foremost is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36859]Things not to do with food[/URL]. This thought provoking and controversial thread had just begun an engaging discussion of the horrors created when chocolate milk and water are mixed, when Semjaza Azazel closed it. With one stroke of his mod rod, Semjaza had destroyed one of the board?s most promising threads. Only days earlier, the same foul moderator closed the thread [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36837]Cheats For The Sims Bustin Out[/URL]. Not only did this betray his famous hatred for copying and pasting, it also is proof of him using his superior resources to make average members look bad. He provided a link to [URL=http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/code/36806.html]Game FAQs[/URL]. He used a power that isn?t available to the average person, the search engine, to hunt down this obscure site. He most likely spent hours to make a poor new member of OtakuBoards look stupid. This Semjaza makes Kuja look kind and grandfatherly. The final straw can be found in the Poetry, Fan Fiction and Literature forum. Semjaza waltzed into this sacred house of writing one day and closed the first topic he saw, just for spite. This thread happened to be the epic novel [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35793]Sonic's adventure in Chao World[/URL]. Witty and written with stellar punctuation and grammar, this brilliant Sonic the Hedgehog parody was destined to go far. Semjaza crushed that dream. He closed this thread without a backward glance, ruining any chance of completion for this masterpiece. The above thread closings pale in comparison to the radical opinions expressed by Mr. Azazel in the Otaku Lounge. This guy is clearly nuts. He [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=551234#post551234]doesn't trust MTV[/URL], [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=551234#post551234]doubts the honesty of Justin Timberlake[/URL], [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=551188#post551188]gets his information about Dark Matter from cartoons[/URL], [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=550729#post550729]would like to cheat drugs companies out of their hard earned profits[/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=550479#post550479]even claims that PETA is insane[/URL]. What a nutter? Semjaza has somehow gotten it into his warped mind that Justin Timberlake meant to rip off part of Janet Jackson?s breastplate during the most recent super bowl halftime show. Imagine, such a good looking, honest and moral young man acting in such a perverted way. Likely? I think not. Semjaza is accusing this man of an outrageous crime of which he has no solid evidence, besides a videotape viewed by millions of people. He also claims that the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is insane. This is blatantly false. This group stands up for the rights of poor defenseless poodles everywhere. Just because PETA advocates letting animals getting the same rights as human beings, Mr. Azazel labels them insane. These animals aren?t allowed to use the same water fountains as humans, vote or ride on buses. This is clearly wrong and there should be a national movement undertaken to free these creatures from bondage and give them the rights they deserve. Semjaza opposes this righteous action. In his next radical post, the Otaku Gamer moderator stated that he didn?t think that insulin should cost as much as it does. People shouldn?t get drugs they don?t pay for. After all, those drug companies are barely getting by as it is. The pharmaceutical companies deserve to profit from their creations. What will he ask for next, people to stop making pointless posts to raise their post counts? Despite his high and mighty attitude, Semjaza Azazel has no concept of reality. He takes his information from random and inaccurate sources, sometimes cartoons. Recently he stated that he learned everything he ?knows? about dark matter came from a cartoon. This, ladies and gentlemen, is an example of the source quality that Semjaza uses. In closing, I strongly recommend to the administration of OtakuBoards remove this unscrupulous moderator from his position of influence on this message board. During his time here, he has done nothing but harm both this boards reputation and stifle intelligent conversation. His radical opinions have upset many a member of this message board time and time again. He makes a habit of scaring away ?L33T? new members of OB, by using proper grammar. There are even rumors that he runs a website called [URL=http://www.slownerveaction.org/wip/]Wrapped in Plastic[/URL], which contains references to dismemberment! Clearly, Semjaza Azazel must go. In this essay I have shown how, by humiliating the rank and file of OtakuBoards, Semjaza Azazel has invoked my wrath. From the Otaku Lounge, to Music/TV/Movies, within Poetry/Fan Fiction/Literature and even in the Sony Forum, Mr. Azazel has shown himself to be a very nasty person. He goes out of his way to hurt the feelings of random people, the meanie. -Boba Fett [Note: I am currently working on getting endorsements from fellow Semjaza Azazel haters, and will edit in any endorsements I receive] [size=1]Disclaimer: If you haven?t already guessed, this is a joke. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the moderators and administration of OtakuBoards, Semjaza Azazel included.[/size]
  16. [color=green]Sadly, I feel that the world of Fahrenheit 451 is a very possible future is our society continues to move in the direction I see it going today. I cant tell you how many of my friends haven?t read a single English book since eighth grade. They?ve skimmed the spark notes and that?s that. As much as I try to persuade them to read the real thing, they brush me off. Not only are they not reading, they?re losing valuable lessons. Reading as a leisure activity is also slowly dieing in most social circles I frequent. I am one of three people I know who read for fun. Most people in my school classes read solely because they are required to for school. If it were up to them? It?s really scary how ignorant these people are. I can?t even convince my friends to join OB, because there?s apparently too much reading involved. They?d much rather play HALO or SOCOM. I read the book in ninth grade as part of my English class and loved it. Not only was it well written, but Montag?s journey from ignorant follower to free-thinker was enthralling. Truly a great book; a must read for anyone who enjoys thought provoking literature.[/color]
  17. [COLOR=green]Take a look here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36229[/url][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=green]Your hunch was correct SasukeUchiha, this site is a fake. If you take a close look, it's obviously a joke of some kind designed to provoke a strong reaction from gullible viewers. For example, it claims to have ready to eat Dodo birds. These birds became extinct, according to [URL=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/02/0227_0228_dodo.html]National Geographic[/URL], by around 1700. As for the issue itself, people eat strange things. Not much you can do about it... [/color]
  19. [color=green]Funny as usual DW. I find the most amusing thing about this whole tale to be where the various members of OB have been cast. OtakuSennen as Norrington for example, simply brilliant. *Eyes the script, looking for a part*[/color]
  20. [color=green][b]Name:[/b] Jedgar ?Cyclone? Nieta [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Weapon:[/b] Staff [b]Dragon Elements:[/b] -Wind- Ocarina -Storm- Organ -Rain- Harmonica [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, reserved and moody, Jedgar doesn?t make friends easily. He?s also very picky about everything from his clothing to his food. Jedgar has a strong sense of justice and he doesn?t hesitate to pass judgment on the wicked. These qualities have made him a bit of a loner, but respected by all. [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://www.crimsongypsy.com/images/cloak4thm.jpg[/IMG] [b]Information:[/b] Born in the Kingdom of Vice, Jedgar was severely out of place. His strong moral character and fierce independence made him many dangerous enemies. Unlike most other boys his age, petty theft and vandalism didn?t interest him. Jedgar devoted himself to his studies, which was rather difficult to do in a land dominated by single-minded crooks. Upon reaching the age of twenty, and acquiring the maturity gained through years of watching ruthless criminals terrorize the few hard working and honest people that inhabited his homeland, Jedgar took an oath. He swore that day to protect the innocent, punish the guilty and never to rest in that task until the day he died. To prepare for this monumental task, he sought out an accomplished warrior and learned his secrets. Day and night he practiced the intricate art form that is staff combat. He learned blocks, parries, strikes and disarming moves. Physical training dominated his waking hours. In just under a year, he was transformed from an average young man into a living weapon. Upon leaving the tutelage of his wizened trainer, Jedgar returned home to say his final goodbyes to his parents. As turned onto the street where his house lay, he was horrified to find that it had been reduced to ash. In the doorway lay two scorched skeletons, twisted in impressions of agony. Caution was thrown to the winds, and Jedgar ran towards the ashes that had once comprised his childhood home. Tears streaming down his face, he began to look through the rubble for anything of sentimental value that could be salvaged. As he reached the area that would have been his bedroom, Jedgar noticed something odd. In the midst of the destruction lay three small instruments, surrounded by a small area that seemed to be untouched by the destruction. He picked each one up in turn, somehow knowing intuitively how to play them. Knowing that somehow, these were his gateway to revenge?[/color]
  21. [color=green]I was learning to ride my bike, back when I was in first grade, when I received my first scar. My grandparents came over and I decided to show them how I could ride my bike. Unfortunately for me, we lived on a gravel road and it had rained the night before. I fell while turning a corner and put my left hand out to break my fall. A piece of gravel cut open the lower right portion of my hand. I went to the hospital and got is sown up with two stitches. Now I have a rather thick white line across that portion of my left hand. [I]Now skip ahead seven years?[/I] I was playing basketball with some friends in eighth grade, when somebody decided it?d be ok to knock me backwards in their pursuit of the ball. I fell to the ground, again reaching out with my left hand to break my fall. A piece of glass cut my hand about an inch below my other scar. No stitches were required for this scar and it?s a little less noticeable than the other one. So now I have more or less parallel scars on the bottom right portion of my left hand. Maybe next time I should use my right hand to break my fall?[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B] I myself have no problem with the use of recreatonal drugs. Sometimes people just need a reality break; to get away from the day to day dullness of life.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]How is day-to-day life dull? Sure, some things are repetitive, but overall life should be interesting. If yours isn?t, there are plenty of other escapes that are far less dangerous and destructive than drugs.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]For each his own if they want to take one of these drugs and go out of control, good for them I'm not going to get in their way.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Excuse me? If someone is high, you don?t have a problem with them getting out of control? If they get behind the wheel, you wont have a choice about whether or not you get in their way.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]Some dude at school took Ya Ba(a really pure methamphetamine) and died instantly on the spot. He was foaming at the mouth and his body couldn't stop shaking. Girl around town get really messed up and then end up having babies and stuff, but it was their choice.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]These are prime examples of what happens when someone uses ?recreational drugs?. These drugs, at the very least, rob the user of their health and can lead to bad decisions. In other cases, they can kill. These drugs have exponentially more cons than pros. Why any person in their right mind would use them is beyond me.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]If people really want to get high there is nothing you can do to stop them and so I choose to let them live their lives the way they want. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Actually, you can stop them. You can report users of illegal drugs to the local authorities, who will take appropriate action. This will usually result, for teenagers, in a slap on the wrist and rehab. Hopefully, this will be the end of the person?s drug use. I personally have very little compassion for anyone who uses drugs. Most teenagers, who use drugs in the United States, have been bombarded since fifth grade with anti-drug messages. If, after over five years of constantly being told why drugs are harmful, these people do drugs? Using drugs is a stupid decision. It?s as simple as that.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Isn't Cannibalism eating one of [url=http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/cannibalism]your own species[/url]? That's what I always thought and that makes this null and void, right? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Cloricus, read the thread. We're all intelligent enough to know what Cannibalism is. We're talking about PETA's comparison of cannibalism to eating animals. [/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]You let your emotions cloud your judgement. Your emotions blinded you. Something to think about.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]*Hand's PT a pair of pointy ears and a Starfleet uniform* You sounded very much like T'Pol or Spock there. In any case, I'd just like to mention how shocked I am at the amount of people here who are either A) Advocating drug use B) Aren?t opposed to it The use of ?recreational drugs? is not only self destructive, it?s downright stupid. There are plenty of other ways to feel good. Go make some friends, play a video game, get something tasty to eat, etc. Drugs are not a good way to fit in either. I can?t understand why anyone would want to fit into a group where drugs are accepted. Are these the kind of people you want to be associated with? Another thing, how can you possibly responsibly use a mind-altering substance? Those two terms are incompatible. Some of you people are really scaring me right now?[/color]
  25. [color=green]PETA has always been one of the most radical special interests groups out there. I?d shudder to think what?d happen if people actually listened to their odd message. I understand that they are trying to influence people?s opinions towards eating animal products, but advocating cannibalism over eating cows is just yet another of their backfiring shock tactics. Seriously, when was the last time you saw someone on the news talk about PETA in a positive/serious way? In conclusion, I urge each and every one of you to go out and eat a steak tonight. Just for spite. -Boba[/color]
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