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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [color=green]Jedgar sat in the moonlight, outside the hut he?d been provided with. He didn?t feel like sleeping. Sleep was a chore reserved for areas where one felt secure, not one where ghostly blue figures fond of talking without syntax appeared out of thin air at a moments notice. He was attempting to get a clear signal for his slave circuit device, but so far hadn?t had any luck. There was some odd energy field reading that was disrupting comm. signals. As far as he could tell, it was a phenomenon unique to this planet. He looked up at clear night sky, as if trying to see the source of the disturbance. Billions of stars met his eyes. The blackness of space was littered with them, most with their own set of planets. Few and far between in this void lay systems with intelligent life, which had somehow found each other in this vast expanse of blackness. He could also make out a large white wedge, the victory class star destroyer that had hassled him during his atmospheric entry. His comm. unit crackled. [B]Unknown Source[/B]: ?Firespray class ID 43X, Slave I, you are cleared? He looked upward again, just in time to see a small fare up in the upper atmosphere as a small ship entered the blanket of air that sheathed the planet. The [I]Slave I[/I] was arguably the most famous spaceship in the galaxy. Owned by the galaxy renowned bounty hunter Boba Fett, who was as mysterious as he was deadly, it was the stuff of legends. Nobody had seen it?s inside, but rumors abounded. People claimed that it contained cloaking devices, teleportation machines or even black hole generators. Boba Fett?s mere name was sometimes enough to make a target turn himself in. He never missed his man. Parents told bedtime stories about him, with the moral of following the straight and narrow. If you didn?t, so the story goes, Boba Fett would hunt you down? Jedgar picked up his pike and jogged towards where the ship had was descending towards. By the looks of it, the [I]Slave I[/I] was going to land very close to their encampment. If this craft was indeed the same one identified in the intercepted transmission, things could get very interesting?[/color]
  2. [color=green]Jedgar walked into the woods after Beleg, his pain alleviated by being in the mere presence of his traveling companions. Using his bloody pike as a staff, Jedgar walked slowly and steadily after the others along the winding dirt path through the overgrown forest. The canopy overhead was heavy, letting in barely enough light to see by. It was lucky there seemed to be no other inhabitants of this wood. As he gazed at the trees around him, curiosity overtaking his idle mind, he wondered if there were Ents in this particular forest. He?d heard of Ents before, but not being one to believe something unless he saw it with his own eyes, wasn?t sure if they actually existed. Supposedly they inhabited all but the most dangerous and newest forests. Unfortunately, a tree root on the trail broke his train of thought. Jedgar tripped, and would have fallen in not for his pike. A scowl crossed his face, before he deftly chopped the root off of the tree and batted it into the underbrush with the flat of his blade. His pike was Jedgar?s only faithful companion throughout his long life. Not his real parents, his adoptive grandparents or the noble family he?d served for generations had ever been completely loyal to him. In time, each had let him go. His pike never had. Forged in the fires of a volcano, it was said to be indestructible. Its blade was razor sharp and magically never dulled. The pommel at the other end was a perfectly balanced counterweight for the blade, allowing the wielder of the weapon to balance it on one finger. His weapon was his life; without it he was nothing. This tool was the one object he owned that was irreplaceable. Unconsciously gripping his weapon slightly tighter than normal, Jedgar continued to follow his newfound traveling companions through the forest. Hours passed, how many he couldn?t be sure. Wiping beads of sweat from his brow, he raised his head. In the distance, light could be seen. Menengroth was not far now?[/color]
  3. [color=green]I?d be George Lucas. I?d go into work and screw with episode III. I?d have Boba kill Mace Windu, fix the discrepancies between the prequels and the Expanded Universe, insert Jedgar Nieta into the movies and send a bunch of the Star Wars paraphernalia from the movies to my house. Hehe? That?d be fun.[/color]
  4. [color=green]The BHG really isn?t that labor intensive. All you have to do is register. Then you become a trainee in the citadel. From there, you take a CORE exam, which tests your knowledge of the BHG. There is study material found in the library, which will assist you here. Once you pass, and buy a ship from the shipyards, you can join a Kabal. Kabals become your family within the BHG, your allies against all other Kabals. From there, you can do whatever you want. There?s an IQC channel to talk with other Star Wars fans, there are ?hunts? which test your knowledge of Star Wars trivia and there are spars similar to those here on OB. Your only real obligation is to respond to the AWOL check e-mail that comes to you once a month, so that people know you still care. It?s a lot of fun? [/color]
  5. [color=green]Annie, I?ve known for a while now that you?d be leaving us, but I hoped that?d blow over and be forgotten like so many other things. Alas, that hasn?t happened. You?ve been a great friend, an above average role-player, and a source of both humor and intelligent conversation alike in addition to a prime example of a respectable member of this message board. Best wishes wherever you end up, your talent for writing will assist you in whatever field you ultimately end up in. Remember, my profile has all my contact information, if you ever want to talk. May the Force be with you, always. -Boba Fett[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][color=violet]I've been pondering this question for a while, trying to find the best way to put it. UNfortunately I haven't been able to do that. Instead I'm just going to come out and ask the question point blank.: What is your opinion on recreational drug use? I don't do it since the smell of most of it makes me sick and I have no desire to throw up on my friend's floors. Yes, that's right I have friends who do drugs. They just don't ask me to participate. I honestly don't see why someone would want to spend money on getting so out of it they don't remember where they are. However, I don't feel it's in my place to judge another person's actions no matter how stupid these actions may be.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I see. I know of people who do drugs, but don't associate with them. Anyone who would intentionally use mind-altering substances isn't worthy of my time. I strongly encourage you to: A) Help this person break their addiction B) Disassociate yourself with them You're a smart person, from what I've read of your posts. You are better than this. Besides, there could potentially be legal consequences for being around a drug user. I'll end with this quote:[/COLOR] [quote][size=1][I]Originally uttered by George Washington[/I][/size] Associate yourself with men of quality if you esteem your own reputation, for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company.[/quote]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]Yeah, we figured out what was wrong, very long quizzes don't get past step 6 because the variables are transmitted through the URL. Maximus, who did the generator, said it'd take him a minute to fix by transmitting variables through a different method. A programmers' minute though often takes a few days though :-P. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Argh! That's exactly my problem. I had a twenty question quiz with ten outcomes; needless to say it didn't work. I tried it again with ten questions, no difference. I finally did a test quiz with two outcomes and two questions. it worked. *Waits till the weekend to try again*[/color]
  8. [color=green]Who?d I be? I thought about this for a while, without finding anyone that I?d actually want to be. There are many people who possess certain qualities I?d like to have, but none that I?d actually want to be. Save for one. Wise, physically fit and highly motivated, Jedgar Nieta is who I?d like to be. Sure he?s just a figment of my imagination, almost an alter ego, but he?s who I?d really like to be. I incorporated a little of myself and whole lot of my dreams and ambitions into this character. So yeah, call it silly but this is who I?d like to be.[/color]
  9. [color=green]I?d like to remind everyone that Star Wars 411 is by far the most obvious choice for thread of the year. So, vote for it. [I]Waves hand in front of [B]your[/B] face.[/I] You [u]will[/u] vote for Star Wars 411. [center]--- --- --- --- ---[/center] [b][u]General Awards[/b][/u] [b]Overall Member of the Year:[/b] Charles [b]Male Otaku of the Year:[/b] Syk3 [b]Female Otaku of the Year:[/b] Sara [b]Staff Member of the Year:[/b] Charles [b]Funniest Member of the Year:[/b] wrist-cutter [b]Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year:[/b] Cloricus [b]Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years:[/b] Adam [b]Best Newbie:[/b] Arcadia [b]Best Oldie:[/b] Shy [b]Most Likely to Become a Staff Member:[/b] Dagger IX1 [b]Most Improved Member of the Year:[/b] Vicky [b]Favorite Banned Member:[/b] Rick Hunter [b]Thread of the Year:[/b] Star Wars 411 [b]Silliest Thread of the Year:[/b] How the James Stole Christmas [b][u]Random Awards[/b][/u] [b]Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall):[/b] James [b]Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall):[/b] Sara [b]Best Location (Best Specific Location):[/b] Drix D?Zanth [b]Best Otaku Couple:[/b] Queen Asuka/Piromunkie [b]Best Looking Otaku:[/b] Babygirl [b]Otaku Clique of the Year:[/b] Adam?s Angels [b]Best MyOtaku:[/b] Charles [b][u]Otaku Writers[/b][/u] [b]Poet Laureate:[/b] Mitch [b]Writer of the Year:[/b] Charles [b]Orginal Story of the Year:[/b] OB: Enter the Net [b]Role-Player of the Year:[/b] Arcadia [b]Brawler of the Year:[/b] Chaos [b]RPG of the Year:[/b] SYF: Aguela [b][u]Social Otakus[/b][/u] [b]Otaku Social Member:[/b] Japan_86 [b]Entertainment Otaku:[/b] Dragon Warrior [b][u]Otaku Anime[/b][/u] [b]Otaku of the Year:[/b] Shy [b].hack//SIGN Member of the Year:[/b] K.K.C. [b]Dragonball Guru of the Year:[/b] PiroMunkie [b]Digipeep of the Year:[/b] Ben [b]Gundam Member of the Year:[/b] Final Flash [b]Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year:[/b] Deathbug [b]Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member:[/b] Dagger IX1 [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/b][/u] [b]Otaku Gamer of the Year:[/b] Shimaru [b]Nintendo ?Mario? Award:[/b] Shinmaru [b]Sony Award:[/b] Charles [b]X-Box Award:[/b] PoisonTongue [b]PC Gamer of the Year:[/b] Cloricus [b][u]Otaku Artists[/b][/u] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.):[/b] James [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.):[/b] Sara [b]Best Spriter:[/b] Alexander [b][u]Series Otaku[/b][/u] [b]Series Otaku Member of the Year:[/b] Shinmaru [b]Square/Enix Member of the Year:[/b] Semjaza Azazel [b]PokéPlaque (Pokemon):[/b] Crimson Spider [b]The Triforce Award:[/b] Desbreko[/color]
  10. [color=green]Jedgar entered a derelict looking apartment building, covered in graffiti. The lobby looked trashed, as few windows were broken here and there. A few homeless people sat in the corners, their few possessions littering the ground around them. Jedgar didn?t fit in here, and he knew it. Straight ahead of him was an elevator, but it had a key access system. Only someone with the appropriate key could access it. Even then, it wasn?t assured that a single key would give him access to every floor. He?d been in some secure buildings in which there was a different key for every floor. Jedgar walked briskly forward, reaching into his pocket as he moved. His hand withdrew a small metal rod, covered in small, reflective black indents. He carefully inserted this into the keyhole. The rod?s black indents projected small laser beams, which scanned the interior of the lock. All of this information was collected inside the rod?s microchip, creating an image of the required key. The rod gave a small chirp when its task was complete and Jedgar stowed it back in his pocket. A hand hit him from behind, pressing him flat against the dirty metal of the elevator door. [B]???[/B]: ?Hand over your wallet and nobody will get hurt?? [B]Agent Nieta[/B]: ?Unhand me and I?ll let you live.? [I]Several laughs were heard, echoing off the concrete walls.[/I] [B]???[/B]: ?Now. Give it to me now.? [B]Agent Nieta[/B]: ?Ok, it?s in my pocket.? [I]He reached slowly into his jacket, past his wallet. His hand closed on the handle of his machine gun.[/I] Agent Nieta kicked out hard with his back foot, and whirled around to face his attackers. Three older teenagers, dressed in grungy street clothes, stood against him. The closest had red hair, the one to his left had white hair and the lone girl had violently pink hair. They were armed with a chain, a pipe and a knife respectively. The gang slowly advanced on him. Jedgar withdrew the machine gun from his coat, much to the dismay of the gang. They turned to run, but they couldn?t outrun bullets. Jedgar filled the air with bullets, dropping all three and shattering a plate glass window. He walked over to the bodies that now littered the floor, to search their pockets. None of them had anything of value; small change, scraps of paper and some identification. No keys? Agent Nieta rose, and walked over into the shadows that obscured one of the lobby?s corners. He?d wait for someone with a key?[/color]
  11. [color=green]Jedgar carefully took a few steps backward to rejoin the others. After having his most prized possession ripped from his hands, he was furious. He gave Rayf a look of utmost loathing, then returned his attention to the Jedi. [B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?You all have not, contrary to your own belief, come here by your own accord. It is the will of the living Force that has brought you to the same planet at the same time and allowed you to find each other.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?The Force? You?re delusional. It this is so powerful, why haven?t I heard of it before?? [B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?The Force is an all powerful energy field that binds the galaxy together. It is present in every living thing.? [B]Van[/B]: ?You lie Jedi. Your kind is completely evil, not to be trusted.? [B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?You are the ones operating under false pretenses. However, none of that matters now. I urge you, judge me by my actions. If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you by now.? [I]The Jedi gestured to the assembled natives.[/I] [B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?You have been called here because you all share a common bond. Here you stand, two imperial officers, a disillusioned Noghri warrior and a criminal; all of you with immense potential that you have not yet used. Each of you has the ability to learnt the ways of the Force.? [B]Jodo[/B]: ??and if we?d rather leave?? [B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?I wouldn?t stop you. However, I urge you to consider what I am saying. There is so much for you to learn. As an example of this, I want each of you to think back on your lives. Focus; delve deep into your memories. Hasn?t there been a time, when you should have been down and out, but are able to draw something more from yourself. You?ve called upon something you cant explain, and don?t understand. This is the Force.? [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Is this what allows Darth Renevant and Darth Vader their mysterious powers?? [B]Obi-Wan[/B]: [I]With a sudden look of sadness and regret[/I] ?This is the Dark Side of the Force. A perversion of the true nature of the force, this draws on powerful emotions of fear, hate and anger to destroy. The Jedi use the light side of the force, to protect and serve the people of the galaxy.? The four beings looked at the ground, at each other and back at the Jedi. None spoke. Each one was looking inside himself, looking for the answer to this difficult question. [B]Obi-Wan[/B]: ?Enough talk for tonight. Let?s head to these people?s village, where we can stay the night. In the morning, we can talk further of these matters.? After a moment of hesitation, Jedgar began to follow. The other three followed his lead. As they walked past the spot where the Jedi had stood, each of them collected their weapons. Old habits died hard?[/color]
  12. [COLOR=green]I have had the same problem. Much time was wasted. The first time I tried I got to step five, then it wouldn't proceed. The second time I got to step six and the same thing happened. Just wouldn't proceed...[/COLOR]
  13. [color=green][B]Newsflash: Boba Fett is now [I]President[/I] Boba Fett[/B] Let?s see, as my first act as president of the United States, I?d withdraw all public funding from NPR. A public radio station should be completely unbiased, only reporting the facts. NPR is decidedly left wing. I?d scrap President Bush?s new immigration policy that will naturalize millions of ?hard working illegal immigrants.? These people entered our country illegally; they shouldn?t be rewarded fro breaking our laws. As president, I?d deport every last one of them. Today, the US-Mexico border is pathetically porous. I?d use the National Guard forces of the Border States to assist in patrolling the border. I would also repeal small portions of the Patriot act, that allow agents of the federal government to do the following: -Search your house without a warrant, the agents merely notify the appropriate judge -Hold a US citizen without charging him/her in a military facility. After heavily scrutinizing the US budget, I?d cut all ?pork? programs that as a waste of taxpayer dollars. The budget needs to be trimmed, heavily. After putting pressure on congress to make President Bush?s tax cuts permanent, I?d sign that revised legislation into law. The IRS also needs help, I?d increase both its staff and it?s budget. Currently minorities of tax returns are actually scrutinized by the IRS. This increase in manpower would ensure that nobody cheats the government out of tax dollars. Speaking of taxes, I?d burn the current tax code. I?d impose a flat income tax, which would be no more than 10%. This would stop punishing successful and wealthy Americans for making large amounts of money. Currently, the top 10% of wage earners pay over half of US taxes. This is wrong and I?d fix it. Finally, I?d scrap the Mars program and all space projects with the exception of the International Space Station. I?m all for ?The Final Frontier? and all that stuff, but let?s be realistic. We have a national debt of one trillion dollars. Lets reduce it to a manageable level before we shoot money into outer space. There?s my first term in office. Granted it?s not all I?d do, but it?s a start.[/color]
  14. [color=green]Dressed in a blood red robe, Jedgar Nieta walked by his former masters son?s side through a mountain pass. He?d been recalled from retirement for one last crusade, one final task. Not being abreast of the latest news, as he was no longer involved in the inner workings of the palace court, Jedgar only knew that the forces of evil were once again on the move. Orcs and their Warg steeds were making far more appearances than normal, but what really had shocked the tacticians was the amazing cohesion with which the forces of darkness now worked. It was a far cry from the random and poorly organized Orc mobs that had terrorized farmland in days past. None of this was his concern however; he was simply to escort this ungrateful young ruler to the great king?s throne. There he would presumably accompany his lord to the great hall, where Nargothrond would join the other kingdoms of men in swearing their allegiance. He personally had never sworn fealty to any man, and didn?t intend to start now. Oaths got in the way of his personal morals much too often and that lead to difficult decisions. Instead, he simply followed his conscience. Jedgar did what he thought was right, and did it when he thought it most appropriate. A flash of movement caught his eye, instantly sending Jedgar into a combat stance. His keen eyes scanned the rock on either side of the mountain pass. This was a perfect place for an ambush. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?My Lord, we must leave the trail and find a more defensible position now.? [B]King[/B]: ?You are old Jedgar, you worry too much. There is not much time until nightfall. We must make good time if we are to reach the Great King?s hall in time for the nightly feast!? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?My Lord, this is not a wise decisi-? [B]King[/B]: ?[I]Silence[/I]!, I make the decisions around here, not my father?s old advisor. Be silent old man; I was mistaken to bring you along.? Jedgar scowled at the King, but said nothing. Several of the more experienced soldiers tensed, readying their weapons. They knew better than to trust their arrogant lord?s notoriously bad judgment. In a single instant, the pass went from peaceful to complete chaos. A dozen Orcs jumped out from behind rocks on either side of the trail, firing with composite bows. A lone Orc appeared at the other end of the narrow pass, riding an unusually large Warg. He raised a rusty and pitted blade, then screamed in a blood curdling tone. His Warg charged ahead, straight at the procession of men who were arranged in single file. Jedgar leaped from the trail and skillfully swung his pike with unnatural speed, killing all three Orcs within his range. On the trail, the Warg had bowled over the entire procession and was sinking its teeth into the King. Jedgar scowled. That man deserved to die, for the men he?d put in danger today. The fighting went on for several minutes. Soldiers fell left and right, along with the occasional Orc. It was a very one-sided affair; the men were at a large disadvantage. They?d been surprised, they?d had bad leadership and half of the procession had been made up of portly aristocrats who couldn?t wield a sword if their lives depended on it. Turns out that they?d had the chance to try and all had failed miserably. Jedgar stood back to back with the last remaining soldier, fighting off seven Orcs. Jedgar was severely restricted in his movements, as he now had to protect the man behind him. Unfortunately, he was soon relieved of that burden. Three Orcs charged at the poor soldier, who panicked and foolishly parried the first blade that came his way. The other two cut him to ribbons. The Pikeman took advantage of the situation to whip around and knock the two closest Orcs backwards into the third by pushing his horizontal pike straight out from his chest. He then quickly finished them off, while ducking several poorly aimed blows from another foolhardy Orc. Turning back to the Orc who had swung at him, Jedgar slashed viciously with his pike?s blade. The Orc was disemboweled, and fell to the ground to die slowly. The other three were more cautious. They nervously circled Jedgar, occasionally feinting with their blades. Sweating, tired and enraged, Jedgar moved with blinding speed. He lunged at one, slicing the creature diagonally from left shoulder to right foot. Then he ducked, as the other two who had charged him from opposing sides impaled each other on their outstretched blades. Jedgar rolled out of the way, onto the path, and was nearly beheaded by the Warg. Jedgar stood, and drove his pike deep into the Wargs head. Not pausing to retrieve his weapon, he kicked out at the rider. The Orc captain?s sword flew from his hand as Jedgar continued to attack him. The Captain roared in anger, and lashed out with a fist that knocked Jedgar backwards several feet and into a boulder. He was getting too old for this. The Orc captain advanced on the older man, slumped against the boulder, roaring in triumph. He raised his fist above the human?s head, ready to deal a skull-crushing blow, and brought it down. Jedgar?s arm was a blur of motion as it snatched up the Orc captain?s discarded blade and held it high. The Orc?s hand was pierced by the blade, which continued up into the captain?s head. There it rested, and the Orc collapsed. The red robed man rose slowly, very tired from the fight. He walked painfully over to the fallen Warg and wrenched his pike from its head. Using it as a staff, he hobbled down the path, feeling much older than he did when he began this journey?[/color]
  15. [color=green]Agent Nieta hung up his car phone and hit a button on his center console. [B]Controller[/B]: ?This is control, how can we help?? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?I need directions to the apartment of one Aura Jones.? [B]Controller[/B]: ?One moment? Got them. I?ll have them relayed to your earpiece.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Thanks.? He turned off of the freeway at the nearest exit, and headed for the apartment in question. It wasn?t in the greatest area of town, so he?d have to be careful. In fact, the area was known to harbor some of the more dangerous hacker groups that infested the city. Rumors abounded of their exploits, some going so far as to say that they were blackmailing the police department. He didn?t doubt it; his agency had reason to believe that their abilities were much greater than that? He parked his car about a block from the residence in question and began to walk unhurriedly down the street towards the address he?d memorized. Something about this Aura Jones rang a bell, but he couldn?t put a finger on it?[/color]
  16. [color=green][I]A Green and blue ball streaked with wisps of gray floats in space, an oasis of life in a cold and barren solar system. Oddly, the planet itself seems to be an oxymoron. While its landscape betrays no trace of an advanced civilization, its outer orbital path is littered with wreckage of ancient spacecraft. Most unusual of all, the destroyed spacecraft don?t seem to have been picked through by intergalactic scavengers, as is commonplace throughout the rest of the galaxy. It appears exactly as it was after the battle, an eternal monument to those who fought here so long ago? If you move down through the atmosphere, you can see that the landscape is rugged and barren; signs of recent planetary devastation are evident. Barely a millennia old, the thin coating of vegetation that seems to cover the planet?s old battle scars looks unnatural. A much closer look reveals that very few groups of the natives are moving around on this side of the planet, as it enters the dark part of it?s cycle. One group of travelers would catch any observer?s eye, and raise many an eyebrow. A Bothan, two humans, a Noghri and a Kiffar walk in a line along a wilderness trail. All but the youngest human seem to be heavily armed, as if expecting to encounter strong resistance to their every move. Each carries himself like a seasoned warrior, confidant in his abilities but nevertheless aware of his surroundings. The travelers are approaching a small village, which lies on the top of a small mesa. Above them, the last rays of the evening sun set in the west?[/I] Jedgar Nieta walked behind Rayf, carefully watching the boy?s every move. Although the child hadn?t yet done anything to indicate that he might be a threat, Jedgar wasn?t ready to trust his life to him. Then again, he wasn?t much surer of his companion?s loyalties. He was sweating, using his pike as a walking staff. He really wasn?t in the best shape. Sure, he could work out for an hour or two, but he hadn?t yet acquired the endurance for any kind of long strenuous activity. That would be something to work on, as it could easily be the deciding factor in a fight. The group reached the foot of a large mesa, the top of which was only a hundred or so meters above them. The sides were extremely steep, and it was obvious why the natives had built their village here. It was a superior position from which they could rain fire down on their enemies. Rayf seemed to know the area perfectly; his hands and feet finding footholds in the rock that were hidden from a casual observer. As the group climbed slowly upwards, following Rayf?s movements exactly, Jedgar struggled to climb with one hand. His free hand held his pike, which had suddenly become an unwieldy and unfamiliar weapon, rather than an extension of his body. Half a standard hour later, the group reached the top of the mesa. As the five of them stopped to catch their collective breath, the underbrush that covered the mesa top seemed to erupt with rapid movement. From under the brush came over a hundred native warriors, each holding a powered crossbow. Then, from the largest group of these warriors came a cloaked figure. The cloaked being begun to walk towards them, it?s face obscured. Jedgar was shocked by what he saw at its waist. Hanging from the robed figure?s belt was a silver colored cylinder, with several recessed buttons and switches. This was an artifact that Jedgar had only seen once and would never forget. Only one order in the history of the galaxy had wielded this type of weapon and they?d done so with devastating effect. Legends told of Jedi, as they were called, who were worth a hundred men in combat. Unfortunately, it was also said that they were evil servants of the corrupt Old Republic. Darth Vader was credited with their destruction, if you could trust the holovids given out by the Empire. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?It?s a Jedi Knight, I don?t believe it??[/color]
  17. [color=green]Jedgar looked at the human, his cold brown eyes locking with those of the Imperial human lieutenant. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?I am Warrant Officer(II) Jedgar Nieta, one of the Emperor?s most loyal servants. My unit, the Phantom Legion, is the Empire?s most effective anti-terrorist unit. We have been involved in every major action since the battle of Yavin, spilled more blood than any human-only unit and received twice as many medals as any unit of similar size.? [I]Van looked slightly taken aback and nodded in approval.[/I] [B]Van[/B]: ?My apologies for insulting your loyalty.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?The feeling is mutual.? [I]Jedgar extended a hand and, after a brief moment, Van took it. The two dedicated Imperials locked hands in a firm handshake.[/I] Jodo looked on impassively, while Thruhk leaned against a nearby tree. Rayf, eager to break the uncomfortable silence, spoke rapidly. [B]Rayf[/B]: ?We?re barely an hour outside my village. It?s growing dark, we need to get there soon.? [B]Jodo[/B]: ?Let me guess. Unless we hurry, bad things will happen. Some monster will rise out of the ground and eat us ali-? [B]Rayf[/B]: [I]Clearly not catching the sarcasm.[/I] ?It actually comes from the sky, breaths aci-? [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Let?s move.? [I]The four beings and the native boy began to walk through the forest, heading north. Overhead, the sky began to darken?[/I][/color] Sorry for the length, it's exam week and I'm short on time. -Boba
  18. Boba Fett


    [color=green]Jedgar stopped by his locker to deposit some of his unneeded books before he went to the swim team tryout. No sense in carrying home books for subjects in which he had no homework. Throwing down his books, Jedgar noticed a note stuck on the inside of his locker. Odd, nobody had his combination? He unfolded the piece of paper and read the message. A chill ran up his spine. Someone knew. Someone had seen him. Damn. Jedgar emptied the contents of his locker into his backpack, tripling the weight. After making sure he hadn?t left anything behind, he tossed the note back inside the locker and slammed the door. He wouldn?t be returning to this locker. In fact, he was now really spooked. Someone had seen him in the pool. Which meant that person would likely be joining the swim team. Guess that was out of the question. As he walked to the school?s main office, he pulled his schedule from his pocket. Just one more thing to do before he went home. He opened the office door and waited to be noticed as he stood in front of the main desk. [B]Secretary[/B]: ?Is there something I can do for you?? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Yes, I?d like to change out of swimming class? [B]Secretary[/B]: ?Are you sure, it?s a gre-? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Yes, I?m sure.? [I]The secretary sat down at her computer, and opened up to his schedule[/I] [B]Secretary[/B]: ?What class would you like to switch to?? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Tech. Ed.? [B]Secretary[/B]: ?Ok, it?s done. I?ll notify your swimming teacher.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Thanks? [I]Jedgar turned around a left the room at a brisk walk.[/I][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]As most of you know, in the US, people vote to decide who is the next president. If you're able to vote, and none of the candidates match your exact views, do you think you should just vote for the person that seems to agree with some of what you believe? Or do you think you shouldn't vote at all? I mean, voting for the sake of voting seems kinda....stupid. [/COLOR] :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Nobody goes and votes for the sake of voting. Most times that I?ve gone to polling places, to do my part, there have been long lines. Who?d go wait in line for the better part of a half hour just to vote for the heck of it? Is punching the card really that much fun? Doesn?t seem logical to me. I suppose there must be some people who do, but I?d bet they?re an inconsequential minority.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by krippled master [/i] [B]I hate politics. My father is a huge republican and so is the rest of his family. When i turned 18 he was all over me to go register to vote. I didnt think it was fair for me to just vote the way my father voted. I want to vote for who I thought was best suited, since I hate politics, I rarely watch any debates or any speeches or what have you. So, I dont see it fair for me to vote. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]How is that fact that your father a ?huge republican? relevant? Also, what?s wrong with a father encouraging his son to take an active part in choosing the leaders of his country? Your father also can?t control the way you vote; you?re the only one in that voting booth. It?s completely private, letting you express your opinions without fear. Also, if you don?t know much about politics, you shouldn?t vote. You?re making a guess, a guess that could have dire consequences. You?re within your rights to vote as you see fit, but don?t you think you should educate yourself a little before you help choose the person who will become the most powerful man in the world for the next four years? [/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ani_Freak [/i] [B][color=darkblue]I guess that people should vote if they see a candidate that fits their expectations on what a good candidate should be or do. It's more of a personal thing for me. Voting for the sake of voting is like not voting at all. You are not getting what you'd like. After all, voting is a right, not an obligation.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]You?re going to vote for a candidate based on if you think they meet your ?expectations on what a good candidate should be or do?? Whoa, shouldn?t you look into their proposed policies and their general politics as well? A candidate may act nicely and be a good person, but I wont elect them based on that alone.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I can find several reasons for not voting. First, if you view the Electoral College logically it is easy to see how it can invalidate a single vote. Even though ninety-nine times out of one hundred the popular candidate in a state wins the Electoral College, there is always that one percent of fallibility.[/color][/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Heaven?s Cloud has previously stated that these reasons can all be countered with logic, but I wish to make a few comments about his interpretation of the Electoral College. The Electoral College, with few exceptions, follows the below voting rules. In some states, all of the electors vote for the candidate that the majority of the state?s population voted for. Ex: 51% Vote for candidate A. 49% vote for candidate B. All of the state electors vote for Candidate A. In other states, electors vote according to how the state?s population as a whole voted. Ex: 60% Vote for candidate A. 40% Vote for candidate B. Therefore, 60% of the electors vote for A, 40% vote for B. Therefore, no votes are invalidated. Even if your candidate loses, your vote still made a difference in some way.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]Everyone who is able to should vote. If it's not an immediate priority, it should be later. Failure to accept that responsibility is a slap in the face to those who sacrificed their lives to secure that right.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]This I agree with totally.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Charles [/i] [B]If you look at who votes, it's probably about thirty percent of the eligible population. And, that piece of the pie is likely occupied by wealthy individuals who are wealthy because they know how the system works. They vote so that they can preserve it. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]This I don?t. First of all, 30% is far too low a number. The real statistic, as of the last election, is [URL=http://www.secstate.wa.gov/elections/voter_participation.aspx]57.62%[/URL]. Not only the wealthy vote Charles. That?s a completely incorrect statement.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]You really should vote... Though if you can't figure out who to vote for just do what [url=http://www.commondreams.org/news2000/0426-09.htm]Michael[/url] [url=http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/DailyNews/ELECTION_moore_chat.html]Moore[/url] [url=http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/07/17/60minutes/main563744.shtml]did[/url]. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Forgive me if I?m not inspired. Voting for a potted plant? That?ll change the system?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1][font=century]Young voters are the most politically unreliable voting block in history, and therefore have no politicians supporting our interests. Congess panders to the elderly because they are the most reliable voting block, in terms of whether or not they will vote.[/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]No politicians catering to the young? Howard Dean is credited with using the Internet to appeal to younger voters. He didn?t do that well in Iowa, but he has appealed to some sections of the younger vote. Congress spends an appropriate amount of time ?pandering to the elderly?. Medicare and Social Security are important programs that both of us will use someday.[/color]
  20. [COLOR=green]I'd drop Latin II. I'm currently taking PE/Health, Latin II, World History, Honors American Lit, AP Civics, Algebra II and Chemistry in the Community. There's also a study hall in there somewhere. I'm not particularly good with Algebra or Latin II, but I feel that I need higher math. Foreign Languages... That's another story.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=green]Missed this, did I? Mistaken are you, Shinmaru. Notice the cantina scene from [B]Star Wars: A New Hope[/B], I did. Mention it, I did not. Inaccurate, this portrayal of the scene in question was. Not mention it did I, to avoid a rant about these inaccuracies. Very anal about sticking to the canon, I can be. Therefore, mention it I did not. For your own protection, it was. -Boba Fett[/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nate [/i] [B]If you notice, i said that a mod could keep all of that down. I have not seen a single guestbook sign that says 'ur site is c00lie. cume visit mi site!!!'[/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]You must be blind then. [url]http://www.myotaku.com/users/james/comments/view/34253/[/url] [url]http://www.myotaku.com/users/ben/guestbook/[/url] [url]http://www.myotaku.com/users/solo_tremaine/comments/view/34154/[/url] [url]http://www.myotaku.com/users/lil_psych0/guestbook/[/url] [url]http://www.myotaku.com/users/snowy_tiger/guestbook/[/url] -Boba Fett[/color]
  23. [color=green]Jedgar walked across the crosswalk outside the government office building with countless other pedestrians. Each one hurried this way and that, not noticing him at all. All of them were focused solely on their own lives, completely unaware of the big picture. Many a learned man would have been appalled by this complete ignorance and utter oblivion that these people lived in. The government, on the other hand, preferred it this way. This way it was much safer, more secure and easier to keep the people happy. As long as their favorite sitcom was playing that night, all would be well. For the government, this all was no in jeopardy. His boss, ignorant as he was, had incorrectly described the situation. The reports he was now getting over his earpiece indicated that the system had not been hacked, but merely a vitally important disk crammed with sensitive material had been lost. The company that managed this portion of the government?s data had apparently launched it?s own retrieval effort, but the government wanted to make sure it succeeded. Jedgar?s mission was simple. Find and recover the disk, destroy it if it looked as if he couldn?t be recovered. All copies of the information must be erased, all systems holding the information had to be destroyed, to prevent any chance of recovery. All people without proper clearance who had the disk in their possession must be eliminated. Not an easy task, but then again he never got easy tasks. He entered the parking garage and walked up the stairwell to level two. After kicking open the door with his foot, so as not to dirty his hands though contact with the filthy doorknob, he entered the government car-park. There were all types of vehicles here, all painted jet black and with tinted windows. After selecting a Chevy Suburban, 2001 edition, he used a key from his pocket to open the door and start the engine. As he pulled out of the parking spot and drove down the ramp leading to ground level, he placed the scrap of paper with the disk manufacturer?s address on the dashboard. It was only a three hour drive?[/color]
  24. Boba Fett


    [color=green]Nervous, intimidated and attempting to remain unnoticed, Jedgar sat in middle of the sea of desks that occupied the AP Civics room. Every day he left swimming and proceeded to the main office, where he received his special pass to walk across the street to the highschool. There he would sign in at the front desk and endure the looks of the much older students as he walked towards his class. He felt like a midget in a sea of giants, barely coming up to the stomachs of most of the older kids. His only consolation being that he was much smarter than most of them anyway. A pity that this wouldn?t help him if he got beat up. His mind returned to class as the bell rang and the teacher entered the room. [B]Teacher[/B]: ?Good afternoon class. Today we will..? [I]Jedgar phased out, his unseeing eyes looking at the teacher; his mind elsewhere.[/I] He?d already written the notes for the class, in fact he?d taken notes on the entire book over the summer. Every last one of the section reviews was completed, all of the vocab words defined. He?d memorized most of the book. History was his favorite subject, Jedgar planned to major in it some day. Not many others found it interesting, but he could care less. His skills would be in greater demand that way? Practicing his transformation was taking up most of his time these days, attempting to control when he morphed into that silver puddle was of the essence. He couldn?t hide it forever, especially if it was random. Concentrating hard, he focused on his left pinky finger. He visualized it changing from normal flesh to silver. Over and over he did this, until he felt a dull pain in his finger. Pretending to get something out f his back, he placed his left hand in his backpack so he could get a look at it without others seeing. Sure enough, his finger was silver and aqueous. Jedgar concentrated again, and this time the finger reverted to normal rapidly. He was getting good at this. Straightening up, he looked back up at the teacher before checking his watch. This block was moving slowly. He couldn?t wait for after school. This year his school actually had a swim team. He wanted to make the team so bad? Swimming had become his favorite thing to do ever since he?d had his first transformation. After a few tries, making his hands and toes melt into the liquid had become easy. This allowed him to utilize the larger surface area to swim much faster than normal. Nobody was able to see his unusual hands through the swirling water and he simply reverted them to normal when he climbed out of the pool. He snapped out of his daydream as the teacher asked him a question. After a brief moment of uncertainty, he launched himself into a long-winded answer. How he loved to befuddle annoying teachers?[/color]
  25. [COLOR=green]This idea has a snowball's chance in hell of success Nate. You honestly think that the board's administration would devote an entire forum to what would become a giant spam-fest? Besides, who'd go look at a forum full of what now pervades MyO guestbooks? Ex. "Ur site iz coolie! Come vist mi site!"? It's not such a hot idea...[/COLOR]
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