Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[COLOR=green]Funny movie, something very amusing. For once, Syk3 looks a little bit evil/scary. Took long enough... *Can't wait for next week* Mr. T was outstanding and his diction was amazing. Never have I seen an actor deliver his lines with such conviction. Certainly far superior to his performance in [B]The A-Team[/B] [/COLOR]
[color=green]Jedgar was in the deep end of the pool, swimming at the very bottom. He wasn?t much interesting in socializing with the others and was instead content to enjoy the weightless, carefree sensation that the water gave him. He watched the feet of the others kicking through the water, and splashing water this way and that. Also occupying his thoughts was the shadow of the instructor, which circled the pool menacingly. It reminded Jedgar of a shark, stalking his prey. As he let his body drift upwards, he began to slowly release the air stored in his lungs. It bubbled to the surface, making the light shining through it separate into different colors as a prism would. Then his head pierced the surface of the water, and his mouth gasped for air. After regaining his breath, he checked his watch. Only fifteen more minutes of swimming before they had to go change for next block. Better make the best of it. Taking another deep breath of chlorine smelling air, Jedgar sunk back beneath the warm water. This time, he experienced no peaceful feelings. Instead, it was if his whole body was lurching. [I]Not now, he thought.[/I] There was nothing he could do but hide in the very corner of the deep end and hope nobody noticed as his body convulsed in spasms of pain. After about ten seconds of excruciation, Jedgar?s body melted into a liquid. He oozed into the shadows of the pool, so that his silver color wouldn?t attract unwanted attention. After nearly a minute, he reverted to his human form as suddenly as he had left it. Uncomfortably aware that his lungs were empty, Jedgar rocketed to the surface, praying he hadn?t been noticed.[/color]
[color=green][B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Ex-Cadet? Then you have betrayed our Emperor and all he stands for?? Jedgar deftly rotated his pike, slamming the stun prod on the bottom end into the back of Van?s knees. This caused the apparently ex-Imperial to fall to the ground, face in the dirt. The lieutenant flipped himself over, to find the vibro axe end of the Bothan?s pike a mere three inches from his throat. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Traitor?? [B]Van[/B]: ?Traitor? Your whole foul species in nothing but a collection of flea ridden spies!? Jedgar snarled, and edged the blade closer to the human?s bare neck. [B]Jodo[/B]: ?There is no time for this futile argument. We all have committed transgressions by merely landing on this god-forsaken world.? Jedgar withdrew his weapon from it?s threatening position, but still eyed Van with a look of contempt. Thruhk stood silently next to Jedgar, his face emotionless. [B]Jodo[/B]: ?We have many question to ask you stranger, but they can wait until we reach the settlement. Our guide Rayf, is leading us to a native villa-? [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Where?s Rayf?? Jodo, Thruhk and Jedgar whirled around, their keen eyes looking in all directions. Van took advantage of the situation to stand up and brush the dirt off his uniform. It was Jodo who spotted Rayf first. The boy was at the edge of the swamp they had just exited, lying on the ground. Closer observation revealed his leg was caught in a thorny bush, preventing the boy from freeing himself without suffering severe injury. The three of them charged forward, Jodo rapidly firing his blaster. After a moment of hesitation, Van followed. The large dragon-like creature was stubbornly advancing through the bog towards the struggling Rayf, roaring menacingly. Its mottled green scales were scorched in many places, courtesy of Jodo?s blaster. The beast had large yellow eyes, a short snout and rotting protruding teeth. Not something for a petting zoo? Jedgar and Thruhk charged straight for the beast, and began to attack it fiercely. Jodo maintained a safe distance, aiming carefully for the creature?s head. Van had reached Rayf, and was now attempting to free the boy. Jedgar sliced at the beast?s flailing arms with his Long Vibro Axe, managing to cut deep gashes in the monster?s clawed hands and green-brown scaly arms. Thruhk had to work much harder, due to his weapons relatively short reach, to deal much damage to the monster. The creature itself was now beginning to tire of making vicious swipes at its two small attackers, only to have them dodge and cut the attacking limb. It roared, and lunged forward, attempting to bite the offending beings. Thruhk dived to the left, into the putrid swamp, to avoid the creature?s imposing mouth. Jedgar, feeling a sudden surge of [I]something[/I], now felt more confident. Moving impossibly fast, Jedgar jumped five meters straight up in the air and landed on top of the creature?s snout. He then began viciously stabbing at the creature?s eyes. Flurries of blaster bolts hit the creature on its legs, melting the scales and cooking the meat beneath. The monstrosity collapsed, immobilized but very much alive. It thrashed, throwing Jedgar from its snout; abruptly ending his bloody rampage. He flew through the air and landed in the same body of water Thruhk had just left. By this time, Van had freed Rayf from the thorny bush, and was helping the boy back to Jodo?s position. Thruhk was dodging the creature?s snapping jaws, occasionally slashing at the foul snout. Jedgar swam out of the reeking water and rejoined the battle. Jedgar and Thruhk continued to battle the creature, unable to disengage safely. They were both growing weary and their actions slowing. Jodo continued to pour angry bolts of red energy at the already heavily wounded beast, without much effect. In a final act of rage, the beast raised itself onto its broken legs and roared deafeningly. It seemed intent on falling on top of its two opponents, if it could not eat them. Jedgar and Thruhk began to run, but a single blaster shot rang out, striking the beast squarely between its eyes. It fell backwards into the swamp with a large splash. Jodo rose from his prone position as the two melee fighters approached him. Nodding to them in approval, he began to speak. [B]Jodo[/B]: ?Impressed as I am, you both reek??[/color]
[COLOR=green]During the first week of school this year, our school's transformer exploded. It's cut our school's power and caused a minor fire in the basement. We got released early that day, around 10:30. Our school policy is to release the student body should the school lose power. Can't argue with that. I spent my newly acquired time that day at home by myself, playing [URL=http://www.starwarsgalaxies.com]Star Wars Galaxies[/URL]. Fun times....[/COLOR]
[color=green]Dressed in an immaculately clean and pressed suit, Agent Nieta walked through the revolving doorway of a normal looking office building in the center of a large city. He walked through the metal detector, and proceeded through the lobby to a single elevator. After gently depressing the up button, he waited patiently for the elevator to make the trip from whatever floor it was currently residing on. A mere six inches from his face, the metal door of the elevator shaft was perfectly clean. His reflection showed a tall man, wearing sunglasses and a very official looking earpiece. The door slid to the left, to reveal the interior of an empty elevator. He stepped inside, and hit three buttons in rapid succession. The elevator door closed as the box began to slowly rise to the desired floor. Tapping his foot on the floor to the tune of a song, the federal agent yawned. He was tired; staying up on a work-night wasn?t an advisable course of action. The door opened a second time, and Agent Nieta walked out into a room full of cubicles. Finding his own small space, he sat down in his chair and booted up his computer. No sooner had he begun to work than he received a notification via his earpiece that he was needed in the director?s office. Rising from his seat, Mr. Nieta walked to the end of his row and entered a small office. Sitting in a large padded chair on the other side of an ornate wooden desk sat a slightly overweight man, known to him only as The Director. [B]Agent Nieta[/B]: ?You summoned me?? [B]Director[/B]: ?Yes, there is an urgent task that needs attention.? The Director rose and pressed a recessed button on his desk. The painting on the wall behind the desk changed, revealing it?s true purpose as a display screen. The director sidestepped to allow Agent Nieta to fully view the screen. [B]Director[/B]: ?It has come to our attention that our most secret files have been accessed recently without authorization, from someone outside our network. As you know, this is a rare occurrence. This department?s job is to safeguard sensitive government data, to prevent important secrets from coming to light. If our security in this area is breached, there is no telling what else this person or organization can do. I want you to find this person or group and bring them in for questioning. Here is the street address of the Internet service provider that was used to access our network. Although it is unlikely that our hacker is still using it, it is our only lead.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?I will do my best.? [B]Director[/B]: ?I expect nothing less.? Jedgar left the room, and turned right outside the office. He walked for several dozen meters before he reached a locked door, which he opened by placing his right index finger onto a small fingerprint-scanning pad. It chirped softly, and the door clicked open. He entered a room with several racks of weapons, each with a multitude of ammunition. After picking up a machine gun and stowing it in a specially designed holster inside his coat along with several clips, he left the room. Then he turned and made his way out of the building?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][color=violet]One of the ones on the top of my list is this country song about this girl who had parents who didn't believe in God so she had a bad life. SO of course the parents had a really bad lifestyle. But the guy mentions in the song that they never mentioned HIS name or spoke of HIS word so you know he's trying to say that ONLY Christians are good parents. ?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]First off, this song doesn?t imply that these parents are bad simply because they aren?t Christian. The song in question, entitled [I]The Little Girl[/I] and sung by John Michael Montgomery, is a decent piece of music that happens to be Christian. Yes, it is pro-Christian; but the artist has the right to express his thoughts through his work. Just like how all those rappers get to spew foul language and hate without consequence. If you actually listened to the song, instead of blowing it off as being demeaning to everyone who?s not a Christian, you might have realized that it?s not such a terrible piece of music. Here are the lyrics, so that people can make up their own minds about this song: Her parents never took the young girl to church, Never spoke of His name, Never read her His word. Two non-believers walking lost in this world, Took their baby with them, What a sad little girl. Her daddy drank all day and mommy did drugs. Never wanted to play, Or give kisses and hugs. She'd watch the TV and sit there on the couch, While her mom fell asleep, And her daddy went out. And the drinking and the fighting, Just got worse every night. Behind their couch, she'd be hiding: Oh, what a sad little life. And like it always does, the bad just got worse, With every slap, And every curse. Until her daddy, in a drunk rage one night, Used a gun on her mom, And then took his life. And some people from the city, Took the girl far away. To a new mom and dad: Kisses and hugs everyday. Her first day of Sunday school the teacher walked in, And a small little girl, Stared a picture of Him. She said I know that man up there on that cross, I don't know His name, But I know He got off. 'Cause he was there in my old house And held me close to His side. As I hid there, behind our couch, The night that my parents died. As you can tell by reading this, it is pro-Christian. However, the parents weren?t bad simply because they weren?t Christian. They also were involved with drugs and alcohol, which put the daughter in a very unsafe and potentially deadly situation. This is simply a piece of Christian music and is not demeaning to people of other faiths or people without faith (Such as myself). It?s simply a song, which happens to be popular. Don?t go making false accusations; people will call you on them. Besides, it makes you look silly. [center]--- --- ---[/center] Anyway, back on topic. The song that annoys me most is by Britney Spears, entitled [I]Oops, I did it again.[/I]. It?s just annoying?[/color]
[COLOR=green]We've reached the minimum number of ships, however I'll keep sign ups open until Monday. However, even numbers are a must. I will cut people from odd numbered groups...[/COLOR]
[color=green]Sorry for the brevity. I have to hand over the computer to hostile forces. [center]--- --- ---[/center] Ryan wasn?t happy. He was now being forced into the worst situation he could imagine. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, like when you?re forked in chess. Not a pretty picture. This was the time when he was supposed to set emotion aside and choose the logical course of action. Unfortunately, he wasn?t a Vulcan and could do no such thing. He had to choose between the SYF and his own men. Soldiers who he?d fought with for a year and a half, human beings who would have died for him without a second thought. As Liam and the others cautiously advanced through the doorway opened by Bradley?s massive shoulder. As the last member of the team stepped through, Ryan hesitated. His was the threshold. Once he crossed it, there was no going back. Liam poked his head back through the doorway. [B]Liam[/B]: ?Coming?? Time seemed to stop. For a brief moment, Ryan was frozen. He was overwhelmed by the mind-boggling decision he knew he had to make. Then his combat instincts kicked in, flooding his system with adrenaline. Attempting not to think about the possible ramifications of his decision, Ryan spoke. [B]Ryan[/B]: ?Yes.? Ryan followed Liam through the doorway, to where the rest of the team was waiting for him. The tunnel was very similar to the once in which Ryan had experienced his impromptu reunion with Liam. It was rather dimly lit, by way of a series of ancient looking fluorescent lights that hung from chains from the tunnel?s roof. The floor was concrete, and littered with small bits of concrete debris. The wall were pockmarked, obviously having seen far more than their fair share of violent gun battles. The very air itself reeked of sweat. [B]Zharra[/B]: ?Smells like a locker room?? The team turned right, as the tunnel had collapsed just a few meters to their left. Each of them had a weapon drawn and ready to fire; a visitor would have been able to feel their intensity. Every one of the SYF members was a lethal killing machine, ready to destroy anyone or anything who opposed them. Irony was also present in this situation, as it would have seemed rather comical if each of the teenagers hadn?t been holding deadly automatic weapons? After several tense minutes of careful and silent advance through the tunnel, they reached a fork. All eyes turn to Liam?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yoda [/i] [B]Just one thing... I was under the belief that the TIE Interceptor was the quickest and most agile of the TIE craft. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Correct. However, Sienar Fleet Systems originally designed the TIE Interceptor without shields. These TIE interceptors were in service, without shields, until the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn. He realized that times had changed in the Empire, and that Imperial pilots were a lot harder to come by then they?d been before the destruction of the Second Death Star. This led him to order shield generators and hyperdrives installed in TIE Interceptors. The new shields reduced the ship?s agility and the added weight of a hyperdrive and a shield generator slowed the ship considerably. The TIE Interceptor, according to the [B][U]X-Wing[/U][/B] series, is as fast as a X-Wing. The X-Wing is slightly slower than a TIE fighter, and therefore the TIE Interceptor is slower than the TIE fighter. I have introduced modified TIE fighters earlier than they are mentioned in the canon, but it would not have been difficult to make these modifications in the time period in which this RPG is set. I consider it a liberal use of dramatic license. If you wish to fly a TIE Interceptor without a hyperdrive or shields, you can go for it Yoda. It?ll be more dangerous, but I?m sure you can handle it. -Boba Fett[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Considering that the rest of your comments are very intelligently and eloquently written (and, as a matter of fact, quite similar to what I was trying to say), I'm a little disappointed in you for blaming Ryu's warped viewpoints on liberal thinking in general. I understand that her comments upset you, but that's no excuse to lash out at approximately half of the American population. Liberal though I may be, I agree with you whole-heartedly. So please try not to judge all of us for the sins of a few. I'd greatly appreciate it. ^_^ Ryu_Sakura, I'd advise you to work on your own grammar and spelling before you start mocking someone else's. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I concur and now stand corrected. I shouldn?t have said that, despite my anger. I?ll try to avoid that in the future Dagger, thanks for keeping me in check. You know what they say, anger lead to hatred, hatred leads to the Dark Side...[/color] [center]----------[/center] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B]Oh, just to tell you any [i]other[/i] person could have done better, but what he did was stupid, foolish, and a waste of cash, and no I highly doubt they woud've attaked if someone eles was in office. But, just let me say this: "Bush is an idiot, another person would have atempted to prevent war, but he didn't in fact he seemed eger." So, i may not be the smartest or most politicly aware. that is all i have to say, of and I don't have a TV. only a porsible dvd player the TV broke 2 years ago, and i havent gotten off my but long enough to fix it. and i relized that it was planned but like i said, we could have prevented some death and damage to the Iraqi people with the help of a more educated president, her ataced with our thinking all the pros and cons of attacing at a time of economical crisi, in our own land. How do you think we could help another contry when we were in trouble our selves? Do me the favor, think about that. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]One word. Spell-Check. As amibasuki mentioned, you?re no English Major yourself. Any other person could have done better? I think not. Al Gore wouldn?t have had the strength of character to invade Iraq, and free its people from an evil dictator who was a threat to the entire region. If you oppose that course of action, how can you justify that? Then you mention that you aren?t politically aware. Hello? Anyone home? You just posted a thread about politics. If you?re not politically aware, you obviously don?t know what you?re talking about. We?re under threat from a rogue nation that has been proven to have weapons of mass destruction, and shown a willingness to use them. We?ve found shells containing blister gas, and our Secretary of State gave a brief to the UN about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. The rest of the world didn?t deny Iraq had those weapons; they just didn?t want to risk their safety to disarm Saddam. The US rose to the task, succeeding where the UN had failed, and did the right thing.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B]Sorry if that seems like rambling, oh and I took over my daughter's computer for the moment, so thats my bit. ~Sakura's Mom. EDIT: I got my computer back, and sorry if i seem childish, but tonight i'm kinda pissed off. sorry, I'll just go ahead and hide in my corner till I calm down Goodnight. well, i'll be on, just in the adventure area. oh, and I will quote him because i like a good laugh. oh, by the way this list was found on [url]www.00fun.com[/url] oh, and i'm not a teenager, yet, so excuse me i'm still a preteen, I'm 12. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I really don?t care who you are, your ideas are just plain hateful and wrong. George Bush is the President of the United States. He has done the right thing for our nation time and time again. While he is by no mean perfect, and there have been better presidents than he, I feel he is at the very least worthy of the respect of the American people. He has lead us out of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, revived a floundering economy, saved the people of Iraq from a brutal dictator and given the people of America back the government?s tax surplus. He?s a good guy and I?ll support him in this upcoming election. -Boba Fett[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][color=violet]So the whole point of this post was to state your opinion. Okay, Bush is an idiot. There, said and done. I hope someone closes this soon. What kind of discussion is this anyway?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]I?ll tell you what kind of ******** discussion this is. It?s one that is fundamentally flawed and influenced heavily by those liberal ********.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B][i][SIZE=1][color=pink]George W. Bush, The [strike]President[/strike] Idiot of America. I think that this may have been brought up several times, but today during dinner me and my family had a heated debate on the stupidity of our presidents, which ended up as an Anti-George W. Bush debate, like why he shouldn?t be elected again, why he shouldn?t have been elected at all, and all his faults. Well, just to make things clear, I don?t want this to become an ?All Texans Are Stupid? thread but just one releasing all our hatred for George.[/SIZE][/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Being a member of the young Republicans club at my high school, I may not be the best person to offer an objective opinion on the subject. However, I am shocked at your disrespectful and hateful comments about President Bush. Seem to me your family would rather see Iraq under the control of Saddam Hussein. I take it that your family also opposes larger tax cuts for the rich, who people tend to forget pay the most taxes in the first place. They already pay far more than their fair share of taxes, it?s time they began to get some of the unspent money back. Obviously you have issues with doing the right thing.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B][i][SIZE=1][color=pink]Here is my statement, ?He is a badly educated twit who started the war with Iraq for personal reasons, and if he wasn?t elected president none of this would have ever happened (meaning someone wanted revenge on his family).? The reason I added the last part was, because to me and the other politically aware people in my house say that the terrorists are patient, they could wait a long time before making a move, and he was the fault they were waiting for, but I?m not saying Gore would have been much better seeing as though they both have a low intelligence level. [/SIZE][/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Badly educated twit? He went to an Ivy League college, and became the governor of the state of Texas. He was also elected president of the most powerful nation on earth. Obviously he must be somewhat intelligent to accomplish these feats. War on Iraq for personal reasons? You need psychiatric help my dear. The congress of the United States authorized this war, supporting our President. They have no ulterior motives, and this invasion was supported by both Democrats and Republicans alike. First of all, your family doesn?t know a ******* thing about terrorists. Leave that to the Department of Homeland Security. Good Greif? Finally, you have criticized former vice president Al Gore. As much as I disagree with his views, he is a smart man. He is a very wealthy man, largely due to his wise business and political decisions over the years. He too is intelligent.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B][i][SIZE=1][color=pink] Oh, and so people don?t yell at me I?m putting this in ?We of America are not stupid we just have a low EQ, the ability to postpone personal pleasure for future gain.? I know this has probaly already been done, but I was really intrired on how my family's opinions changed. [/SIZE][/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Use spell check. It?s IQ, not EQ. That?s Everquest. In closing I?d like to say that I completely disagree with everything you have said Ryu_Sakura. Your opinions are unfounded and fundamentally flawed. No doubt you?ll be voting for Howard Dean. -Boba Fett, Republican and proud of it.[/color]
[b][center][COLOR=orange]Star Wars: Prelude to The Empire Strikes Back It is a pivotal moment for the Galactic Empire. After the destruction of its Death Star battle station, the Empire looks vulnerable to its opposition across the galaxy. Many systems have, as a result of this great victory for the Galactic Alliance, declared war on the Empire. To quell this rising problem, a radically different TIE squadron has been formed. Its mission will be to eliminate a large contingent of the new rebel forces, fighter squadrons attempting to mimic the success of Luke Skywalker's Rogue Squadron. This new Imperial Force is due to arrive on Coruscant shortly to begin training...[/COLOR][/center][/b] Should you sign up, you will be playing the part of one of these skilled pilots who are about to undergo training for this new squadron. Your choice of ships is as follows: [IMG]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/TIEFighter.jpg[/IMG] This is the original TIE, or Twin Ion Engine, fighter craft of the Imperial Navy. Although it lacks shields, it is faster than any other fighter craft and offers superior maneuverability. It performs poorly in atmosphere however, and is a short range fighter. [IMG]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/TIEInterceptor.jpg[/IMG] Above is the TIE interceptor, which features a slightly different configuration than the TIE fighter. While less maneuverable and slightly slower than the original TIE, it offers shields to it?s pilot. It is also equipped with a hyperdrive, making it capable of long-range travel. [IMG]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/TIEDefender.jpg[/IMG] The cutting edge in Imperial fighter technology, the very first TIE Defenders are now available to specially selected Imperial pilots. These ships feature proton torpedoes and an ion cannon, making it much more heavily armed than its predecessors. While slower than the TIE Interceptor, the TIE Defender offers slightly better shields. This craft is equipped with a Hyperdrive, and is capable of long-range travel. [IMG]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/TIEBomber.jpg[/IMG] The TIE Bomber is the slowest of the TIE fighter series, but is the only one capable of carrying large quantities of warheads. It lacks shields and is also hard to maneuver, making career TIE Bomber pilots extremely rare. Despite it?s drawbacks, it is a devastating weapon when used correctly. You may choose to be trained in flying any of the three fighters you choose and all characters will undergo bomber training for specialized missions. Your choice of weapons is as follows: [IMG]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/E-11BlasterRifle.jpg[/IMG] The E-11 blaster rifle is the size of a normal carbine, despite its name. This rifle is known the galaxy over for its durability, reliability and power. It?s power pack stores enough energy for 100 shots before it needs to be changed. [IMG]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/ScoutPistol.jpg[/IMG] The Imperial Scout pistol is a light weapon is easily concealed, but doesn?t pack as much power as the E-11 blaster rifle. It is used mostly by Imperial officers and non-combat personnel. It?s power pack stores enough energy for 50 shots before it needs to be changed. Your character will also be issued the following: [IMG]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/Comlink.jpg[/IMG] A standard issue Imperial Comlink, used to contact other Imperials within the area. Don?t leave home without it. [IMG]http://jedgarnieta.250free.com/TIEPilotuniform.jpg[/IMG] This will be your uniform. Take care of it, and it will take care of you in turn. Your uniform will be your protection from the deadly vacuum of space. [center]--- --- --- --- ---[/center] This RPG is set immediately after the events contained in the classic motion picture [B][U]Star Wars: A New Hope[/U][/B]. You will be playing the part of a human Imperial character. If you wish to join as an alien, make sure that alien is within the Star Wars genre and make a full explanation of how your character was allowed into the Imperial Armed Forces, which has a history of extreme bias against non-humans. You will need to post the following in your sign up: [B]Name[/B]: What do people call you? [B]Age[/B]: Ages 18 through 30 only. [B]Species[/B]: If you?re not human, this needs to be fully explained in your biography [B]Homeworld[/B]: Suggested, but not limited to: Alderaan, Corellia, Coruscant, Kuat. [B]Ship of Choice[/B]: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor or TIE Defender [B]Appearance[/B]: What you look like under your flight suit [B]Biography[/B]: Your life until this point [B]Other[/B]: Anything else we might be interested in knowing about your character? [color=green]I encourage anyone with any kind of interest whatsoever in Star Wars to join this RPG and I?ll be happy to answer any questions regarding it via PM. -Boba Fett[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Junyi [/i] [B]Deathbug, you say that with the abolishment of classes you'll get a dictaor, and that inorder you abolish classes everyone ends to have equal things. Yet in Kuwait there are no social classes ( to my knowlege) and every natural born Kuwaiti get money from the oil sales of the country, and yet they are not communist. So how can that be wrong? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Here?s how. This type of system, where the government supports the people by giving them what it thinks they need, is called socialism. Socialism, according to [url]www.dictionary.com,[/url] is defined as: 1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. 2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved. As you can see by reading this definition of socialism, it?s the halfway point. Socialism tries to walk the middle road between survival of the fittest and a, ?The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? society. Most countries have some socialist policies including the United States, Canada and Australia. In my opinion, a small amount of socialist programs should be acceptable. Things like limited unemployment checks, for instance, are needed. There are also some socialist policies that I haven?t made up my mind about, such as state sponsored health care. Finally, there are countries like Kuwait that practice a different form of socialism. This small nation has more oil than it knows what to do with and, as a result, has accumulated hoards of money. It?s monthly stipulations to its people, while seeming like a great thing to a casual observer, is actually a bad thing. People really shouldn?t get money they don?t deserve, especially in large amounts. It leads to all kinds of social problems. This has been proven in the United States, where Native American casinos make vast fortunes. Each member of the Mohegan tribe, which owns the world class Mohegan Sun casino, gets paid a monthly stipulation of ten thousand dollars. I know many of these families that are in terrible shape because of it. Parents who don?t work, and send their spoiled children off to school only because it?s the law. These people will never have to work and have no desire to improve themselves. This had had a detrimental effect on my community, and I can only imagine what this would do to an entire country. Is that how you want the world to end up Junyi?[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Junyi [/i] [B]Do you feel individualism is wrong, like most american high schools public individualism is looked down upon, I see admin's every day yelling at people daily to strighten their hair, staple your pants legs they're too baggy. Public shools are more Dictatorship than anything else, but it is funded by a capitalist country. Do you still feel individualism is bad? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=green]Whoa, DeathBug seems to be in favor of capitalism and opposed to communism. This has very little to do with individualism in American public schools. In any case, your comparison of public schools to dictatorships is completely ludicrous. In an American public school, which you are required to attend until you reach the age of 16 (Varies from state to state), your teachers and administrators cannot force you to wear something different on a whim. Public school dress codes are very lenient and anyone who violates their lax standards really needs serious help. I walk into school on an average day and see people dressed in all manner of inappropriate clothing. These people aren?t expressing their individualism; they?re disrupting the learning environment with their outrageous clothing. School is for education, not fashion. Junyi, your argument is moot due to your misinterpretation of DeathBug?s opinion. I?m sure he supports individualism and this can be seen quite clearly in his posts.[/color]
[COLOR=green]Right now, with my drivers license obtainable in a mere six months, my favorite car would be any car I can get my hands on. I?d kill for something of my own, but probably won?t get it. My current financial situation doesn?t have enough leeway to add gas, let alone insurance. However, my dream car would be a Black Chevy Suburban. Why? I really just like the way the car?s designed. It looks nice, and we have a green one at home. Maybe with satellite radio so that I would finally be able to listen to AM stations without insane static. Meh, like that?ll happen[/COLOR]
[color=green]For once, Liam?s body language wasn?t masked by an impassive façade. They were not in a good situation; it was doubtful that it could get any worse. Ryan looked around the room they were standing in, completely barren due to the rather large barricade that obscured the entrance. It was made of that appeared to be steel reinforced concrete, certainly bulletproof and impervious to grenades. Although he would never want to test it, Ryan supposed the walls could survive a small amount of C4. Unfortunately, it would be no match for either one of the General?s F1-11 fighter jets. Any one of their armaments would reduce the building, along with a fair amount of its surroundings, to rubble without any difficulty. Worried, slightly annoyed and sweat now forming on his brow; Ryan briefly toyed with the idea of using the anti-tank weapon against the aircraft. It was a short-lived idea, one that did nothing but darken his mood. Even if a plane flew low enough to come within range of the weapon, he?d have to be incredibly lucky to hit the plane. Even then, he?d have to reload and hit the other plane before the pilot launched his warhead. The odds of that were better than winning the lottery. With a soft sigh and a very negative shake of his head, Ryan began to disassemble and clean his pistol. Probably not a good choice given the circumstances, but there seemed to be no shortage of weapons in the room. If they were attacked, he?d simply snatch one. As his hands went into autopilot mode, repeating a routine that they?d successfully accomplished every day since he?d joined SYF, Ryan?s mind wandered. The general had probably called in the F1-11s by now, and they?d arrive in the area about the same time as the helicopter. Presumably, the pilots would have orders to destroy any heat signatures in the area, with the sole exception of Delta Force. Another idea popped into his head, but vanished just as quickly as it had come. He wouldn?t betray his own men to save his own life. They shared a different type of bond, not something that could be forged in the civilian world, nor in SYF. It was a complete acceptance that he?d found nowhere else; that he?d never give up. Death was a better option. Perhaps they could delay the arrival of the helicopter, but the F1-11s would still arrive in time to incinerate their fragile bodies in fiery plumes of napalm. Not a pleasant option, but it?d save the pilot and their one way of exiting the middle of nowhere. They might be able to run into the jungle and hide among the wildlife, as dangerous as that was, but then they?d be forced to confront Delta Force. Shooting at his friends, no matter what their allegiance, would turn his stomach. His small but calloused hands finished reassembling the Beretta 9mm pistol that had saved his life countless times, stowing it in the military style holster at his hip. Which reminded him, he needed to change out of this Delta Force uniform. It wasn?t appropriate for SYF, where things were much more relaxed. After clearing his mind and searching for another alternative, another way for the team to exit safely while preserving the lives of the misguided Delta Force, Ryan gave up. He?d run out of options; he was completely stumped. He walked across the room to Liam, who was still standing with his face to the wall, and quietly began to speak. [B]Ryan[/B]: ?Any ideas how to get out of this one?? [B]Liam[/B]: ?I?ll let you know.? Ryan checked his watch. The countdown timer was at 37 minutes. If they were going to do something, they needed to act fast?[/color]
[color=green]Soft sunlight danced through the window, and played across the small room. A bed was against one wall, and an oak nightstand was placed next to it. Across the room stood a dresser and a rocking chair, both looked barren an unused. Leaning against the wall near the doorway is a pike; it?s wickedly sharp blade gleaming in the early morning sunlight. In the bed, an older man stirred. Jedgar opened his eyes and squinted at the sudden increase in light. There was something about Rivendell that made him instantly comfortable here. He slept easier, felt younger and seemed to be much happier here. Maybe it was the magical quality of the place, constructed by the elves eons ago, that rubbed off onto all who came. Perhaps simply the presence of so many elves in one place gave off some kind of magical presence. In any case, he felt great. Rising, he dressed unhurriedly, making sure that each item of clothing sat on his body comfortably. He had learned long ago that before you confront an opponent, you must be completely comfortable in yourself. This pertained to everything he carried, from his well used pike to his crimson cloak that his all but his lower face. Several minutes later, dressed and armed, he walked out of his room and out into the morning sunlight that bathed the city. It was going to be a beautiful day?[/color]
[color=green][B]Name[/B]: Jedgar Nieta [B]Age[/B]: 13 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Grade[/B]: 6th [B]Nationality[/B]: Joint US-Australian citizenship [B]Ability[/B]: Jedgar can ?melt? his body into a puddle of liquid, and move as a small body of silver liquid. While in this form he cannot be hurt easily, but it does tire him to use it for extended periods of time. He has not yet learned to control his ability. [B]Appearance[/B]: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=541578[/IMG] [B]Personality[/B]: Quiet and very judgmental, Jedgar doesn?t make friends easily. His rather unusual ability has prevented him from having any close friends. After his parents were divorced, his situation went from bad to worse. After his father lost a custody dispute with his mother, his dad forced him to come to America to escape his mother. This has given him a severe case of depression, which now dominates his life. [B]Biography[/B]: Born in Australia, Jedgar first discovered his rather unusual ability over the summer between fifth and sixth grade. This was about the same time that he moved to New York with his father and entered a rather severe spell of depression that he has not yet recovered from. His first inkling that he had a rather unique ability was one warm summer night while home alone. He was sitting on the couch, a sleek laptop with wireless modem sitting on his lap, and typing up a paper for school while chatting with random people on AIM. Suddenly he got a queasy feeling in stomach, and his body began to twitch uncontrollably. He managed to get up and head towards the bathroom, but he fell to the floor. Except when he hit the ground, he turned into a silver puddle. Suddenly, he felt fine again, besides being a puddle of silver. Ever since he has had similar occurrences, at random times and places. The transformation is painful, but it has become bearable over time. He has slightly more control over himself when this happens, although he has not yet mastered transforming on command.[/color]
Art Concerning Midgets (LOTR Comedy Comic)
Boba Fett replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=green]DW, your creativity and artistic abilities never cease to amaze me. This was a very funny read, and I look forward to the third installment with immense anticipation. Just one small criticism. Some of the writing, especially in the second installment, was small and hard to read. Mind making it a little bigger next time? I?m sure I missed out on a few jokes and funny statements because of it? Once again, thanks for the laughs... -Boba Fett, the currently amused bounty hunter[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=green][B]-?Faith of the Heart? Written by Diane Warren and performed by Russell Watson.[/B] This song really surprised me when I first heard it. It?s the theme song to UPN 38?s [U]Enterprise[/U], and I immediately went online and stole it after I heard it. It?s a beautiful song, and hard to describe unless you?ve heard it.[/COLOR]
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Boba Fett replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[COLOR=green]Jedgar, cold and wet from his dip in the river, jogged inside the front gate of the camp. His finger tense on the trigger of his newly acquired weapon, and began to run through the chaotic camp. He had to get to the ?drop zone?, which was about a kilometer to his left, through what looked like a vehicle storage area. He approached an open entrance to a large garage building, and had to duck behind some crates when a squad of twelve soldiers walked out. They were in a bent diamond formation, and were looking for a fight. Jedgar waited tensely was they moved away, it wouldn?t be wise to pick a fight with a dozen professional soldiers. After they had passed out of sight behind a storage shed, Jedgar entered the garage. Several Humvees were parked in a row, and behind them were a few pathetic military motorcycles. He noticed, much to his amusement, that it looked like several of the Humvees were missing, and there was a body on the floor. Perhaps his friends had been here. After locating a set of keys for a motorcycle, he revved the engine and shot out of the building. Riding though the burning military base at sixty miles an hour, Jedgar swerved to avoid large pieces of debris and the occasional unwary soldier. After a few minutes of harrowing escapades through the camp, he reached the ?drop zone?. Sure enough, he noticed two Humvees, ready to go?[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=green]Hope this is all of them... A: Picto Box, Deluxe Picto Box, Bottles (Nice to have, but not completely necessary), Complimentary ID and any of the healing potions. Provided I've answered that correctly here's another question. Q: Name all the items obtainable in the Four Swords Adventure (Found on item pedestals). [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]The ladder extended perfectly and Eve stepped gracefully down onto the dirt encrusted concrete floor of the dimly lit tunnel. Ryan looked over the newcomer. She was obviously a friend, judging by Liam?s reaction, and probably a local SYF agent. She carried herself like someone used to the area, but seemed slightly nervous. Probably she was on one of her first missions, and unused to working with a team. Ryan made a conscious effort to stop reading her body language. He had a very bad habit of staring at people for minutes at a time, attempting to determine everything possible about them before engaging in conversation. Not only was it a bad habit, he found it unnerved people. [I]Ryan holsters his pistol, and extends his hand[/I]. [B]Ryan[/B]: ?Hello, I?m Ryan. You?d be??? [B]???[/B]: ?Eve.? [B]Liam[/B]: ?Now that you two have become acquainted, let?s move. We really need to get Delta Force on our side before someone gets killed.? [I]Ryan nodded, and motioned for them both to follow him.[/I] Ryan watched as his two remaining soldiers jogged protectively on either side of him, clearly not trusting the SYF operatives. His attention was quickly diverted to his radio, which crackled with static. [B]General[/B]: ?Ryan, what the hell is going on?? [B]Ryan[/B]: ?There?s a special force here, friends. Order the troops to stand down.? [B]General[/B]: ?Friends, stand down? Ryan, get up here right now, I?m ordering a shoot on sight directive and calling in air support.? [B]Ryan[/B]: ?I strongly discourage that course of action general. Order Delta Force to stand down, if you value the lives of your men. I?ve seen these people in action, they?re lethal.? [B]General[/B]: ?One more word Ryan, and I?ll get you put in the brig.? [I]Ryan switches radio frequencies, and begins to speak.[/I] [B]Ryan[/B]: ?This is Advisor Ryan. Stand down. The General is unfit for command, and I am taking charge. I repeat, all squads stand down.? [B]General[/B]: ?Ryan! You?re through. Place Ryan under arrest.? [I]Ryan exchanges a look with both of the troopers accompanying him, then speaks again.[/I] [B]Ryan[/B]: ?Fine, I resign. Just trust me on this one, get out of here and don?t mess with the friendly forces in the area.? [I]Ryan turns off his radio, and tosses it to Parkey.[/I] [B]Ryan[/B]: ?Sorry guys, but it?s for your own good?? [I]With lightning speed, Ryan kicks out to his left, and his boot connects with Parkey?s jaw, knocking the man old cold. He then catches his friend and gently lowers him to the ground, while ducking a blow from Donnel. He then grab?s Donnel?s arm, which had missed Ryan when he ducked, and used a judo move to flip the Delta Force soldier over his shoulder. The man landed with a thump on the concrete floor, and Ryan tied and gagged him with a strip of his shirt.[/I] [B]Ryan[/B]: ?It?s the only way for you two to keep your jobs, and for me to get out safely. Thanks, I?ll be in touch.? With one last glance at Donnel, Ryan turned to face Liam. [B]Ryan[/B]: ?Request to rejoin SYF sir...?[/COLOR]
[color=green]Random Topic: The EH The Emperor?s Hammer Fan Club is the largest Star Wars fan club currently in existence. It?s made up of fans that like the Empire, and divided into many sub-sections. I?m a member of the Bounty Hunters Guild, the largest sub-section of the EH. The BHG is further divided into sub-sections, called Kabals and Cadres. It?s not very labor intensive, all I do is check in once or twice a week and participate in Star Wars trivia events. I?ll occasionally attend an IRC meeting, which is always held between 0900 and 1200 hours on Saturday. We don?t really talk Star Wars that much, just random things that come to mind. It?s a lot of fun, and you meet people who share similar interests. Anyway, here are a few useful links if you?re interested. [url]http://www.emperorshammer.org/index1.htm[/url] [url]www.thebhg.org[/url] [url]http://cyclone.thebhg.org/[/url][/color]
[COLOR=green]Let's see... Sometimes I eat rice with tomato sauce and bits of ripped up pepperoni. I discovered that while looking for something quick I could microwave and eat while gaming. I also eat tuna by itself, in large quantities. It's yummy...[/COLOR]
[color=green][B]General[/B]: ?And what do you propose we do about it?? [B]???[/B]: ?Send a recon team down the tunnel, to figure out who messed with that Humvee. After all, it appears we have a security breach.? [B]General[/B]: ?Very well. But no more screw ups; and you?re leading the team.? The young man frowned. He knew the general didn?t like him, but he had considered him a competent military leader until this past week. Obviously he was letting his feelings get in the way of his professional duties. It was also highly suspicious to have the General send him to lead the recon team. As if he wasn?t wanted, and wouldn?t be missed if he were to be killed searching for this obviously skilled intruder. The young man vaulted over the railing and landed amongst the Delta force soldiers that had been assembled for the mission. They were all nearly a foot taller than him, but also much more nervous. They weren?t very good at hiding their fear, trying to mask it with their typically male ?tough guy? attitudes. Setting his observations aside, he spoke firmly and rapidly. [B]???[/B]: ?Parkey, Donnel and Dougly; I want you with me.? All three of the men walked over to him in a matter of moments, readying their lethal weapons. [B]???[/B]: ?We?re assigned to recon the tunnel, and figure out who the joker was who messed with the Humvee. I?ll lead, Private Donnel will cover. I want Sergeant Parkey on my left, Dougly on my right.? Three heads nodded in unison, and the four of them moved into the main tunnel. It was dimly lit, and he wished he?d brought his heat goggles. Sometimes packing light wasn?t a good thing. He drew from his holster a pistol. It?s sat comfortably in his grip, like he?d held it all its life. The pistol?s worn metal grip was cold against his sweaty hand. He hated this hot climate. I brought back bad memories. His team was not in a good position. The only cover provided was from various used crates and concrete chunks that had been pushed to the sides of the tunnel in a vain attempt to clean the place up. Anyone who?d been here for very long had probably already found cover and was watching their approach. Hopefully that person would miss their first shot, and they?d have time to take him or her out before they got a chance to fire again. He thought he heard something, but shrugged it off. The tunnel echoed, and it was probably Donnel getting a better position. He was wrong. A shot rang out, and he dove behind a bent piece of metal. Turning, he saw Dougly laying on the ground a few feet away, a bullet lodged between his closed eyes. Swearing softly, he used hand signals to give orders. He?d take it alone from here. Moving cautiously but swiftly from one piece of cover to another, he moved steadily up the left side of the tunnel. Sooner or later he?d bump into the person who?d shot his comrade, and then it?d be a matter of who shot first. He was confident that he would be able to respond first. All those years in dangerous situations had done that much for him, he hoped. Once again, he was wrong. This was not his day. An arm reached out from behind a crate and yanked him close. He was being held with a gun to his head, close to someone?s body. A hand was clamped tightly over his mouth, in such a way that made it near impossible for him to bite his assailant. Whoever this guy was, he was trained well. [B]Captor[/B]: ?Quiet. Drop the gun, and we?ll leave with you as my hostage. Otherwise, you can be my shield.? He knew that voice, memories started to fill his head. Years ago, events that had made his who he was? It was overwhelming. There was only one person he knew who was good enough to draw him in this easily. Seconds earlier, he?d have betted the world that person was a very, very long way from here. Apparently mistakes come in threes. Only one thought now occupied his head, why in the world was Liam here? Shocked he dropped his weapon. It clattered to the floor, echoing through the tunnel. His captor tensed, and waited. [B]Liam[/B]: ?I?m going to pick up the gun. If you speak, I?m going to splatter your brains all over the walls.? Liam removed his hand, and his hostage spoke quickly and tensely. [B]???[/B]: ?Liam, it?s Ryan. Let go.? Liam froze, and flipped Ryan over, still keeping his weapon trained on him. [B]Liam[/B]: ?What in the hell are you doing here?? [B]Ryan[/B]: ?I?m running with Delta force, it?s a long story. What the hell is the SYF here for?? [B]Liam[/B]: ?Another long story, how about you call the toy soldiers off before we get ourselves killed.? [B]Ryan[/B]: ?Agreed.? He rose, and shouted to his men. [B]Ryan[/B]: ?It?s alright, he?s with us.? The two teenagers rose, and walked together towards the confused soldiers? OOC: Hope that was all right. It?s been a long time since I was in SYF posting mode? -Boba Fett [/color]