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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [COLOR=green]DW, you created this thread after my introduction thread in the Newbie Lounge was closed for being off topic. You'd think they'd let us go off topic in a forum where posts didn't count... Your thread was then merged with mine, which added the poll. Most interesting of all, I have over three hundred posts on this thread. So don't you ever delete it... Episode III Movie Poster? Since when? Why wasn't I informed? :blowup: Really, I haven't even gotten a confirmation of the movie's title, let alone a poster. I just checked [URL=http://www.starwars.com]StarWars.com[/URL] and [URL=http://www.theforce.net]The Force.net[/URL], neither had a movie title or poster for Episode III. Then again, both sites aren't that easy to navigate, so I may have missed it. I'm too cheap to get a [URL=http://www.starwars.com/hyperspace/about/news/news20031125.html]Hyperspace Pass[/URL] for Episode III, which means I unfortunately miss out of a lot of cutting edge Star Wars knowledge. I would buy it, but it really will serve no purpose after Episode II is released. Anyway, I'd really like to see your poster since I haven't seen it yet. The only one I've got is a fan made one I used for a RPG way back when. -Boba Fett[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]Several hours later, Jedgar and Thruhk were busily at work on Jedgar?s damaged hyperdrive. The damage from the turbolaser blast was fairly concentrated, focused on the left side of the hyperdrive core. Jedgar didn?t have enough space in his vessel to carry an extensive store of spare parts, and just had basic materials and all purpose components. He was pretty sure that once they removed the charred and unsalvageable components, along with a small quantity of melted metal slag, the drive could be repaired without too much difficulty. He?d need to obtain a new one as soon as possible, but he?d get a few dozen jumps out of the jury rigged unit he was constructing. [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Can you hand me that Hydrospanner, the medium one?? [I]Jedgar rummaged inside his toolbox and withdrew a worn and slightly greasy hydrospanner. He tossed the tool to Thruhk, who caught it deftly.[/I] [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Thanks? As Thruhk continued to remove the damaged and destroyed pieces, Jedgar began moving the part they?d need from the storage crates to their workspace at the mouth of the cave. There, Jedgar began to assemble and program the needed parts. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Have you seen any others on the planet? I noticed several other vessels in orbit, along with ionization trails indicating atmospheric entry. Unfortunately, I lost track of them during my flight from the Star Destroyer.? [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?I also noticed small craft in the vicinity, but have thus far not seen anyone besides you on this world.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Odd, for such an uninhabited and restricted world such as this to receive so much activity in a single day.? [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?Perhaps fate has something in store for us, as we were both brought here by less than ordinary circumstances.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Perhaps?? After another half hour of work, Jedgar prepared another stormtrooper ration and sat down with Thruhk for a quick lunch. They idly discussed their plans for the hyperdrive and the best way to accomplish the task at hand, while consuming their less than appetizing rations. [I]Thruhk tackled Jedgar, sending both of them falling to the ground, hard. An arrow whistled through the air where Jedgar had just been sitting, bouncing off the armor plating that sheathed the Idiot?s Array[/I]. Raising his head slightly as he rolled left to take cover behind a rock, Jedgar could see several humans dressed in a motley assortment of ancient armor. They all were armed with powered crossbows, and wearing lightsabers. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Are they Jedi? Those evil warriors from the holo-dramas that the Empire freed the galaxy of?? [I]Several more arrows flew through the air, snapping as they impacted against rocks and the side of the cave.[/I] [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?No, they couldn?t be. If they were, wouldn?t they be using the lightsabers?? [I]Their conversation was cut short by the sound of blaster fire. Several of the mysterious warriors fell to the ground, their armor rendered useless against energy weapons. Thruhk and Jedgar emerged from their cover and, taking advantage of their quarry?s distraction, quickly dispatched the rest.[/I] Then both of the warriors looked towards the source of the blaster fire, in search of their mysterious savior?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]Pokemon is a great series that I?d really like to see grow and mature, instead of dying as a mere fad. Instead of new Pokemon and a New World, the series needs to cater more to the user. I'd like to see customizable avatars for the game, so you'd be able to choose what your character looks like. You should be able, to some extent, be able to choose your own path through the world. Bring back Team Rocket, Team Magma and Aqua made me sick. Use all the Pokemon. I was highly annoyed that Scyther was cut from the latest games. Also, allow a lot more multiplayer options. It'd be nice to see a multiplayer Pokemon game. Finally, I'd love it if you could choose a Pokemon to follow you around as your favorite. Like Pikachu did in Yellow Version.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hataki Vash [/i] [B]Has anyone just had like a mental breakdown and like just felt like they wanted to cry and like just didnt know what to do. Or just like had a mental breakdown and felt like they were like "excluded" from society. Just a quick question maybe I can get an opinion on. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I really don't think that feelings of helplessness, sadness and exclusion qualify as a mental breakdown. A mental breakdown, to me, would be something medically treatable or "losing it" [Crazy]. I'm no expert on the subject, but that's just my take on it. I've felt like an outcast fairly frequently, as I move around a lot. Moving into a school system midyear, especially in a private school where all of the kids have known each other since preschool, is one of the hardest things I've done. It's very hard to break into a clique and find your friends in such a situation. So, by your definition, I've had a mental breakdown.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=green]I couldn't stop laughing after I'd read this thread. First we have a Mr. Lance [B]Anderson[/B], and now we have a Mr. Ambrose who looks like Agent Smith. I can just see a confrontation with the line "Hello, Mr. Anderson". :whoops: [B]Name[/B]: Jedgar Nieta [B]Age[/B]: 27 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Occupation[/B]: Federal Agent [B]Appearance[/B]: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=535897[/IMG] [B]Weapon(s)[/B]: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532349[/IMG] [B]Personality[/B]: Sort of a follower, Agent Nieta doesn't talk much. He's spent his entire career taking orders from Agent Ambrose, and has learned to follow his lead almost instinctively. Most of the time he's calm and collected, although he tends to lose that composure when in the presence of beautiful women. [B]Biography[/B]: Both of Jedgar's parents were government employees, and he was an average student throughout his educational career. He joined the federal government right out of college, and at this point no record can be found of his activities since. No job, no tax return, no place of residence. His "paper trail" through the beurocracy simply ends.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]OOC: The planet of Ossus is, although obscure, is most likely found on both Imperial and civilian starcharts at the present time. None of the material I have read or found seems to suggest the planet?s location or memory becoming lost; although there is none that mention it. I base my assumption that it is indeed found on starcharts of the period on the comic book series [B]Dark Empire[/B]. In this series, both the Rebel Alliance and the Forces of the Reborn Empire know of and have coordinates/hyperspace jump paths for Ossus. However, since no specific mention is found in the canon, feel free to take dramatic license within reason. [CENTER]--- --- --- --- --- ---[/CENTER] [I]Jedgar emerged from the cave just in time to catch a glimpse of a gray blur moving up a tree. As he watched, the creature came to a stop about ten meters up, and looked straight down at him. He remembered seeing this creature before somewhere? Then its name came to him. It was a Noghri, one of Darth Vader?s private assassins. He had only seen them before once, when awaiting an audience with lord Vader. A blue skinned being, dressed in the uniform of a Grand Admiral, had left Lord Vader?s chambers accompanied by several of these beings. They were rumored to have powerful senses of smell, and be fierce and dedicated warriors.[/I] [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?What would one of the Empire?s Noghri assassins be doing out here, all alone in the wilderness of Ossus. Without his team, no less.? [B]Unknown Noghri[/B]: ?S-speak for yourself. I smell your uncertainty.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Your species legendary sense of smell serves you well, however you haven?t answered my question.? [B]Unknown Noghri[/B]: ?I felt called here. That is none of your concern however, Bothan.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Call me Jedgar. Interestingly enough, it was luck, or what some might call fate, that brought me here via a random hyperspace jump.? [B]Unknown Noghri[/B]: ?I am Thrukh of the clan [You haven?t mentioned a clan yet, feel free to add one at your leisure].? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Now that we?re acquainted, would you mind assisting me with my vessel? My hyperdrive is in need of repairs.? [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?It was you who was being fired upon?? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Unfortunately. The captain of that Star Destroyer decided to shoot first and ask questions later, so I was forced to fire upon my allies. Would you help me, as a fellow servant of the Emperor?? [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?I no longer serve him.? [I]Jedgar?s grip on his weapon tightened. He was reasonably sure he could take the Noghri, as his weapon had much longer reach. Then again, he wasn?t eager to risk it.[/I] [B]Thruhk[/B]: ?However, if you could provide me with something in return?? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?We can settle that later. First, let?s have a look at that hyperdrive.? [I]The two temporary allies walked together into the cave and climbed up onto the large engine of the [I]Idiot?s Array[/I] to inspect the damage?[/I][/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Outcast [/i] [B][color=#707875][font=tahoma] [b] 22. Q:[/b] Who is Jango Fett's "Mother"? [b]22. A:[/b] He has none, being a clone grown on Kamino. However, if someone somehow comes up with "Clone Birth Pod", they get double points My point is that Jango himself is the original source of the D.N.A for the Clone Army, and is not a clone like his son Boba.[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]A grievous error indeed. I seem to have switched Boba for Jango Fett. I stand corrected... DuoMax, I have read the [B][I]Tales from the New Republic[/I][/B] series and have found it quite interesting. The short story "No Disintegrations, please." is one of the better works in the collection. However, my favorite would have to be either "The Longest Fall" or "Interlude at Darkknell".[/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yoda [/i] [B]I thought I was good when it came to Star Wars knowledge... and then I met Boba. In the first RPG of mine he ever joined, I had altered the timeline intentionally, and said that Boba Fett had died in the Sarlacc's gut... and the first thing he ever did was correct me and give a 20 line description of what had happened to Boba after the Sarlacc. I had to explain that I had purposely changed these events, but it still impressed me that a guy I had never seen on the boards before would suddenly pop up with such knowledge, when every other person who had signed up did not have a clue that what I was telling them was incorrect. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Heh, the good old days. I also was highly annoyed by the portrayal of Boba Fett in [I][B]Return of the Jedi[/B][/I]. Far from being the premier Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, trained in all manner of martial arts and sole heir to the greatest mercenary tradition the galaxy has ever know, he was knocked into the sarlacc by a blind guy with a stick. And that was the good version. In the original release, he pops out of a hatch in the sail barge, and is promptly pulled out by Luke as he climbs up the side of the ship. Yet another terrible blunder by George Lucas. Amazing how a man who invented something so great could make so many mistakes?[/COLOR]
  9. [color=green]No Response. Frowning, he hailed the [I]Fixeus[/I] again. This time, there was a faint click as the other ship acknowledged with an audio connection. On Jedgar?s control panel, a red light began to blink. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?This is Jedgar Nieta of the Emperor?s Phantom Legion. Please state your name and business in this restricted system.? [B]???[/B]: ?State your own authorization to be in this system. If you?d listened to the starchart information, it clearly states that it?s a level one restricted system. You need orders to be here, orders you don?t have.? [I]Astounded by the confidence of the stranger, Jedgars mind whirled. He?d known that he needed orders to be here, but that information wasn?t in public records. Clearly this stranger had access to, or had stolen, an Imperial starchart. It really didn?t take much thought to determine that Jedgar?s ship wasn?t supposed to be here. It was unmarked vessel with a month old captured rebel transponder code. Obviously not Imperial.[/I] Apparently the captain of the [I]Fixeus[/I] knew he?d outfoxed Jedgar, his ship was now descending through the atmosphere towards the planet?s surface. A glance at his targeting computer startled him. The other vessel, which had been casually edging away from the Star Destroyer, was nowhere to be seen. It too had apparently landed on the planet. That left Jedgar alone with the Star Destroyer, which was rapidly making its way towards him. After a brief moment of confusion, Jedgar realized that he was still emitting a rebel transponder code. He scrambled to turn it off, but it was too late. [B]Imperial Captain[/B]: ?Rebel craft [I]Idiot?s Array[/I], you are ordered to power down your shields and weapons and prepare to be boarded.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?There appears to be some mistake. This is Jedgar Nieta of the Phantom Legion, on an undercover mission from Lord Vader himself. I reques-? [B]Imperial Captain[/B]: ?This is your last warning, power down and prepare to be boarded.? The connection was abruptly closed, and the [I]Idiot?s Array[/I] shuddered as a tractor beam paralyzed it. Jedgar wasn?t happy, he?d bet his hyperdrive that if he were a human they?d have checked his credentials before hassling him further. He had to make a quick escape, as most stormtroopers shot first and asked questions later. Victory Class Star Destroyers, while not the latest capital ship, were still formidable opponents. Over nine hundred meters long, with ten quad laser turrets, forty double turbolaser batteries, eighty concussion missile launchers and ten tractor beam projectors; these ships were not to be attacked lightly. After quickly appraising his options, he decided to use an old trick he?d used at the Imperial Academy. Matching each of his ten concussion missiles to one of the tractor beam projectors, he fired them. Two seconds and five salvos later, all ten of the tractor beam projectors belonging to the Star Destroyer were smoking ruins. The [I]Idiot?s Array[/I] dove for the planet?s atmosphere, followed by a hail of angry green lasers. Jedgar wove and dodged, attempting to avoid the lasers that rained down on his ship. Several hit his shields in rapid succession, fusing the generator coils and disabling the shield. He slowed and turned the ship, preparing to land it in a cave on the side of a ravine. Lasers rained down all around his ship, melting rock and disintegrating vegetation. As he slowly and carefully used his repulsors to enter the cave, a quad laser slammed into his ship. Unfortunately for the gunner, who was shooting blind because of the clouds, his lasers weren?t powerful enough to breach the Skipray Blastboat?s heavy armor plating. Jedgar laughed, and edged farther into the cave. Then a turbolaser bolt impacted on the very back of his vessel, blowing a hole in his hull plating and impacting into his hyperdrive. Cursing, Jedgar pulled his ship completely into the cave and powered down. This was just not his day. First half his team is killed, and then he?s attacked by his own brothers in arms around Ossus. Now his hyperdrive was in serious need of repairs, and he wouldn?t be able to leave the planet for several days. Muttering a Bothan curse, he walked into the back of his ship and opened the wall panel to check the damage?[/color]
  10. [COLOR=green][B]I really have no interest in anime of any kind.[/B] Many of my friends like anime, and often discuss it in my presence. I could probably identify anime style drawings or anime paraphernalia, but own none of my own. Unless you count the Animatrix...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]OOC: Ok, I have yet more issues with MGuyPersonDude. #1 Cloaking devices are currently still under development. The very first prototype of this device is currently in the Emperor's private shuttle, and [I]only[/I] there. Not even Boba Fett, whose vessel is by all accounts the most technologically advanced of all small crafts, has a cloaking device. You most certainly don?t have one. You didn?t even post this information in your sign up, where it should be if you are to use it... #2 In the Star Wars universe, cloaking devices are a double edged sword. They render a vessel undetectable, but also blind all equipment on the vessel. You cannot travel without an extensively planned and pre-plotted navigational course. You also run the risk of colliding with something else, which you wouldn?t know was there unless you actually hit it. So, I'd advise you to stick a little closer to the canon of Star Wars during the RPG to avoid any further grievous deviations from it. If you have any questions or need any help with this RPG, don't hesitate to PM me. [center]---------[/center] Jedgar was finishing up a stormtrooper ration and reading a datapad displaying the major news stories of the day, when the pinging of a warning system notified him that he would be exiting hyperspace in ten minutes. After throwing the empty meal tray into the trash receptacle and stowing the datapad in a compartment under the pilot?s seat, he prepared for entry into the Ossus system. Standard protocol for entry into an unfamiliar system with no known Imperial presence required dropping out of hyperspace ready for combat. Jedgar charged the three ion cannons and the dual laser turret that comprised his ship?s main weaponry. Primary shields, proton torpedoes and concussion missiles were all charged and ready for reentry into real space. The familiar white lines that lined his viewport strained for a moment and vanished, replaced by another familiar sight. A starfeild and a distant planet filled the transparent durasteel that composed his cockpit, a scene that he had observed countless times on his journeys across the galaxy. It never failed to take his breath away, the sheer enormity of it all. He was rudely shaken out of his philosophical musings by what seemed like every warning and danger alarm his vessel possessed. A look at his targeting computer told him all he needed to know. On the far side of the planet, which was currently in its night cycle, there was an Imperial Victory Class Star Destroyer. Also, his sensors were detecting some unusual energy readings close to the Star Destroyer. Much closer to his own vessel, and the source of most of the alarms that were only now beginning to be silenced, was another small vessel. It looked Corellian in origin, either a Y-2400 or a Y-2500, he wasn?t sure. Although the ship?s transponder signal was turned off, his automatic Imperial database search turned up positive results. The ship was registered under the name [I]Fixeus[/I], and registered to a Jodo Secura of Kiffex. Odd, the name Secura was normally a Twi?lek clan name. Jedgar made a mental note to look into that, since this man was apparently a native of Kiffex. Plotting an intercept course, he hailed the [I]Fixeus[/I]?[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=green]Jedgar slumped back in his seat. That had been very, very close. At least they?d accomplished their mission, and sent out the reports of the rebel fleet regrouping at Sullust. As long as the sector Moff forwarded their report to Lord Vader, the rebellion would suffer its second major defeat in as many years. Hopefully the Phantom Legion?s word would be heeded this time. They?d also preformed a recon mission to Hoth and reported the existence of a rebellion base there three standard months before Lord Vader had ?discovered? it with him probe droids. That had been a great victory for the legion, as they now had the confidence and support of Lord Vader. He didn?t seem to have the same prejudices as most other high ranking Imperials, and cared only about their effectiveness. Checking the coordinates that he?d programmed into the nav computer, he was astounded that they were perfect system entry coordinates for the planet of Ossus. He?d just typed them in without a thought, in his desperate escape from the Rebellion frigate that?d spotted their ships and killed two of his friends. His ship?s planetary registry had only minimal information about Ossus, telling him only that it had a breathable atmosphere and it was filled with ancient battle wreckage from wars long forgotten. Strangely, it was marked as a restricted planet under direct orders from Lord Vader. Must be worth a look around after all?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]I've been thinking of majoring in History, probably American, and minor in some kind of education. I think it'd be great to be a teacher, getting to work with kids all day and just watching them learn. It?d be nice to know I am making a difference, contributing to someone's potential. I've read what Mitch has written, and how PoisonTongue has responded, and I really don't care. Teachers have one of the best jobs out there. Getting to shape the future, and make an impact in the world would be an incredible experience. Sure, teachers don't get paid vast sums of money. I really don't care. Sure, I could always use more money, but making and spending money isn?t my goal in life. Teachers get paid enough to get by, and that?s all that matters. I want a job that will be fulfilling, a job that I wake up happy to go to in the morning and interests me. Teaching, especially on the high school and college levels, is a rewarding job that I'd really like to pursue someday. However, I'm only a sophomore, and a lot of things could change in two years...[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=green]I really don't care if others are holding hands, kissing or whatnot. It's really none of my business, but I'd appreciate it if they stayed out of my way. My take on public displays of affection is that these people who are holding hands in the hallway or making out in the stairwell are doing it just as much for those around them as for themselves. It's really a "look at me, I have a boyfriend/girlfriend" type thing. It definitely not something that I'd do, but as long as the perpetrators stay out of my way, I'm not going to complain...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]The whole Luke-Mara relationship never really impressed me. I mean, I accepted it as canon and read all the books containing their relationship, but I didn't really approve. [wishfulthinking]Yeah, that's right. George Lucas has to clear his storylines through [I]me[/I]. [/endwishfulthinking] Seriously, it's about as cheesy as it gets to have someone go from unbridled hatred to marriage. However, that is topped by the convenient Luuke clone that satisfies Mara's haunting memories of Palpitine that have been compelling her to "Kill Skywalker". Almost as bad as the Episode II script. Hayden is a mediocre actor at best, and I think Portman isn't bad herself; but their lines were miserable. The scene where they're about to be taken into the arena drives me insane. Padme tells Anikan she loves him, and Anikan responds with something about how he thought they'd agreed not to love. Pathetic. I guess cheesiness runs in the family...[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=green][B]Name:[/B] Jedgar Nieta [B]Age:[/B] 51 [B]Race:[/B] Man [B]Homeland:[/B] Nargothrond [B]Swear fealty to:[/B] Jedgar swears fealty to no man; he does what he feels is just and right. [B]Lineage:[/B] The firstborn son of a prince of the house of Bor and a lady of questionable morals, although this is unknown to him. His mother has since died, and his father?s other son has gone on to become the Lord of the House of Bor. Jedgar never knew his mother, as she abandoned him, and has no knowledge of any of this information. [B]Weapons and Armor:[/B] Jedgar wore chain mail in his youth, but has now grown old. He no longer wears armor, as he is too poor to afford magically light Mithril. He instead relies on his formidable combat skills to avoid taking any hits in the first place. He is adept at using a pike (shown below), and is a master of its intricacies. He is also an average archer, and carries his own bow and quiver. Pike: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=524091[/IMG] [B]What kind of magic do you use:[/B] Jedgar has no magical powers of his own, as that gift is extremely rare among men, but he instead relies on the alchemical skills of others to provide him with deadly poisons, paralyzing powders, vials of smoke and other fantastic creations he uses in combat. His current store is in a green pouch he keeps on his hip. [B]History:[/B] Born in Hithlum, he was abandoned by his mother before he could walk. He was taken in by an elderly couple, and lived with them until he reached maturity. They taught him everything they knew: basic math, reading and writing in both Human and Elvin and all the local history and lore they knew of. After a tearful goodbye, he set off to make his fortune in Nargothrond. Life was harsh in the caves, many of which were inhabited by criminals and vagabonds thinking of nothing but survival. They?d go at any means to survive, including robbery, to gain what they need. Jedgar was able to find work as a scribe in one of the palatial residences of the benevolent Nolodor Lord Theremin. Being too poor to afford a residence near the palace, but too proud to accept servant?s quarters, he was resigned to living in the squalid slums found deep within the cave networks. There he was often robbed of his day's wage, and went hungry because of it. This proved excellent motivation for him to take up a combat skill. He befriended one of the royal guards at the palace, who trained him in the basics of polearm combat. Using a walking staff as his primary weapon, he trained in self defense. At first he was soundly trounced by the experienced robbers of the caves, and received many an injury from the melees that broke out. After several months he had acquired enough practice to protect both himself and his hard earned wages. Years went by, and Jedgar entered his early thirties. He had learned all he could from his good friend in the royal guard, and was now going out of his way to protect all who preyed on the weak and innocent in the thief infested caverns within Nargothrond. Although he?d tried to hide his identity while on his crusade against crime, rumors began to circulate all over the region of his exploits. Eventually, he was called before his lord to verify or deny these rumors. After telling his tale, which impressed his master greatly, he knelt before him to await judgment. Lord Theremin, being a just and grandfatherly figure, was happy with his servant?s work. He made Jedgar his personal assistant and bodyguard, a position of great prestige. More years passed, and Jedgar faithfully served Lord Theremin. A coup attempt provided a chance for Jedgar to prove his loyalty, and he handily defeated three assassins who wished to hasten their employer?s rise to power. Several crises were also settled without harm to the Lord. For the most part however, Jedgar spent his time by the Lord's side, as his trusted aide, scribe and confidant. It was a life that an orphan boy thrown out on the streets could have scarcely dreamed of. All good things must come to an end however, and time succeeded where many had failed. Lord Theremin died of old age, and Jedgar was quietly swept aside by his arrogant son. His loyalty wasn?t unrewarded however; Jedgar was left with a small sum of money, plus a room and free food in one of the taverns the lord owned. Jedgar, now freed from work and entering retirement, now was able to pursue his own ambitions. He took up archery, practicing for hours a day. Seeking out accomplished pikemen, he apprenticed under them and further improved his already formidable skills with a pike. After generously donating all his inheritance from Lord Theremin to a young chemist in order to help the young woman establish her shop, she has supplied him with potions. All of these endeavors have contributed to his success in his continuing pursuit of criminals and evildoers within the cave networks of his home city. Eventually, he hopes to eradicate these elements once and for all? Jedgar can be found wherever there is trouble within the grottos and caverns of Nargothrond, protecting the weak and helpless from the lurkers who would harm them. [B]Personality:[/B] Normally calm and reserved, Jedgar rarely speaks. He greets those he knows with a respectful nod, and doesn?t make eye contact with those he doesn?t. Cold, uncaring and vengeful towards those who take advantage of the helpless; Jedgar is not a man to be crossed lightly. However, he is a kind and grandfatherly figure to those who have earned his trust. It is not easy to earn his respect or loyalty, but once they are acquired, the same is expected in return in all situations. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.crimsongypsy.com/images/cloak4thm.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green]*Rummages through hoards of Star Wars images* I don't seem to have a picture of Mara, but there's one [URL=http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/marajadeskywalker/index.html]here[/URL]. There's a woman's picture at the top, but it's just a head shot. There's also another, different, picture on the profile. I'd vastly prefer the top image, as the second one looks simply terrible. I also seem to recall that BabyGirl expressed her opinions on Mara, rather frankly as memory serves, in the first pages of this thread. Overall, I'd have to say that a clarified image of Mara jade is indeed needed, regardless of whether another three movies are produced or not...[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=green]My New Years resolution this year is to try and not eat so many sweets... With having braces and all, it?s easier to get cavities, due to the increased difficulty of brushing. However, it was neither the pleas of my dentist nor the few rather disgusting Christmas cookies that brought on the adoption of this resolution. Instead, a trip to the dentist for two fillings did the trick nicely. Seeing as I am immune to whatever painkiller they use, it was a terrible experience indeed. I?d rather not have to go through that again? So, from hence forth, no more sodas, and a vastly reduced number of sweets?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green]After reading what some of the people here have received, I'm wondering where the whole idea of coal for the bad/spoiled/greedy went... I was fortunate enough to receive: [I][B]The Matrix DVD 4 Star Wars Comic Books: (Rite of Passage 1 and 3, plus Star Wars: A Valentines Story and Emissaries to Malastare) 2003 World Almanac New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force[/B][/I] Mostly reading material, and very satisfying. The biggest gift I received this Christmas was purchased by none other than me. A black [B]Gameboy SP[/B], which has proved to be vastly superior to my old Gameboy Advance. Got to love that backlight... Anyways, Merry Christmas to all...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=green]Jedgar wasn?t happy. He was stuck with the worst, and most dangerous, job of all. Distraction usually involved a lot of explosions, chaos and people getting killed. Unfortunately, none of that boded well for the person trying to set it all up. Jedgar piled his equipment into the car and drove it about two kilometers down the road that lead to the main northern gate. There, he tied the large piece of wood to the pedal. The car lurched forward, rapidly gaining speed. Jedgar crawled into the backseat, and lit four of the matches, setting the rear seat on fire. Now sitting in a car going sixty miles an hour and climbing, which was also partially engulfed in flames, Jedgar decided it was time to leave. He opened the right side passenger door and waited. The car was almost at the bridge. The fire edged closer, and his eyes were getting very dry. Finally, the car got onto the bridge, and Jedgar jumped. He cleared the guardrail just barely, and fell another twelve feet into the frigid water below. Above him, the flaming car approached ninety miles an hour as it hurtled towards the gate. Sirens went off and gunfire was directed at the car, but it was no use. The car smashed the flimsy chain link fence and roared into the camp, ripping through a line of tents before crashing through the wall of the nearest building. Then the car exploded. Unfortunately for the South African military, Jedgar had gotten [I]very[/I] lucky. The building that his distraction has his was also the main armory of the camp. Seconds after the car exploded, over a hundred secondary explosions rocked the camp, sending rockets flying in all directions and many an artillery shell arcing out of the base. Jedgar crawled onto the bank of the river, shivering and cold. He pulled his Uzi, which now lacked a trigger guard thanks to the Yakuza woman who?d shot his weapon out of his hand at the airplane hangar. He jogged the two hundred meter stretch of dirt road that remained before the main gate of the base loomed, broken and engulfed in flame. Several guards were still there, and Jedgar shot them as they yelled for him to halt. Tossing his weapon aside, he took one of their weapons, and all of their ammunition. It was hunting time?[/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MGuyPersonDude [/i] [B][receiving datafile] Name:Tenera[last name not found] Age: 17 Gender:Male Race:Human Homeworld: Coruscant Weapons:duel mandelorian blasters and a vibro sword Ship:The "Dark Angle", an illegaly modified correlian freighter used to smuggle goods. faster than most ships. turbo lasers on top and base and cuncussion missles. Description: Slightly messed up short brown hair. Has an almost hispanic apearance. weres a large array of clothing. Is acrobatic and lean. About 5'11" in height. History: Joined a group of theifs when his parents were killed. The theives were eventually caught and only Tenera escaped.Tenera joined a group of smugglers when he hid them from police. Rose to led the smuggler when he saved them all from pirates. They eventually stole the "Dark Angle" from a crime lord. [end of history] Personality:Is warm and freindly but remains cool in serious situations. [End of datafile] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]First of all, I?d like to congratulate you MGuyPersonDude on your interest in Star Wars. OtakuBoards could always use most Star Wars Fans. However, you have several inaccuracies in your post that annoy me, and I feel compelled to correct them. ?correlian? should be ?Corellian? ?cuncussion missles? should be ?Concussion Missiles? -Boba Fett, Star Wars spelling fanatic[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green][I]Jedgar walked over to the three Black Chevy Excursions, and began inspecting them. The first car looked ok, and Jedgar thoroughly searched the interior to make sure there were no further surprises. After pulling a body out of the front passenger seat, Jedgar opened the glove compartment. Inside was an unsealed white envelope, a submachine gun clip and a printout of directions to the hangar. Opening the envelope, Jedgar pulled out a wad of one hundred dollar bills.[/I] [B]Jedgar *mumbling to himself*[/B]: "Finders keepers..." [I]After stowing the money in his zipped inside pocket, Jedgar checked the car's tires and it's engine. It was good to go. The second car wasn't as fortunate. Its engine was riddled with bullet holes, and it's interior as drenched in blood belonging the three corpses inside. It wasn't going to get them anywhere. Slamming the hood closed, Jedgar sighed. He knew the third car was useless; it was the one that he had fired at, while running as low as he could. He knew for a fact that all of it's tires were pierced, most likely multiple places. It appeared that they were all going to have to pile into a single vehicle...[/I] [B]Jedgar[/B]: "Lets go, everyone in the first car." [B]Rebecca[/B]: "You've got to be kidding, it'll be a tight squeeze..." [I]Petir grinned devilishly, and winked at her.[/I] [B]Dominic[/B]: "Let's go, we shouldn't stick around for long." [I]Dominic got into the driver's seat, and Jedgar shoved Marco out of the way to claim the front passenger seat. Rebecca got into the first row of seats, and glared at Petir as he sat down next to her. Marco and William sat in the very back of the car. Once they were all settled, the car left the hangar and got onto the nearest freeway. They needed some adequate transportation for trekking into the wilderness...[/I][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]2300 Hours : Johannesburg, South Africa A small plane touches down on one of the outer runways of Johannesburg International Airport, slowly coming to a halt near the private airplane hangar. The plane comes to a halt at the very back of the hangar, next to three waiting cars. [I]Jedgar stands up, and stretches. It had been a long and uncomfortable flight, and he was in no mood for anything but sleep. He picked up his overnight bag and hoisted it over his shoulder as he began walking down the aisle. Stefan was in front of Jedgar, Marco behind him and Petir, William, Dominic and Rebecca in that order behind Marco. As Stefan finished putting down the boarding ramp and stepped outside, Jedgar wondered where the pilots were. After all, they couldn?t return to England, as they?d be wanted for questioning regarding the airport incident. But that wasn?t his concern.[/I] Stefan fell down the stairs as shots rang out, and Jedgar watched as the man in front of him fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?It?s a trap!? Shots were now being fired inside the plane, but that was no longer his concern. They were in a very sticky situation, as their plane was filled with highly explosive fuel. Jedgar rolled down the ramp and dove behind some crates as shots filled the air around him. Their attackers were taking cover behind the vehicles that Jedgar had previously assumed has been left for their use. This was not good at all. Petir and William also made it from the plane to the cover of the shipping crates, but neither Dominic nor Rebecca was anywhere to be seen. [B]William[/B]: ?Who are these guys?? [B]Petir[/B]: ?No idea, they could be South African law enforcement, Interpol or maybe even the Yakuza we?ve heard so much about.? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Let?s finish this discussion after it?s safe. William and Marco, cover Petir and I as we flank them.? William took a gun in each hand and began firing erratically at the cars, sending their opponents scurrying for cover. Marco took his weapon and began to lay down additional covering fire. Jedgar crouched and ran left, shooting low. Several men behind the cars went down, their ankles suddenly shattering from high velocity slugs. From the other side of the three cars, Jedgar thought he heard a thud as someone fell to the ground. Petir was obviously doing his job. Then William and Marco stopped firing, and things got worse. A man popped up from behind a car, but before he could fire Jedgar squeezed the trigger of his machine gun. The man?s head exploded in a shower of bone, blood and brain matter. Then he dove to the ground as a woman with a pistol began firing at him from somewhere behind the second car. He raised his Uzi to fire back, but it was shot from his hands. This woman was good, and he was dead meat if he didn?t move. He could see the woman turn to look behind her, where Petir was in a deadly struggle with a broad muscular man who was wielding a knife. The woman couldn?t seem to get a clear shot, so she turned back to Jedgar. Aiming carefully, she pointed he pistol at him. Then a single shot rang out and Jedgar, feeling no pain and vaguely registering the fact that he was still alive, opened his eyes. The woman who had been about to kill him was dead, blood running freely from her chest. Looking up, he saw Rebecca looking down at him with a wicked grin? [B]Jedgar[/B]: ?Thanks.? Petir began walking towards them, looking disheveled but otherwise fine. [B]Petir[/B]: ?Where?s Dominic?? [B]Rebecca[/B]: ?The pilots were apparently in on this, they ambushed us from the back. Dominic and I took care of them, and he?s working on the one I left alive, trying to find out who set us up.? Feeling safe once more, the five of them walked back to the plane to see what Dominic had been up to?[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=green]Jedgar sat in the back of the plane, his eyes closed. He never could seem to fall asleep on planes, but simply closing his eyes and thinking was usually sufficient rest. He let his tired mind wander over the events of the two days. They?d destroyed a police station, obliterated an apartment and killed, according to the news, seventeen people. He?d been shot in the arm, and had felt weaker and more vulnerable than he ever had before in his life. While on the run from the cops, he?d assisted in the destruction of two squad cars and a helicopter. He?d also murdered six more innocent people and a helpless cab driver. Not to mention the fiery destruction of an entire airport terminal. Sometimes this job was too much for him, he wished he?d been a teacher or a? No. He just had to stop thinking about it. These people didn?t matter; they were mindless, foolish, stupid and irrelevant people. Nobody needed them. He just had to forget? Jedgar cleared his mind, and began to think of other things, happier things and good times. It was a well rehearsed and often practiced routine of his to cope with the guilt he accumulated from frequent violent and illegal behaviors. It was the only reason he was still sane, and he definitely wasn?t cut out for this line of work. After removing those troubling thoughts from his head, he sat back in his seat. He made a mental note to work on his posture; it was terrible?[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=green]I'd really love to see mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher back together making Star Wars movies... Unfortunately, Ford's price will have gone way up. Then again, he owes George Lucas his career. Without his roles as Han Solo and Indiana Jones, he'd never have acheived stardom. However, in the end I think it's wishful thinking... *Steals bricks from Dr. Seuss's well* Unless...[/COLOR]
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