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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [COLOR=green]Hardest thing eh? Nothing so extreme as the event you just mentioned, but I seem to lead a moderately sheltered life. The worst thing, more accurately a series of things, that have happened to my in my lifetime thus far would have to be my frequent moves. Due to my dad's highly demanding job, we have been moving every two years as he progresses to better jobs. Unfortunately for us, these are scattered all over the US, and a few internationally. This has had a serious detrimental effect on my friendships with other people in real life, as I never know someone for more than two years. Perhaps that is why I seek refuge here...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]That'd be interesting... give us something to do the summer before senior year, eh Ben? Doesn't sound like much of a job though, it'd give us many more bills than paychecks...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]/clap I like what I hear... Much better than the X-Files midi that my website currently has... Can it be used by the public...?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=green]*Is impressed by the storyline; and by the way the games and RPG seem to have been blended* My hat's off to you Outcast... [b]Name:[/b] Jedgar "Maelstrom" Nieta [b]Age:[/b] 59 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Home Island:[/b] Trader?s Atoll [b]Previous Job:[/b] Scholar, Sailor, Wanderer and Philosopher [b]Position:[/b] Anywhere needed, so long as he gets on the ship... [b]Weapon:[/b] Pike. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=524091[/IMG] [b]Personal Belongings:[/b] A long Red Traveling cloak with a hood, waterproof of course. A leather backpack that is designed for wearing under a cloak. A small sword care/repair kit. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://www.crimsongypsy.com/images/cloak4thm.jpg[/IMG] [b]History:[/b] Born the son of a wealthy merchant on Trader?s Atoll, a bustling mercantile island located right between Phatt and Plunder Islands, Jedgar was given a complete classical education by some of the archipelago?s finest minds. By the time he graduated from the University of Trade, as per his father?s wishes, he had mastered arithmetic, studied the sciences of chemistry and physics and read almost all of the great works available to him. However when his father directed him to take charge of the family?s bookkeeping operation, which Jedgar found tedious and menial, he declined. This infuriated his father, who was determined to have his son follow in his footsteps. After many heated arguments, and a few fistfights, Jedgar was disowned by his father. Normally this wouldn?t have been a problem for a young man with Jedgar?s talents, as he was qualified for almost every academic career available in the area. This led him to pursue a new career path entirely. He assumed an alias and enlisted as an ensign on one of his father?s trading ships, without his father?s knowledge. He slowly worked his way up the chain of command one of the many trading vessels in his father?s fleet, the [I]Trader?s Luck[/I]. Ten years came and went. Every day Jedgar put everything he had into his job, and finally reached the position of captain of what was now his father?s finest trading vessel. Until the fateful day that his life came crashing down on top of him, crushing in one day what had taken a decade to achieve. A band of pirates attacked his vessel, and a battle ensued, in which Jedgar handily defeated the pirate through the deft use of tactics taken from one of the classical novels he had read long ago. Not only did he manage to preserve his cargo that day, but also brought back the pirate vessel and it?s treasure intact. It was after this event that his father demanded to meet the man who had given his company so much. Jedgar couldn?t avoid the encounter, although he could predict the outcome with certainty. Just as he predicted, his meeting with his father was not a reunion of old friends. Upon discovery of the true identity of his heroic captain, Jedgar?s father flew into a rage and had Jedgar driven from his home. Using his considerable influence, he had Jedgar exiled from the Trader?s Atoll. Sent away on the next ship that came into port, Jedgar was dumped off the vessel several hundred feet off of Melee Island. After swimming ashore, Jedgar found he had been blacklisted as a sailor, and couldn?t find work. Since that fateful day Jedgar has wandered Melee Island, contemplating anything and everything he finds of interest. He has also become a crusader for just causes, training his skills with a pike in isolation; then using them to combat the forces of evil and chaos that pervade Melee Island from time to time. He is now an old man, but by no mean has he lost his sense of adventure; and would leave in an instant to get back on the high seas? [b]Personality:[/b] Guarded and reserved, most of the time. Jedgar doesn't talk much, and is a silent observer most of the time. He doesn?t feel comfortable around large groups of people, and is a little paranoid. However if you get to know him, and manage to earn his trust, he acts more like a mentoring grandfatherly figure.[/COLOR]
  5. Boba Fett


    [COLOR=green]Timeline was a mediocre book, which is now a mediocre movie... Seems like it's typical of most recent movies. Nothing worth my eight dollars...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green][B]Loud Voice:[/B] "Welcome to yet another political flame war thread, full of extreme bias, lies and utter absurdities. Not to mention terrible spelling. Please leave your brains at the door, you wont be needing them while you're here..." I personally feel Bush is a good President, and has done what he, and his supporters in the Republican party, feel is in the best interests of the United States of America. He has helped the economic recovery along by cutting interest rates and giving taxes breaks and cuts. I'll support his re-election, too bad I can?t vote...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=green]There will always be rude, disrespectful and arrogant people out there. They take up valuable space, and oxygen; but there's really nothing you can do but avoid them. Chauvinism is just another way that some of these people express their rotten personalities; just like the radical Feminists...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=green]Well, I don't particularly care for Mr. Jackson, and don't care if he did what he is being accused of doing or not. He's ruined now anyway, with all the negative press he's received. At least Kobe Bryant appreciates it...[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rttocs77 [/i] [B]Hello, I am living in a living hell. My life sucks. I contemplate ending my horrid life constantly. Everyone hates me. Maybe I will just down a bottle of Seconals. Does anyone elses life suck? Mine is so bad. Please everyone, reassure me that I am not worthless. I don't know how much longer I can hold out! :bawl: heh :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Ok... your point is...? Do I care? No? This will spawn intelligent conversation how? This thread will inspire creative thought (or even thought) how? The reason you're shoving your angst onto the boards, taking up space that could be used for something productive is what? *sigh*[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=green]Life? Life's a very interesting question I have yet to answer. My life's ok, and usually doesn?t bug me, unless I tick it off by doing something stupid. Although more time on the computer would certainly raise my [I]quality[/I] of life by leaps and bounds, that and having all the morons at school disappear...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]My Dad? He works for the United States Navy. He's currently in charge of Submarine Tactical Operations for the Atlantic. It apparently entails spending long hours at work, and the occasional trip somewhere to give important, classified, briefings. In other words, he's never around... and we move a lot to keep up with his job, apparently the navy thinks it?s funny to move us every two years. [/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Leh [/i] [B][size=1][color=006699]It'll be gone, abandoned by those who have something to do in their life. We'll be in college, or be having kids. We'll be amounting to something... or most of us, I hope. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Perhaps. Or maybe once we all have "moved on" from OtakuBoards, we will be replaced by younger people who gravitate to the boards for the same reasons we did. Who knows, maybe in ten years message boards will be obsolete anyway...[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The world will be gone in ten years. Therefore, the board will be gone too.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I'm not even going to reply to that... :rolleyes:[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]As long as we get more massive battles with hordes of Orcs, and Legolas lays off the sheild surfing, I'll be happy. LOTR III will be an interesting movie to watch...[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=green]All I have to say is that I think that there never should have been sequels. The Matrix was brilliant. They should have left it at that. [SPOILER]However, I am going to go see Revolutions because there haven't been a whole lot of decent movies out lately. If this whole thing turns out to be a "Matrix within a Matrix", therefore explaining how Neo could have control of the "real world" robots, I'm going to be disgusted. Hopefully I'm completely wrong...[/SPOILER] But that's just my two credits worth...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]I'd continue to be friends with someone, regardless of their political opinion. I personally disagree with everything the Democratic Party stands for, yet many of my friends are among its supporters. I enjoy a good argument every once in a while? I'd be fine with it, unless that person couldn't back up their opinion with facts. I'd probably discard any friend who had a differing option than mine, but couldn't back that opinion up with facts. I tend to have little patience for those who have baseless opinions. [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=green]Being the local Star Wars God, whose ego seems to grow larger by the day, I welcome you to OtakuBoards. I also feel Lucas has made some mistakes with Star Wars, but every good Sci-Fi series has flaws... I am not particularly disturbed by the appearance of the Death Star plans in Episode II, or by the various other errors that have been made. All in all, the saga flows extremely well. It interlocks on every level, multiple ways. I've been interested in Star Wars since about third grade, when the special edition was released. I read the children's books, the graduated on to the rest of the Expanded Universe. Eventually I read every Star Wars book released, and own all but seven. I began to collect the comic books, action figures, micro machines, computer games, board games, computer fonts, and even costume items. I am a hardcore fan in almost every sense of the word, which I let the rest of the world know. It's always interesting to see people's reactions when I tell them that I spend most of my spare time playing Star Wars Galaxies. In closing, the only thing I have to say is ouch. Ouch because my pride and joy has fallen by the wayside. There used to be a thread here by the name of Star Wars 411, which was created after my introduction thread was closed, apparently because it was off topic. Recently, I haven't seen much interest in it. Oh well, this looks like a new beginning...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green]Interesting plot line... [b]Name:[/b]Abob Ttef [b]Age:[/b] 65 [b]gender:[/b] Male [b]Specialty:[/b] Excavation assistant/ Jack of all trades [b]Biography:[/b] Abob was born in lower Egypt, into a small tribe of nomads. He has lived in the desert all his life and, although he has never attended school, he is very smart. He has taught himself to read, write and speak a dozen local languages as well as English. He had been working with excavation teams since he was a teenager, and enjoys the relatively high pay it offers compared to other local jobs. He has long advised against excavations in this area, citing local legends describing powerful creatures that live beneath the sand. When an archeological team decided to excavate there anyway he figured he may as well go along, to keep an eye on them. He plans on this being his last dig before retirement...[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=green]Bah. Somehow I screwed that bio up royally. That was just plain careless. As for the name, it's been my greatest weakness as far as roleplaying goes. My D&D Dungeon Master hates it as well... [b]Name:[/b] Raith Nutar [b]Callsign:[/b] Wraith [b]Age:[/b] 31 Standard Years [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=477275[/IMG] [b]Personality:[/b] Raith is quiet and reserved, and rarely speaks without having something important to say. When he does speak, people listen. Raith isn't friendly, and doesn't completely trust anyone. He doesn't make friends easily, but when he does he is completely loyal to them. He expects the same in return. [b]Biography:[/b] Raith was created by the now defunct Xerra Creations Inc. The company was formed with the goal of producing top notch combat reploids, although it's funding is still a mystery. Raith was the second prototype reploid created. The first had so many programming glitches that it became retarded by normal standards, and was eventually decommissioned. Raith was created a year later, and suffered none of the fatal flaws of his predecessor. However, the scientific team decided that Raith's personality was too close to that of a complete introvert, and that a new personality matrix needed to be created. He was placed in stasis to await his upgrade. It was during this extensive and fanciful venture that the company ran out of funds. The entire company was auctioned off to settle the enormous debt that had arisen after the company had depleted its funds, and its mysterious backer had declined to provide more. Curiously, the lab facility was bought, along with everything in it, for the exact amount that the company owed. While many were suspicious, and rumors abounded as to the identity of the buyer, there wasn't anything anyone could do. Raith, forgotten in stasis, was left in the lab for several years before he was awakened by a large earthquake that destroyed the lab. His stasis unit was severely damaged, but Raith was now free. Or so he thought when he first awoke. He was free to think anything he wanted, but his body was trapped under several tons of metal. He would have simply carved it to pieces with his laser knife, as he had done to numerous things in simulations, but he found to his dismay that all his systems were powered down. Raith was trapped. His humanoid body was trapped almost at the top of a mound of rubble on the outskirts of Nova Concordia. He needed no food or water, and his body was designed to last for hundreds of years in battle conditions. He was able to drain the little power that remained in his neck systems that had allowed him to move his head, and use the power to open a power conduit on his arm, which was held high over his head. He knew the odds were pretty bad, but this was his only hope of rescue. Raith would surely have gone insane if not for his communications monitoring device built into his head. It was able to tap into a limited number of unencrypted transmissions, and though this he learned the news. Then he would analyze the news. He would consider every aspect of the world's current events. He would do this, and wait for the day when he finally would be free. Eventually that day came. Finally, a large storm entered the area over what was once birthplace. Lightning forked down from the black clouds and struck the highest metallic point around. Raith's vertically extended arm. Instead of just frying several of his deactivated systems, the lightning was absorbed through the open power conduit. His systems groaned to life and he blaster his way out of the rubble, his exterior looking highly damaged. He knew what he wanted to do however. He wanted to join the new team that was rumored to have been formed to fight the terrifying Sygnosis 40 virus. Raith also understood more than most reploids, the valuable nature of time. He was going to make the most of what he had left of his operational lifetime. After joining Sygnosis X, passing most of the trials by the narrowest of margins because of his heavily damaged systems, he was finally repaired. Completely powered up, upgrades on almost every system and a new blaster installed, he feels as if he could take on the world. [b]Affiliation:[/b] Sygnosis X [b]Primary Weapon:[/b] Laser Sniper Rifle- Similar in appearance and design to the sniper rifles used in times long passed, but with several important changes. It is larger and thicker than a normal rifle, and is extremely durable. The rifle also has an incredibly long range and can shoot for several dozen kilometers, although the rifle's effectiveness decreases after four kilometers. It can be set to shoot ionization particles, tracking devices and small dark matter coated projectiles. [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] Laser Knife- A 7cm long handle, with a simple on/off switch recessed in the side. When activated a black beam of energy springs to life and extends for 20 cm. The beam in made of energy, and is used primarily as a cutting tool and a close combat weapon. He keeps this in a pouch on his right hip. [b]Defensive Capability:[/b] Chameleon Cloaker- Dozens of sensors on 's body monitor his surroundings and feeds the information to a sophisticated computer program that, when activated, makes Raith blend in with his surroundings so well he is almost invisible. The whole system is stored on his left hip, in a small pouch and is activated by pressing a panel on top of the pouch. The cloaking part of the shield protects him from being scanned by heat and other electronic scanners. It is extremely difficult to detect Raith while cloaked. However, if over a quarter of the sensors or the hip pouch is damaged/disabled the shield won't work. Also, Raith is prevented from using weapons while under the shield, since the sudden new sounds and movement associated with combat crash the program.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green]I've been going to Catholic schools since seventh grade, and this year will be my first year in a Public High School. My experiences with Catholic schools while in grade school was ok. Both of the schools I attended were small, no more than 20 kids in my class. Both schools had/have major budget issues, and were bare bones operations, to put it nicely. The Catholic high school I attended was very exclusive, and I think the only reason I got in was that in my third quarter of eighth grade I got straight A's. Anyway, the school was academically rigorous and a lot of fun. I really miss not going back to it this year. So, that's it. I'd say Catholic schools, like all schools, have their pros and cons. They have smaller class sizes, and if you're looking for a religious education you've come to the right place. Unfortunately most of them have tight budgets, ageing facilities and a high teacher turnover rate. All three schools were Co-ed, thank god. So, whatever floats your boat...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=green][B]Here are the real answers, my congrats to all who attempted them. Section I: Jango Fett 1. Q: Where was Jango Fett born? A: Concord Dawn 2. Q: What Mandalorian Splinter group murdered Jango Fett's family? A: Death Watch 3. Q: Who is the Leader of the splinter group that killed Jango's family? A: Visla 4. Q: Who horribly scarred the face of the leader mentioned in the last question? A: Jango Fett 5. Q: What is the name of the light strike cruiser that served as a base for the Mandalorians for several years? A: The Lightning Strike 6. Q: On what planet did Jango first serve as a squad commander? A: Korda VI 7. Q: What were the three companies that were sent to the above mentioned planet? A: Vertigo, Headhunter and Grunts 8. Q: On Jango's first mission as a company commander, what kind of laser fire hit his squad's shuttle? A: Ion 9. Q: Who is killed on Jango's first mission as squad commander? A: Jaster Mereel 10. Q: What squad was Jango in charge of on his first mission as a squad commander? A: Grunts 11. Q: What or who attacks Jango's squad in the woods of Korda VI? A: Death Watch 12. Q: Who betrays Jango's mentor? A: Montross 13. Q: Who avenges Jaster Mereel's death shortly after the fact? A: Trick Question. The murderer got away? 14. Q: Who assumed command of the Mandalorians after Jaster died? A: Jango Fett 15. Q: Who attempts to assassinate Jango Fett on Galidraan? A: Visla 16. Q: What group is tricked into destroying the Mandalorians? A: The Jedi 17. Q: With whom does Jango team up with to save Coruscant from obliteration? A: Zam Wessel 18. Q: What is Jango's fee for the above job? A: Nothing. He did it out of the goodness of his own heart? 19. Q: What or who does he assign to watch Boba while he's away? A: A droid 20. Q: Who kills Jango? A: Mace Windu Section II: Boba Fett 21. Q: Who is Boba Fett's "Father"? A: Jango Fett 22. Q: Who is Jango Fett's "Mother"? A: He has none, being a clone grown on Kamino. However, if someone somehow comes up with "Clone Birth Pod", they get double points. 23. Q: What famous poet did Boba Fett capture on Solem? A: Yolan Bren 24. Q: What AWOL Imperial officer does Boba Fett track to Maryx Minor? A: Abal Karda 25. Q: What is Boba Fett specifically instructed not to do when he finds the AWOL Imperial Officer? A: Open a casket believed to be in Karda's possession. 26. Q: What genocidal Imperial Battalion was Karda assigned to? A: Lightning Battalion 27. Q: What is in the casket Karda has? A: The living head of an Icarii prophetess 28. Q: What happens to the casket? A: It is thrown into a pool of lava during a fight between Boba Fett and Darth Vader, who are fighting over it. 29. Q: During the race for what legendary artifact is Boba Fett hired to protect Han Solo? A: The Yavin Vassilika 30. Q: What crime lord hires Boba Fett on numerous occasions, eventually placing him on retainer? A: Jabba the Hutt 31. Q: For what offense does Jabba the Hutt place a bounty on Han Solo's head, which Boba Fett collects on at Cloud City? A: Dumping a load of Glitterstem spice near the Maw to avoid Imperial Customs agents. 32. Q: Where does Han Solo first meet Lando, and where does the pattern of Solo evading Fett begin? A: Nar Shadda for both of them. 33. Q: Who rips off Boba's helmet and sends him hurtling upwards into a durasteel beam? A: Chewie (May he rest in peace) 34. Q: With whom does Boba stand face to face at blaster point, and discuss being "too old for this" before walking away? A: Han Solo 35. Q: With what archaic weapon does Han Solo use to fry the Slave I's computer system after emerging from the hidden kingdom of Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand? A: A lightning gun Section III: The marketplace 36. Q: What is the average price of a blaster power pack? A: 25 Credits 37. Q: What is the average price of a Chronometer? A: 50 Credits 38. Q: What is the average price of a BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol? A: 750 Credits 39. Q: What is the average price of a Medipack? A: 600 Credits 40. Q: What is the average price of an E-11 Blaster Rifle? A: 1,000 Credits Section IV: Jedi History 41. Q: Where did the Jedi Order start? A: The Origin of the Jedi Order is unknown. 42. Q: During the formative years of the Jedi Order, many Jedi left because of disagreements with the majority. What did the largest group of these outcasts become? A: The Sith 43. Q: What epic battle did the Jedi think wiped out the Sith once and for all? A: The Battle of Ruusan 44. Q: True or False. There more than 5 Jedi who survived the "Jedi Purge"? A: True 45. Q: A Jedi who practices meditation while practicing forms of martial arts is called? A: A Force Warrior 46. Q: A Jedi who has the rare gift of healing often becomes a _____ A: Jedi Healer 47. Q: Jedi who are adept at teaching often become Jedi Instructors. What does this prevent them from doing? A: Taking a Padawan learner. 48. Q: What must a Padawan complete before becoming a Jedi Knight? A: The Jedi Trials 49. Q: What is so special about a Dual Phase lightsaber? A: With a flick of a switch, it's focusing crystal to a diamond, the lightsaber blade can double in length. 50. Q: A Jedi Holocron is never in what shape? A: A pyramid 51. Q: Jedi Learners who are not taken as Padawans become what? A: Agricorps workers 52. Q: What did the ancient Jedi master Ooroo do to earn the title "Martyr of Kirrek"? A: He opened his life support chamber and released the deadly gas his species breathes, killing himself and all the Massassi troops around him, saving Kirrek from the Sith. 53. Q: Famous Jedi Master Arca Jeth had what color eyes? A: White 54. Q: Jedi Master Thon looks like what ancient earth animal? A: A Dinosaur 55. Q: Cay Qel-Droma was killed by whom? A: His brother, Ulic. 56. Q: Jedi Master Mace Windu uses what style of lightsaber combat? A: Style Seven 57. Q: Jedi Master Yaddle was imprisoned on what planet for centuries? A: Kobba 58. Q: Jedi Master Eeth Koth is a member of what species? A: The Zabrak 59. Q: Jedi Master Even Piell lost his right eye fighting what terrorist group? A: Red laro 60. Q: Jedi Master Saesee Tiin is skilled in what type of combat? A: Starfighter 61. Q: Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi's first mission as a Jedi council member was on what planet? A: Tatooine 62. Q: The "Dark Woman", who trained difficult padawans, was of what rank? A: Jedi Master 63. Q: Jedi Master Anoon Bondara was a master of what martial art? A: Teras Kasi 64. Q: Jedi Master Quinlan Vos is often accompanied by what smuggler? A: Vilmarh Grahrk or "Villie" 65. Q: Which Jedi knight, who also stole the first Death Star plans, was brought back to the light side by Mara Jade? A: Kyle Katarn 66. Q: What ancient Jedi starship was found by Luke Skywalker on Danthomir? A: The Chu'unthor 67. Q: The great Jedi library was on what planet? A: Ossus 68. Q: Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy was on what planet? A: Yavin 4 69. Q: The Jedi Temple was on what planet? A: Coruscant 70. Q: The Valley of the Jedi is on what planet? A: Ruusan Section V: The Sith 71. Q: Name one of the two Sith lords who fought over the information in the navicomputer of the starship Starbreaker 12, five thousand years before the battle of Yavin. A: Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh. 72. Q: What young Jedi, upon finding the tomb of Naga Sadow, turned to the dark side? A: Exar Kun 73. Q: What young Jedi, upon finding the tomb of Exar Kun, turned to the dark side? A: Kyp Durron 74. Q: What Sith Lord was the only Sith to survive the battle of Ruusan? A: Darth Bane 75. Q: How many Emperors' Hands served Palpatine? A: Seven 76. Q: A double Bladed lightsaber was first used by? A: Exar Kun 77. Q: A Massassi Lanvarok does what? A: Launches a razor sharp disk. 78. Q: Cortosis ore weave does what? A: Deactivates lightsabers with feedback loops on contact. (All lightsabers made since 25,000 BBY have feedback loops) 79. Q: The evil Force Witch Gethzerion was from what planet? A: Danthomir 80. Q: Darth Sidious has had (to our knowledge so far) how many apprentices? A: Three 81. Q: True or False. Darth Maul's tattoos are in designs native to his home planet. A: False, they are ancient Sith designs. 82. Q: Darth Vader's lightsaber uses a synthetic crystal. What quality does this crystal give to a lightsaber blade? A: It gives the blade extra strength. 83. Q: The Emperor's Royal Guard carried what type of weapon? A: Force Pikes 84. Q: The best Royal Guards were promoted to what rank? A: Imperial Sovereign Protector 85. Q: What two failed students of Luke Skywalker's teamed up to start a droid uprising on Almania? A: Brakiss and Kuller 86. Q: Name one of the three Dark Side tomes written by the Emperor. A: The Book of Anger, The Weakness of Inferiors, and The Creation of Monsters 87. Q: What species did Naga Sadow create through dark side mutation? A: The Massassi 88. Q: True or False. Dark side force spirits are more common than light side force spirits. A: True 89. Q: The "Shadow Academy" was protected by what kind of shield? A: A cloaking shield 90. Q: Mara Jade only failed one of the countless missions given to her by the Emperor, and only on a technicality. What was it? A: To kill Luke Skywalker, she only killed his clone. Section VI: The Core Worlds 91. Q: Where do most Kuati citizens work? A: The Orbiting shipyards 92. Q: True or False. Alderaan was a core world. A: True 93. Q: The planet Anaxes is known by what nickname? A: The "Defender of the Core" 94. Q: Where are all military recruits trained on Anaxes? A: The Anaxes Citadel, of course? 95. Q: Nubia is famous for what? A: Ronto races 96. Q: The citizens of N'zoth are completely _______. A: Xenophobic 97. Q: Name the three species that dominate the Corellian system. A: Humans, Selonians, Dralls 98. Q: What is the name of the largest space station in the Corellian system? A: Centerpoint station. 99. Q: What planet is located at the center of all galactic star charts, at 0:0:0? A: Coruscant 100. Q: What Super Star Destroyer was hidden beneath the surface of Coruscant for Isard's use? A: The Lusankya[/B][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Oji ryu [/i] [B]It depens what kind of race like the Barbaric kind will most likely be less- advanced,but the intelligent kind will most likely be more advanced.:babble: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Right. That took a lot of thought. There are no aliens. Never have been, never will be. That's my two credits worth.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green]I did Tae Kwon Do when I was little, in first and second grade. I got as far as a Yellow belt with a green tips, before I gave it up. From what I remember it was a lot of fun...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]No. Telekinesis isn't real. If it were, science would have proved its existence by now and it would be a generally accepted, if rare, talent. What's with this board lately? Have people decided to throw the real world to the wind and start to believe whatever is written in the National Enquirer? Good grief...[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=green]There is no surefire way of setting up a sucessful website. If there were... every site would be sucessful. I rarely give a website more than a glance unless: -It looks professional. Not some stupid EZ Board. -It deals with a topic I am interested in. You shouldnt have to look far for this. -It's easy to find. Try to get linked to as much as possible. Other than that, I can't help you.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=green]The link is in my sig.[/COLOR]
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