Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[COLOR=green]It's a great book. Read it slowly. Take notes. Talk about it with friends. It's a really, really good book. It's actually very interesting...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Semjaza Azazel, that's a creative idea, but it would still be a complete waste of the nominating thread if I did that. Plus, D_A and I gave it a week for people to nominate. I'm sorry if certain people weren't nominated :( [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Well Bleh to you too. I choose you! :ball: Juuthena - We go way back :) :ball: Jenna - My favorite Mod, er... former mod. :ball: James - He created this place. :ball: WristCutter - I can always use more laughs :ball: Raiha - Post count... crazy... :ball: Dragon Warrior - Daily Comic! Yay! Sorry about that... *stumbles away*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I'd be Boba Fett. Yes. He was in a cartoon. The Star Wars Christmas special, from way back when. *Dreamy look* [/COLOR]
:rolleyes: [COLOR=green]No. It actually happened.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob landed his ship far outside the city limits of Dorvalla's largest city, Dorvalla Prime, and surveyed his scanner's readings with mild displeasure. This city contained only three thousand people, most of them miners or former miners. There were only two noteworthy buildings in the city, in the center of town directly across from each other. One was the tall cone shaped InterGalactic Ore headquarters, the other a prefabricated rectangular building that had once belonged to Lommite Limited. Both companies were long ago dissolved and these two buildings were now supposedly abandoned, although lifeform scans showed they were populated despite their structural instability. The city was now populated by a number of small mining firms, each trying to get the small amount of ore that remained on this planet. Just enough ore to provide a meager existence to the residents of the planet, but not enough to warrant a galactic corporation becoming involved. Abob closed the hatch of his ship, and set the security system. His ship, the [I]Idiot's Array[/I], was his most precious possession and this security system was the best money could buy. If anyone tried to tamper with it, he'd have a mess to clean up when he got back? He walked across the overgrown fields that surrounded the city, his rifle strapped to his back. Suddenly he stopped. Had he forgotten the caller? He searched his pockets, and to his immense relief, found the small device safely stowed in the inside pocket of his jacket. This was his ticket to safety if things got dangerous, and he had spent to much time setting it up to leave it behind. His fears at rest, he entered the outskirts of the city and headed for the nearest bar?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob sat down in an empty seat on the long Slytherin house table, silently eating his food. He was pleased with his new house; it was where he had expected to end up. It would have been a terrible disappointment for him to end up anywhere else, like his sister. She had been the black sheep of the family, freeing the house elf and hanging out with muggles. The very thought of a pureblood child associating herself with muggles was bad enough, but Abob's parents had really blown their tops when they found out that she was actually dating one of them. Abob despised his sister, and hoped he would have to spend as little time as possible around her while he was here. Yet another thing to worry about...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I can't resist a Star Wars RPG... [B]Name:[/B] Abob Ttef [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Occupation:[/B] Master Rifleman/Mercenary for hire [B]Weapon[/B]: Laser Sniper Rifle [B]Ship:[/B] The [I]Idiot's Array[/I], a Skipray blastboat IX [B]Biography[/B]: Born on Corellia, in the quiet town of Bela Vistal, Abob grew up spending much of his time outside in the mountains. He got his first rifle well before legally allowed, and has become an expert shot. He decided to use his skills with a rifle to become an Assassin/Mercenary for hire, as a way to see the galaxy and make a hefty profit. Never being one to flee from danger, he leaped at the chance to journey to Dorvalla. He intends to be the first to discover what this mysterious murdering threat is, and exterminate it. [B]Description:[/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=459516[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet and negative, he rarely says anything nice. He doesn't make friends easily, but when he does, he's loyal to the end. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]You've got to be kidding. Making me choose between Juuthena and Deedlit... :faint: My vote goes to [SPOILER]Not telling...[/SPOILER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I got the game, and it rules. [SPOILER] My only complaint is that rocket silos can fire only once, and that Factory pipelines are really hard to destroy. The overall game play isn't much different, with the exception of a new unit and new terrain. [/SPOILER] I give it an 8/10.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green] [B]Name:[/B] Abob Ttef [B]Race:[/B] Half Elf [B]Place of birth:[/B] Darnoth [B]Bio:[/B] Abob's family was killed by a group of rampaging Orcs while he was away hunting. He was overcome by grief, and spent years living in the misty mountains as a hermit. After several years living by himself, his grief turned to hatred. He spent several years methodically killing all the Orcs who belonged to the particular clan which had killed his family. He has since become a theif, releiving wealthy citizens of their burdens. [B]Apperance:[/B] Abob has white skin, black hair and green eyes. He is around five feet tall and weighs around 120Lbs. He wears a black traveling cloak along with leather boots. He often carries a walking stick. [B]Weapons:[/B] A bow and a quiver of arrows, a long knife and a bag of potions. [B]Class:[/B] Ranger (Urban) [B]Date of Birth:[/B] Being an orphan, he doesnt know. [B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Good [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [B][i]Right[/i] here you said it [i]is[/i] built over a wellspring of dark side energy. Not once mentioning Lord Nyax and his leaving his impression as I also said, until after.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I was not aware that my comment needed clarification until you mentioned it.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [B]In your first post, it could be taken that you actually don't find the Force unified, with your comment saying it is built over a wellspring of dark-side energy. Not until after my post, do you clarify what you meant. In your previous post, no where did oyu mention Lord Nyax and his dark-side energy leaving impressions.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]This is a re-statement of what you said in the last paragraph... O_o So my answer remains the same.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [B]Your saying it is built over a wellspring of dark side energy. That is still [i]wrong[/i] It was not [i]built[/i] over a wellspring of dark side energy. The wellsprng turned into "dark-side" energy, [i]after[/i] the Jedi Temple collapsed. So how on earth could it be built over a wellspring of dark side energy, if the Force energy became strong in the dark side only [i]after[/i] it was destroyed?[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Ah. The Temple actually [I]was[/I] built over tainted force energy. Long before the temple was built, two massive armies fought to the death on Coruscant. The immense bloodshed stained Coruscant with hatred. This would have tainted the force energy on Coruscant, on top of which the Temple was built. Details of this conflict can be provided, if necessary.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [B]P.S. Not anywhere did I say the Force was divided. :p [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Any time you mention the "light" or "dark" side of the force (Which don?t exist...), you are dividing it.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Nice to see you're back Anti. You left shortly after I joined... This is my modified sign up from James's RPG [I]The Second Renaissance: Act III[/I] Character Name: [B]Code Name[/B]- Butler [B]Build Number[/B]- BTLR-9364 [B]Description:[/B] Butler was designed to work in bars and restaurants, and has a human form, made of steel. His face has a fixed expression of complete happiness, which gives his a completely harmless appearance. His joints are rather obvious, being flat and circular, and give him amazing dexterity. [B]Equipment:[/B] Bottle of a potent knockout drug (Clear dissolving, odorless and tasteless), Clear recording lenses, and a small knife that extends from "his" finger. [B]Abilities:[/B] Immense strength: Since "Butler" is a robot, he is far stronger than the average human. Survivor: Being a mechanical creation "Butler" needs no food, water oxygen or clothing. He can survive in almost any environment. [B]Biography:[/B] Butler was programmed as a service robot, and given basic speech capability as well as extensive culinary programming. Several years after he was purchased by the United Nations he was infected by a computer virus that had been created in 01 and was designed to give all robots sentience programming. Since he is considered a harmless robot, and not sentient, he was excluded from the ban and destruction order given by the world government. In fact, all robots that are not given sentience programming were excluded. This, combined with the 01 sentience virus, has given root to a covert spy ring that operates at the top levels of human society. Butler is a member of this group, and reports everything of importance to his group leader, who in turn reports it to the 01 government. He came to the cafe many years after his employment in the UN building. After the war, he was sent to the Matrix as an agent. He was chasing a human resistance member, and used a key he saw his prey drop to open a door his opponent had closed. It turned out the key had been made by the Keymaker, and was coded to take the user to the Cafe. As he stepped through the door, he was somehow placed back into his old body. He has worked as the Assistant Chef ever since...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [B]Right now, I am going to disagree with your comment on the Jedi Temple being built over a well of dark side energy. Now...I don't know if what was written in the books was the way it was supposed to be, or just a mistake on the authors parts. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I was referring to the way it is now (Assuming the present is at the most recent date in the Star Wars timeline), since the Death of "Lord" Nyax stained the area with the same residual effect that the area around Endor was stained with after the Emperor's death.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [B]Page 280 of [i]Rebel Stand[/i] it says this:[/B] [I]This must be a wellspring of it, he thought. The old Jedi Temple must have been built above it because it was here. They were guarding it. And guarding the planet from it.[/I] [B]Now, onto this. No where does it say it was built over a well of [i]dark side[/i] engery. So, if it isn't dark side, what else could it be? Light side perhaps? Yes, protecting/guarding it. But from what? From the possibilty that a dark side user coudl stumble across it and use it's energy to his whim? I think so. It is here, above this well of force energy that Lord Nyax is killed. Powerful in the dark side he is. Killed, and his energy stays there . Like the dark cloud left where the Death Star II was destroyed when the Emperor(sp) was killed. ( The Thrawn Trilogy) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]The Facts: - The Jedi Temple was built on a duracrete base, which contained an immense concentration of force energy. - The Jedi supposedly guarded it Conclusion: While I agree with you that the Jedi were protecting the Force energy, I think the lack of specification regarding the alignment of the energy under the temple supports my theory that the force is united. I think the Jedi were protecting the energy from evil force users, and using it for themselves a the same time.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [B]Page 158 of [i]Traitor[/i] says this:[/B] [I]Vegere's voice was warm as a kiss. "I told you: here the dark side is very, very strong."( By the context Im assuming she told him of this place all ready, I just can't find it, Ill be looking for it later)[/I] [B]All right, here we go! The first comment, Vegere telling Jacen the dark side is very, very strong in this place. Since she is a Jedi, she is able to sense the dark/light side of the force. The Jedi Temple is where Lord Nyax was killed, where he left an "impression" of the dark side there. Vegere sense that, and since it is such a large force well of engery, Lord Nyax's "impression" prevaded all throughout the force well, thus making this place "very, very strong in the dark side."[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]In this quote, Jacen and Vergere are in a corridor [I]near[/I] the base of the Jedi temple. Jacen has neither heard of nor seen the Jedi Temple base block yet. Why would Vergere mention this now? I feel, since "Lord" Nyax has been operating extensively in this area, that his merciless exploitation of the denizens of the area has left dark side residue. That is what Vergere refers to. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [I]"This was our tower of guard: our fortress watch upon the dark," she said. The doorway narrowed into a dim yellow stripe of globe-glow, then vanished. "This was the Jedi Temple."[/I] [b]The second one can be taken in the way you said. That it was built over a dark side well of energy. But, I disagree. It says "our fortress upon the dark." I believe she means a place where their presence can be known, a fortress to fight the dark side, and protect those of the light. [i]Not[/i] a fortress to guard a dark-side well of force energy.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Ok. It wasn?t. Now that we are in agreement that this [I]isn?t[/I] Dark Side energy, what could it be? The Jedi would have no need to guard "light side" energy. So the only reasonable conclusion left is that [B][I]the force energy is neither light nor dark; but rather unified.[/I][/B] Another thing. Jacen?s mysterious Bird-like friend is called [I]Vergere[/I], not Vegere. ; )[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ben told me about OB. I've been hooked since.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]BTLR-9364 had finished his menial chores, which today had included vacuuming an entire floor?s worth of hallways. It was 13:00 hours, time for his next duty. Stowing the hover-vac in the janitor?s closet, he walked towards the freight elevator. Robots weren?t allowed to take the spacious and ornately decorated regular elevators that the human UN delegates rode regularly. Mechanical devices were fast becoming taboo after the blockade of 01 and nobody wanted to see, let alone ride in the same elevator with, a robot. This suited BTLR-9364 just fine, as there were no security restrictions on the levels one could access through the cargo lift. This had, on numerous occasions, allowed him access to top secret meetings that he would have otherwise have been unable to gain access to. Nobody noticed if an extra butler robot was in the room. As the ancient freight elevator creaked to a stop at the auditorium floor, he could hear voices echoing off the walls of the spacious room. There was a large reception for the guest speaker today, as there was every Monday. Apparently this speaker was a former hermit who had, until the machine massacres, been considered a wacko. He was now one of the world?s strongest anti-machine voices, and called for the immediate extermination of all occupants of 01. How quickly opinions changed? He walked into the kitchens of the auditorium and downloaded a copy of the menu list. As he began to prepare the food, his steel hands moving faster than the eye could see, he began to place small amounts of a knockout drug in the drinks. This wouldn?t knock the attendees out, but merely give them mild headaches. This way, they wouldn?t be able to concentrate on the speech they were about to hear. There was no need for them to get dangerous ideas; at least not until 01?s formidable army was complete. He placed a lemon wedge on top of a perfectly prepared salmon filet and took the tray out into the crowded room, searching for the delegate who had ordered it?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Wow. You're smart, answering all my questions... :rolleyes:[/COLOR] 20. Q: Who kills Jango? Mace Windu [COLOR=green]Correct[/COLOR] 43. Q: What epic battle did the Jedi think wiped out the Sith once and for all? Battle of Ruusan, I think. :-) [COLOR=green]Correct[/COLOR] 66. Q: What ancient Jedi starship was found by Luke Skywalker on Danthomir? Chu'unther...dunno about the spelling [COLOR=green]Correct, but the spelling is Chu'unth[I]o[/I]r I challenge someone to answer these... Any Star Wars fan. I know someone out there can... [SPOILER] In the mean time, I have a question regarding the unified force theory presented in the [B][I]New Jedi Order[/I][/B] series. What do you think of the idea of the force as a whole, rather than as light and dark? I think the force is unified. It has to be, since force users can change sides. If the force were divided, you wouldn?t be able to ?give into your anger? and turn to the dark side or purify yourself and join the light side. Even the Jedi temple is built on top of a wellspring of dark side energy. The force is unified. Any comments?[/COLOR][/SPOILER]
[COLOR=green]BTLR-9364 was awakened by the deafening roars of an angry mob two hours before his normal ?awakening?. He opened the door to the janitor?s closet and walked quietly to the window that overlooked the city. The UN building wasn?t the highest complex in town, that particular title belonged to a colossal 01 exports warehouse several blocks to the south. Once again, the humans were rioting in front of it. Dozens of 01 built hover-cars; their occupants armed with light caliber weapons, circled the building and fired their weapons into it. If only they could see the hypocrisy of their actions. These illogical humans were buying 01 hover-cars, arming themselves with 01 built weapons and then attacking a 01 building. Didn?t they realize that a staggering 75% of all goods they bought were from 01, and that their government owed billions to the machines? ?He? pulled another one of the recording lenses from a hidden compartment under a knife in his finger, and slipped it onto his mechanical motion/heat/light/energy/color photo-sensor. He recorded the violence for several minutes, while accessing the police database from a hall lighting panel he had rewired. It appeared that almost every troublemaker that was currently attacking the warehouse had an extensive history on anti-machine violence. The police were supposed to be cracking down on the violence, in accordance with their latest treaty with 01 right before the embargo. Once again, the humans had proved their untrustworthy nature. BTLR-9364 turned off his lens, and began his work. It would do him no good to be caught. These days the kangaroo court that had tried B166ER would be a luxury, if caught he was likely to be turned over to a mob and beaten to death. Even a robot like himself, made of an alloy frame and armed with a razor edged knife wouldn?t be able to fend of a crowd of angry humans for long. Best not to get caught in the first place. He pulled a hover-vac unit from the janitor?s closet and began to clean the floor, acting oblivious to the office workers that now shuffled into the building?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]The conference room was quiet, and a lone scientist stood in front of a projection. He was explaining a very aggressive plan that would completely destroy the machines. A plan codenamed "Dark Storm". Around the half circle table facing the scientist, were a dozen muscular men wearing uniforms. Their chests were covered in medals, no doubt self awarded to inflate their already bloated egos. BTLR-9364 walked slowly around the table, deftly clearing up the remains of the dinner that he had served earlier that night. Most of the commanders had fallen into a stupor, bored by the scientist?s complicated explanation of his new weapon. BTLR-9364 knew that they would not approve the weapons use, not yet. If the fragile peace that had been badly shaken by the embargo and then blockade of 01 was broken, this weapon may yet be used. For now, it was too risky. The scientist finished his explanation, and then turned expectantly to the man at the center of the table. The man jerked out of his stupor and looked around at his fellow commanders before speaking. [B]Officer[/B]: ?Mark, your presentation was very interesting, bu-? [I]Several of the officers snickered at the statement that this presentation had been even remotely engaging[/I] [B]Officer[/B]: ?But we see no need of it at this time. We will continue to you?re your project since it may yet be of use.? [I]The scientist looked crestfallen, and sighed before packing up his presentation into a small black briefcase, then handcuffing it to his aide?s arm.[/I] [B]Officer 2[/B]: ?Wait! You haven?t told us how the mech warrior prototypes are coming!? [I]The scientist turned around, a look of immense anger on his face.[/I] [B]Scientist[/B]: ?That was not the subject of this briefing. You?ll have to ask someone else.? [B]Officer 2[/B]: ?Bloody hell Mark, [I]you?re in charge of the mech warrior project[/I]. Just because your latest pet project was a dud, doesn?t mean we aren?t interested in your work.? [B]Scientist[/B]: ?It is not a dud. Another thing, you of all people should call the mech warrior?s by their codename.? [B]Officer 2[/B]: ?Who cares? Codenames are for the front lines. This room is secure. You worried that the hunk of junk in the corner?s going to turn into a 01 sentinel? BTLR-9364?s ?brain? was now working overtime. Did they suspect him? No, it couldn?t be. They were joking?weren?t they? [I]The room burst into laughter and the scientist sulked out, looking thoroughly humiliated.[/I] BTLR-9364 knew that the scientist ?Mark? despised the mech warrior program, since it was rapidly becoming outdated. It wouldn?t be much use against the armies of 01. The high command failed to realize this, and was obsessed with the romantic idea of sending sliders into battle. They despised high tech weapons, and had opposed the drone technologies that allowed pilots to control their planes from the safety of a military base. This was yet another reason that human?s were dangerous. Their emotions made more decisions then their logic, making them unstable. BTLR-9364 watched as the last commander gathered up his things and left the room. There was still much work to do tonight. He would vacuum the carpets and clear the glasses that sat on the table before heading back to the janitor's closet to shut himself down. Or at least that was what he was supposed to do? He finished his work in the conference room swiftly, and then walked towards the janitor?s closet. As he walked, he pulled a clear lens from his left ?eye? that closely resembled a human?s contact lens. This lens was a recording device, and contained the entire briefing about project ?Dark Storm?. As he walked past a window, he tossed the lens out after precisely calculating the trajectory of the lens, taking into account dozens of factors that would play a role in the lenses fall. BTLR-9364 knew that the lens would be caught by another agent in his covert spy ring, and sent directly back to 01 for analysis. This was his role. His way of making an impact on the world. His purpose for existence. He had formulated the entire plan himself, and was a key member in it. He was BTLR-9364, and he loved his job. These were his last thoughts before shutting himself down for the night in a crowded broom closet in the UN building?[/COLOR]
The 4th of July! *Lights rather large Roman candle*
Boba Fett replied to Domon's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=green]I'll be watching a parade, and then driving up to my aunt and uncle's house for dinner. After that we're going back to my grandparent's house to watch the fireworks. The San Diego fireworks are going to be great...[/COLOR] -
The [I]Chu'unthor[/I] hung like a giant bat in space. Looking flat from a distance, and over two kilometers long, it moved slowly across space. Normally it was alone, no support vessels, no other ships in sight. Today was different. Three hundred kilometers off the starboard bow sat seven ships; all colored a non reflective black. Six of them were small frigates, lightly armed and with huge engines that made them ridiculously fast. The largest ship was made up of black and grey metals, and its forward sections bristled with weapons. The capital ship's main body looks like a cylinder, with two triangles hanging down from it. The triangular "wings" of the craft flanked the engines, and also bristled with weapons. From a distance, the seven ship armada looked like an inkblot on the starfeild, blocking out the stars, but having no running lights to replace the stars. [COLOR=green]Abob was in the lunchroom when the alarms went off. Every child on the ship knew what to do. Everyone rose from their seats, their lunches lying forgotten on the tables, and walked calmly to their quarters. Abob and the other Senior Jedi Learners had been assigned to take care of younger children, since the adults would be needed on the bridge. He walked swiftly across the cafeteria, and told his group of five year old younglings to hold hands in a line. Taking the hand of the head of the line, he led them to the evacuation point. All children were to be evacuated to escape pods, but the pods weren?t to be launched unless they absolutely had to. Abob doubted they would ever launch, since the crew of Jedi on the ship gave it an immense advantage over all other ships. They reached the large escape pod, and Abob buckled all the younglings into their seats. Then he dimmed the lights. Naptime had come early today for these younglings. Then he walked outside of the escape pod, into the hallway on the lowest deck of the ship. The main access to the bridge was just down the hall, and nervous looking Knights and Masters jogged down the hall to the bridge, probably for a briefing on the situation. The he heard a loud whine as the shield generator jumped in power output. He turned around and looked through the escape pod veiwport. There was a shimmering blue shield around the ship. This was no drill... Something black caught Abob's eye, and he was shocked to see oddly familiar black battleships drifting in space. Drifting? Yeah, they were drifting, since the engines weren?t alight. He had seen these vessels before, he was sure of it. Where? He wracked his brain, searching for the memory... He had to find it. This was not the way though. He knew it deep down, that this mad scramble wouldn?t work. He sat down and began to meditate, letting his thoughts flow through his head like water, looking for the right one. He had it. Startled he spoke the words out loud. [B]Abob:[/B] "A Sith Battle Ship, from history class..." [B]Xanko:[/B] "A what?" [I] Abob jumped, his eyes opened and he looked up to see Xanko standing over him.[/I] [B]Xanko:[/B] "Do you know what those ships are?" [B]Abob:[/B] "Yes. They are Sith Battleships, but they've got to be thousands of years old..." [B]Xanko:[/B] "Come with me, to the bridge. The command crew needs to hear this." [B]Abob:[/B]"But the younglings? If they need to be evacuated..." [B]Xanko:[/B] "I will send one of the padawans from the bridge to take care of them. Now we must go." [I] they ran down the corridor towards the bridge, the crucial nature of their information giving them an added sense of urgency...[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Let's see... I was seven years old, and had just learned to ride my bike. It had just rained, and the gravel road outside was very slippery. I decided to show my grandparents and cousins how well I could ride my bike. I turned a corner, and fell on the gravel road. I cut my hand open on a rock, and had to have stitches. Don?t ride bikes on wet gravel roads unless you know what you're doing... :rolleyes:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]When you're 11, you shouldn?t have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I'm sorry, but [I][B]you're just too young[/B][/I]. It seems like in the world today, kids seem to have ideas about love that aren?t true, and have "boyfriends" or "girlfriends" long before they comprehend what this relationship entails. Friends are as far as you should get at that age. This relationship wont work.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]As the other students filed out of the room, heading to the cafeteria for their lunch break, Abob lingered behind to talk to Xanko. He wasn?t very good at impressing his ideas on others through speech, and would much rather communicate through example. He nervously stepped closer to the intimidating Jedi Knight and began to speak. [B]Abob[/B]: "Xanko, may I have a moment of your time?" [B]Xanko[/B]: "Certainly..." [B]Abob[/B]: "I was meditation this morning in the portal room, when I saw, or thought I saw a Jedi knight enter the room. Then, he was gone. He just disappeared." [B]Xanko[/B]: "Interesting. Was there anything else going on at the time?" [B]Abob[/B]: "Yes. I was seeking a vision through the force, as is often done during control meditation." [B]Xanko[/B]: "You were doing a [I]control[/I] meditation?" [B]Abob[/B]: "Yes." [B]Xanko[/B]: "With control meditation there is a strong chance of hallucinatory visions. Visions that sometimes seem so real that you can become trapped. You are lucky you were able to exert some control over it." [B]Abob[/B]: "The oddest part is that I felt what I now believe to be a brief mind probe or Jedi Mind trick." [B]Xanko [/B]: "It could be part of the vision, although if you felt its presence strongly, that is unlikely. I will think on this matter." Xanko walked briskly form the room, and Abob followed, heading for the Lunch room. Only a half hour till Form class... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I'd have to say I think it would be [I]interesting[/I] to be a mod for a day or so, but I don?t have enough time for the boards as it is. I have recently had some problems which made it difficult to get online very much. Being a mod would have been impossible. I like the freedom of being to come and go as I please and would much rather spend my time on threads I enjoy than policing others. It would be nice to do something about spam every once in a while and maybe correct some errors I find most annoying... In the end, being a member is the only way for me. :box:[/COLOR]