Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[COLOR=green]Abob watched with interest as his normal instructor hurried from the room. This obviously wasn?t normal. This Knight Xanko had asked him to help him remove the fallen training droids from the floor of the combat dome. That was highly unusual because, as he had seen, this Knight seemed powerful enough to remove all the scrap by himself. That meant Xanko had wanted to test his abilities. Why would he want to do that? Maybe he was considering taking me as a... NO. Focus on the present. What will come, will come. He banished the thought from his mind and listened intently to the lesson. [B]Xanko:[/B] "Listen closely; I'm not going to repeat myself. Today we will be experimenting with lightsaber sparring." [I]There was a murmur of interest, since they had just sparred yesterday and were expecting their instructor to critique their performances for at least a week.[/I] [B]Xanko:[/B] "Yes. Quiet down. Now divide into groups of three. We are going to do this a little differently. Once you are in groups, divide into a pair and a loner. Then the pair may, using normal sparring rules, attack the owner. You may begin when you are ready." [I]The entire class was frozen to the spot, pondering this new exercise. Then a tall heavy set Rodian walked over to the weakest members of the class, who were normally picked last, and proclaimed them part of his group. Then everyone started moving, most grouping with their friends.[/I] Abob stood patiently in the very center of the throng, unmoving. There would be people left at the end, and he would group with them. No need to waste energy selecting a group. He knew nobody would want to group with Tantor Squee, a Durro boy who had terrible burn marks on his face from an accident that had occurred when he was very young. Sam Ykello wouldn?t be picked either; she was a Human-Omwati half breed who wasn?t very friendly. Both of them were average students, and Sam was the best swordsman in the class. Abob had reasoned that they weren?t chosen because they looked or acted "different". Like he did. He also thought it was very unperceptive of them to judge other individuals by their appearance when they had the force as their ally. The groups were formed and, as he had predicted, he was "stuck" with Tantor and Sam. They were deciding who would be the loner when a soft voice form behind them spoke. [B]Xanko:[/B] "Abob, you're the loner. Abob had to use all his strength to keep from leaping up when he heard the voice behind his shoulder, but he had enough composure left to nod to Xanko his acceptance. Abob removed his training saber from his belt and activated it, standing a dozen feet from Sam and Tantor. His opponents conferred among themselves, then struck with considerable tact. Sam used the force to leap high in the air and land, lightsaber swinging, on Abob's left. Sam ran at full speed towards him, her lightsaber aimed at his stomach. Abob parried Sam's lightsaber, and kicked out with his foot. Sam was forced to dodge to his right. Abob then put his hands behind his head and held his lightsaber parallel to his back, powerfully blocking Tantor's decapitation swing an sending the Durro stumbling backwards. Abob then had to jump as Sam took a swing at his exposed belly. He used the force to propel himself to the other end of the mat they were fighting on, before turning to face his opponents. He couldn?t keep with up much longer; he was already tiring, while neither of them had yet to break a sweat. He couldn?t block their attacks much longer... Then an idea hit him. Not block...attack. It might work. A thin smile crossed Abob's lips, and then he charged at Tantor. He swung high and gave Tantor an easy block above their heads. Then Abob kicked Tantor hard in the upper chest, winding him. Abob used the force to spot Sam just in time; she had thrown her lightsaber like a boomerang, straight at Abob's back. Abob ducked, flattening himself to the floor as the lightsaber soared over his head, dealing a "fatal blow" to Tantor. By this time, most of the spars had finished, the loner being defeated easily by the pair. Only Abob's team and the Rodian's team were still fighting. The Rodian was easily defending himself against his far weaker opponents, and his match wasn?t very exciting. The crowd was watching Sam and Abob. They fought viciously, as they had the night before, neither able to penetrate the other's guard. Abob was going all out, kicking and punching his opponent while her lightsaber was busy. After several minutes, they locked lightsabers and their faces were inches apart. Abob was beginning to realize, once again, that he was no match for Sam. He was barely able to defend himself, much less deal a "fatal blow" with his lightsaber. He dropped to one knee, and swept his left leg in a sweeping motion across Sam's feet. She tripped, and raised her lightsaber defensively in front of her as she fell. It was then that she realized Abob wasn?t holding his lightsaber. She turned but Abob's weapon, controlled by the force, dealt her a "fatal blow across her neck. The match was over. Abob rose to his feet and shook hands with Sam. Then she whispered something in his ear. [B]Sam:[/B] "You wait until form class..." [I]Abob smiled. He might be able to defeat her in combat, but she was far above him in lightsaber form.[/I] A chime sounded, and the lesson was over. Abob walked over to Xanko, intending to ask him a question...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob was puzzled. There was a Jedi...then...no Jedi. Again. The most striking part about his feeling was one of violation. Like someone had entered his mind. It had only been for an instant, but it was like someone had been able to access his thoughts. Every secret, every fear, everything beneath his calm composure had been exposed. He shuddered. He would have to work on his mental technique. He had been trying for weeks in that room to seek visions through the force during his meditation, and he had been getting this feeling ever since. It had gradually increased over the two weeks he had attempted this. Could this be the start of a vision? He would have to ask. The dim lights suddenly changed, getting brighter over a space of a few seconds so that it wouldn?t shock your eyes with the increased light. Abob looked up at the chronometer on the wall of the corridor, and thought that it would be advisable to leave so that he could be on time for his first lesson. As he walked across the ship to training dome three, his mind wandered. He decided not to return to that room until he had answers. He also wanted to bring a friend next time; it would help his peace of mind if he were able to determine that he wasn?t the only one who could have this vision. He entered the training dome deep in thought, to find the instructor preparing the lesson...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green][B]Code Name:[/B] Butler [B]Build Number:[/B] BTLR-9364 [B]Country of Origin:[/B] USA [B]Country of Residence:[/B] USA [B]Appearance:[/B] Butler was designed to work in bars and restaurants, and has a human form, made of steel. His face has a fixed expression of complete happiness, which gives his a completely harmless appearance. His joints are rather obvious, being flat and circular, and give him amazing dexterity. [B]Biography:[/B] Butler was programmed as a service robot, and given basic speech capability as well as extensive culinary programming. Several years after he was purchased by the United Nations he was infected by a computer virus that had been created in 01 and was designed to give all robots sentience programming. Since he is considered a harmless robot, and not sentient, he was excluded from the ban and destruction order given by the world government. In fact, all robots that are not given sentience programming were excluded. This, combined with the 01 sentience virus, has given root to a covert spy ring that operates at the top levels of human society. Butler is a member of this group, and reports everything of importance to his group leader, who in turn reports it to the 01 government. [B]Weapon/s:[/B] Bottle of a potent knockout drug (Clear dissolving, odorless and tasteless) and a small knife that extends from "his" finger.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob awoke early the next morning, before the sleep cycle had ended. He stumbled around his room for a few minutes, not having the concentration to use the force to see his surroundings through the darkness, because of his tiredness. He showered, and dressed in one of his three identical sets of learner?s robes. Abob's robes are a plain textured brown, with his age group symbol and his name affixed on a patch that is hand sown over his heart. He often wondered if the rough scratching material was used on purpose because he knew that many of his fellow students had complained that their robes were uncomfortable, and their complaints had fallen on deaf ears. He attached his training lightsaber to his belt, and walked over to his dresser. Abob opened its top drawer and pushed the neatly folded clothes aside to reveal a silver lightsaber. As he took out a rag from his pocket and began polishing it, he couldn?t help but think of his mother. Jedi weren?t supposed to have family attachments, so he had only seen his mother three times before his death. He often wondered what had happened to her. Nobody had ever told him how or why she died, and he hadn?t been able to see his father since her death because the Jedi Council feared this would lead to further dangerous feelings. Sometimes he didn?t understand the council?s decisions, but he would have to accept them. For now... Once the lightsaber was gleaming again, put it away and left his room. The corridors were almost always empty at this time, because the sleep cycle was almost over. Both the crew of the ship and the students were both in their quarters, the first changing shifts while the second were preparing for the days lessons. Abob walked through a maze of corridors until he reached the portal room. The portal room was a relatively small room made of clear durasteel on all but one side. It looked out into space, and Abob found it conducive to meditation. He walked over to the wall, and opened a small locker. He removed a dozen of the small plastic cubes and placed them on the floor. Then he sat a few feet away from them, his legs folded and his arms crossed over his chest. He began to concentrate, finding the blocks through the force and focusing on moving them up into the still air. The blocks floated up into the air and began to circle, slowly increasing in speed, around his head. After several minutes of this the blocks were a white blur racing around his head. Then the soft hiss of the door opening impressed itself upon Abob's focused mind, and he froze the blocks in the air before letting them drop to the ground with a clatter. Finally, he turned to face his visitor.[/COLOR]
[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Star Wars: Voyages of the Chu'unthor[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR= ORANGE-RED]Before the rise of the Empire, during the Height of the Jedi Order a magnificent starship roamed the galaxy. The [I]Chu'unthor[/I] was a ship like no other, a colossal Jedi vessel that searched out force sensitive children and trained them in the space between the stars. It was described as a mobile Jedi temple, a welcome sight for those in need. But after the defeat of the Empire, Luke Skywalker found this majestic vessel rusting on a distant planet, destroyed and crumbling. What could happen to cause such an important ship to be wrecked on a forgotten planet without a single mention in the history books?[/CENTER][/COLOR] A colossal vessel glides through the star encrusted darkness of deep space. It is long, almost two kilometers and nearly flat. It is four decks high except for the engine compartment and the bridge, which are both seven decks high. All the small windows of the ship are alight, making the ship look like a building that is lost in space. The ship's engines aren?t active, and sit idle between the V of the Y shaped vessel. Then, almost all of the ship's lights go out. [COLOR=green] Abob walked back from the lightsaber training room exhausted. He had been sparring with his class, a rare occurrence, when several of the visiting Jedi Knights and Master came into the room to watch. Then the session had gone from fun, with lighthearted joking and experimental moves, to deadly serious. Everyone in the room knew the importance of the visitors. They all wanted to be selected as padawans. If they weren?t they would be sent to the Agri-Corps, where their Jedi powers would be used to help plants grow. The Agri-Corps was the failed Jedi path. All those who were not strong enough in the force or who hadn?t, for some reason, been selected by their fourteenth birthday as a padawan were sent to the Agri-Corps. Abob was determined not to become one of them. He knew he was one of the best in the class, and would be expected to win his spar. The instructor knew that as well, and had paired him with another student who was slightly better than him. They had been fighting longer than the rest, and hadn?t been told to stop when the lights went out. Normally spars ended when someone landed a "fatal blow" with their training saber, leaving a stinging bruise wherever the blow had landed. Abob's spar had been ferociously difficult. He and his opponent had fought for two hours without either of them being able to hit the other. When the lights went out, Abob had used the force to execute a nasty trick on his opponent. Taking advantage of his enemy?s momentary distraction when the lights went out, he had used the force to switch off his opponents saber, and slice across her stomach with his training saber. He had won the spar, and the visitors had no doubt used the force to see through the darkness to witness the end of it. He wondered what they would think of his performance. Would they be taken aback by his sneaky and underhanded move? Or would they be impressed? He would find out one way or another in nine months... With these thoughts weighing heavily on his mind, he opened the door to his room, and collapsed on his bed fully dressed. He quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Here we go. All those listed below have been accepted into this RPG. If your name is [I]not[/I] below, it is because of the poor quality of your sign up. Please try to be a little more creative, use spell-check, and put more time into your post. Those accepted are: Juuthena Tigervx Outcast Dmitri_Dragoon Ben Yoda I will be starting the play version of the RPG today. Here is my sign up: ---------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B]Abob Ttef [B]Age:[/B]12 (almost 13) [B]Species:[/B]Omwati [B]Gender:[/B]Male [B]Jedi Status (Master, Knight, Padawan or Learner*):[/B]Learner [B]Weapon:[/B]Training Lightsaber [B]Other Possessions**:[/B]His mother's dual phase lightsaber (Blade of deep blue, with a synthetic blue diamond that gives the same color to the extended blade. The hilt of the saber is a silvery metal, with recessed controls and ancient Jedi symbols etched all over it.) [B]Description:[/B]Abob, being an Omwati, has light blue skin the color of shallow water. His eyes are a dark blue, and his hair is white-blond. He is slightly smaller of stature than the other Learners of his group, due to a combination of race and genetics. [B]Biography:[/B] Abob's comes from a long line of Omwati Jedi, and has several relatives in the Order. He was first taken to the Jedi Temple, and trained there until his mother's death. Then the council felt it would be better for him to be with a smaller group of trainees, and sent him to live on the [I]Chu'unthor[/I]. He has done well for his age, scoring among the best in his age group in most tests and trials. He hopes to be taken as a padawan learner next year, but doesn?t want to leave the [I]Chu'unthor[/I]. This is a feeling he hides, since Jedi are not supposed to become attached to things. AS a compromise, he has decided to try and impress the Jedi knights and masters on the ship, in the hopes that one of them will take him as a padawan. [B]Other:[/B]Abob's mother was a Jedi knight killed on the edge of the Outer Rim twelve years ago. The reason for her death was unknown, although the Jedi physicians detected an immensely powerful poison in her bloodstream, and several snake-like bite marks. [/COLOR] EDIT: It appears as if we have way too many Jedi Knights. However, due to the quality of the sign ups, I will be allowing all those accepted to keep their status. Just a reminder. The [I]Chu'unthor[/I] is a Jedi exploration/training vessel. All knights will have to instruct Learners or "Younglings". The age group is up to you. Also, when you are not working with the children, you are expected to help with the operation of the ship. With status comes responsibility.
[CENTER][B][U]Witness[/U][/B][/CENTER] I was 13 years old. We had just finished our Sunday breakfast, and I was contemplating going outside into the courtyard to play dodge ball with my friends, never mind my father said we shouldn?t go outside to play in such a rough neighborhood, when echoing words began to fill the neighborhood. Then the sounds of a brawl began resounding through our apartment, and my father yelled for us to get on the floor, and stay there. I was scared, and a little jealous. Everyone else was in the kitchen, which had a balcony that overlooked the courtyard, which was were the fighting seemed to be taking place. I debated crawling into the kitchen to see what was going on, but knew that my parents would be furious with me if I did. So instead I waited, listening to the voices outside grunting and groaning in agony. I heard the swoosh of something cutting through the air like a sword, then the thud as it made contact with something hard. Most likely it was a turf war. There was simply no other explanation for such a large fight. My attention was diverted to the kitchen, as I heard a strange noise, and muffled cries of pain. I placed my head on the floor and looked under the closed door of my room into the kitchen. Where, moments before I was sure had been my family, was an empty kitchen. I got up, and looked through the keyhole of my door, terrified. I heard the pounding of several pairs of shoes as someone else walked though my house, down the back stairs, and out the door into the courtyard. I couldn?t take the suspense any longer. I opened the door and nervously peeked out. Seeing nobody, I walked over to the balcony and looked down. I couldn?t believe my eyes. In the courtyard below was a pile of men. They were all jumping on top of each other, as if trying to cover something beneath them. Stranger still was that all the men were wearing the exact same clothes. On a closer look, they all [I]were[/I] the same. Like identical twins, only there were about a hundred of them. I blinked and pinched my arm, but the dog pile of human clones remained. A muffled voice spoke from deep within the pile, and I didn?t catch what he said. Then the others started echoing him, in a malevolent and gleeful way. Then silence filled the courtyard for the first time in what seemed like years. Nobody in the pile moved. Then a cry came from the middle of the pile. A scream of rage so loud it pierced the mound of bodies it was enveloped in. Then the mountain of clones exploded. Men in business suits went flying in every direction, one straight up into the sky for fifty feet before plummeting back to earth. Then a different figure caught my eye. One man, who would have struck me as very cool because of his sunglasses, if I hadn?t been completely scared, looked around at the clones. He did not seem worried, surprised or scared that he was surrounded by a mob of identical men. He knelt down, and the pavement beneath his feet rippled like water. He slowly raised his head to look up, and then flew away. I was shocked. He just flew away. Just like superman? Then, in perfect unison, the clones looked up after him. They watched him, as did I, until he was no more than a speck in the distance. Then the clones began dispersing. They exited the courtyard though every available exit, all one hundred of them, in just a few seconds. I began to worry that they might come into my house, but my curiosity got the better of me and I stayed to watch. One of the clones had stayed in the courtyard. Just one. Just like all the rest, but different. He began to walk towards the main entrance to the courtyard, a door behind the bench. He opened it, and was about to leave when he stopped. He raised his head and looked straight at me. He stared into my eyes, and I stared back at his completely expressionless face. Then he left.
Sign Up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Boba Fett replied to Shikaku Kitoku's topic in Theater
[COLOR=green]Name: Abob Ttef Age: 10 Sex: Male Eye: Grey-Green Hair: Black Wand: Cherry, Unicorn Hair, 10 inches House: Year: 1st Personality: Abob is quiet and shy, and doesn?t make friends easily. When someone does earn his friendship and respect however, he is extremely loyal to them and expects the same in return. He has a near photographic memory and is quite smart, although rather lazy. He also has a twisted sense of humor that not all find funny. Biography: Abob's family is completely pureblood, and has had its fair share of Dark Wizards. His parents are middle class, and have an elderly house elf called Olos, who Abob considers one of his best friends. His family lives several miles outside of London, in a Muggle neighborhood. Both of his parents work for the ministry, his father as head of the Wizengamot, his mother as assistant to the Head of Magical Games and Sports. His older sister is a family disgrace, since she was assigned to Griffindor three years ago. Abob has many friends, all of which are attending Durmstrong Academy this year. He is very apprehensive about attending Hogwarts, and would much rather join his friends at Durmstrong (and learn a few good jinxes while he's there, something he feels he'll be missing out on at Hogwarts). He has also received an official warning from the Ministry of Magic for bewitching muggle door keys with a shrinking charm. Abob has just finished shopping for his school supplies and has received an early birthday present from his parents, a midnight black, female kitten with light blue eyes. He has decided to call her Nelaah. [/COLOR] -
[CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Star Wars: Voyages of the Chu'unthor[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=orange-red] Before the rise of the Empire, during the Height of the Jedi Order a magnificent starship roamed the galaxy. The [I]Chu'unthor[/I] was a ship like no other, a colossal Jedi vessel that searched out force sensitive children and trained them in the space between the stars. It was described as a mobile Jedi temple, a welcome sight for those in need. But after the defeat of the Empire, Luke Skywalker found this majestic vessel rusting on a distant planet, destroyed and crumbling. What could happen to cause such an important ship to be wrecked on a forgotten planet without a single mention in the history books?[/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]So, if you want to find out what happened to the four thousand Jedi and their ship hundreds of years before [I]Episode I: The Phantom Menace[/I], why not sign up? You can be any of the races described below, and use any weapon named further down the page. If you decide that you really want to play a species not mentioned below, or use a weapon not mentioned, don?t hesitate to ask me via PM. I will most likely allow you to. However, if you decide you don?t want to PM me and post your question here, I will kick you out of this RPG faster than Han Solo can draw his blaster. I also have a few rules to set out: 1) Only Jedi are allowed in this RPG, and I will only accept only 2 Jedi Masters and Four Jedi Knights. The Master's will be expected to be teachers, while the Knights are expected to help run the ship. 2) Posts that are OOC only or ridiculously short are not acceptable. 3) If you don?t understand something about the Star Wars universe, don?t hesitate to ask me or somebody else who does know. I'll be happy to help.[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the species you will have to choose from: [B]Human[/B] Homeworld: Many, Alderaan, Coruscant, Corellia, etc. Appearance: Human? Special Ability: None Disability: None Other: Human's wary widely in appearance, personality, likes/dislikes, and just about everything else. [B]Bothan[/B] Homeworld: Bothawui, other colony worlds in the Mid Rim. Appearance: Humanoid, with long pointed ears and lots of facial hair. They are short, and covered in fur that ranges from light pink to dark blue; although many dye their fur. Special Ability: [I]Contacts[/I] Virtually all Bothans are members of the Bothan Spynet. Bothans who have contacts in the spynet, or who are in the spynet themselves may be better informed than other species, and have a knack for acquiring needed information. Disability: [I]Distrust[/I] Not many species feel confidant confiding in Bothans. Other: Bothans are not usually adept at physical combat, and are better fighting from behind the scenes or from the seat of a vehicle. [B]Cerean[/B] Homeworld: Cerea Appearance: Human from the neck down, but their heads are twice as tall as normal and contain two brains. Special Ability: [I]Superior Intellect[/I] Cereans have photographic memories and are very good with computers. Disability: [I]Pacifism[/I] Cereans have a strong non-violence tradition and will normally avoid conflict. Cereans who actively pursue violence are shunned by there peers and tend to become completely deranged psychopaths. Other: Cerean Males are often nervous and subservient, since Cerea is ruled by a Matriarch. [B]Duro[/B] Homeworld: Duro Appearance: Duros have dull grey or brown skin, large yellow eyes and no hair. Special Ability: [I]Technology[/I] Duro is covered in Imperial toxic waste, so most Duros have grown up in the space stations that orbit their world. They have been around technology all their lives, and make excellent technicians. Disability: [I]Wilderness Survival[/I] Since Duros spend most of their lives in spaceships or space stations, they aren?t very good at surviving in wilderness areas. Other: Duros have such amazing technical skills that they could give Jawa scavengers a run for their money in quick repairs, and are sought after mechanics. [B]Ewok[/B] Homeworld: Endor Appearance: Furry. Small. Watch Return of the Jedi. I hate Ewoks? Special Ability: [I]Wilderness Survival[/I] Since Ewok civilization is still extremely primitive, they are adept at surviving in uninhabited areas. Disability: [I]Religion[/I] Ewoks believe in a golden god, (Who apparently looks like a C-3PO unit) and are prone to worshiping strange golden droids on sight. Other: Ewoks don?t speak Basic normally, so it takes great effort to learn and speak Basic [B]Gamorrean[/B] Homeworld: Gamorr Appearance: Slightly shorter than humans, Gamorreans look like fat, green pigs who walk on their hind legs. They have humanoid hands. Special Ability: [I]Strength[/I] Gamorreans are extremely strong, and can usually defeat opponents in battles of pure strength. Disability: [I]Intelligence[/I] Gamorreans are stupid. There's no other way to put it. The only Gamorrean who has achieved high status off Gamorr is genetically modified to be smarter than an average human. Other: Gamorreans are renowned for their stupidity, so flying a starship or performing any complicated action is unwise. [B]Gungan[/B] Homeworld: Naboo Appearance: Jar-Jar. They all look like him. Special Ability: [I]Underwater breathing[/I] Being a primarily aquatic race, Gungans can breath underwater through the use of gills. Disability: [I] Speech Impediment[/I] Grammar teachers the galaxy over hate Gungans with a passion, since there hasn?t been one yet you can speak correctly. Other: Gungans are rather silly creatures, so having a character named "Darth Binks" probably won't intimidate your enemies. [B]Ithorian[/B] Homeworld: Ithor Appearance: Ithorians have humanoid bodies, colored in almost any shade of brown or green, and have odd heads. Their necks slope forward, and then rise likes the head of a hammer-head shark, with one eye on each side of the head. Special Ability: [I] Plant Growth/Breeding[/I] Ithorians are the best ecologists and plant breeders in the galaxy, and they are so concerned for their home planet's environment they live above it in giant hovering cities. Disability: [I] Love of plants[/I] Ithorians love plants so much that they will do anything to protect them. They have been known to give great secrets away to protect their plants. Other: Ithorians are calm and non-violent, and aren?t predisposed to violence. [B]Kel-Dor[/B] Homeworld: Dorin Appearance: They look like Plo-Koon from [I]Episode I: The Phantom Menace[/I]. They have skin that can be any shade from peach to deep red. They must wear special breathing devices and eye protectors when off Dorin, since they breathe gasses unique to their world. Their heads are lumpy where their ears are, and they have clawed hands. Special Ability: [I]Force Tradition[/I] Dorin has a long tradition of Jedi Knights and Kel-Dor are more likely than most to become Jedi. Disability: [I] Gas Breather[/I] If their gas mask is removed, Kel-Dor begin to suffocate. Other: Kel-Dor believe in swift justice, rather than wait for lengthy trials to decide the fait of criminals. [B]Mon Calamari[/B] Homeworld: Mon Calamari Appearance: Admiral Ackbar from [I]Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi[/I] is a Mon Calamari. Special Ability: [I]Aquatic Technology[/I] Mon Calamari are adept at building machinery that can be used in water and wet environments. Disability: [I] Water Dweller[/I] Mon Calamari tend to dry out and become sick when in environments with little or no moisture, such as desert worlds. Other: Mon Calamari are frequently diplomats and successful military officers. [B]Omwati[/B] Homeworld: Omwat Appearance: Humanoid, except their skin is blue, and their eye color varies from light to dark blue. Special Ability: [I]Gearhead[/I] Omwati are brilliant designers, and a team of them created the first Death Star plans. (Screw the hologram in Episode II, this was the first story) Disability: [I]Weakling[/I] Omwati are not as strong as most other species, and an adult Omwati could easily be beaten in a wrestling match by an adolescent Trandoshan. Other: Omwati are adept with most kinds of technology, since they understand how it works and why. [B]Quarren[/B] Homeworld: Mon Calamari Appearance: Quarren have humanoid bodies, with heads that are broad. They have many tentacles that cover their mouth and large ears. Special Ability: [I]Unimaginative[/I] Unlike Corellians, who never seem to care about the odds, Quarren lack hope and imagination. They frequently give up when they think their goal is unattainable. Disability: [I]Realist[/I] Quarrens are very conservative and logical, and don?t like people who are forever thinking about the future or who are obsessed with ideals. Other: Quarrens hate Mon Calamari. [B]Rodian[/B] Homeworld: Rodia Appearance: Greedo from [I]Episode IV: A New Hope[/I] is a Rodian. Special Ability: [I]Underworld[/I] Almost all Rodians are connected to the underworld in some way and are a familiar site in seedy places, if not a welcome one. Disability: [I]Hutts[/I] The entire Rodian culture has been subjugated by the Hutts, and most Rodians are in Hutt employ. Other: Many bounty hunters are Rodian, although none of them are very good. [B]Sullustan[/B] Homeworld: Sullust Appearance: Nien Numb from [I]Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi[/I] is a Sullustan. Sullustans have humanoid bodies, although their heads are slightly larger and they have a ridge between their nose and mouth. Their ears are slightly larger than humans, and their heads are hairless. Special Ability: [I]Pilot[/I] Most Sullustans have innate piloting abilities. Disability: [I] Spice Allergy[/I] Sullustans have severe allergies to Glitterstem spice, and as a result often lose lucrative, if illegal, smuggling jobs. Other: Sullustans have strong ties to the galactic government. [B]Trandoshan[/B] Homeworld: Dosha Appearance: Tall and Reptilian, Trandoshans are a very intimidating sight. Their immense strength and large teeth support their dangerous nature. Special Ability: [I]Strength[/I] Trandoshans are physically strong, and are dangerous in melee combat Disability: [I]Mutual Hatred[/I] Wookiees hate Trandoshans. Trandoshans hate Wookiees. They go out of their ways to hurt each other, and are in constant danger if a member of the opposite species is around. Other: Trandoshan Jedi are rare, but usually come in large amounts since they have many children. [B]Twi'lek[/B] Homeworld: Ryloth Appearance: Humanoid, except for long "head tails" called lekku, sharp teeth and large bumps on their foreheads. Special Ability: [I]Underworld Respect[/I] Twi'leks as a species are almost all under Hutt employ or slavery, but are usually in high positions. This gives them a great deal of respect in the underworld. Disability: [I]Lawlessness[/I] Since almost all Twi'leks are involved in illicit activities, they are a target for anyone with a bone to pick with the Hutts, or criminals in general. Other: Twi'leks with red skin are rare, and prized as slaves. [B]Wookiee[/B] Homeworld: Kashyyyk Appearance: Chewbacca from [I]Episode IV: A New Hope[/I] is a Wookiee. Special Ability: [I]Loyal[/I] Wookiees are some of the most trusted friends in the galaxy, and are respected for their highly moral society. Disability: [I]Mutual Hatred[/I] Wookiees hate Trandoshans. Trandoshans hate Wookiees. They go out of their ways to hurt each other, and are in constant danger if a member of the opposite species is around. Other: Wookiees are extremely dangerous if they are angry, and often smash something. So let the Wookiee win? [B]Zabrak[/B] Homeworld: Iridionia Appearance: Human, except for devil-like horns on their heads. Darth Maul and Eeth Koth from [I]Episode I: The Phantom Menace[I/] were both Zabrak. Special Ability: [I] Strength of Will[/I] Zabrak have great mental fortitude, and can withstand great physical pain. Disability: [I]Religion[I/] Humans have some kind of superstition about evil creatures with horns on their heads, and may distrust Zabraks because of this. Other: Although Zabrak are not physically stronger than humans, they can use their ability to endure great pain to perform feats of great strength. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the Jedi weapons you have to choose from: [B]Training Lightsaber[/B] Purpose: Training for use of real lightsaber Damage: Stuns living creatures, and cannot harm objects made of metal. May set fire to flammable objects. Used by: Jedi learners Other: None [B]Lightsaber[/B] Purpose: Combat Damage: Cuts through just about anything. Used by: All Jedi down to Padawan Learners. Other: Blade can be any color, or mix of colors depending of color of focusing crystal(s). [B]Dual Phase Lightsabers[/B] Purpose: Combat Damage: Cuts through just about anything. Used by: Jedi Masters, or Jedi knights with great experience. May be passed on to younger Jedi. Other: Blade doubles in length at the flick of a switch as the focusing crystal is changed temporarily to a diamond. [B]Light Whip[/B]* Purpose: Combat Damage: Same as Lightsaber Used by: Experienced Jedi Master or Jedi Battle Master Other: A Light Whip is a lightsaber handle that extends a flexible blade that is used like a whip. [B]Double Bladed Lightsaber[/B]* Purpose: Combat Damage: Cuts through just about anything. Used by: Ownership and use restricted by Jedi Council. Other: Designed by Exar Kun, a famous fallen Jedi. [B]Cortosis Weave Armor[/B]* Purpose: Deactivating Lightsaber blades. Damage: Negates lightsaber damage Used by: Closely guarded secret. Known only to a select few Jedi outside the Jedi High Council. [B]Jedi Battle Armor[/B]* Purpose: Combat Damage: Deflects small blaster bolts and glancing lightsaber blows Used by: Use restricted. Other: Not used often since the Sith War Note: If someone wishes their character to have multiple lightsabers (Not including training lightsabers) or any Jedi weapon not listed, well written and polite PMs will be considered. * - Use must be approved by me, via PM. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have read, or at least skimmed that information I spent all of yesterday putting together, here is the information needed to sign up: Name: Age: Species: Gender: Jedi Status (Master, Knight, Padawan or Learner*): Weapon: Other Possessions**: Description: Biography: Other: (Optional) * - Learners are those who have not yet been taken as padawans. They are restricted to use of training lightsabers. ** - Jedi strive to serve, and do not have many material things. Keep it brief. No personal starships, outlandish jewelry, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=green]And may the force be with you, and my hands, which no doubt will develop carpal tunnel syndrome from typing all this...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I can?t wait to get the new Advance Wars game. Being an avid player of the old one, and having bought everything Hachi has to offer, I eagerly await this games release. Another thing. :shifty: Grit always will be the best. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I have returned to resurrect this thread to its former glory. Bow before me. Now, so quick Trivia that I wrote myself, just yesterday. It's difficult, but you all can manage. 1. Q: Where was Jango Fett born? 2. Q: What Mandalorian Splinter group murdered Jango Fett's family? 3. Q: Who is the Leader of the splinter group that killed Jango's family? 4. Q: Who horribly scarred the face of the leader mentioned in the last question? 5. Q: What is the name of the light strike cruiser that served as a base for the Mandalorians for several years? 6. Q: On what planet did Jango first serve as a squad commander? 7. Q: What were the three companies that were sent to the above mentioned planet? 8. Q: On Jango's first mission as a company commander, what kind of laser fire hit his squad's shuttle? 9. Q: Who is killed on Jango's first mission as squad commander? 10. Q: What squad was Jango in charge of on his first mission as a squad commander? 11. Q: What or who attacks Jango's squad in the woods of Korda VI? 12. Q: Who betrays Jango's mentor? 13. Q: Who avenges Jaster Mereel's death shortly after the fact? 14. Q: Who assumed command of the Mandalorians after Jaster died? 15. Q: Who attempts to assassinate Jango Fett on Galidraan? 16. Q: What group is tricked into destroying the Mandalorians? 17. Q: With whom does Jango team up with to save Coruscant from obliteration? 18. Q: What is Jango's fee for the above job? 19. Q: What or who does he assign to watch Boba while he's away? 20. Q: Who kills Jango? Section II: Boba Fett 21. Q: Who is Boba Fett's "Father"? 22. Q: Who is Jango Fett's "Mother"? 23. Q: What famous poet did Boba Fett capture on Solem? 24. Q: What AWOL Imperial officer does Boba Fett track to Maryx Minor? 25. Q: What is Boba Fett specifically instructed not to do when he finds the AWOL Imperial Officer? 26. Q: What genocidal Imperial Battalion was Karda assigned to? 27. Q: What is in the casket the AWOL Imperial Officer has? 28. Q: What happens to the casket? 29. Q: During the race for what legendary artifact is Boba Fett hired to protect Han Solo? 30. Q: What crime lord hires Boba Fett on numerous occasions, eventually placing him on retainer? 31. Q: For what offense does Jabba the Hutt place a bounty on Han Solo's head, which Boba Fett collects on at Cloud City? 32. Q: Where does Han Solo first meet Lando, and where does the pattern of Solo evading Fett begin? 33. Q: Who rips off Boba's helmet and sends him hurtling upwards into a durasteel beam? 34. Q: With whom does Boba stand face to face at blaster point, and discuss being "too old for this" before walking away? 35. Q: With what archaic weapon does Han Solo use to fry the Slave I's computer system after emerging from the hidden kingdom of Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand? Section III: The marketplace 36. Q: What is the average price of a blaster power pack? 37. Q: What is the average price of a Chronometer? 38. Q: What is the average price of a BlasTech DL-44 Blaster Pistol? 39. Q: What is the average price of a Medipack? 40. Q: What is the average price of an E-11 Blaster Rifle? Section IV: Jedi History 41. Q: Where did the Jedi Order start? 42. Q: During the formative years of the Jedi Order, many Jedi left because of disagreements with the majority. What did the largest group of these outcasts become? 43. Q: What epic battle did the Jedi think wiped out the Sith once and for all? 44. Q: True or False. There more than 5 Jedi who survived the "Jedi Purge"? 45. Q: A Jedi who practices meditation while practicing forms of martial arts is called? 46. Q: A Jedi who has the rare gift of healing often becomes a _____ 47. Q: Jedi who are adept at teaching often become Jedi Instructors. What does this prevent them from doing? 48. Q: What must a Padawan complete before becoming a Jedi Knight? 49. Q: What is so special about a Dual Phase lightsaber? 50. Q: A Jedi Holocron is [I]never[/I] in what shape? 51. Q: Jedi Learners who are not taken as Padawans become what? 52. Q: What did the ancient Jedi master Ooroo do to earn the title "Martyr of Kirrek"? 53. Q: Famous Jedi Master Arca Jeth had what color eyes? 54. Q: Jedi Master Thon looks like what ancient earth animal? 55. Q: Cay Qel-Droma was killed by whom? 56. Q: Jedi Master Mace Windu uses what style of lightsaber combat? 57. Q: Jedi Master Yaddle was imprisoned on what planet for centuries? 58. Q: Jedi Master Eeth Koth is a member of what species? 59. Q: Jedi Master Even Piell lost his right eye fighting what terrorist group? 60. Q: Jedi Master Saesee Tiin is skilled in what type of combat? 61. Q: Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi's first mission as a Jedi council member was on what planet? 62. Q: The "Dark Woman", who trained difficult padawans, was of what rank? 63. Q: Jedi Master Anoon Bondara was a master of what martial art? 64. Q: Jedi Master Quinlan Vos is often accompanied by what smuggler? 65. Q: Which Jedi knight, who also stole the first Death Star plans, was brought back to the light side by Mara Jade? 66. Q: What ancient Jedi starship was found by Luke Skywalker on Danthomir? 67. Q: The great Jedi library was on what planet? 68. Q: Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy was on what planet? 69. Q: The Jedi Temple was on what planet? 70. Q: The Valley of the Jedi is on what planet? Section V: The Sith 71. Q: Name one of the two Sith lords who fought over the information in the navicomputer of the starship Starbreaker 12, five thousand years before the battle of Yavin. 72. Q: What young Jedi, upon finding the tomb of Naga Sadow, turned to the dark side? 73. Q: What young Jedi, upon finding the tomb of Exar Kun, turned to the dark side? 74. Q: What Sith Lord was the only Sith to survive the battle of Ruusan? 75. Q: How many Emperors' Hands served Palpatine? 76. Q: A double Bladed lightsaber was first used by? 77. Q: A Massassi Lanvarok does what? 78. Q: Cortosis ore weave does what? 79. Q: The evil Force Witch Gethzerion was from what planet? 80. Q: Darth Sidious has had (to our knowledge so far) how many apprentices? 81. Q: True or False. Darth Maul's tattoos are in designs native to his home planet. 82. Q: Darth Vader's lightsaber uses a synthetic crystal. What quality does this crystal give to a lightsaber blade? 83. Q: The Emperor's Royal Guard carried what type of weapon? 84. Q: The best Royal Guards were promoted to what rank? 85. Q: What two failed students of Luke Skywalker's teamed up to start a droid uprising on Almania? 86. Q: Name one of the three Dark Side tomes written by the Emperor. 87. Q: What species did Naga Sadow create through dark side mutation? 88. Q: True or False. Dark side force spirits are more common than light side force spirits. 89. Q: The "Shadow Academy" was protected by what kind of shield? 90. Q: Mara Jade only failed one of the countless missions given to her by the Emperor, and only on a technicality. What was it? Section VI: The Core Worlds 91. Q: Where do most Kuati citizens work? 92. Q: True or False. Alderaan was a core world. 93. Q: The planet Anaxes is known by what nickname? 94. Q: Where are all military recruits trained on Anaxes? 95. Q: Nubia is famous for what? 96. Q: The citizens of N'zoth are completely _______. 97. Q: Name the three species that dominate the Corellian system. 98. Q: What is the name of the largest space station in the Corellian system? 99. Q: What planet is located at the center of all galactic star charts, at 0:0:0? 100. Q: What Super Star Destroyer was hidden beneath the surface of Coruscant for Isard's use? There. Wasn?t that bad, was it? Oh, and I don?t claim to know all of this off the top of my head. Just about 95% of it. -Boba[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Watching any of the [I]Star Wars[/I] movies gets me high. In fact, just about anything to do with Star Wars gets me high. Oh yeah, computer gets me high too. I'm addicted...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I agree with James that it would be highly unlikely if other life, [I]didn't[/I] exist out there somewhere. I also think that is highly unlikely that this life will be close enough to have any kind of relationship with. So, for all I care, if I never see the aliens they're not there.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I thought [I]Bruce Almighty[/I] was a good movie, and certainly worth seeing since there haven?t been very many worthwhile movies released recently. As for Republicans, I see no reason why politics should be brought up here. Certain people will be offended by anything, and [SPOILER] the scene where "Bruce" walks on water is hardly blasphemy. [/SPOILER]. I watched the movie, being a staunch conservative, and wasn?t offended in any way. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I usually fall asleep listening to some conservative talk show, normally Mike Regan. It's not that these talk shows are boring; I think that it is the opposite. They get me thinking, and one thing leads to another. Before I know it, I'm asleep. I normally set my radio to turn off in two hours right before I get in bed so that those annoyingly loud commercials that they play at two in the morning, for god knows what reason, wont wake me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]My favorite superhero? The Phantom. Nobody's ever heard of him though. He was created by Lee Falk (may he rest in peace) a while ago, and King Syndicate recently stopped printing the comic books. He wears two rings, one with a skull mark (to stamp on evildoers with a permanent dye) and one with a "good mark" (those who earn the good mark are forever under the phantom's protection, along with their descendants. The "Phantom" title is passed from father to son.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ben, at your suggestion, I'll be fencing with you next year. Unfortunately as far as actual experience goes, unless you count dueling (using Jedi combat form) with wooden rods painted to resemble lightsabers, I have none. EDIT: I'm changing (Jedi combat from) to (Jedi combat form). I hate this keyboard...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Leave it to BabyGirl to come up with an interesting topic like this... I agree that the environment you "grow up" in has a definite impact on you that, whether you like it or not, will remain with you for the rest of your life. However, what happens if you move around a lot during your childhood, and never really have a town, state, or even country to call home? Will this frequent transition affect you by giving you bits and pieces of each area you come into contact with, or does it create a new environment entirely? I have yet to figure this out... I have found that moving around frequently didn?t really have a large effect on me, which I can remember, until I moved back to the US from Australia at the end of fifth grade. Ever since, moves have become harder and harder due to my increasing maturity and deepening of relationships with other people. I just moved back to Connecticut from the New Hampshire/Maine border three days ago, and that was my hardest move yet. I had a lot of friends and loved the area. It was very hard to leave. I think that my environment of constant change has shaped my values, worldview and personality in ore ways than I can count. This has definitely made me who I am, and will be with me for the rest of my life. So you're right BabyGirl. I definitely agree with you that your environment shapes you, with or without your consent. Another thing. Please excuse any errors in this post, since I am writing from a very annoying laptop with really small keys? [/COLOR]
My coming out party and you're all invited!
Boba Fett replied to Sui Generis's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=green]Hey Duo, congratulations on having the courage to come out of the closet with this. I hope that your family will be as accepting of your decision, as most of the people here seem to be, and that you don?t get hassled in real life when you decide to tell your friends. Just letting you know that I support you... -Boba[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=green]I have a trivia question about the new movie... lets see who can answer it. [SPOILER]What is the name of the hovercraft that picks up Neo and the others at the end of the movie?[/SPOILER] Alright, it's lame, but I have a bet with someone about this... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Hello all. Long time no see... *cries* I can never resist a challenge, especially from Mr. Solo... #1 Chewie #2 ? #3 The "Far Outsiders* #4 Another planet I cant remember... #5 Anikan ---- #1 Chiss, Yuuzan Vong and Si-Ruuvi(Spelling on the last race may be incorrect) #2 Hundreds?* #3 Niruan (Spelling in doubt) #4 Chiss *guess[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I was influenced by your map design a great deal Thrawn, and simply took your idea to the next level. I agree with you on the new map design being clear and accurate, but as I said before, how it relates to the official map is all in your point of view. So it looks to me as if our debate is concluded, unless you have any other concerns regarding the map... As a closing note, I have been reading over the last twenty or so pages, and found that from Thrawn's first appearance here we have had some very interesting debates. They definitely resemble a quality spar. So, I challenge Thrawn publicly to a Star Wars spar (Please PM me if you accept and I will furnish more details)...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Hmm, my attempt at attaching your map via attachment seems to have failed? The file was apparently too big. I agree that the Star Wars map is unclear, but I consider it accurate. It's all in your point of view. Also, do you want me to e-mail you your map? I'm still unclear on that issue...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]When I die, I want to become an invisible [SPOILER]Phantom[/SPOILER]. I would sit around all day in top secret government instillations, watching the real version of events unfold. All the information... *drools* [/COLOR]