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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [COLOR=green]Swords have always intrigued me. I don't actually own any, unless you include plastic lightsabers... I'm more into informal sword fighting/fencing than collecting. Me and a few of my friends use painted wooden poles for lightsaber duels. It's a lot harder than it looks to use a double bladed lightsaber...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]Thrawn- I seem to have deleted your map from my computer. I know I deleted both your e-mails you sent me, but I had hoped I could find the copies I saved to my Star Wars picture file. Sorry? The map you made was a little cruder than mine, but showed basically the same thing. The reason I decided to display these maps is because of your comment that wild space was only where it was marked on the map, not in a ring form. So, in my opinion, the origional map is accurate, but not fully complete. It looks to me like the only problem with my map is the Endor and Bakura problem. It seems I was a little overzealous with my image editing program's "spray paint" option? :blush: Juu- The planets are where they are located on the map. I can get you a bundle of references that prove my point from Star Wars books and movies if you like?[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]EDIT[/B] Thrawn, I found your map! I remembered that I had saved a backup of all my files onto disks (My dad is forever tinkering with the computer, and files do tend to get erased quite often :flaming: ), and your picture was among them. Here it is:[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]Overall I was impressed by almost every aspect of the President's speech. The only thing that could have been better would to have ordered the Republican attendees to sit and hold their applause for the end. It would have made the whole process much more expedient, and less like a pep rally.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [color=red] But the only part I was against was most of the things he said of Iraq. I don't want to go to war, whatever he says. [b]Especially[/b] not without the UN's recognition, or our allies.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]The UN can rot in hell for all I care. The idea of an organization that would try to maintain world peace, solve global problems and protect human rights is good, but the result has been laughable. The UN human rights council, or whatever it calls itself, is headed by Libya of all countries. It has one of the worst human rights records in the world, and is lead by a murderous dictator. The president nation of the UN disarmament committee rotates every few months. This means that before 2003 is over Iraq will get to preside over the supervision of the dismantlement of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons worldwide. :rolleyes: The United States has over twelve important European Nations, our real allies that have pledged to back an invasion of Iraq with or without UN approval/support. The United States should and will attack Iraq to disarm Saddam. It is only a matter of time until the world becomes a safer place... [/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Now for mandella. He said, the day after the speech, that bush was trying to push the world in a holocaust and that bush wouldnt work with the u.n.(which he is) because of coffi anan being black, and bush being a racist. That after bush pledges to send 15 billion to save mandella's fellow africans from as much trouble as 15 billion can. (not too much, but better than anything else Ive heard)[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Nelson Mandela is a loser. It seems like history has forgotten why he was put in prison by the Apartheid government of his nation. Sure, he was a political prisoner, but he was also a terrorist. He was the leader of the African National Congress's military wing. He led fighters that carried out attacks on civilians as well as military instillations.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]:bawl: You suck.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]How rude... Anyway, I decided to make me own card. :p It isn't as good as the rest, since I couldn't seem to "clone-brush" an image onto it, but it'll do for now. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=347514[/IMG] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=green]I know I am long overdue with my response regarding the Unknown Regions/Wild Space areas, but I'll try to get back on track here. I have looked all through my collection of research regarding the placement of planets in and around the Unknown Regions/Wild Space areas (now totaling five pages front and back) before coming up with this solution. Here is the official NJO map: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=296804[/IMG] You can see that several planets seem to be out of their positions, but I have a possible explanation for this discrepancy. The makers of the NJO map may not have marked these regions with "rings" since they are not fully explored. As far as I know, all Star Wars media sources have placed wild space between the known galaxy and the unknown regions. Using my research (Available upon request since I don't want to waste time typing unless absolutely necessary) I have made this map, which I think shows the boundaries of both regions where they should be... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=302725[/IMG] So, what does the rest of the resident Star Wars community think? [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]I currently only play the Star Wars Trading Card game, which I find to be mediocre at best. The old version was better, since it had far more possible tactics and outcomes...[/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] OOC: Ummmm, boba, where waiting for you too post. It's all circling around you now, and you haven't posted yet...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]OOC: I know I haven't been here for a while, due to a multitude of homework assignments. Believe me, my lack of time on OtakuBoards has been a great annoyance recently. Also, from now on OOC only posts are not allowed in this RPG. These comments and questions can be PMed to the appropriate party. If anyone breaks this rule, I will "ban" them from this RPG. You have been warned... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob ended walking back though the woods to the senator's lakeside retreat. In the intense chase he had neglected to program the speeder's light laser cannon to shut off when it started to draw from reserve power. As a result, the speeder's power cell was depleted after its continuous stream of fire that Abob had directed at the bounty hunter's ship. As he walked he slipped his miniature hologram projection unit into his pants pocket. He was utterly disgusted with himself. He had failed the Senator. Not only had there been another security breach after he had left to track down the perpetrator of the first, but he had failed to foresee the danger of the situation. She had never been in real danger, but her new double had nearly been killed. He was glad that she survived, since the Senator was very attached to her handmaidens. She was so overprotective that only one had died in her tenure as a Naboo diplomat, and that had been during Typho's watch. He wouldn?t let that to happen while he was in charge? The forest was deathly quiet. The forest animals were all asleep in their small, ever changing territories. This small ecosystem seemed to be a smaller version of the galaxy. The strong preyed upon the weak, and only the ruthless survive. Every player in the deadly game of Vornskr and Ysalamiri had a unique role to play. He was just exiting the forest and crossing the short stretch of swampland between the forest and the Retreat when something hit him. The beast, like a large, absurdly muscular dog, had sprung from the long grass and knocked him into the smelly mud. It had overestimated his strength, and continued through the air for several meters before landing. This gave Abob all the time he needed. Drawing his blaster pistol he sprayed the long grass with blaster bolts until he heard a yelp of pain, and then fired at that spot until his power-pack was empty. He reloaded his weapon, and then cautiously moved in to inspect his kill. It was a Woolly Veermok, the most dangerous land predator Naboo had to offer. It was the leading cause of death among adventures and explorers on the planet, and the only reason he was still alive was that he wasn?t human. Being an Omwati made him unnaturally light, which had caused the Veermok to overshoot its target instead of pinning it to the ground. Good thing too. He entered the Retreat, and used an access panel to cancel the red alert and begin the extended evacuation procedure. That would give him time to get cleaned up, and search the hull of the Senator's ship. He had a nasty feeling that the reason one or both of the bounty hunters had found them was because of a tracking device affixed to the hull. An hour later, Abob stood on a hover disk that was floating next to the front hull portion of the Senator's starship. He had showered, changed, packed his belongings and recharged his weapons in preparation for departure form Naboo. Now, his tasks were complete. He had found a small tracking device attached the hull, presumably placed there by the bounty hunter. It was ingeniously designed to avoid detection, which was why his scanners couldn?t pick it up. Even when he held a scanner inches above it, the scanner registered nothing unusual. He vaporized it with a micro welder, and then proceeded to check the rest of the hull while he waited for the Bounty Hunter to contact him with his answer to Abob's business proposition?[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=green]Abob ran into the Senator's room to find her alive and well. Another of the Senators wasn't so lucky; a blaster burn was squarely between his closed eyes. He then ran back to the roof of the operations room in time to see the general direction of the assassin's speeder. He fired up the Flash speeder's engine, and then flew it off the roof. The speeder wasn't made for this kind of abuse, but it survived the hard impact with only minor damage to the rear stabilizer. He had been very lucky. The Naboo Flash speeder and its enraged pilot chased the other speeder through the woods until they came to a clearing, in which sat a spaceship. It clearly belonged to the bounty hunter, since he flew his speeder into one of the escape pod bays. Abob parked the speeder and got into the gunner's seat. He poured blaster fire from the light repeating blaster into the ship's vital systems, hoping for a lucky shot that would prevent the ship from escaping. Normally a spaceship would be invulnerable to small arms fire, but a repeating blaster might be able to do some damage. He set the gun for auto fire, then jumped out of the speeder and headed aboard though the open boarding ramp. As he cautiously approached the top of the ramp, he though he heard the sound of a lightsaber deflecting blaster bolts...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=green]Abob was awakened by the shrill scream of an alarm. It was then that he knew what he had forgotten. He always forgot something. No matter what he did, something [I]always[/I] slipped through the cracks. This time it was the alarm tones, he had forgotten to set each alarm to a different frequency. That would have allowed him and anyone else who heard it to know what was going on as soon as they heard the alarm, rather then reporting to the situation room for more details. Abob slings his sniper rifle over his shoulder and stands up. The situation room was on a skeleton crew, so that more guards could be posted. [B]Abob[/B]: "Computer, turn off alarm and send information on the source of the alarm to all security comlinks." Everyone in the situation room listened intently to their comlinks? [B]Computer[/B]: "The speeder seen on Coruscant has been spotted by one of our probe droids. The droid was destroyed before it could confirm its report" [B]Abob[/B]: "Watch the holocams veiwscreens, I'll be back shortly." He stepped out of the situation room and jogged down the hall to the Senator's room. He knocked on her door, and then was ushered in by the Mallastarian senator. Abob was astounded. All the senators were sitting in the room, being absolutely quiet. [B]Abob (whisper) [/B]: "Senator Amidala, what is the meaning of this?" [B]Senator Amidala[/B]: "We're easier to defend if only one location needs to be defended. I'm tired of you using them as bait." [B]Abob[/B]: "Fine, I'll have a guard issue you a blaster pistol, and sun blasters to the others." [B]Senator Amidala[/B]: "You don?t trust them?" [B]Abob[/B]: "Not in the slightest." He leaves the room, and then activates an energy shield around the room. He keys it to the retina scans of all the security personnel before heading back up to the situation room. It was going to be a long night?[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=green]Here on the New Hampshire/Maine border, we have gotten about two feet of snow. Lately all we've had are inconsequential dustings, but the temperature was around minus five with wind-chill this week up until yesterday. Cold is good, but it gets really annoying when you can't go outside for an entire week because of the temperature...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]Ghosts, ESP, Paranormal activity and other such phenomena do not exist. There are many, many people who supposedly have seen "ghosts" but none have evidence that they actually did. It's all a load of garbage if you ask me...[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=green]Abob unpacked his few possessions into his small room in the academy. He still wasn?t sure if he would stay. The professor seemed friendly and nice, but Abob didn?t think that he could be trusted. It seemed to him that everyone had an ulterior motive; in this case it was to have a force that could stop Xavier's archenemy Magneto from reeking havoc on the rest of the world. That scenario was fine with Abob; he could take care of himself. He finished unpacking, and stowed his black backpack under his bed before leaving the room. The Professor had told him he should try and be social, make friends for once. To meet other students outside of a formal setting he would have to go to the cafeteria, where most of the students would most likely congregate. He was halfway there when he decided against it. It would be better to meet others and have a chance to assess them in a neutral setting before deciding whether or not to attempt friendship. He took out a map of the complex the professor had given him, and looked over it at length. The "Danger Room" sounded like an interesting way to assess his skills in comparison to the others, but it was off limits to the new students. In that case, he would go play pool. The room where the pool table was set up was on the second lowest level of the school, in a kind of game room. It wouldn?t take long to get there. Abob traces his path to the room with his left index finger, then folds up the map and heads for the game room?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]Abob draws his long knife, and begins to follow the fellowship on its hasty retreat from the edge of Goblin town. Their horses begin to jump and neigh loudly, much to the bewilderment of their riders. Then, out of the surrounding trees come a horde of Goblins, each bearing a curved and jagged sword. [B]???[/B]: "What have we here? Invaders, most likely. Surrender or die." [B]Legolas[/B]: "We mean no harm. We got lost and are on our way out of your territory." [B]???[/B]: "Silence filthy Elf. Now surrender or DIE!" The fellowship draws its weapons, since the odds aren't bad enough to warrant delaying their trip, but then a rustling is heard above them. They look up to see at least thirty Goblin archers with notched bows. No order was needed. Each member of the fellowship threw his weapons to the ground. Then the goblins chained them together by the hands and feet to march them off to Goblin town...[/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Or like a true coward... Lol.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Better to live to fight another day then die for another. I'm putting that [the quote] in my sig. Don't ask why...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]I hate to sound unemotional or uncaring, but I would never do anything that would forfeit my life for the sake of someone else. I love my family, my girlfriend and my friends, but should I have to choose between one of their deaths and mine, I would choose theirs without question.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=green]As stupid as this lawsuit is, you never know... If a lady can sue McDonalds for serving coffee hot, than anything can happen.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green]Abob arrived at the Lake Retreat in time for dinner, and had the luxury of dining with the senators before arranging the security plans for the Retreat complex. He had convinced the queen over hologram that he needed absolute control over the main island to effectively protect the senators until they could get transport to their home planets. He had bullied Senator Amidala into sleeping on the top floor, right next to the operations center. She would be perfectly safe here. The security holocams had all been rotated to surprise any attempts at entering the compound undetected and random sentry rotation was in place. There were also probe droids patrolling the airspace above the retreat, and even the cleaning droids had been modified to report any suspicious activity. Abob walked out onto the balcony and leaned against the stone railing as he looked down at the calm water below. The senator wasn?t happy with him at all. She knew that he had placed her safety the number one priority, to the extent that it left the other senators as bait for any attack. Provided anyone got into the compound undetected, they would only have to slip past two security holocams and three sentries to reach the other senators By comparison you would have to pass almost twenty holocams and six sentries, plus all of Reek squadron to get at Senator Amidala. Abob walked back into the operations room and sat down in the commanding officers chair. Suddenly two hologram transmissions came in. He put the first one on hold, and then placed the second on the main veiwscreen. [B]Abob[/B]: "Yes?" [B]Naboo Security Officer[/B]: "The bounty hunter that attacked your starfighters has woken up, and hasn?t answered any of our questions. Would you like to interrogate him yourself before we send him in for trial?" [B]Abob[/B]: "Definitely. I'll come down first thing in the morning." He ends the first transmission and puts the second on the main viewer. [B]Naboo Customs Official[/B]: "Sir, we detected a transponder signal identical to the one you notified us about, but we lost it going into atmosphere. It is safe to say your target has landed in your hemisphere." [B]Abob[/B]: "Thanks for nothing. I'll have you demoted for losing that signal. You could have just cost the senator her life." [B]Offical[/B]: "But sir! I tr-" Abob turns off the hologram projector and scowls at the empty air. This was not good?[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=green]I used to play, but my gun broke a while back and I haven't got around to getting it fixed yet. So you could say I used to play, and intend to play again...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green]My dog, Sydney, is a golden retriever. She is about two and a half years old, has yellow-gold hair, and brown eyes. She is over friendly. She will lick you hand until hell freezes over, and her tail wags nonstop. She also jumps on guests in her excitement to see them, but we're in the process of fixing that... [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=green]Abob fired a bright blue stun bolt directly into the bounty hunters head, dropping him instantly. Those customs officers had been stupid. Any officer worth his stripes would have scanned the enemy starfighter before surrounding it. Today it had cost the lives of seven customs officers. Abob scowled, and then proceeded to disarm the bounty hunter. The man seemed to be a walking arsenal. Concussion grenades, darts, rockets, a flamethrower, a rope launcher and a blaster rifle. No doubt he was a bounty hunter. The question was who was he after? There were over a dozen senators on the larger ship, any of which could be the target. For now he would assume that this one was after Amidala, since he had targeted the starfighters instead of the larger ship. He must have known it was one of the senator's favorite ploys to travel as a starfighter pilot. Abob walked to his temporary quarters in the customs ship and spent the rest of his stay on the customs vessel analyzing the holograms of the mysterious speeder pilot. The computer said he was a bounty hunter, and had a list of his kills, but had little other information other than the rewards offered. One thing was clear; this man rarely missed his target. He instructed the Naboo security forces to detain the vessel on sight, then left the landed customs ship headed for the senators lake retreat. That was the safest place for the senator now. The senator's bodyguard swiped his identity card into the datapad of a government official at the local speeder depot, and then selected a flash class speeder. It wasn?t heavily armed, but its speed combined with the light repeating blaster cannon mounted on the engine made it a lethal anti-personnel weapon. The speeder and it's Omwati pilot sped off towards the Senators lake retreat, making sure he want being followed?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=green]Abob cursed as the modified Naboo starfighter went back into hyperspace. [B]Abob[/B]: "Harsk, did it work?" [B]Harsk[/B]: "Yep, the decoy starfighter hit him perfectly." [B]Abob[/B]: "I am activating the ion charge the decoy starfighter dropped through the enemy starfighter's shields. It should bring that !@#$%^! out of hyperspace." He presses a recessed button under his starfighter's control panel, and several dozen light years away, the enemy craft comes crashing out of hyperspace. The ion charge planted by the decoy starfighter as it exploded had detonated, severely damaging all of the opposing ship's electronics' systems. All that Reek squadron had to do was move in for the kill. Reek squadron once again split up, this time flights Alpha and Delta would investigate their attacker, while the remaining three starfighters of Beta squadron would escort the senator's ship to the planet. Abob lead eight starfighters to the disabled enemy craft, and proceeded to use low powered lasers to destroy all of the disabled vessels weapons and engine systems. [B]Abob[/B]: "Naboo traffic control, send an armed customs ship to coordinates 3894734.344, 12424.2424, 32442.2 immediately." [B]Naboo Traffic Control Officer[/B]: "Roger that Reek leader, on our way." Less than two minutes later all of the Reek squadron starfighters were in the docking bay of the customs ship along with the enemy vessel. There was a ring of heavily armed customs officers surrounding the enemy ship, instructing the pilot to come out. Abob was going to personally have a talk with this attacker. Maybe he had something to do with the speeder attack on the senator's ship on Coruscant?[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green]Abob sat in his Naboo N-1 starfighter, mentally debating with himself what to do about the mysterious speeder that had crossed his path earlier. It's pilot had thrown something at the senator's ship. However his sensor array showed nothing unusual about the senator's ship. The speeder pilot must have missed. He still didn?t feel good about this. He would have to review his starfighters operation holocams to see if they had captured a clear image of the pilot that could be used to identify him. In addition he would have to search the hull of the senator's ship by hand once they arrived on Naboo to make sure nothing was attached or damaged. [B]Harsk[/B]: "Reek leader, this is Reek 8. I followed the speeder to a ship, and I have the ship's ID code and visual specs." [B]Abob[/B]: "Excellent work. All flights prepare to break for emergency protection maneuver 12 on my mark. Three, Two One, MARK!" The starfighter squadron split into three groups of four. The first flew into high orbit above Coruscant, and secured the hyperspace jump zone. The second jumped to hyperspace at the earliest possible moment, to arrive ahead of the senator and secure the hyperspace dropout zone. The final starfighter group formed a diamond around the senator's ship, and escorted it out of the planets gravity and into space. Abob was flying at the point of the flight that was escorting the senator's ship, lowering his shields in an act of near suicide to obtain an enhanced sensor image of the area around the starfighter. The information was being relayed to the other fighters still near Coruscant to giver them a tactical advantage. The danger was that any one of the billions of small objects that had accumulated around Coruscant as a result of minor spaceship collisions and illicit garbage dumps by lazy corporations. If anything larger than a chronometer hit his ship it could seriously damage the small starfighter and kill the pilot. Abob was lucky today, and managed to reach the hyperspace jump zone without any difficulty. All nine ships jump into hyperspace?[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]OOC: Yes "9mm Avenger" (I keep wanting to call you Majora. >.
  24. [COLOR=green]This is very interesting... Name: Abob Ttef Magic Type: Energy Type: Assassin Picture: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=341154[/IMG] Effects: 1) Precision Strike- Disables one of the opponent?s two effects. Which one is disabled is decided by a coin flip. 2) Uncanny Dodge- Opponents attack misses (Can only be used once per battle)[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=green]Abob and Ryan's gunship was almost on the roof of the senate building when the call came. [B]Abob's Comlink[/B]: "This is senator Amidala. Abob, where are you?" [B]Abob[/B]: "Sorry m'lady, the clones are trying to block our approach to the senate building. We'll be landing on the roof in a few minutes." [B]Senator Amidala[/B]: "Excellent. I'll be there soon." [B]Abob[/B]: "M'lady! You can't do that! There are clones all over the place, you'll be captured for sure." [B]Senator Amidala[/B]: "How many passengers can the gunship hold?" [B]Abob[/B]: "Seventeen." [B]Senator Amidala[/B]: "Excellent. I'll bring up some of the alien senators." [B]Abob[/B]: "That would make you a target. The Chancellor would try to detain you." [B]Senator Amidala[/B]: "He already is. I'm hiding in a droid storage closet." [B]Abob[/B]: "Why does he want you?" [B]Senator Amidala[/B]: "Something to do with Anikan. I'll explain later. Padme out." Abob landed the gunship on the roof of the Senate, and to his surprise the sensors showed a life form had jumped aboard. [B]Abob[/B]: "Ryan, we have company." [B]Ryan[/B]: "I know, but he's a Jedi." [B]Abob[/B]: "Do you know him?" [B]Ryan[/B]: "By reputation only, but I'm sure he's on our side." A man walked into the cockpit, then descended into the forward gunner's station. He began to fire rockets at the three remaining gunships, then at the clone troopers. He seemed to be an excellent shot. [B]Abob[/B]: "All gunners, cease fire. Amidala is on the roof." Senator Amidala and seventeen other senators, mostly alien, ran across the rooftop and climbed into the gunship. It took what seemed like an eternity for all the senators to grab handholds, then they were off. Abob put the ship on an autopilot heading that would take them to the Senator's security docking bay, then called Ryan and their mysterious Jedi friend to the cockpit...[/COLOR]
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