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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [COLOR=green]Tigervx, post your sign up you must. Then join, you can.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]With the Wraiths running around on fire, the newly formed fellowship had just defeated its first obstacle of it's hopefully successful quest. Abob took he opportunity of calling the fellowship together and forming a plan while the Wraiths ran madly around trying to extinguish the fire that consumed them. Legolas ran down the hill and fetched the only living Nazgul steed. He tethered it to a post in the center of the council chamber. Naromir gathered up the swords the Wraiths had dropped when they had caught on fire, and hid them in a bush. Elsyan and Abob placed buckets of water next to the horse, and then the entire fellowship grabbed torches. The Wraiths fell for the trap. All four of them ran towards the water and put the fires that had been scorching their undead bodies. Then they looked for their swords. They couldn?t find them, and then noticed humans and Elves surrounded them with torches. [B]Abob[/B]: "Never return Wraiths, or I'll find a way to kill you for good." The wraiths looked at each other, then solemnly piled onto their steed and flew out of Rivendell, cursing fire the entire way...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]Abob sat next to his newfound benefactor as they flew towards the senate building at breakneck speed. He was mildly concerned with the condition of the speeder, but that wasn?t nearly as important as his next task. He had to get Senator Amidala out of her office, and back to Naboo as soon as possible. She would be using a double, and might even fly back in one of the starfighters if possible. The last time she had done that was before the Clone Wars started. Once again the times were dangerous enough to warrant overzealous protection. They were stopped by a clone gunship a kilometer from the senate building, and the clone officer began to ask a lot of questions? [B]Clone Officer[/B]: ?What is your authorization?? [B]Abob[/B]: ?Delta N2825-? [B]Ryan[/B]: ?Let me take care of this.? [B]Clone Officer[/B]: ?You have a higher clearance code?? [B]Ryan[/B]: *Waves a hand in front of the officers face* ?I have the proper authorization codes.? [B]Clone officer[/B]: ?He has the proper authorization codes.? [B]Clone Trooper[/B]: ?Sir, are you ok? They don?t have any codes?? [B]Ryan[/B]: *Waves his hand in front of both the clones faces* ?We can be on our way.? [B]Clone officer[/B]: ?You can be on your way.? [B]Clone Pilot[/B]: ?Hey! You?re Jedi! No Jedi are allowed through.? Abob gives Ryan an annoyed look, and then he draws his blaster pistol and shoots all three clones in rapid succession. Then he jumps out of the speeder and into the gunship. [B]Abob[/B]: ?This will be the safest way in and out of the Senate building. You want to come along??[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=green]EVIL! If you spell [STRIKE]Twi'Lek[/STRIKE] Twi'lek wrong I'll through you out of my RPG! *Takes a look at how many people signed up* *Groans* I can?t afford to lose any of you, so it looks like we'll have to live with this abomination spelling. *Prays to George Lucas for help*[/COLOR]
  5. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=340644[/IMG] [COLOR=orange][B][I]A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? STAR WARS Episode III: Rise of the Empire It is a pivotal time in the history of the galaxy. The long and terribly bloody Clone Wars are finally over. Supreme Chancellor Palpitine is about to make a speech in which he will presumably return the emergency powers given to him back to the Galactic Senate, and resign his post. The Jedi are in trouble. The mysterious Dark Lord of the Sith, who has supposedly taken control of the Senate, seems to be growing more powerful. Anikan Skywalker, the chosen one, has become a Jedi knight. Many have their doubts about him, Master Yoda has ordered an investigation of his activities, which will no doubt uncover his secret marriage to Padme Amidala and his slaughter of innocent Tusken Raiders on Tatooine. These are troubling times for the Republic?[/CENTER][/I][/B][/COLOR] Coruscant: Capital Planet of the Republic [COLOR=green]Abob Ttef sits at the bar of [I]Dexter Jexter?s diner[/I], drinking a Lomin ale and watching the large hologram display above the bar. The diner is unusually quiet for lunch hour, because of the Supreme Chancellors upcoming speech. Chancellor Palpitine was the longest serving chancellor ever. His administration had been in place for almost twenty years now, over double the term of a normal Chancellor. This had been due to a series of crises that had led up to the Clone Wars, and his current control over the Senate's emergency powers. There had been much grumbling among political hopefuls because Palpitine has used his powers to halt elections until the Clone Wars were over. But, now that they finally were over, Palpitine was supposed to hand the emergency powers back to the senate and resign his post. In fact, most people had concluded that this would be the topic of his speech. The hologram changed to a picture of the Supreme Chancellor. Suddenly the whole galaxy goes quiet. On Coruscant speeder traffic stops so that passengers can watch the speech on their personal hologram generators. Interstellar spaceships drop out of hyperspace to witness this historic event. The Chancellor speaks. ?Fellow citizens of the Republic. Today I come before you to announce the end of something that you all must already know about. The final separatist planets have been captured, and their leaders brought to Coruscant for trial. The Clone Wars are over. I have also decided that this galaxy needs order. Our clone troopers are an effective tool of justice and peace in this galaxy. There is no more need for the mysterious Jedi. I now withdraw all Republic support for the Jedi, and ask them to turn over all offensive weapons they possess.? Talk breaks out in the Diner. Several aliens hoot in anger, while a human in the corner begins to clap. Dexter shouts for quiet as the speech continues. ?There is need for a strong government as well. The senate, for all my efforts to stamp out corruption, is still poisoned by greed. Many of these utterly corrupt senators are non-human, in fact [I]all[/I] of them are. I have decided to install myself as the permanent ruler of the Republic and revoke all membership for alien members of the senate.? The hologram fuzzes out for a second as an energy field appears around the Chancellors post in the middle of the senate chamber as several of the non-human senators hurl small personal items at the Supreme Chancellor. ?Thank you fellow citizens of the galaxy. Welcome to my new era of peace and prosperity.? The hologram reverts to the Republic crest, and then Dexter changes the hologram projector to a pro-alien news network. Their commentator is spouting profanity aimed at Palpitine, while the hologram shows Clone Troopers ?escorting? Alien senator out of the chamber. Abob nearly falls off his barstool in disbelief. He was now a second-class citizen. Then his training kicked in. He had to get back to the senate; there was bound to be anti-human violence all over the planet by now. Senator Amidala would be in particular danger because she, like Palpitine, was from Naboo. He uses a public comlink to call for a speeder, and is told by a droid that there will be a three-hour wait. He shuts the comlink off and stands up. Abob: ?Does anyone here own a speeder? I need a ride to the senate chamber now. I?ll pay six hundred credits??[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]The species is question is called "Twi'lek" The l is not cpaitialized. :p We will start whenever I feel like it! Muhahahahaha! Just kidding. ;) The play version will be up in less than three minutes![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=green]Abob stood, and moved back from the rest of the fellowship. He notched his bow and fired an arrow at the second Nazgul?s horse. The arrow pierced its foul head and the immortal rider and his recently deceased steed plummeted to the ground. Abob notched his bow again, but this time aimed at the fourth wraith. He had to wait three precious seconds for the two women who were fighting this fearsome beast to move out of the way, and then fired an arrow at the wraith. The wraith, in an act of unimaginable skill, cut the arrow from the air with his sword. This wasn?t a good decision for any combatant to make, because it left him vulnerable from both of the Elves swords. Aratmacil and Elsyan both struck at the same time, spearing the wraith with each of their swords. The wraith gave a scream, then fell to the ground and writhed in pain. Abob: ?Elsyan, I?ve heard that these things can be driven away by fire. Is this true??[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=green]The acquisition of his normal armor is in the forth and final comic book of the series, right? I haven?t yet received the last one; my local comic supplier was sold out so I had to order it online. I was double the normal cost if you include shipping. That really ticked me off. I liked the information about the creation of the clone army that was provided in the series, although I would have preferred that both of the Fett's backgrounds stayed a secret. It was such a let down in Episode II when you heard Boba telling his father "Get him Dad!". It drove me nuts. Mitth'raw'nuruodo, my post I have been working on regarding the Wild Space/Unknown regions is almost done so that we can continue our discussion soon... [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=green]Well Juu, you asked for it. Here it is... :) [B]Name[/B]: Abob Ttef [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Species[/B]: Omwati [B]Alliance (Good, Evil or Neutral)[/B]: Good [B]Weapons/Equipment[/B]: A SoroSuub X-45 ?Sporting Blaster Rifle?, SoroSuub ELG-3A ?Diplomat?s Blaster?, BioTech FastFlesh medpack, and a set of black Naboo ceremonial light blast armor. [B]Biography[/B]: Abob was born into the small Omwati community on Coruscant shortly before the start of the Clone War. He was born on the lower level of the city planet to poor parents who cared little for their only son?s welfare. Abob was obsessed with getting a better life, and found his calling as a professional bodyguard. He has served various senators over the last few years, lying about his age. Recently he has replaced the recently deceased Captain Typho, who died in a Separatist attack on the senate, as head of Senator Amidala?s security detail. [B]Appearance[/B]: Abob is 1.5m tall, has light blue skin, dark blue eyes and blond hair. Like most Omwati, Abob is not physically strong. He specializes in long range shooting and prefers blasters to melee weapons. He normally wears his blast armor over a gray flight suit. [B]Other[/B]: Abob flies a Naboo N-1 starfighter to escort Senator Amidala to wherever she may travel. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=orange][B][I]A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away? [CENTER]STAR WARS Episode III: Rise of the Empire It is a pivotal time in the history of the galaxy. The long and terribly bloody Clone Wars are finally over. Supreme Chancellor Palpitine is about to make a speech in which he will presumably return the emergency powers given to him back to the Galactic Senate, and resign his post. The Jedi are in trouble. The mysterious Dark Lord of the Sith, who has supposedly taken control of the Senate, seems to be growing more powerful. Anikan Skywalker, the chosen one, has become a Jedi knight. Many have their doubts about him, Master Yoda has ordered an investigation of his activities, which will no doubt uncover his secret marriage to Padme Amidala and his slaughter of innocent Tusken Raiders on Tatooine. These are troubling times for the Republic?[/CENTER][/I][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]I have decided to not give a direct and straightforward plot; instead I intend to draw the players into the plot as it develops. I have also decided to allow players to use only the following characters from the other movies, if they do not want to create their own character: Anikan Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Supreme Chancellor Palpitine/Darth Sidious, Jedi Master Yoda, R2-D2 and C-3PO. All characters from the movies must start in the following locations: Anikan- In the Supreme Chancellors office Padme- In the senate chamber Obi-Wan- In the Jedi High Council Chamber Palpitine- In his office with Anikan Yoda- In a meeting with the Jedi High Council R2-D2- With Padme in the senate chamber. C-3PO- With Padme in the Senate Chamber All other characters must start in [I]Dexter Jexter?s diner[/I] You will need the following information to sign up: [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: [B]Species[/B]: [B]Alliance (Good, Evil or Neutral)[/B]: [B]Weapons[/B]: [B]Biography[/B]: [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Other[/B]:[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]Looks like this didn't turn out as I'd hoped. Oh well. It wasn't a good idea to start it before Exams, and then be forced to leave the boards to study... Sorry... -Boba Fett P.S. If anyone is still interested, my Episode III RPG should be in the Recruitment section in under a hour.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=green]>.< Ten years. I knew that... While we're on the subject of the clone army who here, if anyone, has read the Jango Fett open Seasons comic book series that details Jango's life and the production of the clone army?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]Although I am not one hundred percent clear on this, I will answer your question as best I can. Jedi Master Sifo Dias supposedly died (Cause currently unknown) approximately twenty years before the Clone War. He was not one of Count Dooku's aliases. Not much is known about Dias, but since he was mentioned in connection with the ordering of the Clone Troopers, I assume we will eventually get some back-story on him. My theory as to who ordered the clones is that Palpitine himself ordered the clones, using his formidable force powers to make all who saw him think he was Dias.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=green]Finally. I am relived that [I][B]Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix[/B][/I] is longer than the Goblet of fire, since it's been way to long since Rowling published her last book. She really needs to pick up the pace with these books; it drives me crazy that she had no deadlines... Take a look at the attachment. Remember when Flashy had this banner?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]It's about time I joined an X-men RPG... [B]Name:[/B] Abob Ttef [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Nationality:[/B] Yugoslavian [B]Powers:[/B] Cyclops [B]Weapons:[/B] None [B]History:[/B] Abob was born in Yugoslavia in 1988 to a Kurdish couple from Kosovo. Like the rest of the Kurdish population at the time, they were just beginning to feel danger from the radical Serbian elements that were fast overtaking their nation's government. They managed to escape most of the forced evictions and random killings because Abob's father was a top government weapons scientist, but eventually the weapons that he was working so hard to develop was used against the Kurdish people. Abob's father quit his job, and the secret police came for him that night. All was quiet in their small house, when a small explosion blew the wooden door into splinters and six armed men wearing camouflage burst through the windows. They executed both Abob's parents, and then turned to kill two year old Abob. Suddenly a blinding flash of red light came from Abob's eyes and incinerated the soldiers. When local authorities found his parents dead the next morning they were shocked to discover a baby, still alive and healthy, sleeping on the floor next to his parents lifeless bodies. He was sent to an orphanage and remained there for several years. He lead a normal life for the next ten years, until Abob became angry with a school bully, and in that flash of anger killed him with a burst of red light that emanated from his eyes. He was horrified by what he had done, but decided to develop his mysterious talent in secret. Three months ago he was selected to participate in an exchange program and go to school in the US for a year. He has been doing well in his new school, but seems to be hounded by a mysterious voice which keeps telling him to come to a clandestine location? [B]Description:[/B] Abob weighs around one hundred and two pounds, is five feet four inches tall, has black hair and odd icy blue eyes. He wears black sweatpants and a black tank top year round. [B]Personality:[/B] Abob is quiet and passive, rarely speaking unless spoken to. He is quite smart, and tends to look down on those with inferior intelligence. He doesn?t make friends easily, partly because of a mild case of paranoia. [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=green]I guess north and south were not ideal words to describe my thoughts. I was ignoring the galactic plane, and pretending the galaxy was two dimensional for explanation purposes. What I really meant was the top and bottom of the map. I does seem that Wild Space is confined to a small spiral, but I think that either that was LucasFilm's way of labeling Wild Space (which if it is, I think they did a terrible job) or it truly is an error. On another note, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, you do agree that all the planets are where they are? I can give you evidence for the placement of Adumar and Nirauan if you like. Yu Yu Hakusho!, will you please stop posting incoherently about Star Wars topics we aren't discussing? It is very annoying. Your last post could be interpreted as advertising, which is banned on OtakuBoards. [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green]Sorry about the Adumar location problem. I was looking in the [I][B]Traitor[/B][/I] NJO novel. My Wild Space/Unknown Regions theory, I guess it needs more explaining than I previously thought. Have you seen a map of the galaxy with all the sections (Deep Core, Core, Colonies, Outer Rim, etc.) labeled? If so, imagine Wild space as an extra ring outside of the Outer Rim. Then imagine another ring outside of that, labeled Unknown Regions. The labels for both regions on the map are simply placed where more of each region exists. There are more "fringe" worlds to the galaxy's "south" than "north", so the Wild Space label is placed at the bottom of the map (south). There is more of the Unknown Regions in the galaxy's "north"(top) so the Unknown Regions label it there. I believe that also clears up the next two of your questions. I included the planet's locations because some of the Fan maps have planets re-arranged in incorrect ways.[/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]But yet, in my mind, you refuse to believe about the things wrong with the map. Just because the map has been used for whatever years, does not mean that it itself is accurate. One major flaw is the placement of Wild Space. And if i remember correctly, Adumar is on the edges of Wild Space, but it is placed near the Unknown Regions near the Imperial Remnant. Two flaws right there with that map. Now I know there are flaws with the maps I sent you. I will work hard to find the updated map, and PM, but I cant guarantee I will find it right away, I am getting ready for exams and what not. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green] What a coincidence. I have been re-reading my [B][I]X-Wing[/I][/B] books, and just today started [B][I]Starfighters of Audmar[/I][/B]. You are correct on your placement of Adumar on the galactic map, and here is the quote from the book that supports your statement: General Cracken: "The world of Audmar is on the near edge of Wild Space." However, Audmar is not on the NJO map. In fact, the world is so inconsequential that is doesn?t seem to be marked on any maps I own. I think you may have been looking at [I]Agamar[/I], which is indeed located near the Imperial Remnant.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [i]Spectre of the Past[/i] page 199. "It's an unexplored system in the Gradilis sector, right on the boundary between Wild Space and the Unknown Regions." The planet being talked about there is Nirauan. It cleary states on the boundary of Wild Space [i]and[/i] the Unknown Regions. If you look at the NJO map, you can't possibly set Nirauan in the right place, due to the placement of Wild Space on the NJO map. And if what you say is true, about the map being used before the NJO, well then they should have been able to read, and find out where Nirauan is. It isnt that hard to make a map, that is accurate, since [i]Spectre of the Past[/i] came out in 1997 I believe. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]You are correct. Nirauan doesn?t seem to be placed where it is described in the [B][I]Hand of Thrawn Duology[/I][/B]. But I will address a possible solution to this later in my post.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B] And if you say you have provided ample evidence that the map is accurate, I would like to say things. One, just because you say it was approved by Lucas Films, means that there aren't ANY errors? Because that is what I am getting from your post. You haven't provided any [i]clear[/i] evidence that the map is accurate. Now I [i]have[/i] provided evidence in ways that the map is inaccurate. Now until you can provide evidence that the map is accurate, I will always say that it is inaccurate. I have provided three cases in which the map is inaccurate, you have only said things along the lines of "approved by Lucas Films so there cant be any mistakes." So as I have said before, give me ample evidence that the map is as accurate as you say it it, and I might, might consider changing my views. But, I do not think you can change my view-point at all. I will stick by my view, with my cases, I have only further proved that it is inaccurate. All you have done is say it is "approved and there can't be errors." [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green] Mitth'raw'nuruodo I spent the last two days poring over my collection of Star Wars novels, searching for references that would prove your ideas wrong. In the following paragraphs I have tried to explain both the Wild Space/Unknown Regions discrepancy and prove that these fan made maps have the locations of their planets completely off. The following is the result of my research: First some background information regarding publishing dates. I have been careful to exclude from my resources any book published after the NJO map, since the author may have used the map as a reference. The first appearance of the NJO map was in 1999, when [I][B]Vector Prime[/B][/I] was published. My map, which is a more complete, colorized, de-swirled version of that map was published in 2001. I used one main source for the planet locations that follow. While considered juvenile by most hard core fans, including myself, the [I][B]Essential Guide to?[/B][/I] series does come in handy as a reference book. I used the [B][I]Essential Guide to Planets and Moons[/I][/B](published in 1998) to find out the locations of all the galaxies many planets. I then tried to corroborate this information with other sources. I now have a long list of planets, and where their locations can be found. I don?t really feel like typing them all out, so here is a sample: [B]Deep Core[/B] Byss(former): Dark Empire I, published in 1995 Khomm: Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, published in 1998 [B]Core Worlds[/B] Abregado-Rae: Heir to the Empire, published in 1991 and Dark Force rising, published in 1992 Alderaan(former):Graveyard of Alderaan, published in 1991 Chandrila: Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 1998 Coruscant: "Described as the center of the universe, but scientists place it as slightly off, placing it in the core." Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 1998 Kuat: Rogue Squadron, published in 1996 Ralltiir: Star Wars Encyclopedia in1991 If anyone would like to know more about a specific planet or system, feel free to PM me. I am trusting a lot of reference books here, but I assume they are accurate because they were published before the NJO map and their information was gleaned from the novels. [B]Part II: My Wild Space/Unknown regions theory[/B] I think that more of Wild space is located in the "south" of the galaxy, while more of the Unknown Regions are located in the galaxy's "northern" portion. This is why, instead of being labeled as rings (Wild space separating the outer rim from wild space), the galaxy's "south" is labeled Wild Space and its "north" is labeled the unknown regions. Here are the official definitions of what wild space and the unknown regions encompass. [I]Wild Space[/I] The frontier of the known galaxy, Wild Space is the ragged fringe separating civilization from the Unknown Regions. Planets such as Almania lie so far from the galactic centers they are virtually ignored. Examples: -Almania -Pydyr [I]Unknown Regions[/I] Even after twenty five millennia of interstellar travel, much of the galaxy remains unexplored. Scouting missions were drastically curtailed during the height of the Empire, though Grand Admiral Thrawn spent many years mapping portions of the unknown regions. Recent attacks from unfamiliar foes such as the Ssi-ruuvi Emporium have helped convince the New Republic that further exploration of this area is a military necessity. Examples: -Lwhekk I also would like it if you could show me where you got that NJO map you e-mailed me. I want an unaltered copy for myself ;)[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green]Abob watched as "Ryan Schezar of the New Tower Durimil" joined the fellowship. He wasn't so sure he liked the newcomer, since wizards always had a second agenda and many ulterior motives for doing anything. Ryan was lucky he had not been around in the immediate aftermath of the first fellowship's triumph. As news of the wizard traitor Saruman spread, most wizards went from being generally well liked and welcomed, to despised and hated. Over the years the pain of the destruction that had covered middle earth faded, and the wizards were forgiven. Even though most of Middle Earth had forgiven the wizards, the ancient deeds of the traitor would forever scar their reputations and cast mild suspicion upon them from the wary. Abob's biased chain of thought was interrupted by Elrond's authoritative voice... [B]Elrond[/B]: "Now that the last of the fellowship members have arrived, let us sit and discuss this fellowships mission." The members of the fellowship and the Elfish Elders walk into the main council chamber, which was set in the open air in the heart of Rivendale. The floor of the "chamber" was made of stone, and around its edges were arranged stone seats. Each member of the fellowship sits, leaving the Elfish elders to further explain the finer points of this quest...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=green]Ok, fine with me. I must say that your artistic skills are [I]very[/I] good. I wish I could draw like you. I'm definitely going to save this picture for later use...[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=green]When I joined OtakuBoards I didn't read the rules. I had no clue what I was doing. I posted several "Replies" as new threads, and then couldn't figure out how to delete them. I added six devil smilies into every one of my posts. I never used spell check. Looking back I cringe with disgust... I was greeted in a nice and friendly manner by many members of the OtakuBoards community, including two moderators. The fact that two moderators actually welcomed me and took time to talk to me made me feel very welcome. When I made mistakes, I was politely corrected and never made those mistakes again. It was the polite manner of these corrections which made me respect the rules, rather than view the moderators as pouncing on me for my little mistakes. In my opinion OtakuBoards treats it's newbies very well. I try and help out newbies if they ask for help, just like I would any other member. It is always interesting to get a Pm from someone you don't know, asking for help. In my opinion only the newbies who are blatantly disrespectful, chronic rule breakers and those who aren't interested in becoming upstanding members of this community experience anti-newbie bias.[/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]Say my name with me folks! Mi-thraw-noo-ro-o-do Mi-thraw-noo-ro-o-do Mi-thraw-noo-ro-o-do Anywho....whenver I say Syk3, I always thought it was Sky3, as a matter of fact, I still do. :D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Thrawn. :p Almost everyone can pronounce my name, but I see it misspelled all the time. :angry2: bobba fett :mad: boba fet :flaming: boab fett :therock: [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]All of the newly arrived Jedi Knights and the lone padawaan begin to help the original Jedi prepare to move the encampment to the hills. Craig, Lord Hoth, Marth, Alex and the communication officer remain behind to contact the Jedi High Council. The small group of Jedi enters the communications tent and arrange for a priority red communiqué to the Jedi Temple. They are put on hold by a Jedi Padawaan, but connected to the council chamber moments later. [B]Craig[/B]: "Masters. Come, I have to the planet Ruusan. Much evil, I sense here. Defeat the Sith, we must at all costs. Advise you I do, to blockade the planet until a one of our forces is victorious. Stop, you must the Sith reinforcements. Critical to our victory, this task will be." [B]Gand Jedi council member[/B]: "With all due respect master Craig; you have disobeyed a direct order from the high council to avoid the Ruusan conflict. It is not the only place in the galaxy in need of order." [B]Abob[/B]: "There won't be much of a galaxy left to impose order on if the Sith emerge from this conflict victorious." [B]Mon Calamari Council member[/B]: "Silence Knight. You must learn your place." [B]Human Council member[/B]: "The council will debate this issue further. In the mean time all Jedi not assigned to the Ruusan conflict are advised to leave the planet or face expulsion from the Jedi order." [B]Craig[/B]: "Then expelled we will be. Stagnate has, the council become. Dangerous to all, this is." The transmission ends, and all the Jedi leave the tent to prepare to move the camp. The two drop ships are being loaded with equipment and personnel for the long and dangerous trek into the mountains, to the point of overload. Craig and Alex talk softly a few feet from the tent, while Lord Hoth walks off to discuss this recent turn of events with the rest of the camps Jedi masters. [B]Craig[/B]: "Abob, Marth. Need you I do. A mission, you will undertake." [B]Abob[/B]: "Yes master." [B]Marth[/B]: "Alex, may we enquire to what your business was on Yavin 4?" [/COLOR]
  24. [quote][I]Mitth'raw'nuruodo wrote on 12-26-2002 10:59 PM:[/I] [url]http://members.shaw.ca/red24/swrpg/maps/galacticmap.htm[/url] [url]http://members.tripod.com/Alex_Baker/starwars/swmaps.html[/url] Maps that I use for charting the NJO invasion path....yes I chart it....theres an updated one I found the other day, I'll try and find that one for you. Now these arent the [i]best[/i] maps, but in my mind, so much better than that NJO crap map. :p [/quote] [COLOR=green]For future reference, here is a copy of the PM you sent me.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]Boba. Just because it says there is ONE planet in a section, doesn't mean there is only that ONE. Remember, the galaxy is huge. And not ALL planets have been covered in the EU books/movie/games.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]All of the galaxies planets definitely haven't been charted, but this map isn't even close to being accurate, since it doesn't have all of the basic planets featured in the movies.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]And the thing with the Ssi-Ruuk, I havent read TAB in awhile, so I may be wrong here. But it seems you are basing the fact of location on the NJO map. Am I right? But yet, that map isn't that accurate.(I will still say that as will others.)[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I based my location on the Si-ruuk home system on its description in [I][B]Truce at Bakura[/B][/I]. I will try and find the page number for you.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]And if you had read my PM, I said they have a UPDATED version of the map. ;D Wild Space, Unknown Regions, new planets all included. Now please don't go saying things such as that, when I clearly say that it has been updated. :D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I am well within my reasonable limitations to say the things I did about this map. I never said anything pertaining to the updated map, since doing it without viewing it beforehand would make no sense. These two maps are the only fan maps I have seen so far, so I can't say much for the quality of fan maps in the Star Wars universe. I still think both these maps are inferior to the:[/COLOR] [quote][I]Mitth'raw'nuruodo wrote on 12-26-2002 10:59 PM:[/I] NJO crap map. [/quote]
  25. [COLOR=green]The map is from the Star Wars "Core Rulebook" for role-playing games. I'm still waiting for those web sites (No hurry...) ;) EDIT: "Thrawn" has PMed me those web sites, but their interpretations of the galaxy leave me flabbergasted. [URL=http://members.shaw.ca/red24/swrpg/maps/galacticmap.htm]The map in question can be found here.[/URL] This map shows that one half of the galaxy is unexplored. This fact alone shows that this map is definitely flawed, as the Si-ruuk are described as coming from the westernmost side of the galaxy [near Endor, Hoth and Bespin]. [URL=http://members.tripod.com/Alex_Baker/starwars/swmaps.html]The second, similar, map can be found here.[/URL] This map has the same flaw, and leads me to believe that Dagobah is the only planet in an entire quadrant of the galaxy. Absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. Neither map even mentions either Wild Space or the Unknown regions, so I can't see how these maps support "Thrawn's" argument[/COLOR]
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