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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [COLOR=green]Abob stood at the back of the newly formed fellowship, watching the Elvin guards talk amongst themselves in worried tones. It was a lot of fun to sneak up on elves. They were so sure of themselves, a little too sure. That was their weakness. If you could find a way to enter their circle of influence without detection they would never find you. They were too proud to think they could have missed something. That was the story of his life, finding weaknesses and exploiting them to their bloody ends. He had only ever met one Elf he respected; the one elf he knew wasn?t arrogant beyond belief. You could almost forget she was an elf at all. Elsyan, his one true friend. They had known each other for a long time, since their shared childhood. They had been good friends. He hadn?t seen her before today since his marriage. That was painful to think about, since his wife and children were now dead. His only condolence was that every Orc remotely related to the band that had slaughtered his family was now dead, killed in the most gruesome fashion possible. Orcs were possibly the stupidest creatures on Middle Earth. The birds could fly, the fish can swim and even the Elves could fashion perfect weapons. What could Orcs do? They could do everything the wrong way. Teach them to fight and they'd impale themselves on their own swords. Tell them to bathe and they would trot off to the mud baths. Tell them to eat and they would devour each other. They wouldn?t even follow orders competently. But now it seemed as if he wouldn?t have to deal with those fools any more. Sauron had finally figured out that intelligence is more important than numbers or brute force. The Uruk Hai were finally being created again, presenting an irresistible challenge. He would greatly enjoy slaughtering the lot of them? [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]Abob was in the communications tent, speaking to the Jedi High Council over the holonet. He had been petitioning them to send reinforcements for over an hour now, but his deft arguments and talk of impending doom had fallen on dead ears. In disgust he used the force to crush the holo-transmitter into dust, and then stalked out of the room. It was then that he sensed it, first just a whisper on the breeze. Craig had arrived. His heart lifted and he began to run like a child toward the center of the ripples in the force. He comes around the corner of a tent, and sees a drop-ship sitting in the mud. Around it are over thirty Jedi, mostly newcomers. [B]Abob[/B]: "Master Craig! It has been too long since I have seen you!" [B]Craig[/B]: "Nice to see you, it is. A great disturbance in the force, I sensed from this planet. Gathered all the Knights possible, I did and here I brought them." [B]Abob[/B]: "You have come at a most convenient time. We were just reduced in size by tenfold by a force enhanced firestorm." [B]Craig[/B]: "Not the work of Lord Kaan, this is. A new threat, we may face." [B]Lord Hoth[/B]: "Our spies have identified a 'Darth Bane', who has been gaining power and exploring forbidden dark side secrets. If his plans come to pass it appears as if all is lost. He is a true Sith, deadly to the core." [B]Craig[/B]: "Troubling this is. Sensed I did, a great evil on this planet. Blocking out all hope, it seems to be..." [B]Marth[/B]: "We can still defeat it though. We have almost three hundred Jedi left. We can take to the hills and use guerilla tactics." [B]Lord Hoth[/B]: "The Jedi will fight as warriors, not as criminals." [B]Abob[/B]: "It is our best chance for survival. We have no natural protection here." [B]Lord Hoth[/B]: "Very well. We will leave under the cover of darkness. I also hand over command to Craig, in light of his superior battle experience." [B]Craig[/B]: "Thank you, I do. Command I will, our assembled army. A terrible task this will be..." The Jedi say their farewells and disperse, to prepare for their next battle. Abob suddenly hears a voice in his head, and walks back towards the drop ship. [B]Craig[/B]: "[A commando team, I have prepared. Join it, you should. Tonight will we strike...]"[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]Two small fighter craft pop out of hyperspace in distant orbit around Kamino, the home of the cloners. One of the craft is an X-Wing, which looks battle scarred and in a state of extreme disrepair. The other fighter is an A-Wing, and its appearance is the direct opposite of its companion. The wedge shaped craft is in tip-top shape, and appears to be polished to a gleam. The odd couple of fighter craft descend into the atmosphere of Kamino, their shields preventing that planets monster storms from tearing them apart. They are hailed by the local traffic control, which instructs them to land on visitor docking bay two. Lalaith: "[Master, I sense Kwaz, bu4t there is also another force wielder here.]" Abob: "[It is as we feared. Jarlith's master is indeed here.]" Lalaith: "[How could the Sith have recovered so quickly from their defeat at Endor?]" Abob: "[Master Skywalker has had a theory about why we seem to bump into so many Sith, even through Sith doctrine allows for only two at a time. He seems to think that since the dark side is so hard to detect, that there may be several 'Sith' running around unaware of each other.]" Lalaith: "[That would explain the startling ease with which you dispatched Jarlith on Coruscant, since anger weakens when spread while peace strengthens when spread.]" Abob: "[Then it is a good thing we have so many Jedi to strengthen our cause?]" The two spaceships land on the landing platform, and their pilots step out into the perpetual rain Kamino enjoys. In the short time it takes them to reach the entrance of the large dome which houses the government of Kamino, they are soaked by a combination of sea spray and pouring rain. They are greeted by Lama Su, who politely inquires about their business and makes a comment about another Jedi who has arrived today. Abob: "Lama Su, we need to see this other Jedi as soon as possible." Lama Su: "As you wish. Come this way?"[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=green]Wow, sorry for the delay, I stop monitoring my sign up threads as soon as the RPG starts. Yoda and Red XIII, it would be a pleasure to have you both join. Oh, by the way, Yoda belongs to a concept species called the "Whill". For some reason [Probably to preserve his mystique] this species was never mentioned in connection with Yoda or Yaddle. I was lucky enough to discover this fact through a question in [B][I]Star Wars Gamer[/I][/B][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=green]Name: Abob Ttef Sex: Male Warrior type: Elder ranger Warrior rank: Elder ranger[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green] Nickname of character: Liquidman Bio: Liquid man was born in one of the small villages that surround the capital city of Islandopia. He has decided to join up with his friend Gloveman and attempt to destroy all of the invaders for no particular reason other than his incredible urge to destroy things... Primary Weapon (explain about it): Liquidize- This allows Liquidman to transform himself into a puddle of mysterious liquid. Special powers with that weapon: this technique allows him to hide from enemies and avoid detection. Appearance: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=331196[/IMG] [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=green]Abob: "Lalaith, focus on me through the force. Let my actions guide you." Lalaith: "Yes master. I hope you know what you are doing." Abob begins to open himself fully to the force, letting it flow like a river into his being. Then he focuses this power into smaller and smaller portions, until he and his padawaan are barely specks in the force. They have narrowed their perceptions of the world through the force to become smaller force disturbances in the hopes of eluding the Jedi searchers. They draw their cloaks around them and walk slowly past the three Jedi without incident, heading for their ships. They reach their fighters three minutes later and Abob collapses onto the duracrete landing pad. Lalaith: "Master, what is it?" Abob: "To use so much of the force is exhausting. I feel so weak... You must help me into my cockpit and slave our ships controls together. Then plot a course for Kamino. We must find Kwaz before it is too late." Lalaith helps Abob into his X-Wing and they fly off of the giant city planet towards the home of the galaxies greatest cloners, not knowing this will be the last time they see Coruscant in any recognizable form...[/COLOR]
  8. OOC: I think I'll begin where Juu left off... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [color=deeppink] [size=1]Her gaze fixed upon Elrond. "It is time for new fellowship to be made."[/color] [/size] [COLOR=green]A man steps out of the shadows of a nearby arch, much to the surprise of the Elvin guards whose keen senses can usually sense another being a mile away. The mysterious figure is covered head to toe in a black, mud splattered traveling cloak that hides his identity. Legolas takes a step backward and too the right to position himself in front of Laitina, Naromir draws his sword, Elrond gazes at the newcomer with apprehension and Galadriel stares unblinking into the stranger's eyes. The newcomer steps forward and the guards step in front of the council and draw their weapons. Then the stranger spoke... ???: "I will join this fellowship." The figure pulls off his hood to reveal a human face underneath. The figure is a man, in his late thirties and looks weather-beaten and battle hardened. ???: "Elsyan, I believe you know me." Elsyan: "Yes. Friends, you have nothing to fear from him. Allow me to introduce Abob Ttef of the Shire"[/COLOR]
  9. Boba Fett


    [COLOR=green]I think that we should leave the censor program the way it is. Damn doesn't seem to compare to the "other poo word". :rolleyes: As for the synonym for donkey, it has other non offensive uses, so it seems to be harmless for now. Other boards I have been to have extremely overprotective censor that won't let me write assassin because of the word it contains. Better the evil you know than the evil you don't...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=green]OOC: Panda, that's an odd name... calumon_luver, you can?t be arriving at school, since the holidays are starting... :rolleyes: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Abob sat in the back of the bus with Avalon, his newfound friend and protector. Abob sat on the window side of the seat, while Avalon sat on the aisle, staring needles at the juniors in the back of the bus. Abob: "Thanks for the help back there." Avalon: "No problem kid. But you should watch you back a little more closely from now on. They will try and get you even more now." Abob: "You're in my lunches, and in four of my classes. That means they can only get at me in the halls twice a day and after school." Avalon: "How do you know I'm in those classes?" Abob: "I keep track of everyone in all of my classes." Avalon: "Ok... :therock:" The bus stops and Abob gets off. He hurries home to his computer, glad that vacation has started...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]Abob and the twenty remaining Jedi stood at the edge of the scorched battlefield in a protective ring around their leader, Lord Hoth. He looks out over the battlefield with a sense of despair and rising anger. Over three quarters of the Jedi contingent was dead. The only survivors besides them were the younger Padawaans and those who had stayed to guard the camp. They needed reinforcements, fast. A lone figure jogged towards them, carrying a lightsaber. This newcomer was dressed as a Jedi, but you could never be too careful these days. Abob: "Halt. State your name and business." ???: "I am Marth, I need to speak to Lord Hoth." Lord Hoth: "Let him come." The circle of Jedi opens to let Marth in, and then quickly reforms to continue to shield their leader. Marth: "What happened?" Lord Hoth: "Our spies were correct. Darth bane is indeed rising in power among the Sith. He must have convinced them to combine their powers to create a firestorm of this magnitude." Marth: "Why aren?t we all dead now?" Lord Hoth: "It's simple when yo-" Jedi Guard: "Another firestorm approaching from the south!" Lord Hoth: "Link together through the force. Draw strength from one another and create a shield around all of us." Abob and the other Jedi sit and begin to meditate, strengthening each other through the force. They create a small bubble of safety in front of the approaching storm, and wait with apprehension, as the wall of destruction grows closer. They are all shaken as the fire hits the shield, and begins to move over them. Many Jedi pass out because of the strain, but the force shield holds until the firestorm has passed. The Jedi stand, gasping for breath, some struggling to regain their balance. Lord Hoth: "Marth, did you fell the force moving through us when we created our shield?" Marth: "Yes, it felt like you were drawing strength from all of us to form the shield." Lord Hoth: "Exactly. The Sith don?t trust each other as we do. They would feel as if someone was sucking the force from them, and withdraw from the bond." Marth: "So that is why the first firestorm collapsed. They didn?t trust each other enough to hold the bond for long." Abob: "Then why was there a second firestorm?" Lord Hoth: "The second was much weaker than the first, we wouldn?t have been able to survive it otherwise. It must have been the work of a single Dark Lord. Most likely Darth Bane." Abob: "You are wise master. I will go now to send a message for reinforcements to the Jedi Temple." Lord Hoth: "Ask the for everyone they have. We must triumph..." [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=green]Rokar and Tasis walked behind Elsyan, talking of a strange feeling the both shared. [B]Rokar[/B]: "It's just a hunch, but I think something is watching us." [B]Tasis[/B]: "Whatever it is, it's also following us." [B]Rokar[/B]: "Elsyan hasn?t noticed yet, should we tell her?" [B]Tasis[/B]: "No, no need to get her frightened. We can both charge the bushes on either side of the path and destroy it." [B]Elsyan[/B]: "No need to get me frightened? What do you think I am, a little girl? I'll charge the bushes with you." The three travelers draw their weapons and begin to plan their attack. Tasis would strike to the south; Elsyan to the north and Rokar would draw his bow and be ready to assist the one who found the follower. They all gave each other a parting glance, then sprang into action. Tasis charged into the bushes on the south side of the road, using his sword to hack away at the dense undergrowth. Elsyan went north, and began to demolish the undergrowth with surprising speed. Rokar stood alone in the middle of the path; nervously waiting for a cry that would tell him that one of his friends had found the monster. [B]Tasis[/B]: "Almost done over here. Only one more bush that needs clearing." Tasis hacks at the bush with his sword, and out pops a fearsome beast. It has an orange beak, skinny orange legs, two stubby wings, two beady eyes, and is covered in white feathers. It also bears a slight wound to its wing from Tasis's sword. [B]Tasis[/B]: "CHICKEN!!!" [B]Elsyan[/B]: "Oh no! Everyone run for your lives! A bigger threat than Ganon!" Rokar and Elsyan break down laughing as Tasis stares in horror at the wounded chicken. Then all three travelers stand up and look towards the sky as they hear a great flapping of wings... [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]Although I think the idea of human cloning is possible, this religious sect lacks credibility and scientific recognition. I certainly wont believe this until the international scientific community looks at the ?clone?. Cloning is an exercise in futility from my point of view. We already have way too many people on this planet anyway... Attachment: the future of cloning... ;)[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=green]Rokar, Tasis and Elsyan say their goodbyes to Glen, and then head for the northern gate of the village. Each one of them wore their weapons out, hoping to deter attacks by bandits. Rokar adjusted the pack on his back, and then continued walking with the others. The village looked so peaceful, it's trees standing strong and proud against the gentle breeze. The villagers went about their daily lives, and then Rokar realized it. This was the [I]only[/I] place in either the dark or light worlds were peace to be found. Civilization was rapidly disappearing from the rest of the universe, leaving this one village to serve as a beacon of light and hope to the rest of the world. If it ever fell... Rokar shrugged off the thought. Everything would be fine. They would catch up with Drake and do whatever it took to restore the worlds to peace. They had too. [B]Rokar[/B]: "Tasis, is that a fortune tellers hut?" [B]Tasis[/B]: "It looks like one..." [B]Elsyan[/B]: "Oh no you don?t. There is now way in the world that you two are spending our hard earned Rupees on some crackpot old fool's fake magic. This money has to last the rest of our journey." [B]Rokar[/B]: "Ok, mommy. I'm so terribly sorry. I'll go clean my room now..." Tasis begins to laugh, and Elsyan gives Rokar a dirty look. Then even Elsyan begins to laugh, and together they continue to walk towards the graveyard, laughing hysterically. In fact, they are laughing so hard that they fail to realize that something or someone seems to be watching them from a nearby tree, following them as they travel...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]Abob and the hundred or so other Jedi on the front lines of the battle were steadily advancing, leaving behind a literal carpet of bodies. He advanced forward, his robes covered in blood. They were winning, easily. It was too good to be true. Not a single Sith Lord or apprentice had come out to fight yet. Only mindless minions, who were barely skilled enough to handle the primitive blaster weapons they used. Suddenly there was a rumbling noise in the distance. All of the combatants froze in place, listening to this strange loud noise. Abob: "Lord Hoth, there seem to be no Sith in this battle." Lord Hoth: "I know. Where could they be?" Abob: "Could our spies have been right about Darth Bane? Is he powerful enough to convince the Sith to combine their powers and attempt to destroy us?" Lord Hoth: "That would explain their absence. We must retreat!" The Jedi begin to run, and Abob hops on his speeder bike and moves to the front of the fleeing forces. The rumbling grows louder, and louder. Abob chances a look behind him and sees a huge wall of flame rapidly approaching. It was going to catch them any second now... Jedi screamed as the flame began to reach the back of the group. Soon nearly all the Jedi were killed, except the ones who could fly or had speeders, which were flying a mere thirty feet in front of the wall of flame. They could outrun it for now, but speeders must refuel eventually. Then, as suddenly as it had started, the firestorm stopped, and vanished. The remaining Jedi looked with horror on the bodies of their fallen comrades...[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=green]Abob sat on the bus, in the seat directly behind the bus driver, which protected him from being bullied on the bus. Several juniors had somehow singled him out on the first day of school as a target, and had spent every day since looking for ways to make this freshman?s life as miserable as it could be. They broke into his locker, ripped apart all his books, and changed the lock on the locker so he couldn?t get in. Ever since Abob had been forced to carry all of his books around in his backpack. The school officials didn?t seem to care either. They told him to see the school counselor, and call for help if he got in serious trouble. If he did get in serious trouble, then it would be to late to avoid bodily harm. He is skinny, and isnt that strong. Should anyone attempt to hurt him he was in no condition to strike back. He spent his whole day at school looking over his shoulder, in fear of the bullies. They were on the bus even now, sitting four rows behind him, on the right side of the bus. He had to keep track of them, otherwise... Then a hand covered his mouth, his hands were held behind his back, and a muscular junior dragged him to the back of the bus...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green]Rokar followed Tasis out of the abandoned house, out into the bright friendly, midday sunshine. They walked lazily back to the village inn, each lost to his own thoughts. Rokar was ready for the journey, his weapons sharp and his supplies packed. Something kept nagging at him, a feeling of remorse or regret. What had he forgotten this time? Was he missing something? He shrugged off the mysterious emotion and followed Tasis into the Village Inn. Glen the innkeeper welcomed them and showed them the supplies he had gathered for them. He seemed to be especially proud of the sturdy leather with which the backpacks were constructed. Rokar tried his on and found it comfortable, as far as backpacks went, as well as surprisingly light. [B]Rokar[/B]: "How many days worth of supplies do you estimate we have?" [B]Glen[/B]: "About Ten to fifteen days, depending on how you ration it." [B]Tasis[/B]: "That sounds good, for now. Do you know of anywhere we could pick up more supplies along the way?" [B]Glen[/B]: "Sorry, I don?t know of anyone else who sells supplies on the route you seem to be taking. While you're in the light world you should be able to live off the land. But if you enter the dark world; be sure you have enough food to last at least twenty days. You must even bring your own water; the rain in the other world is unfit to drink." [B]Rokar[/B]: "Thanks for the advice."[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=green]The Jedi encampment had erupted into chaos after the Sith attack. Masters, Knights and Padawaans running in every conceivable direction. They all had a simple common goal: protect the galaxy and defeat the Sith. Should their dangerous opponents be allowed to escape they would take to the space lanes and destroy anything in their way. The older Holocrons told of an ancient battle between the Sith empire and the Republic. It had been the bloodiest conflict to date, and the Jedi didn't want to see it happen again. That was why the Sith had to be stopped [I]now[/I]. A lone speeder bike roars through the Jedi camp, weaving through the thousands of Jedi warriors towards the front lines. Its rider was a reptilian humanoid alien, with green scaled skin and black hair. His robes were simple Jedi robes, modeled after peasant robes of an age gone by. The robes symbolized the Jedi ideal of serving the people of the galaxy, although many Jedi on this planet had traded their robes for combat armor. Abob reached the front lines and jumped from his speeder bike. He used the force to propel himself up and over the front line of Jedi warriors and directly into the middle of a group of Sith soldiers. He drew his lightsaber and ignited it with a push of a button. A black blade instantly rose from the hilt and skewered an enemy soldier who had been about to shoot Abob. He turned and slashed horizontally with his lightsaber, then flipped backwards into the combat line with the other Jedi. Lord Hoth: "Abob, flashy entrances aren't the Jedi way old friend." Abob: "Would you like me to tell the rest of the camp about your youth? All the charges you led?" Lord Hoth: "Hahaha! Those were the days..." The Jedi begin to advance cutting down all in their way with little mercy...[/COLOR]
  19. [B] Star Wars: The Battle of Ruusan[/B] [I]It is 1000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The Sith and The Jedi are engaged in a titanic battle on the planet Ruusan, the outcome of which will decide the fate of the galaxy. The Jedi are led by a Powerful Jedi Master named Lord Hoth. The Jedi have taken a beating, and are recruiting force sensitive individuals and pressing them into battle to make up for their horrific losses. They are in dire straights, and must hold out until a transport of Jedi reinforcements arrives from Courscant. The Sith are lead by a Sith Lord named Kaan. He is not a very powerful sith, but is a brilliant tactician. He is defeating the Jedi so far and needs to finish them off before their reinforcements arrive. His rival among the Sith is an extremely powerful warrior, Darth Bane. Bane is a master of the dark side and feels that the Sith shouldn?t fight the Jedi in ground engagements. He wants the Sith to combine their powers and create a firestorm that will destroy the remaining Jedi.[/I] [COLOR=green]On the planet of Ruusan? Abob sits on the floor of his tent, which is near the center of the Jedi encampment. He sits cross legged, his eyes closed. He takes a deep breath, and then exhales. He repeats this process for several minutes, and then his eyes snap open, and his jumps to his feet. Young Padawaan: "Master, what it?" Abob: "Nothing important. Go back to [I]your[/I] master and tell him to prepare for battle and sound the alarm. I have seen a vision of a huge Sith offensive." Young Padawaan: "Yes." The boy runs out of the tent, drawing his lightsaber as he goes. A single tear runs down Abob's face. It was horrible to watch someone so young being exposed to the horrors of war. Padawaans were not usually allowed to carry lightsabers until they were ten. This boy was barely seven. But if they didn?t fight the Sith would destroy everything good in the galaxy. He mounts his speeder bike and heads for the front lines?[/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Brisbane? Where the hell is that????? 0_o....[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Australia :drunk: a one word post! *gasps of horror*[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=green][b]Name[/b]: Abob Ttef [b]Age[/b]: 14 [b]Grade[/b]: 9th/Freshman [Born July 8, 1988] [b]Biography[/b]: Abob was born in the former USSR, but grew up in the United States. His parents were chemical weapons scientists who fled the country right after its collapse. The immigrated to America, and have taken jobs in a local pharmaceuticals company. Abob can speak English and Russian, but rarely speaks Russian outside of home. [b]Description[/b]: Abob looks like a typical geek. He doesn't wear glasses, but has white skin, light blue eyes and unruly black hair which stands up in all kinds of crazy directions. he has long since stopped trying to get his hair to stay down, so he looks like he just got out of bed all the time. [b]Appearance[/b]: He wears black all the time. His typical outfit would consist of sweatpants, a T-shirt and a hooded sweatshirt. He also wears a baseball cap, on which is monogrammed an unusual symbol [Picture attached.][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green]We won't start until somebody new signs up, or it gets to be three o'clock PM [MY time]. Whichever one comes sooner...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]Only Sith or force sensitive dark side adepts may use force lighting. To do is morally and ethically unacceptable, since the energy you see radiating from the users fingertips is actually the targets life energy being painfully extracted. In Jedi Knights 2, the main character [I forget his name] is on a quest of self discovery, and has no allies. This is a war situation, and the line between good an evil is physically present. Only Sith may use force lightning in this RPG. I ask all who aren't Sith to remove force lightning from their force powers. Jedi can redirect force lightning however, like Yoda did in Episode II: AOTC. So you may want to replace your force lightning with this blocking technique [Force Lightning Block]. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=green]I want to play, but don?t have time to post a sign up now. I'll edit this post to be my sign up by then end of the day. EDIT: [B]Name[/B]: Abob Ttef [B]Age[/B]: 43 [B]Species[/B]: Human [B]Location[/B]: The Shire [B]Weapons[/B]: A bow and a quiver of arrows, a long knife and a bag of potions. [B]Alliance[/B]: Good [B]Background/Bio[/B]: Abob's family was killed by a group of rampaging Orcs while he was away hunting. He was overcome by grief, and spent years living in the misty mountains as a hermit. After several years living by himself, his grief turned to hatred. He spent several years methodically killing all the Orcs who belonged to the particular clan which had killed his family. Now he has retired to the Shire to peacefully rest for the rest of his days? [B]Description[/B]: Abob has white skin, black hair and green eyes. He is around five feet tall and weighs around 120Lbs. He wears a black traveling cloak along with leather boots. He often carries a walking stick. [B]Personality[/B]: Abob is quiet and a little shy. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and a dangerous enemy. [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=green]Very good sign up. Only a few things need to be changed. #1 Force Lightning is a dark side attack. Only Sith, not Jedi, can use it. #2 Your time slowing technique is ok, but it is called force pause. It nice to see you again. I have been nostalgically looking through our old Episode III adventures. So much fun?[/COLOR]
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