Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[COLOR=green]OOC: Orien_Xel, I will edit my post so that it will not "interfere" with your miraculous bullet deflecting off skull story. In the future please tell us all the details. (Like there being two bullet holes, not one like you stated in your post before you edited it) But in the future if you are planning something like this, [I]please[/I] tell us these things so we don't assume the obvious. :grumble:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]In the Malfoy mansion, in a secret chamber known only to a select few... Twelve black robed figures stand in a circle around another, taller, figure who is sitting on the head of a giant snake. The men forming the circle are nervous, and some are fidgeting with their robes. The figure in the center stops stroking a giant snake on which he is sitting and begins to speak in a soft but malevolent voice... ???: "My faithful Death Eaters, I have called you here for a reason you all know very well. For over a year we have been planning the demise of my archenemies, Harry Potter. That boy will not survive the school year. Our plan cannot fail and our spy in the castle will make sure of that, wont you?" ???1: "Yes my master, not even the oaf Dumbledore suspects anything." ???: "Excellent. Everything is going exactly as I have planned." ???2: "But if your plan fails my lord? The Potter boy has proved lucky before and he migh-" ???: "CRUCIO!" The figure who had questioned his leaders plan falls to the floor in agony and writhes there for several minutes before being released. ???: "Malfoy, you have been a loyal follower for years, but you must learn obedience." ???2: "Yes master." ???: "Now, let us proceed to our first target." All of the figures pull out their wands in unison and Disappear...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob watched with satisfaction as the Germans in the house that he and two of the other men of his squad were firing on died one by one. They needed to capture this town, and fast. As the last German gun in the bullet ridden house fell silent, Abob stood and jogged down the street towards Tom and John. He had sent them to scout out the situation that was evolving on the rest of the left side of town. They should have been back by now... Abob and his two other men turned the street corner cautiously, and heard John shout to them from inside the doorway of a building. Tom was on the floor of the house in a prone position, and John was standing guard at the doorway with an expression of disbelief on his face. Bending over Tom was the new medic, nurse Asuko. Abob ran over to the building, and stepped past John to kneel on the floor next to Asuko. Abob: "Is he..." Asuko: "Not yet. It's a miracle he's survived this long. He had a bullet deflect off his skull. He was very lucky, but will need some basic medical care before he rejoins the battle." Abob walks out of the house and towards the sound of gunfire, reloading his pistol and rifle as he runs...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob lies on the cold ground, blood trickling from his open would. He had given himself a potion that would accelerate the healing process, and slow the bleeding. He knew his wound wasn't going to be fatal, but the Orc had it him in the worst place possible. The blade had opened up a very old cut, given to him by Sauron in the fellowships first quest. It was a wound that would never heal, and his potions would have little effect on that dark magic. It could keep him out of the action for a long time. But at least they were defeating the Orcs. Less than twenty were left, and it was a miracle that they had defeated the hoard, which had outnumbered then a least ten to one. It showed just how good they were, but also how many minions this new threat seemed to have at its disposal if it could afford to sacrifice an entire Orc clan to simply delay them. Strider finished off the last Orc by bringing his sword down through his opponents brittle skull. Then the fellowship's attention turned to the wounded...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Boogeta, why is Episode II your favorite? What did you like/dislike about it? Who was your favorite character? Did you like the script? If you are going to state that you like something, please tell us why and offer an opinion about it. If you simply state that you like Episode II and it was your favorite, it doesn't do much for the rest of us. I have been following the updates about upcoming comics on several Star Wars websites, and have an opinion question for anyone who wants to give it a shot. There is a comic book series coming up that deals with the "Battle of Kamino". What do you think this battle's outcome will be, and why?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob and his squad move left, and begin to advance down an abandoned street. All around him he can hear gunfire, screams and the occasional thud of an exploding grenade. The street seems empty, but it has to be an illusion. The Germans weren't stupid; they wouldn't leave any part of this key town undefended. Abob signals for his squad to move to the left side of the street, and take cover in the rubble of a house. He moves behind a section of brick wall, and looks down the scope of his rifle, scanning the other houses on the street for movement. It was quiet, like a grave. Abob hated it when a fight started this way. If they Krauts were smart, they would wait just long enough for his men to relax, and then open up with everything they had. Abob: "Tom, what do you make of this?" Tom: "I don't like it; the Krauts have dug in and probably set up an ambush." Abob: "My thoughts exactly. I want you to tell the other men to each pick a house, and fire a round into it on my signal. With luck, and Krauts that are hiding around here will get spooked and return fire. Then we can nail them." Tom: "Yes sir." Tom walks back to the other men, taking cover behind various things along the way. Once he had finished talking with the other men, he gave me the thumbs up sign. I nodded then held up three fingers, dropped one, dropped another and then dropped the third. I fired into each of the windows of my chosen house, and nothing happens. Suddenly several volleys of gunfire erupt form another house on the street. The Krauts had tipped their hand...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob and Tarlain jog out of the tower, and down the deserted main street of Ridge city. They can see several large escape pods around the city, swarming with clones. Abob raises his sniper rifle and uses the scope to locate hi ship, which is almost completely buried by sand as a result of the sandstorm. Tarlain is about to say something, when a powerful wind begins to blow, knocking the backwards into a house. They both look up to try and find the source of this immobilizing force. Above the city is a Trade Federation landing craft. It is hovering and releasing swarms of STAPs into the dusty air. Abob: "We need to get to my ship. Get low and start crawling." They both begin to crawl under the wind toward the [I]Idiot's Array[/I], which is now less than a hundred feet away. Abob goes as fast as he can, without regard for his aching body. They finally reach the ship, and Abob opens the top hatch. They both climb hastily inside, and then close the hatch. For a moment there is silence. No howling wind, no sand in their faces, no threat of danger. Abob brushes the sand off his jumpsuit and walks over to the pilot's seat, and then sits down. Tarlain: "We are safer here, let's not move the ship until the battle is over." Abob: "I can't take the chance that the ship will be damaged. The safest place for us now will be on one the Separatist warships in orbit." Tarlain: "You had better know what you're doing..." The [I]Idiot's Array[/I] activates its shields, and a large amount of sand vaporizes, exposing the ship. It rises, firing its ion cannons at groups of clone troopers, turning them into scarlet fireballs. Then the ship rises, and heads for orbit...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I think the new skin is fine, but prefer the V6 skin. But it doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob: "I guess I should tell you what was going on upstairs, to make this an even exchange of information." Tarlain: "And so you don't owe me anything..." Abob: "The people I met up there were Chiss." Tarlain: "I figured Chiss didn't like leaving their Homeworld, since you are the only one who I have ever met." Abob: "We are a reclusive species by nature, and exile is our most extreme form of punishment. Currently there are three of our kind in the Republic. These two came to invite me back into the Empire, but once they found out I was an outlaw..." Tarlain: "They came to invite you back, but I thought you must have been exiled." Abob: "No, my parents were radicals and tried to overthrow the government. They were exiled, and have seen the error of their ways. They were very disappointed with my choice of work." Tarlain: "Why didn't you want to return?" Abob: "The Homeworld is very structured; everything you do is for the good of the whole society. There is no personal profit. I happen to like my possessions, and they would be taken away and destroyed if I returned." Suddenly the compound shakes and the room's small hologram player activates. A hologram of Marx appears, and begins speaking in a worried voice... Marx: "Citizens and guests of the Ridge City tower, as you know, there has been a battle raging between republic and Separatist forces over the nearby planet of Dantooine. It seems the Separatists have won, but they have chased a damaged Republic Cruiser into orbit around our world. The cruiser is breaking apart above our world. Already escape pods have landed around the city. The Separatists may decide to attack the surviving clones. You are advised to stay in the tower until further notice." Tarlain: "Could this battle be part of Dooku's arrival plan?" Abob: "Perhaps, but I am going out to move the [I]Idiot's Array to a safer location." Abob walks out of the room, and Tarlain follows...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I assume that you consider me a serious RPGer, since I stuck with your last RPG... Name: Abob Ttef Age: Fourteen Year: Fifth (Abob has skipped first year) House: Slytherin Looks: Abob is small for his age, and skinny. He had black hair, white skin and green eyes. Personality: Abob is an avid learner, and does his best in every subject. He enjoys History with professor Bins and Defense against the Dark Arts. Wand: Oak with an unusual core of an owl feather Pet: A dog, Sydney Special gift: A near photographic memory How will this gift prove useful: If Abob can remember nearly everything he sees in perfect detail... You get the picture. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob walk slowly across a restaurant on the 32nd floor of the complex, his eyes quickly darting from person to person, looking for the people he was supposed to meet. He finally spots them, and walks discreetly across the room to a private booth. There are already two figures in long black cloaks sitting there and neither of them protests when Abob sits down. ???1: "Abob, you have come. We sent you that Holomail and hoped you would meet us here. Have you made a decision? Are you ready to rejoin your people?" Abob: "I haven't decided." ???2: "Your parents are not a concern; you will not pay for their crimes." Abob: "That's not the problem." ???1: "We also want to know if the rumors we have heard are true. Have you become a criminal in this society? Are you what they call a hit man?" Abob: "Yes, that is my chosen profession." ???2: "This violates Chiss law! You have become a criminal, and cannot rejoin society. You must be taken back to the Homeworld for re-education. Clearly your parents didn't teach you properly." Abob: "my parents didn't like my choices any more than you do. I will not be taken in for brainwashing under the guise of re-education." ???1: "You will come with us, or we will carry out our orders to stop you at all cost. The high council feels you are not a worthy Chiss representative in this society." The first mysterious figure pulls a strange blaster weapon from underneath its black cloak. Abob shoots both of them with toxic darts before they can do anything, and then pulls another dart from his pocket. He sets its timer to three minutes, and then hides it under the table. Abob then walks away. A turbolift ride and several floors later he is back in the bar with Tarlain when a muffled explosion rocks the complex. Everyone freezes for a moment and then resumes what they were doing, since crime is not uncommon around here. He approaches Tarlain...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob: "That doesn't look like it feels too good." Tarlain: "It's not too bad." Abob: "I guess there's no point asking what that was, although it might have something to do with your implants." Tarlain: "Correct, I'm not telling you, maybe some other time..." Abob: "Dooku is supposed to be here tomorrow. I have some contacts here I'd like to meet with, in private. You can do whatever you want, but be sure to be at the meeting tomorrow." Tarlain: "Not like I would run off with a million credits at stake..." Abob walks out of the room and heads down the hallway. He needed to catch up with some old friends. He had received a startling holomail a week ago, from someone he hadn't heard from in a long time. He needed to take care of them, permanently...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob stood behind the others, notching his bow and firing arrows at the hoard of attacking Orcs as fast as he could. An arrow would fly from his bow, and an Orc would fall. Arrow...Orc...Arrow...Orc...Arrow...Orc... Then, suddenly he was out of arrows. He slung his bow over his shoulder and pulled his long knife from its sheath. He charged forward, in front of all the others and outside the defensive semi-circle they had formed. He dodged left and stabbed upwards, disemboweling an Orc. Then he ducked a sword and rolled right, knocking an attacking Orc over. He stood, and then continued to move forward, killing an enemy here and there as he ran. He was more than a hundred feet from the rest of the fellowship now, and beginning to tire. That was of little importance now, as his plan has succeeded. The Orcs were confused and in disarray, not sure where the greatest threat was. Some stood still scratching their heads while others killed each other in confusion. Abob ducked another sword, and then dove forward, avoiding a giant club that had been swung at him. Then he was out, at the other side of the hoard. He several potions from his bag and began to lob them like grenades into the mass of Orcs. The vials broke when they hit the ground, and exploded into purple fireballs. Abob delivers a crushing blow to one of the three Orcs who have pursued him, but another of the beasts takes advantage of Abob's hasty strike and drives its sword through Abob's side... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob and Tarlain climb out of the cockpit, and then begin to walk across the hot sands of Tatooine. They walk side by side, a strong wind blowing at their backs. A sandstorm was coming, and in the distance they could see the windows of Ridge City closing. By the time the two travelers reached the city, there was a full blown sandstorm going on. They walked to the end of the ridge, and into the huge stone pillar that served as the center of business for the town. Abob stepped into the first room of the stone building, and found himself at the edge of a huge circular room carved out of stone. In the center of the room was a cluster of turbolift shafts, and around the edges were several dozen doorways, each with a plaque telling what was beyond. They walked into the center of the room, and asked an old female Whiphead at the front desk where they might find rooms for the night. Whiphead: "I dunno, why doncha ask someone else?" Abob pulls a credit chip from his pocket, and tosses it onto the table. Whiphead: "There are several rooms available, the only decent ones are owned by Marx. He's on the seventeenth floor." Tarlain: "Thanks." They walk into one of the turbolift tubes, and punch the button for the seventeenth floor. Abob: "This place in a hangout for Jabba's thugs and favorite mercenaries, so watch your back." Tarlain: "Worry about your own back, I'm fine." The turbolift door opens, and they stop talking as they step out into a room. This one is half the size of the lobby on the first floor, but is filled with aliens of all species. Every single one of them is armed to the teeth. Abob makes his way up to a bar, and then asks the bartender about Marx. Bartender: "I'm Marx, ya lookin for a room?" Abob: "Yes, two rooms." Tarlain: "One room will be fine." Abob gives Tarlain a disapproving look, but says nothing. Marx takes them through a doorway behind the bar, then down some stairs into a hallway lined with metal doors. They walk for a minute, and then stop at door 26. Marx: "Here you are, it'll be 200 credits a night." Abob: "Thanks." Marx leaves shutting the door behind him...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]I totally like the prequals, they really set everything in stone, for me atleast. I dont enjoy the eu, to complicated, like st...anyway cant wait for epIII [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Too complicated? The Expanded Universe can be confusing if you haven't read much of it, but if you read the books in chronological order, you will find that their plots are amazingly interconnected. The Expanded Universe is, in my opinion, what should have been the new movies. I would really like to see the Thrawn Trilogy become Episodes VII-IX. *This is the 1111th post on this thread! :therock:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]About time we had another Harry Potter RPG... Name: Voldemort House: None (Former Slytherin) Year of School: None Personality: Sadistic, evil, bad tempered Appearance: Tall, with a thin mouth and wearing a black cloak. His eyes are small and snake-like. Type of wand: Unknown Subject Mastered: Dark Arts Misc: Lord of Evil! Hope its alright for me to be Voldemort...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]As the [I]Idiot's Array[/I] streaks through hyperspace towards Tatooine, Abob sits on his bunk in his small stateroom as he watches a news broadcast on one of the major holonet news channels. News Anchor: "As the war against the Separatists moves towards its seventh month, the Senate begins to re-think its policy on secession. Several prominent senators have called for an end to the conflict and the bloodshed as the death toll mounts. The supreme chancellor, in a move considered extreme by some civil rights watchdogs, has given the Jedi control over the clone army. Rumors abound that the Separatist fleet is massing in deep space somewhere near Nal Hutta. The spokesperson for the senate intelligence committee was unable to comment." Abob looks up as Tarlain walks into the room. She pulls the chair from Abob's desk, and sits down. Tarlain: "Looks like the galaxy is going down the tubes." Abob: "As long as there is some kind of order I'll be happy. I hate it when someone tries to pay me in Separatist credits. Those things are worthless." Tarlain: "Maybe now..." Abob: "You think the Separatists will come out on top?" Tarlain: "No, but the Republic needs to clean out the deadwood in the senate and get its act together. The clones may be good, but they need marching orders." Abob: "Rumor has it that the Jedi are investigating a sith threat in the senate. If that turns out to be true, it might have something to do with Dooku and the Separatists." Tarlain: "But Dooku being aligned with the Sith isn't common knowledge. Kain is one of the few people you could find that out from. The Jedi could remain clueless for a long time." Abob: "As long as someone doesn't like someone else, we'll have jobs. That's all that matters." Tarlain: "Maybe to you..." An alarm goes off and Abob walks with Tarlain into the cockpit, and prepare to come out of hyperspace. The stars go from elongated streaks to white dots, and in front of them is a large planet, brown in color. The [I]Idiot's Array[/I] comes down through the atmosphere and flies over Ridge city, then lands on the outskirts of the seedy desert town...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Well, it could be because the Web Site design forum was deleted...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I went to both Toy's R Us and Wal Mart, and both stores were sold out of their Episode II DVDs... :mad: :angry2: :cussing: :bash: :grumble: Anyway, I guess I am going to end up buying it from some other store for twenty bucks. What a waste of money... Mitth'raw'nuruodo- For once I totally agree with you. The prequel movies have ruined just about everything that has been written in the EU. What is going to happen to the whole idea of the Death Star being designed in the maw installation? The appearance of the Death Star prototype hologram on Geonosis really ticked me off...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob watched the air taxi till it was out of sight, and then walked over to a small manhole in the platform they were standing on. He lifted it with one hand, then set it down on the ground and began climbing down a ladder that was concealed under the manhole. Abob: Tarlain, close the manhole behind you, I don't want anybody finding out about this place." Tarlain: "Sure." At the end of the ladder was a large docking bay, which contained Abob's ship. The [I]Idiots Array[/I] is a modified Skipray Blastboat, and Abob guards it jealously. He climbs into the cockpit, and Tarlain follows close behind him. Abob: "My ship, my rules. You can sleep in the co-pilot's seat, and my stateroom is off limits. The food is in the back, right in front of the hyperdrive bulkhead. The refresher is across from my quarters, and if you need anything else, just ask." Tarlain: "Not very polite, refusing to let the lady sleep in the only bed." Abob: "You can leave if you don't like it..." He walks back to his stateroom and puts away his wrist dart launcher and his sniper rifle, then returns to the cockpit to prep the ship for takeoff. Once the engine is warmed up and ready to go, Abob lowers the holographic and energy barriers, and then flies up towards the outer atmosphere. Almost immediately traffic control began to hail him. Traffic Control: "Unidentified vessel, please return to the planets surface, you are wanted for two counts of violating traffic control protocol and a thir-" Abob turns off the comm. panel, then powers up the three ion cannons. Abob: "If we get in a fight, you're in charge of the guns. Use the ion cannons against anything bigger than a starfighter." Tarlain: "Ok, but where are the gunnery stations, they aren't in their usual spot..." Abob: "This vessel has several modifications, one of which was to remove all the gunnery stations and military communications gear to make room for my stateroom and the fresher unit." The [I] Idiot's Array[/I] clears the planet, and jumps into hyperspace...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Name: Abob Ttef Platoon: 1st Rank: Sergeant Gun: Springfield sniper rifle[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I think the removal of the newbie lounge will have little to no effect on the general behavior on newbies. The ones who sign up and truly want to follow the rules and post intelligently will stay, and the rest...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I think AOTC had an ok script, but the acting was not even close to par. The worst part of the movie for me was the cheesy, horrible scene where Padme and Anikan are in the cart, right before they are pulled into the arena. It made me sick... There were some scenes that were cut; that I think should have been included, such as Plo Koon and Ki Adi Mundi's commando raid on the droid control ship orbiting Geonosis (Spelling ?). I have also heard a rumor that the AOTC DVD can be purchased at Toys R Us for $9.99, is this true. If it is I am going to buy it there, since it is the lowest price I have seen to date...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob and Strider run as fast as they can through the pitch black forest, occasionally shooting an arrow over their shoulders in a futile attempt to stop pursuit. Ahead of them by almost twenty feet, Lalaith and the rest of the group are running, their swords drawn. Abob: "Strider, do you hear that?!" Strider: "Yes, but what in the world..." The earth begins to shake and Lalaith stops, causing everyone else to come to a sudden halt. The main group stands still, in shock. Abob and Strider catch up seconds later, and follow Lalaith's gaze to the ground in front of the fellowship. There is a stream, it is swelled as if there has been a tremendous storm and is about to overflow its boundaries. The water is blood red, and upon closer inspection [I]is[/I] blood. Here and there bodies float down the river, all of them horribly mangled and mutilated beyond recognition. Beyond the river is a village, burned to the ground and still smoldering. Abob and the rest of the fellowship turn to Lalaith for instructions, as the pounding of feet behind the grows closer...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: Sorry "Yoda", I seem to have a nasty habit of doing that... :naughty: -------------------------------------- Abob walks with Tarlain out of the marketplace, and calmly swings his laser sniper rifle over his shoulder and wipes some of the monsters blood off his face onto the arm of his grey pilot's jumpsuit. Abob: "Customs seems to be slacking off, allowing filth like that onto the planet." Tarlain: "Well, they certainly screwed up when they let you onto the planet..." Abob: "Very funny. As you recall, I don't have a sense of humor." Tarlain: "Not that you let anyone else see..." Abob is about to respond, but spots a public comm. terminal, and walks over to it. He keys in the location of his ship, and then asks his current location. He asks the computer to call an air taxi, then steps back and fires an explosive dart into the terminal, turning it into a pile of red hot silicon. Tarlain: "You really need to see a psychotherapist about your anger management problems Abob..." Abob: "You need to see a tailor about those clothes." The air taxi pulls up and Abob gives the driver the coordinates of his ship, then sits back and reloads his wrist rocket launcher. Tarlain sits in silence, watching the nervous driver. The driver turns on his company comlink and Abob grins as he listens in... Air Taxi Company Comlink System: "Warning, all drivers are ordered to steer clear of section 73T, part B, subsection 23. Three air taxis have gone missing there, and the Justice Department is investigating. Stay tuned for further details..." The driver looks nervously back at his passengers, keenly aware that he has just picked them up from the section that is now being investigated. Abob: "Keep driving." The taxi arrives at Abob's ship and he gets out and pays the driver, who is grateful to still be alive. Abob: "I guess I'll be seeing you in a few days Tarlain, unless you want to come with me..." Tarlain: "...[/COLOR]