Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]Yes exactly, any of the sources for the Eclipse answer......Those are what I consider "guides" And if you read your post again...you say this [b]Obviously you don't, if you can't answer these questions.[/b] No where in your post did you say that I answered some. You plain out said "If you can't answer these questions" which I did answer the ones I knew. Because right after that comment you went and answered all of the questions, which in my mind, meant that I didn't answer any of them :D And if you will please read my earlier post as well. Notice the LOL after that comment. Most people, least in my experience, figure out that I am joking because of the LOL, and Hmmph. And yes I am implying it. buwahahahahahhaha [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green] By the tone of your last post, I will consider it an appropriate end to our argument. It seems that you have been "interpreting" things the wrong way, and assuming that others know things they don't. We all make mistakes, and I am sorry for taking you literally. Let's leave this conversation behind us, shall we?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: Caught in my own trap, how embarrassing. But since pubic is a word, my spell check didn't pick it up... :flaming: It had to happen sometime... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob walked away from Kain and Tarlain, heading towards a turbolift that would take him up to the level where his ship was parked. He touched the pad that would open the door, but nothing happened. He hit it again, harder and still nothing happened. Abob gives up and heads towards an ancient durasteel ladder, one of several million on the planet, used for emergency transport to the upper levels. He began to climb, and several minutes later he was on the right level. He calmly looked around, and finding he didn't know where he was, pulled his comlink from his pocket. He would need to call an air taxi... He punched in the number, but he was put on a thirty minute waiting list. He turned off his comlink and began to walk east, searching for a public computer terminal. From there he could locate the fastest route to his ship. He had been walking for several kilometers when he came upon a marketplace, which was abandoned. Everything seemed to have been dropped at once and all the people had left. No scavengers were here, that was usually a bad sign. He turned to leave, and found himself looking at a giant monster, tall, brown skinned and drooling. He slowly backed away, raising his sniper rifle...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]Yes. You may have "asked" for a date. But why on earth set it at Thrawns defeat? So add some more years onto it? And if you go back and read my post again, I answered the questiosn I know. Questions like amount of troops it just plain obsessiveness. Don't give me the crap that you knew how many troops there was, the only mention of how many troops was in the Essential Guide to Vehicle and Vessels. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]The information regarding the Eclipse can also be found in several other scources, such as [B][I]Starships of the Galaxy[/I][/B]and [B][I]The Star Wars Encyclopedia[/I][/B]. [/COLOR] [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B] Yes, go back and look, and you will find out that I didn answer your trivia.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]If you would read [I]my[/I] post, you would find that I have read yours. This statement shows that I know you didn't answer all my trivia questions:[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [COLOR=green] Obviously you don't, if you can't answer these questions.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]But I am not an obsessive fool, who has to find out the amount of troops in something, when it isn't mentioned in the source it originally came from.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]One last thing, are you implying that I am a obsessive fool? :therock: If you are...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: Just a quick note, I have noticed that some members of this RPG haven't been using spell check. They are advised to so. It will make their posts much easier to read. --------------------------------------------------------------- Abob sat at the opposite end of the table from Dooku. He waited patiently as Dooku tried to make small talk with the other members of underworld society he had assembled. None of them seemed to want to talk to him, and Kain looked ready to bite Dooku's head off. Finally Dooku gave up the idle banter and got down to business. Dooku: "I have assembled you here because you are some of the best fighters the galaxy has to offer, the cream of the crop, the best of th-" Abob: "We know. You obviously have a large job for us. I want to know what it is and how much we are going to be paid now; otherwise it's not worth my time." Dooku: "You would do well not to interrupt a Jedi Master Abob, it can be hazar-" Abob: "[I]Former[/I] Jedi Master, now public enemy number one." Dooku: "Fine. Your mission is to knock out the planetary shield generator system on the planet Kamino. You will be paid one million credits, one hundred thousand now, the rest on your successful completion of the mission. The planet itself is heavily protected. I have arranged for a Separatist force to attack the planet. Right before the task force shows up you will arrive at the planet in a cargo freighter. When the task force shows up the planetary traffic control will open up a small section of the shields (a normal procedure when a planet is under attack) so you can get in and avoid being destroyed. From there you are on your own." Kain: "Sounds good to me. When do we leave?" Dooku: "You must be in the abandoned marketplace of ridge city on Tatooine in three day to receive your advance pay, and proceed with the mission. That is all, you may go." [I]Dooku walks out of the room and a droid escorts them to the exit. As they exit the ancient turbolift, Abob asks Kain a question.[/I] Abob: "Kain, your body language is very easy to read. Why don't you like Dooku?"[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/I] [B]And I have some beef with your questions. The one with the Naddist Revolt, why did you say Thrawn's death? Just to make it harder then just asking B.B.Y? Personally I find that just another way to make you look smarter than you really are. What kind of question is number 10? The only way that you will know how many it can hold is if you use the Essential Guide to Veichles and Vessels. And don't say you can find it in the DE comics, because you can't I have it in front of me now. Another question to make you look smarter than you really are. Yeah so you are either trying to make yourself look smarter than you really are by asking questions such as the ones I have beef with, or are hoping that someone can answers the questions for you. :D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Mitth'raw'nuruodo, why in the world would I want to make myself "look smarter than I am"? I asked the questions about the date of the Naddist Revolt and the number of Stormtroopers an Eclipse class star destroyer could hold because they are difficult, and when I make trivia questions, [I]I make them difficult.[/I] I asked this set of ten questions, most of which are ridiculously difficult, because you said this:[/COLOR] [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/I] [B]Hmpph....and you call yourselves Star Wars fans.......Lol.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]In saying this you claim that we don't know enough trivia to be considered a true Star Wars fans, and that you know more trivia than we do. Obviously you don't, if you can't answer these questions. Here are the answers: #1 Vuffi Raa was Lando Calrissian's droid partner from before the battle of Yavin IV who belonged to a sentient race of giant starships. #2 4007 years #3 Kuat Drive Yards #4 The fifth Moon of Da Soocha #5 Human ears. #6 Cell 2178 #7 Aiwhas #8 E-11 #9 Dejarik #10 150,000 [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green][I]Abob turns off his holographic image disguiser, and some of the other bounty hunters begin to raise their weapons, unsure of what is going on.[/I] Abob *In an annoying, sarcastic voice*: "Really? Oh no, I'm ruined!" [I]The other hunters snicker, and then shut up as Tarlain glared at each of them in turn.[/I] Tarlain: "You can all leave now, Abob and I have something important to discuss." [I]Most of the hunters grumble, and walk away. Two approach Abob, a Bothan with filthy fur and a Chandra Fan wearing a bandolier of knives.[/I] Abob: "She told you idiots to scram." Bothan: "We heard, but there is a new bounty out on you. Someone didn't like the fact that you killed the Corellian Senator last month." Abob: "It was a job, and I did what I was hired to do. Are you implying that you are here to bring me in?" Chandra Fan *Sounding nervous*: "No, no we would never try that. We were wondering if you would pay us to keep your visit here quiet." Tarlain: "Why would he pay you when he could kill you?" [I]The Bothan goes for his blaster, but Tarlain kicks him, sending him stumbling backwards off the platform. He screams as he plummets towards his death. The Chandra Fan runs, but Abob raises his rifle and puts a blaster bolt through the back of her head.[/I] Tarlain: "Let's go." Abob: "I was surprised you got the message to. I checked with some of my contacts, and it seems most of the premier bounty hunters and mercenaries have been contacted. Someone has a big job..." Tarlain: "And a big credit pouch." [I]They walk in silence for several minutes till they reach a transport tube. It is old and rusty, but appears to be in working condition. They step into it and press the up button, but instead of going up, it slowly turns in a circle. When it stops spinning and the door opens, they walk cautiously out into an expensive entranceway.[/I] Abob *In a whisper*: "We followed the instructions in the letter. This has to be the right place..." [I]As if on queue droid comes scurrying down the hallway and comes to a stop in front of them.[/I] Droid: "Abob and Tarlain? My master has been expecting you. Please follow me." [I]Abob and Tarlain look at each other, and then follow the droid...[/I] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob walks up to Strider, who is sitting in the tree, and is looking at the woods which surround their clearing. Abob: "We're leaving." Strider: "Why?" Abob: "Lalaith had a dream, it wasn't good. We want to be on the safe side." Strider: "I'll pack." Abob looks around to find all the other members of the fellowship packing their thing and looking around much more than usual. There was something intangible in the air, something evil. It wasn't good... He walked over to his things, and packed them neatly into his backpack. He had finished and was about to put the pack on, when he noticed something on the ground. It was an arrowhead from the battle, and it was covered in the monsters blood. The arrowhead was made of stone, but the black blood had been absorbed into it and now the arrowhead was twice its normal size and taking the shape of a... Abob *Shouting*: "Lalaith, get over here!" Lalaith runs over to Abob, and sees that the arrowhead is taking the shape of a monster... Lalaith: "Lets go, [I]now[/I]!" The fellowship jogs off into the darkness...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]The [I]Idiot's Array[/I] comes out of hyperspace above Coruscant, and immediately hailed by traffic control... Traffic Control: "Unidentified vessel, you are to land in secure docking bay Beta 292 for violating two traffic control protocols. Please ret-" Abob turns off the comm. panel, and then sends his ship into a nosedive that it heading straight for the planets surface. He didn't care that he had violated a restricted military zone, or that he had left the regular traffic lanes. This was the most direct route to where he was headed, and he had no intention of letting customs search his ship, which contained innumerable illegal weapons. He slowed slightly as he broke through the atmosphere, and flew between two large factories, heading for the lower levels of the planet. It would take him thirty seconds to reach the level he wanted, and he gradually reduced speed until he was hovering outside a huge duracrete slab. Abob issues a voice command and a rectangular portion of the duracrete disappears as a hologram generator disengages. Abob issues another voice command and an energy field that had been behind the hologram shuts down. He lands his ship inside the hidden docking bay then, after turning on both the hologram and energy barriers, calls an air taxi. Barely a minute later the taxi arrives. The taxi is painted bright green, and it is piloted by a Rodian with an eye-patch. Rodian Pilot: "Get in. Where ya goin?" Abob: "Three levels down, seven sections to the left, subsection eleven." Rodian Pilot: "Right away." [I]The air taxi drops through an opening between two seedy bars, and then weaves between durasteel girders and wrecked speeders. The taxi swerves to the left before flying through an abandoned factory and out the other side. Then it parks next to a walkway.[/I] Rodian pilot: "That'll be 128 credits." Abob raises his left arm, and then fires a toxic dart into the back of the Rodian's neck. He then climbs out of the speeder, then reaches down and turns the engines off, sending it plunging down into the deepest depths of Coruscant. Abob: "Have a nice day..." He adjusts the sniper rifle that is slung over his shoulder before activating a holographic image disguiser which transforms him into a very ugly Mon Calamari. He then begins to walk down the walkway, and is almost at the end when he sees a group of bounty hunters facing off with a Jedi who looks very nervous...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]Sigh, might as well answer them. Hmpph....and you call yourselves Star Wars fans.......Lol.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Offended greatly, am I! A challenge, I take this as! Trivia you must prepare for! (this is round one of three!) Trivia: [B]#1 Who or What is Vuffi Raa? #2 How many years before Grand Admiral Thrawn's defeat was the Naddist Revolt? #3 What is the parent company of Rothana Heavy Engineering? #4 Where was the location of the New Republic's Pinnacle Base? #5 Where do conduit worms hide during power outages? #6 What cell number was Princess Leia imprisoned in during her detainment on the first Death Star? #7 Name an animal native to Kamino(I am not considering the Kaminoans animals). #8 What is the standard issue Stormtrooper blaster rifle? #9 In what game is a K'lor'slug featured? #10 How many stormtroopers could the [I]Eclipse[/I] hold?[/B][/COLOR]
[B]Somewhere in deep space, far from any inhabited planet...[/B] [I]Several ships emerge from hyperspace at the same time, each coming from a different direction. They are all [B]Capital[/B] class warships, and each is different. Two are rocket shaped, and belong to the InterGalactic Banking clan and the Techno Union. Another is ring shaped with a sphere in the middle, a typical Trade Federation warship. The last vessel is shaped like a diamond, and sports three large engines. It belongs to the Commerce Guild. All four of the powerful warships sit motionless, as if waiting. Then another, smaller ship comes out of hyperspace in the middle of their formation. It is not much larger than a fighter craft, but is propelled by a shimmering brown solar sail. The Capital ships act in unison, each launching a shuttle towards the small craft. Each of the shuttles dock with the solar sailed craft, then returns to its respective ship. [/I] [B]Inside the solar sailed craft...[/B] Five figures sit around a black oval table; four of the figures look nervous, the fifth however is calm and collected. He speaks... ???1: "I am sorry for gathering you here on such short notice, but it is time for us to act, to crush the Republic by crippling its resources." ???2: "But Count Dooku, the last time we engaged in a full scale battle with the Republic w-" Count Dooku: "We were not prepared, and had no knowledge of the clone army. This time we are ready. Nute Gunray, for the last three months, our forces have been winning a steady string of victories against the Republic. They are weak, and won't be able to resist our attack." Nute Gunray: "Where will we attack so that the Republic will fall?" San Hill: "The InterGalactic Banking Clan will not attack Coruscant; we have too many assets there!" Passel Argente: "Neither will the Corporate Alliance! Coruscant is too valuable!" Count Dooku: "Silence! I never said I was attacking Coruscant. My spies have found the location of the Republic's cloning facilities. They are based on the remote world of Kamino. Do not worry, none of you have [I]any[/I] assets there. I want each of you send three warships to attack the planet in one week. The coordinates and battle plans have been transmitted to your ships. You all may go." [I]All of the Separatist leaders depart Dooku's ship and return to their respective vessels. Then the four capital ships vanish into hyperspace.[/I] Pilot Droid: "Count Dooku, where are we to go?" Count Dooku: "Set course for Coruscant, we still have to make arrangements with the bounty hunters I summoned..."
[COLOR=green]Trivia Answers: #2 Nyklon (Spelling may be inaccurate) That's all I know, I borrowed [I][B]Destiny's Way[/B][/I] form the library, so I can't look up the answer to number one... Son Goten, your answers were soooo funny, I nearly died laughing... :rolleyes:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I used to collect only one type of Beanie Baby, the "Mel" koala one. :the rock: I have around sixty sitting on a ledge above my fireplace. I haven't bought any new ones for a while, but for some reason that one just appealed to me...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I think that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty for a number of reasons. You can be the most handsome/beautiful person in the world, but if you are a really nasty, cruel and mean person at heart then nobody will like you for long. I feel that inner beauty makes you who you are and controls your personality and outlook on life. These are the things that get you true friends, not your outward appearance. That's my proverbial two cents...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Your post subject asks "Can [I]Bad[/I] Dictators rise again in Europe." How often do you get a [I]good[/I] Dictator? :drunk: As for whether or not another dictator could take control of Europe or one of its countries, yes it could happen. However it wouldn't be likely that the rest of the world community would stand by and let a power hungry idiot take control of a country by force. Any dictator who wants to rise to power in a civilized country will have to be elected. That very well could happen; after all there was that French wacko who got pretty far in the last French election. It's ultimately up to the European people to make the right choices and protect their freedoms...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green][B]Name[/B]: Abob Ttef [B]Age[/B]: 39 [B]Species[/B]: Chiss [B]Home Planet[/B]: Hoth [B]Weapons[/B]: A [I]Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Rocket System[/I] which is mounted on Abob's left wrist. It can launch [I]Merr-Sonn K26[/I] high explosive rockets, [I]Locris Syndicate Type-12A[/I] low explosive rockets and [I]Locris SyndicateType-12B[/I] rockets which carry a deadly nerve agent . A custom made sniper rifle. (Picture attached) A holographic image disguiser. A set of black composite battle armor engrained with cortosis ore. Abob wears the armor over a dark grey flight suit. [B]Ship[/B]: The [I]Idiots Array[/I], a slightly modified [I]Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12j Skipray Blastboat[/I]. It is armed with three capital ship medium ion cannons, twin proton torpedo launchers, a concussion missile launcher and two laser cannons. The ship is twenty five meters long and is heavily armored; normal star fighter lasers cannot penetrate its thick armor. It can travel over 1,200 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. A Blastboat usually carries a crew of five, but can be piloted by one person if needed. [B]Alliance[/B]: None, although he works for various organized crime syndicates [B]Bio[/B]: Abob was born on the lower levels of Coruscant. His parents were Chiss politicians, sent into exile for having "dangerous ideas". Much to his parents disgust Abob fraternized with the underworld society, making many unsavory friends. At the age of 12 (adult status for a Chiss) he became a hit man for a local crime syndicate. He worked for them for three years, becoming an expert marksman. He later left the syndicate and became one of the best assassins in the Core Worlds, getting paid around 50,000 credits per hit. His reputation for stealth and having no collateral damage has led planetary governments to hire him on occasion. He now resides in a secure bunker on the planet Hoth, near the abandoned rebel base. [B]Description[/B]: Abob is 1.6 meters tall, has blue skin, black hair and unnerving red eyes. He wears a grey pilot's jumpsuit under his black body armor. In public he tends to use a holographic image disguiser, as he is a well known underworld figure. [/COLOR]
[I]A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?[/I] [B]Star Wars...[/B] [I]A mere two months after the first major battle of the Clone Wars, the separatists have begun to gain momentum. Their droid armies, while inferior to the clone troopers of the Republic, have been taking a steady toll on the clone army, reducing it to a quarter of its former size. Count Count Dooku has decided that it is time for the Separatists to strike at the heart of the Republics war effort, Kamino. Without the clones the republic will not have an army to fight with, and the Jedi will refuse to fight the war by themselves. It will mean the end of the Republic, if they succeed. There is one problem however. The Republic knows how vital Kamino is, and has stationed a squadron of Jedi star-fighters and a heavy cruiser in orbit, as well as installing a planetary shield generator on the planet. Count Dooku needs the shield generator destroyed before he attacks the planet so he has sent out a call for mercenaries, bounty hunters and assassins to use as a strike team.[/I] [COLOR=green]You can be one of the outlaws hired by Count Dooku, a Jedi on Kamino, or Count Dooku. Here is what you need to sign up: Name: Age: Species: Home Planet: Weapons (Max of five): Ships: Alliance (Separatists or Republic): Bio: Description:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob: "What's wrong?" Lalaith: "Nothing important, just go wake the others." Abob: "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is bothering you so much that it makes you grip your sword until your hand turns white." Lalaith looks down at his hand, to find it holding his sword in a death grip. Lalaith shakily takes his hand off his sword, and then looks back up at Abob... Lalaith: "I had a dream. We were all asleep, and the monsters attacked. The entire fellowship was killed, one by one. I couldn't do anything, I was frozen..." Abob: "Do you think it is a vision?" Lalaith: "No, but I'm not taking any chances. We're leaving now." Abob: Right, you try and relax Lalaith. Being our leader seems to be putting a lot more stress than usual on you..." Lalaith nods wearily and walks off toward Lauren and Samantha. Abob watches his friend for a moment, then walks off towards Strider, who was standing watch...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Trivia Answers (that I know of the top of my head, I am feeling too lazy at the moment to look the others up): #1 Nirauan BabyGirl- *Waves hand in front of her face* "Feel better now, you will." As to this topic turning into spam, that is certainly true. Who cares if the alien's name started with an M or an N... :rolleyes: [EDIT]I changed the attachment for to post a picture elsewhere...[/EDIT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan and Craig charge down the staircase, and get to the bottom, only to find that the door that separates the stairwell from the main hallway is locked, and the hallway on the other side is extremely busy, shooting the lock would attract too much attention, and they would have to kill everyone in the hallway. Ryan pulls a first aid kit from his bag and wraps a bandage around his hand. Then Craig and Ryan walks back up the stairs, their guns drawn. They get back to the second floor, and immediately come under fire from several guards, who are taking cover from doorways in the second floor corridor. Ryan realizes that the alarm has been sounded and that stealth is useless now. He pulls a smoke grenade from his backpack and throws it down the hall. It rolls slowly down the hallway, trailing thick plumes of smoke. The guards take cover, thinking this is a real grenade. Ryan and Craig run past the doorway that leads to the second floor. They proceed up the stairs, and come out onto the roof. The roof is swarming with guards, and there is a helicopter waiting on a landing pad. Around it are a dozen female bodyguards, forming a ring, presumably around Pizaro. There were also guards standing all around the roof, but they were looking into the jungle around the complex, not around the roof. Ryan and Craig hide behind an air-conditioning unit, and Ryan puts on his headpiece: Ryan: Liam, we are on the roof. We can't grenade the chopper because of the explosives, and are outgunned. Can you give us some backup?" Liam: "I'm on my way. I'll be on the roof soon, so wait for further instructions, Liam out?."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I was disappointed with the new AOTC series [B][I]Star Wars Trading Card Game[/I][/B], not because it is bad or has any flaws, but because I had to throw out all of my old cards (Around two hundred dollars worth). I like the new card game much better, and play it at lunch with a few of my friends. You should see the looks we get... :laugh: What really ticks me off is when they ask us if we are playing with Star Trek cards, when the playing mat and all the cards have [B]Star Wars[/B] written on them... :rolleyes: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob watched as Lalaith fell asleep next to Lauren. He didn?t envy Lalaith in the slightest. Being the leader of their small band was probably the most taxing job on Middle Earth at the moment. Sure, leaders of large kingdoms had to provide for their subjects and protect their borders but they had to face evil in the face all the time. They were up against the best of the best that the darkness had to offer, the horrors that were ten thousand years in the making. Lalaith had to decide in an instant if they would run or fight, live or die. He had to be ready to order one of them to their deaths if need be. Lalaith had been an outstanding leader so far, but his behavior in the last battle had disturbed Abob. Lalaith had put the others above him in importance, and nearly killed himself. He needed to realize that the group needed him to hold them together, and without him they would be disorganized and vulnerable. Abob began to repair his bow, removing the old string and replacing it with a new one from his bag. It was hard work to get the string at the exact tension he liked. The old string had been on the bow for two years, and he had gotten very used to it. Now his accuracy would be on the fritz for a while until he got used to the string. Not good while they were under constant threat of attack?[/COLOR]
[B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=green]Boba Fett[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B] [COLOR=green]14[/COLOR] [B]DOB:[/B] [COLOR=green]July 8th 1988[/COLOR] [B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=green]Maine/New Hampshire (I live on disputed territory)[/COLOR] [B]One Word:[/B] [COLOR=green]Cynical[/COLOR] [B]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word:[/B] [COLOR=green]EVIL![/COLOR] [B]Occupation:[/B] [COLOR=green]Grocery store bagger[/COLOR] [B]Color:[/B] [COLOR=green]Black[/COLOR] [B]Food: [/B] [COLOR=green]Spaghetti/COLOR] [B]Beverage:[/B] [COLOR=green]Dr. Pepper[/COLOR] [B]Alter Ego:[/B] [COLOR=green]Abob Ttef[/COLOR] [B]Dream Job:[/B] [COLOR=green][B][I]Editor for Dark Horse Comics[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B]Self-Proclaimed:[/B] [COLOR=green]Star Wars scholar [/COLOR] [B]Ethnicity:[/B] [COLOR=green] Caucasian[COLOR] [B]Extracurricular:[/B] [COLOR=green]Soccer, OtakuBoards[/COLOR] [B]Hobby:[/B] [COLOR=green]Collecting anything and everything to do with Star Wars[/COLOR] [B]Dessert:[/B] [COLOR=green]Rocky Road ice cream[/COLOR] [B]Musician:[/B] [COLOR=green]No[/COLOR] [B]Group:[/B] [COLOR=green]None[/COLOR] [B]Mac or PC?[/B] [COLOR=green]PC, down with Macs![/COLOR] [B]Nics:[/B] [COLOR=green]Mr. Beetroot, #2[/COLOR] [B]Blog:[/B] [COLOR=green]I don?t have one, and don?t want to share my boring life with the rest of the world.[/COLOR] [B]Home Page:[/B] [COLOR=green]www.OtakuBoards.com[/COLOR] [B]Religion:[/B] [COLOR=green]None, Atheist[/COLOR] [B]Book:[/B] [COLOR=green]Ender's Shadow[/COLOR] [B]Collections:[/B] [COLOR=green]Collecting everything and anything to do with Star Wars! (Hey, this is the second time I have said this?)[/COLOR] [B]Sport:[/B] [COLOR=green]Tennis[/COLOR] [B]Won't Eat:[/B] [COLOR=green]Beans[/COLOR] [B]TV Show:[/B] [COLOR=green]Star Trek: TNG[/COLOR] [B]Words to live by:[/B] [COLOR=green]Eagles may fly high, but weasels don?t get sucked into jet engines. (Be the Weasel)[/COLOR] [B]Addicted to:[/B] [COLOR=green]Star Wars[/COLOR] [B]Comic:[/B] [COLOR=green]Dilbert[/COLOR] [B]Movie:[/B] [COLOR=green]Star Wars 6[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]You had $300 worth of cards, but sold them for $13!?! :eek: If you read the rules carefully and slowly, and read the instructions on the playing mat, you should be able to understand how to play. If that still doesn't help, buy [I][B]Star Wars Gamer #10[/B][/I]. It has a summary of the rules in a simple format. You should have asked someone before you sold all those cards...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan slings his sniper rifle over his shoulder, then draws his Beretta from its holster and begins to advance side by side with Craig across the silent courtyard. They reach the entrance to the main building unopposed, but find the door locked. Not wanting to attract attention by shooting the lock, they look around for another way in. There is a window fifteen feet up, but it's closed. Craig pulls a rope from his backpack, and Abob hands him a smoke grenade. Craig ties the smoke grenade to the rope, and then throws it through the window, breaking the glass. A soft tinkling noise echoes through the courtyard as glass shards fall to the ground and shatter. Craig pulls down the rope and attaches a grappling hook in place of the smoke grenade, then throws the grappling hook at the window, where it attaches securely to the windowsill. Then they both silently climb up the taut rope? Two minutes later they both emerge form the room into the complex's second floor hallway. There are not many people around, and those who are using the hallway seem to be running from room to room, not looking up or around. They manage to get to the end of the hallway and are about to go down the stairs when a bullet hits Abob's left hand. He cursed, and then begins to return fire with Craig, quickly killing their opponent. Then they run down the stairs, they need to get out of here before someone sounded the alarm?[/COLOR]