Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[COLOR=green]I didn't order my Episode II DVD yet, but I plan to buy it in stores, when I get the money...(I just bought a whole bunch of Star Wars cards) I remember someone mentioning the Star Wars card game before; I think it might have been you "Matt". I finally found some people to play with, and have been buying booster packs frequently to improve my deck (Its slightly above average, I might post a list of my cards when I have some free time...) About the mysterious Pepsi alien, I didn't see the commercial, but if someone could describe it...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob finished bandaging a minor cut on his leg, then got up and walked over to Lalaith with his arms crossed and a disgusted look on his face. Abob: "Lalaith, will you listen to me. You are not very badly hurt, but you have lost a [I]lot[/I] of blood. You were very close to collapsing at the end of the battle. Please sit down and rest your body. We may have to fight again soon, and you will have to sit it out if you remain in this state." Lalaith: "Hold on, I just need to get this last arrow." Lalaith pulls an arrow from the chest of one of the monsters, careful not to break it as he pulled it out of the monsters bloody rib cage. Then Lalaith and Abob walked together back to the tree, and the both sat down and rested their backs against it. Abob hands Lalaith a potion, and Lalaith drinks it down, gagging. Lalaith: "What was that?" Abob: "Water." Lalaith: "You must be kidding, no water tastes this bad." Abob: "I drew it from a creek while we were walking earlier. The water in the creek was blood red, so I treated it with several potions to make it drinkable." Lalaith: "Why didn't you tell us?" Abob: "I didn't think it was important at the time, but now I think it may be connected to Ryan's blood problem." Lalaith: "We are getting too old for this, I should be at home in Rivendell, playing cards with you and Lauren and talking of old times..." Abob: "I wish it were so, but it seems Evil never rests..." [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob ran up to Lalaith and stood back to back with him, fending off a swarm of monsters who seemed to be focusing on Lalaith, sniffing. Abob: "Nobody's going to get hurt, except you Lalaith. After this battle I'm treating you [I]right away[/I]. No if's, and's or but's. Otherwise I'll knock you out and drag you away right now." Lalaith: "You have my word. I'll let you treat me after the battle." Abob smiled grimly and continued to fight, thinking about Lalaith. It was going to take more than potions to cure him now, much, much more." Abob kicked a monster in the chest, sending it back into its fellows. Then he drew an arrow from his quiver and shot it into the head of the creature, which died instantly. Then he began firing at the pack of monsters, one arrow after another, faster than the eye could see. After the seventh arrow, there was a sharp snap and his bowstring broke under the strain. He cursed under his breath, and pulled out his sword. He hacked into the nearest monster, and then looked around. There were only six left... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: Yeah, my characters name is Ryan... :blush: ------------------------------------------------ Ryan jumped as a loud series of explosions went off in the forest near the compound. Now there wasn't much left of the forest, and another explosion went off inside the side wall of the compound. Ryan *over his headset to the Blackhawk pilot*: "What's going on?!" Pilot: "According to our tracker someone from the SYF just ran over an uncharted minefield, set off some kind of explosive charge in the complex courtyard, and is now inside the building." Craig: "That was Liam's side of the complex." Ryan: "I hope he didn't get hit by any of that shrapnel, it leaves a nasty scar..." Ryan and Craig continue to pound away at the outer buildings of the compound, since the explosion inside the courtyard had wiped out the group of enemies who had been shooting at the helicopter. Pilot *over headset*: "All the opposition around the base is dead. I'm going to land in the courtyard and let you off." Ryan: "Ok, but can one of us stay behind and act as gunner to make sure nobody we want to kill leaves the base alive?" Pilot: "Sure, but hurry up and decide. The copter is safer in the air." Itashi: "I'll stay." Ryan and Craig un-strap from their seats and step down from the Blackhawk into the deserted courtyard of the complex...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob finished off one of the creatures with a vicious slash across the throat, beheading the creature. He turned and ducked, flipping one of the monsters that had charged at him over his shoulder. The monster flew though the air and landed on its neck, which snapped loudly. Abob looked around and saw Lalaith and Strider charging into a group of Monsters, their swords flashing. Abob froze a horrible though striking him. Lalaith had pulled the arrow from his wound. He would bleed to death if he kept running around like this. Abob ran over to Strider and Lalaith and shouted to Lalaith as he joined the fray... Abob: "Lalaith, stop fighting. You need to sit down and slow your heart rate. If you don't you'll bleed to death from your arrow wound." Lalaith: "I'm fine. It can wait until the end of the battle." Abob: "You'll be [I]dead[/I] by the end of the battle if you don't sit down and let me treat it." Strider: "Lalaith, he's right. You're more use to us alive." Lalaith: "Alright, let's go." Abob hands his sword to Strider, and then he and Lalaith hurry back towards the tree. Lalaith sits down and Abob begins to treat his wound...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I think that the reason this "Khalee Lah" wasn't concerned about any threat from the Chiss Empire is because he underestimated the Chiss. He would know that the Chiss are isolationists by nature, and wouldn't be inclined to get involved with the New Republic on a large scale. So he would think that the Chiss would wait until the Republic was crushed before they realized that waiting to be attacked wasn't going to work, and by then it would be too late. But your theory could be correct and mine false, or vice versa, there is no way to prove either of them. Either way, everything recently published seems to be blaming anything unexplained on the Vong, including this Greet Menace. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]So who voted? And if you could but didn't, why not? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I didnt vote because I am not old enough... :( genkai, If Gore won, then how come [B][I]Bush[/I][/B] is President... :therock: :laugh:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: Desbreko, sorry about not posting sooner, I have had a lot of homework recently, and I just got a new job... :drunk: ----------------------------------- Samus, Link and Mario charge out of the alley and out onto the other side, which happens to be the town square. All kinds of vendors selling all kinds of local and exotic goods line the edges of the town square. A huge crowd packs the square, buying and selling at the various booths. There are several different species doing business here, humans, woodland creatures, toads, several figures clothed from head to toe in long black traveling cloaks and even a Pokemon. Samus activates trace element detector and instructs it to search the crowd for smoke residue. Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, There! One of the black cloaked figures, who was shorter than the rest and continually tripping over his traveling cloak, was covered in smoke residue. Samus: "The smallest cloaked figure." Link: "I see him, but how do we get through the crowd in time?" Mario: "Let-sa use the FLUDD!" Samus and Link each grab hold of Mario's hand and they fly over he crowd and land directly in front of the short, cloaked figure." Samus: "Halt!" The Yellow Koopa sheds his disguise and begins to run, but Samus fires a stun bolt and it hits him in the back of the head. The Yellow Koopa falls to the ground unconscious, along with everyone around him. Samus: "Oops?" [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob took a step back from Ryan as blood poured off his body. Abob: "Someone get me a damp cloth, hurry." Ryan: "WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!?!" The fellowship: "Shhhh!" Abob: "Ryan, you're covered in blood. But it doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere. You're fine, but you're not..." Samantha hands Abob a damp cloth and he pulls a potion from his bag. He applies it to the cloth and begins to run the cloth over Ryan's face and arms. Wherever the cloth touches the blood vanishes. Lalaith: "What did you do?" Abob: "I used a special potion on him. Since he was bleeding but wasn't wounded, the blood had to have been magic related. This potion temporarily removes all his magical powers. It should wear off in an hour or so." Ryan: "I hope so. I fell defenseless and naked with out my powers." Abob: "Like how I feel without my bow. Anyway, I'm going back to sleep, since dawn isn't for another two hours. *sarcastically* I need my beauty sleep." Lalaith: "Sure isn't helping..." The fellowship laughs, then everyone goes back to sleep, except for Strider and Lalaith...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Mitth'raw'nuruodo- The incident with the Ssi-Ruuk actually happened in the book, and at in the essential chronology it is implied that the Chiss were responsible. But it could have been the Vong, or some other force from "outside the known galaxy". :therock: Also, did you get my banner? My e-mail hasn't been working recently. (You don't have to use it; the pictures aren't the best...) Wormmon's Tamer- Isn't there an option that allows you to change your password? I think I changed mine...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been [I]very[/I] busy with homework... ------------------------------------------- Abob walks out of the captain's quarters and then locks the door behind him. He walks quickly down the hall and exits the shuttle through the cargo bay. He walks around the right side of the shuttle, and when he reaches the front he finds the two repair droids shut off. Abob looks up and sees the fighters veiwport welded over the shuttles cockpit, and the shards of transparasteel that had been still attached to the cockpit lying in a neat stack on the ground. Abob: "Droids move the fighter into the cargo bay and shut yourselves down in the storage locker." Droid #1: "Affirmative." He watches as both droids push the fighter around the ship towards the cargo bay and is about to follow them when something cold and hard is pressed against his back. ???: "Don't move, or it'll be your last. Drop the blaster rifle and put your hands on your head." Abob gently lays his sniper rifle on the ground and puts his hands on his head. ???: "I saw you change the shuttle access codes, what are they?" Abob: "I can't tell you that." ???: "Tell me or I'll kill you!" Abob: "Kill me, if you can!" Abob drops to one knee and flips his unknown opponent over his shoulder. Then he dives on top of him, pinning him to the ground. The man is wearing a Death Watch uniform, but his insignia has been ripped off. ???: "Please don't hurt me, I..." Abob: "You are not wearing unit insignia, [I]deserter[/I]. Therefore you cannot be taken prisoner." ???: "Please don't kill me! I'll do anyth-" A blaster bolt hits the man in the back of the head and he falls with a thump to the ground. Then Abob gets into the shuttle and warms up the engines... EDIT: Nobody has posted for a very long time, so I pronounce this RPG closed. :([/COLOR]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Break [/I] [B][size=1][color=crimson]I don't fight.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I can understand you not wanting to fight, seeing as since you were outnumbered and fighting would have gotten you even more seriously hurt. I think that what happened to you was very wrong, but the only thing I can say is that is why some of us carry knives... :bash: :blowingup :modrod: :devil: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I like Queen Asuka and Liamc2, so Faris has got to go! :p I want "Yoda" to win! :smirk:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob grins as Lalaith pulls several items from his bag and sets them on the table. He tried to never carry anything that didn?t have some use. He had gone through his bag yesterday and replaced even slightly worn items. He was making sure he was ready, for once, to go on a quest. The other two had arisen so suddenly he hadn?t had time to think. But maybe that was a good thing, not having to worry about what was ahead, always living in the present. The fellowship slowly walked from the dining hall and out into the bright morning sunlight. They said there final goodbyes to the Elves and then began to walk through the town towards Angband. Lalaith lead them, setting a fast but steady pace. Today they had to get far away from here. The farther the better, since every day they wasted seemed to increase the evils power tenfold. Abob fell into step behind Ryan, and then let his mind drift as he walked? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob opens the first crate, and finds not tools, but black tinted glass vials. They must be glitterstem. To find out he opens one of them, and the vials contents immediately begin to melt in the fading sunlight. It was glitterstem alright, pure glitterstem. One crate of the super addictive drug was worth a small fortune, and if all the crates were full of it? He then begins to look through the other crates, to find that instead of tools they all contain glitterstem. This wasn?t good. They couldn?t repair the shuttle without a welding torch. Maybe the tools were somewhere else on the ship. Abob walks back around to the cargo bay and goes through it into the ship. He begins to methodically search the ship, first going through the crew's bunkroom. He finds several miniature tools, but nothing he needs. When he reaches the storage room an alarm goes off inside his helmet, there is a droid in the storage closet. No, two droids. His sensors show the droids aren?t activated, so he opens the storage closet and finds a dream come true, two repair droids. Abob grins and activates them, then tells them what he wants them to do. The droids then scurry away towards the cockpit, intent on repairing it. Abob continues searching the ship, and is almost done when he hears a whimper from the captain's quarters. He opens the door, his blaster at the ready. On the floor is a child, around eight years old. The boy is crying over the body of his father, who is lying on the floor, a blaster burn hole straight through his heart. The boy looks up and screams at Abob, lunging at the Mandalorian and beating uselessly on his armor. Abob looks down and coldly aims his rifle, then fires. The boy falls to the floor, and lays still?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Yes, I do. If there is [I]anything[/I] Star Wars related around me I just know it is there... :drunk: :therock: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]The only good thing about Christmas without Star Wars is that I can buy myself whatever I want that is Star Wars related right up until Christmas. (Normally my parents make me stop buying things about a month before Christmas so that someone won't get me something I already have.) Something was more important than Star Wars celebration II!?! Must have been very important... In the meantime, while I wait for BabyGirl to post her trivia, I will make up and post some more in my next post... [EDIT]I changed the attachment for to post a picture elsewhere...[/EDIT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan lay prone on the floor of the Blackhawk's troop bay, his sniper rifle aimed at the ground below. Itashi was next to him, and Craig was in the gunner's seat, ready to unload some heavy firepower into the villa. They flew over the position where Liam was supposed to be, and barely half a minute later they were over the villa. Craig opened up with the heavy machine guns, destroying all four of the anti aircraft guns in rapid succession. Then came the troops. Twenty men armed to the teeth poured from the villa, each one firing at the Blackhawk with automatic weapons. Ryan and Itashi took out the officers first, sowing confusion and discord through the thugs. Craig finished them off, and then the Blackhawk began circling the base, firing at anything that moved. Ryan shot and killed several men who were hiding in the shadows of the complex, and was about to shoot at another when a rocket propelled grenade sailed past the Blackhawk. Pilot: "I'm starting evasive maneuvers, strap in and hold on. Ryan scrambled off the floor and jumped into the second gunner's seat just in time. The Blackhawk swerved left and right, zigzagged and tried to dodge the increasing fusillade of rocket propelled grenades, while still providing targets for the gunners...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob was jolted out of his peaceful slumber by a terrified agonized scream. It was coming from the next room over, Ryan's room. Abob jumped out of bed and quickly dressed, then ran barefoot out into the hall, and found the door to Ryan's room ajar. Abob opens the oak door and steps inside to find Ryan on the floor, his body twitching and his eyes staring off into space. Abob: "Ryan, are you ok? What's wrong?" Ryan mumbles incoherently, then grabs Abob's arm and grips it very hard. Abob pries Ryan's hand off of his arm then shakes Ryan's shoulders. Abob: "Ryan, snap out of it." Ryan stops twitching, and gradually returns to his normal self. Ryan: "I saw a vision. I knew Middle Earth was in ruin, but I saw the city in ruins and our bodies in the waterfall..." Abob: "This isn't a very good way to start out our quest, a vision of impending doom." Ryan: "Yeah, and anyway, how did you know I was in trouble?" Abob: "You screamed, don't you remember?" Ryan: "No, the last few hours before my vision seem blurred, and confusing." Abob: "Do you think it will wear off?" Ryan: "Yes, I think so. You can go now, I'm fine." Abob: "You're sure?" Ryan: "Yes." Abob walks out of the room and back to his room, the disturbing vision troubling his thoughts...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Well, seeing as I have no friends in "real life" that live anywhere near me, I couldn't live without Otakuboards. (I was very close to insanity when the boards went from V5 to V6...) I also couldn't live without Star Wars, since it is my favorite thing! *Hugs George Lucas. Lucas backs away in terror...* But other than that (not including body parts and food/water) I can live without just about anything else...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob gets out of his seat and jumps out the shattered veiwport window onto the ground. He turns around and uses his helmets technical sensors to determine the damage to the shuttle. Overall the shuttle was in good condition, the engines, life support, weapons systems and hyperdrive are all fine. The cockpit however is in pretty sorry shape. The controls are mostly destroyed, and the front veiwport will have to be replaced before the ship can go out of atmosphere. Abob walks around to the back of the shuttle and opens the storage bay, to reveal a miniature short range fighter and minimal spare parts. Abob begins to carry the spare parts out of the cargo bay and around to the front of the shuttle. It was hard work and very time consuming, because the durasteel crates and the equipment the contained was very heavy. When he had finally finished moving all the spare parts, he got into the cockpit of the fighter, and turned on the repulsorlift guidance units. The sleek fighter rose a foot off the ground, then Abob flew it like a landspeeder around to the front of the ship. He might be able to take the veiwport form the fighter and use it to replace the cockpit veiwport of the shuttle. But for that he would need a welding torch. Abob gets out of the fighter and begins to open the crates, searching for tools... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I don't plan on changing my name, because I am "afraid of change". Everyday I have a routine I follow, no changes, nothing new. Keeps me sane... I am already having to adjust to everyone else changing their names, and besides, what would I change my name too?[/COLOR]
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Boba Fett replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=green]Looks like I'm Wrist Cutter O_o I'm not sure whether to take that as a complement or an insult...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=green]Abob took cover behind an escape pod hatch as he fired at the four remaining Death Watch troopers. Abob: "Xanko, my helmet scanners tell me these are the last four hostiles on the ship. When we're done with them, I'll land this thing and start making repairs. You go pick up the others and bring them to where I land the shuttle. Then we can scrap the landing craft and use its parts to repair the minimal damage to this ship." Xanko: "Sounds good to me. Besides, the landing craft is running out of engine coolant and won't hold all of us for long." Seconds later the last trooper fell to the floor, a blaster bolt creating a hole through the center of his heart. He falls to the ground with a soft thump. Abob: "I'll see you later." Xanko: "Good luck." Abob and Xanko walk back to the battle scarred cockpit which it covered in durasteel and glass fragments. Xanko turns on his jetpack and flies back to the landing craft, leaving Abob in control of the assault shuttle. Abob pulls a dead Death Watch trooper out of the pilots seat and lands the craft at the edge of the forest?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob finished eating and then followed everyone else down the long hall that was lined with guest rooms. He had noticed Lalaith was going back into the pattern, not eating as much, trying to watch everyone and everything, and even carrying his sword around. Abob had decided that he would eat as much as he wanted while he was here, because there was no telling how long it would be before they returned. This threat that was supposedly taking shape in the far off land of Angband seemed to be the largest threat Middle Earth had ever faced. It made Sauron look like father Christmas, for this force seemed to take no prisoners, accept no surrender, and have no [I]living[/I] followers. Even Orcs were defecting, leaving Mordor [Which borders Angband] and throwing themselves on the mercy of the trials and judgments that await them for their crimes, rather than face the Angband threat. Abob reached his room and walked inside, smiling at the ready travel bag in the corner of his room. He had packed yesterday. He sat down in the chair by the fireplace and looked into the crackling flames. He would miss the peacefulness of this place?[/COLOR]