Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[COLOR=green]Abob had the small landing craft at top speed as it hurtled toward the Mandalorians on the ground. He was swerving the ship franticly, trying to avoid dozens of miniature rockets and laser bolts while still going towards the pickup zone. Suddenly his helmet showed a large enemy ship coming into the atmosphere. The computer had identified it as a heavy assault shuttle, more than a match for their ship. Abob: "Xanko?" Xanko: "I see it. What are we going to do?" Abob: "We can't outfight it, but we could call the [I]Lightning Strike[/I] and have it use its turbolasers to destroy the shuttle." Xanko: "Too risky, if even one turbolaser bolt missed it could incinerate this entire forest." Abob: "It looks like that is the only Death Watch ship around here. If we take it out they're stranded. Maybe we could refuel our jetpacks, fly onto the hull of the shuttle and capture it." Xanko: "Sounds good to me, but to do that we need to bring the landing craft pretty close to the shuttle, well inside point blank range." Abob: "I could program the landing craft computer to fly a random evasive maneuver over to the Shuttle, and then stay in one place long enough for us to launch." Xanko: "Do it, and then get back here." Abob rotated the pilot's seat ninety degrees and began to issue a flurry of voice commands at a small black screen. When he was finished he typed in an activation code, then ran back through the ship to the troop bay. Kawz was sitting at one of the gun turret consoles, Xanko at the other. Kawz wasn?t firing, and seemed to drifting in and out of consciousness. Abob reached into one of the equipment crates and withdrew a med kit. He walked over to Kawz and gave him three shots with a hypospray, to knock him unconscious, numb the pain and to accelerate the healing process. Then he put on his spare jetpack, and then he took the gun console as Xanko did the same. Once they were ready they strapped Kawz in and opened the troop bay door, waiting for the landing craft to get close enough to the shuttle? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Speaking of the draining bank accounts... Christmas is coming up, and instead of spending my hard earned money on Star Wars things, (I must buy more novels! *Walks off towards Barnes and Noble like a zombie*) I must buy my family presents... :therock: I have most of the novels, but still need the last half of the X-Wing books, three NJO novels, the Thrawn trilogy (I have it on tape...) and the Updated Core Rulebook. The worst part is that they won't buy me Star Wars things for Christmas! They think I already have too many :bawl:[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/I] [B]Pretty self explanatory[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]My username is also pretty self explanatory. As I am obsessed with Boba Fett, I signed up under that name. :p [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Rae: "Looks to me like we found it." Siren: "We are actually 10Km from the target area." Ryan: "Fact." Each member of the team removes their supplies from the cargo area and then the group piles into a hummer that has been painted in jungle camouflage. Ryan sat in the back, his rifle against his shoulder in firing position. He looks through his scope, searching the dense foliage on the left side of the road for movement. Only birds and monkeys so far... They reached the end of the dirt road, and parked the hummer in a ditch and covered it in a camouflage tarp. Liam: "Teams tow and three lets go, the complex is only 3Km north of here. Oh, and team one will stay here and wait for the choppers to arrive. We will be positioned around the base, and team one will show up right after dark and provide the distraction." Ryan: "Ok sounds good to me." Ryan, Craig and Itashi watch the other two groups disappear into the jungle. They were going to have possibly the most dangerous job in the whole mission. Every gun in the entire complex would be aimed at them, while the other two teams stormed the base. But the worst part would be the waiting for the choppers to arrive...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob: "Welcome to the fold Strider Ellesar, we will enjoy your company on our new quest." Lalaith: "I welcome you as well Strider. We will need your skills in the coming days." Lauren: "I welcome you as well, Prince of Half Elves." Ryan: "Welcome, friend. I look forward to working with you." Iondarc: "Welcome." Strider: "Thank you friends. I fell honored to have been asked to join you." Elladan: "Now let us eat." The new fellowship sits down at the table and begins to eat... [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Tigervx [/I] [B]the Mandilorian Cred[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]You mean [B][I]creed[/I][/B] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob [over helmet intercom.]: "You hear that? They think we'll stop and surrender for one man. We can't shoot them all before they kill Kwaz, but I have a plan." Xanko: "We don't have time to discuss it now. Land the ship and we can discuss it while we "negotiate" with them." Abob: "Roger." The Mandalorian drop ship drops gracefully to the battle scarred ground and the main hatch opens. Xanko and Abob walk out, their armored hands resting on their helmets. Native 1: "Stay where you are." Three natives walk timidly up to Abob and Xanko, and tie them up. Then they are carried into the center of the group of natives. Abob [Through helmet intercom.]: "Kawz, vacuum seal your armor. Xanko, initiate plan A." The Natives continue to talk amongst themselves, debating whether or not too kill their captives. Suddenly they fall to the ground and begin to spasm. Abob and Xanko unclench their hands, revealing handles of molecular stilettos. They slice through the ropes that are binding them, then pick up Kawz and head for the ship...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]It is curious that you mention the connection between Thrawn's unnamed threat and the Vong. [B][I]The Thrawn Trilogy[/I][/B] is my favorite Expanded Universe series, and the first thing I though of when I read about The Vong in [B]Vector Prime[/B] was Thrawn and his talking about an threat from outside the galaxy. I think the Vong were that that threat, but the artwork that you refer to strikes me as odd. I haven't actually gone back and looked at the page you mentioned, but it strikes me as odd that the Vong would have un-living artwork. So while I think you are correct as far as the Vong/Thrawn connection, I am not so sure about the artwork you refer to.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I was wondering why I hadn't seen you around here much lately. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that there is now a new Super Moderator (Elite, isn't it?) who "rules" the same area of OtakuBoards as you. Thought you had been replaced :faint: , until I checked the Staff section... *Insert sigh of relief smilie here* But back on topic... I have heard that California is a great place as far as Star Wars goes, and next time I visit my grandma out there, I'll have to attend some convention or something... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob finishes his meal and watches as Lalaith, then Lauren leave the table. Abob rises from his seat and thanks Elladan for the meal and returns to his room, intent on finishing his newest invention. He had spent all of his spare time working on a potion that would seek out Orcs. He was planning on applying it to arrows that Ryan had enchanted so that the arrows, once fired, would seek out and kill Orcs automatically. The problem was, his potion needed to be perfected, because in trials using dead Orcs, the arrows had become confused and come back at him. He couldn't have that happening in battle. He reached his room and walked in, feeling very tired. Too much good food... He got into bed and quickly fell into a dreamless sleep. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Liam: "Maybe, the terrorist group with which she was involved was reported to make much of its money through arms deals." Ryan: "Is there any way we can use this to our advantage? Any way to disable or destroy SYF weapons remotely?" Liam: "I doubt it, but it is possible some of the higher ups have something like that. I'll call Adam." Liam walks off towards the phone, and Ryan saves the information on his laptop, before closing it and stowing it away in his backpack. He checks his watch, and suddenly realizes how late it is. He pulls a blanket from under his seat, and wraps it around himself. He is soon fast asleep. [I]Dreaming...[/I] He's falling... Faster and faster, he sees things flash by, pictures of his brother. His brother is screaming and shooting at something in the darkness. Ryan grins, he hated his brother... Suddenly he sees someone step out of the shadows and shoot his brother. His brother falls to the ground and Ryan walks over to him. But his brother's face isn't his brothers, it's his... Ryan screams, then wakes up...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Oops, silly me I forgot to say where. [B][I]Star Wars Celebration II[/I][/B] was held in thee Indiana convention center in Indianapolis, IN. It was mainly about episode II, and featured guest speakers such as Anthony Daniels, costume contests, all kinds of merchandise, the fan film awards, and Star Wars card game tournaments.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob and Ryan walk together down the hallway towards the dining hall, discussing the new recruits they hope to add to the weary fellowship before starting out again. Abob: "Ryan, do you know anything about these people?" Ryan: "Only they are some of the best warriors middle earth has to offer." Abob: "But can we trust them?" Ryan: "We'll have to, if we want to make it through our next mission alive." Abob: "I suppose. I just don't like the idea of adding new members to our fellowship. It is fine the way it is..." They walk into the dining hall to find that Lauren and Lalaith have just arrived as well. Abob sits down to Lalaith's right and Ryan sits to his left. Soon the entire table is filled with fellowship members and Elves. He watches as the older elf at the head of the table stands. Elladan: "To the utter and total destruction of evil, let us drink." They all raise their crystal goblets, and drink. Then the feast begins...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob and Xanko fly silently several feet from the ground on their captured speeder bikes. Abob uses his helmets rangefinder and determines that their landing craft is 10.836KM away, and seems to be fine. However, the battlefield is no longer deserted, and native patrols are everywhere. Abob looks over at Xanko, who is flying to his right, and sees his friend looking back at him with a mixture of despair, anger and worry. Minutes later they pull up beside the landing craft and jump off their speeder bikes. They have to hurry and get back to the others, who weren't going to last more than a few hours against a much larger enemy. Abob: "Landing craft, open main hatch." Landing craft central computer: "Authorization code required." Xanko: "Blue 29467" Landing craft central computer: "Access granted." The landing craft's main hatch opens and they walk inside. Abob: "I'll fly it, you take the guns." Xanko: "Right." Abob walks through the troop area and into the Spartan cockpit. He sits down in the pilot's seat and begins the startup procedures. Xanko: "You ready for liftoff." Abob: "I think so, but the engine coolant looks dangerously low. We'll make it there, but it's going to be close on the way back." Xanko: "We'll risk it. Let's go." Abob engages the main engines and the drop ship heads off for the woods... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Well, I know there at least three Star Wars events that take place in the Midwest, but the only one I can think of right now is [B][I]Star Wars Celebration II[/I][/B], It took place this past May 3-5th. I will try and find out about the others...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/I] [B][COLOR=green]Also, I would greatly appreciate it if from now on people do not post OOC only posts. If you have a question please PM me.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]:cussing: :lecture: [COLOR=green]Need I say more... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob: "Only one, but its back on the main battlefield. We'll never make it alive on foot." Xanko: "Then we won't go on foot. Abob, I want you to take out as many speeder bike troopers as you can, without damaging their vehicles." Abob: "Understood." He raised his sniper rifle and with chilling accuracy methodically killed three Death Watch troopers who had been sitting on their parked speeder bikes waiting for orders. Xanko: "Everyone, cover Abob and I while we make a dash for the speeder bikes. We'll fly back to the landing zone and bring the drop ship back here and pick you up." The remaining Mandalorians nodded their agreement, and then continued to shoot at their enemy. Abob: "Let's go together." Xanko: "One, two, three, GO!" They sprinted out from their positions firing haphazardly at anything that moved. In seconds they were on the speeders, and soaring off into the evening sky...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I need to know something... Why are all the Star Wars conventions, large events and RPG conferences [B][I]all[/I][/B] held on either the west coast (USA), or in the Midwest?!?! I can't seem to find a single Star Wars event that takes place on the East Coast that I can attend. It is driving me [SIZE=4][B][I]INSANE[/I][/B][/SIZE]! :flaming: :mad: :angry2: :cussing: :grumble: :bash: Does anyone know of a Star Wars event that I could go to that takes place on the East Coast.....?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob sits in a wooden chair in the corner of his room, carving arrows with his Mordor blade. He thinks to himself over the events of the last few years, his adventures with Lalaith, Lauren, Samantha and his other friends. They had come to know each other very well, during the course of their dangerous and difficult quests to protect middle earth. He was nearing forty and was "getting too old for this" according to Samwise Gamgee II, who he lived with in the shire. Ever since he had disposed of the second ring he had spent his retirement (or what was left of it between adventures) with his friends family. He hadn't even gone back to the Shire since the defeat of the Void. He had written letters to Sam detailing their adventures and urging his friend to join them. But Sam, being a hobbit, decided one adventure was more than enough for a lifetime. Suddenly a knock at his door shattered his train of thought and brought him back to reality. Abob: "Who is it?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan: "Does Metal Storm manufacture any other kinds of weapons besides submachine guns?" Liam: "Yeah, I think so. I haven't actually seen one, and don't have a clearance even close to the point where I would be able to request info on other models, but I have heard rumors..." Ryan: "What kind of rumors? Not that I'd give up my sniper rifle for anything other than another, better sniper rifle." Liam: "I don't think they make sniper rifles, although there's always a possibility." Ryan nods, and then opens his backpack to reveal several boxes of ammo, some rations, a medic kit and a laptop. He pulls out the laptop and begins to access the SYF files on Pizano Baudez. He found a short biography, a record of known business deals and various related news articles. None of the information looked interesting, except for a picture of Baudez surrounded by female bodyguards. The women were very pretty, but that wasn't the important part. They were armed with top of the line, government custom issue machine guns. The guns were more powerful than the ones used by most armies, but scaled down and with extra recoil dampening devices. The guns looked identical to standard SYF issue weapons. Ryan checks the image against the SYF database, and comes up with a perfect match. Ryan: "Liam, look at this..." Liam gets up and looks at Ryan's laptop. Liam: "How in the world did they get those!?!" Ryan: "Liam, I have a theory, but you might not like it. Could it have been possible that your sister had something to do with this?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Yes, Duo, you did convince me to sign up. I had just returned to the boards(our internet as been wacky lately) and recived your PM. Now all I have to do is write a good starter post for the RPG *wanders off into Microsoft Word*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Name: Abob Ttef Age: 43 Race: Human Weapons: A bow and a quiver of arrows, a long knife and a bag of potions. Background/Bio: Abob's family was killed by a group of rampaging Orcs while he was away hunting. He was overcome by grief, and spent years living in the misty mountains as a hermit. After several years living by himself, his grief turned to hatred. He spent several years methodically killing all the Orcs who belonged to the particular clan which had killed his family. After that task was accomplished he joined the second fellowship of the ring. He traveled with them until the ring was destroyed. Afterwards he retired to the Shire and enjoyed the "quiet life". However fate called to him again and he rejoined his friends to combat an new evil known only as Bahamut. Once again he completed his task and retired to the Shire, hoping he would never be called upon again? Description: Abob has white skin, black hair and green eyes. He is around five feet tall and weighs around 120Lbs. He wears a black traveling cloak along with leather boots. He often carries a walking stick. Personality: Abob is quiet and a little shy. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and a dangerous enemy.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: Finally someone has responded. I desperately want to keep this RPG alive, but cant if nobody else posts... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob had his rifle raised and zeroed in on the large heavily armed, and armored, personnel carrier that three Death Watch troopers were driving towards the battle. He had found a weak spot in the armor, which he was certain, would break if he shot it, and the blaster bolt would continue through to the vehicles power plant. If all went well it would cause a nice big explosion, if things turned ugly. Meanwhile Jester had lunged at Visla moments after Visla's blaster failed to fire. Jaster plowed shoulder first into Visla, who fell to the ground and rolled there in agony. Jaster stood over his helpless opponent, his wrist rockets pointed at Visla's head. Jaster: "I win. Go now and never return." Visla: "Fine, I admit defeat." Visla gets to his feet and walks back towards his troops. Once he is safely behind them he begins to scream like a madman... Visla: "I have had enough of you Jaster, Death Watch initiate plan Alpha Blue!" The death watch troopers open up, all of the shooting at Jaster and filling the air with Blaster bolts. Jaster does his best to dodge, but is hit in the knees. Jaster: "Montross, I need a jetpack lift now!" Montross: "No thanks Jaster, I'm tired of taking orders from you." Jango tries to run forward and save his mentor, but Xanko stops him. Xanko: "There is nothing we can to save him. Let's get out of here before we're all killed." Abob begins to fire methodically at the Death Watch troopers, each blaster bolt killing its target. He was furious... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan quickly wrote down his name under team one, and walked out of the conference room and down the hall towards his room. He had spent almost all of the last few days at the shooting range, pumping round after round of high velocity bullets into moving paper targets. Adam hadn't been happy when he had requested another thousand bullets as replacements and had given him a long speech about "tax payer dollars" before giving him the ammo. What did he care, after all he didn't pay taxes... Ryan reached his room and dressed in black sweatpants and a black T-shirt. Over the T-shirt he put on a Kevlar vest, which was adorned with at least twenty small dents. He then put on his ammo belt, which contained his spare clips and tucked his pistol into it. Once he was ready to go he checked his watch, to find he had ten minutes to report to the Armored Personnel Carrier which was presumably parked out front. He walked out of his quarters, and locked his door behind him before heading down the long hallway. When he was almost at the end he was joined by Craig and Liam who had just finished preparing for the mission. Ryan noticed an interesting submachine gun nestled in Liam's holster, he didn't recognize it, and it looked like a very, very good custom job. He would have to ask Liam about that later... They left the building and had just sat down in their metal seats inside the personnel carrier when Rae, Siren and Jaudiar walked in, each armed to the teeth. Ryan: "You ladies are looking dangerous today..." Siren: "I'm going to get even more dangerous if you don't shut up." Ryan: "Fine, fine..." When everyone was seated the APC began its slow drive towards the airport, and the first step of their mission...[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Peanut [/I] [B]Well what do you have to confess? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Let's see... I have several secrets that my parents don't need to know *looks over shoulder* but since I don't know most you in real life... I ditched school a week and a half ago, I have conveniently forgotten to tell my parents that there are girls at some of the sleepover parties I go to... :naughty: and I have a girlfriend (my parents would freak if they knew?)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]There aren't any people on Otaku Boards who I would consider "Role Models", but plenty that I respect and consider friends. Ben: He introduced me to this wonderful message board, and I think he is a great guy. Although he hasn't been around much lately... Mist: She's friendly, posts intelligently, and is great at sparring. If only I could write like her... :bawl: DuoGod of Death: Another of my friends, who I tend to see a lot in RPGs. *looks suspiciously over shoulder* Angelus_Necare: A friend of mine from when I was a newbie. She put up with my newbie-ness, and helped me to become a better Role Player BabyGirl: My favorite mod, who made me feel so welcome when she said hello to me on my intro thread. We have had many Star Wars discussions... Son Goten: He has been my friend for a while and hosts my banner. (even though it isn?t up right now?) [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Raiha [/I] [B][COLOR=seagreen][I]And time went by....[/I][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Ok, since Adam is now with us, I will assume that we are now back at the base, ok? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan sat in the cafeteria, his sniper rifle in pieces scattered around his food. He hadn't got to use it, [I]again[/I]. He was getting very, very tired of this. He wanted to prove that he was a good agent, someone who could fulfill his part of the mission without any problems. He had failed. Liam had left and gone into harms way without him. He hadn't been there to provide support or do anything else. Who cares if Liam wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place? He was supposed to be there, with Liam and the rest of the team regardless of the circumstances. He would have to keep an eye on everyone else from now on and not let any of them go on any missions, authorized or not, without him. Ryan finished his sub sandwich and began to clean and assemble his rifle. It was something he did to relax, to relieve tension and to forget what was going on around him. And thankfully it was working, taking his mind off his failures...[/COLOR]