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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [COLOR=green]Siren: "Ryan and I are right here Rae." Liam and Craig turn around to see Ryan and Siren jogging towards them. Liam: "About time you showed up." Ryan: "We found a computer with some interesting information, and it wasn't hooked up to the bunker main computer." Liam: "Good. Now that we're all here lets get back to the pickup point." The agents piled into the remaining hummer and began there long drive through the sea of sand dunes towards the pickup point. Ryan sat in the back of the hummer, cleaning his sniper rifle. He hadn't even used it... But, there were plenty of other missions in which he could act as the sniper. His two specialties, when combined proved deadly and discouraging to any opponent. He had cleaned the rifle and was just about to replace the sights on top when the hummer stopped at the pickup point. Ryan looked around, nobody was here yet. He checked his watch, and found that they were fifteen minutes early. He got out of the hummer and sat against one of its wheels, letting the hot sun warm his face as he waited...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]Abob took a step back and grabbed onto one of the many pillars that supported the high roof of the chamber. The black tornado spun faster and faster, lifting the Voids limp body high into the air. As it spun it created an enormous amount of suction and began to draw everything that wasn?t tied down towards it. Bent arrows, loose tiles, pools of blood, they all were drawn into the whirling tornado. One of the older pillars was pulled free of its foundation and was pulled into the tornado, which was growing larger. He clung to the pillar with all his might, but he was slipping. He managed to get a grip on the stone pillar with his legs and he released his hands. He quickly withdrew a length of Elvin rope from his bag and tied himself to the pillar. Suddenly the tornado gave an almighty roar and?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green][B]SSJGoten[/B]- I never said he was last mentioned inn [I]Destiny's Way[/I], I said that it was the last time he would be mentioned [I]other than being remembered.[/I] He could be mentioned in prequel novels, but not chronologically after [I]Destiny's Way[/I][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=green]Ryan glanced down at the vent, then back at Liam and Craig. Ryan: "We're coming, just give us a few minutes..." Liam: "Alright, but hurry up." Siren and Ryan each began to unscrew the bolts that held the ventilation grate in place. Once all the bolts were out the silently slid it out of the way. Then they each pulled out grenades, pulled the pins and dropped them into the control room below. There were a few shouts and screams, and then a huge explosion rocked the bunker, followed by several secondary explosions. Ryan: "Ladies first." Siren: "Shut up." She jumped out of the ventilation shaft and landed catlike in the midst of the ruined control room. Ryan came down after her and was amazed by what he saw. Mangled computers lined the walls and dead technicians were everywhere. The floor was covered in blood mixed with blackened circuitry. Siren: "Lets go, there's nothing here." Ryan: "Look at that..." She turned to see what he was staring at. On the far wall, untouched by the explosion was a flat screen TV that was hooked to a computer. The screen showed a map of the world, and black dots were scattered all over. The black dots on the screen are labeled in a language Ryan doesn't recognize... Siren: "I'll download the hard drive." Ryan: "But Liam already di-" Siren: "Are you blind? This computer isn't hooked up to anything except the TV, probably for a reason. Someone didn't want this information accessed by anyone, not even his troops. It's worth getting." Ryan: "Ok, but hurry up, I don't want to be here when Adam's bombers show up." Siren quickly copied the hard drive onto her laptop and they jogged out of the base...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=green]Samus watched Tom Nook walk away towards his shop through the small house's only window. She still didn't trust him, but she couldn't do anything about that now. Perhaps she was wrong about him. She definitely didn't recognize him, and he had been very nice to them. She was jolted out of her deep thought by a loud conversation... Mario: "Madame Aroma, cant you spare three of the four mattresses on your bed? We need-a to sleep to!" Madame Aroma: "Mario, I must get my beauty sleep, and I can't do that with any less than four mattresses. The floor isn't that hard is it?" Mario walks dejectedly away from Madame Aroma, muttering about how beauty sleep wouldn't help her in the least. Samus chuckled, she was content to sleep in her power suit, and it was well padded. She curled up in a corner of the room and was soon fast asleep... She was in the middle of a field, and was shooting at targets. It was a lot of fun. Suddenly a huge shadow fell upon her. She looked up and saw Madame Aroma, except she wasn't her normal size. Madame Aroma was a giant! She was walking towards Samus, and was about to squish Samus under her ridiculous shoes. Samus began to run, but Madame Aroma was gaining, she couldn't escape. Suddenly she was falling; she looked around and saw she was falling down a green pipe. She must have fallen in while she was running away from Madame Aroma. She couldn't grab onto anything, she was going to hit the ground... Then she was jolted awake by a scratching noise. She looked around and found herself still in the one room house, she must have been dreaming. The others were asleep and Madame Aroma was snoring loudly. The scratching noise came again, this time from the door. Samus got up and looked outside the window, it was pitch black, but she could make out several plants, pounding on the door...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]Abob lunged forward and stabbed the Void in the shoulder. She screamed and black blood gushed forward, melting everything it touched. Abob jumped back, but his clothes had small burn spots where the blood had touched him. Iondarc started to mutter an incantation, and as soon as the Void began to say the counter curse he struck. He swung his staff like a club and hit her on the side of the head. There was a sickening crack and she fell to the floor. Lalaith: "Stand back, it could be a trap." Abob looks at the blood coming from a cut under her hair and steps closer. Abob: "She's not dead, probably unconscious." Samantha: "Let's kill her now and get it over with." Lauren: "Sounds good to me." Iondarc: "...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=green]Ryan took several steps back, than took a running jump at the vent that Siren had just disappeared into. He managed to grab the bottom of the square vent hole and pull himself up and into the dusty vent. It was dark, and he could barely make out Siren's pen light a few feet ahead. He had hooked his backpack around his legs and was crawling on his belly towards her. He was slightly smaller than she was, meaning he could maneuver a little easier. Suddenly he heard voices coming from below. Siren had stopped and turned off her pen light. She turned around and together they looked out through one of the air ducts into a large rectangular room. It seemed to be some kind of command center. Computers were everywhere, and men in desert fatigues and wearing black armbands hurried around the room. There were only two guards at the doorway. Obviously this place hadn't been designed with an internal attack in mind. Ryan *In a whisper*: "Should we attack them?" Siren: "...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=green]Thank you very much BabyGirl. By the way, I havent seen you around the boards much... :( SSJGoten- I know than Anikan didnt physically die in [I]Destiny's Way[/I], but almost all the greiving, memorial services, etc happened in [I]Destiny's Way[/I]. Its also the last book where he is given referece to other than being remembered. So his death has more importance in that book. So I tend to think of it as the book in which he died...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=green]As soon as Siren had finished climbing up the rope and over the wall Abob called to Liam over his headset. Ryan: "I'm going into the base with Siren. She can't go in there alone." Liam: "Alright, be careful and cover each other's backs." Ryan: "Roger, Ryan out." Ryan took hold of the end of the rope and quickly began to climb. Fifteen seconds later he pulled himself over the top of the wall and onto the guard platform. Three guards lay in a pool of blood, their weapons not even drawn. Ryan hurried to the edge of the platform and climbed down the ladder to the courtyard. The courtyard was empty, except for a concrete bunker in the center, which was flanked by machine gun emplacements, both weren't manned. These troops must have been the ones Liam got with the flash bang. How very unprofessional to leave their posts... Ryan found Siren at the bunker door, which she was wiring with C4. Siren: "Get back, I'm going to blow it." Ryan: "I'm not stupid, I know C4 when I see it." Siren: "Coulda fooled me." They ran to the side of the bunker and huddled there until the charge blew. Then they reloaded their weapons and turned the corner...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=green]Samus walked side by side with Link, following Madame Aroma along the road towards [B]Animal Crossing[/B]. Samus didn't mind following bossy Madame Aroma's lead. She wasn't so sure about her friend through. The name Tom Nook of [B]Animal Crossing[/B] had rung an alarm bell in her head. She had already searched the criminal database using her helmet computer, and found nothing. She looked in her personal case files, police reports, recent news broadcasts and still came up empty handed. Maybe she was wrong. Perhaps she was thinking of someone else. She was pretty sure that she had heard of him before though. Maybe Link would know... Samus: "Link, have you heard of Tom Nook before?" Link: "No, I don't think so. Why?" Samus: "Oh, never mind. For some reason I thought I had, but I can't seem to place him." Their conversation was cut short as Madame Aroma suddenly tripped on the rocky road and fell to the ground with a loud "plop". Madame Aroma: "Owww! Mario, please help me up!" Mario: "Sure. Link, Samus can you lend-a me a hand?" Link: "No problem." Samus: "Sure." Mario took hold of her left hand, Samus took hold of her right, and Link stood behind her, ready to push. With one gargantuan effort they managed to heave Madame Aroma's obese form off the road and into the air. Madame Aroma: "Thank you very much. Look, were almost in town!" The sun was beginning to set and they were at the edge of a cobblestone street that twisted and turned its way through the houses into the center of town. Mario: "Which-a way is the General Store?" Madame Aroma: "Down this road, not far." The group of weary travelers quickened their pace as they approached the General Store... [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green][B]Wormmon's Tamer[/B]- #1 is correct #2 is not correct; the last clone of Emperor Palpitine died 11 years after the battle of Yavin 4, or 7 years after the battle of Endor. Someone [I]please[/I] answer the last one... I am not planning to see the IMAX version, but you never know. One last thought. Is anyone else here interested in writing trivia questions? If so please post them. I hate being the only one to post trivia.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=green][I]Destiny's Way[/I] is a very good book. I am currently reading it and so far have found it extremely interesting. [COLOR=red]*Red light flashes* SPOILER ALERT[/COLOR] I hate the fact that Anakin died in the book. He wasn't a very important character to me, but I was still disturbed by his death. I hope they don't decide to kill off anyone else; Anakin and Chewie are more than enough for me... [COLOR=red]*Red light stops flashing*[/COLOR] Trivia Time! #1 What was the name of the "diner" where Obi-Wan and his informant Dexter meet in Episode II? #2 What company makes the blaster rifles used by the Imperial stormtroopers (standard issue blaster rifles)? #3 How many years after [I]Return of the Jedi[/I] did the Emperor's last clone die?[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]Abob lies on the ground between the fellowship and the Void; he has been jolted out of his unconsciousness by the sharp crack off the Soul Vial shattering. He tries to get up, but his head is so wracked with pain he immediately falls down again. Samantha takes a step forward and, with great effort, gently picks him up and carries him out of the "line of fire". Iondarc steps over him and mutters something, instantly clearing Abob's head and allowing him to stand. All that he had to deal with now was the pain. Ah, the pain. It was like someone had driven their sword into his head and was slowly twisting it. He put his hand to his forehead and feels blood flowing from a wound behind his left ear. He looks around the room for his bag of potions, and sees it near the door. He walks over to the door, every step wracking his weakened body with unimaginable pain. It seems like an eternity, but he finally reaches the bag and pulls a potion from it. He pours it over his wounds, which instantly heal. He drops the vial to the ground, and it shatters. That was his last potion; he had received it from a traveling wizard when he was a boy. The wizard had told him that he would do great things. At the time he hadn?t understood. Feeling almost fully recovered he walked back towards the others?[/COLOR]
  14. OOC: I was away for a [I]little[/I] while, and all this happens? ------------------- [COLOR=green]Ryan, Craig and Niomi huddle behind the large sand dune right in front of the base, occasionally taking advantage of the heavy fire to shoot back at their determined attackers. Ryan hears a loud explosion as Liam blows up the Sherman tank. He takes advantage of the momentary chaos to pop his head up over the dune and survey the battle scene. The base stands in front of them, its front two guard towers blown up and firing at them from behind the low walls. Behind their sand dune is the smoking wreckage of their hummer. The Sherman tank lies off to their right, its metal framework engulfed in flame. Behind and to the right of the tank he can see Liam's position, and notices that they have an extra agent. Ryan ducks back behind the dune and turns his headphones on. Ryan: "Liam, what now. My group can't stay here; we don?t have good enough cover. The enemy is also bringing up reinforcements." Liam: "Can you risk making your way over to our position?" Ryan: "Yes, but we'll need heavy cover fire." Liam: "You got it. Whenever your ready, Liam out." Ryan turns off his headphones and turns to Craig and Niomi. Ryan: "Were going over to Liam. I'll go first, you cover me." Craig: "Roger." Ryan slings his sniper rifle over his shoulder and pulls his pistol from his waistband. Then he dashes from the cover of the dune, heading for the halfway point cover of the flaming Sherman tank?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]Samus stands right outside the train station, silently watching the crowds of near identical toads as they go about their business. The rest of the town had woken up now, and the once empty streets of the village were filled with vendors who were loudly hawking their wares. Samus had decided to watch the activity at the train station because it was the only way of fast, mass transit that connected to this sleepy town. If there was going to be any suspicious activity, it would probably come through here. Then, at the edge of the platform he sees, among the virtual sea of toads, a figure dressed in green tying a horse to a pole outside the station. It was Link, from Hyrule. Why was he here? It was worth finding out. She swiftly strode through the crowd, taking great care not to knock over any small toads. She reached Link seconds later and began to speak? Samus: "Link, what a surprise to see you here? What brings you to the mushroom kingdom?" Link: "Samus, it's been a long time. Nice to see you again! Anyway, I came here to investigate the rumors of piranha plants attacking people." Samus: "So did I. But when I arrived there wasn?t a piranha plant in sight." Link: "I haven?t seen any either. Hey, look the train has pulled in." Samus turns and watches as a great long train pulls up to the station platform and passengers begin to pile out onto the already packed platform. Many are toads, but there are some foreigners, a group of Pac people, three or four residents of the Earth Colony, A small man in a red hat and a large woman who wasn?t wearing shoes? Link: "Hey that's Mario!" Samus: "So it is. The lady, isn't that Madame Aroma?" Link: "It is. What could they be doing here?" Samus: "Let's find out." She and Link hurry through the crowd and towards Mario and his companion?[/COLOR] ----------------------------- Desbreko, James, hope its alright with you if Samus, Link and Mario join up... If not PM me and I will delete this post.
  16. [COLOR=green]Ryan had landed right next to the second drop team's hummer and was almost finished burying his parachute when Craig walked up and began to detach the hummer's parachutes. Ryan: "Bout time you showed up. Where is the rest of our team?" Craig: "There coming... Come here and help me with this age will you?" Ryan: "Sure." Ryan kicked a small pile of sand over the last corner of his parachute and pulled out his fighting knife, which he used to cut the remaining parachute off of the cage which held their hummer. Once the parachute was off Craig buried it while Ryan removed the cage. Ryan: "What do we do with the transport cage when were done with it, its not like we can bury it..." Craig: "Don't look mat me, call Liam." Ryan puts on his headset and tries to reach Liam...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green]Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you order those RPGing sourcebooks online? Perhaps you could search for the company that makes the RPGing books (the name escapes me at the moment...) with your internet browser. If you can't find them online Barnes and Noble has them [I]on occasion[/I][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=green]Abob watched as Lauren struggled against her evil captor's iron grip, to no avail. Void: "You must come to me Lalaith, take Lauren's place at my side and willingly let me move from my weakened body into yours. Otherwise she will die a painful death." Lalaith looked at the rest of the fellowship, each member of which was looking nervously from him, to the Void, to Lauren. Then he started walking towards her. Lalaith: "Let her go." Void: "Not until you are at my side." Lalaith takes another step forward. Abob decides he must act. He steps out of the circle of fellowship members and draws his sword, pointing it at Lalaith. Abob: "No. Don't take her place, she is pure evil and won't keep her word." Lalaith: "But Lauren will di-" Abob: "She'll die anyway!" Lalaith: "Get out of my way!" Abob: "No. I wont let you, *turns towards the rest of the fellowship*, or any of you take her place." Void: "Then she dies now!" Lalaith: "Wait!" Lalaith kicks out hard with his right foot and hits Abob on the side of his head, knocking him out. Then Lalaith walks toward the Void...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green]I rarely use sourcebooks; they tend to focus heavily on ships used in the movies or extremely well known ships. They also don't give enough technical data. I prefer to use the [I]Star Wars Core Rulebook[/I] that is made for Role Playing Games. It contains very specific data on weapons, ships crews, and ships weaknesses. It also tells you common tactics that a type of ship might use. You might now see why I find the useful. The NJO and Power of the Jedi sourcebooks are great (far superior to the "Essential Guide to..." series), but I still like the RPGing books better... [/COLOR] Please ignore the attachment, it is for Son Goten.
  20. [COLOR=green]Abob got off his knees and picked up his bow. Looking at the void with a stare that would melt ice he notched his bow and fired. He fired again and again and again in rapid succession. Each time forcing the Void to tire itself trying to avoid the arrows assaulting it from all sides. Finally one of Lalaith's arrows hit, hitting the Voids slender arm. She screamed and sent bolts of black lighting towards the fellowship. The lighting bolts missed, but barely. The Void was beginning to tire, and stumble as she desperately tired to avoid the streams of arrows aimed at her. It was only a matter of time...[/COLOR]
  21. Boba Fett


    [COLOR=green]Abob walked through Mist Grove. His eyes searched the forest around him for any sign of life. He spotted a flock of Pidgeys sitting in a tree about fifty meters ahead. Silently he ducked behind a tree and pulled off his black backpack. He opened a small pouch on the side ad withdrew an apricorn pokeball. It was made from a rare black apricorn, and he had traded a traveler at the Mist Grove Inn a rare TM for it. But that was years ago, before he caught Phantom. He pressed a small red button on the side of the pokeball and, in a puff of pink smoke a pokemon appeared. It was about a meter tall, solid black with blood red eyes. Otherwise it looked like an undersize Scyther. Attached to a chain around its neck was a silver everstone that would keep it from evolving. Abob *In a whisper*: "Phantom, a flock of pidgeys ahead. Don't let any escape this time..." Phantom: "Phant!" Phantom climbed a tree and waited as Abob pulled out a pouch of breadcrumbs from his pack before putting it back on. Abob walked up to the pidgeys slowly, tossing breadcrumbs as he went. The pidgeys ate the crumbs greedily and followed him back to the tree where Phantom was hiding. Once the pidgeys were at the base of the tree Phantom struck. He jumped from the tree with a screech and viciously began to attack the pidgeys. In seconds all the fainted pidgeys lay around Abob's feet. Abob: "Very good. Now let's go." The boy and his pokemon walked for several hours until they were out of the forest, unaware that a bird flew high above their heads, watching... [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green]Ryan chewed on the carrot, humming and occasionally looking down at his watch. It was going to be a long flight... He got up from his seat and left the room, heading for the cargo bay. Liam had been their first, and would have told them if anything seemed wrong, but he was going down there for a different reason. Ryan walked across the cold metal floor of the cargo bay to the very center, where the Humvee's sat. They looked small alone in a bay that could have held twenty of them. He checked out the anti personnel machine gun in the front of the closest hummer. It wasn't loaded, of course. The government had this thing with loaded weapons in airplanes. Afraid some moron was going to bring the whole plane down. He climbed into the hummer and crawled to the back seat, where the ammo would be. Taking two boxes of the machine gun ammo he made his way back to the front of the hummer and loaded the machine gun. No point in landing in hostile territory with an unloaded weapon... He went over to the second hummer and repeated the process. Once he was done he headed back to the lounge. He was really getting bored; perhaps he should get some sleep... [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]Abob walked up next to Xanko and placed the tip of his blaster rifle against the kid's head. Abob: "Answer the question, who sent you?" Kid: "We were sent b-" [I]A blue-white blaster bolt came out from behind the trees and hit the kid on the left side of his head, killing him instantly.[/I] Abob and Xanko both leap back and look around for the source of the blaster bolt. They see a heavy troop transport approaching them. Swarming around it are ten Death Watch troopers. A Voice speaks from the troop carrier's loudspeaker... ???: "I sent him. I sent all of them. I also trained the Natives to fight, and sent you false recon data." Xanko *In a whisper*: "Abob, use your helmet comm. to contact Jaster and tell him to meet us here. I'll stall for time." Xanko: "Is that you Visla?" Visla: "Ah, so the Mandalorians do learn their history lessons after all. Yes, I am Visla. Now prepare to die!" The blaster cannon turret on the top of the troop carrier begins to rotate towards Xanko and Abob. Xanko: "You go left, I'll go right. Wait till the cannon is almost pointing towards us...NOW!" A fraction of a second before the cannon fires Xanko and Abob dive of to the side and begin to fire on the Death Watch troopers around the troop carrier. There is a loud explosion as the cannon fires at the spot where they were, turning it into a crater...[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=green]Abob, Lalaith and Samantha kept up their furious barrage of arrows, forcing the Void (Hey, I [I]like[/I] that name!) to use all her powers to try and protect herself. Abob: "Samantha, Lalaith, we can't hold this up much longer, we only have a few arrows left." Samantha: "Iondarc, can you magic us up some arrows? Iondarc, where are you?" Iondarc: "Over here. She really messed up my ribcage, but I'll try and get over to you as soon as possible?" Abob: "We don?t have time, Ryan; can you magic us up some arrows?" Ryan: "Sure. [I][B]Olg'iar ma, arrow'us unlimiti![/B][/I]" With a brilliant green flash several tendrils of white light shoot from Ryan's fingertips and hit Abob's, Lalaith's and Samantha's arrow quivers. The quivers instantly fill with arrows, and a new arrow appears each time another is pulled out. Abob: "Thanks, I really ne--" Another Spirit Vial shatters, releasing a woman, dressed in a tattered dress. Abob drops his bow and falls to his knees in shock. It is his wife, who was killed by the Orc's so many years ago? Abob: "No, not now. It can't be. Hillary? Is that you? Hillary Ttef: "Abob, my time is short. I have but a few things to say. You must defeat the Void, for all of us. I love you forever?" Abob: "No, don?t go. Don?t leave me again!" Hillary's smoky form vanishes, leaving Abob on his knees crying?[/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]OOC: .....Never mind....where the hell is Lalaith then? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Well, that would put you over by Lauren and the Void. The rest of the fellowship(besides me since I am slightly inside the circle and advancing on the Void) should be in a semicircle around you. Hope that helped...[/COLOR]
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