Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[COLOR=green]Abob hadn't moved from his spot where Lalaith had defeated him in their swordfight. He had however drawn his bow and notched it, and was now taking careful aim at the Void. He let fly his arrow and it flew straight towards the Void. She lifted he hand and caught the arrow, pulling it from the air and stopping it inches from her face. Void: "You are such a fool..." She turned the arrow towards Abob and snapped the fingers of her free hand, sending the arrows straight back towards Abob. He tried to get out of the way, but the arrow hit him in the shoulder. In fact it hit him so hard the arrow went straight through his shoulder, tearing ligaments and cracking bone. His arm fell limply to his bloody side. Abob switched his sword to his left hand, since his right was now useless, and advanced on the Void...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan unwrapped thee foil and pulled out a rag and various miniature tools. He began disassembling his rifle, piece by piece. Once he had the whole thing disabled he began to fine tune it, making sure each component fit seamlessly with the others and was in perfect condition. He replaced the sight with one of his own and attached the laser dot targeter right below it. He didn't really need it, but he would take whatever edge he could. Once his rifle was back together he got out of his seat and walked over to Siren. Ryan: "How about a carrot?" Siren: "Fine. Eat the rabbit food. But only one carrot. After all we wouldn't want you turning into a rabbit right before the mission now, would we?" Ryan: "Ha Ha, very funny. Now just give me the carrot." Siren hands him the carrot, and he walks back to his seat...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob stepped forward and blocked Lalaith's dagger as it slashed downward towards Lauren. Abob looked straight into Lalaith's eyes, and saw his confused look. Abob: "Void, leave us now. Promise to leave Middle Earth and never return. Then I will go with you. I will go with you willingly." Void: "A tempting offer, but I must decline. Instead Lalaith will kill you for my amusement. Lalaith, carry on?" [I]Lalaith's eyes were desperately looking around, as if pleading for help. Then they became unfocused as Lalaith suddenly kicked Abob in the stomach and swung his dagger at him. Abob ducks the dagger and jumps back, assuming a defensive posture. Lalaith advanced his dagger held out in front of his body like a lance. Abob slowly backed away, and Lalaith kept coming?[/I] Abob: "Lalaith, I know you can hear me. Hold on, we'll get it out of you, just hold on." Void: "How touching, but it is not to be. After he kills you my Soul Vials will swoop down and trap the rest of you for all time. With your souls as my power base I will conquer Middle Earth, but that will merely be the beginning. My true goal is to go beyond the sea, to find the Elves and to slaughter them. Their souls are the most powerful, the purest and best. They will be mine!" [I]Lalaith takes a giant step forward, closing the space between him and Abob. He raises his dagger and they begin to fight furiously, their arms and swords becoming blurred. Lalaith Slashes, Abob blocks. Lalaith aims a kick at Abob's head; Abob catches Lalaith's foot and attempts to trip him. Lalaith suddenly bends his knee, smashing his head into Abob's. Abob falls backwards and Lalaith moves in for the kill?[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan was sitting in a chair on the left corner of the small passenger compartment in the military cargo jet when Liam and Craig walked in. Ryan looked up and saw that they had chosen the same guns that they had used before. It was all in their files. Their preferences, life stories, mission history, you name it. Sometimes it scared him to think that another person could know so much about him through his file. But that was part of the job... The plane lumbered down the long runway and took of into the afternoon sky, leaving the agents to their own devices. Ryan looked around the room. It was arranged like a lounge, with U-shaped couches for conversation and planning. On the right wall were a fridge, a weapons rack, and a box of parachutes. Ryan reached his hand down to his backpack and dug through it until he pulled out a foil wrapped object...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]The scourcebooks you're talking about, are they the "Essential Guide to..." series? Or something else :therock: ? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]SSJ Goten- Ok, now I get it. What confused me was that you had the exact same answers as I have written down on my answer key... What a coincidence...*Looks over shoulder* Son Goten, you haven't even read [I]one[/I] Star Wars book recently?!?! Shame on you! ;)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Name: Abob Ttef Age: 14 Starter: [I]Phantom[/I]. Starter Description (if made-up): Phantom looks like a black, glossy, smaller version of Scyther. (In fact Phantom is Scyther's de-evolved form) Phantom can use normal, dark and psychic moves. He starts out with scratch and growl. Your Description: Abob wears black sweatpants and a black, hooded sweatshirt. Underneath the hood of his sweatshirt he wears a white baseball cap with a mysterious symbol on it. Bio: Abob is the only son of two Pokemon researchers who live in Mist Grove. His parents were killed in a fire several weeks ago, and rather than go into an orphanage he caught Phantom and went on his Pokemon quest... Hometown*: Mist Grove Gym Leader (and badge)/Trainer: Trainer[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan watched as one by one the other agents arrived. He was very, very pleased to finally get his hands on this sniper rifle. Ryan had been obsessed with Sniper rifles since third grade, and had always wanted his own. Now at last he had it. He noticed Rae's look of distaste as he stroked the rifle as one would a pet. He didn't care. He had it, it was [I]his[/I] and that was all that mattered to him at the moment. His precious seconds of bliss were cut short by Liam's arrival, who was the last to show up. Once Liam had reached the group the commander showed the drop zone and where they would be going. He decided to let them finalize who was going on what part of the mission en route. Then the agents boarded the cargo jet and strapped in for what was going to be a long flight...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Iondarc concentrates on Lauren and just as she is about to hit the Lava she rises, and seconds later she is sitting on the edge of the pit. But clinging to her leg is Bahamut. He stands and grins. Bahamut: "Too bad you didn't kill me when you had the chance..." Abob raised his sword and charged at Bahamut, a deadly look in his eyes. Abob: "I have had enough of you, you overgrown worm. I am sick and tired of having you hurt me, my friends and the whole of middle earth. Die! [I]Die you scum![/I]" Abob charges at Bahamut, ignoring the fireballs that scorch his skin and burn his flesh. He reaches Bahamut and begins to stab him repeatedly, viciously and without a trace of mercy. Bahamut screams and tries to crawl away, but Abob screams and kicks him in the face. Bahamut finally is able to recover enough strength to summon a wind to drive Abob backwards into the wall. Abob hits the wall hard and is knocked unconscious...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Boba Fett sits in a corner, hitting hiomself on the head with an oversize mallet... I cant belive it. I spend all this time writing up trivia questions, then forget to erase the answers. I am a total idiot... But, Wormmon's Tamer, you can buy scourcebooks anywhere. Barnes and Noble, Amazon and *in a cheesy voice* any place Star Wars books are sold! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Commander: "Alright, if that?s all you can go. Meet us in half an hour at the military airfield. Don?t be late, otherwise you're out. Got it, any further questions?" Ryan: "Yeah. Don?t you think we might need a little more firepower than our pistols to storm an entire base?" Commander: "Were not stupid Ryan, everyone will be issued another weapon for this mission when we get to the airport." The agents leave the room and Ryan heads straight to his room. The airfield was twenty minutes away, so he would have to hurry. He changed into a pair of desert combat fatigues and tucked his pistol into his waistband. He walked over to the closet of his room and pulled open the sliding door. Reaching through the clothes he opened a safe and extracted a tan backpack. He put on the light pack and jogged down the hall towards his car. Ryan hopped into his black suburban and drove towards the airfield at eighty kmph. He didn?t care he was twenty km over the speed limit; he liked it when cops pulled him over and he got to show them his special license. They were always so shocked? He drove through the security checkpoint at the airfield and parked next to the airstrip. The Commander and three agents were already there. He walked up to them and held out his hands expectantly. Commander: "Fine, you can have it. But don?t wreck it before the mission." The commander reaches into one co the open cargo crates that surround the nearby plane and extracts a sniper rifle. He reluctantly hand it to Ryan?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob charges into the room, followed closely by Ryan. Bahamut: "A bit early for your friends funeral, come back in an hour or so." Abob: "Bahamut, this is your last chance, surrender or [I]Die[/I]." Bahamut: "Muhahaha! You think [I]I[/I], the mighty Bahamut, keeper of all evil will surrender to you on the eve of my greatest triumph? Never!" Abob: "Fine. Ryan you know what to do." [I]Ryan pulls a small bottle from his pocket and points his right index finger at it and mutters strange words. The bottle grows one hundred times its size and is now taller than Ryan. Abob and Ryan then push it off the cliff and it falls towards the frozen lava below. The bottle hits the frozen lava with a sickening crack and shatters spraying red potion all over. The ice that encases the lava cracks and melts almost instantly.[/I] Bahamut moves towards Lalaith, a look of pure hatred in his eyes. Lalaith pulls the chain from his neck and throws it towards the pit. Bahamut lunges forward to catch the ring as it begins to fall towards the lava. He trips over Lalaith and falls down towards the lava. The ring hits the lava first and instantly melts, causing Bahamut to scream insanely. Then Bahamut hits the water and finally dies. There is a huge blast of evil energy that shoots skyward, and dissipates when it hits the ceiling. Then all is quiet... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Samus walked down the dirt road towards the main population center of Mushroom Kingdom. She had spent the three days of her journey thinking about the strange events that were occurring all around the land. The Piranha plants attacking people all over mushroom kingdom, the rumors of escaped villains and now the sudden lack of communication from Raccoon City. Could these things be connected? Perhaps the Raccoon City mystery and the escaped villains had something to do with each other, but where did the Piranha plants tie in? Could this all be a figment of her bored imagination? Could she be grasping at straws? It would really help to have someone to talk to, to share ideas with. That?s it! She could seek out another hero, someone to help her solve this mystery. She hadn?t heard from any of the other hero's since they met to plan the prison. But they had to be around here somewhere. Who might be in Mushroom kingdom? Mario, Luigi, Peach, maybe even Yoshi since he was friends with Mario. Perhaps she could seek one of them out to help her. Not like they would have anything better to do without their nemesis Bowser locked up? Samus finally reached the outskirts of town; she couldn?t see very many people about. The streets were near deserted. The only area of activity that she could see was the train station. A train had just pulled up, and several toads had run up to unload the luggage. Samus stopped to watch? ------------------------------------- Super Smash Brothers Battle! ------------------------------------- Samus smirks and fires an energy sphere at Sub Zero at point blank range. The blue-white ball erupts from her blaster with a pop and sails through the air to blast Sub Zero into a nearby wall. She races across the stone floor to a barrel that has appeared on the stone floor. She strains to pick it up and after a second of enormous effort manages to throw it forward. The barrel rolls over to Sub Zero and sends him flying into the air. Taking advantage of the momentary stop in the fighting she hurriedly charges her blaster. Once it is fully charged she assumes her taunting pose and waits for Sub Zero to return to the ground. She doesn?t have long to wait. Seconds later Sub Zero comes down from the sky right above her head and punches her with all his might, instantly freezing Samus in a block of ice. She sailed through the air towards the other side of the arena, where Link and Knuckles are viciously fighting. Her ice cube hits the ground hard and shatters, releasing her from its icy embrace. She recovers quickly, grappling an unsuspecting Knuckles and throwing him over her shoulder. Now it was just her and Link. She raises her blaster arm to fire a devastating sphere of energy at Link, but is forced to retreat as Link sends a grappling hook towards her. As she backs away an item falls from the sky right in front of her. It is a light sword, and it seemed fitting that she and Link duel. Samus grabs the sword and holds it in her armored hand. She lifts it just in time to block a downward cut from Links sword. She lunges forward, and manages to nick Link with her sword. Link takes advantage of her being off balance to jump high in the air and comes down on her with his sword. The sword hits Samus, throwing her left. She lands on the ground hard, momentarily stunned. As she tries to get up, the clock strikes zero, and this match is over? [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan sat in the briefing room, his arms folded across his chest in a clear expression of annoyance. One of his pet peeves was being late. He was always early for everything. He despised being late, it was very annoying to have to wait for someone else. Ryan watched Adam talking on his headset to Rae. He knew Rae wasn't the type to be late, so whatever they were doing had to be important. But what in the world could possible be more important than their mission? He grinned and pulled his Palm Pilot out of his pocket and wrote down a reminder for himself to ask Niomi when he got a chance. When he was done writing he stood up and walked to the back of the room and took a platter of salami sandwiches from the table at the back of the room. One of the cooks shot him an angry look; no doubt it was because he had taken the whole tray. Ryan grinned and patted his holster. When he had sat down again and was halfway through eating the sandwiches Rae and Niomi walked in... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob walked along side Xanko as they cautiously approached the wooded area where the rookie security squad was supposedly pinned down. The area was silent, leaves covered the ground, and made silent movement impossible. Abob and Xanko finally got to the edge of a clearing. Xanko: "Where are they?" Abob: "This looks like trap." Xanko: "You're telling me. We really need to investigate this though. I'll go in and you cover me." Abob: "Roger." Xanko slowly advance into the clearing, his blaster rifle moving back and forth as if scanning the area. Then all hell broke loose. Three Death Watch troopers emerged from foxholes covered by leaves in the middle of the clearing. Abob shot two of them before they could fire a shot, the third fired wildly at Xanko, and missed. Xanko rolled to the left and shot the remaining trooper halfway through his roll. Seven more troopers emerged from behind trees, firing as they came. Xanko took cover behind a tree and began to return fire. Abob used his helmet comm. to contact Jaster and request backup. Jaster told him the rest of the group was on their way?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Samus walked down the lonely road from the [B]Samus Earth Colony[/B] to the Mushroom kingdom, letting her mind wander as she walked. She was going to be doing something again! She had a purpose, a reason to exist. She thought over the events that had been troubling the world. Rumors had been going around that the prison, that had been so carefully built to contain all the villains that were troubling the land, had been breached. Some people said all the villains had escaped, others said only a few. Samus wasn?t sure what to make of the rumors. She personally believed that nothing is perfect, so even the prison had to have a weakness that the villains would no doubt find and exploit. It was only a matter of time. She brought up a list of the villains currently imprisoned in the "containment facility" on her helmet vid screen. She ran over their names, appearances, backgrounds, opponents and lists of their failed schemes. She was halfway down the list of Bowser's crimes when something jerked her back to reality. A sign was sticking out of the ground in front of her. It had been bitten and smashed into three pieces, but the words were still readable. They read: [I]Welcome to Mushroom kingdom![/I] Samus knelt down and examined the sign. It had definitely been wrecked by Piranha plants. But how were they moving around without their pots? She would have to do some research at the Mushroom kingdom archives when she got into town?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan stepped out of his doorway and into the empty hallway. He has spent the last several minutes listening to Adam telling Rae, Liam and Craig about their upcoming mission. It sounded interesting. He walked down the hall and into the cafeteria, which was now empty as breakfast was long over. Ryan sat down at one of the tables and waited. He had been there for ten minutes when four cooks showed up, all looking nervous. They were walking in a bent diamond formation, and talking to each other in whispers. The man in the back kept looking at his watch, then patting a lump in his pocket. Ryan frowned. The way they were looking around suggested they didn't belong here. He stood and walked over to them. They all froze and looked at him apprehensively. Ryan: "Your here a little early for making lunch..." Cook 1: "Uh, yeah we are going to make the appet-" Ryan: "Sure, sure. How'd you get in here?" Cook 2: "We were hired to make food for a conference here at noon." Ryan: "Whatever. While you're in the kitchen, make me a sandwich will ya." Cook 1: "Look kid, we have [I]important[/I]things to do. So if you'll excuse us..." Ryan pulls out his Beretta and wraps his finger around the trigger. Cook 2: "Ok, ok. We'll make your sandwich..." The cooks hurried out of the room, and Ryan grinned...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob took one last swing at the Orc he was fighting and managed to slice of the grotesque beast's right arm. The Orc howled and took a step back. In that same second Lalaith and Abob jumped backwards out the open door. The one armed Orc lunged forward, but Lalaith slammed the door in its face. Abob and Lalaith ran down the hall, three Orcs in hot pursuit. They had to get to the lava pit, and fast. Once the ring was destroyed Bahamut would no longer be immortal. They ran on, down the stone corridor, hoping the others could hold on a little longer?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: Yes, I did make a mistake, but that's all cleared up now because of the PMs I sent you both. ;) ------------------------------- Abob jogged next too Xanko as Vertigo Squad made its way towards the site where the rookie security group was supposedly pinned down. They were almost there when seven speeder bikes swooped down on them. Each was ridden by a Death Watch trooper. Abob set his blaster rifle on auto fire and began to fire at the speeder bikes, which were hovering over their heads, raining fire down on them. He had blown up three speeder bikes when a bolt of energy hit him in the back of his shoulder. He fell to the ground, still firing at his attackers. After a few more seconds of chaotic fighting he painfully stood up. He saw Xanko step out from behind a blackened piece of battle debris. Xanko: "Are you alright?" Abob: "My arm's going to need a bacta patch, but otherwise I'm fine. Where's Montross?" Xanko: "He, he died in their first attack run." Abob: "Oh. I guess that mean's you're in charge since you have more battle experience." Xanko: "Alright, lets rescue the security squad and get out of here?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Samus sat at the small table in her house on the edge of the [B]Samus Earth Colony[/B]. She had spent the past several days acting as a police officer. She hadn?t done anything interesting, only catching an amateur bank robber, countless shoplifting teenagers and a man who was trying to import illegal mushrooms. Nothing interesting, or worthy of her talents. She poured herself a glass of nutrient juice and turned on the local news? *Cheesy music plays, then a man and a woman sitting behind a metal desk appear on the screen* Man: "This is the eight o'clock news. We bring you a live story from Mushroom kingdom now." *The picture changes to a reporter standing in front of an inn.* Reporter: "We have received news that this inn was attacked by a swarm of piranha plants that were somehow able to move around without their pots. The occupants of the inn were saved by the heroic actions of three local heroes; Yoshi, Mario and Link. None of them could be reached for comment. Now back to you." *The image changes back to two hosts* Woman: "Now another of our top stories, the reported theft of a pair of shoes from a local store!" Samus turned off the TV and sat, pondering the news of the rogue piranha plant attack. There wasn?t anything to do around here; maybe she should go help solve this mystery. She charged up her armored suit and loaded it with various things that she would need for her travels. Then she locked up her house and set off for Mushroom Kingdom? ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ Samus accepts Links Super Smash Brothers challenge?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob took the ring from Ryan's outstretched hand and placed it on a silver chain that hung around his neck. The chain was old, and scratched in many places, but still mysteriously silver. Lalaith: "You kept the old chain for all these years!?!" Abob: "Yes, I guess so. I couldn?t bear to throw it away." Ryan: "Enough talk, let's go find Bahamut." [I]The fellowship starts to jog down the passage into which Bahamut had disappeared. An hour later they reached the end of the tunnel, which was a large oak door. Lauren looked around at the others, then pulled it open.[/I] The door swung open to reveal an oval shaped room with a long stone table in the middle. Around the table sat twelve corpulent Orcs, each wearing a pendant that represented their clan. At the end of the table sat Bahamut. Bahamut: "Ryan, what is the meaning of this, I ordered you to kill them." Ryan: "I don't feel like it right now." Bahamut: "My magic must have failed? But I am still immortal; I have the ring of power! *He holds op his hand to display the ring, but finds it empty*" Abob: "This ring? *Lifts the chain around his neck*" Bahamut: "Nooooo!" The Orcs rose from their seats and Bahamut raised his staff. Then the battle begun?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan drove up to the HQ early the next morning, tired but happy. He had spent six hours at the shooting range, sending bullet after bullet into the black middle of the cheap paper targets. He wondered how the owner would react to the small mountain of shell cases inside the small shooting stall he had used. Probably the same way he had looked when Ryan had showed up at the front desk to collect on the offer that had been posted out front "One hundred bull's eyes in a row wins a years pass!" Afterwards he had driven across town to his favorite restaurant and had a quick meal. As he walked in the door of the HQ he could tell that things had changed since he had left. As he walked past Liam's room on the way to his he had noticed a small stain on the floor that looked like it had been cleaned unsuccessfully. It looked to him like blood. It was nothing to worry about, but it was still interesting. Ryan closed the door to his room behind him and collapsed on his bed, falling into a dreamless sleep?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Ryan sat on his bed in his room. He knew that some of the other people in the group had secrets that emotionally affected them, he could tell from their body language. He seemed to be the only one without a troubled past. Sure his brother had died, but that didn't bother him very much. He hadn't even cried when his parents broke the news to him. It wasn't much of a problem for him. He pushed those thoughts aside and took a quick shower. Afterwards dressed and went out into the hall. He could hear Rae and Niomi talking, but otherwise the place was quiet. He wandered towards the building's exit and was almost at the door when a security guard stepped in front of him and told him that he couldn't leave. Ryan gave the guard an annoyed look and turned to walk away. The guard relaxed, and began to walk away. Ryan whirled around, then kicked the guard in the back on his knees. The guard fell, and Ryan pressed a pressure point on the back of the man's neck, knocking him out. Then Ryan walked out the door and towards his car. Nothing was going to stop him from getting to the shooting range...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Bahamut: "You wouldn't hurt a defenseless man, would you?" Abob: "A defenseless man who had murdered countless thousands? You are the most evil being alive Bahamut. It would be my greatest joy to rid middle earth of you." Bahamut looks around at each member of the fellowship, silently appealing to them to spare his life. He looks at each one of their faces in turn and sees cold fury in their eyes. Lalaith steps forward, pointing his dagger at Bahamut. Bahamut steps back, and nearly impales himself on Abob's sword. He whirls around, then howls and charges at Lalaith, his hands reaching for his opponent's throat. Abob swings his sword and cuts Bahamut down. His body crumples to the floor and a violent vet of black energy shoots skyward, blasting a hole in the roof. Every member of the fellowship is thrown backwards as a small earthquake rocks Mordor, then all is still...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]OOC: [B]Tigervx[/B]: Oh, sorry I thought Spyre was dead. I will work him back into the plot... [B]Schratn9[/B]: Please edit your post, it doesn't make sense. In your post Jango was running around looking for Marth, however in my post (which is before yours) you had found Marth and were with the rest of the group outside the bunker. Also, I would greatly appreciate it if from now on people do not post OOC only posts. If you have a question please PM me. ----------------------------------------------------- Abob looked up from the dead trooper and saw Kredion and Spyre planting explosives on the side of the bunker. When they were finished Montross set the timer for sixty seconds and the group ran thirty meters to huddle behind the burned out hulk of a pulse tank. Ten seconds later an earsplitting roar followed by flying bits of duracrete told them that the bunker had been blown open. They moved out in a V formation and slowly approached the bunker. The whole area had been turned into a crater, and in the middle of it was the bunker, fully exposed. The bunker was much bigger than they had expected, and was the size of a large freighter. They arrived at the bunker to find a gaping hole blown in its side. Jaster: "Alright, I'll take Headhunter squad in first. Montross, you take Vertigo squad and go rescue the security squad we came here for. Jango, where is Kawz?" Jango: "Kawz, I don?t know I though he was with you?" Jaster: "Damn, Jango you go find him. Marth you stay here and guard the entrance since you're wounded. Let's move out!"[/COLOR]