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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [COLOR=green]Bahamut lunged towards Lalaith, his jaws opening to reveal needle teeth. Abob dove forward and tackled Lalaith, pushing him away from Bahamut. Bahamut roared, then raised one of his enormous feet and prepared to bring it down on Abob. Iondarc pointed a finger at Bahamut and shouted some words in Elfish. There was a brilliant flash of black light, and Bahamut was no longer the giant beast, but an evil looking man. An evil looking man who was surrounded by a full armed fellowship...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]Ryan stood silently outside the door of the HQ, his Beretta drawn, watching Rae examine the body of the dead agent. He grinned as he watched Rae stiffen, and erase all outward body language signs. She must of read his personnel files. One of these days he was going to delete his. He hated it when people knew more about him than he knew about them... The commander stepped outside and told all the agents to come in. They all silently followed him down a long hallway lined with closed, steel doors until they reached the end. They walked through a large doorway into a rectangular conference room. The lights were off, and the seats were arranged in front of a projection screen. On the table behind the screen were several black boxes, which were all locked. The commander motioned for them to sit, and each agent chose one of the chairs and settled in. Ryan placed his pistol back in its holster and waited for the presentation to start...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]So this is yet another of Majora's fighter squadron RPG's. I have been in all of them, and even though they flopped, I enjoyed them greatly. Third times the charm! Name: Abob Ttef Age: 17 Species: Chiss Wing #: 2 Weapon(s): Custom Made sniper rifle (picture attached) Ship of choice: X-wing[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=green]Vertigo squad was almost at Jango's position when their helmet comm. crackled Jango: "Montross, I just found Marth. He's hurt, but his wounds aren't life threatening. Anyway, we found the source of the jamming. It's coming from a bunker Marth found. We also found something else, a dead [I]Death Watch[/I] trooper who was near the bunker." Montross *His voice sounds extremely nervous* : "[I]Death Watch[/I], here?!? We killed them off ten years ag-" Jango: "I know. But we must have missed some of them. So hurry up and bring everyone over here." The squad quickens there pace and is at the swamp in minutes. Montross and Jaster talk quietly, and them both groups jog towards the bunker. Abob: "Xanko, what's Death Watch?" Xanko: "I heard Jaster mention it once, but I don't remember when..." Jaster: "Abob, it's a long story. To make it short Death Watch split from the rest of the Mandalorians about ten years after I took over. They are psychopaths and killers. But above all they hate us. If they are indeed here, they probably set up this ambush." Abob: "Oh, thanks for the info." The group arrives at the bunker entrance to find Jango standing guard and Marth resting against the bunker wall. Between them is a dead trooper wearing a strangely modified version of Mandalorian armor. Abob looks down at the dead enemy, and knew their new foe was going to be tough to beat?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=green][B]Schratn9[/B]- [URL=http://www.lucasarts.com/products/starwarsbountyhunter/]Here[/URL] is the official[I]Star Wars: Bounty Hunter[/I] website, enjoy! [B]SSJGoten[/B]- Thanks a million for the book info; I will have to read it. As to the question about the force being unified, I don't know... On the one hand it seems almost too good to be true. It makes all this Dark side VS. Light side fighting; (Sith VS Jedi) seem pointless. It messes up everything that has ever been printed in the EU regarding the force. The implications of this are phenomenal. I hope this theory turns out to be true. But it might not be. After all Vergere herself has said countless times that whatever she says is a lie. Could she still be on the Vong's side, even after helping Jacen escape? Could she be a Sith trying to turn him to the dark side without his knowledge? I can't wait for the other books to be published so I can find out...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]Ryan sat down in one of the cheap plastic chairs in the room and checked his watch. He was going to miss his scheduled shooting range practice. Oh well, if they were going on a mission there would be plenty of targets to go around. He looked around the room, taking in the other SYF members assembled in the room. He had been trained in Psychological warfare, and part of that was being able to read body language. He could tell everyone was nervous, except Liam. Liam never seemed to display any body language. He was impossible to figure out, apparently ever since that last mission where his brother had been killed. What intrigued Ryan the most was the Commander's body language. He was extremely nervous, and kept glancing from the door to the clock on the wall. He must be waiting for a briefing team to arrive. A briefing team meant a serious mission, usually with extra equipment. Ryan was now tired of waiting, and he got up and slowly walked over to a coke machine in the corner of the room and got a drink. He hated waiting... [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=green]Abob inserted his sword into a small space between the creature's scales, and plunged it deep into the beast. The monster howled, and in its confused rage sent a jet of blue fire randomly into the ceiling. The rest of the fellowship began to attack the beast, using all kinds of weapons, from swords to spells. The beast turned left, and then right trying to figure out who was the most direct threat. Bahamut: "Hmmm, looks like I'll have to take matters into my own hands." [I]Bahamut suddenly shuddered, then collapsed to the floor. Out of his ears poured a slimy black substance that flew through the air towards the beast, then was absorbed into the monster. The beast suddenly stood deathly still, then grew to ten times its normal size. The cage that had been trapping them shattered and the fellowship backed away. [/I] Bahamut: "Muhaha! Now you must defeat [I]me[/I], not some stupid animal. Give me your best shot!" [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=green]Abob looked around. There carefully planned mission had definitely gone to the Neks. As far as he knew Jaster was still holed up in the swamp with Kredion and Kwaz, Marth and Spyre were missing, and everyone else was with him. Montross: "Alright, now that Jango and I are here were splitting up the squads again. Jango will attempt to find Marth and Spyre. I'll take my squad and we'll go over to assist Jaster. Also, helmet comm. frequency is being changed to 492.27. Let's move out." Abob and Xanko jogged off with Montross towards Jaster's position in the swamp. He used his helmets scanners to try and figure out what type of opposition they would find, but all he got was static. That was wrong, only an extremely sophisticated jamming system could mess with their highly secure channels. The natives they had fought so far had been pretty standard troopers, but not good enough to jam their helmet comm.'s. That meant that somewhere in the area was another group of enemies, maybe an elite unit. That wasn't good at all...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=green]The game is also for gamecube. I have heard rumors about a new Star Wars book with a title that is "Tatooine Ghost" or something like that, does anyone know if this book exists and if it does, where can I get it?[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=green]Ryan walked out of his Geography class and down the hall towards his least favorite class, Latin. He was almost there when one of his friends walked up to him. Dave: "Ryan, looks like Liam left again. What emotional wreck." Ryan: "Dave, shut up. If you had been through the thing he's be- Dave: "Not this boring speech again. You take this SYF thing too seriously." Ryan ignored Dave's comment and continued walking down the hall. He didn't think that he took his SYF job too seriously; it was a very serious job, that's all. He sat down at his desk and waited for the teacher to arrive. He really wanted to get out of school today; he had made plans to go to the shooting range...[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]((Umm Boba I can't find where Jango is being Airlifted, can u point that out to me?)) [/B][/QUOTE] Sure... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B][COLOR=green]Montross: "I'm with Jango. I'm going to airlift him over to Headhunter Squad."[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=green]Abob fired his blaster rifle over and over at the three enemy troopers that were shooting at Marth as he sprinted over to the rest of the group. When Marth had huddled with the rest of them behind the small portable shield they had set up Abob spotted danger. A speeder was coming towards them. It was crewed by two enemy troopers, a pilot and a gunner. The gunner was starting to fire at them with the nasty looking repeating blaster mounted on the rear of the speeder. Abob: "Xanko, you shoot the gunner and I'll shoot the pilot. Marth, Spyre get ready to make a dash for the speeder." Second's later one crimson energy bolt hit the pilot in the head, another hit the gunner in the chest. Both slumped over, dead. The four Mandalorian troopers ran over to the speeder and piled aboard. Spyre got into the pilots seat and Abob took the gunners position. Soon they were making excellent time towards Jaster's new position in the marsh. Xanko: "My helmet is picking up two pulse tanks near Montross and Jango; we need to take them out." Marth: "With what?" Abob: "Xanko, our jetpacks. We can arm the missiles and then fly the jetpacks into the tanks with the remote controls in our helmets." Xanko: "Good idea. Marth, take over the gunner spot so that Abob can set up his jetpack."[/COLOR]
  12. Boba Fett


    [COLOR=green]I read a lot, at least an hour a day. Usually a Star Wars novel, a Tom Clancy Book, or something required for school. I prefer to read Star Wars books, or other Science fiction books (most of them written by Orson Scott Card).[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]OOC: Alright I have been reading some of the posts between my last post and this one, and some of them have serious errors. Ugamon: Could you please change the "Slave 1" in your last post to a Drop ship. Tigervx: You aren't in charge of Headhunter Squad, and certainty can't order Jaster and Kredion around. Schratn9: Jango can't be on the ground, he is being airlifted by Montross over to Jaster's position. People please pay attention to what is going on in this RPG and take time to post intelligently. ------------- Abob waited until Xanko had most of the enemy troopers pinned down before he sprinted across the small stretch of no mans land, firing his rifle as he ran. Seconds later he jumped into the trench and helped cover Spyre as he ran towards over to them. Once they were all in the trench Abob switched his helmet to scanning mode and looked over at the group of enemy soldiers who were shooting at them from behind a blown out guard tower. His helmet told him there were twelve of them. That wasn?t encouraging at all. Abob: "Xanko, what now? Were almost at Jasters position, only about three hundred meters away..." Xanko: "Does anyone have anyone besides me have any thermal detonators left?" Abob & Spyre: "Yes." Xanko: "On the count of three we'll throw them at the enemy. One, Two, Three!" [I]Three thermal detonators flew through the air towards the enemy position. One was picked off by a lucky trooper, but the others exploded in the middle of the huddle of enemy troopers, reducing them to charred skeletons.[/I] Abob: "Alright, let's hurry over to Jaster?"[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=green]I think Yoda is alright, although he is not my favorite character. Has anyone heard about the new Playstation2/Gamecube game [B]Star Wars: Bounty Hunter[/B]? It is set between Epsoide I and II and deals with Jango Fett. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]Bahamut: "Iondarc, as much as I would like to hear your rousing speech, I have an urgent appointment with my Orcs soon. So, without further delay, your death!" [I]Suddenly a gigantic metal cage drops over the fellowship, trapping them inside. Then, out of the ceiling far above drops a beast. It looks like a giant spider, but with the head of a dragon and is covered with blood red scales.[/I] Abob: "What is this thing?" Bahamut: "Oh, just my newest creation. It is supposed to carry my army commanders into battle. However it is still quite lethal." [I]The beast shoots a jet of fire at Lalaith, who ducks just in time.[/I] Lalaith: "I noticed." The fellowship begins to attack the beast...[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=green][b]Name:[/b] Ryan Ttef [b]Side arm:[/b] 9MM Beretta Automatic Pistol [b]Trained in:[/b] Marksmanship, Psychological warfare [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Preferred Vehicle:[/b] Chevy Suburban [b]Bio:[/b] Ryan grew up in the shadow of his older brother. His brother got all the attention, and was his parents "favorite son". When his older brother died in the service of SYF Ryan's parents were very upset and forbid Ryan to join. Ryan had never particularly liked his brother, and wasn't very upset by his death. He was furious that he couldn't join the SYF, and had many arguments with his parents about the issue. Eventually he joined, and has been trying to step out of his brothers shadow ever since. Ryan is 5'6'', and has black hair, green eyes and olive skin. He usually wears black sweatpants, a black tank top and a faded black-brown baseball cap, regardless of the weather.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green]Vertigo squad was almost ready to drop their thermal detonators on the enemy troops approaching Jango when Grunt squad was drawn into the battle. [I]Montross: "Cancel detonator drop, let's land behind the natives and confuse them."[/I] Moments later Abob and Xanko landed fifty feet behind the natives and opened up with their blasters. Then Abob noticed that Montross was missing. [I]Abob (Using his helmet comm.): "Montross, come in. Where are you?" Montross: "I'm with Jango. I'm going to airlift him over to Headhunter Squad. When you finish with hose troops meet us there." Abob: "Yes Sir." [/I] The two survivors of Grunt squad ran over a pile of dead enemy troopers and over to Abob and Xanko. Then all four of them take cover behind a sheet of twisted metal. [I]Marth: "What now?" Xanko: "We need to get over to Headhunter's position, which is two KM from here." Spyre: "Well what are we waiting for, let's airlift over to them." Abob: "We cant, our jetpacks are nearly empty." Xanko: "Marth, your squad was supposed to take out the "minimal resistance"; do you have a map of the area?" Marth: "Yeah, why?" Xanko: "I need you to find the quickest route to Headhunters position." Marth: "I've got it." Abob: "Then lead the way?[/I][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B] And Ive got the best plan on how to do it. :-D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Which would be... I have had several ideas on how the Vong could be defeated, they are as follows: #1 The new republic could modify the Krytos Virus for use against the Vong. #2 The New Republic could send ships to explore wild space, the outer rim, and other uncharted area's to try and find new races that could become allies against the Vong (The New Republic might even make a full military alliance with whats left of the Ssi-Ruuvi) #3 The New republic could convince the Jedi to create immense force storms to destroy the Vong fleets. Does anyone else have any Idea's about how the vong could be defeated?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green]I found out about OtakuBoards from a friend at school who was an active member here under the username of Ben. I decided to come check this site, and was hooked...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=green]OOC: Schratn9, could you please edit your post and change the "Slave 1" to a drop ship? IC: Abob charged out of the troop door with Montross and Xanko, and was shocked by what he saw. Arrayed in front of them was a series of trenches and prefabricated fortifications crawling with natives. He used his helmets built in macro-binoculars to get a closer look at the natives manning the trenches; they were armed to the teeth. Abob was jolted back to reality by the sound of blaster bolts flying all around them. Montross: "Abob, Xanko, were going high." Abob activated his jetpack and soared high above the battlefield. He raised his sniper rifle and began systematically picking off enemy troopers who were advancing on Jango's position. Montross: "Were going to fly low over the troops attacking Jango, and drop thermal detonators on them, then loop around and land on the hill behind the trenches. Got it?" Abob & Xanko: "Yes" Montross: "Then let's go!"[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=green]OOC:[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B] Heheheheh....I never quit a RPG. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]What a coincidence, neither do I. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abob: "Dumbledor knows, about me becoming an animagus. He said he was very proud of me for working so hard, but warned me not to use my new power to hurt others. He also made me sign a bunch of papers so that I can be offically registered." Lauren: "Whew, I was wondering if you were in trouble..." Ryowa: "So was I, anyway breakfast is almost over, time for classes." All three of them walk out of the hall together and towards their classes....[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green]Iondarc's words echo loudly in the seemingly empty halls of Mt. Doom. Abob: "Iondarc, quiet! And yes, your spell did work." Suddenly there is laughter. A high pitched cackle that fills there hearts with dread. Each memeber of the fellowship looks around, but sees only each other and the empty hall. Then Lalaith catches everyones attention by gasping. Everyone looks over towards him, and sees behind him a doorway at the end of the hall. Standing in that doorway is a figure robed in black, who is laughing... Black Robed figure: "I forsaw your arrival, although it tookm you longer to arive than I expected. I am Bahamut, keeper of all evil. Prepare to [B]DIE[/B]!"[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]In fact, the RPG is up [U]now[/U]! Enjoy...[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=green][B]Thirty years before the battle of Geonosis, in the mission briefing room of the Mandalorian Cruiser [I]Lightning Strike[/I]?[/B] Montross:[I] "We're dividing into three units. Those of you with jetpack experience have been assigned to my Vertigo squad, we're hitting them high. Jango's grunts will provide cover fire and keep the extraction point clear. Headhunter Company, you'll follow Jaster to the recovery site. Kill anything that gets in your way. Now let's get going."[/I] Each squad leader led his group through the gunmetal grey hallways of the cruiser and down to the docking bay. Each squad climbed into a small landing craft, and then waited as the small drop ships flew out of the docking bay and towards the planet below. The ships flew down towards the planet in a triangular formation, with Jango's ship in the lead. Behind and to his left was Vertigo's ship; to the right was Head Hunters ship. Suddenly a huge bolt of blue ion energy shot from the planet and smashed into Jango's ship, knocking out all electronics aboard. The ship plummets towards the planet, out of control. The other two drop ships containing Head Hunter and Vertigo squadrons increased speed and started evasive maneuvers as they approached the landing area. Inside the Vertigo Squadron drop ship? Montross: "What's going on?! Our recon said this planet had no standing army, let alone Ion cannons! Someone try and reach Jango's ship over the helmet comm." Xanko: "I have Jango on the helmet comm.; he crash landed his ship at the edge of the landing zone, and is taking heavy fire." Abob: "Were coming up on the landing zone!" Montross: "Everyone hold on!" With a sickening crunch the drop ship hit the planets surface, and the troop doors open?[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=green]Schratn9, you may be Jango. Since he is pretty well known(And the RPG is starting in less than a hour) , you dont have to post a bio.[/COLOR]
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