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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [COLOR=green]Alright, I am going to start the RPG around Lunchtime today. Here's who's playing so far: Jaster Mereel: Mist Montross: (Open spot...) Jango Fett: (Open spot...) Vertigo Squad: Abob Ttef [Boba Fett], Xanko Sharat [SS Trunks], (Open spot...) Head Hunter Squad: Kwaz Alja [Tigervx], Kred Trell [Ugamon], (Open spot...) Jango's Grunts: Spyre Transull [Ykonis], Marth Rigfield [Majora's Mask], (Open spot...) If anyone wants to join between now and then they are more than welcome to claim one of the open spots.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]I read [I]The Monkey's Paw[/I] in seventh grade as part of Literature class, but never gave it much thought until now. I am an Atheist, and see "destiny" as part of religion, therefore I don't believe in destiny. Anyway, If you don't believe in a higher power, then you don't believe in destiny. If you are religious, I would bet that you think the reason you are on earth is to make "the right choices". If you believe everyone has a destiny, than that defeats the purpose of being on earth. Hope my two cents worth made sense...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]Abob: "I second that opinion; we need to be in good shape when we fight Bahamut. Here, pass this around and let everyone take a drink." [I]*Holds out a large flask*[/I] Lalaith [I]*Takes a drink from the Flask and passes it on*[/I]: "What is this, its nasty!" Abob: "You don?t want to know, the point is it'll heal you quickly." Lalaith: "I'll take your word for it?" Once everyone had taken a drink and collected their gear, the fellowship headed deeper into the mountain?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=green]Samus Aran walked briskly up one of the many identical streets in the [B]Samus Earth Colony[/B], towards her small home on the outskirts of town. She carefully watched the marketplace around her, on the lookout for anything that could trouble this small town. Ever since the superheroes had banded together and locked all the villains up in the special prison thing had been quiet and lazy. All Samus had done in the way of fighting crime in the last month was to catch shoplifters. She felt it was a waste of her abilities to try and stop this type of crime, but it as the only crime left now that the villains weren?t regularly cooking up schemes to take over the world or whatnot. She was also concerned about losing her fighting edge. She practiced against combat automatons every day and spent hours at the shooting range perfecting her accuracy, but it wasn?t the same as fighting Metroid or his cronies. She sighed; the "good old days" seemed more appealing every day. But she shouldn?t think that, innocent people had suffered because of the endless battles between good and evil. Now that all the villains were all locked up, trade was flourishing like never before and the Stock Market of the Earth Colony was at record highs. Maybe it was time for her to retire; after all there weren't any jobs for heroes now, were there?[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=green][B]Name[/B]: Abob Ttef [B]Age[/B]: 34 [B]Species[/B]: Human [B]Squad[/B]: Vertigo [B]Weapons[/B]: Abob wears a suit of black and orange Mandalorian body armor. He also carries a sniper rifle. Kneepad Rocket/Dart launchers- On each of Abob's knees he wears armored kneepads (part of his Mandalorian armor) there is an orange rocket/dart launcher. Abob currently had them loaded with deadly poisonous darts Mitrinomon Z-6 Jet pack- An orange jetpack that has a homing, high explosive rocket attached. Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Rocket system- On each of Abobs wrists he wears an orange rocket launcher. The rockets on his right wrist are Locris Syndicates 12A explosive rockets. The rockets on his left wrist contain FGA-583, a nerve agent that will knock its victim unconscious in seconds. A custom made sniper rifle- This rifle is highly accurate and can shoot from extremely long distances. [B]Description[/B]: Abob never takes off his armor in public so nobody knows what he looks like underneath. His armor is standard Mandalorian combat armor; it is midnight black, with the weapons highlighted in a glossy orange. His T shaped visor on his helmet is indistinguishable from the rest of his helmet. [B]Bio[/B]: Abob Ttef was born on the farming planet of Concord Dawn during a civil war. His family was indiscriminately slaughtered by one of the warring factions shortly before his twelfth birthday, and he was sent to live with relatives on Coruscant. His relatives didn?t want to have a young boy to take care of, so they dropped him off one day in the deepest depths of Coruscant, figuring he wouldn?t last long. Abob survived, and even thrived. He learned to be street smart, how to convincingly lie, when to run and when to fight. At age fifteen he joined the Mandalorians and has served with them ever since.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]I can type a lot better than I can speak, so I have more friends on the net than in real life...:( In real life I am a loner...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=green]Simply wonderful. Your use of language was excellent. The storyline really drew me in, and left me hanging at the end. I cant wiat for the next chapter...[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=green]Abob: "You mean my dagger?" *Holds up his carved down Mordor blade* Ryan: "Yeah." Abob: "It?s a long story. I got it by killing the head of an Orc clan in single combat. I carved it down and have carried it ever since." Ryan: "Why don?t the Elves know about it?" Abob: "Well, they would probably want to destroy it, and it is an extremely useful weapon to me, most of the time?" Ryan: "But the Elves would have been able to sense that your sword was possessed by evil, why haven?t they?" Abob: "It?s the sheath; its Elven made and tends to counteract the evil." Ryan: "I still think you should get ri-" Abob: "I don?t have time for this. Maybe later." [I]Abob walks back to the others.[/I] Abob: "Lalaith, Lauren, you two ok?" Lalaith: "I'm alright, where's Samantha?" Samantha: "Right here and I'm fine." Abob: "Alright. Someone carry Inodarc. Let's hurry up and find Bahamut, wherever he is?"[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=green]Sorry I didn't get to send you the bio for Jaster yesterday, I was still gathering data for his bio. In the end, after looking through all my Star Wars books, comics, novels and other material I realized that I had complied only a small paragraph about Jaster Mereel. Here it is. Jaster Mereel is a reformed murderer. The details about his crime aren't clear, so feel free to be creative about them. He became leader of the Mandalorians shortly after they were founded, and lead them uneventfully for ten years, until a massive faction inside the Mandalorians broke away from the original group. This faction was lead by a vile, evil human called Visla. For years Visla and his murderous group, who now called themselves Death Watch, hunted Jaster and his few loyal followers. Later a sympathetic farmer hid Jasters group in his fields. When Visla found out, he had the farmer and his family brutally murdered. All his family except his youngest son, Jango Fett. Jango used his knowledge of the local terrain to help Jaster's followers escape from Visla, and then to destroy Death Watch. Once Death watch was taken care of Jaster reformed the Mandalorians into an honorable, professional, mercenary force. Jango became one of his top lieutenants, and then his successor. So that's Jango's history from what I can find. Enjoy![/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=green][B]Defcon 5[/B]- "Chewie can die for all I care" EXCUSE me, just because he looks like a walking carpet doesnt mean you have to hate him. ;) In my opinion Chewie was an ok character, and I was very angry that he was killed off so easily. [B]BabyGirl[/B]- That sense of "impending doom", it unfortunately continues through the rest of the NJO series... [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]Abob looked down at his sword, a strange look on his face. [I]He knew the sword was virtually indestructible, and there was only one way to destroy it. Long ago Sauron had forged these swords in the fires of Mt. Doom to give his wraiths unmatchable weapons. He never completely trusted anyone though, and put a special spell onto each sword to prevent that person from harming the user of the one ring (who he presumed to be himself).[/I] This could mean only one thing, since the ring had been destroyed, someone must have either remolded it, or found a source of even greater evil. Abob: "We must hurry and defeat these Orcs; they may be here only to stall us until their master arrives." Lalaith: "Defeat these things quickly? Ha, good one." Abob fended off an Orc with his now useless sword, praying it wouldn't figure out his blade was useless. With his spare hand he searched frantically through his potion bag, trying to find anything that could help them... [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=green]Our internet had been giving us trouble, so half of the time the boards were down I couldn't get online anyway. So instead I wrote up a bunch of new Character profiles, and RPGs! [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]This year I started High School, and it was quite a shock for me. I had been going to various small catholic schools since preschool, and never had more than 14 kids in my class until now. But, this year I actually like school (previously I would have done anything to avoid school). The classes are a little more interesting, and lunch is better. Besides, there are a lot of new, hot, girls around...:eek: :D [/COLOR]
  14. Boba Fett

    ~Star Wars~

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]#1 What was the supposed "secret weapon" being grown around the remains of Serpidal (
  15. [COLOR=green]Character Name: Samus Aran Reason for Choosing Character: I first encountered Samus in Super Smash Brothers, I was mesmerized with her excellent arsenal of deadly weapons, her cat-like grace and her impressive suit of armor. She quickly became my favorite Nintendo character. Ever since I have tried to find out everything I can about her, and I consider her the premier female bounty hunter. Knowledge of Character: I know a reasonable amount about Samus, but any information about her that isn?t in the character description [I]Crazy White Boy[/I] provided for me will greatly be appreciated? Starting Location: Samus Earth Colony[/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Hmm, I take exception to this thread for a various reasons. For instance, this is a Sony forum, so members will most definitely encourage you to buy it. Secondly, this could quickly turn into a console vs. console fiasco. If you want to create a thread discussing Sony's online strategy, in an intelligent manner, feel free to do so. Quite frankly, there's no need to argue moot system specs. The consoles don't seem too distant in that area. I mean, numbers may tell you one thing, but for the most part, you'll find nearly identical conversions of titles on each system. For a completely objective opinion, I encourage you to look at release date calendars or video game retailers to shop comparatively, ultimately picking up whichever console is most compatible with you in price range, third party support, first party releases and online strategy. Anyway, you did ask for member opinions on performance and such, so I find that as long as discussion remains in the boundaries of the rules, I can leave this open. Especially, since this would be a good time to discuss how many members have problems with DVD playback, etc. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]Sorry about this thread being a problem, I just thought I'd ask here since most people in this forum have a PS2(and would presumably know wether it was worth buying.) What problems are there with DVD playback?[/COLOR]
  17. Should I buy a PS2? Can I please have some feedback from PS2 owners regarding preformance, game quality, etc. ? And also the all important question, do you know where I can get it cheapest (new) ?
  18. Boba Fett

    ~Star Wars~

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Yet you can't put them down. hehehe.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]What are you implying! Why you little !@#$%^ ;) I read them because they contain important events that relate to the overall timeline. I have decided not to buy them, since I would much rather buy Star Wars comics or NJO novels. Instead I borrow them from the Library or a friend...[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green]Omission, Delsuion. I use delusion all the time. I tell myself "You have time to go to OtakuBoards, you can write that three page essay on the bus to school tommorow..." :rolleyes: Omission, I save it for special situations ;)[/COLOR]
  20. Boba Fett

    ~Star Wars~

    [COLOR=green]I am! I am starting, against my better judgement, to read the Young Jedi Knights series. The plots, writing and books in general seem amazingly stupid. Mabye its just because they are aimed at younger kids, but I cringe whenever I read them.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=green]OOC: It's been a long time since I posted here, but I'm back once and for all now. IC: Abob: "We have incoming!" [I]Twenty mutated Orcs burst through the door and into the room, each carrying a deadly battle axe.[/I] Abob pulls out his bow and notches it and begins to fire arrow after arrow at the Orcs, who have now seen the fellowship, and are charging towards them. Lalaith: "What are these things, they take forever to die!" [I]A Mutated Orc is at the front of its fellows, twelve arrows sticking out of its blood drenched hide.[/I] Abob fires his last arrow into one of the charging Orcs, which by now are nearly on top of them. Abob pulls out his long knife, to find that the blade has changed into a black liquid, being held in the shape of a blade by unknown powers...[/COLOR]
  22. Boba Fett

    ~Star Wars~

    Hey Son Goten, long time no see! Anyway, Has anyone read [I]NJO Traitor[/I] ? I thought the new concept regarding the force (that the force isnt divided into dark and light sides) disturbing... I also cant wait for the new PS2 game, [I]Star Wars: Bounty Hunter[/I]. The graphics look really neat, and I watched the trailer online yesterday, and it looked really neat. I have also got some trivia for you: #1 What was the supposed "secret weapon" being grown around the remains of Serpidal (
  23. Now I feel like a such a newbie, looking back at all the older versions. I arrived in V4, I think...:drunk:
  24. [COLOR=green] [I][B]Mandalorian Warriors: Rescue on Korda VI.[/I][/B] [B]Thirty years before the battle of Geonosis, in the mission briefing room of the Mandalorian Cruiser [I]Lightning Strike[/I]?[/B] [I]Jaster Mereel: "Listen up! This is Jango's first mission as squad commander, so we're keeping it simple. The job's a routine extraction mission. Our employer is the Korda Defense Force, our target: a rookie security squad pinned down by hostile locals on Korda six. Korda recon suggests only minimal resistance. The natives are poorly armed and have no standing army. The security squad is holed up near our landing zone. Coordinates have been uploaded to your helmets targeting systems. This should be easy credits. Montross has your assignments. Montross: "We're dividing into three units. Those of you with jetpack experience have been assigned to my Vertigo squad, we're hitting them high. Jango's grunts will provide cover fire and keep the extraction point clear. Headhunter Company, you'll follow Jaster to the recovery site. Kill anything that gets in your way. Now let's get going."[/I] You are to be one of the Mandalorian Warriors assigned to rescue the Korda Defense Force rookies. There are twelve spots open (Montross, Jaster, Jango or one of the nine troopers.) This RPG will start in five days, or as soon as all the spots are filled. Here is what you will need to sign up: [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: [B]Species[/B]: [B]Squad (Vertigo, Headhunters, or Grunts.)[/B]: [B] Weapons (Maximum of seven. Your basic set of Mandalorian armor doesn?t count, but any additions to it do count.) [/B]: [B]Description[/B]: [B]Bio[/B]: [/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I hated [i]Behind enemy Lines II[/i]. I loved it up to a certain point but then all my hopes for the NJO series just fell through. :-/ Damn bastards...killing off a perfectly good FrankenJedi... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green] What did you hate about the book, other than the untimely death of Lord Nyax? I thought it was well written, and the revelation about the Jedi temple was interesting...[/COLOR]
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