Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
[COLOR=green] I looked through the NJO books I have, and I couldn?t find the color of Mara's lightsaber anywhere. So I think her lightsaber blade is blue, and a purple blade was used to make Mara appear more feminine, as BabyGirl said. I finally read [I]Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand[/I] and highly recommend the book. Lord Nyax was really neat... :bawl: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green] Vile watched Rage shout to Zero through the radio. He was glad his head technician had suggested that he bug every inch of Vile Isle. He would have to remember to give him a raise? He typed a new command into the small screen on his command chair and watched Zero and three of his friends were being attacked by fifty of base six's Maverick warriors. He used his personal comm-link to talk to the unit commander who was fighting Zero and his friends: Vile: "Commander, I you to order ten of your troops to get as close as possible to Zero, then self destruct. Do you copy?" Commander #32: "Yes my Lord." Vile turned off his comm. Link and looked up at the map of Vile Isle, which was now covered in tiny dots that represented battles. He studied it carefully, it looked as if his opponents were going to try something unexpected, but what could it be? Vile: "Base computer, do you have any recordings from the minefield that Zero cleared?" Base Computer: "Yes, would you like to see them?" Vile: "Display them on my command chair." Vile read Zero's remarks about an impending subterranean attack. He groaned, and pressed a button on his command chair. Alarms went off all around his command room. Vile walked over to the main computer and told it to copy all its data to his troop carrier, and then set the base for self destruct, with a count down timer of three minutes. Vile then called for One and Two to come with him to his private lab. Together Vile and his guards walked into his private lab, which was now filled with technicians preparing to leave the base. He boarded his troop carrier and went to its command chamber, which was smaller but otherwise identical to his own. Vile then ordered twenty mavericks from each base to come onto the troop carrier. He would need protection at his new base, wherever that would be?[/COLOR]
I did not anticipate so may questions... SSJ Goten, I know Kessel has been captured by the Vong. The NRI wants to see if your character can get there, alive. Tursi, this is set right after Enemy Lines I: Rebel Stand.
[COLOR=green] [B]Star Wars: Counterstrike[/B] [I]It is a dark time for the New Republic, the Yuuzan Vong have captured Coruscant and are preparing to wipe out the last large concentration of New Republic forces that is situated on Bastion. However NRI operatives operating near Ssi-Ruuk space have made a new discovery of great importance. They have found the Chiss Empire. The NRI agents asked the Chiss if they would lend their fleet to the New Republic so that it could be used to combat the Yuuzan Vong, but the Chiss declined. Instead the offered something better, a complete holo-map of what was beyond the outer rim. The holo-map showed that beyond the outer rim was a long stretch of empty space, and then the edge of another galaxy, which the Chiss said was where the Yuuzan Vong were from. The New Republic High command has decided to authorize a secret mission that could change the course of the war. However the details have not yet been released. All that has been said is that the New Republic wants the best fighter pilots in the galaxy to come to Kessel, and await further instructions.[/I] You are to be one of those pilots. Here is what you need to sign up: [B]Name:[/B] [B]Age:[/B] [B]Race:[/B] [B] Ship (nothing larger than a fighter): [/B] [B]Description:[/B] [B]Bio:[/B] [/COLOR]
The pit wasn't far; after Sauron had been defeated a few brave farmers had migrated here, taking advantage of the free land. But now it seemed as if they had disappeared. At least the road was still in reasonably good shape. The fellowship climbed higher and higher, towards the pit. As they climbed it grew drastically colder, so cold that snow had begun to fall. Abob: "I don't remember snow..." Lalaith: "Neither do I. Iondarc, where is Bahamut, is he still at the pit?" Iondarc stopped walking and closed his eyes for a few seconds. Iondarc: "Yes, I think so." The fellowship continued to climb, and several hours later they reached the giant iron gates that lead into the pit. Abob: "Look! The rope!" They looked at the left door, to find that a piece of rope was tied around the door handle, the same rope the original fellowship had used to open the door many years ago. Then, without a word, everyone walked to the rope, grasped a part of it, and pulled....
[COLOR=green]Vile sat in his underground bunker, watching a giant infra red map of "Vile Isle". He knew that Zero and his stupid friends would be attacking soon, but where from? He had decided to keep all his Mavericks in the bunker until Megaman showed up, and then they could be deployed to wherever he showed up. Vile stood, and pressed a button on his command chair. Vile: Attention, this is Supreme Overlord Vile. All techs in the factories are to take the nearest troop carrier to the main bunker. One hundred mavericks are to be deployed to each factory. And land mines are to be set all over the island. And finally we are now on [I]red[/I] alert." Vile turned off the intercom and called One and Two over to him. Vile: "I want you to get my personal techs to modify my troop carrier so that it can fly like a helicopter." One: "Yes sir." As they turned to leave Vile grinned, soon Zero would be dead, and he would have no obstacles on the road to world domination! [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]And Boba, I too think the C-3P0 thing was funny.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green] I though it was funny too, but thats not my point. I think that those kind of things just dont belong in a major fight scene. Well, thats just my opinion... I would be extremely unhappy if they made Epsoides 7-9 with different actors. Although, if they decided to make Epsoides 7-9, makeup can acomplish many things...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Abob was encased in white light, he couldn't see anything except the other members of the fellowship, and they were all spinning very fast. Suddenly the white mist vanished, and the found themselves standing in Mordor. They all promptly fell to the ground, because they were all so disoriented from their sudden change of location. All of them had heard Ryan tell them that part of Bahamut was still in Mordor, so they knew what they had to do. One by one the members of the fellowship stood and got shakily to their feet. Abob: "Lalaith, where do you think Bahamut could be?" Lalaith: "Your guess is as good as mine..." Lauren: "Maybe Iondarc will be able to find him, since he will be able to sense Bahamut's dark power." Lalaith: "Good idea, Iondarc, Iondarc come here..."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green] Vile sat in his command chair, deep inside his command bunker. His command room was large and circular. On the wall behind him was a holographic map, showing the locations of his ten factories, and his command bunker. In front of him was a giant vidscreen that could show any part of his evil empire. On his left was a large steel door, behind which was a lab where his beloved Goliath Rider armor was being repaired by a small army of technicians. On his right was the only door into his chamber, which was guarded by two identical Reploids, one and two. One and Two were advanced computers, that were encased in minature versions of his own Goliath Rider armor. They would be worthy opponets for Zero Unit. Vile stood and walked out of the command room, and onto a metal platform that overlooked his army. Down below the platform, stood one thousand Mavericks, all ready for combat. With these warriors, he would soon rule the world...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Son Goten! It has been a long time since I've seen you around here. I think the stupidest thing that has happened in the Star Wars movies was the series of scenes in Episode II where C-3PO has his head welded to a battle droid. He walks around like a complete idiot, shooting then apologizing. [/COLOR]
Abob: "Hold it, I aint going into his mind. If he is possessed, it could be extremely dangerous, if not I will end up knowing [I]everything[/I] he knows. That would be such a huge breach of his privacy... *shudders* There has to be another way." Bahamut(speaking through Ryan): "I have nothing to hide, honest. Go right on in..." Ryan(speaking to Bahamut in his mind): "No dont go in, he'll destroy you!" Bahamut(speaking to Ryan in his mind): "Shut up, they cant hear you." Iondarc: "Ok, lets do it *raises his staff* " Abob: "Find someone else to go with you, I wont go unless the whole fellowship agrees to go, that way we can be sure of having a fighting chance in case anything's in his mind. What do you think? *looks at the rest of the fellowship*"
Vile flew a half mile to a deserted factory, where his roop carrier was waiting. He landed on its roof, right on top of a trapdoor. He was slowly lowered down into the very heart of the vehicle, the command center. Vile: "Computer, take me to Base 9, and set up a vid-link conference with all ten of my bases." Troop Carrier Computer: "It has been done." Vile watched as the screen in front of him split into ten boxes, one for each of his ten factory commanders. Vile: "How is production going? Have you all met your quotas for producing 100 Mavericks each?" Commanders 1,2,,4,5,6,7,8,9,10: "Yes, the data is now being sent to your computer." Vile: "Commander 3, where is your data?" Commander 3: "Er, we had a few problems, but we will be back on track shortly." Vile: "What?!? You know what happens to people who upset me.." Vile reaches down a presses a button on his command chair, and Factory commander 3 is vaporised. Vile looks at the remaining nine commanders. Vile: "Let this be a lesson to you, I do not tolerate failure..."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]#1 What planet did Bail Organa represent in the Old Republic senate? Alderan I believe #2 What species builds living ships (other than the Vong) ? People from Zonoma Sekot #3 Name three of Leia's Noghri bodyguards. Olmahk, Basbakhan, and Bolphur [/B][/QUOTE] #1 Correct #2 Correct #3 Correct Not bad... I will ask this one last time: Does anyone know if there is anywhere online where I could read either Dath Maul: Sabotur, or Recovery?
Abob: "My idea is this, we need proof that Ryan is indeed possessed before we act. Did any of you peek out from behind the tree and see the spell Ryan cast?" Lalaith: "No, why?" Abob: "Ryan incenerated the Orcs with fire, black rimmed fire." Iondarc: "Black rimmed fire?!? Are you sure? Thats dark magic..." Abob: "Exactly." Lalaith: "But we need more proof, Iondarc is their a spell we can use to find out if he is possessed?" Iondarc: "......
Vile: "Muhaha! I have come to destroy you Zero! Any last words?" A mili-second later Vile flew towards Zero at full speed. Zero tries to dodge, but WHAM. The two armor suits collide, sending Zero flying backwards into a wall. Then Vile begins to fire his plasma cannon at Zero. Vile: "Too slow!" Zero dodges left and right, up and down. His armor has sustained heavy damage from the collision, and a hit at near point blank range from Vile's plasma cannon would kill him. Vile's comm unit blinks. Vile: "What is it?" Troop carrier computer: "We are losing units fast. Over half our maverick's have been destroyed. Recomending you retreat." Vile: "Meet me at the rondavue point, Vile out." He then fires a quick burst of plasma fire at Zero, then flys back out through the hole in the wall. Vile flys high up into the air above the HQ, then proceeds to drop hundreds of tiny, but highly explosive, mines all over the HQ and the surrounding area. Finally Vile flys off back to his troop carrier...
No I havent read it, can you PM me a site where I could read it? I also need to know if there is any place online where I can read Darth Maul: Sabutor. Anyway, these E-books seem to be nothing but trouble for me so far... Trivia: #1 What planet did Bail Organa represent in the Old Republic senate? #2 What species builds living ships (other than the Vong) ? #3 Name three of Leia's Noghri bodyguards.
Abob walked out from behind the tree, his knife drawn. The Orcs were dead, but he wasnt concerned about that, he wanted to know what was going on with Ryan. Abob: "Ryan! I am going to wring your-" Lalaith: "Abob, cool it." Abob: "He spilled my last vial of healing potion, the !@#$%" Lauren: "Abob we can brew you some more later." Abob: "Alright, fine. But Ryan, you had better be [I]much[/I] more careful from now on." Bahamut: "[FONT=arial]Naughty, naughty Ryan, spilling the poor man's potion...[/FONT]" Ryan(speaking to Bahamut inside his head): "Oh shut up." Bahamut: "Sorry Abob, it wont happen again" The fellowship decides that it is time to move on, this area seems to be infested with Orcs. They begin to pack their things, in preperation for their long journey ahead...
Vile sat in his modified troop carrier watching the battle unfold around the HQ. He watched as his Maverick's were easily defeated by the accursed zero unit. But he didnt care if his minions died, for that was to be expected. He instructed his surviving minions to concentrate on killing technicians, equipment and other vital structers in the HQ, if he couldnt kill the Zero Unit warriors he would at least destroy their base. Vile: "Troop Carrier, open the top hatch." Out of the top of the troop carrier rose Vile, who was encased in his Goliath rider armor. Once all his systems were ready, he flew off towards the location of his arch-enemy, Zero...
I collect Star Wars comics! I have close to a hundred, and my favorite is "Boba Fett: Agent of Doom".
Abob stopped fighting as Ryan's "force field sprung into existence around the group, separating them from the Orcs. He tried to fire arrows through the field, but they vanished when they hit it. He saw Orcs slamming themselves against the glimmering barrier; they hit it and fell to the ground, horribly burned where they had touched the shield. Ryan however was in bad shape, he was weakening rapidly. Abob tensed, he wanted to be ready when the sheild collapsed. Several minutes later the shield broke as Ryan fainted. The fellowship charged forward, quickly killing the few Orcs who hadn't been stupid enough to charge the shield. Then they all gathered around Ryan, and Abob pulled a vial from his green bag...
Now that you say that it all seems so stupid that I missed that connection between the "Far Outsiders" and the Vong. I never really thought about Rogue Planet after I read it. But it all makes perfect sense now. Thanks! Also, SS Trunks I am a puzzled as you are. Mabye I can find the story online somewhere...
Well Arikel, I have showed up. I hope this character description is ok; I have never been in a MegaManX RPG before... [B]Name:[/B] Vile [B]Type:[/B] Evil Reploid [B]WOC(weapon of choice):[/B] Charged Particle beams [B]Capsules(four max):[/B] Arm: Spikes: These deadly spikes are able to rip through most types of armor with ease. Legs:Anti gravity booster: Allows Vile to hover and fly. Legs: Booster rockets: Allows Vile to dash [I]very[/I] fast and to turn on a dime. Hand:Particle beam emitter: Allows vile to fire charged particle beams. [B]E-Chips:[/B] Chameleon booster: Allows Vile to blend in with his surroundings. Motion mine layer: Vile loves to destroy his enemies with these highly explosive mines [B]Appearance:[/B] Vile uses Goliath Rider armor, which is currently painted black, with its weapon systems covered in a glossy orange coating. [B]Description:[/B] Cold and humorless Vile hates Megaman and will stop at nothing to destroy him. Unlike most other villains, Vile takes no pleasure in slowly killing his enemies. He prefers to shoot them and move on. [B]Bio:[/B] Vile wishes his past to remain a mystery and has erased everything he can find about himself. He has also killed almost all people who know about his past.
Abob ran over to his area of the camp and began to pack his things. In seconds he had packed all his supplies into his backpack and his weapons were ready for action. He walked back over to the others, who had all drawn their weapons and were standing in a tight circle. Abob notched his bow and looked apprehensively at the surrounding bushes. Suddenly Orcs poured from the undergrowth. They were screaming an indecipherable war cry and were swinging their weapons furiously. Abob fired three arrows into the advancing horde, but then was forced to draw his knife as a tall and smelly Orc advanced on him. His opponent swung his blade high, intent on splitting Abob down the middle. Abob grinned and sidestepped the blow, and then he slashed at the Orcs small head. The Orc fell lifeless to the ground...
Sorry for not posting sooner, I wasn't able to get online. :flaming: But now that my internet problem is behind us, I think. *glances at modem suspiciously* :shifty: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abob: "Lalaith, are there Orcs around here?" Lalaith: "Not that I know of..." Iondarc: "Why do you ask?" Abob: "Well, when we first washed up on this god-forsaken island I saw some tracks, for some reason they rung a warning bell in my head but I didn't know why. I have been thinking about them ever since and finally remembered where I had seen them before, in Mordor. I am almost sure they are Orc tracks." Lalaith: "That's not good at all. We should..." Ryan: "I, I need to tell you..." Suddenly Ryan falls to the ground and his body spasms uncontrollably. The others try to help him, but he reacts violently to any touch. Then, as sudden as Ryan's spasms began, they stopped. He stood up, an odd look in his eyes. Lauren: "Are you alright?" Ryan: "I'm fine, just fine." Abob: "What were you going to tell us?" Ryan: "Oh that, it wasn't important." Ryan walks away from the group and toward his things...