Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
OOC: I have returned from my vacation (on which I had no internet access), and will now try and make up for lost time. --------------------- Abob didn't look back at the land they were leaving behind, he didn't need to. He had no family, and all his friends were here, except Sam. He hoped Sam would be ok. Recently Sam had been depressed and bored, but Abob figured now that he would be looking after Abob's house and land, he would have so much to do he wouldn't be able to be depressed. Abob went below deck and went to his small room. It was cramped, there was barely enough room for the small bed and a closet, but Abob didn't care. He placed his pack in the closet and hung his bow and quiver of arrows on the wall. Then he went back up on deck. The water was calm and the boat gently swayed from side to side. He walked to the bow of the boat and leaned against the rail, he looked down at the water as he pulled some dried and salted meat from his pocket. He placed it in his mouth and began to chew. A piece of the meat fell from his mouth into the water below, Abob cursed and watched as the meat floated for a second, than [B]snap![/B] A huge beast raised its triangular head from the water and swallowed the meat whole. Abob moved away from the bow slowly, hoping the beast wasn't going to attack the boat.....
[B] Star Wars: The Battle of Ruusan[/B] [I]It is 1000 years before the Battle of Yavin. The Sith and The Jedi are engaged in a titanic battle on the planet Ruusan, the outcome of which will decide the fate of the galaxy. The Jedi are led by a Powerful Jedi Master named Lord Hoth. The Jedi have taken a beating, and are recruiting force sensitive individuals and pressing them into battle to make up for their horrific losses. They are in dire straights, and must hold out until a transport of Jedi reinforcements arrives from Courscant. The Sith are lead by a Sith Lord named Kaan. He is not a very powerful sith, but is a brilliant tactician. He is defeating the Jedi so far and needs to finish them off before their reinforcements arrive. His rival among the Sith is an extremely powerful warrior, Darth Bane. Bane is a master of the dark side and feels that the Sith shouldn?t fight the Jedi in ground engagements. He wants the Sith to combine their powers and create a firestorm that will destroy the remaining Jedi.[/I] You can be a Jedi, a Sith, a bounty hunter (recruited by the Sith), or part of the Jedi army (non force sensitive). This is what you need to sign up: Name: Age: Species: Weapons: Force Powers (ignore this if you are in the Jedi army or are a bounty hunter): Vehicles (no spaceships as this battle is on a planet): Bio: Description: Other: Note: NONE of the characters from any of the movies are alive, not even Yoda. However you may be one of the main characters (Lord Hoth, Darth Bane or Kaan). I will post my bio later. For now, enjoy. :D
Abob walks behind Ben, slightly to his right. His quiver of arrows that is slung across his sweaty back is nearly empty. He is growing tired and his heavy pack that is filled with supplies seems like it is made of solid lead. His long knife that hangs from his leather belt seems to be getting heavier and heavier. The day was almost finished, the sun was setting and its red light was fading fast. They could see the castle in front of them, less than a mile away. There spirits were lighter and the entire group was looking forward to a good nights sleep. When they arrived at the iron castle gates a guard looked down over the ramparts and, seeing Ben, ordered the gate to be opened. The group walked into the fortress and took off their packs. Ben: "We are quartered in the south tower, we will stay two days and Abob, try not to kill the bartender in the local tavern." Abob: "*sigh*" Indrid: "Watch it shorty." Abob takes a step towards Indrid, but stops when he sees Ben giving him a stern look. Then the group splits up, some go to the south tower to sleep, some take a look around, and some go to the tavern. Abob decides to go to sleep. He picks up his pack and begins to walk slowly towards the south tower...
BabyGirl- [QUOTE]Didn't you read the novelization of Episode II? The Jedi Archivist, Jocasta Nu, was an extremely respected and well liked lady. She wasn't stuffy...beh.[/QUOTE] I did, but I was basing my opinion about her from the way she [I]looked[/I] in Epsoide II. I forgot I shouldnt judge a book by its cover:blush: Justin- I asked for the newest NJO book for my birthday, but I doubt I will get it. It was sold out everywhere I looked (Barnes &Noble, My local bookstore and Walden books.) I decided a while ago I would read the NJO series and have read every one of them that is out in stores (besides Rebel Lines II) My favorite was Rebel Lines I
My Favorites & least favorites... Favorites: 1 Boba Fett (duh) 2 Abob Ttef :D 3 Darth Maul 4 Darth Sidious 5 IG-88 Least Favorites: 1 The Sarlacc 2 Jango Fett (He was a disgrace to the title of bounty hunter, just stood there when Mace charged up to him and chopped his head off.) 3 Jar Jar 4 Borsk Fleya (or something like that, he is always manipulating the new republic, for petty political gain.) 5 all Ewoks Who would make a good couple? Hmmm, how about that Jedi librarian and former chancellor Valorum. They were both stuffy, old idiots that resisted change...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tioxi [/i] [B]The Pokémon that you listed..... You started catching them in the Wrath of Mewtwo RPG, is that the Mewtwo you are talking about? [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I am using them for the RPG, but my main reason for posting this thread was to get the right pokeon to defeat my friends Mewtwo, which I did! Thanks to all who helped, especially G/S/B Master, whose tip saved my butt. -Boba Fett
OOC: Sorry:blush:, I will fix that... ----------------- Abob listens to Tarcamion's speech intently. He knows that all the members of the original fellowship will be going to confront this evil being, but who will go with them? Can they be trusted? Abob thought that they should have just sent the original fellowship. He wasn't a very trusting person, but decided that with Lalaith, Lauren and Ellsa going along things couldn't get that bad. He stands up and clears his throat... Abob: "I will go, to represent the Human race."
I don't believe in God, but see no reason to change the pledge. It is optional, so if you don't like it, don't say it. It is clearly against the constitution, but I doubt it will be removed from the pledge, at least not during my lifetime. To me it seems as if the person who brought this case is a publicity seeker with nothing better to do.
This should be interesting, Exar Kun and Darth Maul together.... [B]Name[/B]: Abob Ttef [B]Age[/B]: 34 [B]Species (Race)[/B]: Human [B]Class[/B]: Bounty Hunter [B]Weapons[/B]: Abob wears a suit of black and orange Mandalorian body armor that is ingrained with cortosis ore and Ysalamiri hairs. He also carries a sniper rifle. Ysalamiri hairs- The Ysalamiri is a salamander like species that has a unique ability to push back the force. The hairs engrained in Abob's armor produce the same effect. Cortosis Ore- One of the few substances in the known galaxy that can stop a lightsaber blade. It causes the lightsaber to deactivate on contact. Kneepad Rocket/Dart launchers- On each of Abob's knees he wears armored kneepads (part of his Mandalorian armor) there is an orange rocket/dart launcher. Abob currently had them loaded with deadly poisonous darts Mitrinomon Z-6 Jet pack- An orange jetpack that has a homing, high explosive rocket attached. Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Rocket system- On each of Abobs wrists he wears an orange rocket launcher. The rockets on his right wrist are Locris Syndicates 12A explosive rockets. The rockets on his left wrist contain FGA-583, a nerve agent that will knock its victim unconscious in seconds. Mer-Son weapons sniper rifle- This rifle is highly accurate and can shoot from extremely long distances. A zoom scope and a night vision scope are mounted on the top of the rifle. [B]Vehicle/Ship[/B]: The [I]Idiots Array[/I] Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12j Skipray Blastboat (for space travel) and a Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike (for on planet travel) [B]Vehicle Descriptions[/B]: The Idiots Array is a normal, unmodified Skipray Blastboat. It is painted black, with its weapon systems painted orange. It is armed with eighteen concussion missiles, twelve proton torpedoes, three capital ship class medium ion cannons and two laser cannons. The ship is twenty five meters long and is heavily armored; normal star fighter lasers cannot penetrate its thick armor. It can travel over 1,200 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. A Blastboat usually carries a crew of five, but can be piloted by one person if needed. Abob's speeder is painted black, with its weapon painted orange. It has armor plating (not enough to stop a blaster bolt) and a single laser cannon. It can travel slightly faster than five hundred kilometers per hour. [B]Background/Bio[/B]: Abob Ttef was born on the farming planet of Concord Dawn during a civil war. His family was indiscriminately slaughtered by one of the warring factions shortly before his twelfth birthday, and he was sent to live with relatives on Coruscant. His relatives didn?t want to have a young boy to take care of, so they dropped him off one day in the deepest depths of Coruscant, figuring he wouldn?t last long. Abob survived, and even thrived. He learned to be street smart, how to convincingly lie, when to run and when to fight. At age fifteen he stowed away on a smuggling vessel bound for Nar Shadda. There he worked for Shug Nix as a mechanic until he was twenty. Then he bought the Idiots Array directly from the shipyard, and went into the bounty hunting profession. He has since become an extremely respectable bounty hunter and has his own set of codes and morals he lives by. He usually takes imperial bounties and refuses to hunt Jedi; he considers them too dangerous to mess with. [B]Description[/B]: Abob never takes off his armor in public so nobody knows what he looks like underneath. His armor is standard Mandalorian combat armor; it is midnight black, with the weapons highlighted in a glossy orange. His T shaped visor on his helmet is indistinguishable from the rest of his helmet. [B]Personality[/B]: Abob is a very businesslike person and is direct and to the point. He says what he means in as few words as he can and hates small talk. He is extremely hard working and is always trying to make machines run more efficiently.
----------Two days ago---------- Abob was awakened in the middle of the night by a loud knock on his door. He got out of his small bed and quickly dressed. Then he walked out of his room, down the hall to the door. He opened it to see an Elf standing there? Elf: "You are needed in Mythanmyre. The council is convening in a few days to discuss a new threat to peace on middle earth. You have been asked to attend." Abob: "You and all others know I retired. I am not going on any adventures, quests, or anything of the like. Let someone else deal with this." Elf: "Lalaith, Lauren, Ellsa and your companions from many years ago will all be there?" Abob: "Fine, I will go." Elf: "Then we will expect you to be there soon. Goodbye." The Elf walks off into the night. Abob closes the door and walks slowly back to his room. He goes to his closet and pulls out an old, dust covered wooden chest. He hesitates for a moment, and then opens it. The lid creaks, and then lifts to reveal weapons, a bag of potions and a worn traveling cloak. He puts on the cloak and puts his sword (which is in its iron sheath ) in his belt. He slings his quiver of arrows and his oaken bow over his shoulder. Abob then walks into his kitchen, where he gathers food and places it into a leather backpack. He puts on the bulging pack, and then leaves his house, headed for Mythanmyre? ----------The present time---------- Abob arrives outside the council chambers right after breakfast to see many other humans, Elves, Dwarves and other creatures milling about, eagerly waiting for the meeting to convene so that they can learn about this "new evil". He suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder, and reflexively spins around. Lalaith stands behind him, a grin on his face. Lalaith: "Abob, it's been a long time. It's great to see you." Abob: "I was retired, content to let others deal with this threat. But when they told me you would be here, well I couldn?t let you have all the fun." Lalaith: *laugh* "Come on, the meeting is about to begin." They walk through the crowd to the council chamber doors. The guards recognize Lalaith and let both Lalaith and Abob in. They walk towards the front row of seats, where other important guests are seated. Abob sees Lauren and Ellsa. He tries to get up and talk to them, but suddenly the council door open and the crowd pours in. Seconds later everyone is seated and Lalaith stands, to explain why everyone has been summoned???.
Thanks for your recommendations; I will look at those books next time I go to Barnes&Noble. Anyone up for Trivia? 1 Who hired Jango Fett to provide the source DNA for the clone army? 2 What is Leia's middle name? 3 Who is BabayGirls favorite Star Wars character, and who is her least favorite character? [BabyGirl, if you are reading this, you are NOT eligible to answer :D ]
Abob Ttef stands on a hill, watching Ben and his companions as they walk towards their destination. He is growing tired, for he has been following them for quite some time. He knows that Ben suspects he is around, but decides to remain hidden until Ben confronts him. They had been playing this "game" for years, Abob would tail Ben, eventually Ben would find Abob and then they would travel together. Abob noticed that they were picking up their pace, so Abob walked down the side of the hill towards the trail they were walking on. He reaches the road moments later and walks several hundred feet behind the group, hoping they won't notice him, yet............
Abob and Scyther walked out into the lobby of the poke-center and saw Lauren and "Slappy" Abob: "New pokemon? *snicker*??" Lauren: "Oh shut up." [I]Slappy mimics her movements perfectly and everyone in the pokecenter bursts out laughing.[/I] Lauren: "Slappy, :blush: stop it..." Slappy: "MIME" Lauren: "Slappy, return." [I]Slappy returns to his pokeball with a grin.[/I] By now all the other members of the group have arrived at the pokecenter. They heal their pokemon and all set out together for Blossom town....
This is so funny...... In order to understand Fusion you need to realize that everything is controlled by a Nerds made up of Hispanics with help from Jocks. The conspiracy first started during Watergate in the moon. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the invention of sliced bread. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by whining. They want to murder O.J. Simpson and imprison resisters in Siberia using flight. In order to prepare for this, we all must Say NO. Since the media is controlled by Al Gore we should get our information from George Lucas.
Abob is almost at the poke center when he sees Lauren running to catch up with him. He stops, and waits for her to catch up. He notices a small flower shaped badge that was pinned to her shirt. Abob: "You defeated her?" Lauren: "Yes." Abob: "Do you know where we are going next?" Lauren: "I was thinking [B]Spiritown[/B], since the along the way there are several places where we can catch pokemon. But we have to wait for the others before we go anywhere." Abob: "Let's go to the poke-center, they have to show up there eventually." Lauren: "Ok" They walk down the road to the poke center, which was only a mile away, and talk about their battles with Karina. Suddenly they see a blur of motion in the distance, it is red in color. Then they hear the pounding of hooves and realize that it is a Ponyta. Abob pulls a pokeball from his pocket, but then puts it back in when he sees Tani riding it. Tani: "Hello, going to the poke center?" Abob & Lauren: "Yes." Tani: "Good, that's where I am going. I want nurse Joy to take a look at this Ponyta's back; it was wounded when I found it in the forest. I healed it as best I could, but I'm not sure if it is completely healed." Lauren and Abob Jog beside the Ponyta towards the poke-center??..
Alright, I have this team so far: 1 Scyther 2 Jolteon 3 Misdreavus 4 Starme 5 Hypno 6 Blissey Thats it for now. That Mewtwo I am scheduled to battle, it is a level 100 *gulp*. I am going to have to fight it tommorow, so wish me luck (last minute advice is welcome!)
I think I remember the orginal, that was a long time ago..... Name: Abob Ttef Age: 14 Occupation: hacker Bio: Abob was born on the space station, his mother dumped him on the street and walked away. He was taken in by an older couple, who took care of him untill they were robbed and murdered, he was 11 at the time. He has since worked for various crime syndicates. Appearance: Short, with white skin, green eyes and black hair. He looks like a street urchin, and is someone who blends easily into cowds. Also I wont be around for a week after tommorow..., so dont be suprised if I am gone.... When I return, I will give this RPG my full attention.
So, do you think my explaination of the Jango/Jaster connection is good? I am not very good at writing, and would like advice on that.... I am looking for a new Star Wars book, I just finished re-reading Epsoide II. Any suggestions? (Other than the NJO series, which I am also reading). There is some new SW book out now, called [B]Tatooine Ghost[/B] or something like that, has anyone read it? It looks interesting, but I want advice before I buy it....
OOC: Sorry I havent posted, I have been away for a while. I will post today and tommorow, then I will be back on the road for another seven days. So I will try and post as much as possible today and tommorow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob: " I'm ready, I wil fight that Gym leader today!" Karina: "Ok, I will fight you today, but dont be suprised if you are defeated..." Abob: "Lets battle." He sends out Scyther and Karina sends Dody. Abob: "Dave, use quick attack, then folow it up with scratch!" Dave leaps high into the air and comes down on Dody with stunning swiftness. Dody is knocked backwards, but recovers quickly. As soon as Dody gets up however, it is knocked flat by a powerful scratch from Dave. Karina: "Use peck Dody!" Dody gets up slowly and charges at Scyther, Abob sees that Scyther is getting tired, so he recalls him and sends out Gastly. Abob: "Lick 'em Gastly!!" Gastly floats towards Dody, all of Dody's attacks pass harmlessly through it. Then Gastly licks Dody on the face, and it promptly faints. Karina: "Drat. Well, here is the blossom badge!" Abob pins the bages on his shirt, then takes his tired pokemon to the poke-center......
Ok, sorry for being "away" and missing all the action, here is my sign up..... Name: Abob Ttef Age: 49 Weapons: A long knife, a bow and arrows and a bag of potions. Bio: Abob disposed of the first ring many years ago, and has since retired to the Shire with Sam. He has spent the last few years fishing and eating Sam's delicious cooking. He is disturbed by the new evil and will stop at nothing to crush it. Appearance: Abob wears a brown traveling cloak, which hides his face. He has black eyes, black hair and gostly white skin. He is quiet, but a dangerous man to cross.
OOC: Schratn9, you realize that you are stranded on the planet now, right? Since Abob stole your ship.....:p ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob landed the [I]Idiots Array[/I] on Degobah. He had flown around for hours, looking for somewhere to land that wasnt swampy or infested with strange creatures. He walked out of the ship and saw Yoda sitting on a lo branch of a nearby tree... Abob: "How did you know I would land here?" Yoda: "Your concern, that is not." Abob walks over to Yoda and hands him the twins, which are asleep. Yoda: "Come, you have. The twins, you have brought." Abob: "My payment?" Yoda: "Payment , you will recive. It is here. *tosses a pouch to Abob*" Abob turns and begins to walk away, but Yoda calls him back. Yoda: "Wait, you must. One last thing, there is. *waves his hand in front of Abobs face* Once this planet you leave, remember nothing of this mission you will." Abob (staring straight ahead, in a trance-like state) :"Once I leave this pannet I will not remember this mission." Then Abob gets back in the [I]Idiots Array[/I] and flys back to Dantooine.......
Abob and Craig have been in town for a while when the others meet them in the local poke-center. Abob gets nurse Joy to bandage a cut Scyther recived from a thorn bush in the woods. He also got her to heal his Gastly, which was tricky business. Finally both of his pokemon were ready for action. Abob leaves the pokecenter and walks to a small park that is in the middle of the town. He sits on a bench and looks in his backpack. He has enough food to last him a few days, a pokeball, a potion, and a small pouch. That was odd, he didnt remember packing that pouch. Abob opens the pouch and out tumbles three hundred dollars, and a note. He puts the money back inside the pouch, then reads the note... [I]Abob- I thought you would need this for your trip, especially in the beginning when your pokemon arent strong and you cant make a living from winning pokemon battles. So use it wisely. Good Luck, Hazel[/I] Abob put the note in his backpack and walked towards the Gym. It was getting late, he would need to hurry through the gym, and then find somewhere to stay for the night.....
Wormmon's Tamer- The comic books can be ordered from Barnes and Noble, Dark Horse Comics and various other comic book retailers. Mr Maul- I too have read that comic book series, since I am now reading anything I can find on Jango's past(becaue it is closely tied to Boba's). I belive the series you are refering to is called [I]Jango Fett: Open Seasons[/I]. I have the first two comic books in the series and have pre-ordered the other two. I have written up a document that explains the Jaster/Jango connection, since I get asked about this a lot. Here it is: ---------------------------------------------- As for the Jango Fett/Jaster Mereel story it is mentioned as a rumor about Boba's past. This rumor states: Boba Fett was born as Jaster Mereel on the planet Concord Dawn. He became a sort of policeman on that planet, called a [I]Journeyman Protector[/I]. Later he was exiled from Concord Dawn for killing another corrupt Journeyman protector. He left the planet and later turned up as Boba Fett. This rumor was disproved by Episode II. Here is the story that tells the real connection between Boba/Jango and Jaster. It is found in a series of Star Wars comic books published by [B]Dark Horse Comics[/B]. It turns out that shortly before the extinction of the Mandalorian warriors they split into two groups. A large group split from the main group (which was now very small, made up of only ten Mandalorians). The large group that split away from the original group was re-named Death Watch. It was lead by an ambitious man named Visla, who thought the Mandalorians should conquer the galaxy. The remainder of the Mandalorians stayed with their original leader, a reformed murderer called Jaster Mereel. He believed that the Mandalorians should remain elite mercenaries. Jango was 10 at the time of these events and his father was one of Jaster's supporters. So when Jaster needed a hiding place Jango's dad let him hide in the fields behind their house. Visla and his gang found out and captured Jango and his family. They threatened to kill them if they didn't hand over Jaster. When they refused they were executed. In the confusion Jango slipped away. Then Jaster showed up. He had apparently had heard the blaster fire and had come to help, only to arrive too late. Jaster and his men started shooting Visla's warriors from the cover of Jango family's fields. Visla and his men set fire to the field and soon Jango and his rescuers were surrounded by fire. They escaped through an irrigation pipe that lead out of the field. Visla, thinking that Jango and Jaster, along with the rest of his opponents were now dead, stopped in a nearby town to re-supply. Jaster and his forces ambushed them in the town and killed every member of Death Watch, including Visla, or so they thought. About nine years later, on Jango's very first mission as a squad commander, the Mandalorains (still lead by Jaster) were ambushed by a reborn Death Watch and an army of heavily armed locals on Korda. The mission was supposed to be routine and easy money. Most of the Mandalorians were killed in the ambush. Jango and his squad managed to search out Visla. Jaster confronted him and was terribly wounded. Jango was distraught and stayed with Jaster until he died. Then Jango was left in control of the Mandalorians. This is the true story of the Jaster/Jango connection ------------------------------
-------In the darkened room where Anikan and Palpitine are talking------- Anikan: "Why don?t we take the whole Death Star to Vulca? Then we can personally watch him die from orbit." Palpitine: "Ok, so here is the plan so far: We take the Death Star to Vulca, drop him off in the worst area on the planet, and then return to the Death Star. --------In orbit around Coruscant-------- Abob arrived in orbit around Coruscant to find that the huge battlemoon that he had rescued the small group of Rebels from earlier had jumped into hyperspace, headed for Vulca. Abob set a new course and jumped to hyperspace. It would only take him a few minutes to reach the planet using his hyperdrive, most people would use their sublight drives, after all it was a lot cheaper that way and only a few hours travel time at most. Abob came out of hyperspace around Vulca and landed his ship in a deep cave next to an active volcano. The heat radiating from the volcano would make his ship undetectable to any sensors. Abob put on his armor and set off towards the safer areas of the planet, where the Imperials were sure to land. He arrived there an hour later to see a command speeder leaving a shuttle and heading for the more dangerous areas of Vulca. ---------Inside the speeder------ Palpitine: "Anikan, we will leave Obi-Wan here, where he will surely perish. Then we will rule the galaxy!" Anikan: "Uh, ok but..." Obi-Wan (who is tied up in the back of the speeder): "No Anikan, don't listen! Don't turn to the dark side!" Palpitine: "Shut up stupid fool." ------Back at the shuttle----- Abob watches as the three crewmen of the shuttle walks outside of the ship to relieve themselves. Abob takes aim with his sniper rifle, and then kills them. He walks down to the shuttle and up the boarding ramp. He walks past a "throne room" and into the spartan cockpit. There Abob studies the brand new control panel. It is very simple, meant for cargo transport, not tight maneuvers. Abob fly's the shuttle up towards the battlemoon and lands in an empty docking bay. He then locks the blast door and hacks into the computer terminal. He breaks into the secure files and finds the twins are being held in Palpitines quarters, for "training". Abob unlocks the blast doors and walks to a turbolift. The doors open and a stormtrooper walks out. Abob shoots the trooper before the man even gets his hand on his sidearm. Abob hits the button for Palpitines quarters and waits. In an almost comical fashion, every time the door opens to let new passengers onto the lift, Abob shoots whoever is there. When he finally reaches Palpitines quarters he locates the twins easily because they are crying. He then carries them to the turbolift and goes back to the docking bay. Once he gets to the docking bay he locks the doors and uses his comm unit to call his ship to the docking bay. He will have to leave his speeder on the planet, it would be too risky to go back and pick it up. Minutes later his ship arrives and Abob runs up the boarding ramp, one twin in each arm. He sets them down on his bed and tells Tom to take care of them. Abob then races to the cockpit, where he sets course for Degobah. The [I]Idiots Array[/I] disappears into hyperspace, its mission accomplished.........
The [I]Idiots Array[/I] was at the back of the fake attack position as it hurtled toward the Star Destroyer. At the last moment, the bounty hunters broke formation, and began to strafe the warship from every conceivable direction. Abob concentrated his fire on the belly of the Star Destroyer, where the main shield generator was located. Using his ion cannons that would penetrate the heavy shields Abob started to attack the generator. He had been pretty lucky so far, he hadn't been hit by any of the heavy turbo-laser emplacements that ringed the shield generator. He knew that even a grazing blow from one of those deadly weapons and his ship would explode into space dust. After several dangerous runs Abob managed to score a direct hit on the shield generator. As he was pulling away from the Star destroyer, a blast from a medium laser cannon hit his ships engines, obliterating all but two of the five thrusters. He flew his damaged ship away from the Star Destroyer and activated his comm unit. Abob: "The shields are down, let's get out of here." The bounty hunters ships quickly flee from the disabled Star Destroyer and jump into the safety of hyperspace?.