Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
Abob walked farther away from Craig, he had only had enough money for two pokeballs and wanted to use them both. He walked back towards the others, and noticed Tani holding a friend ball. Abob: "What did you catch?" Tani: "Seems like you caught something too, you tell me first." Abob: "Fine, I caught a Gastly." Tani: "I was lucky, I caught a Totodile!" Abob: "Wow, did you see any ore around here?" Tani: "Nope, too bad." Abob: "Darn." Tani: "I am going to go back along the path and see how Lauren is doing. Want to come?" Abob: "No thanks, Craig and I are going to go to the town." Tani: "Ok, se you then." Abob walks back along the path towards the graveyard. He sees Craig washing out a cut in his hand with water from the stream. Craig: "About time you showed up, lets go." They walk up the hill to the graveyard and down the other side to the path. Craig walks in front, looking for wandering pokemon. Abob is looking at the trees around them, that are full of pidgeys. Normally they would stop and attack the Pidgeys to train their pokemon, but these Pidgeys were so weak they were not worht the effort. Several hours past, with no sign of any pokemon worth fighting. However they could both hear the sounds of the nearby town. Suddenly a foul stench filled the air. Abob turns to see where it is coming from and sees a puddle of sludge at the edge of the forest. In the puddle are dozens of Grimer. Abob looks at Craig, then they both hurry into the town, neither wants to have to carry around a vile smelling grimer....
Alright, thanks to everyone for their advice, this is my team so far: 1 Scyther 2 Gengar 3 Snorlax 4 Jolteon 5 Starme 6 Blissey Alright, anyone think this would be an ok team? Any recommended changes?
Abob walked back to his house after several hours of fishing. Tom was asleep in his arms. When he reached the house he was met by the nanny droid, which put Tom to bed, then came downstairs to talk to Abob... Droid: "A message arrived for you while you were away." Abob: "!#*%@ Why cant i get any rest around here? I am going to retire soon...." Droid: "Would you like to see the message?" Abob: "Yes." The droid turned on a holoprojetor and a familiar figure spoke to him. It was Yoda, he had thought that all the Jedi were dead, but apparently some were still in hiding. But that didnt matter, he turned his attention back to the hologram, which began to speak... Yoda: "A mission I have for you. 500,000 credits your reward will be. Find the stolen twins of Padme, and to me deliver them. Hurry you must, for in great danger they are." He looked at the nanny droid, then at the hologram. Abob: "Move Tom to the ship, and hurry." Minutes later Abob was dressed in his armor and was waiing for the [I]Idiots Array's[/I] engines to warm up. When they were ready to go he set course for Coruscant, and hit the Hyperspace button. The cockpit veiwsceen flashed, then the stars elongated, and they were off.....
Did you like it(the first bookin the Thrawn series)? I thought the whole series was excellent, and I recommend reading all three of the books. I like that series so much I own the books, and the books on tape. The yalsamiri(Sp) are my favorite creature in Star Wars. It is always nice to have one handy...... *pats pet yalsamiri on its head*:D
Abob looked out of the veiwscreen of his ship and watched the stars fly by. He was supposed to be flying cover for the ground missions, specifically to destroy any heavy artillery. Abob wondered if there would be any TIEs around to harass them. In all likelihood there would be so many it would be like trying to fly through a storm and not get hit by any raindrops. He walked back to his room and took off his battle armor. He had cleaned it and loaded all of its hidden weapons earlier, now all he needed to do was take apart his sniper rifle and clean and fine tune it. Once that was done he would be ready for anything. Then there was a screech as his ship was violently pulled out of hyperspace. Alarms went off all over his ship and Abob raced to the cockpit. He saw an Imperial [I]Interdictor[/I] cruiser, next to a [I]Mark IX Star Destroyer[/I]. He hit the comm for Master Xanko's ship. He heard the voices of all the other hunters and Jedi, asking for instructions....
OOC: Lauren isn't near me any more. I went with Craig. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abob washes out the cuts in his arm in the clear stream. Then Craig calls for Abob... Craig: "Abob, come look at this." Abob: "Hold on I'm coming." Minutes later Abob climbs up a small hill on the other side of the stream. On the hill is a small fenced in graveyard, swarming with Gastlys. Craig (whispering): "Your Scyther is strong against them and Inferno will do fine. Let's attack together, one, two, three." Both boys pokemon charge at different Gastlys. Scyther manages to run through his opponent, hurting him slightly. The Gastly throws a small black ball at Scyther, who ducks the attack. Abob pulls a pokeball from his belt and throws it at the Gastly. The pokemon turns into a pink gas and enters the pokeball, which rolls around violently. After several tense minutes, the pokeball stops. Abob has caught his first pokemon. Abob turns to look at Craig, and sees that the Gastly he chose to attack is nearly beat.......
Sorry, I forgot to mention that. I am looking for Pokemon that are in Gold, Silver or Crystal. I greatly appriciate your help! :) Blissy, Misdreavus, I havent heard of them. Show how long I have been "out of the loop".
Abob walked into the room with the other hunters. He was wearing his armor, but had left his sniper rifle in his ship. He knew that he wouldn't need to worry about protection here; the Jedi wouldn't attack an opponent without provocation. He sat down in one of the many padded chairs that surrounded the large rectangular table. In the middle of the table was a holo-projector, and around it were small data-disks, ready to be played. At one end of the table sat the bounty hunters, who eyed each other suspiciously. On the other side of the table sat the Jedi who would be accompanying them on their mission. Abob recognized only one of them. At the head of the table sat Xanko, a small green skinned Jedi master of great wisdom and courage. Some thought he rivaled the Jedi master Yoda, who had been a senior member of the Old republics council. Abob thought that Xanko was a formidable opponent, and that he would give Yoda a run for his credits. Once everyone was seated, a Padawan dimmed the lights and turned on the holo-projector.
Abob walked at the back of the group, watching the surrounding area for pokemon. He had found out that his Scyther was level 6, and he wanted it to become stronger before they got to the town. Abob suddenly stopped, and saw a small bird pokemon, a pidgey, in a bush next to the path. He realised that the Pidgey had a type advantage over his Scyther, but his pokemon was a levle six, and the pidgey looked like a level two or three. He let scyther out of its pokeball and told it to use its scratch attack on the pidgey. Scyther jumped towards the unlucky Pidgey, and scratched its left wing. The pidgey screeched and tried to peck at Scyther, but missed. Then Scyther finished it off with another scratch. The pidgey fell to the ground, it had fainted. Abob put Scyther back into its pokeball and ran to catch up with the others. Five minutes later he caught up with them and took up his place at the back of the group. Only Lauren had noticed his absence. Lauren: "There you are, where did you go?" Abob: "I saw a wild Pidgey, and took the opertunity to train Scyther." Lauren: "Oh, ok. Next time you go and leave the group, tell someone, ok?" Abob (mumbling): "Ok." The group continues to walk down the path, as small pokemon silently follows them, none of the group have seen it yet, but it is mimicing them.........
Henda Ropou... Thats a girls name. Whats with that?... Hey Mist, I will swap with you.;)
I got 91.2%. Then again, I am only 13.
OOC: As far as I know Palpitine was the senator that represented the sector that Naboo was in. Senators do not represent individual planets, they represent sectors. Palpitine would have been representing Naboo and a number of other planets. I am not exactly sure where he was born. I will update this post if I find out anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abob came out of hyperspace in orbit around Dantooine. He flew the [I]Idiots Array[/I] down to the surface of the planet as fast as he could and landed on the landing pad outside his house. He ran down the boarding ramp and into the house. He found Tom in his room and he held him in his arms for a very long time, then they both went outside to play. Abob changed out of his armor and into some casual clothes. H e instructed the nanny droid to clean his armor and his ship. Abob and Tom walked over to the edge of the clearing, where there was a small pond. There Abob showed Tom how to use the mini spear launcher to catch fish. Once Tom had mastered the use of the fishing tool, they went fishing......
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Boba Fett replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
OOC: No, I can seem to get on either. Why dont you ask Altron Gundam, he is bound to know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abob must have been asleep for several hours, because when he woke up he was in a soft bed, surrounded by Elves, who were all very busy. Abob tried to speak, but a hand gently rested on his shoulder and stopped him. He looked around, and saw Lalaith, Lauren, Ellsa, Sam, New and Samantha gathered around his bed. Ellsa: "The Elves say your wound wont ever completely heal, but you will be able to live normally and recover fully after a few days in their care." Sam: "Then, after you get better we can all go home." Abob thought for a moment, home. He had no home, no family, no relatives. They had all been killed. He thought about returning to his life of isolation high in the mountains, but didnt like that idea. He decided he would go to the shire with Sam, there he could settle down and enjoy life. Abob sat in bed thinking of the new life that he would have when he left this hospital, finally their quest was over. No more Orcs, no more Goblins, Trolls, Nazguls or Wraiths. Life was going to be simple and enjoyable now, the way it was supposed to be... ----------Three days later---------- Abob got out of his hospital bed and walked around his room. He was fully healed and ready to go. He didnt have anything to give to the Elves to show his gratitude, but decided he would tell them that if they ever needed a favor, he would be glad to assist them. Abob put on his traveling gear and walked outside, to find the others waiting for them. They all said farewell to each other and were about to gotheir seperate ways. Abob noticed that Nev, Lauren and Lalaith were traveling together. He was glad that Lalaith had adopted her, he would make a good father. Sam walked upto him and asked him where he was going. Abob told him he was going to the shire, and Sam jumped in suprise. Sam: "That will be wonderfull, simply wonderful." Abob: "Yes, it will. What would I do without Hobbit cooking?" Sam: " :laugh: :laugh: " Then they went their seperate ways, their quest over , middle earth safe again from the forces of evil................. ------------------------------------------------------------- OOC: Hope it is ok with everyone that I ended it. It was wonderful to RPG with you guys, this is the first RPG I have been in that has actually finished! I hope to see you all in other RPGs, soon. :) -
BabyGirl, thanks for the book names. I am going to try and buy the ones I dont have, now that I know the titles. Wormmon's Tamer, their isnt a [I]book[/I] where Palpitines colne turns Luke to the Dark side, but their is a [I]comic book [/I] series called [B]Dark Empire[/B], which tells the tale of the re-born Emperor, his clones, the World Devastators, the birth of Leia's third son and Lukes fall to the dark side. The series is published by [B]Dark Horse Comics[/B] and includes: [B]Dark Empire[/B], [B]Dark Empire II[/B] and a third short conclusion thats name I cant seem to remember. I hope this helps... Noooooo! Justin, I am sorry to say I know none of the answers to your quiz, not a single one...:( But I will guess anyway. #1 A Youzan Vong leader #2 The leader of the Youzan Vong #3 Another crystal #4 In a battle with the Youzan Vong #5 A worldship #6 A Youzan Vong preist #7 A Youzan Vong preist #8 Sun I need to read the NJO series, but cant find all the books...(that explains my pitiful answers)
Abob Ttef's ship, the [I]Idiots Array[/I], came out of hyperspace above the city planet of Coruscant. He had been hired by the Jedi council for a job, he hadnt been told what for or for how much, but that didnt matter. The New Republic was overflowing with credits and Abob expected to walk away from this mission a very rich man. If he survived. Abob had a feeling that the Sith were involved, otherwise why would the high and mighty Jedi hire bounty hunters? Abob landed his ship in the docking bay, which was nearly full of ships, which all belonged to bounty hunters. Abob put on his combat armor and walked down the boarding ramp into the docking bay. He was met by a nervous padawan, who showed him to his quarters, then hurriedly left. Abob grinned, that boy had a lot to learn about hiding his feelings. Abob used his helmets built in scanner to scan the room for listening devices and holo-recorders. Once he was sure that his room was secure he locked the door and took off his armor. Only then did he notice the small datapad on the bedside table. Abob turned it on and found it contained the names of all the other bounty hunters and Jedi that would be involved in the mission. It also said that there was a mission briefing in the mess hall the next day, right after breakfast. Abob downloaded the information on the datapad into his helmet, then turned on his holoprojector and watched the news....
Abob stands in the back of the group, his Scyther is in his pokeball. He listens to the conversation, but dosent join in. The closest city would be [B]Harvest City[/B], but the only way to get there was by a long road that was heavily used. Abob doubted that they would see any pokemon on their way to that city. [B]Blossom Town[/B] was the next closest city. The way there was through a thick forest that was known for its wild pokemon. That would be the way to go, they would arrive at that city with a group of tough and strong pokemon. That way they would have no trouble defeating the local Gym leader. Abob continued to listen to the conversation. After several more minutes of heated discussion, they decided to make their way to [B]Blossom Town[/B]. Then the group started to walk towards the forest that would lead them to the town........
Abob stepped foward and stood before the white table that had the pokeballs on it. He reached for the one in the very back, and to hisdelight, it was warm. He picked it up and looked at the tiny drawing on the top. It was a bug pokemon, Scyther. Abob thanked Professor Hazel and walked over to the corner of the room. He let the Scyther out of the pokeball. This was the Scyther he had been helping Professor Hazel raise, and he had suspected that he would get this one. Abob talked to the pokemonfor several minutes about what its name should be. Abob decided on Dave, which the Scyther liked. Then Abob watched the other kids recive their pokemon....
I was in that last RPG, too bad it didnt do that well. Name: Abob Ttef Gender: Male Codename: Shadow Age: 27 Weight: 124Lbs Height: 5'11'' Agency: CIA Nationality: American Hair: Black Eyes: Green Personality: Very quiet, shy and observant. He keeps to himself and displays little emotion. Weapons: M-9 pistol, nothing else(he is a very very good shot with the pistol and sees no point in using any other weapons.)
Name: Abob Ttef Type of Creature: Human Weapons or Items: A razor sharp knife(11inches long), a bow, and a quiver of arrows. Description: Abob is 5' 11'' tall and weighs 110Lbs. He wears black pants and a black shirt. He has a jagged scar that runs down his left arm. He is very shy and is not social. Approximate age: 39 Special abilities: He is very agile, and seems to blend in with the shadows. He is also an excellent shot with a bow.
Abob is sitting on the steps outside Professor Hazels lab. He is reading the most recent edition of [B]Pokemon Weekly[/B] while he anxiously waits for the lab to open, so he can get his first pokemon. He had been out here for an hour, he wanted to be the first to recive his pokemon. He was also very nervous about having to travel with the other "chosen" children. He had never been a very social person, but Professor Hazel had insisted that he go with them. Abob heard footsteps behind him. He quickly closed his magizine and looked up. He saw several kids walking towards him. He had seen them all around their small town, but he didnt know any of them. They walked up to the entrance to the lab and started talking to each other. Then the lab door opened and Professor Hazel stepped out.........
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will see you on the play thread!
I know. I was trying to avoid making that fact known. But now that she is banned, there is no use continueing the masquerade. So Schratn9 will you start this thing again?
Nooooooooooooo! I cant belive this has started already! Can I still join?? If so.... Name: Abob Ttef Age: 10 Height: 4' 9'' Description: Abob is a geek. He is obsessed with pokemon and has been waiting all his life to become a trainer. He reads anything he can find on pokemon and finds them facinating. Abob wears black sweatpants, a black T-shirt and a black hat. He also wears a backpack that is black with orange pockets. First Pokemon: Scyther Bio: Abob lived in an orphanage and befriended Professor Hazel a year ago. He has helped the Professor with his pokemon studies.
Abob walks his speeder bike out of the [I]Idiots Array[/I] and then begins to fly off towards Jabba's palace. Abob had heard their was a bounty that the bloated Hutt crime lord had placed on Mara's head. It was rumored she had been on a commitee to crack down on organised crime. It had been centered on disrupting Hutt crime syndicates. Abob walked up to the gate that was the main entrance to Jabba's palace. A small robo eye popped out and looked at him, then the door opened. Abob walked quickly to the grand audience chamber, Jabba's majordomo tried to stop him, but Abob pushed him aside. Abob stood before Jabba and asked for a contract for killing Mara. Jabba: "I have already given away the contract, to my bodyguard Glaux." A Gammorian guard stepped foward and looked at Abob. It spoke: Glaux: "Bounty mine. Go away." Abob shoots Glaux and asks for the contract again. Jabba laughs and gives him the contract. Finally Abob leaves the palace, hurrying to his ship..........