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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. OOC: Whoa, wait. I am not dead yet Lauren. -------------------------------------------------------------- Abob was lying on the moist grass, his eyes closed, his chest wracked with pain. He bleeding, he could feel it, like water pouring from his wound. Abob moaned, then rolled over. Suddenly he felt hands holding him, lifting him onto something soft. Suddenly he was moving upwards. He used the last of his strength to open his eyes. He saw Lalaith looking down at him. Then he looked around, he was on an eagle, and Lalaith was holding him so that he wouldnt fall. Lalaith: "It will be ok Abob, just hold on" Abob closed his eyes, then blacked out again......
  2. I havent been keeping up to date with the X-Wing series. How many books are there now? I have read the first seven, but I know there are at least twelve. Could someone please tell me how many more there are and their titles?
  3. Abob heard the others talking, but t seemed as if they were far away. He knew he didnt have much longer to live, and none of his potions could save him now. He needed magic, powerful magic to cure a wound caused by Saurons evil sword. He had to go to Rivendell. Abob was feeling weaker, he had lost so much blood. He wonders how long he can hold out before the inevitable happens.....
  4. Sauron screams a hidious scream of pure rage as he tumbles towards the molten lava. Then, with a huge roar, the lava sucks him in, and their is silence. The others stand and watch the lava for a moment , then run over to Abob. Abob is lying in a huge pool of blood, his eyes are barely open and blood is coming from his open mouth. He looks up at them all, an odd expression of peace in his eyes. Then his eyes close, he has blacked out, and will soon die. The others gently pick him up and run out of the chamber, to find that Mordor, once dark and hellish, is now covered in sunlight, and grass is growing everywhere. The fellowship continues to run towards Gondor, carrying Abob........
  5. Abob was on the [I]Idiots Array[/I] on his way back to the outer rim. He had recived his payment of 750,000 credits and was going to stop off on Tatooine before he went home. He had some old, unfinished business with a certain Hutt crime lord there. Abob sat in his cramped stateroom, re-fueling his jetpack. He had already cleaned and recharged his blaster rifle, and fine tuned the rest of his armor. He closed the fuel injector hatch and went out to the cockpit. Abob sat down it the soft, padded piliots chair and looked out at the stars that were flashing by. There seemed to be hundreds of them, some with planets and others lifeless. Abob thought of Tom, how he had left him in a hurry to go on his mission for Bail Organa. He would never do that again, next time he would take Tom with him. The [I]Idiots Array[/I] came out of hyperspace over Tatooine and Abob flew her down to the planets sandy surface.........
  6. I hadnt heard that. Han Solo, killed off? I guess that means that Prince Isolder( I think I spelled it wrong) would have married Leia, ugh. Stakpole wrote the first four or five Rogue Squadron books, I dont remember him writing anything else.....
  7. Abob watches as Sauron approaches, then he drops the ring into the lava. It falls for several seconds, then hits the molten lava and melts into nothingness. Sauron screams in rage and falls to the ground, slowly dieing. He reaches to his side and unsheaths a black blade. He uses the remainder of his strength to raise it high in the air, then brings it down on Nev. Abob dives under the blade and it hits him instead. Abob screams as the sword cuts deep into his chest. The Ilisma shouts an incantation and a bolt of white light hits the powerless Sauron, obliterating him in a flash of light. Abob lies on the ground, blood gushing from his side....
  8. I made my dad breakfast in bed(ok, so my sister made it) and I gave him a card, nothing special.
  9. The fellowship walks as fast as they can go up the steep sides of Mt. Doom. They dont dare stop and take a break to rest, they could be found. Finally they reach a huge set of doors built into the very top of the mountain. Lalaith takes a bundle of rope from his pack and ties it to one of the huge golden rings that are used to open the door. They all grab part of the rope and pull. The door moves a few inches. They pull again, the door moves slightly. They continue this hard work for several back-breaking hours. Finally the doors are open enough for them to enter. They step inside. They are now in a cavern that is so huge it must fill the enire top of the mountain. They are standing on a stone ledge that extends to the middle of the cavern. Below their feet in a pit of lava so hot that it sucks the moisture from the air. They all slowly walk towards the end of the ledge, getting ready to throw the ring to its destruction.......
  10. The [I]Idiots Array[/I] came out of Hyperspace in one of the many space lanes that surrounded Coruscant. Abob used his sensors to look for the Star Destroyer that was supposedly Palpitines flagship. Abob was guessing that they were being held on that vessel. Abob landed on Coruscant and walked to the nearest bar, where he found a Stromtrooper who was on leave. Stormtroopers seemed to be everywhere these days. Abob dragged the unlucky trooper into the street and took his armor, then he shot the man in the head. Abob put the armor on over his own and headed for the nearest Imperial base. He arrived there and quickly found a shuttle that was going up to the Star Destroyer to deliver supplies. Abob stowed away on it. When the shuttle landed in the Star Destroyers docking bay Abob waited untill nobody was watching, then stepped out of the shuttle. He then went to the nearest computer and located the brig. Abob had no trouble reaching the brig because of his Stormtrooper disguise. When he reached the brig, he ran into trouble. He stepped into the brig and closed the blast doors. The two troopers on duty ordered him to halt and he shot them both. Then Abob took the guards keys and unlocked the cell that Mara and the others were in. They were all asleep, but when the door swung open the all awoke and, seeing him, grabbed their weapons. Abob: "Hold it, I am here to rescue you. Bail Organa sent me, he wants me to take you to Alderaan. So come on, lets go." Mara: "Wait, we cant trust you, you captured Padme. We wont go with you." Abob: "Tough choice isnt it, trust me and leave, or stay here and rot. Well, you coming?"
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Only [b]the[/b] best Star Wars author ever...[b]Michael A. Stackpole.[/b] [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with that opinion whole heartedly. Stackpole is the best Star Wars author, there is no competition. Most Star Wars writers are mediocre, some dont deserve to write. *cough* Hanably *cough* Anyway, havent we had this conversation at least three times, about how we all think Satckpole and [B]I, Jedi[/B] are the best? It is getting [I]very[/I] repetitive......
  12. Abob and Tom had just finished their meal when the two droids who had been working on the landing pad walked in. Droid1: "The landing pad is complete." Abob: "Good, now I want you to build a small shed with the leftover materials, and once it is complete go inside and shut down." Droid2: "Ok." Abob went outside and reparked the [I]Idiots Array[/I] on the newly completed landing pad. Then he noticed his desk's message machine was blinking. He turned it on... A mans face appeared, it was Bail Organa, the former senator from Alderaan. Bail: "I have heard that you are a excellent bounty hunter Abob Ttef, and want you to do a job for me. I want you to free a group of prisioners from Palpitiines flagship. These prisioners include: Padme, Anikan. Obi-Wan, Kei and Mara. I want them delivered to Alderaan safely. I will pay 750,000 credits. Please hurry." The hologram shut off and Abob instantly decided to take this new job, he had spent all of his other money on this land and supplies. He needed to have some money for emergencies, and this would be a good way to get it. Abob ran back to the house,and told the nanny droid to take care of Tom in his absence. He explained to Tom why he needed to leave and promised him he would stay home for a month after this job was complete. Then went back to the [I]diots Array[/I]. Abob strapped himself into the piliots chair and set course for Coruscant..........
  13. Abob: So, what's for breakfast?" Lalaith: "Whatever you are making." Abob *groan* "Fine, how much food do we have left?" Lauren: "This will be our last filling meal for a while." Abob: "We may as well eat.." They eat their food and walk off towards the imposing shadow of Mt. Doom.........
  14. But Schratn9, you are already in Trey's army, arent you?
  15. Abob arrived on Dantooine and put his ship in orbit around the large planet. He used his ships sensors to search for a large clearing in an area that has a mild climate. After a careful scan of the planet, many suitable places were found. Abob selected a site that was close to the southern pole, that had an average tempature of 65 degrees. Abob landed the [I]Idiots Array[/I] on the edge of the clearing and got to work. He was able to erect the pre-fab house in just under two hours. It took him much longer to unload all their supplies and droids. He sent two droids to use all the duracrete he had brought to build a landing platform. He told the nanny droid to unpack the food and clean the house. He instructed the last worker droid to install a small sheild generator that would sheild the area. Then Abob took Tom out of the ship and they walked over to the house. Abob showed Tom his room, which had a connecting door to Abobs. Then they went down to the kitchen to eat.....
  16. The group is finally far enough away from the scene of their battle with the Orcs to feel safe. They set up a small camp and eat their rations, which are running low. Then they all settle into an unesay dreamless sleep. Everyone, execpt Abob, who had first watch. He sat on a small rock, his bow across his lap, his knife in its sheath. He watched the surrounding wasteland for any signs of life, there were none. Abob wondered how long evil must have held this place in tis grasp, far longer than recorded history, that was for sure. The perpetual darkness that envelpoed the land was stifleing. The very air reeked of evil. This was not the place to be, especially not now, when the darkness was on the rise. Abob was jolted out of his thoughts by a hand touching his shoulder. It was lauren, who was on watch now. Abob walked back to his bedroll and fell asleep.......
  17. What makes it your favorite? I thought that in general the series was well written, but there were better Star Wars books. My favorite series of Star Wars books is the Thrawn Triliogy. I think it is very well written and interesting. My favorite individual book would have to be [B]I, Jedi[/B]. It is an excellent read(most of the people here seem to have read it).
  18. Abob lands on the industrial world of Mechis III the next day. He parks the[I]Idiots Array[/I] in a small privately owned docking bay and then rides his speeder to one one of the nearest stores. Abob buys a medium sized per-fabricated house for use on a temperate world, he also purchases a nanny droid and a few worker droids. Abob has the things he has bought delivered to his ship. He spends three hours loading them onto his small vessel, which is now extremely cramped. Then Abob sets course for the remote, uninhabited world of Dantooine. He and Tom are nov living in the cockpit, beacuse the rest of the ship is crammed with supplies. The back of Abob's ship looks like a warehouse, there are crates of food, droids, equipment and the pre-fab house, which is in peices. During the trip Abob and Tom talk to each other about their lives before they met each other. Tom is very mature for his age, a byproduct of being strong in the force. They talk for several hours, then Tom goes to sleep. Abob looks at his crono, only eight more hours till they arrive on Dantooine......
  19. [B]Name[/B]: Abob Ttef [B]Age[/B]: 34 [B]Species (Race)[/B]: Human [B]Class[/B]: Bounty Hunter [B]Location/Homeworld[/B]: Abob was born on Concord Dawn, but now lives aboard his ship, the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. [B]Weapons[/B]: Abob wears a suit of black and orange Mandalorian body armor that is ingrained with cortosis ore and Ysalamiri hairs. He also carries a sniper rifle. Ysalamiri hairs- The Ysalamiri is a salamander like species that has a unique ability to push back the force. The hairs engrained in Abob's armor produce the same effect. Cortosis Ore- One of the few substances in the known galaxy that can stop a lightsaber blade. It causes the lightsaber to deactivate on contact. Kneepad Rocket/Dart launchers- On each of Abob's knees he wears armored kneepads (part of his Mandalorian armor) there is an orange rocket/dart launcher. Abob currently had them loaded with deadly poisonous darts Mitrinomon Z-6 Jet pack- An orange jetpack that has a homing, high explosive rocket attached. Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Rocket system- On each of Abobs wrists he wears an orange rocket launcher. The rockets on his right wrist are Locris Syndicates 12A explosive rockets. The rockets on his left wrist contain FGA-583, a nerve agent that will knock its victim unconscious in seconds. Mer-Son weapons sniper rifle- This rifle is highly accurate and can shoot from extremely long distances. A zoom scope and a night vision scope are mounted on the top of the rifle. [B]Vehicle/Ship[/B]: The [I]Idiots Array[/I] Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12j Skipray Blastboat (for space travel) and a Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike (for on planet travel) [B]Vehicle Descriptions[/B]: The [I]Idiots Array[I/] is a normal, unmodified Skipray Blastboat. It is painted black, with its weapon systems painted orange. It is armed with eighteen concussion missiles, twelve proton torpedoes, three capital ship class medium ion cannons and two laser cannons. The ship is twenty five meters long and is heavily armored; normal star fighter lasers cannot penetrate its thick armor. It can travel over 1,200 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. A Blastboat usually carries a crew of five, but can be piloted by one person if needed. Abob's speeder is painted black, with its weapon painted orange. It has armor plating (not enough to stop a blaster bolt) and a single laser cannon. It can travel slightly faster than five hundred kilometers per hour. [B]Background/Bio[/B]: Abob Ttef was born on the farming planet of Concord Dawn during a civil war. His family was indiscriminately slaughtered by one of the warring factions shortly before his twelfth birthday, and he was sent to live with relatives on Coruscant. His relatives didn?t want to have a young boy to take care of, so they dropped him off one day in the deepest depths of Coruscant, figuring he wouldn?t last long. Abob survived, and even thrived. He learned to be street smart, how to convincingly lie, when to run and when to fight. At age fifteen he stowed away on a smuggling vessel bound for Nar Shadda. There he worked for Shug Nix as a mechanic until he was twenty. Then he bought the [I]Idiots Array [/I]directly from the shipyard, and went into the bounty hunting profession. He has since become an extremely respectable bounty hunter and has his own set of codes and morals he lives by. He usually takes imperial bounties and refuses to hunt Jedi; he considers them too dangerous to mess with. [B]Description[/B]: Abob never takes off his armor in public so nobody knows what he looks like underneath. His armor is standard Mandalorian combat armor; it is midnight black, with the weapons highlighted in a glossy orange. His T shaped visor on his helmet is indistinguishable from the rest of his helmet. [B]Personality[/B]: Abob is a very businesslike person and is direct and to the point. He says what he means in as few words as he can and hates small talk. He is extremely hard working and is always trying to make machines run more efficiently.
  20. Abob pulls the key out of his pocket and opens the door to Sam's cell. Then they all head away from the battle, not wanting to have to deal with any more Orcs. Abob: "So, how about we rest here untill morning?" Lalaith: "No, we have to go at least ten more miles so that the Orcs wont find us." Lauren: "Fine, but I am tired. Can somenoe carry me? *laughs* Sam: "Or me? *more laughter* Abob; "Or how about we get a cart and Lalaith can pull us all! *everyone but lalaith laughs* Lalaith: "O be quiet. Now come on, we have to keep moving." They continue to walk towards Mt. Doom........ --------- OOC: It is late, I am tired... sorry if my post sucked, but I am so sleepy.......
  21. I read the [B]Bounty Hunter Wars[/B] series and liked it. I thought that it was interesting that Dengar saved Boba from the sarlacc. If I had found Boba there I would have killed him on the spot, competition is bad for business. The most interesting parts of those books for me were the minor concern of the various Black Sun fragments who wanted the droid, who placed Xizor at Luke's uncle's murder scene, back and the Kuat rivalry between the two sisters(I cant remember their names)
  22. OOC:What is going on? Schratn9's post has me in my ship holding Padme prisioner, and Mara's has me still on the airspeeder. How confusing. However since Schraten posted first and Juuthena has continued from there I will go along with that plot line. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob tied up Padme and used a handheld scanner to search his entire ship for tracking devices. There was only one, which was built into Padme's earring. Abob destroyed it immediatly. Then he set course for Coruscant to deliver his captured prisioner to Palpitine. Abob spent the flight cleaning his armor and recharging his blaster. He wanted to be ready for anything during his meeting with Palpitine. While he is cleaning his blaster rifle Tom walks into the room and sees Padme teid up in the corner. She looks from Abob to Tom in suprise, she obviously didnt think bounty hunters had kids. Tom: "Who is that?" *points to Padme* Abob: "My most recent bounty. She is a senator. Very pretty too. But I think that Palpitine will have her killed." Tom: "So we get to go to new places once we drop her off? I want to go somewhere new instead of Coruscant." Abob: "We will go somewhere new, I promise." Tom: "Yay!" *runs back into the stateroom and goes back to sleep* -----Three hours Later on Coruscant------- Abob, dressed in his full combat gear, parks his speeder outside Palpitines private apartment. A hodded figure walks out to greet him. The hooded man escorts Abob and Padme, who is still tied up, into a throne room. Palpitine: "Well done bounty hunter. The reward for live delivery was three million, correct?" Abob: "Correct, where is my payment?" Palpitine: "Here." *hands Abob a lockbox full of credit chips.* Abob drops Padme to the hard floor and leaves. He walks back to his ship and sets a course for Mechis III, where he needed to pick up a few things........
  23. OOC: SuperSayain, why was she banned? --------------------- Abob had seen the aircraft leave the planet and had followed it to this location, which was optimal for space combat. He tri-linked his medium Ion cannons and fired three burst at the small airspeeder. All nine of the bolts peirced the sheilds and soon the airspeeder was dead in space. Abob moved the [I]Idiots Array[/I] along side the crippled airspeeder and used precise bursts from his tin laser cannons two obliterate the sheilds, weapons and engines of the small craft. It was now dead in space. Abob put on his armor and docked the [I]Idiots Array[/I] with the airspeeder. He walked through the boarding hatch and ducked as a lightsaber swung past his head, then he shot his attacker it the chest with a stun bolt. The Jedi(Obi-Wan) tried to block it, but couldnt. Another Jedi(Anikan) jumped down from the ceiling and kicked him in the back, Abob hit the floor hard and rolled to to the wall, unmoving. The young Jedi approached him. When he was two feet away from his seemingly uncontious opponet Abob struck. Abob pulled out his blaster at lightning speed and stunned the Jedi. Then Abob got up took the Jedi's lightsabers, which he put into a pocket in his armor. He walked toward the cockpit, suddenly a blaster bolt flashed by his head, Abob ducked behind an empty seat and returned fire. He managed to hit his attacker after several minutes, and she fell to the floor, stunned. Abob striaghtened up and looked at his attacker(Kei). He was about to reach down and take her blaster when... ???: "Freeze bounty hunter" Abob turns around slowly, his hands in the air. He sees a woman right in front of him, holding a blaster that is aimed at his head. ???: "Drop your gun, [I]now[/I]." Abob drops his gun and looks the woman in the eye. Abob: "Who are you? ???: "MY name is Mara, but that does not matter. I would kill you, but I have a question for you first. You dont need any of us alive, so why is your blaster on stun?" Abob: "Because I dont want to capture any of you, much less kill you. I want to join you." Mara: "............................ ----------------- OOC: "I dont trust Bounty Hunters."-Mara
  24. Yes! Those two were an odd couple, even more than r2-D2 and C-3PO. I liked it when Max would pop out of Bollux's chest and say rude things. :naughty: [B]The Han Solo Adventures[/B] is a great series. I have the whole series in one book. My favorite book in the series is [B]Han Solo at Stars End[/B]. Although that is when Bollux "met his maker". :(
  25. I also am in the process of forming my own army. So far I have but one member but it will grow in time. Below are my army's info, which I will update as new people join. Leader: (We are not telling:p ) Members(so far): Boba Fett, Mist, DuoGod of Death People who have been asked to join but havent responded to our PMs yet: Ben, Angleus_Necare ---- P.S. We will PM you if we want you in our army. Please dont ask to be.
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