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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. OOC: I though you might find that amusing ;) Abob put his ship on autopilot in orbit around Vulca. He was thinking about the young Jedi he had rescued from certain death at the temple. He usually tried to avoid emotions, especially pity. They usually complicated issues. A bounty hunter was not supposed to sympathize with his prey. He was supposed to capture him/her, bring them to whoever issued the bounty or kill them, then collect the reward. This child would complicate Abob's life considerably. He couldn?t abandon him now though. He had saved him, and made a commitment. He would raise this boy as his son. It would be nice to have someone to talk to besides the computer on long space flights. Abob walked to his stateroom and found the boy curled up on his bed, fast asleep. As soon as he approached him, the boy awoke and looked up at Abob. Boy: "Hello nice man. Who are you? When are we going back to the temple? Who were those bad people in white?" Abob: "Wow, hold on. My name is Abob, what is yours?" Boy: "My name is Tom." Abob: "Tom, the Jedi temple was destroyed. The new government doesn't like Jedi, so you and I will have to hide. Now I have a small jumpsuit for you, put it on and give me your Jedi clothes." Abob hands Tom the Jumpsuit and Tom changes into it. Then Abob destroys the Jedi outfit. Abob: "Now it is time for dinner." Tom: "What is for dinner tonight?" Abob: "Nutrient mush." Tom: "Ok." Abob uses the mini food prep unit in his stateroom to warm up some nutrient mush for them. He hadn?t had real food for a long time. The mush was quicker to eat and cost much less. After they had finished eating Abob put Tom to sleep in the small bunk above his (which was usually used for storage). Then Abob walked out to the cockpit and sat in the command chair. He had decided he was going to continue to work as a bounty hunter, and raise Tom at the same time. He and Tom would live aboard the ship. He would reprogram a probe droid to watch over Tom while he was away on bounties. That way he could still make a living, and care for the boy. After thinking his course of action over Abob went back to his stateroom and went to sleep?..
  2. Abob had been unable to follow Anikan, Mara and the others because of a squad of stormtroopers had opened fire on him. Abob sighed and ducked around a corner to avoid their blaster fire. Then he threw a thermal deatonator at them. It went off in a explosion that rocked the temple. When Abob looked around the corner again all that was left of the squad was dead bodies. Abob ran to the transport launch area, to see Palpitine and Yaddle engaged in a lightsaber duel, they were surrounded by other members of the Jedi High Council, all dead. Abob didnt want to get involved in that, so he hurried back to the central tower to get his speeder and return to his ship. On his way he saw a scared looking Padawan escorting a group of three year old learners to safety. He and the Padawan looked at each other in silence for a moment, then went their seperate ways. When Abob was just about at the end of the hallway he heard blaster fire behind him. He turned around to see a stormtrooper kill the Padawan, who never got to ignite his lightsaber. Then the troopers started to kill the three year olds. They ran in all directions, crying and screaming. One ran towards Abob, then stood in front of him. The small boy looked up at him with terror in his eyes. Abob picked up the child and ran. He ran all he way to the roof, got onto his speeder bike and called for his ship. His ship showed up seconds later and lowered its boarding ramp as it hovered above the collapsing temple. Abob flew the speeder into his ship and closed the ramp. Then he put the child on his bed in the stateroom. Abob sat down in the piliots seat and flew out into open space. Then he set a course for Volca, where he figured he could wait out the chaos that was now enveloping the galaxy....
  3. I think this whole conversation is very interesting, but where are you getting these facts Cloricus? I would be inclined to believe you if you could give me a book title, web address, or any other type of reference that would confirm what you are saying. I think that Humanity should colonize as many worlds as it can, to avoid having a single event (plague, asteroid impact, etc.) from destroying all of humanity at once.
  4. I go here, to the boards. I post on everything that intrests me, then I go to another message board and post there. Once all that is done I will either go to bed or read Star WArs books. If it is a Friday night I watch Star Trek: TNG.
  5. Abob spun through the mob of Orcs, killing one here and one their, but generally sowing confusion among the enemy forces. He would duck their hasty sword blows instead of blocking them, so that they would hit another nearby Orc. Abob also started splashing potions on Orcs. They all died horribly. Some burst into flames, some fell to the ground in pain, some even commited suicide. Abob reached the hut where the keys were kept. It was huge, and something about it didnt feel right. Abob cut open the door and grabbed the keys, to see a Balrog staring down at him. Abob ran as fast as he could back to the others, who were fighting in a tight circle around Samantha, who seemed to be uncontious. Abob: "Lets get out of here, I have the keys. Also, there is a Balrog out here, so watch out!" They flee the battle and head for Sams cell......
  6. OOC: Anikan, Schratn9 please stop arguing... :( Anikan-don't worry about your mistake, I made one earlier concerning Cleig Lars (many thanks to Schratn9 for clearing that up) Anyway... Abob watched his holo-veiwer in shock as the senate erupts into violence. This was the beginning of a new age, and this was not a good thing. The galaxy was going down the tubes. There would probably be a lot of chaos and unrest now that meant plenty of danger, and plenty of bounties. Abob got on his speeder and headed for the nearest store, where he bought supplies, blaster power packs and a few new probe droids. With all this chaos t might be tough to get necessities. Then Abob went back to his ship and put away all his purchases away. Then he flew to the Jedi Temple, where he parked his ship above the building and opened the boarding ramp. Then he got on his speeder and flew down to the highest tower. Abob parked his speeder on the roof and ran inside. He walked into one of the one of the hallways that criscrossed the temple He sees Padme and the others fleeing on the other side of the room along with the Jedi Council, he turns on his jetpacks and seconds later is right behind them. He fires several bolts at Padme, all miss her. The Jedi turn towards Abob to deflect his laser bolts. Then they run with the others. Abob fires at them as they flee, grazing Padme and singeing Mara's hair. Abob continues to chase them through the halls of the Jedi Temple.....
  7. Yes I have. That series, while aimed an younger readers, is interesting and worth reading. I particularly like to watch Zek decide his future. He is a very interesting charecter. Lowbacca's translator droid is also very funny :laugh: sounds like C-3PO, dont they have some relation?
  8. No, she means that he will be controling Padme Amidala's character for her
  9. The group watched as a small figure was being carried by two huge Orcs to a cell that had been carved out of a blackened hillside. There was no question, it was Sam. They wached as the Orcs locked him up and left, then they ran up to the cell. It was made of soild metal, and would be impossible to open without the key. Sam: "Thank goodness you are here, they are going to kill me!" Lalaith: "Uh, Sam, we cant get you out, we dont have the key. Where is it?" Sam: "Over that hill *points north* and in the middle of the Orc barraks, in the commanders quarters." Abob: "Great, just a whole bunch of Orcs to kill and a key to capture, cant we ever get a break?" Ellsa: "O shut up Abob, we will go and get that key Sam." They run off towards the Orc camp, drawing their weapons.........
  10. Yeah, we already discussed the AOTC novel. It would have been nice if all the scenes in the book had been in the movie. I found the book very descriptive and a very good read. I thought that the scenes in the book were a lot better thought put and better portrayed in the book then in the movie. In gereral I thought the book was way better than the movie. What did you like about it?
  11. OOC: Abob is on Coruscant, not in orbit around Tatooine. So I am going to disregard this part of what Anakin said. [quote]Abob was smiling fiercely at what he had seen. Abob: "Well, that was my last droid, but it served me well. Now all I have to do is make a sneak attack on them...I hope that stupid droid attached the tracking device on the Senator's luggage...or else I'll loose track of them." Abob was planning on flying down to Tatooine to get the job done now but decided to stay put since the Jedi were probably expecting him. He didn't feel like fighting with them now. He decided to follow them when they leave Tatooine, whenever that may be. If they don't leave soon, he was going to attack them when they were sleeping.[/quote] ------------IC-------------------------- Abob awoke in his stateroom to find his console on his desk beeping. He turned on the lights and put on his armor, then he looked at the message the desk was displaying. It turned out that his probe droid had been destroyed, but he knew they were coming back to Coruscant. Abob put his ship in ready mode, this would allow him to take of anytime he wanted, then he started to prepare his equipment for killing Padme.........
  12. Aries, I havent read the book, so I dont know. But if I were you I would read the series from the beginning, it is always better that way. ;)
  13. The group huddles in the small muddy and rat infested ditch, while explosions rock the areas around them. Two Nazguls are flying in sweeping search patterns over the area, although their eyes are not well suited to the darkness. Abob quitely drew his sword. Then he reached into his pouch and withdrew a black stone vial. He bent over so that nobody would see him open it, then he pulled off the lid. The liquid inside was bright red, and glowing. He put one drop of it inot either of his eyes and the darkness seemed to melt away. His potion was working, he could now see in the dark. He passed the potion around to the others and they applied it to their eyes, all the while careful to cover the faint red light of the potion with their hands to prevent the circling Nazguls from seeing the light and attacking. They waited several hours before the explosions moved farther away and the Nazguls returned to the battle that was raging at Gondor before they moved. They were able to make much better time now that they could see in the dark, they didnt have to worry about falling into one of the bottomless pits that scarred the land. They walked as fast as they could, wanting to get this horrid part of the journey overwith.......
  14. OOC: Oops, sorry about that. I didnt see the part about Cleig dying of his injury. I fixed it. --------------------------------------------- The droid watched as the group exited the hut. It rotated its position to face the door and watched as Padme exited the building. She and Anikan walked down a deserted stret and into the house they were staying in. The droid watrched through a window untill they were asleep. Then droids targeting computer got a lock on Padme's head and fired. A small bolt of deadly crimson energy streaked from the hologram of the womp rat and raced towards Padme. At the last second she rolled over and the laser hit Padme in the shoulder. She screamed and Anikan awoke, he reached onto the floor and grabbed his lightsaber. He ignited it and looked around the room for the shooter. The droid was to small to be able to carry enough power to shoot again, it needed to wait several minutes so that its tiny blaster could recharge. Anikan looked towards the window and saw the womp rat, but the force told him that it was a droid. He charged at it, swinging his lightsaber at it as he ran. The droid flew higher, far out of range of Anikan's lightsaber and dissapeared into the sea of sand.......
  15. The fellowship gets off their eagles and bids them farewell. Then they set off for the very heart of Mordor, where a huge, black Mountain is located. It is there that the ring must be destroyed, for that is where it was forged. They walk for several miles, stumbling and falling all the time because of the perpetual darkness. Then, without warning, there is a huge explosion ahead. They all immeaditly huddle in a ditch while other explosions randomly happen all around them.....
  16. The droid sits outside the Lars homestead. It is now concerned, Obi-Wan and the others should have returned here by now, perhaps they were delayed.... Then Beru Lars and husband Owen approach a nearby moister collector. They are talking... Beru: " I hope that they are in the city by now, things get dangerous after dark..." Owen: "Why didnt you let them stay with us? The abandoned city was abandoned for a reason, the Sand People regard that land as their sacred burial ground, they could be attacked." Beru: "Dont worry, with the Jedi they will be fine." After they leave the droid heads for the abandoned city. It changes its appearance to a wild dewback. Several hours later the droid arrives at the city and uses its sensors to locate Padme and the others. It changes its appearance again, this time to a womp rat. It goes onto the roof of Obi-Wan's house and listens to the conversation.......
  17. Abob finished his potion and put it, and several others, back in his small brown pouch. He took out his long knife and cleaned it. He never needed to sharpen it because the blade was eternally razor sharp. It was always ready for battle, because that was what it was forged for. Abob then took out his bow and tightened the string, then he took an arrow out of his quiver and notched his bow. It was the perfect length. Abob put away all his weapons and went to sleep on the eagles back, this would be the last time he was able to sleep securely for many weeks.......
  18. OOC: I know this sounds weird, but this Anakin guy is going to play Padme instead of Padme Amidala. So respect his posts. --------------------------------- The probe droid boarded a transport that was bound for Tatooine and settled in for the flight. It had used its holo projectors to make itself look like a young man, wearing normal clothes. The droid was programmed to blend in with its surroundings and not to attract attention to itself. ----------A few hours later---------- The droid arrived on Tatooine and immediately headed for the Lars homestead, where Anakin's relatives were reported to be living. The droid wanted to be able to move a little faster without looking conspicuous, so it changed its appearance to a landspeeder with a moisture farmer driving it. The droid approached the Lars's moisture farm in time to see the two Jedi leaving to get Mara, Padme and Kei. The droid then changed its appearance to a rock, and waited for them to return, it also charged its small blaster??
  19. Abob continues to kill the Orcs, neatly stepping out of the way of their clumsy attacks. Finally there are less then ten Orcs left. They fellowship quickly slays them and stits down on the edge of the battle feild to rest. Abob: "Thank you eagles, without you..." Hawtone: "We did our duty. Now quickly, get on our backs and we will use the other battle that is taking place around Gondor as a diversion. We will fly you deep inside Mordor." Lalaith: "Thats crazy, all Saurons troops will be there." Hawtone: "No, only a very small force of 100 Orcs and a Balrog guard Mordor. The rest of the troops are at Gondor." They each get on a eagles back and ride off towards Mordor....
  20. Abob read the data he had on all of his targets and was suprised to find that Anikan had been born on a small dust ball of a planet called Tatooine, which was on the fringe of the outer rim. Suprisingly enough Obi-Wan was one of the Jedi who had rescued him from slavery there. Padme, had been their also, when she was the Queen of Naboo. Naboo apparently was planet that was very close to Tatooine, only a few hunderd lightyears away. Abob figured that they were on Tatooine, since they had left Naboo, and hadnt come back to Coruscant. Anikan supposedly had relatives there, a step-brother and a step-father. He was growing annoyed, they hadnt come back yet, even though the Jedi had sent out a recall order for all the Jedi, they were all supposed to come to the temple to discuss the "New Order" that had been imposed by Palpitine. Abob went to the back of his ship and opened a compartment. He pulled out a small round object. It was one of the very latest model probe droids. It could disguise itself as anything it wanted and could float on miniature hoverfeilds. Abob turned it on and told it to go to Tatooine, and find Padme......
  21. I think [I]A Splinter of the Minds Eye[/I] was a ok book. I thought that the battle scene at the end was pretty lousy. Did you know this: The force amplifying crystal turns out to lose its powers the farther it is from the temple. Turns out that the temple was actually what amplified the force...
  22. Abob is not fully aware of what he is doing, or where he is. All he knows is that someone, seemingly from a great distance, is trying to tellhim something. He cant make out what it is they want, but he can hear by the tone of their voice that it is urgent. He reconizes one of the voices, then two, then three. Reality starts coming back to him. Suddenly he sits up and sees the battle going on, and Ilisma standing over him. Ilisma: "Better now, isnt it? Well, you had better rest for a few minutes, but then you can fight." Abob waited till Ilisma was out of sight, then rejoined the battle....
  23. The [I]Idiots Array[/I] landed on Coruscant and Abob went straight to the Jedi archives. He got a few annoyed looks from the caretaker when he was looking around, but he finally got what he was looking for. He pulled an electronic cable from his armor and plugged it into the main computer. It began to download all the information that the archives had on Obi-Wan, Padme, Anikan, Kei and Mara. Two hours later Abob was sitting in a chair, reading the news in one of the small cubicles, when the Caretaker walked up to him. Caretaker: "It is closing time, you must leave now." Abob *looks at his chrono* "Ten more minutes?" Caretaker: "Fine, but not a microsecond longer." Three minutes later the cable made a faint clicking noise. The data download was complete. Abob hurried to the exit, thanked the Caretaker, and then went back to his ship. Abob then took the data download cable, and data-packs out from underneath his armor. He took the data-packs and put them into his ships central computer, where the droid brain processed the information and added it to his files for this mission. Abob then had the computer download the data for each person onto a different data-pad, so he could study each of his targets individually. He was beginning to think that this wait for them to return to Coruscant would be a long one, but he could be very patient????
  24. Abob was running at full speed towards the others, arrows were flying past his head. He finally reached them, and by then they were ready for battle and had been firing arrows into his persuers for a minute or two. Abob: "The trolls are just over the farthest hill, we have to kill these Orcs and be gone by the time they arrive, or we will surely loose." Then the Orcs were on top of their position. Abob swung his knife viciously into the masses of attacking Ocrs, he killed as many as he could, but they kept coming. The battle raged for several minutes, and still the Orcs didnt stop attacking. Suddenly Abob felt something big and hard hit his head, and then everything went black.....
  25. That is exactly what I thought Son Goten, but then Justin pointed out to me that if they ever publish books that are after the NJO series I wont be able to understand them because I wont know what happened in NJO. So, I gave up and started reading them. They arent that bad, butb I dont like they way they portray certain things(I wont say more, it would spoil the books)
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