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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. [quote name='Crimson Spider']The very concept of homosexuality has caused problems, for both the strait and the homosexual. Political problems, hate crimes, discrimination, topics on anime boards, all of that occurs because this one thing exists. If it weren't around, we would be much better off without it.[/quote] [color=green]Well then, let?s get rid of it. Let?s get rid of anyone who?s not white, Christian and male too. That way we wouldn?t have any of these political, hate, discrimination problems.[/color] [quote name='Crimson Spider']Ah yes, something I feel many people are blinded to by the standard unproven belief of "You should accept them for who they are".[/quote] [color=green]How can acceptance be an unproven belief?[/color] [quote name='Crimson Spider']That's why you should get rid of something that no one wants, similar to how doctors/scientists developed medical technology to help cure blindness and psychological problems.[/quote] [color=green]If nobody wants this, where are all these supporters of Gay Marriage coming from?[/color]
  2. [quote name='Crimson Spider']Too bad white supremesists decided to implant that phantom "right to chose" law into peoples heads.[/quote] [color=green]Right.[/color] [quote name='Crimson Spider']The issue with molestation is that the child that is in the mother didn't do anything wrong. It was by chance it was givin life, so why kill it? What most people don't acknowledge is the thought that the child could be a girl, and not a boy. That the child would take after the mother, and not that excuse for a father. Even if you don't want the child, you could easily give it up for adoption. Get some extra money, give a family a child that they want, it seems like a much better choice than paying some person you don't even know to reach inside of you and tear open it's head, letting it's guts spill onto the table before you (as a note, many mothers experience mental problems after getting an abortion).[/quote] [color=green]I assume you mean rape. I think that in this circumstance, you cannot underestimate the psychological trauma that a mother would go through carrying the child of her rapist. That harm alone is justification to me.[/color]
  3. [quote name='Onikage']I don't really Like Greenday, I think they suck. Actually, I never liked Greenday, their songs always sounded stupid to me. Just hearing their music irritates me...[/quote] [color=green]I like your reasoning. Could I get some... examples?[/color]
  4. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']is that hand-written and scanned, or a font? Because, if it is a font, I'd love it ^_^[/size][/quote] [color=green]I wish it were a font. It's just my right hand with the text handwritten on it, which was scanned. I'll edit this post in a little while with a revised image. There is a border on this image. I'm very sure of it. Although why it is showing in photoshop and not here is beyond me.[/color]
  5. [IMG]http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/screenshots/images/screenoftheday/ss0012.jpg[/IMG] [color=green]The new, organic stargate.[/color]
  6. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Ok, so then soldiers defending their country are guilty of murder just as those felons currently on death row? How about the courts who would put war criminals to death under international law? Boba Fett, "murder" is a *certain way* of killing a human being as far as the legal system is concerned. Until you start reforming our legal system, your view of murder will remain solely your own.[/quote] [color=green]Hence my entire point, make abortion illegal. By changing Roe vs. Wade, I would be reforming the legal system.[/color] [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Your stressing that I am a former fetus is like me stressing that you are formerly two separate single cells. Thanks for the heads up. Is that supposed to strike some sympathetic nerve perhaps?[/quote] [color=green]You?re very welcome. I see a fetus as a stage of life, just like childhood, adulthood and old age. Why? A fetus, if left unharmed, will grow into a child. Just as a child becomes an adult, etc. With all of the options out there, abortion isn?t necessary. If you have sex and get pregnant, you?ve already made your choice. Now you have a responsibility ? the child.[/color] [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Like I said before, it's a situation of conflicting moral codes. I would not be so quick to judge people, but Boba Fett do what you feel you must.[/quote] [color=green]Maybe I?m mistaken, but I don?t think I?m judging anyone. I?m saying that people should take responsibility for their actions.[/color]
  7. [quote name='Kitty][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1] Now, I believe Siren is right. Banning abortion would be a "band-aid". The problem would not be solved, and it would cause more controversy and riots than you'd think.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Is abortion a symptom of a problem? Yes. Should the source of this problem be addressed? Yes. This has absolutely no affect on the purpose of abortion: killing a fetus, which is a human being at an early stage in life. Doing so, regardless of it?s status as a symptom of a problem or a problem itself, is wrong.[/color] [quote name='Kitty][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]But the choice should be entirely up to the woman harboring the embreyo/fetus. Not the father, not the family, and definatly not Pro-Life preachers (I do not refer to anyone [i]specifically[/i] in this statement).[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]I have a problem with this statement. You state that men, as fathers of babies, should have no choice in the matter. However, they must pay child support if the child is born. It?s a difficult situation, and there?s no easy answer, but I believe this situation is unfair.[/color] [quote name='Kitty][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1] The pregnancy was the womans fault, yes. Should she have been more careful? Maybe. But realize: condoms and birth control pills do [i]not[/i], by any means, prevent all chances of pregnancy. They work 98% percent of the time, as it says on the package, if I'm not mistaken.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]When someone gets pregnant accidentally, it isn?t one person?s fault. Both the man and the woman are equally at fault. If you use spermicidal condoms and birth control pills, the chance of pregnancy is incredibly low. However, even if you do use birth control, you should be willing to accept and raise any child that will result from that act. Every action has a consequence, and if you knowingly accept the action and it?s risks, you should be willing to face the consequences. If you really don?t want a child, and aren?t ready to raise one, abstain from sex. It?s very simple.[/color] [quote name='Kitty][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]And what about rape? Why should a woman be forced to harbor a child she was given unwillingly? Or do you think that it's the woman's fault for getting raped? For those of you who are against abortion, [i]no matter what the circumstance[/i], you have a very closed mind.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]I, personally, think that abortion should be legal in only three circumstances. Along with incest and possible harm to the mother, rape is one of these situations.[/color] [quote name='Kitty][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Also, why shouldn't a woman be given the choice in any circumstance? If the woman did not [i]want[/i] the child in the first place, isn't she pregnant [i]unwillingly[/i]?[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Tough. She made a choice to have sex. She now carries within her a life. A human being. If she doesn?t wish to care for that child, put it up for adoption. She made her choice when she had sex.[/color] [quote name='Kitty][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1] Personally, I think the whole issue is silly. Those of you who want the child to be born, even though they probably won't ever meet you, help you, or know about you and will just end up using up your resources, you seem to care about [i]them[/i] more than, say, the people over in Asia facing disease, grief from the loss of loved ones, and no place to live.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=green]Abortion is murder; I don?t support murder. As far as I?m concerned, this whole business of comparing abortion to the needy is off topic.[/color]
  8. [quote name='RabidInuFanboy']I was simply saying that it is not human nature to do what is right. We try our best to do what is right for the world because we have the power to, unlike otehr countries.[/quote] [color=green]That's a very dark view of human nature. I'd like to think that the vast majority of people try and do the right thing. As for trying to do what if best for the world... ...I find that to be a very pompous, imperialistic attitude.[/color]
  9. [quote name='nezzyjean'] but i beleive it should remain legal. it is a human right, and even if it made illegal people who need or want one will find ways to get it done.[/quote] [color=green]Abortion is not a right. Just because people will do it anyway, doesn?t mean it that we should legalize something. Thousands of murders, rapes and thefts occur each year in the US ? despite laws against such acts. Under your logic, we should abolish laws against them too.[/color] [quote name='nezzyjean']besides, they already have it illegal to get it done if you've been pregnant for a certain amount of time, so the fetus can't be too far along on its way of being completely human.[/quote] [color=green]Completely human? You could say that many severely disabled people, who are incapable of living without medical support, are ?less than human? too if I?m reading what you said correctly.[/color] [quote name='nezzyjean']there are many other options, however, but i beleive it is a personal issue and if somebody wants an abortion i beleive they should have the right to get one.[/quote] [color=green]Nobody has the right to murder an innocent fetus.[/color]
  10. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']That's just your personal definition of murder. So it does depend very much on which way you look at it.[/quote] [color=green]What? Personal definition of murder? Murder is killing a human being. A fetus is a human being. You yourself, like everyone else reading this thread, are a former fetus. Therefore, killing a fetus is murder.[/color]
  11. [quote name='Reise][SIZE=1']James looked shocked ?Thee Lady Asphyxia, the one who hacked the Shinmaru myO page?? [/size][/quote] [color=green]I think that's my favorite line so far. My complements to you on a well thought out, and very funny, parody. Keep up the good work.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]I'm Pro-Choice, but seeing as I'm not a woman, and not pregnant, then why does my opinion matter? Think about that, everyone. And you'll see why Pro-Choice is the way to go.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=green]I disagree. Just because I?m not a woman facing this issue, doesn?t mean I shouldn?t have a say in it. In the same way that just because I?m not a minority being discriminated against doesn?t mean I should be indifferent towards racism. Murder is murder, any way you look at it. No matter how old the victim is.[/color]
  13. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']What are people's opinions on abortion? [/color][/quote] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44426]Now [/URL][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=34468][b]you [/b][/URL][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=3985]know.[/URL] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']Should it be allowed to remail legal in the United States (or if it is legal wher eyou live should it remain that way?)[/color][/quote] [color=green]Only in cases of rape, incest or possible harm to the mother.[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']Do you know of anyone who has had an abortion?[/color][/quote] [color=green]I know of people who?ve had them, yes. The only person I know reasonably well who was in a situation where abortion was an option decided to have the child, then put it up for adoption.[/color] [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I don't believe that it's my right to tell another woman what she is allowed to do with her body.[/color][/quote] [color=green]A fetus is a person, you make it sound as if it is little more than an arm or a foot. A fetus, even before brain activity, is a stage of human life. To terminate that life without a very good reason is murder. Today, birth control is both widely available and effective. There is no excuse for unplanned pregnancy.[/color]
  14. [color=green][shallow]I?d wish for a computer that?d have a reliable, fast internet connection that could handle just about anything. It?d be nice if it were portable, to boot.[/shallow] My second wish would be for good health until the day I die. I wouldn?t want to live forever, but it?d be nice to be able to enjoy every day I?ve got while I?m around. As for my third and final wish, I?d keep it. Could be that the genie is a sadistic prick and twisted my wishes into terrible tortures, so I?d like to be able to undo them if it comes to that. Besides, something else might crop up.[/color]
  15. [color=green]There were some decent replies this round, the best among them from Ben. Really shot me down, and made me laugh to boot. I also thought Unborn Lord Xion's comment was pretty damn funny as well, nice job. Your show Ben.[/color]
  16. [quote name='Charles']It's important to make the distinction between talking trash all in good fun and being abusive, which is what's being discussed here.[/quote] [color=green]Hence: [quote name='Boba Fett][color=green] talking trash [b](to a point)[/b'] is a normal part of competitive online gaming. [/color][/quote] I guess I see that point at where it violates a game's EULA.[/color]
  17. [color=green]I?m about 3/5 of the way through the novel, having lost my place several times and stopping for a while to read [u]Black Like Me[/u] for my AP English class. So far I really haven?t felt the immersion that you really get out of a good book. Snowman/Jimmy comes across as pretty likeable, although not exactly an enthralling character. From what I know of Crake, he seems like a stereotypical teenager who?s not being reigned in. By far, the most interesting part of the novel thus far has been Oryx?s life story; I think I?m around [spoiler]the part where she?s in South America shooting [I]movies[/I].[/spoiler] All in all, this book really hasn?t been anything special for me so far. It?s a well-written book, but there doesn?t seem to be much to read into yet. Perhaps those will be forthcoming with the rest of the novel.[/color]
  18. [color=green]I'm curious as to if there are any future plans to allow comments from people without MyO accounts. I'd like to see that become an option at some point.
  19. [color=green]?[i]He?s such a loser; just look at him[/i]?, they whispered. The dopey, crooked smile. The hard pockmarked face, breaking out. His ears stuck out too much and his nose was too big. Cold, blue-gray eyes that made him uncomfortable. His coarse brown hair was sticking up in the back. His fist went through the mirror.[/color]
  20. Boba Fett

    SPAM area

    [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']If you look at KyZeR's other posts, you'd realize the new member would feel most at home in a SPAM area. I think that's the motivation here.[/quote] [color=green]O_o Boards with spam areas are often unable to contain the utter garbage that goes on within them. It's a mindset. I come to Otakuboards for intelligent conversation. I visit GroupSounds for humor. I frequent my guild forums for spam and nothing of note, really. I'd bet you money that if OB were to have even a spam thread, posts of the caliber would show up more frequently in other places as well. It's like opening Pandora's box.[/color]
  21. [color=green]As far as I'm concerned, talking trash (to a point) is a normal part of competitive online gaming. I get ticked if someone is spawn camping, and make snide comments when I kill the same person several times in a row. It's part of the experience.[/color]
  22. [quote name='Lore][size=1']It's got sort of a dark, gritty feel to it, which is interesting. I don't often hear music like that. Would anyone agree with me on that description of the sound? (And if so, any suggestions on similar music?)[/size][/quote] [color=green]Green Day was sort of a gateway for me into the larger rock/punk scene. American Idiot was a departure, to some extent, from what they?d done in the past. Like you said, it has a little darker and grittier feel to it, which is much different from the pretty easy listening stuff they?d put out earlier. So after I?d gone through most of their older music, I went onto other groups. New Found Glory, Bad Religion and Alkaline Trio are probably some of the better among them. If you?re leaning that way, I could probably send you the 2004 Warped Tour Compilation, which has most of those groups and plenty more. From there, you cold go with what you like.[/color]
  23. [center][b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/search.php?searchid=41262]The Story of the Year[/URL] [/b][/center] [color=green]I?m not sure I have enough significant events so get a top 10 list, but I?ll put down what I have for this year. 1) Reading DeathKnight?s MyO. Intelligent thought is becoming rarer and rarer these days. 2) Talking shop with PT/Bean/Siren. See above comment. 3) [b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39558]D[/URL][/b][b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=36661]e[/URL][/b][b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44268]b[/URL][/b][b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38238]a[/URL][/b][b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44426]t[/URL][/b][b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41939]e[/URL][/b] in the Otaku Lounge.[/color]
  24. [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v316/Jedgar/Icon1.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=green]I got Photoshop CS not too long ago, and I've started fooling around with it lately. This is an image I put together for my livejournal, hence the username in the upper righthand corner. Comments?[/color]
  25. [IMG]http://www.readio.com/nywindowgallery/macys-parade/images/7-macys-parade-pikachu.jpg[/IMG] [color=green]If you have any information on the identity of the yellow monster responsible for the crushing of 97 people during this year's annual Macy's Day Parade, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-STP-CRME[/color]
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