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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. I dont know, mabye you could delete this RPG and start it again with the proper info?
  2. The [I]Idiots Array[/I] sped through hyperspace at maximum speed. Abob figured that they might not be going to Coruscant, but eventually they had to end up there. The Jedi had to return to the temple to tell their masters about this new threat. The padawan Anikan would need to go to Coruscant to take his trials. Even if only one of them returned to Coruscant, Abob would be able to follow that person back to where the others were hiding. He would find them and kill Padme, it was inevitable. Abob cleaned his armor and fixed the dent in his helmet hat Kei had made when she hit him whith the handle of a lightsaber. Abob also gave his speeder bike a tune up, he checked the engines and cleaned out the engine. Then he stowed it away for whenever he would need it next. He went to his stateroom and caught up with the news. There had been a major development in politics on Coruscant. Supreme Chancellor Palpitine, who was reaching the end of his term of office, had declared himself Emperor. Most people went along with this radical policy because of the beurcratic bumblings of the Republic, which seemed ineffective and ancient. Palpitine promised to "Trade frailty for Strength, Replace weak laws filled with loopholes with a new system of planetary governers, who would directly control planets." Abob realised the galaxy had suddenly taken a turn for the worse........
  3. Abob is suddenly awakened by Lalaith, who runs into camp yelling that Orcs are coming. Abob gets dressed and quickly packs his things. Then he draws his long knife and notches his bow. He climbs up a nearby tree as Lalaith wakes up the others. Abob: "Lalaith, take the others and run, I will stay here and hold them off." Lalaith: "No we cant leave you..." Abob: "This is no time to argue, get out of here, I can take care of myself. I will meet you at the edge of Mordor in three days, go!" The Orcs are a hundred feet from their camp, and charging foward. They dont see Abob climb the tree, they are watching Lalaith. Lauren and Samantha start to fight, but they, along with Lalaith, are forced to retreat. Abob sits in the tree and calmly waits for a group of Orcs to pass under it. Abob pours a potion on them and whispers "kill all the other Orcs" The Orcs who have been touched by the potion begin to attack their comrades and soon the force of Orcs, Abob counted slightly over two hundred in all, was reduced by half. Then Abob began to fire arrows at the Orcs, who looked around wildly for their attacker. When they finall figured out he was in a tree they began to set fire to the trees randomly. Abob climbed from tree to tree by way of the forests canopy of branches. Soon he was far away from the confused and scared Orc force. He climbed down to the ground and headed for Mordor, hopeing the others were going to be able to meet him there and hadn't run into more trouble.......
  4. What annoys me most? My stupid sister. She is always trying to get me in trouble or annoying me. She seems to have no other purpose in life than to try and drive me insane :drunk: Someday I'm going to.....
  5. OOC: Knocked out easily....Grrr, we will see about that.:devil: ____________ Abob waited untill Padme, Mara, Kei, Obi-Wan and Anikan had left, then he got up. Kei had betrayed Palpitine, that was apparently who had hired the middle-man, who in turn had hired him. Abob got up and ran over to his speeder, which was parked on the roof. He gunned the engines and sped off towards the spaceport. He used his helmets comlink to tell his ship to begin to warm up the engines and get ready to fly. Less than two minutes later Abob flew his speeder bike up the boarding ramp of his ship and quickly stowed it for departure, then he sat down in the piliots chair and flew up into space, hoping that his prey hadn't jumped into Hyperspace yet. Abob got into orbit in time to see the ship that was carrying Padme and the others being shot at by another bounty hunter. He watched as the obviously ametur bounty hunter fired at the ships power grid, but missed and hit the nav computer instead. Abob powered up his ships three ion cannons and fired them at the other bounty hunters ship. They went right through the sheilds and hit the ship, it would be out of action for several hours now. Abob then advanced on the other ship, his twin laser cannons chewing away at its sheilds. It couldnt jump to hyperspace, not with a damaged nav computer. But suddenly the ship did. Someone must have either memorized the coorinates(nearly impossible for anyone but a droid), or it was those infernal Jedi, using their annoying force to safely guide the ship through the dangers of hyperspace. Abob knew that they were going to Coruscant, where else would two Jedi go? So he set course for Coruscant and jumped into hyperspace....
  6. Justin, I guess you are right, that means I have a lot of reading to do... I would hate to miss out on everything after NJO because I didnt read it. *Runs to Barnes&Noble.com and buys most of the NJO books* I did go online and order some of them, apparently there is a new one out, Enemy Lines II. I borrowed Enemy Lines I from a friend and read it last night. It was good, but I must read them all.... *Waits by mailbox for the other books to arrive* Oh, there are two books after the ones Justin mentioned. Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand
  7. What?!?! Oh no... I deleted that one.......grrrrr. I will send it to you tommorow, okay. *Hits self on head for deleting the PM* EDIT- I wrote this today, here is the [I]true[/I] story of the [B]Stark Hyperspace War[/B]! The Stark Hyperspace War? The events of this conflict take place thirty years before the battle of Yavin. It was a time of great unrest between the worlds of the outer rim and the rest of the Republic. Resources were taken from the rim to the Core Worlds and returned as goods at vastly inflated prices. Iaco Stark was a smuggler and a pirate who maintained a fleet of ships. He sold what he stole at a profit, but at a smaller price than the Trade Federation demanded. Stark was able to forge a coalition between smugglers, pirates, mercenaries, bounty hunters, assassins working in the Outer Rim. Nothing had ever been conceived of on this scale, let alone created. They called themselves the Stark Commercial Combine and became a force large enough to challenge the Trade Federation. Then disaster fell on the galaxy. A key processing plant for Alzahi bacterium on the planet Thyferra exploded. Alzahi is a key ingredient in the production of bacta and is principally found only on Thyferra. Bacta output was suddenly cut by two thirds. Suddenly, the most commonly used medical drug in the galaxy was in short supply. Prices skyrocketed as the Core Worlds hoarded their precious supplies of Bacta. Many systems in the Outer Rim could no longer afford bacta at any price. When the Stark Combine began targeting bacta ships and supplies, they were hailed as heroes by the Outer Rim Planets, but the conflict threatened to plunge the galaxy into civil war. Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation petitioned the Senate to be allowed to increase their droid armies. At this time Ranulph Tarkin (Grand Moff Tarkins Father), who was an advocate for a Republic Military, called for a Republic Navy to defend the Trade Federation from the Stark Combine. Another senator, Finis Valorum (He will become supreme Chancellor by the time of Epsoide I) calls for a Jedi mediation team to meet with Stark and try to resolve the problem. The Jedi are not convinced by the conveniently timed bacta shortage that will give the Trade Federation and the Bacta clans on Thyferra enormous profits. The Jedi Master Tyvokka, his apprentice Plo Koon, Jedi knight Qui-Gon-Jin and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi were all dispatched to meet with Stark. Another team of Jedi, consisting of Jedi knight Tholme and his apprentice Quinlan Vos was sent to Thyferra to investigate the bacta shortage. Meanwhile, Ranulph Tarkin secretly created a Republic Navy and Army, which he intended to use to crush Stark, which he hoped would bring him political power. He convinced Nute Gunray to carry a homing device to the negotiations with Stark so that Tarkin could send his fleet there to destroy Stark's Combine. When the Jedi mediation team and Nute Gunray arrived in orbit around Troiken, to meet with Stark, they were surprised when he confronted them with the information his spies had collected about the "Republic Fleet", which was on its way to destroy him. Then he told them that his agents had planted a nav computer virus that, when the fleet jumped to hyperspace, would send most of the fleet into navigational hazards, such as a black hole, a sun, or a planet. He said that a small portion of the fleet would arrive at Troiken, to find themselves outnumbered and outgunned. Then Stark ordered his men to kill the mediation team. A battle erupted in the negotiation chamber. In the furious battle, Tyvokka was killed by friendly fire from Nute Gunray's Battle droids. The Jedi then manage to kill all of their attackers, although Stark escapes to another ship. Soon after that the remnants of the "Republic Fleet" arrive. All the ships except Tarkin's flagship are destroyed. Tarkin orders the crew to fight to the last man, then takes a hundred of the "Republic Army" troopers and escapes to the planet. The mediation team crash lands their ship on Troiken and meets up with Tarkin and his troopers. They decide to take refuge in a huge abandoned mine. For days they desperately hold off Starks men, who outnumber them 100 to 1. They then find out from a friendly native, that there are "Challat Eaters" which live deep inside the mine. These beings are as close as you can get to flying piranhas. The Jedi manage to seal off the lower sections of the abandoned mine so that they are safe from the beasts. Meanwhile, on Thyferra Tholme finds out that the bacta shortage has indeed been staged and he reports this to the council. Then he goes to Troiken to assist the others. On Troiken, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan take the remaining negotiators (Nute Gunray, a few minor aides, and Finis Valorum) and leave the mine. They sneak through the enemy lines and hijack Starks personal vessel. The Jedi tell them to go to Coruscant for help. In the mines, things are looking bad for the Republic. The troops are nearly out of ammo, and are out of all medical supplies. The Negotiators who escaped from Troiken arrive on Coruscant and inform the Jedi council of the situation. They also give them a "patch" that Qui-Gon and Tholme managed to steal from Starks flagship. It will counteract the nav computer virus that Stark's agents planted in the Republic's nav computers. A fleet is hastily assembled and sent to aid the Troops on Troiken. When the fleet arrives at Troiken it destroys Starks ships and Stark surrenders to the Republic. Then the fleet lands on Troiken to pick up the survivors. When everyone is on the transports Plo Koon, who has been leading the Jedi during the battle, goes back into the mine to find Tarkin, who is missing. Plo notices that the remainder of Starks forces are searching the mine for the Jedi, who they believe are still their. Plo finds Tarkin, who is just about to set off an explosive charge that will let the Challat eaters back into the mine, where they will devour all of Starks forces. Plo tries to stop Tarkin but he commits suicide and blows open the barrier that had been keeping the Challat eaters back. Plo is forced to flee the mine and Starks forces are eaten alive. The war is over, Tarkin is dead, the Trade Federation is in disgrace, and Plo Koon is given his former Master Tyvokka's seat on the Jedi high council. That is the story of the Stark Hyperspace War. I got this information from a Comic book series published by Dark Horse comics. This is the only detailed reference to The Stark Hyperspace War.
  8. Hey, I have that book! I have several of the [I]Essential Guide to...[/I] books beside the Essential Cronology. I also have The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, The Essential Guide to Characters, The Essential Guide to Alien Species and the essential guide to Weapons and Technology. I already know what is in the books before I buy them, but it is nice to have a reference guide. I use them for specifics, such as how many turbolasers are on a Super Star Destroyer, you know important stuff like that. Well, you never know when you might run into one of those... One of the most interesting Star Wars books I have found is called "The Star Wars Dilpomatic Corps Entrance Exam" It is a collection of Star Wars trivia that will make you think. This is what it did to me ---> :drunk: Fine, you try and label all the parts of an R2 unit....
  9. I already PMed you the whole beginning of the [I]real[/I] HyperSpace Wars. Do you want the ending as well(that would spoil this RPG)
  10. Good luck, and enjoy the one and only good thing about long plane flights, all the movies(that you saw months ago in the theatres)!:laugh:
  11. Well if Mist and Padme are here... [B]Name[/B]: Abob Ttef [B]Age[/B]: 34 [B]Species (Race)[/B]: Human [B]Location/Homeworld[/B]: Abob was born on Concord Dawn, but now lives aboard his ship, the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. [B]Weapons[/B]: Abob wears a suit of black and orange Mandalorian body armor that is ingrained with cortosis ore and Ysalamiri hairs. He also carries a sniper rifle. Ysalamiri hairs- The Ysalamiri is a salamander like species that has a unique ability to push back the force. The hairs engrained in Abob's armor produce the same effect. Cortosis Ore- One of the few substances in the known galaxy that can stop a lightsaber blade. It causes the lightsaber to deactivate on contact. Kneepad Rocket/Dart launchers- On each of Abob's knees he wears armored kneepads (part of his Mandalorian armor) there is an orange rocket/dart launcher. Abob currently had them loaded with deadly poisonous darts Mitrinomon Z-6 Jet pack- An orange jetpack that has a homing, high explosive rocket attached. Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Rocket system- On each of Abobs wrists he wears an orange rocket launcher. The rockets on his right wrist are Locris Syndicates 12A explosive rockets. The rockets on his left wrist contain FGA-583, a nerve agent that will knock its victim unconscious in seconds. Mer-Son weapons sniper rifle- This rifle is highly accurate and can shoot from extremely long distances. A zoom scope and a night vision scope are mounted on the top of the rifle. [B]Alliance[/B]: Republican [B]Reason why[/B]: He despises rebellions, they create civil unrest, which is bad for business. [B]Vehicle/Ship[/B]: The [I]Idiots Array[/I] Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12j Skipray Blastboat (for space travel) and a Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike (for on planet travel) [B]Vehicle Descriptions[/B]: The [I]Idiots Array[I/] is a normal, unmodified Skipray Blastboat. It is painted black, with its weapon systems painted orange. It is armed with eighteen concussion missiles, twelve proton torpedoes, three capital ship class medium ion cannons and two laser cannons. The ship is twenty five meters long and is heavily armored; normal star fighter lasers cannot penetrate its thick armor. It can travel over 1,200 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. A Blastboat usually carries a crew of five, but can be piloted by one person if needed. Abob's speeder is painted black, with its weapon painted orange. It has armor plating (not enough to stop a blaster bolt) and a single laser cannon. It can travel slightly faster than five hundred kilometers per hour. [B]Force capabilities[/B]: None [B]Background/Bio[/B]: Abob Ttef was born on the farming planet of Concord Dawn during a civil war. His family was indiscriminately slaughtered by one of the warring factions shortly before his twelfth birthday, and he was sent to live with relatives on Coruscant. His relatives didn?t want to have a young boy to take care of, so they dropped him off one day in the deepest depths of Coruscant, figuring he wouldn?t last long. Abob survived, and even thrived. He learned to be street smart, how to convincingly lie, when to run and when to fight. At age fifteen he stowed away on a smuggling vessel bound for Nar Shadda. There he worked for Shug Nix as a mechanic until he was twenty. Then he bought the [I]Idiots Array[/I] directly from the shipyard, and went into the bounty hunting profession. He has since become an extremely respectable bounty hunter and has his own set of codes and morals he lives by. He usually takes imperial bounties and refuses to hunt Jedi; he considers them too dangerous to mess with. [B]Description[/B]: Abob never takes off his armor in public so nobody knows what he looks like underneath. His armor is standard Mandalorian combat armor; it is midnight black, with the weapons highlighted in a glossy orange. His T shaped visor on his helmet is indistinguishable from the rest of his helmet. [B]Personality[/B]: Abob is a very businesslike person and is direct and to the point. He says what he means in as few words as he can and hates small talk. He is extremely hard working and is always trying to make machines run more efficiently.
  12. They ate dinner in silence and watched the setting sun untill it was gone, replaced by darkness. But this was no rodinary darkness. It was so black you couldnt see your hand in front of your face. Their campfire provided barely enough light for them to see the area immediately around their camp. They went to sleep, Lalaith stood first watch. Abob lay in his blanket roll, wondering if he would ever see the others again...
  13. -----Earlier this morning----- Abob got up and put on his armor, to discover that he had a holo-message from his employer, saying that he wanted the job done soon, and that the credits were waiting for him outside his ship. He walked outside and found a normal looking bag, which appeared to be full. He braced himself and opened it. It contained one thousand one hundred credit chips. Abob quickly went over to his speeder and loaded it onto his ship. Then he put the credits in his stateroom and took off. He cleared his flight with traffic control and then set course for Naboo? During the flight Abob cleaned his armor and researched Padme, and was surprised to find that she apparently spent a lot of time with Anikan Skywalker, a prominent Jedi who was about to become a knight. He researched Padme's whereabouts and found her parents house in the Naboo records hall, which he accessed through the holonet. He decided that he would look there first, seeing as she apparently didn?t have a house of her own on Naboo, besides her senatorial quarters in the palace, where she obviously wouldn?t be. -----At the present time----- Abob landed his ship in a civilian docking bay and unloaded his speeder. He checked it and made sure it was ready to fly. He locked down his ship and paid the owner of the landing bay. Then he set off for Padme's parent's home. He arrived there to see another senator talking to someone. He used his helmet to amplify their voices and was able to hear that Padme was supposed to be at a summer retreat. He saw the speeder fly off at top speed, and followed it. Abob wondered how long it would take to reach this place, he didn?t have all day???.
  14. Abob: "I hate to say it, but the Nazguls that captured them are gone. We might never see them again. They will probably end up in one of Saurons prisions. Once we dispose of the ring, we can free them." The others look uneasy about leaving the others in the fellowship to the mercies of Sauron, bu they have no choice. They continue towards Mordor, carefull to be quiet and not to attract attention with the huge army around that is surrounding Gondor. They make good time for the next three hours and end up about three days from Mordor. They set up camp and solemly make dinner with makeshift pots, pans and spoons. They all cant forget Sam, who had insisted on bringing all his cooking equipment with them... It was going to be hard without the others......
  15. Abob landed his black speeder bike right outside the cockpit of his ship, the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. The [I]Idiots Array[/I] was Abob's first ship. He had worked like a slave to earn enough to buy her. It had taken him two years of working overtime at his old job as a mechanic, and working another job at the same time. He had lived frugally. He spent only enough to keep himself clothed and fed. He slept in his office. He had been so happy when he had bought her. Then he had taken small bounties to buy his armor and other equipment. He walked over to the boarding ramp, which lowered for him, and he walked up it into his ship. The [I]Idiots Array[/I], was a Skipray Blastboat, built for combat. Skiprays were normally crewed by five people, a pilot, a co-pilot, a sensor officer and two gunners. However they could be flown by one person if necessary. He had transformed the space that the other people were supposed to have into a small stateroom. It contained a bed, a "fresher", a desk, an equipment closet and a high definition hologram projector. Abob checked the news and found that it had been another sleepy day for the galaxy. The politicians in the senate were bumbling around as usual. There hadn't been any major deaths, or accidents. Abob showered, and then went to sleep, annoyed that he was going to have to sit around for two days waiting for his skittish employer to make up his infernal mind....
  16. They cover the pit with branches to muffle the wraith's cries, then hurry off to find the others, talking as they go. Abob: "Sorry Lalaith, that scar will never go away, wont even fade." Lalaith: "How do you know? It has been a while since Sauron's forces have been on the prowl. Unless you are older than you appear, or somehow know someone with a scar..." Abob: "When my village was destroyed and my family killed I set out to destroy the Orcs who had slaughtered them. I succeeded in killing the whole clan, after ten years. Their leader was the last I killed, I wanted him to feel alone and helpless, like I had felt. I slew him in a sword duel, but he cut me with his sword before he died. Later I found out that it was a Mordor Blade given to his ancestors long ago for some vile deed. I took the blade and carefully cut it down and added a new hilt to the smaller, but sharper blade." Lauren: "So, where is the cut down version of the sword now?" Abob: "Right here." *puts his hand on the hilt of his long dagger, which is in its metal sheath.*
  17. Abob was on Coruscant, sitting in a small diner called Zougu's Synth Food, waiting for his employer to arrive. He had been paid thrity thousand credits upfront to meet this person here and he didnt want to wait much longer. His employer was supposed to have been here twenty minutes ago. He would give him another ten minutes then he would leave. He hated wasting time. Then a man walked in, he was flanked on either side by brutish Gammorian gaurds. The proprietor looked annoyed , but didnt protest for fear of death. When the man spotted him he walked over and sat down across the booth from Abob. Then he looked around to see if anyone was listening. When he had looked around the entire diner and found nobody who was paying them any special attention he began to speak... Man: "I have heard of you Ttef, you are supposed to be a excellent bounty hunter, and honest too. I want you to kill someone, someone important." He pulled out a holoprojector and turned it on. The holoprojector showed a young woman and a young man. Abob began to study the image. The woman looked pregnant and the man was wearing a lightsaber. He reconized them as Anikan and Padme Skywalker, heros of the first battle of the clone wars. Abob: " I dont kill Jedi, too dangerous." Man: "I dont want you to kill him, I want you to kill her." Abob: "Fine, but it will cost you a million credits, all in advance." Man: "You must be jokeing! That kind of money is way out of the question for a simple assination!" Abob: " A simple assination? A friend of a Jedi? A senator who will be heavily guarded? One million credits, no less for this near impossible job." Man: "I will have to think about this, meet me here in two days for my final decision." Abob: "Fine, but next time dont be late." The man and his two thugs leave the diner and Abob pays his tab. Then he walks silently out to the street, where he gets on his speeder bike and flies back to the docking area where his ship is waiting..........
  18. Justin, I agree that we need to reslove these issues, but all of us have moved on, to a Epsoide III RPG started by Padme Amidala, who promised us no spam at all during her RPG. We all got tired of Schraten9, asking what was going on seven times in a row and not bothering to read his own RPG. It isnt as if we didnt write clearly, it is just that he didnt care enough to keep track of what was going on. During the life of this RPG I left for a week. When I returned It had gone from three pages to twelve. I read those pages and posted intelligently after that. I would have continued to post here if Duo and Mist had stayed, but now even Schraten has moved on. If you want I can PM them and see if they will come back, but it looks like a lost cause to me... -Boba Fett
  19. Sacred Warrior, there are also books that take place between the movies. Such as [I]Shadows of The Empire[/I], and [I]The Splinter of the Minds Eye[/I], which both take place between Epsoides IV and V. There are also a buch of books that take place between Epsoide III and IV, such as the [I]Han Solo trilogy[/I], and the [I]Adventures of Lando Calrissian[/I]. So there are books about every time period in Star Wars you could think of, from thousands of years before Epsoide I, to twenty six years after Epsoide VI.
  20. In the confusion, Abob scoops up his weapons and once they are all in place on his belt he draws his bow and sends a poisioned arrow speeding through the tree , where it finally hits the wraiths horse. The horse spasms once, then falls to the ground, dead. Then Abob charges the wraith, who had to move away from Lauren to strike Lalaith. The Wraith begins to swing his sword at Lauren, but Abob blocks it with his long knife. The he throws the wraith back, into a bush. The wraith struggles, and falls into a hunting pit beneath, he is trapped and cannot escape without help. Abob runs over to Lalaith, and pours a potion into Lalaiths stomach, which the wraith's vile mordor blade had peirced. The potion stopped the bleeding, but Lalaith needed serious help, form a wizard , no ordinary medicine would be able to keep him alive for long. Abob turns around and yells to Ilisma to come over here quick, and heal Lalaith She slowly walks over and raised her walking stick above her head, then begins to mumble. She brings the walking stick down on Lalaiths wound, and it suddenly heals. All that remains is a horrible scar, which would never go away, because a cut from a Mordor blade was forever. They collected their things and started tosearch the forest for the others.....
  21. I assumed that Sacred Warrior was talking about the books we were talking about before, the New Jedi Order books. That is why I thought that bringing up [I]Espoide I[/I] was weird, because the events of [I]Epsoide I[/I]and the events of the NJO series have nothing to do with one another.
  22. Abob: "Not if I can help it!" He notches his bow and fires arrw after arrow at the Wraith's flying horse, which is soon hit and falls to the ground about a mile in front of them. They all run off towards the site where the wraith and Lauren must have landed. Abob carries Ilisma, who can keep up this staggering pace. They run through the forest as fast as they can. The trees flash past as they break though the undergrowth to get to Lauren. Suddenly they are all in a clearing. There in front of them in Lauren, who has a sword to her throat. Behind her is the wraith, which begins to speak... Wraith: "Put your weapons down or she dies!" Abob looks to Lalaith for guidance.....
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B]^ ^ That's the spirit! Yes, when does this begin? [/B][/QUOTE] Whenever Padme Amidala starts the play version :D . I dont know when she will return to the boards. I hope it is sooner rather than later because I [I]really[/I] want to get posting! This will be my last post on this thread untill the play version is started.
  24. Schraten, Ugamon, can you two stop spaming up this thread with your fight. If you want to fight each other, go to the sparring forum, ok?
  25. Sacred Warrior, yes these books do hapen after The Ruturn of The Jedi, about 26 years after to be exact. Luminare, when Sacred Warrior asked about [I]Epsoide 6[/I], why did you start talking about Epsoide 1??
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