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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. I havent read it, by personal choice. I am "boycotting" that series because the writer killed off Chewie :(
  2. Schraten, that was very rude! So, when are we going to start this?
  3. Ben, since you agreed to let me send PMs to those members who signed up but havent checked in I did. I hope they show up soon... Here is a copy the PM is sent them: I am writing you on behalf of another member, Ben, who started a RPG called Light and Dark: The Reverse. You signed up and I am curious, are still interested in this RPG? If so please post on the thread, which can be found in the RPG forum. Thank you. -Boba Fett & Ben
  4. Abob and Lalaith come crashing through the forest, looking for the others. They see Samantha ahead and they run even faster to meet her. Abob: "Samantha, are you alright?" Samantha: "Yes, I am fine, where are the others?" Lalaith: "We dont know, last I saw they were being carried towards Mordor by the other Nazguls." Samantha: "Oh great. Now what do we do? We cant fly afterthem, and Mordor isnt exactly close by. If we make excellent time and avoid all trouble, we might be able to get there in a week. Then we would have to figure out where they are." Lalaith: "Hey where did Ilisma go, we could use some of her magic right now." Abob: "Pretty suspicious of her to dissapear as soon as the fighting starts and to have shown up right before the nazguls." They hear footsteps behind them, and they all turn as they draw their weapons..........
  5. Mohawk- I am glad you decided to read [B]Slave Ship [/B] anyway. Hopefully ou will learn a little about Boba Fett in the process. My Trivia: #6 The [B]"life crystals"[/B] are from neither Mimban nor Nam Chorios. Have you read the book [I]Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu[/I]? It is part of the "Lando Calrissian Adventures" series. The answer is in that book. #7 Incorrect. A prototype death star was constructed in the Maw, but not in orbit around Kessel. #10 Correct. I liked Thrawn, he is my second favorite StarWrs character. I wonder what would have happened if he had survived.... #11 Correct. I found a complete bio on Boba Fett yesterday. I would post it but it is kinda long. Maybe I can summerise it and post it later. It was on a great Boba Fett website that SS Trunks told me about. PM me if you want the web adress. (I would post it but wouldnt that be advertising?)
  6. Slave ship... That is a very good book in my opinion. I liked it so much I bought the whole series of three books. I think K. W. Jeter is a ok writer, this book is very involved and requires the reader to pay attention to detail and have a lot of background knowledge about Star Wars. I think that it is well worth reading, however if you dont know much about Star Wars it might be confusing. Overall I would recommend that you read Slave Ship, but you might want to read [I]The Mandalorian Armor[/I], which is the first book in the series first. Dark Tide I... I havent read any of this series , so I dont know how good this book is...
  7. Abob takes advantage of the Wraith's back being to him and jumps onto the black robed figure. He begind to stab it furiously with his poisioned knife. Lalaith draws his bow and sends arrow after arrow into the screaming wraith, which falls to the ground, its back covered in wounds from Abob's knife, its stomach is studded with Lalaiths arrows. Abob and Lalaith look at the wraith, which is as close to death as it can get, and walk away to find and help the others.
  8. *Boba Fett reads the answers, then hits himself on the head with a large club* I cant belvie I missed Brakiss's home planet. But what really gets to me was the question about their lightsaber training. I read that book, and I totally forgot... I can be such and idiot sometimes..... So, nobody wants more Trivia :(
  9. Abob struggles with the evil Nazgul as it carries him to its dark master. Abob: "Nazgul, put me down or you will be sorry." Nazgul: ":laugh: Stupid human, I am not so easily intimidated:laugh: Useless threats!" Abob sighs and manages to withdraw a potion from his sack. He splashes the potion on the horse, and it starts to turn to stone. Abob manages to get atop the falling stone horse and trow the wraith off, just before the horse hits the ground and breaks into many peices. Abob gets off the peices of stone that had once been the horse and draws his dagger, the Wraith comes closer and draws its evil Mordor blade..........
  10. I was going to try and answer Justins "Random quizzy", but I didnt know any more of the answers. I suspect that between Son Goten's, Aries's and my answers all the questions will be answered correctly. Execpt for one: 5) This is a guess, Telti? I hope that is right. Now I have some questions of my own...:devil: These are worth two points each [I]#1 What was the name of Gav and Jori Daragon's ship that they used when they accidentally discovered the ancient Sith empire? #2 Who was Jedi Master Arca Jeth's padawan? #3 Which Dark Lord started the Sith tradition of having only two Sith at a time, a master and an apprentice? #4 On what planet did the Jedi knight Vergere disappear? #5 What was the name of the spaceship Han Solo grew up on? #6 What planet do "life crystals" come from? #7 In orbit around what Imperial prison planet was the Death Star constructed #8 What was the goal of the Imperial "Dark Trooper" project? #9 What was the name of Prince Xizor's skyhook? #10 Who killed Grand Admiral Thrawn? #11 What did Durga the Hutt try to build in the Hoth asteroid belt? #12 Where was the strange being called Waru from? #13 Who was the leader of the Diversity Alliance?[/I] [B]Bonus[/B] Worth one point each [I]Name two planets along each of the following interstellar trade routes: The Rimma Trade Route The Corellian Run The Corellian Trade Spine The Hydian Way The Perlemian Trade Route[/I]
  11. Well here are the answers to my trivia: #1 Son Goten gets 1/2 a point. They can be square or triangular. #2 Son Goten gets this one #3 Both Aries and Son Goten got this one #4 Nope, his hair is black. #5 Aries and Son Goten both got this one
  12. So this is the new beginning. Much different from the old one. I cant wait to read more, but know you wont post the rest here. Very well written Ben, and exellent "hook" that draws the reader in. The sudden attack excites the reader, but the unexplained reason for the attack makes me want to read more. 8.7/10
  13. Yes I am. I prefer Abob. The only reason I used Boba last time was because Lauren was already a female clone of Jango( a mistake in the clone army project) so I wanted to fill the role of her younger "brother", Boba.
  14. Isnt basicly what I just said? Anyone want [I]more[/I] Trivia? #1 What shape are Sith Holocrons? #2 Who was Exar Kun? #3 What Color are Boba Fett's eyes? #4 What color is Boba's hair? #5 Who played Boba in Epsoide II ?
  15. Yes, you should wait untill we have at least six people signed up, in my opinion.
  16. Zidane, you were refering to Epsoide II right? I think that the first three Star Wars movies are classics, the new ones are great, but have lost some of the magic that the older triliogy posseses. I think that Epsoide I was a flop, but epsoide II was much, much better. Padme is very nice looking... especially in the Geonosis arena fight scene, I am sure Son Goten agrees with me on that one *grin*
  17. I will give this a try. *Suddenly he hears a voice in his head* "There is no [I]try[/I], there is [B]do[/B] or [B]do not[/B]." :D Here is my sign up: Name: Abob Ttef Age: 34 Species (Race): Human Location/Homeworld: Abob was born on Concord Dawn, but now lives aboard his ship, the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. Weapons: Abob wears a suit of black and orange Mandalorian body armor that is ingrained with cortosis ore and Ysalamiri hairs. He also carries a sniper rifle. Ysalamiri hairs- The Ysalamiri is a salamander like species that has a unique ability to push back the force. The hairs engrained in Abob's armor produce the same effect. Cortosis Ore- One of the few substances in the known galaxy that can stop a lightsaber blade. It causes the lightsaber to deactivate on contact. Kneepad Rocket/Dart launchers- On each of Abob's knees he wears armored kneepads (part of his Mandalorian armor) there is an orange rocket/dart launcher. Abob currently had them loaded with deadly poisonous darts Mitrinomon Z-6 Jet pack- An orange jetpack that has a homing, high explosive rocket attached. Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Rocket system- On each of Abobs wrists he wears an orange rocket launcher. The rockets on his right wrist are Locris Syndicates 12A explosive rockets. The rockets on his left wrist contain FGA-583, a nerve agent that will knock its victim unconscious in seconds. Mer-Son weapons sniper rifle- This rifle is highly accurate and can shoot from extremely long distances. A zoom scope and a night vision scope are mounted on the top of the rifle. Alliance: Neutral, he is a bounty hunter so he works for the highest bidder. Vehicle/Ship: The [I]Idiots Array[/I] Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12j Skipray Blastboat (for space travel) and a Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike (for on planet travel) Vehicle Descriptions: The [I]Idiots Array[/I] is a normal, unmodified Skipray Blastboat. It is painted black, with its weapon systems painted orange. It is armed with eighteen concussion missiles, twelve proton torpedoes, three capital ship class medium ion cannons and two laser cannons. The ship is twenty five meters long and is heavily armored; normal star fighter lasers cannot penetrate its thick armor. It can travel over 1,200 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. A Blastboat usually carries a crew of five, but can be piloted by one person if needed. Abob's speeder is painted black, with its weapon painted orange. It has armor plating (not enough to stop a blaster bolt) and a single laser cannon. It can travel slightly faster than five hundred kilometers per hour. Force capabilities: None Background/Bio: Abob Ttef was born on the farming planet of Concord Dawn during a civil war. His family was indiscriminately slaughtered by one of the warring factions shortly before his twelfth birthday, and he was sent to live with relatives on Coruscant. His relatives didn?t want to have a young boy to take care of, so they dropped him off one day in the deepest depths of Coruscant, figuring he wouldn?t last long. Abob survived, and even thrived. He learned to be street smart, how to convincingly lie, when to run and when to fight. At age fifteen he stowed away on a smuggling vessel bound for Nar Shadda. There he worked for Shug Nix as a mechanic until he was twenty. Then he bought the [I]Idiots Array[I] directly from the shipyard, and went into the bounty hunting profession. He has since become an extremely respectable bounty hunter and has his own set of codes and morals he lives by. He usually takes imperial bounties and refuses to hunt Jedi; he considers them too dangerous to mess with. Description: Abob never takes off his armor in public so nobody knows what he looks like underneath. His armor is standard Mandalorian combat armor; it is midnight black, with the weapons highlighted in a glossy orange. His T shaped visor on his helmet is indistinguishable from the rest of his helmet. Personality: Abob is a very businesslike person and is direct and to the point. He says what he means in as few words as he can and hates small talk. He is extremely hard working and is always trying to make machines run more efficiently.
  18. Abob: "Sam, you could become a wizard. But you chose not to?" Sam: " I was born with that accursed gift and I will [B]never[/B] use it. Hobbits are not meant to use magic! *glares at Ilisma*" Ilisma: "then how come we were born with magical powers Sam, if we arent meant to make use of them?" Sam: "It was a fulke, a freak of nature." Ilisma: "No Sam it wasnt, you and me, every hobbit born with these extrodinary powers we have a [I]destiny[/I]" Sam: *shouting* "NO WE DONT, WE ARE MEANT TO BE NORMAL! SHUT UP AND GO AWAY YOU OLD [B]HAG[/B]" Ilisma: "Strong words for such a [I] ordinary[/I] Hobbit.." Lalaith and Abob together: "You two shut up or we will be found!" Suddenly they are aware of a dark shadow above them. There is a winged horse, ridden by a hooded rider. It was a nazgul... Nazgul: "But you already have! Soon My masters forces will be here to slay you all! *laughs with evil malice in his raspy voice* " They draw their weapons and perpare to fight....
  19. It seems absurd that anyone would name their children that... Jabba told Han he was as useful as Bantha poodoo in ROTJ, that was very funny ;)
  20. Well, I see no point staying on a ship that is going down. This has been nice, but it has lost its flare. Adios! *Boba, Mist and Duo climb into a lifeboat and leave the sinking oceanliner*
  21. I thought you might have made that one. I used to use it before I got this one *points at avatar*. What happened to the old one I used to have before all the avatars were lost? Is it out there somewhere, or is it gone for good? I know this one. The answer is in the AOTC book! I remember how Padme likes to play with them. I am almost sure that R2-D2 didnt like them at all... :naughty: Anyway there names are: Ryoo and Pooja. Man, those names sound more suited for dogs then people..............
  22. About the crystals used for lightsaber blades, My AOTC visual dictionary says the sith use synthetic crystals because they are stronger than natural crystals. Natural crystals are supposed to make the lightsaber blade more manuverable. However it does say that using synthetic crystals is a Sith tradition. That information may have been lost by the time of Luke's Jedi academy.... Majora, I already bought Shadow Hunter, I think it was right after it came out. I didnt get the other book, [I]Darth Maul: Sabutor[/I] . Is there any other way I can get it?:( Also, I like your Avatar Majora.
  23. Boba walked over to Padme and Mara, who were talking in whispers to each other. Boba had his armor on, except for his helmet, which was under his arm. He waited until they were done talking, than began to speak, his voice wavering slightly as he spoke? Boba: "I'm sorry, but I have to go now. I need to help Lauren. I got a message from her, saying she needed my help, the message was apparently sent from the Imperial prison planet of Despayre. I need to rescue her, and I don?t want you to have to face the Imperials again, so soon after what happened back there. I will go alone. So take care and good luck. I will rejoin you as soon as I can." Lalaith: "Boba, we can go with you. We can help you save Lauren. We all owe you; I won't let you go by yourself." A single tear runs down Boba's tan face. He looks at LPadme, then at Mara. Then in a blur of motion he draws his blaster and stuns them both. He mumbles to himself about saving them, and that they can't go into harms way. Then he signals his ship to come and pick him up. Minutes later Boba is aboard the [I]Idiots Array[/I], which is covered in algae from its storage on Kamino. He sets a course for Despayre and goes into hyperspace. All during his flight through the void of hyperspace he got ready for the impending battle. He cleaned and repaired his Mandalorian battle armor, he welded a laser sight to his sniper rifle and he got his ship ready for a fight. He fire linked the ion cannons and reprogrammed a new evasive pattern for his ship to use when trying to avoid enemy fire. Boba soon had the [I]Idiots Array[/I] perfectly adjusted for a large battle. He was ready to free Lauren from that stupid prison. He called up the public data for the prison planet, but found it classified. That was strange, prisons were supposed to be open to visitors. This planet was so secluded it was a natural place of isolation. Another thing was that recently there had been a huge amount of material shipped there. Apparently every Imperial cargo ship the Imperials had been sent there to deliver supplies. Huge quantities of durasteel, a massive hyperdrive, so much computer equipment?. Something big was going on there something very important to the Empire and Palpitine's "new order". Boba spent the remainder of the trip trying to find out more about the use of the material, but hit a complex series of restricted areas and anti-hacker firewalls along the way. Someone wanted this kept under wraps. ----------Ten days after Boba leaves the others, in orbit around the Imperial Prison planet of Despayre----- The [I]Idiots Array[/I] comes out of hyperspace in orbit around Despayre. Boba looks out the veiwport, and immediately sees the reason for all the supplies being sent here. There, in orbit around the planet, was the frame for a spherical ship, the size of a small moon. It had Imperial construction ships swarming over it like flies to a dead animal. It was the biggest ship Boba had ever seen. He didn?t have time to think about anything else however because suddenly explosions rocked his ship. He started evasive maneuvers as swarms of strange fighters began to attack his vessel. They were all black and had a spherical cockpit that, on either side, had two large, flat solar panels. (These are TIE fighter for anyone who didn?t understand my description) The fighters managed to blow out his engines, turn his hyperdrive into a hunk of molten metal, and incinerate weapons in a few minutes of furious combat. He was dead in space. His life support was failing, and he was in Imperial custody, great. Then his ship lurched as a powerful tractor beam locked onto it and began to drag it towards a large warship. Minutes later his ship was inside an Imperial docking bay, surrounded by hundreds of clone troopers. They were all holding their blaster rifles in firing positions, and Boba knew they were not set on stun. A loudspeaker blared for him to come out of his ship with his hands up. Seeing no other option he complied. He took off his armor and, wearing his black elastic body glove, walked down the ramp into the docking bay, his hands on his head. Immediately he was seized by two clones and dragged to the command room where, to his surprise, Count Dooku was waiting. Dooku: "Boba Fett, here to help your friend are you? I fear you are too late, she is dead." Boba: *struggles to get out of the clones iron grip* "Let me go! You *beep* you killed her!" Dooku: "Yes I did, and you are next. But first I have to tell you what you have stumbled upon, so you may now the hopelessness that your friends will face. This story began years ago, three months before the battle of Geonosis? [I]I went to the planet personally to prepare for the upcoming meeting of the separatists. I was welcomed to the planet by the ruler at the time, a sly male called Poggle the Lesser. He said he had a gift for my master. I immediately assumed it was something trivial, but to keep our business relationship intact I had to accept it. When he showed me the plans for a battle station the size of a small moon that contained a planet destroying superlaser I was shocked. I barely escaped with the plans when that accursed master Yoda showed up to try and stop me. He was no match for the dark side of the force. Anyway, I gave the plans to my master and he started construction immediately. By my estimates we should be done in twelve standard years. But you wont be able to tell this to your friends, because you are going to be sent to the prison and be forced to work on this battle station, or die![/I] Boba is lead carried, kicking and struggling, to a shuttle craft. Once there he is flown to the prison and "processed". First they take his clothes and give him a workers jumpsuit. Then they remove the implant from his leg that allowed him to summon his ship. They put another chip right behind his temple that could be exploded by the guards if he tried to escape. Then he was sent to work in the planets mines, mining iron for the battle stations construction?? ---------- OOC: Sorry if this is too long....
  24. Four out of ten, that is pretty bad, now I will go look for the answers. I dont usually pay much attention to the Jedi Academy series... Dont the sith use synthetic crystals and the jedi use Coursca gems for their sabers? I remember reading that Darth Maul meditated for hours outside a fusion furnace. He was using the force to build two perfectly identical crystals that he would need for his special double bladed lightsaber. P.S. Does anyone know where I can read the e-book [I]Darth Maul: Sabotur[/I] online? I want to read it but cant find out [B]where[/B] I can read it online........
  25. Besause he is the only member of the council who uses lightsaber style seven. Is that it?
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