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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. Can we have the answers now Justin? I want to know where in the world you found Wistlers ID#.
  2. Suddenly the door slides open and Boba steps into the room. Boba: "Nice try you old coot. But Lalaith and the others are leaving now, I dont care you like it or not." Palpitine shoots force lightning at Boba but it dissapears a meter from his face. Palpitine looks bewildered and confused. Boba: "As I said, we are leaving and there is [I]nothing[/I] you can do about it. Lalaith you coming?, I havent got all day."
  3. Boba arrived on Coruscant hours later and spent the remainder of the day prowling around the under levels of Coruscant, killing all who got in his way. That night he went back to his ship. He didn't know what to do. Lalaith was lost to the dark side, Mara had given up hope. Obi-Wan was so distraught over Anikan he wouldn't be any help. That left Siren, who was so loyal to Mara she wouldn't leave her side under any circumstances. That meant it was up to him to topple the empire, great. He changed clothes and went to the public archives. There he got the coordinates for two planets, Myrkr and Kamino. He stocked up on supplies by emptying his bank account of the bounty money he had been given by Mara. He went to a shady arms dealer on Coruscant's surface and bought a stolen E-web heavy repeater blaster. It had been modified for use on a starfighter for ground support. Then he went to [I]Dexter's Diner[/I], where he bought food and asked the four armed owner about the best way to shave an Ysalamiri. Then he loaded the [I]Idiots Array[/I] with the food and welded on the E-web, which could now pop out of the hull and blast enemies. When he was done he lifted off and set course for Myrkr. ----------Two days later on Myrkr---------- Boba blasted a clearing into the dense forests of Myrkr with his ships newly installed blaster cannon. He landed, then left the ship with a laser sheer and a bag. Boba walked for several minutes before he found an Ysalamiri, fifty cm long salamander-like creatures that had a unique ability to push back the force. They created a 'bubble" one meter in diameter around themselves in which the force did not exist. He shaved all the hair off the animal, than mercilessly shot it. He repeated the process nine more times until the bag was full. Then Boba walked silently back to his ship. He set course for Kamino and watched the stars elongate outside the veiwport. He used the two day trip to engrain his armor with the Ysalamiri hairs, effectively stopping the force from affecting him. ----------Present time---------- When he arrived on Kamino he hid his ship under the raging seas of the watery planet and went straight to the cloning center. There he killed a fully grown clone that was ready for shipment to the Imperial fleet, and took his armor and put it on under his own. Then he took the clones place on the transport that was almost finished loading. Once the transport Boba didn?t have long to wait. A mere three hours later he was serving aboard the Emperors flagship, the [I]Dominant[/I]. He had sliced into the assignment log and assigned himself to a permanent guard station outside the Emperors throne room. Now he could keep tabs on Lalaith, and not even Anikan, with all his force powers would be able to detect that Clone Trooper #78577877002H was really Boba Fett. He stood outside the Emperors throne room listening to Lalaith agree to anything, as long as Mara stayed alive. He could be so stupid sometimes..........
  4. Wow, that is freaky. The strange thing is, I would never have gone along with my friends, and would have been on the bus. This is one of the weirdest things I have ever heard........
  5. Boba got up(he has been through a bacta soak and is healed, mostly). Boba: "Mara, I cant belive you. You should be ashamed of yourself, giving up on Lalaith. You of all people." Mara refuses to repond, she stares straight ahead and doesnt move........ A clone trooper walks in to give them food. Boba kicks him in the head, then runs out of the cell, heading for the exit. Along the way he grabs his armor and his sniper rifle from the guards desk. He manages to escape into the jungle, there using a transmitter implanted in his leg, he calls his ship to pick him up. Once aboard he sets course for Coruscant, his mind made up. The rebels were weak and were now powerless. He would become a bounty hunter like his father. It was his destiny, he would fufill it. Boba checks his armor for tracking devices, and anything else Imperial. Then he goes to sleep..........
  6. OOC: Ok, this is all happening too fast. I posted the knock out thing, then when it is done I see Lalaith has turned and Mara is already uncontious. So I changed my post. Oh well it is all fine now. -------------- Boba heard her say those fateful words, and in a shocking realisation understood. Lalaith, their friend, was gone to the dark side. Why would he do that? There was only one explaniation. He had made Palpitine let them go. But they were still in a Imperial prision, just on a planet, but Lalaith probally didnt know that. Their only hope was Mara, mabye she could use her mental link to contact Lalaith and tell him of Palpitines treatchery....
  7. Boba laid on his padded metal cot and listened to Mara's screams, then they suddenly stopped. Boba realised that meant one of two things, Lalaith had died or he had turned to the dark side Then clone troopers came and dragged them out of the cell.... Boba gasped, they were handling him so roughly he *spasms in pain*, and then everything went black.
  8. When I was five, I was showing my grandparents how I could ride my bike. It had just rained and I was riding on a gravel driveway. I fell and got a huge, deep cut in my right hand. It is about three cm long, and is white now that it has healed. Man, I was so unlucky...
  9. Boba laid on the floor of his cell, exactly where he had been thrown by the clone trooper. He couldnt move. His small body was wracked with spasms of sharp pain. He knew his legs were both broken, as were the majority of his ribs. Obi-Wan, who was still weak from the earlier stun blasts, managed to use the force to gently lift Boba onto his cot. Boba closed his eyes and tried to ignore the terrible pain. He heard screaming, it must be Mara. He knew that she and Lalaith had some kind of mental link. That meant that wherever Lalaith was he was also in agony. Boba tried to shut out the screams, they hurt his ears. He cried out to Mara begging her to be quiet, but to no avail, she continued to scream..... Boba laid on his cot and moaned, this was the end. The Empire had won. They were doomed. Nobody knew they were here........ That meant no rescue.......
  10. Answers (I hope) 1) Danthomir 2) blue 3) the crystal and the power scource 4) a street urchin who turned to the dark side 5) ?, Coruscant? 6) ?, perhaps metal :laugh: 7) At the Jedi Academy 8) Streen, Dorsk 81, Kyp Durron 9) ???????? 10) green
  11. Where in the world did you get these?!?! I will answer one "Why didnt Luke Skywalker tell Darth Vader to turn to the light side of the force?" Answer: he did. He said"I know there is goo in you father, the Emperor hasnt driven it from you fully. Come with me, we can go far from here, you dont have to serve the Emperor." So many questions........... my brain....turning to jelly....... It is things like these that make us human, questions. I am not going to try and answer them all, I would fall asleep....
  12. Boba uses his comlink to call the bridge. Boba: "Mara, get us out of here!!" Mara: "Sorry guys, they just hit the hyperdrive, its toast. Boba: "Then we will take my ship. It can hold all of us." Mara: "Your ship? It must have been in self defence mode, because when the hyperdrive next to it was toasted it flew off and went into hyperspace." Boba: "No! We have to get out of here!" Then they here a screeching noise as several tractor beams lock onto their crippled vessel and begin to drag it into a docking bay. Boba climbs out of the gunnery turret and sees Obi-Wan, Padme, Lalaith and Mara in the bridge. He runs up to them. Lalaith: "Everyone, we all need to go to the armory and get weapons. Then we need to get in defencive positions around the ship." Everyone races to the armory and they take all the weapons. Then hey erect barracades in the corradors. They all hear a sickening thud as the ship lands in the docking bay of the Imperial waship. Boba, Lalaith and Obi-Wan are right behind the barracade in front of the boarding ramp. They look over the makeshift barracade to see the ramp being forced down. Then the clone troopers pour up the ramp, their blaster rifles set on stun. Lalaith and Obi-Wan are hit while trying to deflect the wide beams. Boba's armor protects him, but then a clone kicks him in the head and everything goes black. Boba awakens to find himself covered in bloody gashes and large bruises. He looks up and sees the roof of a cell. He crawls onto a cot that is built into the wall. The sees Obi-Wan and Lalaith, both looking similarly battered, lieing on cots across the cell from him. He hears screams from the cell next to them. Then he sees Anikan dragging Padme away. He hears Siren and Mara scream in anger, then all is silent. They lie on the cots for several hours in extreme pain. They are fed by emotionless clone troopers, then dunked in bacta tanks. Hours later they feel better and begin to talk. They discuss the slim chances of escape, untill three clone troopers walk in, followed by Anikan. They grab Boba and hold him in the air by his prision uniform so he cannot struggle. Then they take him down the hall to a square room where he is beaten and hurt for several hours. Lalaith can feel his pain in the cell and is deeply distressed. Then he hears a voice calling through him through the force: Anikan: "Tell me where the Jedi masters are, or the boy suffers more!" Lalaith: ".........
  13. Boba cant sleep. He wonders what Yoda knows about his future. It scares him to think that he has such a great role to play in the universe. His father had...., no he didnt want to think about his dad. His dad had ben wrong, about everything. He lied to Boba, his last words were : "Stay here Boba, I will be back". Boba looked out the veiwport and watched the stars. Each one so small, but so bright. Suddenly a huge burst of green energy shot past the veiwport. Boba jumped back and hit the comlink on his desk. Boba: "Battle stations we are under attack." He put on his armor and raced to the bridge. He saw that their attackers were not inperials, but bounty hunters, about seven of them. Each flew a "ugly", a ship made from cobbled togeher parts of other fighters. Boba and Lalaith ran to man the laser turrets. Mara arrived on the bridge and pilioted the ship.......
  14. Very nice. A tear jerker. The only thing is it needs to be a little longer. Very well written though. I cannot write very well.....
  15. Boba breaths a sigh of releif as he hears that Lalaith will allowed to stay with them. Yoda turns and before he leaves he looks at Boba and says: "In the future a great role you have. Mindful be you, always mindful." Then Yoda leaves the ship... Boba and the others finish eating and then go to their own quarter. Boba takes a clod shower and then gets in bed. He reads the days news, about his "cowardly escape, and the bounty now on his head. He laughs, then turns off the lights. He cant go to sleep, he is pondering the meaning of what Yoda told him.......
  16. Boba listened as he ate the tasty nerf steak that had been served. He thought that he had definately done the right thing by joining the "rebellion". He had a purpose, he had friends, and he could make a difference. The Epmire was evil. They had destroyed an entire planet of innocent beings. If that didnt constitute evil, he didnt know what did. Boba: "So this Anikan, he was on Geonosis right?" Lalaith: "That was him." Boba: "But wasnt he supposed to be the "chosen one" or something, wasnt he supposed to bring balance to the force?" Obi-Wan: "Yes, he was. But Palpitine has been spinning a web of lies and decit that have lead Anikan to the dark side. I fear that all may be lost if he cannot be turned back, or otherwise defeated." Boba: "Interesting, but what if Anikan will bring "balance" to the force by destroying the Jedi, leaving the Sith to be the only force users left?" Everyone falls silent for several mintues to ponder this. The jedi masters look especially troubled. Then Yoda, who is seated across the table, speaks. Yoda: "Clouded the future is. What lies ahead, we do not know. Trust in the force must we if we are to survive. Split up we must. To a different planet must each member of the Jedi council go. To Degaoba I will go." The other Jedi masters announce where they will go, then they leave in their ships. The remaining group looks at each other in alarm, what will they do now..............
  17. Sacred Warrior! Long time no see. Anyway, Lucas officially announced that there wont be epsoides 7-9. Somebody posted that a while ago... However, mabye a small group of fans could get together, and film the Thrawn triliogy, that would make a good ending to the series........
  18. Boba watches the clone trooper throw Lalaith into the cell. He reaches down and hits a button that locks the only way out of the brig. Then he leans over and picks up the other clone troopers blast rifle. Clone: "What are you doing?" Boba: "Killing you, and rescuing my Jedi pal." Boba shoots the clone in the head and runs over to Lalaiths cell. Lalaith stands up and moves to the corner of the small cell. Lalaith: "Get away from me!" Boba: *as he takes off his clone trooper armor to reveal his mandalorian armor* "Lalaith its me, Boba. I will get you out of here, hold on." Boba helps Lalaith to his feet and they walks out of the cell. Then they wait untill the next two clones arrive to change the guard. When they come in Boba knocks them both uncontious and both Boba and Lalaith put the armor from the uncontious troopers. Then they walk out of the detention block, to the turbolift. There they punch the button for the hangar bay. They wait for several minutes as the turbolift lowers to the correct level. They then walk over to the edge of the hangar, where there is a unattended computer terminal. Boba manually activates a radiation leak alert. Alarms go off all over the place. Clone piliots scramble madly for the exit. Nobody notices two clone troopers(Boba and Lalaith) get in a shuttle and fly out of the ship. Boba flys the shuttle away from the fleet, then goes into hyperspace. Lalaith is exausted, Boba gets out a medi-kit and works to heal his large bruises and cuts. The next day the arrive in a sector of space that is in the middle of nowhere. There, waiting for them, is Boba's ship the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. They leave everything they used for their escape on the shuttle, then once they are both safely aboard Bobas ship they blow the shuttle to peices. Then Boba sets a new hyperspace course and they again jump to hyperspace. ----------Three days later---------- The [I]Idiots Array[/I] comes out of hyperspace right next to Mara's ship and Boba docks his ship above the engineering area once more. There is a tearful reunion, when Mara and Lalaith meet(by this time Lalaith has recovered fully). Then they all sit down to a dinner in the galley........... ----------------- OOC: To anyone wh might want to track us, you can have no idea where we are because Boba eliminated [B]all[/B] the things we took from the Imperial fleet. There have been no other oppertunities to place a tracking on any us or our ships. The only possible way is through the force........
  19. [QUOTE]*sigh*This thing is dead...Again. I hate to say it, but I've givin up on trying to do Rogue Squadron RPGs...So Boba and Warlock, do I have permission to use your characters? Because of you two, this RPG managed to stay alive for more than a day. If you don't want to, or do, just PM me to tell me.[/QUOTE] Use our characters for what? I really like Star Wars. I think that the thing that turns people off about the RPG is the number of people needed to play. Either that or not enough dedicated RPGers sign up. Mabye if you ever try again you could contact a bunch of people and have a media blitz......... P.S. Majora, your Pm mailbox is full ;)
  20. Boba put on the clone trooper armor over his own and got into the escape pod. Then he launched it. It drifted slowly away from his ship, the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. Then suddenly its small manuvering jets kicked in and he was flying towards the retreating Imperial fleet. As soon as he was clear he spoke a verbal command into his helmet mike, which was connected to his ships slave circut. His ship jumped into hyperspace... He waited three hours before the fleet noticed him. A shuttle was sent to pick him up and he was brought, to his delight, to the flagship. He was questioned by a officer clone. He told the clone that he was a survivor of the embassy raid and that he had used this pod to return to the fleet. The officer contemplated his story for a minute, then sent him to go report for duty. Boba went to the duty station, after a few wong turns. There he got assigned the boring task of cleaning weapons. Boba inwardly groaned and left the room. He waited for the clone who was in charge of the assignments to leave for a bathroom break, then he walked back into the room. Boba used the terminal to find out where Lalaith was, apparently he was in the Emperor's throne room, not a good sign. He tried to assign himself to the Emperor'ds gaurd, but he needed an access code. So he found out where the brig was, Lalaith would end up there sooner or later. He assigned himself there, then left the room just as the clone returned. Boba took a turbolift down to the brig and sat down next to another clone at the monitering station. The brig was a circular room, along the outer walls were the prisioner cells. In the center was the guard station where Boba was assigned. Boba waited, hoping Lalaith would get himself down here soon so they could escape. Boba didnt know how much longer he could hold up this charade.
  21. I dont know about any other "love intrests" on the boards, although there must have been more than just Piro Munkie and Queen Asuka. Mabye there are more, who knows. In V2 there were some, but I cannot remember.......
  22. This is getting [I]very[/I] good. I cant wait for the next parts. But first... *runs around, gathers popcorn, a couch, soda and sunglasses, then sits back and watches*
  23. Boba sat next to the veiwport in stunned silence. He knew he had to do something. He would not sit around and wait for Lalaith to return, if he ever did. Boba got up and went into the galley. There he packed himself a months worth of food from the huge supply. Then he went to the armory, and retreived his snipe rifle, and extra power packs. He went to his quarters and put on his armor. Finally he was ready. He wrote a note to the others on a datapad, then left. The message read: [I]Sorry I had to leave secretly, but otherwise you wouldnt let me go. I am taking my personal ship, which I attached to the hull of this one before we left. My ship has a set of clone trooper armor and an Imperial escape pod in it. I will put the Clone trooper armor on over my own, otherwise it wouldnt fit me. Then I will get in the escape pod and get picked up by the Imperial fleet. If all goes well I might be able to help Lalaith. Wish me Luck and dont get caught in my absence. Also, Mace if you are reading this, I forgive you for killing my father. Goodbye, and May the force be with you all.[/I] He walked towards the engine compartment and he looked around, it was empty. Then he used his armors rope launcher to climb up onto the ceiling, specificly onto a matience hatch on the ceiling. From there he hit a button inside his helmet, using his togue. The hatch he was clinging to raised up, into the cockpit of another ship. Boba had attached his personal ship, a Skipray blastboat, to the hull before they had left. Boba warmed up the engines, then closed the hatch, making sure it was securely sealed, he didnt want his friends to die from lack of air. Then he got into the piliots seat and flew of towards the Imperial fleet at top speed. His only thought was how to help Lalaith.......
  24. Correct Son Goten. This is getting boring, we need a debate, an arguement, a difference in oppinions. How about this, lets have a trivia contest. Someone can post trivia, and we can divide people into teams to answer it. People with the most correct answers win. So anyone want to do this? If it sounds to much like an RPg , mabye we could start a Star Wars Trivia RPG. Any opinions on that?
  25. How about you remind the others by PMing them, after all it has been a very long time... I am always impatient...
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