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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. They listen to the voices in shock..... Then Boba looks up, wondering why Lalaith was so shocked before. Boba: "Lalaith, what is wrong and who were you talking to?" Lalaith: "I felt a disturbance in the force, as if billions of voices cried out, and then were silent. I was talking through the force to Anikan and Palpitine." Everyone looks at lalaith in a stunned, shocked silence. Mara is the first to realise what his looking back meant, and falls to the floor crying.......... Boba realises, as do the others. They sit stunned, wondering how it could have happened. Boba: "No way, nobody could destroy an entire planet, nobody. You would need the entire Imperial fleet." Mara: "Years ago we heard rumors that a super weapon was being developed on Geonosis before the first battle of the clone war, but we thought it was simply a rumor, until now...." They sat around the ship is silence, wondering what the galaxy had come to........
  2. Good, very good. 9.99/10 (sorry, nobody ever gets a perfect score from me :naughty: ) Anyway, I cant wait to find out who the reptile was.......
  3. Son Goten is online! How do I know? Lets say there was a disturbance in the force :D So now for a tougher trivia questions: #1 Name one species that terrorises the Ewoks on Endor?(Other than the Empire) #2 Name ten different types of ships the New Republic uses. #3 How many turbolasers does a Super Star Destroyer have?
  4. OOC: Good, then deal with this................. ___________________________________ High above the planet Marion, large Imperial warship came out of hyperspace. It immediatly launched four atmospheric crafts(clone trooper transports), which had been fitted with space gear. They flew onto the planets surface and surround the embassy. They offloaded their clone troopers, then flew up into the air around the embassy to provide cover support. Boba used his commlink to call Lalaith. Boba: "Lalaith, the clones are here, look out!" Lalaith: "What?! How did they find us. Boba, get out of here, we can take care of ourselves." Boba: "No you cant. I will stay thank you very much. Boba turned his comlink off and started use his sniper rifle to rain down high powered laser bolts into the white mass of clone troopers thta surrounded the embassy. A squad of them(20 of the eighty total) figured out where he was shooting from and began to climb the stairs to his room. Boba stopped shooting and placed two thermal deatonators next to his door, they were set to go off when the door was moved. Then Boba turned on his jetpacks and flew out of the window. He flew up towards on of the transports and flew into one of the troop doors. Then he killed all aboard. He got into the drivers seat and began to shoot at the three other transports. They were not expecting one of thier own to shoot at them and all died without a shot fired. Boba then noticed a flash of a lightsabers on the roof of the embassy. It was Lalaith and the other Jedi, with the others huddled behind him shooting with blasters. They were surrounded by clone troopers. Boba landed in front of them and started to shoot at the clone troopers. They climbed aboard and they all flew towards the docking bays. Once their they all squeezed into Mara's ship and flew into space. Lalaith was pilioting. They escaped the imperial warship with ease. It wasnt expecting them to show up and it only had time to knock the ships sheilds down to 57% before they escaped to hyperspace. They all settled down and Boba took off his armor and began to clean it. He looks the same as he did on Geonosis, execpt a little older and wearing a black bodyglove. The others approach him, he looks up to see Mara and she begins to speak.... ----------------- OOC: How is that for a heroic rescue!
  5. Correct, Queen Asuka. Correct, Babygirl. Well, that leaves two more. Jango's homeworld is somewhere in this thread, if anyone wants to look back *shudders* Keep looking......
  6. OOC: Yes but that was a while ago. Besides, that means the entire council would have been in the same place for weeks, not a good thing to do if you are on the run. So sorry if you had plans for them, but they arent controlled by anyone so...... Obi-Wan and Padme, You [I]hinted[/I], keyword [I]hinted[/I] at their location. So I took the liberty of moving them too. After all, Obi-Wan is supposedly controlled by Son Goten, who I PMed asking if I could move his charecter. Nobody controlled Padme so I moved her. Sorry if I messed anything up, but a bounty hunters gotta do what a bounty hunters gotta do, catch my drift? Anyway............... ------------------------------- Boba looked up at Mara, who was walking away and sighed. He wouldnt give up. If she didnt trust him, he would go and find a rebel group that would. Boba could be very stubborn sometimes..... Boba walked back to the embassy to find that he had been politely told to "vacate the premisis", a nice way of saying, go away. So Boba moved into a hotel across the street, watching to see if there was any imperial activity in the area. He was going to protect them, with or without their knowledge. Then Boba sent a hologram to Lalaith, telling him where he was and what he was doing..........
  7. She does tend to try and get by without using the force. Doesnt she think of it as a "crutch" or something? I have a pic of her somewhere. Mabye I will post it......(later) So anyone else up for trivia? *crowds patience runs out, ant they throw bottles at Boba. *boba throws a thremal deatonator into the crowd, killing them all* As I was saying, anyone up for trivia? #1 How many cloaked asteroids did Thrawn place in orbit around Coruscant to force the planet to keep its sheilds up? #2 Who tried to unite the Imperial warlords during a conference, which result was the death(by poisionous gas) of all warlords involved (execpt our friend Pellaeon)? #3 What planet is Jango Fett from? #4 Which SW charecters pic is in my sig(so it is easy, I am running out of good trivia questions)?
  8. Yes, she is the daughter of the Teneniel and Isolder. She gets her arm chopped off cant remember which one) by Jacen during a practice duel. Her lightsaber wasnt built right. Apparently she rushed when building it. Here is the babay question you asked for: What planet is Leia from :D ?
  9. OOC: Well, I am out of school for the summer, what else do you expect me to do with my time? ;) I typed in on my word processor and then cut & pasted it here. I took it personally when that thread was posted about "Bad RPGing and short posts" So every once in a while I come up with something like that *points up* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lauren returns to the [I]Slave I[/I] and flies it away, to another bounty job. Boba returns to the dock to find Lalaith and Mara talking. He waits untill they are finished, then speaks. Boba: "I want to go with you, the Empire is not a rightful goverment. I will go with you and help you, If you will let me." Boba looks up at Mara, then Turns his attention to Lalaith. The Boba fixes his gaze on Mara again. Mara looks at Lalaith and they talk for several minutes before they come to a decision. Mara spoke first.... Mara: ".................
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink][size=1]Sorry about invading your post, but I'm editing out the spoiler ;)[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE] Sorry, at the time I didnt think it was a spoiler. I see your point now that I think about it. Darksaber, that was a good book. Crix Madine had incredibly bad luck in that book.......... The courtship of Princess Leia was interesting, I had always wondered how Han and Leia got married. I read it but dont remember how the writing was, only the story plot. So does anyone want more trivia? *crowd boos loudly* One question? *crowd boos again* O well, I am going to give you one question anyway...... Who was Thrawns second in command?
  11. [color=deeppink][size=1]Sorry about invading your post, but I'm editing out the spoiler ;)[/color][/size] Jedi search? I think Anderson's books are ok, mabye Iwill look into that........
  12. I am not exactly addicted to the net, more to these boards. I feel like I belong to something. People hear are great if you want an intelligent conversation.
  13. OOC: Hello, anybody home? *Opens door and walks inside the RPG, it is covered in dust* Boba Fett finds he is alone and decides to post for what looks like the last time :( ------------------------------------------------------------------ Abob was in the VR simulator. He walked toward the palace and waited until he saw someone who looked like a minor functionary leaving the building. Abob followed him until they were both in an alley, then he pounced. Abob knocked the man to the ground, and snapped his neck. Then Abob stole his clothes and his id card. Using the stolen ID card he entered the palace unchallenged. He took a turbolift to the top floor of the palace, where the throne room was. He stepped out into an elaborately decorated lobby. It was empty, except for a tired looking secretary. Abob raised his sniper rifle and shot her in the head. Abob forced open the door to the throne room and saw a figure sitting in the command chair. This room was an exact replica of the Emperor's throne room on Coruscant. Abob ran up to the chair, which was facing away from him, towards the transparasteel veiwport. Abob swung the chair around. The simulation abruptly ended and a recorded voice told him the simulation was complete\. Abob looked around and saw the simulator walls and the door, which was now open. Abob walked back to his quarters, he was very tired????
  14. I draw, and exercise when I am feeling upset or depressed. It helps me a lot. Either that or I come on the boards and write down my feelings to try and sort them out and get advice, like you just did.
  15. I personally dont like blind dates, but strangely my parents met on one. On of my dads friends, and one of my moms friends met each other and decided to set my parents up, it worked. I dont care much for blind dates, but you never know...........
  16. While I am not a Aussie, I do know what ANZAC day is. I feel that that the Australian goverment felt connected to Britan, and that is why they went to war. I dont think that Australia needed to be involved, but it was anyway. The Australian goverment made the right choice. It supported a just cause. Unfortunately, mistakes were made and Australian and New Zealand's troops were slaughtered. ANZAC day remembers their sacrifice, that [B]DID[/B] make a difference, however small it may seem. As for if I would defend my country, depends. If the war is on my home soil, yes I would fight. If it is in some other country, forget it.
  17. [COLOR=red]I, Jedi!![/COLOR] I heard BabyGirl raving about that book earlier and on her advice, I read it. I was one of the best Star Wars books I have ever read. It is second only(in my opinion) to the Thrawn triliogy. I however do not suggest reading the New Jedi Order books. I started to read them, and they are pretty standard SW writing. But I stopped reading them as soon as the writer killed off Chewie. I couldnt belive it. I think that that kind of thing, even though one of the main charecters had to die eventually, shouldnt be allowed.:flaming: And as far as the Emporer Reborn series,I have quite a suprise for you. It is a comic book series! It is called the "Dark Empire" series and is published by Dark Horse comics, the official writer of SW comics. The series comes in three parts, first there is "Dark Empire"($20), then "Dark Empire II"($20), then a final shorter comic book that concludes the series(I havent read this one). This series introduces the world devastators, the robo-TIEs, the galaxy gun, the Eclipse class Star Destroyers and the Emperor who gets to fight Luke naked:flasher: . Well I wont go ito anymore details, I dont want to spoil the plot for you. I think the comics books are well worth reading....
  18. ---------- These events take place on the day when Lauren and Boba are given their instructions--------- Boba Fett and Lauren run back to the [I]Slave I[/I]. Lauren warms up the engines while Abob uses his hacking skills to hack into a secure system database. He finds that no planetary government has hidden them, or at least knows of their presence on their planet. So Boba tells the computer to display a list of planets that are lawless and ungoverned. The list is 70,000 pages long. They couldn't possibly search all those planets. Boba brings up his file on Obi Wan, then his one on Padme. He cross referenced Obi-Wans with Padmes and came up with Tatooine, Anikan's birth planet. Then Abob remembered, in the public archives it had said something about Anakin's half brother living there. They might be hiding there. But that was too obvious. Maybe the most obvious planet would be the last place Anakin would ever look... Boba told Lauren to fly to the backwater planet of Tatooine at top speed, so she flew the ship into space, plotted a course, and then took them to hyperspace. Boba and Lauren spent the trip looking over ever piece of information on Tatooine they had, trying to find the Lars homestead. They found it after thirteen hours of poring over land maps and other maps of Tatooine made for settlers. Boba thought that a droid must have drawn the maps; they were so boring a human wouldn?t have been able to stay awake while writing them. ----------One day Later---------- Boba landed the Slave I outside the Lars Moisture farm, to find it surrounded by the Jedi council, who were protecting Padme, and her unborn children. They stopped Boba from entering the house, until Boba showed them Mara's note. Then Mace Windu led them into the house, his lightsaber humming threateningly behind them. Boba had to exercise all his willpower to avoid firing all his weapons at Mace Windu in a suicidal revenge attack. Mace had killed Boba's father on Geonosis years earlier. Obi-Wan looked at the Holopad which displayed the note, then discreetly scanned their minds for any sign of deceit. When he found none, he talked for many hours with the rest of the Jedi council, who agreed to go into hiding and let Obi-Wan take Padme to Marion. Boba let Obi-Wan and Padme make themselves at home for a few minutes before he flew the [I]Slave I[/I] into orbit and charted his course for hyperspace. Boba smiled, only one more day until he would receive his reward. He spent the entire trip thinking over this whole "resistance" group, composed of Lalaith, Mara, Siren, the Jedi council, Obi-Wan and Padme. He wondered if he was doing the right thing. He knew the empire was wrong, but why should he stick his neck out for Mara? Or Mace Windu for that matter? Boba's conscience was bothering him, and he didn?t like it at all. Finally he made up his mind; he would give the ship to Lauren, and join them. ------------The next day on Marion(Present time)--------------------- Lauren lands the [I]Slave I[/I] on a civilian docking pad in the spaceport complex. Then he tells Obi-Wan and Padme to come out of the ship. Obi-Wan is dressed as a thug, and wears nerf leather clothing, and a beat up blaster pistol. Padme is dressed like a man, and looks very fat. She is wearing business clothes, and resembles a organised crime boss of some kind. The four of them walk towards the embassy. Along the way the see Mara standing outside what appears to be a ship of Alderinian design. Boba walks up to her and whispers in her ear: Boba: "Mara, here they are. I will take them to the embassy." Mara: "Good, and hurry up, dont let them be in public longer than can be avoided." Boba nodds and they drop Obi-Wan and Padme off at their room in the embassy. Then they return to the spaceport to discuss payment with Mara. Boba also decides to tell her he wants to join them............
  19. Alright I will not post them. But I was wondering, Majoras Mask, did you like Epsoide II? What was your favorite part? I take it your favorite Star Wars Charecter is Wedge, mine, well you know that........
  20. Its called a joke. It originated on earth almost as soon as man could speak, lol. I dont know the Ewoks name. Can I go look for the answers now *whines* I have the books right here, waiting to be opened......:D
  21. Abob: "So, Hobbit magical person, or whatever you prefer to be called. Why are you here? What do you want? How long have you been following us?" Ilisma: "One question at a time! I prefer to be called a Magical Hobbit, I am here to help you on your quest and I have been following you all morning." Ellsa: "Next time announce your presence earlier." They continue towards Mordor...............
  22. Fine fine, I havent looked them up yet, so I wll give them my best shot......... #1 I have no clue, Space Gas? :laugh: :laugh: lol #2 When a bounty hunter blew it up during his escape from Cor Sec. #3 This is a guess, 16?? #4 Baron Soontar Fel (spelling wrong??) #5 ???????? #6 ??????????? #7 Yes, but he remained in control of the X-wing squadron. Bonus: I dont know the name, but didnt Wedge have to fly with a stuffed toy ewok on top of him to fool, his opponets when he was flying along side baron Soontar Fel and the 181st??
  23. Boba watched as Mara, Lalaith and Siren walked out of the ship. He noticed that both Siren and Lalaith took up flanking positions beside mara, and allthree of them were very tense. Mara walked over to them as they stepped out of the shadows. Then Mara put a small holorecording down on a crate and flipped it on. With a burst of light a image appeared and Mara began to explain the situation and their assignment.............. ---------- OOC: Untill someone tells me my assignment I cant post.....
  24. I decided to give the answers today instead here they are: Note: (the ones marked correct have already been answered.) #1 [B]Incorrect[/B], Luke killed a great number of unborn clones, but the remainder of them, and the scource DNA were contaminated by someone else, [B]Carnor Jax[/B] #2 [B]Incorrect[/B] The TIE fighter is not more economical than the Interceptor and wasnt replaced. The fighter that was replaced was the [B]TIE Avenger[/B] #3 [B]Correct[/B] #4 [B]Incorrect[/B] , it was and it was used to combat Nil Spar and his cronies during the Black Fleet crisis. #5 [B]Count Dooku[/B] #6 [B]Toprawa[/B] #7 [B]Correct[/B] #8 [B]Correct[/B] #9 [B]Incorrect[/B] , they captured [B]two[/B] #10 [B]Correct, Son Goten got them all![/B] Edit: I didnt see Majoras Masks Questions untill after I posted this, so I will look the answers up and come back to this later.
  25. I am out of school today! whoopie! yay! :) I will spend my summer playing tennis and spending more quality time with my computer, on these message boards. :D
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