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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. Abob throws off his quiver of arrows, his Bow and his belt. With his knife in hand Abob dives into the murky water to follow Lalaith. Abob swam through the murky water looking for Lalaith, it was deadly quiet. Suddenly Abob saw Lalaith. He was being held by a huge tenticle. Abob surfaced to breathe, then swam down to his drowning friend. Abob sliced furiously at the tenticle untill it loosened its grip. Abob then grabbed Lalaiths limp body and dragged him back to the surface. Abob struggled to catch his breath. The others ran over to them and Lauren began to administer mouth to mouth resusitation to Lalaith............ ------------------- How romantic:blush: Lalaith will awake to see his true love..:smooch: :heart: :heart:
  2. Abob and the others arrived at Waterfall city at 3:00. Each person was assigned quarters and they all went off to conduct their business before their meeting at Ryowa's house later that day. Abob left Dave at a roost three miles outside waterfall city and then went to his quarters. He took a long shower and then put on a new uniform he had ordered, to replace the one that had been ripped in the battle. Abob walked to the center of the magnificent city, where the twelve laws of Dinotopia stood, carved in stone. The last law had been lost for centuries, but long ago someone had ventured to the world beneath and found the last law. It read "Find the light". Abob then went to a restaurant where he ordered a giant pear and bread. The food was good, but his mind was on other things. It was nearly time for him to go and see Ryowa. He arrived at the house at ten till eight and saw three of the others waiting. Ryowa was preparing a roll of parchment. nobody knew what it said, yet. Finally, when they had all arrived, Ryowa spoke???.
  3. Abob sat in the Idiots Array, thinking over the events of the day. How was the republic going to deal with this threat? Would anyone, anywhere be safe? All he could think about was those aliens, somehing had to be done. Abob finally came to a decision. He set a course for the Kessel system and went into hyperspace. Once he had relaxed and showered he went to the weapon locker and withdrew a small datacard. He had taken this from a small time surveyor who had sold his information to the wrong people. Abob had captured him near Kessel. The man had nothing execpt his clothes and this chip. Abob had spent years de-crypting it and found that it heald some of the most amazing information. Near Kessel there was a cluster of black holes known as the maw. The maw was a huge navigational hazard, but this surveyor had somehow discovered a way into the center of the black hole cluster. He had found a area of stability, where the black holes sucking powers cancelled each other out. The chip had the only set coordinates to get into the center of the Maw. Abob figured that if that area wasnt safe, nowhere was............
  4. Abob: "Left it is then." They walk along the tunnel that leads them left for several miles. Then they suddenly hear a strange noise, a rumbling in the depths of the cave. They all pause to try and figure out where it is, but the noise is gone. Then they continue, running. They finally reach the end of the tunnel. It leads to a great cavern, with hundreds of passages branching off from it. In the center of the cave is a huge pool of water. There is a lot of movement in the water, suggesting large underwater predators. They edge around the sides of the cavern, then suddenly something jumps out of the water and attacks Lalaith, who is at the end of the procession.............
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i] [B]The third Star Wars movie is called Star Wars: Bounty Hunter right. But thats not the question. But what interest's me the most is "Do you think Geroge Lucas might remake the old Star Wars movies?" [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, from a certain point of veiw, Lucas [I]did[/I] remake the origional Star Wars movies. He released the special edition copies and they were accepted by fans(mostly). The third Star Wars movie called "Star Wars: Bounty Hunter"?? I dont think so, I dont think they have selected the title for epsoide three yet. ;) And as far as Yoda's last name goes, I dont know if he has one. If you decide to search for it, [B]May the force be with you![/B] Sorry about the last part, I have been wanting to say that for a long time.......
  6. Abob: "What, huh?" Lauren: "Hurry up or we will both be late!" Abob got up and they walked together into the greenhouse. Professor Sprout was busy watering a tentacula, so they slipped into the group of their classmates unoticed. Their lesson was a very interesting one. They were going to help teethe a venomous tentacula. It was very young, barely hatched from its seed, so it didnt have any venom pouches yet. They had to place small rubber balls on each of its thousands of teeth so it would learn not to bite people, only its rubber toys. The plant was asleep, Professor Sprout has put a charm on the water she had given it. If it had been awake it would have been nearly impossible to reach all its blunt teeth. An hour later they shuffled back to their dormitories for quick showers, then Abob went to his next class, Transfiguration.......
  7. Abob: "Who said I wanted to do the spell this year, or even at Hogwarts?" Abob finished breakfast and looked at his schedule. His first class was herbology, the RavenClaws were having a double period of it with the Griffindors. Abob walked out to the green houses and, since there was still plenty of time before the class started, he opened his bag and took out his tranfiguration book and began to read it as fast as he could. Abob needed to read this book and many others before he could decide if he was going to be able to do his animagus transformation this year, or later.................
  8. Clones was my second favorite Star Wars film. I think that Return of the Jedi was better, because of the more interesting plot. By the way, did anyone else get the free comic book with their movie ticket? I did and it was so cheesy, but what can you expect from a giveaway........
  9. Abob continues to knockout Raptors one by one. Finally, thrity nine minutes after the feirce battle started, it was over. The uncontious raptors were being loaded into cages so they could be relocated. Abob and the others flew and walked back to Waterfall city......
  10. Anikan was neat in the movie, he acted exactly as I amagined him to be. Jar-Jar did annoy me, but hopefully he will die in epsoide three. Jango's death [I]funny[/I]? please elaborate.........
  11. Abob sat awake in his dormitory. All the other Boys in his room had gone to sleep three hours ago. Abob was reading a book he had checked out of the library. It was called "Transfiguration, Level 7" Abob loved advanced spells, he was reading up on transfiguration especailly because he wanted fufill his dream, to become a Animagus. That spell was extremely complex, Abob had to work it perfectly, or he would be in the hospital wing for a very long time.......
  12. Name: Abob Ttef Age: 39 Species: Human Location/Homeworld: Concord Dawn Weapons: Black and orange Mandalorian body armor. Abob's armor contains many hidden weapons, they are as follows: Knee Rockets- small rockets that are mounted on the area of armor that covers his kneecap. Jetpack with rocket- A jetpack that has a high explosive rocket attached. The rocket can be launched by a verbal command spoken inside Abob's helmet. Wrist darts- On each of his wrists there is a orange dart launcher. The darts on his right hand are deadly, the ones on his left contain knockout drugs. Mer-Son weapons Imperial special forces laser sniper rifle- This rifle is highly accurate and can shoot from extremely long distances. A zoom scope and a night vision scope are mounted on the top of the rifle. Alliance: Neutral Vehicle/Ship: The Idiots Array, a heavily modified Y-1300 freighter. Force capabilities: None Background/Bio: Abob was born on Concord Dawn in the midst of a civil war between two groups of Mandalorian warriors. He ended up joining a group lead by Jaster Mereel and quickly rose to second in command. Unfortunately his group was ambushed by their opponets and he was the sole survivor. Abob left Concord Dawn and has since worked as a bounty hunter. He usually takes Imperial bounties. Abob never hunts Jedi, he considers them too dangerous to mess with. Abob is a very businesslike person and is direct and to the point. He says want he means in as few words as he can and hates small talk. He is extremely hard working and is always trying to make machines run more efficently. Other: Abob has two adopted children that man the guns on his ship. His childrens names are Dave and Jess, Dave is 14 and Jess is 17.
  13. Abob launched several arrows down the long corridor and they all hit their marks. The group was shooting arrows very, very rapidly into the advanceing group of enemies. But their opponets kept coming. Finally, when a troll was less than 70 meters in front of them, Abob got an idea. He reached deep into his pouch, which was very light because of all the potions he had used, and withdrew a black vial, Abob applied some of the liquid to his arrow. The arrow started to melt. Abob fired the arrow at the roof of the tunnel,which began to collapse. The tunnel roof collapsed thirty feet in front of them, protecting them from the evil creatures that were attacking them......
  14. Yoda was different looking in Clones, but I think that it was excellent that he actually did some fighting rather than sit around and speak crypticly............. But those stupid critics, they blasted Epsoide 2 like their was no tommorow. They really ticked me off. I dont want to hear what they have to say, I loved the movie, that is all there is to it.
  15. Abob: "Nope, no [I]spells[/I], but I have a potion for that. But it will make him resume his unconsious state after 24 hours, is that what you want?" Lauren: "Ok, fine, whatever. I just dont want to carry him anymore." Abob administers the potion and they continue to run, untill the path stops. Their is a seemingly endless pit in front of them, and hordes of evil creatures behind them. Lalaith: "This is not good, not good at all..........."
  16. Well, I would plant a cherry tree, I love cherries. But it is too cold for cherries here :(
  17. Abob urged Dave to fly higher to follow Major. They see about thirty Raptors attacking the others below. Then Abob and Major make their dinos dive in to attack the vicious and deadly raptors. Dave hit his feet hard against one raptor, knocking in uncontious. Then another Raptor tried to bite Abob, the raptor missed by three centmeters, but clipped Daves wing. Then Abob and Dave flew higher, to repeat their attack run.........
  18. Star Wars is cool, but not at Hogwarts! :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abob and the other two students "crashed" into, and through the barrier and onto the station. They saw the train, colored a scarlet red, waiing for them. Other students were exchanging goodbyes with their parents and then boarding the train. When they got on the train they went to the last compartment, which was empty(of course :)). Then they sat down and began to talk nervously about their new school year................
  19. Abob opened his pouch and withdrew twenty vials of a clear liquid and handed them out to the others as they tried to escape. Once they all had vials Abob shouted above the battle... Abob: "Throw these vials at the enemies, but dont use them at close range. Now throw them, 1,2,3 NOW!" They throw the vials at the enemies ant wherever the liquid hits a enemy the enemy falls dead. Then the group continues to run deeper into the cave......
  20. Abobs attention had shifted from the High council chamber to the other towers. Abob watched the young children using their practice lightsabers to fend off remotes. They were just learning, but were doing well. There was one child in the corner who was struggling, she had only deflected one stinging bolt and it had hit a blond haired boy on the other side of the room. Then another child walked over to her, no not a child, that was Yoda. Yoda was the greatest Jedi master yet, in most peoples opinions. Abob watched as he instructed the girl, then he left the chamber and a younger jedi led the exercise. The Abob looked into another tower. There were padawan learners, fighting with much more control and skill than the toddlers. They would strike, then defend in seemingly endless pattern. Abob looked back to the High Council chamber. The cleaning droids were gone and people were starting to arrive for a meeting. When all the masters arrived a Jedi Knight and his apprentice stood in the middle of the room and began to speak. As the meeting finished Abob sat in wonderment. He had not heard what the Jedi said, but he had programed his helmet to read their lips and figure out what they were saying. The news of the Jedi's defeat startled him, Jedi [I]never[/I] lost a fight, they were too good for that. These new aliens were powerful indeed. Then Abob left the building and returned to the Idiots Array, to ponder this sudden turn of events........
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Maul [/i] [B]Why do both Fetts die a funny death? Boba died slow and Jango died fast. Hmm...*ponders in thought* [/B][/QUOTE] Dies a slow death? NOOOOOO! Now I am obligated to write a paragraph on how Boba Fett SURVIVED the sarlacc... Boba Fett fell into the Sarlacc on Tatooine when Han Solo swung a force pike at his jetpack. Boba spent three days in the sarlacc before he blew it up(the sarlacc). Boba's armor was melted away by the sarlaccs stomach acids, his body was also burned raw by the acid. Boba was nursed back to health by a slave girl who had undergone a memroy wipe and Dengar, another bounty hunter. Boba got back into the hunting business but needed surgery to correct his metobolism(which had been messed up by the the sarlacc's stomach acid). Boba got the operation and now he continues to take bounties........ The movie was great. I liked the lightsaber fight at the end, especially Yoda kicking butt :D I decided to see the move again this Sunday, I am obsessed.....
  22. No problem, after all, I have to tell somebody parts of my Star Wars knowledge, otherwise I will go insane.....
  23. Mini me? that would be funny. So who wants Jar Jar to fall of the Naboo chair in the senate and fall to his death, becoming a grease stain on the senate floor :devil:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B]I thought he [I]was[/I] going to get more screen time. My brother told me he was going to have his own little costume. [/B][/QUOTE] Do you mean Boba getting his own little set of armor ? Speaking of Mandalorian Combat Armor............. The armor that is worn by Jango Fett was used by the Mandalorian warriors(which Jango joined at one point). The armor was made by the warrior using a technique perfected over thousands of years. Each warrior used the same basic design for their armor, but each warrior added small things that they thought would be useful to them. Since Boba was not old enough to fight I doubt he would get a set of armor untill he was much older. Mandalorian armor is considered extremely rare, and extremely valueable. It is a very complex peice of equipment and takes great skill to use. Sorry if I bored you, but it isnt every day I get to talk about things related to Boba Fett :D
  25. Abob watched as the Jedi and his apprentice opened the door to the temple. Abob had read about how Jedi masters had worked on the design for the door for centuries and it was one of the most secure entrances in the galaxy. Abob relaxed when the Jedi entered the temple. He didnt want to get into a fight, yet. Abob then turned his attention to the Jedi High council chamber. He could see the chairs arranged in a circular pattern, but there were only cleaning droids in the room. Abob turned off his microbinoculars for a minute and inspected his armor. He found everything in place and ready for action. Then Abob unslung his sniper rifle from his shoulder. He didnt want to shoot any of the jedi, that would cause to much commotion and mess up his plan. He never killed Jedi, a Jedi's wrath was the worst thing in the galaxy. His brother, who was also a bounty hunter, killed a jedi apprentice. His brother was killed three months later by the apprentices master, who had chopped him(Abobs brother) in half vertically. Then Abob returned his eyes to the High council chamber, which was still being cleaned by the droids......
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