Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
My favorite scene was the part when Jango Fett and Obi wan are battling on Kamino. The only thing that bothered me was why they didnt give Boba Fett more screen time, why bother adding him to the movie if he plays such a minor part?
Meesa Jar-Jar Bins, meesa form Uta Gunga!(just kidding) :D I live on the New Hampshire/Maine border. On a naval shipyard.(Pourtsmouth naval shipyard) I got to a Cathloic school and I am in 8th grade. I am 13 years old.
Risk, It is so much fu to gang up on my Dad.(while manipulating my opponets into weak positions :devil:) Monoply is a ok game, but I rarely win, so it isnt any fun anymore.
Movie, rocked! It was awsome! Now for sleep..........
Name:Abob Ttef Age:11 Year:1 House:RavenClaw Quidditch position: Fan :D Appearance: Abob has black hair, and green eyes. He has a long scar that runs from his left wrist to his elbow. He recived his thin scar during a attack on his family by a rouge dragon. Bio: He proved to be extremely talented with magic when he was very little. He is a "pureblood". Abob is extremely studious, he rarely does anything untill his work is done perfectly. Specality: Anything long and boring(ancient runes, arithmancy, etc.)
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Boba Fett replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Abob notches his bow and draws his long dagger. The group continues to run untill they see the fight. Abob and Lalaith fire their arrows, which kill their targets swiftly. Then they both join the fray........ -
Abob breaks into an abandoned apartment with a reasonable veiw of the Jedi temple. Abob set his macrobinoculars for their longest range of magnification and aimed them at the main entrance to the Jedi temple. Then Abob sat back and waited, those jedi were bound to return to their temple soon, perhaps with the casket......................................... ---------------------- My charecter dosen't know that the casket has been dropped of with the gaurd :devil:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I know this girl who works at the movie theatre and she told me that two guys came up to her to buy tickets and one of them told her he was a medic and the other one was about to take over the world. They told her that when he took over the world he would remember her and the other one said that if she ever got shot he would heal her. She says alot of strange people are starting to camp out, too. I'm reading the book for the movie right now so I'm not going to go see it until the crowd dies down. My dance instructor said she would go see it with me. I'll be out of school, so I can go see it anytime I want. So far, the book is pretty good. It started off a little slow, but things finally heated up. And by the way, I like Boba Fett, too. He's one of my favorite characters. And I can't decide which one is my favorite movie because for years it was Return of the Jedi, but lately I've been leaning towards The Empire Strikes Back. I dunno, maybe I'm weird...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Add another Boba Fett supporter to the list! *Writes Queen Asuka's name on a small list* My favorite movie is Return of the Jedi, but according to a CNN poll The Empire Strikes Back was the favorite movie of Star Wars fans. Apparently it was the "darker theme" that attracted veiwers. The regular "good guy wins and the bad guy is either banished or killed" senario from the other three movies dosent seem to be as appealing. And [B]never[/B] let [I]anyone[/I] tell you that you are weird, not even yourself, for any reason! :D
Abob: I can control water. I an make it do anything, freeze, boil or make it reach any tempature in between. I can make water assume any shape or size. I can also turn into a puddle of water. I dont want you to tell me your weakness, and I dont want to tell you mine. For security....."
Abob took hovercab to a bar that was deep in the depths of the planet. He walked inside the bar, which was packed with all kinds of beings selling glitterstem spice, and went into a private booth. There Abob activated a special privacy feild generator, which would prevent [I]anyone[/I] from listening to his conversation. Abob turned on the booths holonet linkup and began to negotiate with an illegal ship refit operation on Duro. When they were finished Abob had arranged for his ship to undergo a complete refit, adding well over twenty modifications. He would be given three droid mechanics to do the work. This operation was top notch, so the price was enormus. It was exactly 250,000 credits. When his business was finished Abob turned off the privacy feild and began to make his way to his final stop, a building with a clear veiw of the Jedi temple........
Well, I would have got to go to the midnight showing, but it was bookied. So I am seeing a later showing at 3am.
DarkYoda, please DELETE this post and check your PMs. (find your Pms by going to you profile, which you can find at the top of any screen. Then you should see your PMs. Please read them) These topics are not allowed here. Try in the Otaku lounge. :)
The Senator was sitting at his desk looking out of his window into the Durasteel canyons of Courscant. Abob stood in front of the Senators desk, waiting for him to turn around. When he finally did he shook in alarm and backed away from Abob. Senator Thix: "You again, what do you want this time, you dirty blackmailer?"??" Abob: "You know that I could ruin you Thix, so shut up and listen. I need something of yours very badly. If you were to give it to me, I would be willing to give you the document that I have been blackmailing you with." Senator Thix: "Anything, anything??." Abob: "Good, give me 250,000 credits and clear my criminal record." Senator Thix: "You have got to be joking!" Abob: "Do I look like it? Give me the money." Senator Thix: "Fine," The senator reaches into his desk and pulls out a blaster pistol. Abob kicks it out of his hand and grabs the pistol out of the air, then points the weapon at the startled Senator. Abob: "I will ask you this one last time, give me the money" Thix hands Abob the money and Abob give him a holoprojector. Then Abob goes back to the [I]Idiots Array[/I].
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jrcjrc [/i] [B]What do you guys find so good about star wars. Its alright but you make it sound that if star wars stopped the world will end. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, if Star Wars stopped, the world [I]would[/I] end!! :laugh: :laugh: What makes me like Star Wars, that is a good question. I honestly dont know. I like the Si-Fi aspect of the series, as well as the mistique of my favorite charecter, Boba Fett. If I had to say that one thing made me like Star Wars it would have to be watching Return of the Jedi(Special Edition). It obsessed me then and it still does now.(kinda scary...) I dont know why I spend all my spare money and time buying Star Wars things or talking about Star Wars, it is just a fact of life for me. All I know is, Star Wars is cool!!!!
Sorry for my confusion on this issue, I was confused beacuse in the first post next to your dinosaur it says any. However later Hybrid says that you can have any herbavore. This caused my confusion. I am sorry if I have exasperated or upset anyone.
Abob walked to the senate hall entrance and bribed one of the gaurds to let him in. Abob had no weapons, he would never be allowed in while he was carring them. Abob took a turbolift to the third floor, where he walked to a small office belonging to the senator from Correllia. As Abob walked into the office the attendant stood and asked him to state his name and business. Abob told her that his name as well as his business we private information. Then Abob opened the door to the senators office and walked inside......
So anyone up for trivia? (if you are still able to think, with epsoide two coming out TODAY) What is a Nashta? On what planet are Drochs found? Who contaminated Emporer Palpitines clones? How many years after the battle of yavin untill the Darksaber crisis?
Yes! My guess for R2's lover on Sesame Street was correct! That was total luck. :laugh: :laugh: I cant wait to see the movie...... My armor is set out for tonight and I think that I will keep my ticket stubs for a long time.....(untill epsoide 3!)
Yes, a clone [I]could[/I] hve been inserted at any time, but I find that idea not very belivable. Qui-Gon was a veryn excentric jedi, but not one who would join the dark side. Besides on George Lucas's offical Star Wars web site it says that Qui-Gon was killed by Darth Maul. That alone is good enough for me. But, you can belive whatever you want Defcon 5.
So does that mean I get to keep my dino?
Abob watched Siren carefully. He wasnt sure he trusted her. He didnt trust anyone outside the X-Men, but he felt more than normally apprensive about her. Abob: "Siren, if you dont mind me asking, what is your power?" Siren looks down at her silver hand and then looks up at Abob. Siren: "Well, my power is.........
Abob reaches Courscant several hours later and lands on a private landing pad. He puts on his jet black armor and tells Dave and Jess to stay in the ship and open the ramp for nobody, not even him untill 0845 the next day. Then Abob heads for the Galatic senate, he has much to discuss with a certain senator...........
I totally agree with DuoGod of Death on this issue. However, as far a the "revenge attacks" go since when did America attack anyone without a real reason? When has America attacked anyone for nothing? Can you give me any answers Cloricus?
A clone of him??? Obi-Wan was with him from the moment he died to his burning at the funeral. There was no time for a switch(him for his clone) at any time in epsoide one, because the entire time Obi-Wan was with him. It strikes me as highly unlikely that Obi-Wan couldnt tell his master from a clone. I find it highly unlikely that Qui-Gon could have survived or for that matter become a Sith.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Boba Fett replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Abob and the others position themselves in small nooks and crannies along the passageway. They draw their weapons and wait. A troll appears, leading a small contingent of Orcs, and at the end of the group is a stupid looking Goblin. The group holds their breaths as the enemy contingent approaches, then passes them. The enemies continue off towards the entrance of the cave. The group silently gets out of their hiding places and beings to discuss what has happened when they hear a series of yells, belonging to their friends! They realise that the group that passed them just ambushed their friends and they run towards the sound of the battle........