Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
Well, I can say that I am dissapointed in the way the movies are portraying his past(Boba's), but I will always like Boba Fett and consider him the best charecter in Star Wars. I also think that Vader's portrail in these new movies had completely eroded all liking I had ever had for him. SPOILER ALERT Son Goten, wouldnt it have been nice if Jar-Jar had died in the assination attempt on Amidala......
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [color=green]It is funny you should mention Jango/Boba Fett's appearance as mysterious and evil, I was just talking to my friend about it. I think that showing what Boba Fett looks like without the mask, and especially as a child, ruins the sinister mystique he had in the original trilogy. What do you think about showing the Fetts without the masks?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree as well. I think that having Boba appear in Epsoide two ruins his mistique, and his cold and businesslike nature. It "humanizes" him. You are not supposed to be able to identify with Boba Fett , he is supposed to be mysterious and deadly, not some wide eyed kid.(even though they were all that way once, Yoda included) The Epsiode 2 game for Pc? Never played it, but heard it was very hard!
Well, I agree that intimidation does tend to play a role in a battle, but Vaders Breathing can sound scary. As for the Battle, it would be the [B]Best[/B] battle between two force users that the galaxy has ever seen.
Abob drove to the Spaceport, where he dropped the package off on the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. Then he drove back to his home. That night Abob went to a reasonablly nice place for dinner, a family restaruant called the Travelers Inn. After dinner they returned home to find a bunch of thugs poking around their house. They were probally here to kill Abob for losing the casket.The employer who had hired him never had been one to forgive mistakes. Abob had expected them to show up sooner or later, but he had never expected them to be able to track him to Naboo. Abob pulled out a small remote from his pocket and pressed a few buttons. The Idiots Array came roaring over to their location and stopped to hover overhead. Then it used a repeater blaster that had popped out of its belly to kill the thugs. After all the thugs were dead the trusty ship landed outside their new house. Minutes later Abob was flying away from Naboo, off to Courscant.
Well, I respect your opinion SS Trunks, but lightsaber fighting isnt everything. While Darth Mauls appearence may be intimidating, even more than Darth Vaders I still think Darth Vader would win in a lightsaber battle. I think that Darth maul is definately a superior lightsaber fighter, but his skill pales in comarison with the force. Vader is a master of the force, while Maul is still learning. Remember in The Empire Strikes Back, when Vader is losing in his fight with Luke? Vader uses the force to throw things at Luke and in doing so changes the outcome of the battle. Vader is stronger in the Force, has more experience in lightsaber duels(after killing almost all of the Jedi). This is my opinion on the outcome of A battle between Darth Maul and Darth Vader. I highly doubt that anyone else will be able to change my opinion on this matter.
The Dinotopia movies are have been on since Sunday, but you already knew that, didnt you? Name:Abob Ttef Age: 21 Weight: 121 pounds Height: 5' 6'' Dinosaur: Quetzalcoatlas(it eats fish, is that ok?) Dinosaur name: Dave Backround before dinotopia: His parents were on a cruise ship(he was an infant) went it sunk. He was in a lifeboat when it hit the razor reef and sunk. Dave almost ate him, thinking he was a fish and brought him to waterfall city.
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Boba Fett replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Abob walks along with the others, then suddenly something jumps out of the darkness at him. Abob kicks it and a dead rat falls to the floor. Abob: "Damn rats!" Others: "Quiet!" -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]SPOLIER SPOLIER SPOLIER Theroy thingy! it will prababply be proved wrong but o well-Is Quigon-gin really dead? Obiwon Kenobi is told that Count Dooku was friends with Quigon-gin in Episode 2 right? (I heared that soem where) So if this is true could Quigon have faked his death and become a Sith? Everyone is wondering why he didn't dissapear when he died. So mabye? Feel free to prove me wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] Nope, Qui-Gon's body was burned on a funeral pyre, remember? But, have any of you guys seen the ads for epsoide two? They are so cool! But, I got tired of waiting for them to show up on TV so I found a web site with all the ads on it. (pm me if you want to go to this site and watch the cool ads!) P.S. Which epsoide one video game are you talking about, was it Jedi Power Battles(for dreamcast)????
I think all that stuff is hoaxs and nonsense. If these things really existed , some soild evidence would have turned up by now. I mean, why hasnt anybody ever found a dead loch ness monster? People have searched for years and what have they found? Nothing! These things in my opinoin are stupid hoaxes.
Well, the United States Visa program has been very screwy since 9/11. I used to live in Australia(Perth) and have since moved back to the US. The United states goverment isnt perfect, neither is any other goverment. Sounds to me like you got tangled up un beurocratic garbage. I dont know if this would help but if you could go to one of the US embassys and ask to talk to someone about your visa application, it might help. I personally liked Australia when I lived there and much perfer it to the US. But I never got to NZ though. Mabye someday.....
Abob arrived at Aboos space parts. As he hopped out of his speeder he saw a small hangar with well over a dozen mechanics working on various ships. As Abob walked into the hangar however he was stopped by a large man wearing a blue coverall. Man: "Hold it, you cant come in. Unless if you have business to conduct." Abob: "I ordered a stealth device three weeks ago. Where is it?" Man: "Hold on, I will ask the manager." The man runs off to a small office and seconds later a muscular rodian walks out. Rodian: "You da one who order stealth device?" Abob: "Yes I did and I paid you over the holonet in advance. Where is it?" Rodian: "Hold on I get it." The rodian walks over to a pile of crates and pulls out a medium sized durasteel box. Then he hands it to Abob. As Abob loaded the box onto the rented speeder he thought of dinner, their reservations were in twenty minutes, he had better hurry. Abob starts to drive away from Aboos space parts............
Abob slid out of the gravity feild and reformed into his human shape. He saw Yuugi recovering froom the anger that had gripped him earlier. Yuugi was his mentor, his leader. Without him he wouldnt have friends, or a life. Abob followed Yuugi as they walked back to the rest of the group...
Well, Ewoks are pretty annoying. But if there was any other planet the death star could have destroyed, it should have been Naboo. DEATH TO THE GUNGANS! DEATH TO JAR-JAR!!! sorry about that *looks up* I had to tell someone.... :)
Well , the show has been going to the Dogs since Mulder left. But, at least there are reruns!
SS Trunks, you got the spelling wrong for Darth Mauls species, he is a Zabrak. Spelling those species names can get confusing. :) --------------- Abob, Dave and Jess watched as, in the distance, a silver spaceship took off. It was extremely beautiful. Abob tried to remember what kind of ship it was. Then it hit him that ship belonged to the Queen of Naboo. It was so graceful, it reminded him of artwork, of a sculpture. He watched the sleek vessel until it vanished into the blackness of space. Then the continued to drive towards the Townhouse that Abob had bought with his most recent reward for capturing the ambassador. When they arrived Abob unpacked, then told Dave and Jess to get ready for dinner. He was going to do some errands and he would pick them up afterwards. Abob got back in the speeder and went to get the stealth device he had ordered for the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. The place where he was to pick the device up was called *Abob looks at a crumpled business card*, Aboos space parts...
Abob waited in orbit around Naboo, he didnt feel right. Sure the credit chip he had gotten was legit, but Naboo was to far away from the action. Abob shrugged and landed on Naboo. Before they left the ship Abob took off his armor and put on casual clothes. He felt naked without a weapon, but who would recognise him. As Abob, Dave and Jess walked down the ramp onto the Naboo spaceport they were amazed. The architecture here blended with nature. The whole planet looked like a painting, it was so beautiful. Abob rented a speeder and they set of for the city.........
Jawa? I never knew you had yellow eyes... :laugh: And those jedi robes, they must be fun to wear to the movies, but I have a suit of mandolarian armor. I got it three years ago in a costume store. It was expensive, but so far I have worn it to the opening day for epsoide one, and on Halloween. I will wear it again for epsoide 2.
It was ok, I saw it on Plane to Maine so the sound was very bad. But the movie was great, especially the revelation that the SWAT guys were the real robbers and that the whole thing was taped. :laugh:
Well, I would wish for eternal youth, or mabye that I could live in the StarWars universe.... :)
Abob and his foe were fighting right next to the area where Yuugi had multiplied the gravity by ten. The strange being who had attacked him looked exactly like a human, but had coal black eyes and his skin was slightly see-through. Suddenly the creature tackled him and they both fell into the gravity enhanced area. Abob, almost by instinct, reverted to his liquid state, which helped dissapate the effects of the crushing gravity, but his foe had no such skill, he was rooted to the spot and his eyes were looking around in horror as his spine bent, and then began to snap....
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
Boba Fett replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
The group headed south and Abob put the antidote back in his pocket after everyone had taken some. After hour of walking Abob: Is that it? *points to a large and especially dark cave in the distance.." -
Abob climbed out of the air taxi and walked into the familiar warehouse. Abob punched the code into the keypad and walked into the hallway, the ambassador over his shoulder. When Abob reached the blast doors he found they were already open and his mysterious employer was waiting. Abob: "My pay?" Employer: "Here it is, Abob you have to be more trusting." *tosses Abob a credit chip* Abob looks at the credit chip for a moment then dumps the Ambassador onto the ground and leaves. When Abob gets back to his ship he setscourse for his long awaited vacation, on Naboo.........
Well, I cant argue with your choice for best character. As if anyone could be cooler than Fett. As for my favorite charecters knee darts, they come in two varities, deadly and knockout. But if Vader and Maul got in a fight Vader would win without a shadow of a doubt. Vader only talked to Luke while battling him because he wanted to turn him to the dark side. Vader was only conflicted in battle because Luke was his son, if it were Maul, he(maul) would be toast.
We wear uniform in our school, but people can wear whatever tie they want. Then they group themselves by tie colors. Seems like some people just have to have their own little groups. But I have my friends, so whatever they do is fine with me.....
Abob hears the explosion and Yuugi's call for backup. Abob gets back into him human form and runs over to him. Abob sees Gravitonne battling one of the Heralds mionions. Abob is about to rush in and help him when he sees another minion sneaking up on Gravitonne. Abob rushes to intercept this newcomer before he can interfere with his partners battle.