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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. The[I]Idiots Array[/I] came out of hyperspace above Courscant. Abob flew the ship down to a private landing pad that was located in the depths of the city planet. The Idiots Array landed perfectly on the grimy pad and the ramp lowered from the powerful ships belly. Abob signaled for a air taxi and few minutes later it arrived. Abob got inside the taxi and shot the rodian driver in the head. Then Abob dumped the unlucky driver off the pad, into one of the deep durasteel canyons of Courscant. Abob returned to his ship and retreived the Ambassador. To prevent his prisoiner from escaping, Abob gave him a heavy seditave. Then Abob laid the ambassador on the dirty backseat of the taxi. Abob got into the drivers seat and flew towards the abandoned warehouse where he would collect his money.......
  2. Well, they said in the intro in the beginning of ESB they added new scenes. I think they cut out a signaficant portion of the asteroid feild chase. When will rick post the answers?
  3. Well, mabye we meet up at where the trolls are......(I dont know) ------------------------------------------- Abob: "Lalaith, this poision is a mixture of over a hundred different fast acting poisions. I made it while I was living in the wilderness, after my family died. It is the most deadly of my poisions. So deadly that if you want to be cured, you have to take the antidote [I]before[/I] you get poisioned. If you get poisioned first, the antidote wont have time to counteract the poision before you die. I named it Orc killer :naughty:" Lalaith: "........... --------------------------------- Well, your turn to post DuoGod of Death..... :laugh:
  4. Above the Planet of Aldoran..... Abob took advantage of the feirce battle around the ambassadors ship to land inside its docking bay. Then Abob put down the ramp and walked out into the dimlomatic vessel. Two gaurds approached him, telling him to surrender, Abob shot one in the head, the other in the heart. Then Abob took the lift to the Ambassadors room. When the lift doors opened the ammbassador had his back to Abob. Ambassador: "A little early James, leave the tea on the table." Abob: "I am not James." The ambassador turned around and, seeing Abob, tried to escape. Abob tackled him and knocked him uncontious. Abob slung the heavy ambassador over his shoulder and took the turbolift back to the docking bay. There were about ten gaurds, they were standing around the bodies of their two dead comrades. Abob threw a thermal deatonator into the middle of the group, which looked at it, to scared to move. Abob ran back to the [I]Idiots Array[/I]. Seconds after Abob had raised the boarding ramp the deatonator exploded, killing the gaurds. Abob placed the still uncontious ambassador in a a holding cell and engaged the force feild. Abob took off and flew out of the battle area, getting hit by a stray laser bolt along the way. Abob looked at the sheilds. They had fluxuated, but were fine now. Then Abob set a course for Courscant and the Idiots Array jumped into hyperspace.....
  5. Well, I kinda needed to end my post, and I thought you might have some ideas on the situation :naughty: Sorry if I incovenienced you. anyway... ------------- Abob continued to dip his arrows into the poision. He didnt usually use this poision, because it took a long time to make, and because it was overkill in most situations. But in the morning it would be better if he didnt have to worry about wounded Orcs trying to backstab him. When Abob was finished his put the arrows into nis quiver and sharpened his long knife. He enjoyed killing Orcs, mabye next time he would use a poision that was a little more painfull......
  6. Abob approached the group and stood behind Craig, who was standing [I]silently[/I] next to Ryowa. Abob got tired of standing around, so he looked around to see if anyone was watching, then he transformed into a puddle of water on the ground. Abob felt free and happy when he was in his water state.....
  7. Abob cleaned his sword off on his shirt. He had slain three Orcs that had tried to attack him and was growing tired of this stupid enemy,who never knew when they were beat. Abob listened to the others discuss the possibility of dark magic at work. Abob personally doubted that a dark wizard would waste his time on a bunch of Trools, but you never know... Abob started to dip his arrows into one of his most deadly poisions. He had mied it himself and even a scratch with these arrows would mean instant death. Abob had taken the precaution of ingesting the antidote before he poisioned the arrows, he didnt want to die of his own poision. Then Lalaith stood and began to speak...
  8. Abob came out of hyperspace about 10km away from the ambassadors ship. Abob told Jess and Dave to get in the small turrets on the side of the Idiots array. Then Abob set a regular course that wouldnt attract attention, but also would bring him reasonably close to the ambassadors ship. Abob sat and waited as he flew along the landing vector. Suddenly he saw that the ambassadors ship was under attack. There were several small fighters attacking the ambassadors ship and there was only one small fighter trying to hold them off. Abob deviated course and headed toward the fray. His comm beeped franticly as the landing control told himhe was off course. Abob turned off the comm and raised the sheilds.
  9. Hey, that can connection may something to it. I guessed Oscar because he is my favorite charecter on the show. Epsoide 2, Episode 2, Epsoide 2 !!!! I CANT wait.
  10. Excellent. Name;Abob Ttef Mutant name; Age; 15 Sex;Male Mutant Ability;Water control Bio;Abob was born with his strange ability and his parents abandoned him. He can turn himself into a puddle water and otherwise manipulate bodies of water. Abob is still young, so he dosent have complete control of his abilities and when excited sometimes slips, and things start to happen. Short description; Abob wears sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt. He has strange aqua colored hair.
  11. Abob walked out of the abandoned building and used his helmet to check if there were any bounties of reasonable worth on Courscant. The list came up on his helmets veiwscreen and he selected the highest bounty. It was worth 5,000 credits and was on a lowly thug who had cheated the local Black Sun vigo. Abob decided not to bother with this and went back to his ship. Abob set course for Aldoran. Abob set a irregular course that came out right outside of the regular orbit that ships used. If he had luck, the Ambassador wouldnt have time to react and would be killed easily............
  12. Abob: "But, how much longer will it take to go around? How many more people will be killed by Sauron? Is it really worth it? We can beat them if we outsmart them. But the ultamite decision blongs to all of us. Lets vote." They all write down their choice and hand all tha ballots to Lauren......
  13. Abob finally reaches the end of a long hallway, a blast door blocks his way. Suddenly the door slides aside, revealing a large room. The room has couches and other peices of furniture arranged to represent a atmosphere of comfort. Then a being, dressed in a long black robe, so that you cannot see his face stands up and begins to speak. Being: "It is about time you arrived. Sit, we have much to discuss." Abob: "I think I will remain standing. What is the job you want me to do?" Being: "I will pay you 100,000 credits to assinate the ambassador who is in orbit around Aldoran." Abob: "My price doubles if I dont know who I am working for." Being: "fine, 200,000 credits." Abob: "deal"
  14. Hmmm, all of Ricks questions (that I know) have been answered. But mabye R2 fell in love with Oscar?? :laugh: So here are the answers to my trivia #1 Mara Jade was one of the emporers hand #2 Ismaren was another of the emporers hands, also his mistress #3 Sate Pestage was yet [I]another[/I] of the emporers hands. The emporer had seven elite opratives, they all belived they were the sole hand!
  15. I dont know the answer, why dont you PM SS Trunks? ---------------------- Abob landed his ship on Courscant and went to the lowest levels of the city. Then he walked into an abandoned warehouse. Then Abob pressed a series of buttons on a odd keypad and a door appeared in the wall. Abob walked through the opening and walked along a long hallway.....
  16. Abob: "Yeah, we can beat those trolls, after all we are only outnumbered and outsized. :laugh: I think that if we all sneak up on them and shoot them with arrows we should be fine." Lalaith: "That simple, there are so many of them though, they would get us before we could kill them all." Abob: "Well, we could set traps, and for those of us who dont have a bow, they could make and throw spears.." Lauren: "Hmm, sounds good to me. But dont we have to fight them at night since they wont come out in the daylight?" Samantha: "The whole thing sounds questioaable to me. But I will go through with it. Can we attack them tonight?" Sam: "Nobody is going anywhere before dinner!! *passes out plates filled with delicious food* You cant fight on an empty stomach!" They all sit and eat, enjoying the peace and quiet.
  17. No, she wasnt a mercenary. Good guess though. I will answer all three questions tommorow. :whoops:
  18. Well at my school we have uniforms, so unless people wore different colored ties.........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  19. Oh, ok. I know what you mean. Sometimes when I write a post, then post it. I see new posts that were not there when I started writing. Then I have to either delete the entire post because it is now totally irrevelant, or change it. Anyway --------- Abob sat on the path, slashing viciously at Orcs and Goblins that approached him. He soon had a pile of maimed and dead enemies lieing all around him. He was tireing quickly, his wound had weakened him and he was in now shape for a fight of any kind. He only hoped he could hold out a little longer.......
  20. Well, my school dosent have any computers at all that the students are allowed to use. So it would be really hard to get to the only computer (in the teachers room) to hack it. You might be wondering what kind of dumb school dosent have computers for students. I go to a lousy, run down, boring CATHLOIC SCHOOL.(and figure this, I am not Cathloic..)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]I know who Mara Jade is. She used to work for the empire, then went off on a tiraid to kill Luke Skywalker, then became a jedi, [i]then[/i] married Luke. i think i got that in the correct order.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Correct. What job did she have with the empire?:naughty: The others are very hard to answer. But, mabye BabyGirl will know(or Defcon 5).
  22. Abob was hacking into the cities computer network, trying to see if any of the police's security cams had spotted the Jedi recently when his helmet communicator beeped. He stopped and listened to his employer's voice issue new orders... Employer: "You failed me Ttef, I don't like failure. You were wise however to avoid fighting with those Jedi. I have a new task for you which I will pay $30,000 credits upfront for. Meet me on Courscant for further instructions......" Abob stopped hacking into the network and walked back to his ship. Thirty thousand credits was a lot of money, Abob wondered what this job could possibly be. When he got back to his ship, the [I]Idiots Array[/I] he flew out of the spaceport and set a course for Courscant. Then, as the stars elongated outside the veiwscreen he went to his quarters and changed out of his armor and into regular clothes. Abob went to the "kitchen and made dinner. This was going to be a long flight; he was looking forward to catching up on lost sleep...
  23. Abob ran and leaped over the rock and , to his suprise, the man was gone. Abob searched the whole temple, but found no trace of the man. So Abob returned to his ship. Then he set off for Yavin 13............
  24. Abob awoke too the shouts of his "kids". Abob had two kids, Dave who was 13 and Jess who was 16. Dave and Jess were laughing and shouting in the cockpit, probally playing with the newly installed battle simulator. Abob had adopted Dave and Jess because he had needed two good gunners. He had been sharing his Ship with them for three years nowand enjoyed their company. Abob dressed and told them he was going out again. They nodded in unison and then Abob left to try and locate the casket......
  25. Abob saw Lalaith notch his bow and Abobs does the same. Cant be to careful, especially in this area.. Abob continued to walk with the others, then something caught his eye, a movement in the bushes. A dozen Orcs came at them from both sides. Abob fired his arrow and sat down, he couldnt fight on crutches. Then he drew his knife...............
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