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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. Abob sees a figure swiftly approaching him. The man was on a hover board and left it as he went inside the temple. Abob blasted the hoverboard and then headed after the figure who had entered the temple. Then Abob stepped inside the temple. He could see footprints on the dusty floor that lead deeper into the temple. Abob followed them seventy feet, untill they abruptly stopped. Abob looked around, then WHAM. The man had dropped from the ceiling and was pummling Abob with a rock. Abob shock him off and started trying to shoot the man. He continued shooting as the man dodged behind a rock........
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sarsy [/i] [B][i] Ellsa had been shocked at Lalaiths admissions. She had tried to talk to him but he'd brushed past her to the others. She for some unknown reason hadn't gone back to camp and walked on futher into the wood. She listened to the whispear of the tree's and the night sounds. She was worried about angering anyone of them and seeing the way that Lalaith had reacted just then, she feared the time when they would learn the truth about her[/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Night sounds? Its morning already.......:blah: --------------- Abob gathered his things then stood. His leg was not up to walking, but he was going to use crutches so he could keep up with the others. Abob fell into line with the others as they walked on, toward the unkown..........
  3. Hey! My favorite book was I, Jedi as well! I like Stackpole but he isnt my favorite. (Oroson Scott Card is) So anyne up for trivia? #1 Who was Sate Pestage? #2 Who was Mara Jade? #3 Who was Rouganda Ismaren?(spelling may not be correct on her name)
  4. Abob Ttef watched with disgust as the team of hunters charged with safeguarding the casket was slaughtered. He had been assigned as the groups backup hunter, but when Abob saw the Jedi he decided he didnt want to get killed as well. Abob walked back to his ship, the Idiots Array, and turned on the tracking device that the group of hunters had placed on the casket for this kind of senerio. But the tracking system wasnt working. It had probally been damaged during the fight with those Jedi. Abob decided to get some rest before he told his employer about the problem and tried to recover the casket. So he locked down the ship and went to sleep.....
  5. My mom is a perfectionist freak. If I get a B she says "why not an A??" When I get an A she says"why not an A+??" She drives me CRAZY. Normally I get honor roll, but amazingly I got straight A's this term. She was happy but, if I dont do it again this term.... She is never satisfied.......
  6. Abob, his eyes closed, had awoken to Laurens sobs. He sat up and went over to her, his head bowed ion defeat. Abob: "I am sorry Lauren, it was my fault, if I had been quicker with the antidote....."
  7. Yeah, then the Mark II Imperial Star Destroyer came out. Now they have almost finished replacing the older Imperial Star destroyers.(that is, during the Youzan Vong conflict)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B] [size=1] When SS Trunks says so, which I would think would be soon [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, this thread was only made today, so it could be a while.(although some of us including me would like it to be sooner...)
  9. Abob finished eating as Lalaith and Ellsa wandered into the forest. Then he unroleed his blankets and slept, it had been a long day and he needed rest........
  10. The Dark Woman was so devoted to the Jedi order she renounced he name and became the dark woman. She was in charge of most "challenging apprentices. Sje only had one failed apprenitse, Aurra Sing. She was a human and used a purple lightsaber. She was slain by Lord Vader....... This is all I know about her
  11. Advance Wars is my favorite GBA game, so I suggest you get it. It is easy to learn how to play, but extremely challenging. And, when all is said and done, those 4 player Vs.matches(you can play Vs battles with 1-4 players) keep ya entertained.
  12. Well, well, well. Another Star Wars thread, this is my lucky day! Name: Abob Ttef Age: 34 Race: Human, Bounty Hunter Weapon: Laser sniper rifle, thermal deatonators and a laser pistol Height: 5' 10'' Bio: Abob Ttef is a geneticly created super soldier. He was frozen is stasis when the troop carrier he was in crashed during the a war. He was released from stasis when the extremely old stasis unit finally broke and he was released. He now serves the sith as a spy. All others of his kind(geneticly created soldiers) died many years ago. Description: He wears custom made Mandlorian battle armor, which is black in color. Instead of a jetpack on his back he has a yalsamari cage, for protection against force users. Personality: Businesslike and direct. He doesnt mince words and despises small talk.
  13. Well, I heard abouit the boards by word of mouth, specificly by another member, Ben. I was attracted to the small, but extremely active Star Wars community, and the excellent RPGs.
  14. Abob awoke to the smell of Sams cooking. He tried to stand, but Samantha puts a gentle hand on his shoulder and he lies down again. Abob felt the sharp pain in his leg as the poision was neutralised by his antidote. Then he started to eat. He liked the food, as he did all Sams food. Hobbits were the lucky ones, they had time to learn to cook, and didnt have to fight to survive.......
  15. Hmmm, mabye he wasnt gutsy enough to take out Obi-Wan. But Vader did kill huge numbers of jedi. The emporer personally killed very few jedi. I still cant belive that Vader was able to kill the "dark woman". She was an excellent lightsaber fighter, one of the best. As for when force sensitive beings were taken into jedi training, they were usually removed after six months(as Babygirl said) and taken to the temple. The reason they were taken so young is so that they couldnt experience fear , anger or hatred. Most of the Jedi who were taken after the six month period have been either reckless and not typical of normal jedi,(they were periously colse to the dark side) or actually turned to the dark side. Some examples of this reasoning are: Quintlan Vos(taken between 4 and 5 years), anikan(duh)and Aurra Sing(3 years).
  16. Abob uses his dagger to fend of the Orcs. Then with a sudden busrt of extreme willpower he stands up and slays the Orcs which had surrounded them. The other Orcs, seeing that they were slowly but surely loseing, retreated. Abob grabbed Lalaith and dragged him over to the others. Then Abob collapsed. He had lost a lot of bood from his leg and couldnt stay awake any longer.
  17. Abob Ttef saw another ship land on Yavin 4 as he emerged from hyperspace. He then recived a transmission that said that his mission was to stop somone from going near the temple of the Blueleaf cluster. Supposedly there was Sith magic there, so he was warned to be carefull. Since the preson he was supposed to stop was already on the planet Abob flew directly to the temple and landed in a nearby clearing. Then he ran over to the temple, where he hid right next to the entrance, his blaster drawn......
  18. Abob hit the ground hard he can feel his leg go numb, a sign of poision. Abob: "Help, somebody. Poision, antidote in green vial...." Then Abob fell to the ground, unconsious.....
  19. Well, Yoda perhaps hoped to avoid making the same mistake twice. But his choice was out of desperation. Luke was the only one left who had a chance of defeating the Emporer and Vader. Yoda: "To old, he is." :)
  20. Abob started towards the woods as soon as he saw the Orcs tackle Lalaith. He ran to a tree and got about halfway up before he started shooting arrows into the Orcs. He was shooting arrow after arrow, but the Orcs kept coming. The others were retreating into the woods, as a rain of arrows fell all around them. Abob immeaditly looked for the Orc archers and began shooting at them. One of the Orcs on the ground below him had other ideas. He had decided that Abob had done enough damage, and he set fire to the tree Abob was in. Abob slung his quiver of arrows over his shoulder and yelled to Lauren to catch his bow. He threw it to her and she caught it perfectly. Then he jumped out of the tree. He hit the ground hard and rolled to soften the impact. He had a nasty set of bruises on his left arm but was ok. He got up and ran over to the others, stabing an approaching Orc with his dagger. As he fell into line with the others he fell to the ground , an arrow in his right leg.................
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Well, not to give anything away, but......the computer animated yoda fight scene looks brilliant. :D[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes it does. Yoda in combat, I thought I'd never see the day. But now that that day has come, it may never come again. Yoda is the "core" of the jedi council, the rock in the storm. He seems to have an answer to most problems. Have any of you read the Star Wars comics by Dark Horse? In their infinite series(what would have happened if Luke had missed when he fired his proton torpedo) they have an upcoming showdown between Vader and Yoda.
  22. Tell him, you will lose him if you dont........
  23. Abob got to the Hunter and flew out into space. Suddenly he recived a transmission form base. He was to procede to Yavin 13, he would recive further instructions there. So he set the coorinates for Yavin 13 and the star on the veiwscreen elongated. He was in hyperspace........
  24. Well well, what have we here, a blossoming romance?:laugh: With lots of :blush: :blush: . This is halarious....... ---------- Abob ate his dinner in silence and watched Lalaith proclaim his love for Lauren. He remembered when he was young... He had married the woman of his dreams, then disaster struck. Their village was raided by Orcs and he had been away on a hunting trip. When he returned he had found the bodies of his wife and three children. They had been burned to death, burned so badly he didnt regognise them at first. For three years after that he had lived in solitude, his sorrow so great that he couldnt bear to see other people , any woman he saw reminded him of his wife and he would dissolve into tears. So he had remained in the mountains, living off of wild animals and plants. Then finally his greif faded and he was overcome by hatred. He decided to devote his life to the destruction of all orcs. He had personally killed every single one of the orcs who had killed his family and would go out of his way to kill them even now. But that was the past, this was now. He had to stay in the future, or he wouldnt survive the trip. So Abob packed up his things to go with the others and watched them, all of whom seemed so carefree......... youth was a wonderfull thing......
  25. Well, I think Courscant might have been mentioned in A New Hope some where, but where, I dont know. There is definately no way puppets and models can do some of the things that can be done with digital art.
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