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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. I think that digital tech is fine, otherwise how coud yoda do a flip? :laugh: It is also neat that most of the scenes with Jango in action are computer animated.
  2. Because he wants to? :laugh: :laugh: I dont know , tell me please.....
  3. WOW, this was started not long ago and I missed it? Other Orcs charge out of the bushes around them. Abob shoots an arrow into an Orc and it spasms and dies. Abob continues to fight with his dagger but he is tiring..... Sorry for this short post but I have to go.....
  4. Me too, I just got my gun a year ago, I have been paintballing (on a course) mabye a dozen times. I have little experience but, get a good gun, not a cheap one, it will be worth it in the long run! (as I found out the hadd way...)
  5. Boba Fett


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xenocide(DP) [/i] [B]Some other great books to read that havent been mentioned are the Ender Series.They were written by Orson Scott Card. Very good books. the books are as follows" Ender's Game Speaker for the Dead Xenocide Children of the Mind Ender's Shadow and I believe theres a new one called the Hegemon(sp), you'd have to read the first book, to understand what the hegemon is. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I second that opinion, those books are excellent. There IS a book called"shadow of the Hegemon" (not just hegemon) You could also read Boba Fett:the fight to survive. It is not exactly a challenging book, but it is through Boba's eyes and about epsoide 2, so in my opinion , worth a read...........
  6. Abob and Necare walked together for a while, talking about the academy, untill Abob had to report to security for duty. Abob reported to the Cheif security officer and was suprised to learn he was going to be stationed on the main bridge to watch what was going on, and to make sure all that everything went alright. Abob then headed for a turbolift and told it to take him to the main bridge. When he got out of the turbolift he stood at a terminal directly behind the captain, his back to the veiwscreen. He checked what was going on, and seing nothing was amiss, settled into his routine......
  7. Yeah, I read the book of epsoide two, so I spoiled the movie for myself in a way. But there is something amazing about seeing it on that giant screen...... The last time I saw A star Wars movie in the Movie theaters was when Return of the Jedi (special edition) was in a local theater. I saw epsoide one on video after I heard that it wasnt all it was cracked up to be, it dissapointed me greatly. But after reading the book for Epsoide 2, I cant wait!
  8. Abob Ttef was walking toward the bar when he saw two Jedi on speeder bikes talking to each other. They were the ones from his recorded mission breifing. He walked towards them. As soon as he got close to them they ignited their lightsabers. Craig: "Who are you and what do you want?" Abob: "My name isnt important, I bring a gift to you form Mohawk, my master." Abob hands Seifer the a small holocron. It is square and is blue and green in color. It also has grey bumps on it, suggesting a Mon Calamari design. Then he hands Craig an orange holocron, this one is decorated with ancient hiroglyphics. Both Seifer and Craig thank him for the gifts and sped off into the fading daylight.....
  9. WOW, I leave for a little over 24 hours and this thread gets two new PAGES! I wish I didnt have to go to school so I could sit and post on the boards all day :) . Well, I know some more of those lightsaber fighting forms. I think that Obi-Wan uses style three and Anikan uses style four(or three) I am not sure about those, they sounded right to me, all I remember from the book was that Mace Windu uses Style(or form) seven, which is similar to sith fighting styles :devil: I havent seen the trailers, they dont intrest me very much. I think I will wait untill the movie comes out. I could tell you (James) the plot but BabyGirl might eat me as well.......
  10. You can get out of here by calling for the door. At the entrance to the cave a door appears and they both leave the holodeck. Abob: "So where in the ship do you work?"
  11. Noooooooooooooooooo! I was looking at that at the store this morning and cant remember I will try and answer this tommorow..
  12. Abob watched with disbelif as the sith was easily beaten. Another sith, a woman, was thrown to the ground by the Jedi. When the jedi dissapeared Abob walked up to the Sith , who glanced at him then spoke.. Ambika: "What do you want , scum?" Abob: " I bring a present of goodwill from Mohawk *pulls out hlocron and hands it to Ambika* " Ambika "Thanks, I will remeber this" Abob walks off without a word. When he gets back to his ship he spends three hours looking for tracking decives, bombs and other such things. After he finishes he boards his ship and sets a course. He has one more thing to do befor he returns to Mohawk.....
  13. Abob Ttef was in the holodeck, one of his favorite places. He was "on" Vulcan, standing in a cave and watching water drip of giant stalagmites. He had created this simulation after hours of work and it was one of his favorites, suddenly the door apeared and.........
  14. Hmmmm, I looked for it in RPG's and couldnt find it, Hmmmmmmmm
  15. Chat rooms are not my thing, message boards are much better!
  16. Favorite topics are not allowed..., If I were you I would delete this and save the mods the trouble...
  17. Crumb, he was so funny, especially in Tales from Jabbas palace. He tricks a science professor to come interview Jabba, and then he feeds the professor to the rancor :laugh: I was so funny...... But, other than that I havent been able to find out about any other practical joke of his.........
  18. Abob Ttef watches the battle with an expression of utter boredom. He was supposed to have given the holocron to the sith and have returned to Malastaire by now. Abob finally gave up and decided to land on the planet. He moved the ship out of orbit and landed it in the landing bay next to where the battle was raging. Abob put on his armor, slung his laser sniper rifle over his shoulder and put the holocron in a secret compartment in his armor. Then he started to walk towards the battle area. Abob was watching the battle from about 300 metres away, through his helmets built in macrobinoculars. He had decided to leave his ships booby traps activated, he didnt want anyone messing with his ship..........
  19. Can we start?? Is anyone still here? :finds that he is all alone, starts to cry: Come Back!!!!!!!!! :worried: :worried:
  20. School dance as a Jedi :laugh: I wouldnt dare, I would never hear the end of it! Did anyone dance with you?
  21. Make that 301. For my first question, you need to try again :( For #2 keep trying! you got the third right :) Is it me or is it just you and me on this thread Son Goten?
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ff X_Tidus [/i] [B]I dont like this guy at all, but for the likes of tony blairto tell the french not to vote for him means hes got more balls than brains, who is he to tell them that, its not our problem, or does he want to play hero like how he did with the situation in Afganistan. [/B][/QUOTE] More balls than brains? Blair wants to stop him from being elected,so he wont become a problem. Just because Blair is English, dosent mean that he dosent have common sense enough to see that Le Pen is not a good person to run France.
  23. There were three, no four pirahna beetles. These things could turn a human into a pile of bones in a few minutes. Abob and the others try and kill them but they are to small. Lauren finially destroys them, but they all have small bloody bite marks on theirexposed skin. Then the ship lands. They are greeted by the rest of the crew and the hyperdrive is installed. Then the "boarding party" who had boarded the star destroyer reported to sickbay, and they were all looking foward to a long bacta soak................
  24. Abob was awakened by alarms going off all over his ship. Some broken down ship had scaned him. Abob dressed in his armor, which was mandlorian made, but had no jetpack. Instead there were hooks so that a cage could be attached to the back of his armor. The cage was for a yalsamari, a creature that blocked the force. The yalsamari would give him some protection, should a jedi or sith try and attack him. As Abob walked toward his command chair he saw the vidscreen which he had been watching earlier. The sith and jedi were still fighting and another jedi had just arrived. Abob wondered if the sith would survive, and what he would do with the holocron if that happened. He decided to return it to Mohawk, or mabye give it to a jedi. But he was sure of one thing, he wasnt landing untill either the jedi or sith were vanquished.......
  25. Mace sits down on the hard floor and relaxes himself. Then he looks at Yoda , who nods at him knowingly. Suddenly, both of their lightsabers ingite and rush towards each other. They battle furiously in the middle of the room, both sabers floating in the air. The sabers continue to battle untill Yoda signals to stop, then he instructs the jedi to probe the future, which has been clouded by the dark side. All the Jedi sit and try to peirce the fog obscuring the future........
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