Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
One of the Silians massive heads, which began to drool all over the floor. Lauren used the force to leap up onto the top of its head and plunged her lightsaber down into its head. The silian spasmed and went still. Then they cautiously made their way to the main hangar bay, where they quietly removed the hyperdrive of one of the shuttles and carried it out into the sun. Then Abob used his comlink to tell the ship where they were. Soon this nightmare would be over, veyr soon it seemed..........
Yes , Jar Jar stinks. He is the worst star wars charecter yet. I think that in epsoide 3 he should be vivasected! I would say more about Epsoide 2, but it would spoil the movie:naughty:
Mace Windu got up early that morning. After meditating in his room he headed upstairs to the Training Room. Along the way he stopped and went into the Hall of records and walked over to a cubical that was empty. He took out a small object from his robes and told the console to identify it. Console "Sith holocron, made recently, 1000 years ago" Mace "Can you tell me when it was last used??" Console "Unable to determine that fact" Mace put the Holocron in his pocket, he was going to have to bring up the holocron in the next meeting of the Jedi high Council. Yesterday the keeper of the Holocrons had informed him the holocron had been moved and mabye used. Mace had thought it might have been a accident, but when he used the force to scan the holocron he saw a picture of a dark room, with a padawan, he couldnt tell who, looking at the holocron. This was very bad news, they might have a traitor among them.... When Mace arrived at th training chamber he sat cross legged and started to meditate, his lightsaber ignited and the Purple blade floated in front of his closed eyes..............
Abob Ttef was in his ship, the Hunter, orbiting Kel Dar. He was presently watching a battle between a Sith and what seemed to be a Jedi. He couldn't find any record of the Jedi doing anything newsworthy, so he couldn't get a positive id on the man he assumed to be a Jedi. He had been sent here to deliver a gift to the Sith, a token of goodwill. Mohawk didn't want to be on bad terms with this Sith so he had decided to give him a gift. Abob could see nothing interesting about the fist sized black and red pyramid he was to deliver to the sith, but he knew that Mohawk had thought it an excellent gift and he didn't argue with Mohawk. He thought the item was a holocron. He had heard of Jedi holocrons but never a sith one, then again he didn't know very much about Jedi or Sith ways. He knew only that they were both very powerful. His computer console beeped and he walked away from the view screen showing the two opponents, who had now been joined by others.......
The drochs continued to gain on them foot by foot. They were approaching the bridge and when they reached the blast doors Abob hit the open button but the doors only opened up about three feet. Once they were all inside Abob hit the panel to close the door but they wouldnt budge. Then Lauren stepped foward and made a closing motion with her hands. The doors slammed shut and they were safe from the drochs , for now. Abob: "Alright, someone access the cargo manifest. Tell the rest of us what else this stupid ship is carrying." Necare sat down at a computer terminal and read out her findings. Necare: "Well, there sure are a lot of nasty things in here. Lets see we have Pirahana beetles from yavin four, a Sarlacc found on Dantooine, the rancor we ran into earlier, from danthomir, those neks we killed, a silian, what ever that is and finally a ..... no way." Lauren: "well what is it?" Necare "a whole bunch of nessies!" Abob: "Nessies??" Necare: "You know, Nessies. I read about them on the holonet. They are dark side creatures that protect dark lords. Lauren: "Let me guess, they hate jedi?" Necare "yes, they do but..." Suddenly they heard a scream of engines and a familar spaceship landed on a hill directly on front of the star destroyer.......
Well I hope you guys dont mind but I have a small quiz of my own I would like to post. #1 Who is the first jedi knight that Luke finds after he starts out on his "jedi quest"(search for jedi or potential jedi)?? #2 Name five of the emporers hands. #3 Who was the leader of the rebel alliance(ok, so this question is a no brainer, I dont know what else to ask!)?
Hum, sing yes I do these things. In the shower, NO WAY. I take showers quickly so I can get back to the boards.
Abob and Lauren turned a corner and in front of them was a nek battle dog. Abob pulled out his blaster but Lauren was quicker. The nek was cleaved in half by her saber. Then they continued to run. They ran for about 100 feet before they hit a dead end. The rancor advanced on them and reached for Abob when it spasmed and fell to the floor. The drochs had killed it. Now the rancors skin bulged. The drochs were coming out to find new prey. Abob and lauren ran over the rancor and heard a buzzing noise behind them, the drochs were coming....
Oops! *hits head very , very hard * you can be in the ship with me and a few of the others. A Rancor advanced on the group, it drooled and then the members of the group noticed something. The Rancor was covered in bumps and those bumps looked like insects. Abob: "Those bumps, are they Drochs?(a beetle that burries into a living beings flesh lays eggs that being. then when the babies hatch they eat the creature they infested untill it dies. This infestation is known as the death seed plague.) The group then recovers from the terror of seeing the rancor and runs for their lives. Along the way Abob gets a call on his headset and listens to Tursi's voice as he runs. Tursi: "Abob, we know why the ship crashed. The ship was carring creatures for the Emporer's private zoo. However the creatures got loose and the crew was killed" Abob: "we know, land the ship next to these coordinates, 12-574-389. Then wait for us. If we arent there by 0600 leave and dont come back." Tursi: "ok we will meet you there, good luck" The group continues to run through the long corridors, trying to escape the rancor.......
I am going to see it opening day , dressed up as Boba Fett (so he is much younger than me, who cares!!) I got my tickets a few weeks ago in the mail. I bought them at the theater a while ago. Our local theater sells tickets in advance.
That was funny! So was stick death. I am going to have to tell someone about this site. amazing!
I am (why is is me who answers all the questions! :) ) She has black skin and looks human except her hair is not hair, it is a lot of thick flat things that godown to her sholders
SS Trunks is absolutely right sbout the lightsaber issue. In Star wars there are Human replica droids. This kind of droid can be considered a human replica droid.
Young Jedi knights, try reading some of the novels too, I think they are more interesting(not that young jedi knights is bad)
Sure, I could use you, this thread seems pretty dead but mabye if you and me post on it some of the other members will start to post again too. Just post your bio and join in.
I know who she is!!! She is Adi-Gallia(spelling on last name may be incorrect) She has a red lightsaber and holds the blade facing down with one hand.
Could you pm the name of the site to me defcon 5? I didnt think you sounded snobby at all
If he gets elected (which I am sure he wont!!) I will not be happy to say the least. He is anti semitic and not somebody who should run ANY country
Didnt LOTR only get best makeup or something? Drama movies stink. Why do they always win?? Son Goten, I like your new picture in your sig, yoda is funny in a new way for once (not just because of his bad grammer ;)
I hope it gets best picture (like that will happen...) Si-Fi films usually dont get many awards, even though they are the best.. Attack of the Clones is excellent reading, get the book!
Well, whadda you know.... I will be Mace. I love his blocking techniques!
I will agree to that. The book was good.....
Charecter Name; Abob Ttef Age; 18 Rank; Ensign Description; Short with black hair and ears that are not quite pointed, but not quite normal. Bio; He is half vulcan and half betazed. He was a excellent student in the academy and is quiet and shy. His father and mother were killed by the borg shortly after he was born.
My favorite color is Red, therefore Cherry is my color of choice. I think that all said and done, for me anyway, it would make very little difference to me......
Well, I registered in V3 (under a different name which I am not going to disclose..) I think V5 is my favorite, because of the post box at the bottom of the screen, it makes posting so much easier