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Boba Fett

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Everything posted by Boba Fett

  1. SPOILER ALERT Yes you were right Defcon 5. My scources were wrong. I think that it is pretty cool that Boba is a perfect replica of Jango. I was very suprised that he was his clone. What confused me was when in some of the star wars books I have, they refer to each other as "dad" and "son" even though Boba is Jango, from a certain point of view...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B] [I]There was no error, that was an intentional mistake I used for the convenience of my plot. lol, I didn't know anyone else would have such extensive knowledge as myself to know such a thing...... except maybe Babygirl[/I] [/B][/QUOTE] O, ok. I didnt realise that, sorry. I am kind of a Star Wars nut:blush:
  3. I think that it is nice that Epsoide two is coming out on the week of your Birthday. I am going to see it opening day and plan to get it on video when it comes out. I would suggest that you continue to post Star Wars information on the "Star Wars 411" thread.(If you want to..)
  4. This topic is considered spam(to the best of my knowledge) I would personally delete it if this was my topic...:worried:
  5. Cricket is a british sport, kinda hard to explain... Clockstoppers was the worst movie I ever saw(alright not the worst but it was down there..)
  6. Good luck! I used to live in Groton, Conn. But have since moved to Maine. Never heard of Storrs though.. I am sure you will do fine so just relax and have fun!
  7. I am a Cancer. But as for horoscopes, they dont hold much weight with me...(my local newspaper's says my love life will take a turn for the worst, I dont have one!)
  8. Happy Birthday Adam!! Happy Birthday James!! May the force be with you both.
  9. Abob and the others in the group stop and stand still as a wave of clod washes over them. Then suddenly hundreds of mouse droids come towards them. And behind them is a creature that Abob had only seen once befor, a huge and foul smelling......
  10. My Charecter Name; Abob Ttef Age; 25 Weapons; A dagger( 5 inches long and poisioned), a Bow and arrows and finally a pouch with poisions and antadotes Bio; Grew up in lake town and is a cold and business like person. He dislikes hobbits. Appearance; Short with black hair Race ; Human
  11. Mr Maul, this is the wrong place to ask that, but I dont know anyway! The answer to the first of Son Goten's Questions is that the droid had a faulty motavator.
  12. Odd that you mention that. In my school we had a virus go around a couple of months ago. Lots of people got sick and over half the school was out for more than a week. I never got it but I heard it was nasty. Hope you get better soon...
  13. Wow, Hold on! I would like to join, however there is a small mistake in your Sign up post SS Trunks The Bounty Hunter Boba Fett fell into a creature known as the Sarlacc. He later escaped from it(after two days) and was nursed back to health by another bounty hunter. He had to get major medical operations to correct his metabolism, which the sarlacc's digestive juices had altered. If you want to check out the accuracy of this information it is contained in the most recent Star Wars dicconary. Sorry if I bored you but I felt it necessary to correct this small error. My charecter... Name; Abob Ttef Race; Clone Age; 20 Height; 6 feet 2 inches Bio; A clone of Jango fett who was created during the clone wars, he was located and set in charge of a special forces team belonging to Mohawk Weapon; Mandolarian armor and a laser sniper rifle. Description; Known only to himself, as he wears his armor in public. Personality; Business-like and to the point. He dislikes small talk.
  14. Our family is going on a vacation we have been saving for FOREVER! My parents started saving for it before I was born since the place is unbelivably expensive. The hotel is huge (I checked it out on their web site). I plan to play tennis and swim in the pool. Finally I will go somewhere for a vacation , instead of staying home and vegitating
  15. Well, I would have been angry about the spolier up above, but I was overtaken by the extreme urge to know what is in epsoide 2 so I bought the book yesterday. It was pretty good. Boba Fett's role, although small reinforced the reasons why I think he RULES! I would say more but spoilers are very dissapointing for people who want and wait untill the movie comes out:devil:
  16. After I beat Blue, about eight months after it came out. I decided to train my favorite pokemon, Scyther. My plan was to train six level 100 Scythers but then gold and silver came out, along with scissor. By that time I had 3 level 100 scythers and a level 70 something scyther. I decided to trade all of them to gold and currently I have 4 level 100 Scissors and a level 50 something Scyther. I am working on the last two and soon I will ahve my dream fufilled, a team of Scissors!
  17. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    So are we offically abandoning this RPG?
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] You put me with Spikey and Boba Fett? ...You realise I hate you now... -.-'' [/B][/QUOTE] Excuse me, what do you have against me:flaming: ! What do you think is wrong with me?:flaming:
  19. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    So I get $200 and I buy a broad sword. Which i have a question about, is it a weapon you attack with or a item you have that just boosts your attack. Psycho, if you started a Robobo 3 mabye new people would join....
  20. I personally think neopets are a extremely weird, pointless and queer invention. I never liked them, but my sister has so many I cant count and talks about them constantly!:rolleyes: Sometimes I wonder about her..........
  21. Neat!! Where do these sites come from , they are so cool! Middle earth profession: Incognito Druadan Elven name; Anirunion Dwarven name; Valin Craftyboot Ork name; Ghashaluk the terror Hobbit name; Peregrin Grubb(the only name I dislike, ugh..)
  22. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    I know that Psycho hasnt told us the damage I took but , I am going to attack again. 1 Laser gun 2 --- 3 attack 4 chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am worried, has this long battle caused the other members of Robobo to leave?? I hope they are still interested....... :worried:
  23. Well, this is very interesting. People who think they are elves what is this board coming to........... Well this is the first interesting RPG that I have seen in a very long time. I will enjoy something new to occupy my time..... Name; Abob Teff Alias; Phantom Age; 39 Height; Five foot 3 inches Car; black pickup truck Weapons; sniper rifle, night vision goggles(for nighttime jobs) and a razor sharp knife(5 inches long) Feild of expertise;Sniper Appearence; Doesnt care about his appearence so his hair is short and a mess. He usually wears dark clothing, cargo pants and a t-shirt. Personality; He is suspicious of everyone and trusts nobody. He is bitter and shows very little emotion. He holds grudges for a very long time.........
  24. Well, my connection is not to shabby , but the faster the connestion the better! The memory couldnt hurt either:naughty:
  25. Boba Fett

    Robobo 2!!!

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: What he means is that you shold start the fight now. We will attack each other and he will be judging it, meaning he will deal with the damage issue. Since this is taking way too long I will attack Galas first, if you dont mind.... 1 Laser gun 2 --- 3 chest 4 attacks Galas
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