Boba Fett
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Everything posted by Boba Fett
Alright! you can be on the landing party or on the ship your choice.
Not a goo excuse(just kidding). It is going to take a lot of work to revive this, so all you who are still interested(if there is anyone) please post...:shifty: If there is anyone new who wants to join, feel free -------------- Abob and the rest of the team climbed into the escape pod that they had modified to allow the pod to fly back up to the ship. When they landed on the planet they put on their enviro suits and climbed out of the cramped pod. The Star Destroyer was heavily damaged and covered in jungle looking foilage, execpt the foilage was all dark grey and brown. They climbed onto the side of the Star Destroyer and peered inside. There, thirty feet in front of them was a set of closed blast doors. Abob walked up to them and pressed the old control panel. The doors opened without a sound. The team walked in and Abob closed the door behind them so none of the jungle scavengers would follow them. Then they made thier way to the bridge. When they got there they found a computer console that had actually survived the thirty years since the ship had crashed. Necare located the shuttle bay, where they , with luck could find a working hyperdrive. They set off but couldnt help wondering, how was the ship so well maintained and still functional after a crash and thirty years in the jungle?............
Abob continued to circdle rogue three's capsule. He picked off a few incoming TIEs and waited for the shuttle to come and pick up his stranded wingmate. The battle was winding down and the imperials had lost misreably. The Star Destroyer was heavily damaged and had started to recall its fighters and head for open space so it could jump to hyperspace, and the deep core world for repairs. The interdictor cruiser had taken a monumental beating and was leaking atmosphere. Then Abobs R-5 unit squaked with alarm. Abob; "What is it now lasrbrain?, having trouble heeping your head on?" the R-5's reply flashed on the screen in front of Abob and he nearly fainted. The Star destroyer was trying to escape through a weak point in their defences, right over where he was! Abob; "Rouge leader the Impstar is heading right over top of me, can you help?" Marth "on my way" Jana "mind if I join the party?:naughty: ??" Marth "why not, All rogues form up around rogue three, that Star Destroyer isnt getting away!"
Majoras mask, Darth Sidious wasnt even born yet...so you are his apprentice?? ------- name; Abob Ttef alias; none affiliation;Bounty hunter weapon;laser sniper rifle side;currently in imperial employ
Yes, this is neat! I think that you should continue this soon! 10 out of 10
Well I disagree. The dungeons are great. They are one of the things that seperates Zelda from other games.;) However if you had to get rid of them castles would be nice:smirk:
Well, good bye and good luck. I hate to see a good staff member leave and hope to "see ya around!" in the anime sections... :nervous:
we really need some new members.... -------------------------------------------- Abob got up and sat around with Lauren and Jake as they ate lunch. They were almost out of the prepackaged food they had brought for the contest, they would need some more soon......
Abob and rogue three flew back down to engage in dogfights with the TIEs that were desperatly trying to destroy the corvette. Then out of nowhere his computer set off a siren that told him that someone had a missle lock on him. Abob swore and did a spiraling dive through a swarm of TIEs , which scrambled to get out of his suicidal path. When he got out of the dive the missle lock waws gone, but so was rogue three, he had also had a missile locked on his fighter and hadnt been able to get out of the way, he had ejected and was defenceless... Abob; "Leader , permission to leave engagement zone to protect rogue 3??" Marth; "Go ahead but come back asap, we need you." Abob; "will do, leader." Abob started to fly off towards where rogue three's ejection pod was floating. He started to circle it and shoot at approaching eyeballs who thought it would be fun to shoot at the defenceless ejection capsule...
Spikey, I will fight you AFTER I have this rematch with the rogue RBB Galas. P.S. Will either psycho or Dragon warrior please attack me with that thing? I really want to finish battling it so i can move on...
Gaming What Nintendo games are you buying this year!!
Boba Fett replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Noosphere
I am going to buy as many Gameboy advance games as I can ; including: Army men code green, Jedi power battles and any other star wars games that come out for GBA! -
The N64 bomberman was for sale in Toys R US three days ago (maine, foxrun mall, USA) The toys r us was clearing out their stock of N64 games so that they could have more room for game cube games. It was for sale for $30 , so if you live nearby.....
Mine has furniture forming a near square in the corner, it is my "nook" It has by desk, bed , nintendo, and my sports stuff. If only I had a computer in there ...... Anyway it is very clean most of the time:naughty:
NINETALES!!!!!!! wow, Jake you have really thrown us a loop. All those empty pokeballs. *shakes head* well, Scyther is getting strongerand is almost ready to evole after I trade him. They continue to train, stick fighting is one of Abobs favorite exercises since he had done karate when he was little but recently he had taken up fencing. He fought with lauren and beat her easily but Jake was a whole different story. He could barely keep up with the hard and fast blows Jake sent whizzing at him. He would lose in the end but he was getting better and some day........ There was a loud crash in the forest nearby and Jake shoved Abob and Lauren into a hollow log and dove in after them. Two men in kaki pants and black shirts approached, they wore a belts around their waists holding stun grenades and dart guns. They searched the area and left. They got into a chopper and flew off. Abob stuttered "those are the bad guys??" Jake "uh huh..........
Son Goten you got #'s 3 and eight right. You need to try again on 1 . Winter was strictly a nanny. For number 10 I was looking for a star system but, since I didnt specify it is correct. I wish I had winters memory, I would kick :cussing: in school!!
Those(Impstar, dupe, eyeball, etc.) were in the RPG!(Star Wars rogue squadron!) ---------- well it is my turn for questions!(all taken form a Star Wars trivia book)ignore the page # underneath! 1 Leia hired a tutor for her kids named________ page 16 2 One of Leias childhood nicknames was ______ page 17 3Who said "It is against my programming to impersonate a deity." page 15 4Name all four suits in Sabacc. page 55 5 What is by the book in the Redemption senario? page 71 6How do Bimms communicate page 54 7 Which species invented this proverb, "Vengence is like fine wine;it should be aged untill perfect" page 44 8 Sand people are also called_______ page 66 9What weapon did thr Rebel Allinace use to destroy the first Death Star? page 73 10 Where was the attack on the second Death Star planned from? page 76
Sorry, my sister had a report to do and I couldnt use the computer, she realy ticks me off sometimes... ----------------- Abob took of after the TIE bombers and when he formed up behind them he tried a trick he had used in the simulator. He fired lasers on one side of the TIE bombers and they , in the heat of the battle, crashed into each other and caused a immence explosion since their bomb bays had been nearly full. Abob laughed and he and rogue three formed flew up high above the rest of the squadron, picking off the TIEs who were tailing some of the rogues. Abob thought, "this is why I signed up for this job..":laugh:
Alright, since I was attacked first you have to start the rematch Dragon Warrior, and dont worry, I can help you with your defence questions. So attack Me!!!:) :laugh: :) :laugh:
Is it me or we the only people left posting on this thread..... Abob "maybe :naughty: " then they fall into a deep sleep :sleep: :sleep: SPLASH!! abob was jerked awake by Jake, who had splashed Abobs face with water. Jake "lets go for a run, she dosent need to get up yet, she was coughing last night, might have the flu.. anyway lets go" two hours later... Jake runs back into camp and abob follows, exausted. then they begin the stick fighting techniques....
(answer to baby girls most recent question) It was that prision colony, Despayre.(the prisioners and wookie slaves built it) I dont like asking questions, but in my next post mabye I will for the ultamite(spelling needs work) trivia you can buy a Star Wars diplomatic corps entrance exam book for 10 dollars (US money..) It contains over 750 questions!!!!
Abob and rogue three, flew off toward the interceptors. rogue three and abob fired their remaining proton torpedos at the the incoming formation, reducing the remaining enemy fighters to one sheildless interceptor. The interceptor went suicidal, and Abob lost his sheilds as the imperial fighter samshed into his foward sheilds, which moments before he had channeled all sheild power into. Then Abob and Jana finished mopping up the TIEs and resumed formation , waiting to hear the terms of the surrender for the Star Destroyer........
Excuse me? I lose because YOU messed up and YOU didnt read the rules in the origional thread? I will pm psycho about this, only if he agrees with you will I accept my being cheated 200 dollars by you.:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
sorry, I am with rogue 3 right?..(either that or five i cant renember) I am rogue 4 Abob locked his s-foils in attack position and his wingman off too engage a tie bomber which was struggling to get back to the Agressor before it got vaped. On their way they ran into trouble, four tie fighters , or eyeballs, Abob nailed the first two and his wingman illuminated the second with a proton torp. The fourth eyeball got off a lucky shot that reduced abobs R5 unit to scrap, Abob swore and saw the eyeball heading back towards the star destroyer, but to get there he had to go very close to the tie bomber to avoid the battle. Abob and his wingman fired a proton torpedo each at the tie bomber and the first collapsed its sheilds, the second caused a explosion that incenerated both enemy ships. With a whoop he returned to the now raging battle, there were mostly tie fighters, but he saw a formation of robotic tie fighters closing in on the x-wings, which were slaughtering the eyeballs.....
So I win 200 dollars?, Now I buy a broad sword and have 50 dollars left over.(If we have to do the battle over i will delete this post)
wow, I am shocked, thosequestions are GOOD.. I will obiously have to do some reserch.. so far my answers are.. 1?....perhaps the blob races?? 2 Figrin D'an and the Modal nodes 3? i saw the Tv special on tape and i still cant renember 4 Death at the hands of the Vong..:bawl: 5 I will never guess this one, perhaps :laugh: :laugh: Luke Skywalker (pathetic, isnt it..) I will keep looking for the rest of the answers